Variety (Dec 1928)

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: Wednesday, December 12. 1928 FILM REVyiEWS VARIETY 31 FLOATING COLLEGE ■ fcontiuueil . from page . 25> «»• eirl romantically Inolined, JSf a swiniminfir Instructor as her ^,L mov. The older slater, SSnJefl dcsirins the younp lad for r^,^' influenoes her father to an where he sends Sally away ^SfoS£^ ^'-'P to keep; her out of tr^g on board ship, include^ ^ <;pene It ought to take the " tVe of the older Safer leadingr the joun& man, Ktly seaside, into her ow.iv state S for the night in an endeavor iTStain marrigae on the pretpt « katn? compromised, •'voingei^sister. Pat. takes all, the Jks and winds up as the. lawfully iSd wife of the young gallant. WnuJm Collier. .Tr.. isn't allowed xo Ja much except be fought over by fh» irlrlS He doesn't photograph 55l an<»' unimpressive here in de- llTerjr. " .■ - . '■ :. ' ' BOHEMIAN DANCER (GERMAN MADE) (Sound) irfa Dioduclion. billed as the first German «>oniled ftlm. SyncUronlzatior called Bell-- iphone. Main title doeSn't mention Ufa, Sut elvea sponsor as Rell Pictures. Inc. Dl- mctor Frederick Zelnlk. Lya Mara and Harry LeldtUe leads. Running, time. 65 olnutea. At Fiftli A-veiiue Playhouse, week Typical second class Continental picture. Stars tg American eyes are friimpy and awkward, action is dull and .slow, direction silly^ and ■tory infantile. Which sums up dlose to zero. This is a particiUaiiy bad example «f the German output, because story is light romance with chance for dainty comedy by leading woman. They give a role that would be meat tor a Clara Bow to Lya Mara, who would be none the worse, for dieting uid has no comedy knack whatever. A. hie woiftah In a hdyden .character is probably the Ameiicah fan's pet abomination. In this it's par- Bcularly flagrant. . Director puts the. coy spear Car- rier thcougli endless sentimental scenes. They are meant to drip lioney but really turn comic on an American screen. The CJerman id' ;: •f tricky effect is to plant a ro- mantic pair before each other and keep them there for a flood of, flat titles. The atmo.sphere is provided ;tty taking the . shot back of the heroine's left ear, showing her ear- ting a,nd snappy angle of a German 4ob. Use such devices endlessly Sere.' . The photography is sometimes food, but ocdaslonally it has that flat, blurred look you get in Rus- sian news reels. The .titles are the Ikst word in clumsiness sind bald- iesa; Some of the sentimental passages ire gems. For instance, the heroine iheeta the Grand Duke in one of Ihose graceful naive bits, but you ten't get oyer the startling fact that (be Grand Duke himself is a ringer fliW Chester Conklin. Synchronization pretty bad. Ap- MIdred Roselle Return trip within a month to Stanley, Jersey City, Dec. 9 WHAT A SENSATION! Branford, Newark, Dec. 16 NOW AT HIE ti Strand Theatre Vancouver, ^T>^ B. C. JACKIE SOUDXR and Kis i parently ah equipment delivered complete with tlie film and consist- ing of library dliiks and a phono- graph to riin them on. Musical set- ting doesn't keep pace with th« ac- tion #ith any success. One pas.sage has to do with an Austrian fox hunt and the hunt dinner, While the.v are holding the pack of dogs in be- fore the start, the musical accom- pj^inlment is a galloping number ap- propriate for the finish of a close horse race. Cliange-overs of disks (assuming It is a: disk system') do not keep pace >vith. the action. Musical quality is tinny and much too loud for this house. Just another imported malceshift for the sure-seater^i, no better and no worse than the average. Sound, ddesn't lielp it at all. Jlysh. The Isle of Lost Men Rayart "pmduction and release. Directed l)y Duke Worne from atqry arrangement by George Pyper. Hap Dcpew, camera- man. In cast: Tom Siintechi, Sailor Shar- .key AUen Connors. At I.ooWs New York, one. day, Dec. 4, half double bill. Run- ning lime, 02 minutes. This is a great indie meller. Built on a theme of incorporating all of the villainy of the high seas and low life islands it moves fast and furioiis and would keep even an intelligent audience in suspense. No question about it for the grinds, "The I.'^lo of Mi^n." lK\'.l iv \iL-'.'n caa'efully directed, would be 100 per cent for the better second runsl But rough edges overlooked by tlie meg- aphoner have also been passed up by the cutting room. The chance now Is for a little retitling. here and there to smooth over such se- quences as an oarleSs lifeboat beat- (ing a barkehtine under full sail to the island. With all. of its faults from the standpoint of logical continuity, this meller ha.s ship color and island tang seldom reurhod by tlio boys who make more earnest efforts to spend dough. In many respects it is something that Ray Johnson arid Rayart rhay be proud of. .Another one like it with a little more con- sideration for detail should bring this producing company to the at^ tention of box. oflices outside Its present realm. H'"7.'/ . DOLLY (FRENCH MADE) Paris, Deo. 1. Comedy reel evidently turned to feature Dolly Davis, local star. un- der the direction of Jean de Merly. "Dolly" is sentimental to the ex- treme, with a scenario not partic- ularly brilliant and moth-eaten on novelty. . Action laid on the French Riviera. While flying from Paris to Cannes a .sriiart young man meets Dolly with her Juvenile-like step-mother. Mix- ing up the relationship, he pays court to the latter, whereas the step- daughter loves Robert. Dolly ac- cepts the flirtation with Robert as if intended for. her, and even keeps a rendezvous intended for her step- mother. While this has the effect of hood- winking her father, so far as his young wife is concerned, it irritates him to find his daughter indulging in ah amorous adventure with the elegant stranger. When he discov- ers Dolly with Robert he insists on their engagement, much to the girl'.s delight and the youth's disgust. Then Robert confesses to Dolly he cannot marry her because, he is in love with her mother. The girl Is vexed, and out of spite becomes co- quetish, stylish and ultra-modern, which captivates Robert's heart. This frail story will please for the reason Pierre Colombier has pro- duced an excellent picture for the flappers. Cast suitable, with Dolly Davis and Andre Roanne as the lovers. Others who ran arc Paul Ollivler, JacQues Floury, and Mile. Addy Cresso. No alterations are necessary, for the producer has ex- tracted all the juice, from the ..sce- nario, which- in- the first .instance' wa.s the'weak element In this emo- tional'.love stunt. • Kendrew. about enough material to support a short sketch. Same story has been used score of times for Just that purpose^and never fasclnalino: sketch at that. Done In the typical Contuiental planner, which mean.s heavy, with slow action and -sombri.' ba-ckground. Lya De Puttl has been Lh this country for two years, so pioiurt- must be 6f far back date. It looka It. ■ Miss de. Puttl even in pictures made in the States for America;! aucliotrceK hasn't made much prog- ri'ss. In a revived foreign produc - tion she is pretty terrible, stagey ti> the last extreme in an artirioial ami theatrical part. Direction is Only fa,lr and cosliim- ing almost grotesque. Pictures chief merit Is rather good handling of crowds and some striking set- tings. Not much in the title. Gen- erally another emergency .bobklii.g for sure seaters lacking a bettor novelty. , . Story has arresting tart in what seems to be the murder of a woman by her husband but which turns out to be a scene in a play. With cam- era panning the sequence is dis- closed as the climax of a stage play with audience applauding the cur- tain. ' Author makes a speech and friends ill a bpi applaud. At after theatre supper friend tells author he is all wrong in his play tliome—husbands don't get jealous in real life and bump off the sweet woman. Then and there playwright plants seed of suspicion In minds of hupbarid and wife and the rest of the hour is devoted to showing growing discord in the family to prove playwright's case. W^hole thing phoney and audience Cully aware of pretty much all thjit will hapj)en at least a reel or so ahead. You coiild nap at Intervals .ind still finish even with the hnrra live. ■ Itiinh. .son a* the fun-loving son of the warden who n'.iHquerades as a no- torious convioi, give the fan.s a drosalng [\wy will enjoy. Walt/. till it cou.oM arfa;u;itig u .wi'i'k' i'!ul at Doauvlllo, Both married ouuplo.s frame a D'^iuv'ille trip, and through CJaby losing a do,? aiul Ainmon and MrK. .Miin.ird (Iniiing it, the women meot. „.„^ . _ <;.ii>y thinks Mrs. .M..nord and -An.- j BEYOND THE SIERRAS luoii, the l.Tittor's buy friend, ar-.'. ' •uarried. Wlion .sho luvir.s tlioy aro r.ur- Do:\uvillc sliP .says to jiiako. it a joint trip* Follows* the usual mix-up. . -'{.Jood etiuugh to .ni«t utuvcrsrtl r.»- \s-iili(iut tlrawing ar;.. , ' •."pr- ei.ijn picturo" .criti'nsiii. t'rat. Motrii-Ci>>lihvj i'-\t;i.vor ;>n>iliii-ti>»n .uul nj- ie.vse, L>lroct<>d i>y N'ii-k (.irlmle from «t-)rr l>y J;ifk Novllle. Ootilinully by J;t,>t<. No- vl!ii\ StardnB Tim McOiy. Curt. ha.s -.'ta fJ.oe-i'hcr. Hoy DWri-y and Volly Moriii.; At I.iflow'a .New. York, oho-im'.f o( double bill,' one day, Do<r. 7, }tunnlng lime. (J3 mi:\s CELEBRITY Tyrant of \Red Gulch ■I'llO pl.oUuouon. and' rolcasft. Dlpivsci-l by Uobeii l>e LAcy Ux>n\ s.tory - by . Oliver Drake. Continuity by (.(liver Drake-; tUKs liy Randolph Bartlctt. StnrntiK-Tom Ty- ler, .with li'Vankle Diirro fc-iitured. .Cast tn.cludi'!? Barney Furey, -Harry AVuOiIs, M. t^ergo i\nd Josei)hlne llorlo. Ai the Stai\i ley, N. Y., Dec. 1.. Running lime; 00 mlns Substantial western, typical In plot, charaotcra. surroundings, and undoubtedly produced in the interests of that eltisive patrpnige in uncharted parts of the country. In addition to the. stalwart, slick- haired hfero, Tyler, there is the tiny Frai^kie Darro, juvenile ' foatiired playcrr who screens remarkably well and pln.j's more convincingly than most of the move mature cast mem- bers; Boy is at a disadvantage, iiowever, in an unbecoming role. Action Is laid amid the mountains encircling a Mystery Valley, where prospectors have become lost in their search for a lost mine. The entrance to the valley Is spied upbb by somebody who turns out to b© the ringleader of a pang working the mine with the lost prospectors as prisoners.. Girl is an orj)haM whose tyi'an- niral uncle is none other than the menace, Mori. One of the best of lUo.TiiiiMo- Coy pictures yet sooh. It h:i.-s strung action, interostiivg, (lui.i'k-ni.oving continuity, plivusihle .siiuations and. a deal of irresl.4til>le .cKinody oon-^ tribtjtcd by Polly Monui'. ; It should prove a worthw'hilo iiUraction for the western inollnod,; ^ Morah's mutrnin.g brinart consistent returns. The le,T.ds, Tim McCoy and ' Sylvia Beoolii.-r',/ despite inane facial <;ontort.ion^j dui'iuff i-iotue of the love seqviencos, do well be- cause of photogi-apliy a lul nuiko-up lending attractive appearance. Story of a well-known typo, in- cluding the masked avenger, claluj jumpers, banditry, duels,' pistol bat- tles, horse'riding, fl.'^t lights and on. Pretty scenic decorations. - Mori Ralph Block produoCloD and Pathe re-. I'vc'c. Krnm lilay of aamo name by WUIard I.\»pri>. Tay CJarnott, director. Cast inoluil- HobiM-t Armstrong, Llna. Bastiuotti', I Clyde Cook. .A.t. Tlvrtll, New Tork/ one daj, iDec. 1). .Ruiwiliigr time, 05 minutes. JEALOUSY , (GERMAN MADE) Ufa. production, Lya de PuUi starred. Directed by Karl Gruno, In' cast Werner liraus . and . George Alexander. RunnlnK Um?. ^8 . minuten. At Wlh Street. Play- house, sure aeater, week Dec. 1. Feature length film made out of JESSE GRAWFORD ORGAN CONCERT PARAMOUNT THEATRE , NEW YORK WEEK OF DECEMBER 8th "I LOVED YOU THEN AS I LOVE YOU NOW" (Irving Berlirii lie.) "PIGKIN' COTTON" "BLUE SHADOWS" George White's "Scandals" Earl Carroll -'Vanitieg." "YOU'RE THE CREAM IN MY COFFEE" "Hold Ever.ythrng" T As an-ine.xpensively produced film U'illard Kecfe's saga of a pug doesn' t rjite, with the previous stage presen- tation. Cut what a talker it might have made. In sound could have been the classic of the ring. It oozes with opportunities for the new technique, yet in siient form ll'a little more than just another pugilistic drama' Keefe's tale of the beefy pug, tossed onto the heights by his smart little manager because the pilot thought of publicizing his slug- ger as a literary light only to have the Kid give a competent ghost writer the air to Write his own poems, is adhered to the letter in the picture, though lacking the de- tails of the original. Three excellent performances by Robert Armstrong, the pug; Clyde Cook, manager, and Una Basquette, gal snatched from a vatide smalUe to pose as the Kid's "fee-ancy." If they can talk as well as act, they, too, missed a bet. In silence "Celebrity" can't play beyond the grinds, Bige. WEEK-END WIVES (BRITISH MADE) Liondon, Dec. 1. British International Plcturea productli^n. Released in United Kingdom by Wardour Film Co.; In America by Wide World Plcturoi Corp. Directed by Harry Lacl'.- man from an original by Victor Kendal and Rex Taylor. ■ Photosraphy by ack Cox. Cenaora' certlflcate "A." Previewed at ths London Hippodrome N</t. 27. Run- ning time, 100 tnlna. . Gaby Flaron-L« C-rand.. , Bijtelle Bro'ly Max Ammon.... Motily Batiica Heletic Monard .Annette Benson Henri Monarfl Jameson Thofnas M. Grsu'.il ..George Gee Pretty good. Nicely directed, has pace, well cast, dressed, and set. Just about the standard , of 'Irnl- rluHS-American parlor com,o.(3ies yn all points and actually looks as if'it were made In Hollywood. It show.s that regular pict'uvri <■ <ii be made here. Titling is bcttvi' Uian u.sual, some' of l.he wonlint; of.'ing .<;mart. If there were doUbLs whi lli^'.- Estello Brody could do anything bij; low comi?dy, this fllrh' elimiii.;i.ti'. them. She does a French ,mu-<:^^-. not above chelating on friend lius- l);ind, and handles . it expert!;, Monty Banks is the better for bclji;-. out of slapstick for onpc. As .'i chaSer scared of husbands he Is .seen to better advantage than It 'lis other .filmi made. date. Jameson Thoma.% plays a inar.. l iagc-tired husband nearly caugii . ("heating. A new role ff)rihlm, a- lie usually is condemned to heavic.-. f)')es it nicely. Trod It ■ Harry, fonu".:. ,vith M.-G.-M. on the Ingram o-i'*;- with direction. There is a rf^f-.'-s- ir.g ahsencp of. the defect • • .u .'>-: on this, sid'^ of telegraphlrc-- r>ji:i.- .i.tid JJf'.'tUvlllA work In n.i !;■»''.• 'I'hiH onf has been ma'b- :.>r '■• ('i.Mti'l'-n'. as well as i'or hi-i-.', 'i' . 's i i^^l n-i'i(ii s^asy eno igi fi - ■•.•!■', too. j .S! .irv '■i^ti'-'':ri-; .\f«jri irtj at' t ■ 1 , w'l.--) iM'od by Cl-ib/ I'ii'n ; n'j.'ii'-d to (ir:).\>-i ■ ; •, ' .• r'p):i; iiOnie UOc ind -I'lc •. ,:,|.. -• ,i,rl '\t-r Nfith-f d'l-i V ,- ,1. 1 .M-.t. ao th* two pity <».r->'i'> l DRIFTWOOD CoIurtJbIa production and release. Direct- eil l)v Christy Cabanne. Screeri play adapt- or from atory by Richanl Harding .Dayl.9. Don Eivarado and Maroelllne Day featured. In r:isi: Alan Itosroe and Krital Jlrunt^tte. Tilk'.s bv Morton UlutnenstocIC At Stanley, X.'w. .York, one day. November .10. Run- ning lime, 70 mlTniitea. South Sea island story with inain chiiracters a pridcfui prostlc and a rum-soaked derelict. This one looks as If someone has taken Richard Hal-ding Davis* yarn and merged It with "Rain"' and "White. Cargo." holding the best of all three. Aver- age flicker for houses where adult trade predominaties, biit best pa.ssed up by, those catering to the kiddies. Plot has Marcellino. Day giving her boy friend the slip when his vacht touches the Island of Luva on its way to Sydney. Barlow, the vachtsman,. owns the greater part of the Island, and when the girl give.s his superlhtendeht. Alan Ros- coe, the chill the latter threatens to have her deported by the consul for being an unmarried Women with- out visible means of support.^ To put one over on Roscoo Miss Day marries Don Alvarado, the derelict, staking him to $10 for the privilege of sharing his bed and board. Story as a whole follows the plot of "Rain" without the marinas or Rev. Davidson, THE DANGER RIDER Universal production and releiae. Star- ring Hoot OlbBon. Directed by Henry MocRde from story by W". Jauhes. and Ar- thur Statter. Harold Ni-umann. camera- man. In cast;, liugcnia Cillbert and R. Reeve Eason. At I>oew'H NTew Tork one day. Nov. 2T, half double WU. Running time, flO minutes. Jlevlval In Westerns would be a.s- .Hured were they all as good as "The Danger Rider." Gibson . In this one gfts a chance to get out of the old story rut. There are some fairly novel angles and a yarn, close knit for a western, that moves at a fai^t tempo. Grfvat for Gibson houses ami a good second on any big double^ fc-iture bill. "The Danger Rider" has a dif- ferent locale and lann of the dizzy hard riding that strains audiences' eyes when top consi.^lent. A story with a reform farm cap- tained by a protty dame and Gib- CRIMSON CANYON , Univcraal; produolion and rc'uMse. ■ Dl- inetod by Ray Taylor from aiorv by Hugh Nagrbn. Tod Well.s fllaircd. In .misL: l.otu.-i Thompson, Henri de Velola, Wilbur Miipk.- At Coluttrbua, one day, Deo. ". half doubl* bin. Running time, about 60 minutes. ■'The Crimson Canyori" is just one of those things with a running wild yarn and camera copping cast. Even the grinds, should consider their patients oh this one. A lot of irrelevant stuff gets to the screen lh a mbnotonoiis way. Mine, old father , and . actresa daughter^ delightful stranger, couple of sham fisticuffs, etc. Ted Wells licks 'em aU and ropes the gal. Sobie Sennett antics get t'eaCtion Iti hollower heads. Wal^. Universal bought film rights to "The Draite Murder Case,'; written by Charles A. Lpgue. To be directed by Edward Laemnilo. Tom Reed assigned to title silent version "Show Boat." U. , Universal bought film rights of "Flaming Daughters," original by Beatrice Van. tJ also has screen rights of "The Luxury Husband," novel by Maysle Grelg. I„Ina Basquette's contract with Pathe expires Dec. 31. It will not be, renewed. John Ford a.s.signed by Fox to di- rect "King of Kybre Rifles." Little Billee signed by WB for "The Flaming Youth." talker, Lois Moran added to "Movietone Follies," Fox. Ann Preston added Cinemaphone's "Babes In Holly- wood," , Sylvia Picker added to vchorus Girl," Christie, "Wives Won't Weaken," first ot a new series of Educational com- edies starring Jeiry Drew. Cast in- cludes Al Cooke, Betty Boyd. Kstelle Bradley, Robert Graves and Al Thompson. .Jason Robai-ds and Thelma Todd added to "Trial Marriage," M( Robert Castle added to "Ti'-'e o€ the Alps," Par. Summer Attraetiom Film Road Show ONWED MOTHERS Percentage Booking Anywhere—Send Dates SAM U EL CU M Ml N S Publix Welfare Pictures Corp. 723 Seventh Ave., New York Watch for News of I Samuel Freedman, Hollywood, Calif. WILF AILEEN GUSHING and HUITON 4th YEAR with FANCHON and MARCO Featured in Their -SILHOUETTE" Idea