Variety (Nov 1928)

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VARlEmiOSAKGELESOFFICE ARTHUR UNGAR in Charge loew's State Bldg., Suite 1221-22 707 So; Broadway, Trinity 3711-3712 Wednesday, November 28, 1928 Professionals have the free use of Variety^e Los Angeles Office for information. Mai. may be addressed care Variety, Loew^s State Bldg^ Suite 1221-22, Los Angeles. It will be held subject to call or forwarded, or adver- tised in Variety's Letter List. Imperial Brand of. vaudo. much iinpivovt' il With sc'ye'ra'i turns '■ out.situulin;;-. .Maty;'.•bhlimio hiv. Uiii. at 15 c-cnl- thcre iJiii't, miicl.i in the ho:i wh<'il U'.s aircp.iin.tod.. ■■ MorKi and KuUt.'r, acr^AiKas. (Mkmi. ,. .mildlVi JJuj-rt aro niily -on,about t\yi) minutW hi,Vi'v.-ot'k hard. , Dciit-o si)->i to Judiiiclv and I.ovo. .standard act. ■with mak- playing'' piano-ac'CordiDii and Icmiiio wariiiinf,'. .Jose arui Sylvia. Spani.sli ' dancing. coupl(\ started mildly but improved, r.oih weil .'d, ■ uiaUius . ; .several -chanfe:ciiv ..Sliauld .. dt'ye.loi>._into a classj- turn.. Dul:o Johii.soh, colored, ■ is a nat- ural. ^Jiiiffs ii . few ditties,-, iioof.s considr-raMy ivnd wind.s up svitli .a one-man iiuadrillc that ret'i-stercu solidly. . Coi'pcd applau«e honori; Closing spot . to . . David- Kane';. Hawaiiaiis, four liuiles, who have a radio rep here; ILarmo'ny n.ijt bad, ■ but they unfgrlunatoly sciccted; all pop. numbers e.xeluding all native stut'f. If playlii.u steel, the b(jy: should stick to- native airs. "The ..Lookout Girl" (.Col), screen feature. I'hliraiilts. , okay oh coa- yocali.^t, i.s hasn't- .suin- Orpheum .A better than average, showing-, topped by Roy D'Arcy, screen star, in gala hokum villany (New Acts). AVeavev J3rothers, holdovers, work under difliculties, with a new girl, introduced as '.'Sister .Pansy," tak- ing the place of "Elviry,", called .a.way a,t .tjie. last moment .to." her. motUer's%ncki)e.d. The new 'l^ansy,". dead ringer £or"Klviry." gets over ace. high with the Weaver .'girl's routine'. Bobby Folsom, in red-hot musical cliaracterizatiohs, was another out- stander, as were Eurhar and Allen with Al Boasberg:'s skit, "Lamb .Chops." . . ■ ' Jarvis-Harrison and Co., with Sonny Jarvis, drunk skit, bright- ened by Sonny's pretty hdoiing, came in in good shape. Mack and Roasiter, deucing with songs, dances and funny sayings, good. . Serge Flash, rubber ball manipu- lator, and one of the beat in his class, opened. Ruiz and Bonita, flashy class dance act, rang down ■ thtf curta:in.- • Patho News and a. Topics com- ~plete bill, W( ll-'traiiiod girls, lool lumln;; and routine. ,. IJormlieu Summer.'^ I)loa.'^ai\t ohouffh, l)Ut ei(^nt power to 1)P audible l)Oy()nd the midiUo of the •-.iU-iidy. and .M.i|h<iney and ;ind l-'orte, both iraf,' afts employing dialect comics, lloiiped. Dialect was. .so heavy' it't understandlnf7- J>ashington's Canine ' Circus clo.sed. "Anybody Here J^eon Kelly" (film) completed. F. J;', lleniiott, film tccliniciun and experimental man, has filed a claim \vith th<> Sta.te Labor Commi.ssion iiiainsL the iVlerger Pictures Corp. for. ?0 19175,.- Bennett charges lie .re- ceived no salary for the time he spent experimenting With color pic- tures, for the deforidant corporation. le;iring Nov. 30.. Hpger LeFaiit, vaudevillian, filed claim against Mrs. Fred Bond for $37 back salary. Allen Bode, actor, filed: claim against Clifton Ray, l)layor.'s manager, for .$43 unpaid wages. F. L. Ros.somme, musician, filed again.«!t the AVade Renfroe Play- ers for $3i) which claims is due him. ■ -.' Venetich,' dancer, through the Labor Cbmmiss.ioiY, claims $33.7.^ iroiji First National studios for.back salary. . ..• . in: the South Soas. She was born in Hawaii and Bpent many yotirs of her life there. Columbia ■ has sighed Ptiiart thony to ai,, term contract as a narist, . - " An- sce - pro- , Do- Kdwin Carewe will not .start ducing ••Kvaneroline," starring- lores Del Rio, until VJan. 2. • It will be made at the Tec Art studios instead of the United. ArtistiJ lot. . ■ Raoul AVaish, Fox director, injured by a rabbit jumping through the windshield of his car and^ almost destroying on© sTde of "Inis eye, is' now en route to New York to .i-e- main until the Yuletide holidays. Universal renewed its option .for the third year on services of HaiTV L. Decker, production supervisor of Universal feature comedies. George Archainbaud. a.ssigned by Tiffany-Stahl to direct Eve South- orn. in her next picture to be known as "The Miracle."' Charles Grapewin and. Anna Cli'iince '(Mrs. Grapcw.ln).'start Dec. 3 at the .Metropolitan Studio for Christie-!P a r a m o u n t on "Judd's Vacation," fir^t episode in Grape- win's Traveling Man's vaudc scries. It will be all-talker and silent. The 233 Club,. composed of Mia- sons ainiiated with amusements, will lease for 99 years the property formerly occupied, by the Masquers at 6735. Yucca street, Hollywood. Iceland, new skating arena, got under Wfiy with an exhibition pro- gram that Included Margot, femme skater; Kmil Penner, Coast amateur .-ipcedster; Art Kiclwell, on stilts, arid Hud Clark, of Vancouver, in barrel jumping. Ice is 90x190. settled out of court when T-S agreed to use liim in one of the picturca on its fortheoming pro- gram. Tearle contended . he was verbally engaged by the . compa.ny to play the leading , role in a pic- ture, but was .subsequently replaced by Riciardo Cortcz. 'when Tiffany-Stahl offered to make a financial settlement Tearle refu.sed, stating he wanted the company to fulfill its 'agreement, by using him in a picture. pcctor at Cirauman's Chihose, is now scoring at. ihc Fox ,studios. •Frank Tutjt-lo's first Paramount all-talker will be "The Studio Mur- ,dcr : Mystery.", No decii^ion yet as to silent version. , and William Hoiman, screen actor and squash commissioner of the Holly- wood Athletic Club, will teana With Al Gautier in'^the senior national squash, .doiibles '. champion-^blp. toui-T. nament to begin at the H. A,, C, Nov. 26; • PORTLAND, ORE. Portland^"P1itc:ast." Broadway-^"Mask'3 of Diovil." Pantages—"Man, Woman Wife." Oriental—"Craig:.s Wife." ' U n i ted Art i sts—'' White- S ha do \y s." Music Box—"Terror. " Blue Mouse—"Jazz Singer-' (2d week). - , . . . . „. Dufwin--T-Duffyv..Playcr.s.- Heilig—George Arllss; Harry Clarke, proC, is now .golf In.'Jtructor at the Paramount studio I in Hollywood. Robert McWade new guesl arlist with Duffy Players at DufWin. A poster outside Loew's Warfield depicted George Bernard ShaW ap- pearing in a Fox Movietone special, showing the humorist in kilts. It drew comment in view, of Shaw having been born in Dublin. Demolition of the dilapidated old Sunset Amu'serrienf Pier; A''enice,~. has been started by the-owners, ,Sun.set Corp. Pier has long been consid- ered an eyesore by various civic or- ganizations. Yida Mack, ingenue,with the Hol- lywood PIay«L's, stock, at San Ber- nardino, was summoned to her home in Vancouver, B. C^,. by the -disap- poaranco of her father, A. Laukan- nen. Laukannen, a tugboat captain, is believed to have met with foul play; His empty boivt was found drifting offshore at Vancouver. "Take My. Advice" is scheduled to follow "Nightstick,'' current at the President. No date set. Movement, started for orectibn of Civic theatre, as city will bo with- out road show house after Doc. 31, Ori that date Ilellig becomes new- Hip vaude house with Asft'n. book- ings. W. W. Ely,manager. Two new , filnv .houses,.' one dra- matic stock house and two reinod- eleft film houses have opened her© this year;. One smaH theatre .(Co- lumbia)' has closed. With the pass- ing of Heilig into srnall time vaude class, need of new legit . theatre ■claimed. ,-;.'' Pantages. Ai^lbu Sisters arid Bob Carter and Dorothy Byton, Wltli her 1*2. Debu- tantes,; were the redeeming features of this Pan bill. Carter and the girls, snappy song, tlance and gag turn, could show some of the biggies something about presentation. Car- ter is a wit, an able hoofer and has the personality to put it. across. Dorothy Bytori and her dozen Among changes made in the per- sonnel of West Coast theatres arc the appointing of Speed Borst as manager of the Belmont; transfer of Ray Deusern, manager of the Ritz, to the Boulevard; transfer of Mar- vin Parks from the Beverly Kills to the Ritz; Harry Stone, manager In Butte, succeeds E. C. Jeffress as city rnanagor. . . - Wostlake, operated by West, is to be known ^ as a ' prc- hoaririg for talkers, In the past this house has been a preview house,for silent films. Julia Swayne Gordon to play her first part in a film comedy, a Hal Roach two-reeler, untitled. Emerson Tracy to play lead in "Take My Advic©»::_ next Henry Duffy production at the President. ■ Fox studios have reduced the per- sonnel of their pubiicity department by eliminating : Tainmy Johnston, who did news contact -wiopk, and Harry Boh me, .assigned to movie- tone publicity. Miss Johnston i.s a stepdaughter a,nd Bohriie a brother-in-law to Rob- ert Yost, the former publicity director. Lupino Lane will make personal appearances at the United Artists during the run of "Casanova." One of his two-i'eel comedies released by Educational will be on the bill. Fox's feature length all-colored and all-talking and singing picture, "Hearts in Dixie," starring Charles Gilpin, is in work. M-G-M has purchased "Maymie Struts Her Stuff," an original by livelyn Blanchard, which will be riiade as a talking picture. James Gloason is to write the dialog. Ken" Maynard's next picture for FN will be "The Royal Rider," into production Jan. 5 under direction Al Rogell. Maynard troupe making "The California Mail" -was forced to return from location at Kernville, upstate 200 miles, on account of un- seasonable snow. . INERS MAKE UP Est. Henry C. Miner, Inc. Columbia has signed R. Neill to a term contract to Guinri Williams, .screen actor, for- merly lilm cowboy, has built a mini- ature polo field on his rancho iit an Nuys, near Hollywood, and is organizing his own polo team. Gueri'ini & Co. Tho LeadInQ and Largest ACCORDEON FACTORY in .the United StAtos "llio only (I'actorj lliat m;ik09 any pct ■ if Heeds — made by hand. 277-279 Columbui - - Avenue Snn Francisco. -Cal. I'-no CutnluKVici MO.ST ORIUINAK COFFEE SHOP ill the Golden West Garl—MULLER'S—Lill "TWO OLD TIMERS" Direct from Trixin .or Theatre • ,You Arp-\Velcolne 724 €o. Hill St., Los Angeles William direct. : Society of film editors organized,'!, few months ago, an* operating un- der the tentative title of "Edited By Club," held its first ofTicial meet ing and elected the following oHicers: Stewart Heisler, president; Frank Lawrence, Lloyd Nosier and George M. Arthur, vice-presidents; Ed McDormott, secretary, and Roy Stone, treasurer. Society is being Incorporated un- der the title of "Film Editors," with more than 143 charter members, all of, whom are recognized film editors on the coast. CINCINNATI ■ By JOE KOLLING Shufaert-^"Command to Love." ■■■ Taf t^Walkcr stock.' Cox—-Stock. Albee—"West of Zanzibar"-yaude. Pa I ace—" Var si ty" ^ vaude- Capitol—'.'The Terror," wired. Keith's—"Tempest," wired. Lyric—"Abie's Irish Rose','" wiredr StraniJ—"Love Over Night." Empress—^"Social Maids.^' Dave Markell, formerly tenderloin reporter for the New York American and a company rnanager for Fox, has been appointed assistant to Fred Cruze, managing director at the Criterion. "G. V. Shubert F." ,dld heavy business last week at $3,. top. at Erlanger dark for fifth week. Duo to prolonged absence in NeW York of Joe Rbck, he has been suc- ceeded on the board of dIrectoi:s of "The Singing Fool" closed month's run at Capitol. ""LiLac Ti'me" big draw at Keith's, newly wired, three weeks. for the Masonic Otto. 233 Club, by Henry While LlOyd Nobles, Fox cashier, was in the midst of off the weekly payroll of workers, his home caught studio paying- studio on fire Annual frolic of Stage and; Screen. Scribes, lotfaLl body: of theatre man- agers and press a,gents, held at Hor tel Gibson roof garden Nov. 22, sell- out' at $5.50 couvert, with extra charges for oats arid drinks. MusiC furnished by five orchestras. and burned to the ground. ?15,000, Damage "Eva the Fifth" last week by Walker company, attracted well. Mr. and Mrs. J. Conklin, parents of Henie Conklin, screen actor, cel- ebrated their golden wedding anni- versary Nov. 27. Frank liiohardaon, wardrobe chief, and Kenneth Johnson, accounting loparttnont, won the handball doulilos championship and the Jrovor Jones trophies at tlie Para- mount studio, defeating Ira Webb, set dro.s.sitig dopartmont, and. Bob llndloy, prop dept., in the finals, 'Jl-10. 121-8. - W(.^,v-\^T. iyfo.ij^tn.'ition d^-^ p a I-ttiVo 111, v(Rl:ii 11 e if tTie tia'r^^ gh>s ohampioiisbip of the studio, and won the Lioyd Corrtgah trophy, by dofoating Koiihcth , Johnson, In the finals. il-U, 21-17. John P, Goring, formerly manager of tho Garfield theatre, at Alharnbra, has signed as. managing director for Univcrsal's Orange Belt theatres at uUertoh, Anaheim and Santa Ana, Goring is making his new headquar- ters at the California U theatre, FuUcrton. ITorton's two lie will malto beginning his Edward Everett short talkors, which for (^lii'ii'lie. before contract with Warner Brothers, will lie, ".V Cup of Tea" and "Meet .the Wife.", Lois Wilson will play oppo .'iito in Iho so(>mid. They .are to be comiiloted before the' (irst of tho year. . Artiiino of "ntil.-i. .'iiul "Dust Von Tomi^ski, authore.'^s ' liltiicd by Paran-iount " will leave Tfollywood foe Tahiti to iiii|kc her pormanertt home STRICTLY UNION MADE Lois Peck, secretary of the IToUy- \v,ood.:,c)!I\ce_ of^Equjty,^^ i^ home with influenza. Incorporation papers have been filed by the Bartlett Syndicate, at a capitalization of $2,000,000, -for the erection of a theatre for Alexander Pai-itages on Hollywood boulevard. It is to be on the lot adjoining the Bank of Hollywood. Seating 2,00.0. Location in heart of Hollywood business district. Call for— Edward Everett Hortori's produc- tion of "Her Cardboard: Lover" opened at the Vine Streiet theatre, Hollywood, Sunday, With Horton, Florence Eldridge, Mitchell Harris, Lottie Williams, Lewis Morrison, Duncan Roh.aldo, Leo White, .Fred Cummihga. Succeeded "On Appro- val." Florence Roberts and J. -Irving White replaced Helen Keei's and Joseph Do Stepliani in "Nightstick" at the President. Miss Keers and De Stephani have gone to the Duf- win,^lOakland,. to reappear, in .the .same roles in"The Wooden Kimono"'- which they played .for 19 weeks here. - STEINS' ABSOLUTELy GUARANTIED Paramount did not take up the option for. the services', of tane Chandler, featured player. ' - Robert Grant and Benny ,Allen, muyiciana, have filed claitus with the State Labor Commission ag.ainsl the Kentro Players, claiming $245 back salary. Perry ,Shaw,. electri- cian, has filed a claim against Clin- ton Berger, owner of Berger attrac- tions, tent show, for $72. Shaw claims he v^'as discharged,without notice. : Hartmann, Oshkosli A Mendel Trunk« ALL MODELS—ALL SIZES ON HAND AT OBEATI-V ,KKI>U'CE1> riticnfl ALSO 1,000 USED TRUNKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION WB DO REPAUtlNO. wniUffi FOB CATALOG. SAMUEL NATHANS, Inc. BeS Seventh Avenue, between 40th and 41at Streets, New York Citv SOLii A<iKNTS FOK II & M TKl^NKS IN TIIIC KAST 1>1ioiion: l.onKiiorq_r>107,_IVnnHylvnnift_Ono4 Election of olTlcer.«i for the Wom- en'.s Association of Screen PuTill- cists will lake place Dec.' 11. The committee which will nominate ncNt year's nllicers t-onsists of Ade- 1 liie-"Al v<vrdr-t'ai't5iyn-^^^ Len r.c;tll. The 1 lippodrom'e, after 2'i years of holding out against unini) lalior, hitM signed tin agreement.. Vnioh people will be employed for the next five years. House is owned by Adiiliih Rami.sli and uutler lease to (leorge Clayton, man.'iger of it for liamisli. .Arthur Knv., fnrmetr miisiC.nil di- •—and be assured of receiving the Jbest' materials properly blended SOLD EVERYWHERE , Manufactured by Stein Cosmetic Co., N. Y. SEND ONE POLLAR FOR MY EXCLUSIVE ASSORTMENT OF 15 STEEL ENXJJl.AVKD CARDS (Ever>- Oiuf 6lirorcnC)—WONDEKrUL VALUE DOROTHEA ANTEL, 226 W. 72d St., New York, N. Y. FANCHON and MARGO COSTUME CO. Specialize in creating the most attractive costumes for chorus and ensemble groups in stage presentations antJ tabloid entertainment. They are used exclusively by the foremost producers in America. They are made to order and can either be , purchased or loaned to responsible producers -for--single--performancesj-a-weeky-month-or-==y.ear. FANCHON and MARCO COSTUME CO. 643 So. Olive Street LOS ANGELES,_CA;LIFj__ INSTITUTION INTERNATIONALE .• Conway Tearle's breach t^f con- tract suit against Tlffany-Slahi was Shoes for the S^<^g^ Street SHOWFOLK'S SHOESHOP.-r 1SS2 BROADWAY