Variety (Nov 1928)

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Wednesday, November Z8, l»548 42 PRESENTATIONS-BILLS NEXT WEEK (December 3) THIS WEEK (November 26) ^ : Shows carrying numerals such - ^^s^O) . or ^^^^^^^^^ week on Sunday or Monday, as ^J^te ma.v be.. For tins tci. ; witli anlit weeks also indicated, by dates. . ■ . . . Tn S^IT(•) before name signifies:^ne^ to ^^ty, doing a. new ti^ rSSearing after.absence or appearing for Picturi include ia classification picture policy; with yaudcMlle presentation as adjunct ■t- or GERMANY Month Noyemt»er Monroe Bros . • ■Dewera.2. . ■ , , Alt Jackson GlrlB Little l^'red Kmanuel Stelnor Gcl tner T f - Jack Hyiton — — Gypsy Rliouma-Jo li Malss . ' Wintcrfirart©!! 2 Heldera '. Kurlena Hairy Sieffla :1 Dakotns CoOy Co Plattier Bros 4 Tci:cra vera Kciiichinowa Anion Dolln Runaway * 3 Iviewnlnga Terrier Rennon : DBKSUEN —-7 Gentral-^—^ Pcnnis- Sis Roy Chaney , ; '■Masks und Devil" lAfuyctte (26) ; Paddy Cllrt Royal Gnacolpnea Mason & Dixon Co "Submarine" ClEVKIiANO, O. Stiito (34) "B Arta FrolIc " U Canova Robert Star Amaraniina" v'Icirjiiaa .VIotna Nuni Oucrrp ■ Frank & Eugenie GbUlcn Ser. '• PARIS Week Nov. 24 . AtioUo Chauvo 5ourl3 Tr N Balleft ,J FputUne-Gored zkY, . Kile K'ml3a;rJevBka ■ Dellnatoft-zotolt Carol' ■ . Avrey-Blanchard. Deykarkhanova Caurroy-B'lrse Karabanova Alexandrova Debolakaya . Foutline . Ciisino. de ParlB .Jane Marhac Hdna: Covey MItty & TilUo B Rlcaux OoiTiez 3 Saint Gr.anler Nina Myral .Henry Laverne Florelle ■ ' ti Tiller GlrlB Bach-Galais' Bndja Mogoul P(^ulette^ Franck Ninon Guerald .Anita nabarta ^aud Burganei Cirque de Paris Prince Nyadeo MlsB O'Kabe EMwardB Tr MyloB & Coco Bourbons Dlrhant • ;. Maxlme 3 .Miss - Parys Antonet:& Beby Cirque Tony Bastlen Man & Thlt Glnestra 2 . Claire Hellen & M : Brneat Schumann Cairoll-Pofto-G Ombraa 3 Rellmut . 6 Su-:Matra' Inaudl- Faludya 8 Dario-Barlo-nhum ' AthoB 2 Diane Loyal Moulin Booge Mlatlnguett Earl.Lealle Spadaro- r)lane Belli-Ryaux Vera Trolzky . Dltux Dandy-Carjol Jea-n- Gablh . J W Jackaon Girls Spark's Ballet. Plerrat-Plerrel Sarenzlo-Jade Poggl SlB Boyer Sla Fred Mele Bd Handera &. MUlia r.,uciUe Nino Bryant Rains & Y'g Gam by-Hale Ballet Stubby Gordon Sonny "Haunted House' DATir.AS, TEX,^ Palace (i) "aialri St B'way" U Joe Besaer Almira Sessions Cy Kahn Burday & Norway Ruth Witmer Arthur CamPbell ; Felicia Sorel Co Armlda Marry Vernon I'yrnmid 3 l).)r<)thy Crookar .iDhnriy Ash ford Kadi-r Sherfify "Koriionco U'world ST. LOOiS, MO. AniDuswMlor (86) . Kil Lowry Hod Terhune "Outpaat" ■_ . MiHHOUrl Red Oranpe "Adoration" I'WASII'TON. D. €• >'OK (1) Jos LiaRoae Pres Mdyer Davis Sym .Leon Brualloft fjixwronce Dbwnef Fox Tlllerettes .. (24) • Helen Yorke . Joa tJiRoae Pre* Reo. Bros : Criterion (24) , C Bakallenlkoft. Or "Lilac Time". Eg}i>tlan (23) ; Seymour & Corncob .Scotty Weatdn- Muriel .Stryker Juno Knight "The Patriot" . Loew'9 State (83) "Mike's" Idea • traW TJ'Ntiir ^ -, ^ „ Al Lyon M C . 1st half (3-6) Greenwood & Lee Pnlermoa Canines Montgomery. & . Wd ferrbne & .Oliver yri'rei;2e''^^5own.r I ^l^'^^^^O Pox Tlllerettes Meyer Davla Sym Leon Brualloft Palace (1) "Stars" Unit Jack Powell Moureen & Sonny Linden & Farnam Bvans & Perez Wesley Eddy • Gamby-Hale Girls "Moran of M'rlnes" 24) "Crinoline v J'a?' U Wesley Eddy Bayes & Speck John Qulnlan Chapman & Snyder Nell Jewell Carl Dobbs Co Felicia : Corell GlrlB "Masks of Devil": Loew NiEW VORK CITT -Amerlcan- Hlte & Reflow Co LWatts.&:JttawUcy. I, lat half (3-0) Kemper & Bayard . Gracolla & The'd'rc CLEVELAND, O. ' Granada ' lat half (3-5) DalLts Walker Sla Joe Deller . Florida Frolics Ketch & WHma 9 Allisons 2d half (6-9) : Worden Bros BUly Day QosB & Bjirrows . Dooley Si Sales White Way G'letles Park lat half (3-5) Worden Broa BUly Day Gobs & Barrows Dooley & Sales . White Way G'ietlea 2d half .(C-9.) Dallas Walker SiB Joe Deller Florida Frolics Ketch & Wllma 8 Alllaona' CORONA, li. I. Plaza Barry Sherwood 12 Beauties "The Outcast" MetroiMlKun (23)^ "Babes Br'dsv'y" U Prank Jenks M C Du Calllon' Cbllettc Sis ;. Fred Bernard Electa Havel Helen Honan Gamby-Hale Tr "Manhattan- C'kt'rV I Playing Hereabouts This (Nov. 86) . ' ■ Week: ERNT5ST R. BALL, JR., and SING- ER.S— Fox's Jamaica, C ir o t o n a. PEHEZCARO SlSTEtRS MEXICAN 1 REVUE—LOEWS Premier; Plaza, Corona. PARKER and MACK — LOEWS Plnza. Corona; American. 3 FIELDS BROS.—LOEWS Delancey Uit. (first half). MAN-KIN—LOEW'S American (last'half). Harry Murray, Pavilion Royal. Cedar Grove, N. .J.; Helen Boyce, Pavilion Royal/ Cedar .Grove, N. J.; Florehco Itone, Club Baltusrol, Newark, N; J Lillian Kenny, Club BaltusrOl, New ark, N. J.; Edna Howird, Clifford Lodge, Richfield, N. J.; Peppy Fields, Club Baltusrol, Newark, N. J.; Sylvia Altliea. Green Mill, New York. . . . ■ - Direction ALF T. WILTON, Inc. J 1500 Broadway Bryant 20 87-20 28 Pichire Theatrci"! NEW YORK CITY Capitol <1> "Romany" .Unit Dave Schooler' CapItoUans Dorothy Berko Mario Naldl . . Kariavleft Chester Hale Olrla "Submarine" (24) ■ "Let's Go" Unit : Davo Schooler Gorpltollana '; jack' Pepper ■ 'Cy Landry Pace Chester Hnle Girls Prances White "Masks of Devil". . Paramount (I) "Bubbles" Unit Frank Fay Ross & Edwards 3 Gatanos ■ Oene Sheldon Ruth Petty Gould Girls "Someone to Love" (24) "Mlnlafrea 1029" U Singer's Mldgeta "Manhatt'n C'kt'l?" Roxy (84) Tableaux Napoleon Patricia Howman Helen Huttenera'eh .Michael Voljanln: M Vodhoy 32 Roxypttes Beatrice Uolklh Arcady VJoytler Phil • Dwyor CHICAGO, ILL. Avalon (24) Roy Detrlch Bd Madre & Ray • Boy.Conlon Dooley & Sales Ciftpltol (84) Del Lampe Bd Eastman & Roticn Cliff Nazarro .Miircella Hardy 3 Rolling Sloncsi Clilcairn (24) "High Hat" Unit H L Spltnlny Bd Art Frank' Ginger Rogers Alice Roy ..Victor Henry Jerry Ross Weak Ends" Oninnda (24)' Benny McrofC Bd Sonia MnrofC Le Grohs Billy Randall Llchoron & Alyce R(iy Doan Stuart & Jjnah Ilardinir (21) ^ "Make Belii^vo" U Al Morpy Hd Johnny Pork Ins ,Wllfrld—D uBolS- Doria Roach Caffroy & Miller Suhsliine Girls "While niy Sl'ps" Marhro (21) Charloy"y Bd A &■ .T. Cnnsino J & K SiLTUh'ter Harry Downing Ollvo Payo iRuth Lyons Nor.tliorn (It) "Bits Broiiflwiiy" U Al Kva!e SUl RIohy Craig Vera Van Agne.s nilroy Papcju.TllI Bros -WUll© City Sl'pa" DENVER, COL. Denver (89) "Harem Scarem" U Harry Savoy Ruth Stahl . - Tumbling Clowns Fo.ster Girls . Lita . Rubertl DES MOINES. Capitol <1) "Ocean Blues" (28) Oriental (24) , , „^ "Hold Ey'ryth'g" U I Charley Chase 1A ;U Brooke Johns Bd Tommy Atkins 6 Aubrey iSls Buddy Raymond- Moore & Pal Paradise (24) "Dancing Aloni?" U Mark Plshei Bd Freeman & Soym'r Wilton Crawley Wallace Sla Brown & Bailey "Varalty" Regal (84) Feas Williams Bd ' Al & GuBsle Blum Albertlna Rasch Little Joe Warmer I^ng Short Harlem Red Hots Rlalto (20) Midnlte 3 Wiles - & Cruise ' Stratford 2d half (29-1) M Hlllblom Bd Ted Leary Jack Clifford South & Jacobs a Kavlon Girls' Nelson & Paris Tlvoll (24) Teeing Oft" Unit Bennle ICruegerHd Harry I,ting(}on ijavo Silverman Rome & Dunn E.-\rl Lavcro "Varalty" To^v0I• (24) "PlcklW -re.-xch'a" U Al Norman Athlonia ■ 21 Foster dirts * DETROIT, MICH. Capitol (26) ^ "Sunny Spain" U Del Delbrldge O & M Ellne Walter & Russell Dolorca Eapanoza Harm & Nee Lew. Cody "Show Girl" . Fisher (86) "Bag o' Tricks" U Trtcz & DeWynn Llora Hoffman Albertlna Rasch Co 6 Lucky Boya Johnny Payne Stanley 2 Lytell & Fant Plaher..Syn "Outcast" . Michigan (86) "Blue Grass" Unit Al Evana Coleman Goetz Irene Wolf Rosette Pdater Girls . George GriOln Slate Broa "3 Week Ends" EV'NSVILLE, IND. Victory ■ 2iil half (29-1) Mahar & Sylvester Oliver & Van righe lAPan & B IVlIke Amca GiiB KinK'a Co Pranklo Mastcra Bd Xi«i'. ■WOKTII, TEX U 3 Diamonds SI Wills . 3 Kpcna Girls. . . 1 Ooo .D Washington I Oriental Ballot "Backet" l?pt-o^vn (24) "Parisian .Nitpa" Verne Buck Bd Anita La'Pierre Atidro .& DuVal Novulle. Bro8' Frisicr Glrla ' "Var.iity'' ATLANTA, OA. Howard (3) "Kat Kabaret!' U I Bert Nagle Ss Omnr IPnttornon 2 Kercnos & -Maroe ■ Ray Walnifin Ra.sch Girls I BALTIMORE, MD. (VMitury (20)" Ted CaMro Frank Mellno. Co. OH Wray r.OKO Tic- l^ys Ted & .Tai'lc Dale Fo.ster Girls "Tho Wlfid" IB'BM'GIIAM, ALA. AlahamU (3) PJ.'ipp^prp11 CH _ 1 toy, ^ Hlilj;' crerlTor ftuLh lipnlse Co.scia Sr Vordl FoHt'T GlrlM BOSTON. MASS. Mclropolltan (24) "nuhbloa" Tnlt r.on Roppnil<'h • V\mnle' ItrU'O 1 "Maiili.nUan P'Rt'l" S »((» (26) n.Tvk & BiTU'iDnn "KInjr of KImva" Bl'I KAT,0. N. T. Bunulo (ir,) "Bars X: .'^hlpt'S" U TIorh'.M fi:Ui>J I T*iliifi('l-(l . 'King & Kl«>e Worth (V) "Stop This. Way" U nic.lntora ' Hob Bob Sc Bobbto Boo Sarcho Francis Wills Nat Spector Poster Boys A Girls HOrSTON, TEX. MotrOpolltan (1) f'Sunny Kiss" Unit Willie Robyn United Artists Luplnb Lane Beth. Pitt Ray Williams Frartcea Dexter Ivoves "Casanova" Warner Bros. (26) -1 Leo Forbstein Orch Ceballos Present't.'n 3 Brox Sis ' Taylor's 12 N't'g'les Marjorle Moore 6 Stepping Fools OnTrlal" Branford (84) Ben Rosa - Mary. Kornman Johnny Dowss Scooter Lowry Edna Russell Cully Culpeper Verna Mayworth 'Do Your Duty" Mosque (24) C Henry Earle "Wings" NEW HAVEN. CT. Olympiu (26) Topsy T Town" U Chet Martin Perry. Corwey Show Girl" N. ORLEANS. LA. Snenger (1) "Seeing Things" U Chilton & Thomas Allen Raymond Los KHcks Sammy Cohen Sorel Girls OMAHA. NEB. Klvlern (30) "West Pt Days; Joseph Grinin Virginia Johnson Born & Lawrence Qamby-Halc' Co George Nelldoff PHILVPHIA. PA. Carman (2C) E.aster Hazel ton Earl & Bell 11 Indian Maids . "Unole-Tom's G?' Fay's (20) Padlocks ot 19'28 "Power of Silence" Fox's (26) Itoaly ■& Gross Bernort & Eykakue .MIchon Bros Elsa Ersl "Romnnce U'w'rld" Stanley (20) I.K!dova The Peers Harry Brcuor Billy Beard Sonny Hlnes Girls Burns & Wilson Carl McCullough 3 Blanks' ■ ' (One to fill) 2d half (C-9) Porez & Marguerite Jule & Rita Clinton & Rooney Bill Smith Lane & Harper 3 Nltoa - (Two to inu) Boulevard ' 16t half (3-B> Plckard & Pal Chas & L GlrarO Packard & Dodge . Bert Gordon Co Caaa & I^iehn Girls . 2d half (G-9) Winnie & Dolly Lillian Boardman Robblna & Je.wett Morris & Campbell Nellie Arnaut Boys Commodore lat half (3-B). Wells Craven &■ L •Haney Sla. . Jack & R LaPearl Oh. Mama Billy Gilbert Co Romaa "Tr 2d half (6-9) HIckd & Hart Morgan & Sheldbn (Others to flU) Delancey St. 1st half (3-6) Nina Campotil Smith & Barker Raymond & Glbbs Parla Creations (Two to fill) 2d half (6-9) Walter & N Nelson Alfred Latell Co Carson & Wlllard Jack .Donnelly Rev (Two to mi) Falrmonnt 1st half (3-6) Lea Jardys Cook & Rosevere Alexander & Peggy Ed Sheriff Co -Perezcaro Sla Rev 2d half (8-9) Nlobe Hazel Crosby Co Clayton & Leonard Tateis & Carson Collegians Grand let half (3-5) Gaynor & Byron Carleton & Bellew Bobby Barry Co Tracy & Hay Co (One to fill) 2d half (6-9) Rath Bros Ross & Gilbert Clinton & RoOney 2d half (6-9) Palermoa Canlnea Halatead & Danlola ■Frank Dobson.Co Joe Darcy Ed Sheriff Co BROOKLYN Bedford 1st half (3r6) Perez & Marguerite Vinc't O'Donnell Co Dale & Corday Co Carson. .& Wlllard Lee Twins Co 2d half (C-9) Karoli Bros Carleton & Bellew Grlffltha & Young.. Vlllanl & VUlanl.. Perezcaro Sis -Rev. 46th St. 1st half (3-6) Bbb & L'cy Gillette Vic Laurla BUlott & LaTour Local Polliea . 2d half (C-9) 3 Orantoa Strain & Llla Carl McCullough Local Follies Gates' Ave. lat half (3r5) S^Walter'a Artie Mohllnger WUkens & Wllkens Whirl of Splendor (One to fill) 2d half (6-9) Campbell & Brady Vic Lauria Bobby Barry Co Watta & Hawley Dancing Lessons Metrop-oUton (3) Huberta Beeson Barr & Davis White & Tlerney Saranoff Co Harry Howard Co Lieut Gltz Rice Co ' Oriental 1st half (3-6) Karle & Bo vein Lillian Boardman Grimth & Young VlUanl & Vlllanl Radio Fancies 2d half (6-9) . Conley 3. . MlUer & Fears Van & Vernon Buzzlngton's Bd . (One to nil) • Palace lat half (3-P) Mason & Gwynne Orlndell & Esther (Three to fill) 2d half (6-9) Vinc't O'Donnell Co Hamilton SW & F Billy Gilbert Co Romas Tr (One to fill) Premier lat half (3-5) Kama & Yama The Vagrants - Alfred Latell Co Clayton & Leonard Naro Lockwood Co 2d half (6-9) Karle & Royein John Walah Co Mechan & Shannon Raymond & Glbbs Radio Fancies EV'NSVILLE, INI). Loew's 1st half. (3-5) Boyd & Wallln Clark & O'Neil Leo BUI ... 2d half (6-9) Bob & L'cy Gillette Artie Mehllnger Wiley & Young Wllkens & Wllkens Whirl of Splendor MEM puts, TENN. Loew's (3) Aces & a Queen Mitchell & MInch, Meredith & Snbozer Carney & Jean Juvenile Steppers MONTREAL, CAN. Loew's • (3) Randow 3 Meyers &" Nolan Millard & Marlln Rome & Gaut Gautehr & Phelps (One to "SU) NEWARK, N. J. State (3> Wills & Holmes Lucille Benateaft Clark & Bergman Pat Hennlng Lorraine & Mlnto NEW ORLEANS . State (3) Al Gordon's Dogs 3 Ryans ■ Faber & Mclntyro Jlmnile Rodgera F & M Brltton Or NORFOLK, VA. Tk»ew'ii (3r—-- Carr Bros & Betty Earle & Belle Toomcr & Day Bern Walton Brallle-PQlo Orch TORONTO, CAN. Loew's (3) Evelyn Phillips Co Romalne & Castle Keller Sir & Lynch Ross Wyse Jr Co (One to nil) ' W'DHAVEN, L. I. Wlllani * 1st half (3-5) . 3 OrantOB : Blverside Istlialf (2-5) Polovla I John Steele (Throe- to flU) 2d half (C-8) AKRON, O. Palaoo 1st hult I'i-G) I Ann Gari'isdn ro Harry Hoiinna (la I Ethel WaKTH Stop Look & Listen. Beohee .i&' Ilubyatls LYONS & LYONS Mnrii tliiin ever' nets ar», In demand for pittures, Iicrs'oiiiil ninicararices. or talk- ers. Seo our Mr..' Leonard Goldstein, nne of tho' Urcst bookers in tlio flcli^ for Im- mediate and' successful action. LYONS £> LYONS PABAMOUMT •lOCNCWYOU. Emllc BoroQ (One to nil) 2d half (C-9) Mahar" & Sylvester Oliver & Van Harvey Henry & G Mike Amca Qua Krleg'B: Bd , HOUSTON, TEX. Houston (3) 4 Kadex Ed & Lou Miller Leon & Dawn • Dave Harris & F Dave Harris Girls J^VMAICA. t. I. Hillside 1st half (3-5) Olvera Bros Joe Wong Co J'phlne.. Harmbn' Co CoUeglana (One to nil) Ryan & Rosa Lillian Morton Morris & Campbell Nellie Arnaut Boys 2A half (6-9) Plckard '& Pal; Restlvo Preshinan Co-Bds Bert- Gordon Co ■ Tracy & Hay Co YONKERS, N. Y. Yonkers 1st half (3-6) Campbell &-BraTiy Blgelow .& Lee Grace & Ed Parks Strain & I..lla BUzzlngton'a Bd 2d half (C-9) Whcelei:. 3. ■ ■'■ [ Hite & ReHow. Co Lillian Morton Riot of Rhythm (One to fill) . Smith & Hart Nash & O'Donnell Irene .Rlcardo . (One to nil) 2d half (29-1) CamlUa'a Birds Olive Olscn ' B & J Browne . Jack Benny Ilenry Santrfey Or Boj-al . Igt half (2-B) Harrinfelon Sia Exaggerations Jimmy-Savo Co Helen Ardecn Co ■ (One to nil) 2d half (6-8) Lang & Haley Doc Baker Co (Three to mi) 2d half (29-1) Victoria Sf Duprce Show & Slgworth Nathal Freda-& Palace D White's Hawks CONEY ISLAND ■ Tllyou l_.lst:,.halt...C2^5.L:—-. Mitchell & Durant <Others to nil) 2d half (6-8) - 'Herbert Ashley Cb D .White's Hawks (Three to fill) 2d half (29-1) Hiighle Clark's U't FAR ROCK AWAY Strnnid ; 2d half (5-8) Hughle Clark's U't 2d half (29-2) . Cortlnl C N Fletcher Nat Chick Haines Willie -Solar . Stop Look & Ll.sten BROOKLYN Albee (2) Watson & Cohen Henry. Santroy Or (Three to nil) v . (25) . Lea Gnlenoa Jack Major - 3- Sailbra Mary Boland Go Yorke & K.liig v Itiishwick Ist half (2-6V BIgelow Si MoGIll Watson & Byron . Ireno VermlUlhn Co DeHaveri /<- Wend (One to .fill) 2d half (6-8) Chna Ijcdegar . Fries & Ingram Headllnea Lang & Haley . Stanley & Healy 2d half (29-1) Exaggeratlona Polly & Oz For. Ko G'd Reason. (Two to nil) Greenp'oint • 1st half (2-5) Capt Done T & D V^'aTd Headlines Fries & Ingrnmi Stanley & Healy —-2d-ha;lf-(-6^8-)- Bell Roma Bros Keith's OFFICIAL DENTIST TO THE N. V. A. DR. JUUAN SIEGEL IS60 Broadway. Bet 46th-47th Sti.. New Yoit This Week: Carl Ganvoort; Pat Kelly " U J'phine Harmon Co Bee Starr Chas Ahearn Co (One to mi) Lincoln Sq. 1st half (3-5) H M Scrantoh Slngor & Llghtner Wiley & Young Private- Slack ■ (One to. fill) • Sa iialf '(6-») • ■ 3 Blanks Chas & L Qli'ard Anderson & Graves Cahlll. & Wells Lee Twins Co National. Ist half (3-6) Karoll Bros Halatead & Daniels liane & Harper Chas Ahearn Co (One to mi) . - Llla Campus Dillon & Parker Eddie Lambert Co Henry & Staft'rd Co 2d half (C-9) Julius li'lret Co Maroua Berta Grace & Ed Parks Swartz & CUfCord PriVatB Slack . • Prospect . 1st half (3-6) Nlobe Marcus Berta Anderson & Graves Joe Darcy Dolan & Donger Co 2d half (6-9) Hama & Yama Joe Wong- Co Dillon" & Parker Elliott & . La Tour Tuesdays 723 7th Ave. New York JACK L. UPSHUTZ TAILOR, 908 Walnut St., Plula. Mnurlce Colleano Bobble Gilbert I Georgia Hayes I'l'dro Rubin Co Branch K- O'Donoo llUVINCTON, N. J. .Siinfiird (35> Lea >StPVon.>4 -■ ■ Kay Nichols Ciirplor Sla I Nod HaveVly -r-7i'iT="i^rinpo"^ ^ ^ Hiul it Kllnor liormolr', "HxcPss .P.iiiii;a>,'o" LOH AN(JKI.I'«'^ Boulovurd ('^3) ]',ynn Cownh Moro it Moro '\\^\ TiC'dfoi'd M-'iikcy .Shinos Co "I'l.nst'r'd In Purls" Cartlmy ("irojo (Inilef) C.irll • lOlitior Orch "Intorff-i'i-ni-p" ChlncHe (Inilof.) Nd.'iIi's '.\rk rriili'i; .SI uart lirMily "N'oah'a Ark" "Show I'pople" PITTSBURGH. PA. Penn (36) Blue Uevuo'' Unit Teddy Joycp Bobby U llenshaw Pranli Stovons.. .S^iuall • Bros — I'pllo * Cola Irene Taylor "Musks Of Devil" S.=ANTONlOr-TEXT Toxns (1) "Xyloiihonla" Unit .lack Joyce. l'n>si>pr it Mnrot Leonard it lliowj MuJ'ic'.il Jiihnvlons I'''iis(cr (llrl.s SAN FUANCIStiO (Jraniula ('H) TTiMirv l!u;;si> Bd I'Millrt Mairill. Jhn-vy .S:\viiy lliuh Stalil •J 'i'mnlilinj; Clowns P.'-n Ifiir Il'ii-:«'S ••Mmii'i i!i;in ("i.t'l" Uarrilchl CIV) Uubo WdU Bd 2d half (6r9) Los Jardys Llla Campus Burns & Wilson Jimmy Lyons Uoyal Welch G'men Orplieum lat half (3-6} Kal.h Bros Uoss & Gilbert I'Milio Carr Co ^Y!ites^&^Caraan^^^= TiConora'a; Stoppers 2d half (C-9) Olvora Bros . The! Vagrants "vVlcxondpr & Peggy Sonny lllnea Girls. (One to fill) Statp (3) Ilonhalr Tr Vox it Walters (';»rilo ,t Noll .•5,il Gould Co M'inorablo Mr Wu COno to nil) Virlorln lialt (3-B> S NUds Restlvo Leonora's Steppers ATI^VNTA, GA. Grand (3) Hubert Dyer Co Villa & Strlngo Welst &' Stanton Co Edith Clifford Les GcUls Rev BAY RIOOB Ijoew'B 1st half (3-5). JJlQfltz^ Bros- Slsi^ John Walah Co Grey & Byron Jimmy Lyons Danplng LoHSons 2d half (6-9). Boo Starr Smith &. Barker Eddie I/ambort Co Jlonry & Stoft'd Co (fine to nil) BO.'JTON, MASS. Orphoum (3) ."^elma Braatz Co Maifiipwa Earl Henry l;pr;.i\ Co Wllsi.n Brii.i Johnny Marvin Lowe Sc Sargont Co NEW YORK CITY Broadway (2) Rich Sc Cherle Larry Rich Friends Hap Hazard Co (Two to fill) (25) Kitarb Japs Rodero & Maley Renle Rlano Co Hill Billies LAnd of Clowns Cliester let half (2-5) Glenn & Jenkins D've White's H'wks (Three to fill). 2d half (6-8) Allan Reno J & M Hawkins Family Ford - (Two to nil) 2d half (29-1) 3 Valuers . Sargent Sc Lewis Capt ^Klddo . „ ,: . 4. Capierons - • Nell Sis & Eileen Collseuin ist half (2.-6) Nash & O'Donnell Irene. Blcardb. (Three to nil) 2d half (6-8) All Girl Rev 2d half (29-1) T Mbnahan Girls Eddie Dale Co lioulsc Grbody J & M Harklns Family Ford 8l8t St. (8) Ken Murray Unit (26) Keep Moving I'rlmrose 4 Spencc & True Ilap Hazard Belle Baker Fordliam Lst hiilC (2-5) All Girl Rev . 2d half (6-8) Castlcton Sc Mack Our Gang Kids Ooorpo Boatiy B & B Nowall (One to nil) - 2d half (29-1) Jay C Fiippon^s - U't tst half (2-5) Frank Mullane .lack Usher. Co Hello B.'iUer Talbot Konny Co (Ono to till) 2d half (fi-S) . ■ Jerome & Hvclyn Movers .t ll;nririiril J Uankin .t Hlue 11 (Two to nil) 2d half (29-1) Morton .t HvDwr J,eon Leonli.'iril t^o /olda Saii11i-y Cu Bon llernli'"H Mine (One to fill) ' Hamilton 1st half (2-5) Don Valerie. Freda & Palace (Three to nil) 2d half (6-8) Capt Done Harrington Sis Jimmy Save Co (Two to nil) 2d half (29-1) Clayton & Clayton Ray Shannon Co Bevan & Flint Rags & Riches (One to mi) Hippodrome (2) Lea Galenos O'Donnell & Blair FOy Family Tex McLcod (One to nil) ' (25) Nolan Bros & V's'y Mitchell Sc Dove Jke. Rose's -Midgets (Two to. nil) JoITerson 1st half (2.-9) . Boxy LaRocba Joe Young . ('i'hree to fill) . . 2d half (C-8) Largce Sc Morgncr Georgo McLennon Billy Glljjfe.rt Co Willie Solar • (One to fill) - ■ 2d half (29-1) Gates & Claire T^ouls; London Lander Bros ■ J Rapkln & Blue B Mitchell & Durant. Eno .Tr Palace (2) Mary Boland Co May U.sher 4 Camorons , Sargent & Lewis Honoy Tr Tod Lewis Orch (Three to fill) - (25) Nattacha Naltova Rector Sc Cooper E & J Roonoy May Wirfh Co Tod -T/i'Wis Orch Fleoson .<t H.-tyes ^ > 1 pit—I^-en dr^r 30 tt=^ (Two to nil) RoKont - Lit halt (2-5) . T.ariioc it Monjncr ■P'lu-ko'r & Smith (Throe to fill) 2.1 h.'ilf (C-S) Tvoxy 7.:i IlDcoa l''r;ink MiillMno ■ I'J'hroo tn Mil) 2.1 h,Ut (■:!)-!) Downey S- Liliby L;ini' it DMgDOd W.-iiiL Ail.s .."^l.inloy K- Oin^or- ir-rl>i-rt A.«liloy Co Eiirlo'3 RolUi;l%.ora Chas Red Marshall Mack ■& Rogers - (Two to fill) " 2d half (29-1) Alice DeGarmo 3 . Longfellows Watson & Cohan r..ang & Haley - Jeain Coatello Girls Kenmore ' lat half (2-6) Smith & Hart Milt Douglas Orch (Three to nil) 2d half (6-8) Poraythe & .Kelly John Steele (Three to fill) 2d half (29-1) 5 Janaleya Kerr & Ensign Countess Son la George Boatty O'Donnell & Blair " Mudtson lat half (2-5) .Schlctl's W'd'r'ttes Jerome '& Evelyn J & M Hawkins Family Ford Walte Hoyt Go J Rankin's Blue 2d half (6-8) Joe Young CO Glenn St Jenkins Talbot Kenny Co (Two to fill) 1 2d half (29-1) | b & H Skatelle Pelovls Caul Sis 2d half (C.-'j) Palmita it MiUet Herbert ('llfinu T & R Romalne Chas Hill Co Mlacahua 2d half (29-2) Richard Vihlour Cb Spencer & Wllliaitia Mr & Mrs Phillips .' Van & Sclii'tick. Fred Lindsay.- ALLENiOWN. PA. Colonial Jst half (3-5) 3. Hausei- Boya B-& J Creightbn Silyertown Cord Or (Twb to nii) 2d halt (C-9) . Mike Ames Holland Irfip'tat'ns 2d halt (i:9-2v Phillips &' Sheldon Elizabeth Brico Sid Towncs Dance I'arade. (One to nil) AM.SrDAJl. N. Y, " - -"Klulto ~ - 2d half' (C-9)-. Dixie 4 Francos Kennedy' B Eagcn Redheads ' ' (Two to nil). ATLANTIC CITY KellU 1st half (3-5) Moore & Rollly. Johnny Hyman ■ Sh'mrocks & Tulips ' Chang's Mandarins (One to nil) . 2d half. (C-9) Cortlnl . Clifford & Marion Sub Deb Dancers (Two tb nil) 2d half (29-2) Delton & DonVc. Geo Yeomahs & It Marguerite Sylva' Ray Se Dot Dean (One to nil) . BAL'TIMOKE, MD. : Hip|>odrome (3)' Lew Mack Tab (2C)' Bag. & Baggage. Ryan. & Morgan Thos P Jackaon Co - Farnell & Florencs C-Brown Bros . New Gardens (3) . ■The Balstons Carroll & James Toby, Wilson: Co Hayea & Pleeson Almond & Gray. Sia (2C) Ken Murray • Unit BINGHAMTON ' Bingliamton . 2d halt-(3-5) . The Delortoa 3 . Bennett Bros Lucky 4 & A T'lbot Talent & MeFit ManJean.Tr 2d half (C-9) Claire Vincent Co Smith & Sawyer (•^r-hree-t b-fil I) ■ BOSTON, MASS. New Boston (3).. Chas Frlnk Herbert Faye Co Garden of Melody (Two to nil) Scollay Sq. (3) Lang : Bros. ■Drew & Dowllng . Barret .& Cuneen Herbert Rawlinaon Dance Mad BUFFALO Shea's (3) A &, G Falls Danny Small Chas' T. Aldrlch • Barry & Whltledg« The Golleglates (2C) Geo D'Ormondc Co Ryan. Sia Foy Family Summers & Hunt Chaney Sc Fox CANTON, O. Palace • lat half C3-5) Marty Dupree Ret 2d half (C-9) Lockett & Page Sam Mann Co Sully & Thomas . Rigoletto Bros Prince Wong Co 2d half (29-2) Lanlere- 6 Senna & Weber Undercurrent Florence Brady 4' Caating Stars E^CLUSJyELY DESIGNED GARMENTS FOR GENTLEMEN BEN ROCKE 1632 BVay, at 50th St.. N. Y. City T & D Ward Night at the Club Harry Burns Co ■ - Riva At Orr Co Orplienm 1st half (2-5) Bell. Roma Bros • Jack Lee. Eddie Dale Co Poraythe ■&. Kelly Eva Clark & Boys 2d half (C-8). Alice DeGarmo MpGIII & BIgelow Watson Sc Byron Stanley & Ginger . Nell Sla Co • 2d half (29-1) Eddie - Clark Abbott it BIsland J Burchlil Girla (Two to nil) lat half (2-6) Herbert Ashley Co .lames C Morton Co Hiva & Orr Co . (Two to nil) 2d halt (G-8) - T\jcUer it. t^mlth Ili'lon Ardcn Co .Mitchell S- Durant■ (Two to nil) M half (20-1) A it J l.'..rrolll .Tinvo'l it, Ulta M it rollin.f Due B.iUirr C-T ("Jl'-nn .t Ji'nkins Yi,'.-slerlhought3 CINCINNATI Albee (3) Honby Boys Harry J. Conley AVlnnie Llghtner 6 Rocketa (Two to nil) - (26) Dance Rhapsodies Craig Campbell Brendel & Burt Harry Ilolman Co Evana & Mayer . Schlchtl's- M'r'ntes l>ii|ace (3) Fred Lindsay Co- Frank Hamilton Senator MUrphy (.-olonlal 6 Girl Wanted Dwyer Sc Orma . l2Si.) Dance Bits Gilbert & French .NewJioft. & I'hflps .^-'.'vm' Mann Co 1,'ydla Barry Koran CLEVELAND, O. IOjIH St. 1st half (n-5) Suiniiiers & Hunt I'aul Tromalnc Or Stuart Sis (X\V'-> to nil) • 2d half (l>-9) T.ov;iri it B.dles Hiirv'i; Dnsrs (.Three to fit!)