Variety (Nov 1928)

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VARIETY PICTURE GROSSES Wednesday, November 28, 1928 Few Houses Offset Flu Scare, L. A.; Chaney Tops Met Down to $16,500 with Menjou—"Noah's Ark" Easing Off, $18,500—"On Trial," $27,000 Lus Ang'olos,.Nov.'i'V.. (Drawing Population, 1,450,000) Weather: Fair: influenzfi has taken, a stninsrlo hold on .this burg, and iK'ai>l>.' ar*' staylhy a%vay from the ilieairo. A few o£ the houiscs were able- lu jjet fair grosses. Warners, ied the fivld with opening week of "On Trial. L oew's State cam e .<;ec ond with Lon LMianev in '•\S t'sr~or'ZinTCil:iar" ■ ami- AVill King on the stage.; King has an exceiuional. drawing pv\\i-r in this section.' . . • . . ' , Boulevard got an: excepiiona. break with "Show-:I'ebplc," due to. heavy-.^pacc utilized by the Hearst papers. Hit beyond $9,00Q for profit- of- better tlvan^ - J3j.OOO- -on ; weelt^ Metropoi;tan took the biggest of the local nose dives, showing a loss pt around $7,000 with "flis Private Life.". "Noah's Ark," in its third week at Graiiman's Chinese, skidded a few thousand; below the second stanza. Second and final week of "Awak- ening," Vilma opus, dipped around $7,000 below the first stanza. Third . week for ."Interference," Carthay Circle, brought this talker beiow the five figure mark. "Lilac Time" is in at the Criterion. .Was figured that. a:Cter. following a rvn at Carthay Circle the down- town. Showing would tiot be so-forte; However, film surprised wheia it ran better than $12,000. ' Egyptian was below average with "Revenge." Estimates for Last Week : Boul^vaCd (^^'C)—"Show People" (Cosmo-M-G) (2,164; 25-50). Hearst papers sure helped; trade, 'way above normal, better than $9,400 Capthay Circle' (Miller-WC)—"In terference" sound (Par) (1,500; $0 $1,50) (3d week). Weekends okay and mats 'way off ;■ around $8,800 Criterion (WC) — "Lilac Time" sound (FN) (1,600; 25-75). Far better initial week than exp.ected; , ?il2,400. Egyptian (WC-UA)—"Revenge," Bound (UA) (1,800; 25-75), .With tlu keeping mammas home to look aftei kiddles, dropped to $7,100.' Grauman's Chinese (UA)—"Noah's Ark," Vita (WB) (1,956; 50-$1.50) (Sd -Aveek). Not as heavy a dra:w as contempiated; looks as though will bow out around. Yuletide season; $18,500. . Loew's State (WC-Loew)—"West of . Zanzibar" (MG) (2,242; 25-$l), With two surelire b.o, naturals in Chaney and Will King be;at flu for $26,000. ; Metropolitan (Pub-WC) -r "His Private Life" (Par) (3.595; 25-75). Plus talking shorts and Publix unit, Menjou could not get to first base; $16,500, United Artistis (UA)—"Awaken Ing" (UA) (2,100; 25-75) (2d week) People off the streets in this locality at nights; result $13,500. Warner . Bros. (WB)—"On Trial,' Vita (WC), (2,756; 25-75). With this talKer Is an exceptional Coballos stage show headed by Br6x Sistefs; Inltlial week,.$27,000. "SUBMARINE'' SURPRISES yy. Alone Got Stanley $32,000 Philadelphia, Nov. 27. Weather: Good , Downto.wn picture hoiises .sp.ottv last'week, altho.vigh conditions muoh "ij^xreTThan -uf late.-— — :— ■ Houses that turned in fine grossos were the Stanley., and Fox; tho-Sc very disappointing- included the Al- dine and Fox-Locust; Stanton and Karlton were in between. The Stanley had no .stage bill at all of the length, of the fea- ture film, Von Strohelm's "Wedding March." Probably no picture in re- cent seasons here has received sUoh mixed notices this one; they ransfed from "raves" to out-and-out roasts. iTowever, the picture caughi. the curious, and .although reaction.-- were, of ten far from favorable, 'at- tendance was heavy a>I week, with about $32,000. • The Fox advertised its first com- plete all-talking screen program' and a stage bill besides; The first included "Napoleon's Barber," Clai'k and McGUliouph in ^'The Bath Be-, tween" and Chic Sale. The latter, entitled "Syncopation Gambol," had eight acts. Between $28,000 an<1 §29,000. ' ,. "White Shadows of the South Seas" holds Over at the Stanton, "The Red Dance" remains at the Fox-Locust, and "Varsity" stays at the Aldine. Estimates for Last Week Stanley (4,000; 35-50-75)—"Wed- ding March" (Par)..: Von Stroheim's attracted curious?'. Notices! mixqd. No stage bill because of length. About $32,000. Stanton (1,700; 35-50-75)— "WIiUlv Shadows" (M-G-M, 1st week). Quits' well liked. Around $15,000. Aldine (1,500; 50-75)--"Varsity" (Pur, 1st week). Critics sharply di- vided. Business not up to somo other collegiate films. $14,000. Fox (3,000; 90)—"Napoleon's Bar her" (Fox-Dialog). House adver tised "first complete . all-talking screen program," also Clark, .iinii 1 McCiiilough talking short and stage revue; $28,000, . Fox-Locust (1,800; $1)—"Rod Dance" .(Fox, 2d week).: Linipin.. along. Helped by week-end crowds, $11,000. '' Karlton (1,000 50-75)—"The Ter- ror" (WB, 2d week). This all-talker very popular. Second week slipped a little, to $5,500. Little (216; -50-75)—"Tsar Ivan." Slipped to about $3,500. Arcadia (800; 50) — "Foreign Le glon." Just fair xat $2,500 claimed As Gems Are to a Beautiful Gown, **Chant€cler*' Is to the ^.'f'"/::;^.?^5*L'JJ, LUV/«rr -i:ain._sLu.4h_and_snow^f^ Social Lire or Wasntngtorr four days of week,, put a c 3 Chicago Houses Tie at "Annanolis," $22,000 at "iFazil" "Outcast," and Jolson Leaders—Biz Good in Loop—'Submarine," $25,500^ at U. A. House Montrears Bad Storm Hammered Business Montreal, Nov. 27. (Drawing Pop., 600,000) Weather: Rain and Snow Worst weather of the year, with " the first You step into an exquisitely me- dalloned room of yello'vv, orange, black and gold, when .you visit MEYER DAVIS' CLUE? CHANTE- CLER, And you dine and dance to music, that's Continental, Exotic, Ameri- can, as the occasion suggests Buddy Rogers' Home Town Gave Talker $14,700 "Shadows" Beat AH in Seattle Last Wk., $16,300 Gets Credit for $11,300 at Strand— "Show People," $22,000 Providence, Nov. ?.7 (Drawing Population, 315,000) Weather: Fair ^ "Submarine" provided the big sur prise of the week, fahdbm flocking In droves to see tlils picture at, the Strand. To complete the bill, Men- jou's "His Private Life" \yas fea- tured, although "Subrriarine'' jgrot the big billing. Victory theatre, with "The For- eign Legion" (XJ), likewise clicked for big money. This week this the- -•atre.-ltist of the big four to succumb to sound, will have Photophone Estimates Last Week. Strand (Ind) (2,200; 15-50). -TJn usually good Week with"Kub marine" (Col); "His Private 1.1 fo" (!Far) also shared; about $11,300. Loew's State (Loew) (3,800;' 15 . 50). Average bu.sincss with "Sliow People" (Cosmo-M-G). Cleaned up about $22,000. Majestic.(Fay) (2,200; 15-5ri). M( Laglen in "Kivcr Pirate" (Fox), only fair; about $12,000. .Victory (K-K-O) (1,500; 15-50) Corking business with "Foreign liC- giqn" (U). Providfnce alwu.y.s likes ~ LewiTslimciTtirWifJ I'lyliWX'^^^ this little CO ST U M E PROD-TTCTIONS EXPLOITATIONS PRESENTATIONS Seattle, Nov. 27, (Drawing Population, 500,000) Weather: .Cdol and Clear "Singing Fool'' closed eight weeks' run at Music' Box last week, local record for all time. Also Pacific slope record for this Jolson picture (irossed nearly .$100,000 here. "The Trial" ballyhooed heavily, following ••Fool." . Pantagos closed last week so booth could be enlarged for wiring. Authorities refused . permit to use temporary : booth. Earl Cook rtow here as manager, Lloyd Dearth hav- ing gone to Capitol, Viancouver. : President had big' . week ' with 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes," stock. Estimates for Last Week Seattle (WC-Pub-L) (3,100; 25- JO) ^'The Outcast" (FN>. • Phil Ijjimpkiri opens as m, of c. Smooth work pleased. Screen shot introduc ing hini went cold \yhen it begged for applause. jT'anchbn & Marco ■Artists" idea okay. Picture so-so liii! same way; $14,000. Fifth Ave. (WC) (2,700; 25-60) •White Shadows" (M-G-M). Open- ed well, running ahead' of ''Ah Circ'u.s" by wide margin, but sligl tly undor "Dancing Daughters." Good jiit show and music; $10,300. Coliseum (\VC) (1.800; 25) "Black E;iglo" (M-C.-M). _Kiz better; $3,300. ~BlueoiTse Ttlain^uni)"~fDWrT)!^"^ iTi) "Alidnight Taxi" K\V\\). Vvo- :;rain picture only. Tall'^ing shoi-t.s; ;;..),r.oo. - Music Box (llamrick) (1,000; 50- Ti) "Tho TrJiil" (WB) wirod. OlT to big start. F.iniyhod week big; Orpheum (2,700; 2n-$l) "Show Kcilk.s" (Pathp); vaude; $11.000., President (lUvfiy) (1,800; 25-$1.2.")) 'Conthnnon I'rilor Blondes" (Duffy ■lnycrs). (Mi.-arlotte Trciulway star- ling; $4,500, Kansas City, Nov. 27. Loew's Midland got a bad break last week with "Show People," star- ring Marion Davies, when its own exchange booked the same star In Universal's Uptown In the "Card- board Lover." Midland had turned "Lover'- down, biit the Uptown management billed It as "Downtown Entertain- ment at the Uptown." Midland led town, however, with $19,500. :It was American Royal w-eek. Houses all offered strong pictures arid bills for the entertainment of the. thousands of visitors here, for the live stock classic. Newman and Pantages had "edu- cationals," "Varsity" and "Cdlliege," the Mainstreet, a good hokum spooky, "Haunted House,>' and the Royal, "Morari of the Marines" with Richard Dix fighting for Ruth Elder. The town got its first touch of winter Sunday, with the. mercury in the 30'3 and slight snow, but all houises were capacity with tur.i- aways at some. . - - Estimates for Last Week Loew's Midland—"Show People" (4,000; 25-35-50). Marion Davies never very box blflce here, but Wil- liam Haines well liked and coupling of their names gave dandy opening. Talkiiig shorts also. Billy Wright organologued "A Movietone Song- fe^t.'' Pretty terrible, and unable to get a murmur from the cus- tomers; $19,500, . .. Mainstreet.— "Haunted House". (3,200; 25-50-60). Full of thrills find shivers. Held strong all week. Vaude; $19,000. . ' ' - . Newman--"Varsity•^ (1,980; 25:40- "60). Buddy Rogers' first talker, and home folks anxioU^ to see. it. Ches- ter Conklin about steals picture as Buddy's father. has bargain matinees until 1 at 25c; $14,700. Pantages—"College" (2,200; 25- 35-50). ' With schools 6n special holiday and thousands of visiting school teachers here, this one with its frozen faced star, was set up. First time Pan has had a Keaton for mnhy months. Vaude; $12,200, Royal—"Moran of Marines" (920; 35-50). Given equal publicity wltti Newman in two theatres coupled publicity, Saturday opening quite .satisfactory; $4,200. - Uptovi/n, Urtlversal, had "The Cardboard Lover" with nifty, show, and Globe held '-Fazil" for the second week, : <;rimp in grosses, and first .week of a wired picture- picked up lowest total of any slnco talkers started here. All theatres badly hit, but Palace, with .much touted "Man Who Laughs," far off from expectations. Intention to hold over .aba;ndpne'J, and hopes now; placed on "Jazz Singer." "MaSks of the Devil'? at the Capitol rated high as picture, but cut dOAvn by wea'ther to $2,000 below previous week; Loew's pic- ture, "Beggars of Life," fitted well with balance of .vaude program, but even steady-going clientele affected by conditions, though less than any other of the big three. Neighbor- hoods fell over some on bad weather. Estimates for Last . Week Palace (irP> (2,700; 45^75)—"Man Whb Laughs'? (U), .Wired—Should have done far better but .for weather. Fell to $16,000.- Capitol "(FP) (2,700; 40-60) — "Masks of Devil" (M-G-M). Silent picture again rated well on local liking for John Gilbert. Despite conditioiis, good at $15,000. • Loew's (FP) (3,200; ■ 35-75) — "Beggars of Life" (Par); Vaude- film. Good vaude and up to average picture held this house to about U!5ual. $15,000. . Imperial (Keith) (1,900; 35-50)— "The Crash" (FN), Vaudefilm. Mil- ton Sills picture balanced program. $9,000. - Strand (UA) (800; 30-40)—Change bill. $3,500. Empress (CA) (1,500; 25-35)— Change bill. $2,000. Neighborhoods fell off on bad weather conditions. "BACHELORS'' TO $35,100 But ".Fool" Money-Getter of Town Last Week Boston Off; Met, $34,300; Keith's Off at $29,000 . Boston, Nov. 27. (Drawing Population, 850,000) > Weather: Fair 'Business generally last week off. Week did not-start off with a bang, and holiday like pi-evious week, and customers were holding off a bit,-It was claimed, until this week with another holiday. At Metropolitan gross was in what is considered the'law. At $34,- 300. Loss by $9,000 from week be- fore. . "The River . Pirate" did not seem to have the strength to bring them in. Keith-Memorial also had slump week before. Last week with "Tenth Avenue" (Pathe) and vaude, about $29,000, $10,000 less than the wfeek before. Estimates for Last Week Met (4,000; 50-60-75)—"River Pi- rate" (Fox). Did not click very well. $34,300.... Keith-Memorial (vaudfilm; 3,000; 50-$l). Off last week at $29,000. Keith-Albee (vaudfilm; 3,000; 25- 60—About $20,000 with "Melody of Love" (U). State (4,000; 50-65)—One of few houses in town wliicli held up, go- ing to $23,700, aijout same as week before. "Show People" (M-G-M;) with stage show. ., Olympia and Fenway—Wound up run at these houses with "Singing Fooh" Turned theni away every day for more than a month. Chicago; Nov. 27. Weather: Fair and Cold Business in great form throughV out the Loop last week. Three houses tied for first place at $ ts,()00. Best of the three firsts is "Singing Fool," which actually outrank.s the other two because it drew $48,000 in its seventh week at McVicker's. ■ Oriental took a jump, with "Out- cast,". Corinne Griffith film. B. & K. : publicity staff reversed its former "mild~at:rituae—toward—arrival-"of"""" Brooke Jothns, m. c, and.gave him a tre'mendous exploitation splurge at the last minute. The other top- notcher was the Chicago with '"Fa-* zil." Reviews were not so hot but custoriiers came in anyway. Columbia's '^Submarine,'' getting a great booking break at the United Ai-tists, merited the confidence with ■ $25,500 on its opening week. Com- ments were all good. "Horiie Town- ers" gat pretty in its third week at the Orpheum \vvith $9,500. '•White Shadows" had a favorable ,$22^000 Start at the Roosevelt. Exploitation l3 heavy and rather sexy, even to advertising the synchronous accom- paniment as "seductive sound." "Dry Martini" at $4,100 was okay for the Monroe. Ijikewise $22,000 for "Annapolis" an<j vaude at the State-Lake. . Estimates for Last Week Chicago. (Publix)—"Fazil!' (Fox) sound, and "Parisian Nights,".Pub- lix unit (4,400; 50-75). Registered important week; $48,00.0 despite pas- sive reviews, McVicker's (Publix) — "Singing Fool"-Vita (WB) (2,200; 50-75).. Managed to tie with week's best grosses, although in seventh week; $48,000; has taken in $349,000 so far. Monroe (Fox)—"Dry Martini". (Fox) sound (970; DO). Batted off nice week, $4,100; all-sound bill. Oriental (Publix)—"Outcast" (F^ N.) and "Dancing Along," Publix unit (3,200; 50-75). Good^ film, coupled with last minute publicity drive for m. c. pushed week to $48,000. O r p h e u m (Warner) — '•Home Tdwners"-Vita; (WB) . (760; 50). Sound. $9,500 and h. o;. Roosevelt (Publix)—"White Shad- ows" (Cosmo-M-G) sound (1,700; 50-75). Highly satisfactory start at $22,000. . State-Lake (Keith)—"Annafolis" (Pathe) and vaud"e (2,200; 50-75). On general trend toward higher grosses; $22,000.; ■ United Artists (U. A.)—"Sub- marine" (Col) sound (1,702; 50-75). First independent product to play local U. A, house; justified booking with $25,500. ■ St. Louis, Nov. 27. (Drawing Population, 1,25O,00O) Weather: Rainy and Cool With "Singing Fool" opening the re-made Midtown, formerly Em- press, Skouras house on Olive, last week proved a real money-getter, both for the big picture palaces and the outlying neighborhood theatres. Estimates for Last Week Ambassador (Skouras) (3,000; 35-50-65-75)—"Beware of Bache- lors'' and Ed Lowry stage sho-w. Lattor splendid; $3'!,100. Loew's State (3,300; 25-a5-()5) — "Revenge." This Del Rio picture calh>d charming littlo affair; $14,!i00. $1)=—"Singing Fool." Soldom has picture, taken this town by storm In snc.h fashion. This thf-atro, former- ly stock house oallod ICmpress, sociind host picture in town; $:;s,tii) >. Missouri (Skourasi (3,S00;. .•^f^-'iO- 6."-7r))-^"Hoinp Townor.s," Called picture in town. Grand Central (Skouras) (1.700: 50-75)—"King of King.-^." Final weok; $7.Rno. St. Louis (4,280; 35-^65)—"Puwer"- vaudc. 'Outcast/ $5,500, Tacoma Tacoma, Nov. 27. (Drawiiig Pop., 125,000) Weather: Co.ol, Some,Rain) Steve Perutz lias left town with Monte Salmon stepping in as man- ager for West Coast. That's a. job, for W. C: has three first runners here, Broadway, Rialto and Colonial. Also Eiirl Cook moved to Pantages at Seattle. i;hu' Aloiisc hit fi nice clip, prov- ing the town likes wired stuff. _ __Estimates_for^Last JA^eek _ H'roaffway (WCf'(i,5iT0; 25-50)— '"The Outcast" (FN). $5,500. . Pantages (1,500; 25-G0)-^"Scarlct r.,;i'l.s'• iCii].). h\-iir, f.'i.riim. Blue Mouse' (Or.O; r)n-T5)-^"lloinc T(iwn<T.s,^' wired. $4,6i)0. Rialto (WCA (1,250; 25-50)— "Dancing.Daughters" (MGM). Boat "Air Circu.s" from tho gun. i Colonial (W(^) (850; 25)—"Docks of N»'w Yoriv" (J>ar). (lood at.lrac- tjons lirinjiing lliis house into black. Al J'.rakc, house nianagor,'also dor Kcrvt's credit. $2,200. Jolsons "Fool" Doubles Milwaukee's Run Record Milwaukee, Nov. 27. (Drawing Population, 650,000) Weather: Snow and Cold Talkers stayed on top again last week with the non-synchronous houses doing a poor to fair business. Cold snap drove fans into the houses. "Mother Knows. Best/' at Fox's Strand, probably did the best for the straight picture houses, while the Garden stayed on its old firing line with Jolson in 7th week. Majestic slipped out -of form by holding ''Show "T?eopTe'' over "for a second week. This is the second time the house has held a picture over, "Dancing Daughters" being tlie other. "Show People" will be the la,st of the silent films in this house, which goes wire Nov. 30. :<."Motherhood," sex play at the Garrick, took a: terrible brodie. Estimates for Last Week Alhambra (U) "Man, Woman/ Wife" ■(U) (wired) (1,800; 25 -35-50); fair business; $8,300. : Garrick (Kohler) "Motherhood" (sex) (S. R.) (900; 50). Very bad at below $3,000. Garden (Brin) "Singing Fool" (WB). . (1,200; 25-50-75). In 7th week, around $10,000, holding for Sth week. Doubling former long distance run for Milwaukee. Majestic (Brin) "Show People" (M-G) (1,500; 25-50-75). Good business and holds over; $9)500, Merrill (Fox) "Street of Illusion" (Col) (1,200; 25-40). Silent house .ind bnsines.s also quiet. Only $4,400. Palace (Keilii) "Haunted Housi'-' =(7.''N-)^(2r4Wr=2a - TuT^^-VOTrmr^ gost in weeks with Sophie Tucker .on stage: $C5,ii00.. Riverside . (Koith't '-'Circ-us: .-K'l.'i . <i''RO) (3,i)00; 25-50-(.5i'). V:nu1e ii(>lped;'$10,000. Strand (l-'ox) "Mother Knows l-'.esf (l-'ox) (1,200; 2n-y0-6('i. l-'u'St week of talkers and got gou<l busi- ness. allhoUKh not tiuiic top. .•\r<nina $13,t;00. . Wisconsin (Fox) "Fleet's Tr." < T'li') (2.100; ;:r)-3r)-50-G0-75). Sta.c..' >1i""^v weak; $15,000.