Variety (Dec 1928)

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t Wednesday, December 19, 1928 FILM HOUSE REVIEWS VARIETY ?3 PARAMOUNT (Wired) Kew York, Dec. IC. Someone hacl, bottcr toll Bojinii ^reuper that in spite, ol all tho glory that goes witli playing the foremost band presentation house of the country, the Paramount is also the toughest theatre in. the world for masters - of ceremonies. That goes ior all m. c.'s, with or vilhout Aim . iiouse expierience. .Overlooking one flinv. Krouger Isn't bad at all in his tiiifit week at the Paramount,. . .They liked his mannerisms and melted under his saxophone solo. It is far trom the ■ toughest f or Benriie in week number tine iJut they're riot going to go tor" the sax solo -every week and there are plenty of boys around with nice manners. 'Kreugev is at the Paramount after three years of the Tivoli and Up- town theatres in Chicago. Hc> in Ireland after three years In Russia, BO gi-eat is the • contrast. In Chi he played to the sanie faces weekly for three years. . ilc had plenty of time to grow on them and he did; i:.ittie doubt that he" knows there is quite a difference STANLEY ,j a difierence. Hut-can . he do aiiythlng about it? Uis weakness in Olii r,.oinaiii>\ his vcukness heVe. Kreugffr is a very shaky spokesman, and that was the cinly flaw in his makeup at the Par- amount. Out at 03il street And Cot- tage Grov6, when forced to play straight for a visiting comic,- Bonnk' used to read his lines backwards. His boyi.'ih iKT.soriality is, Jli.^^hly .pleasant. His approach is perfect. His diction is agreeable, r.nt he s not there at all in ad Hb.and. hardly there in, straight .^speaking.; Stiff i.s the word, though might t;f\uid hotter. . 'Die .Tolin .Murray Anderson pres-. MH'ation . sU)-rounding- him is short, Kna')pv and entertaining. Bennie was provided with iTn advantageous . take-olT' in ■'^Tlie ^fa^'ic Uug." The tHular p:vrt ■(•omos in toward the finish wlu-n Kniilie iind Uomaine. nOagio dani'crs. are l.ov.-on-d to the • Kiage on a cabled cradL'^lhe magio Vrii;;. ■ ~ • . opening is handled by Purns and Kissen. va.ude .standards, Wilb coinedV crystal gazing a.s the sub- • ject AVhcn Kissen looks in the.glas.- he .see.s P.unis' mother-in-law dymg from; . o;'ting t'K) many cucumbers ■ and Burns running wildly down the •^p.rvf.t—for more cn-umbors—bo.s . iroiug "v.ay bn.-k in the liles. There i.« a 'la \ 1 gh in . the cry-"tal used inn bi.Wl of .goldfish; Tht^ roster CMrls. .(!•-'1 arc. iiv .sil- l<v';etti' beijind. a fancy scrim for • Vn' prc-dii. tiohal- opening, accoin- ranied by Harry Johnson's tenor ■ .• soU). ■ linrns and Kissen return ■b'-i( flv 10- buihl up . Krcn.ger-s- en- trau'-e. i'.nd a .iax/cd up version of the fir-cond Hnngari^m llhujvsody, Bcnnie conducting, follows immc- ■ diat.-'.y. • D.-irb arran.ircnK-nt and piiV.od prettily. ■ r.ordcn and King follow through lik" mo.iJt two-boy dance - teams In ihe picture houses today. \ lewing the abundance of such tt-ams,- it seems the piciore places have been n.'nminent in the deveiopment of ecr centric team dancing to the status It' has reached. Tfs still good enough to surmount the handicap of rcpolition and sameness. ICvelyn Wilson, formerly "^vith her > siMer a.s the Wil.son.Si.-.tcrs. .singers iInd look'-rs. uses a .-satirical male impcrson.-ition in^he ))icture places. S'v dof.s a stew, singing one.druniv song with gr-.«tures. and docs it n<atly. Here i-? a, case of an ex. n-ptionallv comely girl, app«.arahcc for charaoter.^ ^^J'^fl r. m;!inihg cute in pants, ^o dount lliat .she ■ .Avill progress in trousers wl.erfvjis looks and looks only \youl(i mean a st.andstill. Tliat, too, iR something, new .in film house de - - -^1 rr u m : r . <Wired) Jersey Cit.v. Dec. 17 "At ihe Country Club" iS ir.c .siagi' .show at this B.O-OO-^sfatt r iliis wcok, An agreeable, array of ia!'.-ul and display greeted the eye-and-ear patrons. The novelty is the 14 Musical Cudr die.s. boys .who would fall into the chorus class if they hadn't so much individuality when .doing, solos, quartets and duos. They dauee in unison, play harmonicas, do songs and make a flash appearance. An octette of Serova girls go in for more chorus work, doing lip.-toeing. musical comedy routines and other' numbers neatly. • . The setting is gorgeous, well light- ed aiid .well set, affair, a lawn, htii with a"pialzza effect that's a wow. Continuing the c<intest for popu- larity with Chariio Melson. altevnate ni. c, Ben Boss, one of the neateM phrase flippers who ever drew bows for companion performeis, scores decidedly: He dances with the girls in the opening golf number, does a solo, "Happy Days and Lonely Nights" that brings out pleasing vo calism and then gobs into his Plano solo, ."Mighty I-ak a Bose." which took 'emr . , . ■ Helen arid Kliner Kmhs. with mu- sical capers, Opening with , a vocal •'•Meditation" duet. then, swinging into dance work and winding up as piano and violin. . .Nice everything about thi.<t -act. roily: Spear. .• sinR. ing vlnlihist," does well on ..the strings, but. tries'to be too. church choirey with voice. Cute kid.^ An unknown Harlemite {jot a lot of tho "Blackbirds" mob all :.frozen. >ip when he fjtarted to wiggle, and whirl. He's a find, and he closed the show to the he.a.rtiost fmale .that ever swept the house—and; Just on hooi - work. too. I tlarrv AV. Crull did, this one, and shows that he cari put true Ib'J'ia-. wa:yesque into Jersey Cuy.. It s the best job he did' since the unit, In ^^"^'Qut 'of . the Pog," scmi-t|Vlker a flop when Ctuirad ^ageI and May McAvoy get, '^^^they^ sa> into the .seiiuenc s. .. Uous -hould be doctored up: better for sound.. -Piace at ^times l^'v>;^^J-^-;f hies "Rcho Bake" on a .good-cleai iifternobn. - . . Bu.siness is PnMMMl. .^vi h ■ gu e- I- wavs of .^. grand•^^ v.-oi'ili oi l.■^^eb^ |-n con.iunftion with a t'>'V'.i Helen Warner, plump whiti- gir was the big "mammy." opuvini; the ■ idea" with a. "mammy" S'-ag. oil in one corner of htaKc siirrovmded w.:th plantation workers. In other corner-was Phil Bann)k)n hading liii revelers. IMiil and' tb.e seon-d with a follow-up lU' souruiu-.u folk songs In modern st> le, This lad as band leader shoots it over. Alex.tnder AmlkofC Busslan bari- tone, in rich voice. Kinj? "Volgfi Boatman." . . 1 Don arid Ron on the eonsolf- scored with - Guest's poein-s<mg. "When I Redskins Bit the Dust." Word.s on ! s<'reen,: with the two boys showing more than ever that they have •musical hands and innsieal fei't," as they played duet. "Varsity" .'wired.) on scret-n. BRANFORD ORIENTAL Twin*- in spiiu- end with seusa- COLONY . (Wired) ■. New I'ovk. ;T>"\ K<- legend of-Chris .foUnubus dealer /•■;/- STATE (Wired) . ilinncapolis Inmam .was back at h"lm this week .and his on-h.'.nra on. the-' siage for ivtion built around - •llns oi iiec. V^. ilu.> State jo-)>lece pi-i'sen- Today." iilack drapes With "three lai^ce color- ful nas el.s-of women's heads in the ickcroimd pi-oviVled the setting. Kour pr^^ hallct- girls garbed as, D anish senors and senovitas: came 6n fur n Ph-asing danring bit. as an opener. ■ 1 < ^■ Center rear pastel opened to ic- voa) Julian N'^-'^""''; 1'?''"tTk loni tenor, in artist's cr.stume. Hl.^ son.g went over nicely. A violin -solo:^^as he speeially bit for "Jeannine. while. -Neapolitan Bights ^'^if f> a feminine trio,, followed. Ne\ Hh lien sang "Sonny Boy" off .st.age and lV,. .iOlson -Rainbow" inunber from The .Singing Kool" from the p.astei. openini:, with the ballot in abbre-. viated attire doing a dance. VMnk and Ayres. sen.sational u.llei skaters, provided a thrilling vind- hp that garnered pb-nty of applause^ Fox Movietone, with ""'^ "f^^^-; shots of the Minnes<,l.-i-W./eons n feotbaVl game, won' by V^^^V/'Vw t held much interest and., no doirt drew many to the theatre. ,\ ita- !honeTrailer for ''TIkv Home Town- .rs." underlined, was ""t without its entcHainm'-nt value. King or Kings" (feature film) did not show- InuHi ho.vome» strength. l-'i«'nc'.'^^' off, .■ - The legend of-Chris-CoUimbus as recoume.d In . the ■'bedtinie. :scory mariner by Benny TRubin: is the sor.r of humor Stephen- Ijea(:ock ;; ;WouUl write if by any cha,hcc he took -iip Yiddish. , -: : ':•- 'v; . ' ' It's pretty ..staple goods :ihat Itenny is peddling tO: the Briiadw:;y. mobs. Other ni. c.'.s.bave de:vl.t in fancy groceries, such as- dignity, swaiik. ':jt,'.'- mammy ba1.lad<, torso wiggles and faultless tailoring, bin Bennv confines himself to siiupl.- ihinirs.. Next to a- citi'/.en. doing' v noble-))ratt fall, the'easie<.eoiriin'V" denominator for laughing pui-viot;*-.' is the- coini.c. mvitiliation ()f M;--- Majesty's language.. At .w.hat point Benny leaves off. aeting. and. becomes himself inight ))e an interesting' disclosure, l>u: meanwhile. this trade report ...wi 11 :umce in stating he is, sv. ell at the the aiipji'rently ef- fortle.s.s business of"pl.'ici.n.g. th'V grammatical cart before, the- hor^-e The motif, .Is Spani.sii- this week. .^l)anisli motifs are- quite no.hby with all stage bands. ,fjion-tb^ p.'irtirig of the drapes. Senor Jimioy Carr 'is seen as a gay-Oastilllan wit'i born-rimnied glasses leadiU'.; his Iroubadour.s in a popular tune. Tbi:- jeads to Gjeda and Imb.'^rt (Ne\V Aets) who make jingling n.(M;-e:j with fi.hger cym>>als and do;- v.ith tambourines, There is a-comic inule. . pos.^ihiy Spanish, although not stated. - (i<T- ild and-Haig'(-New- Aets) are north |-;>nd south .inside the nnile, a sweaty ii>V) 'twould seem. The Colony Is feaiunng a . short subject glorifying the NeW York Stock Exchange. It is an industrial picture made by VisivAraph, com pany speci:Vlizing in conuriereial or propatia-nda films. Makes an inter. esting>number while ca.rcfully sup pres.sing the speculative nature o the trading and bringing out ih<^ Pollyanna thorights -strongly.. FBO's "The Ci-eus Kid" syiicro nized witb tlGA Photophone pre ceded by a helpful talking - prolo of George BoMair.e is the screen fare. International' Ne\v.--.-eel used exclusively., • , . ■ An overflow concregation .^ahPatii evening. Lati'U Nt\v..rU N J nee K>. - Ptai'e *-be,\\ -V 'H>t <>■'' S-el- h viry-li.uht on t.tlent. with onlv the ..ets! I ut >Oine l icv el lies-.- >,r..i > : , i;v.,-.:-i;"<il diop 01 !•-( «d:i..- r.; •>.i- ! tail.- til."! laket^ done n. ni..u\>.-. bi>a- ; and li.iiht t;re< n. ■ , . . \ . r.and fr.'vnud in mauve and g»'V»'> I flowers, with a combination outside.i of rod plaid.- t-harlie Met.son., in kilt-^ land not alluring.. (ivii< kly changed-. Boo, good at-cordionist.. ends I with lights out. und: a,e.eordion and hilt rim butiinous: -DukeMvllale i.n . i K.r'eenian Twins fiui- >ouug bopter.s witli long routine, gled whiti: seantios tional tap toe d.iiieiiig. . ' Rorinie Laddies, loi'ab trio known on radio, sing two .Tonus'. well and. '^el encore. .Ciuild si-U tbemselve-^ ;-hrtii>r.'-- ' C'lu'i'rlie. in -line . fettle ■'Ihrougliout. siiifis lie'w song and goes ; across a.s usual- N*' one e.ari put 'liatter over Ivetter.. Also leads band, 'iwitb viical num'oers and .parodies, t\viu n \1idiuist s'i)Kis ,and goes ■ o'^f. Cha^lil^•< lires him; .Scrap with' band follows.. Oliarbe' quits ' and band plays liV ir.«elf.. .Xla.n fnun audieiu-e rushes .down and. sayirig Iie.'s man-. OK'-r.' lin s band. say.-< to. audience, ••\Vliat -do I. care,- so h'Ui; a.s I b:iYe you?", v-'barlie, back with violinist, starts band, but nianaL'er. llres.liin-> .•\uother sv'ra!", in %\'l-»li-h Ch.irlie apiieals to: "Mi;- lii'anf.ord." Lati^M- '•.,ays.('Ivariie eaii pl.vy only over his ld( ;id t-odVv Two off, shot heard au-l n'liarlie. r't-tvirns >;a\ini.' 'Now uv can 'pla\"-.for'curtain. - .: : - ■ ■' ' Curtain .opens and Charlie ex- phiiivs 1)0 will sliow Scotland as seCn liy Ainei^ieiins. .Bights out to reveal hills on - drop lined with bottles of ScotclK 'S'.ery tricky, aiiparently done, .hy differ..-nt lights .liriuging o.ut dif- ferent (lesiKUs in drop. ChMrlie-then tells band to imagm.- they are home in Chicago, arid they all-shoot guns: 3S ininntcs.- Twelve minutes interesting nevvs reel, hringin.c: in a-.Kiilo of the first flights' of .tl'ie Wrigh.ts at Be 'Mans, I'ance; three Pathe. two Par. two Kino, one M-G-M- Three minuter fashion reeKs in color's. l-V-ature. ■•Woman from Mo.scow." liked, here ■ I Wired) ("Crinoline Days' I "'n:ca! - L' n I . I - PARADISE Burn.s and Kissen leverted to the vaude tvpe in their- own spot, slip- ping in "two of their comedy P;t»-V- ■ dies held, over from the olio affair. Tliey landed. Bmilie and Romeine's different M.rt'of adagio served as the present- merit's -finale a^s .well as. their, o.wn individual chance.Man and w()man, thev di) hand and shoulder stan(i>, on "each other's hands and shoni- ders to be different, and dilferent ihev are. The woman',- apparent frciUy' is a valuable effeet. .^:\Ian probably, has the - only mustaehe m adagio circles.. Dave Rubinoff. tli<.n:;-ht of an old "ne for the pit orel.e.-^tral fealUK but it sounded as . good as ivw n the playing. "Var.-lty Ih'""•'^ niiAilit be played in various coun- - iries'. Th- YId Version ^^'ff ^"rr roniedv. No lid.llini,'- by Uabin'.n 11li« Wi-ek, If i-ec< pti"ll en U.1S, his ov<.rl;ire was the he^t lik'.d n-ni on . ilv- i.r'igram. . | ^i:Ke_J^.sj^A'-JIvo-^v (^'-•L 'l''' 'iLV.-ill-''J'V in harness a lid manri"uTTa''"rr.i.-.-^^i^;^ eoiis,,lf.s in their cu-.timiaiy ^up•■^) 11.; nr.'-r. I'losest .•-i-rutiny la"?' •in".f.ver .'\ singl'^ --^"i'' ^1""' ''"-^ <>^ the Crfiwford orrair i-eii'-'r'-- SEATTLE ("River Idea"-—Unit) . Seattle. Dec 1^- This -.Fan.hon & Marco "Rivcv Idea" flowed along at a swift pace •vnlashing hits of song, dance and i^lmanc'-that ^lOd.^:it:^n^H4^.of the bctlci' type-of M- ^,"'*?,Vv; Cementing the whole t-igcilier with sS Sn.iog..th6tigh H-;^-;^^ jx delightfi'il paucity .of ;V'n^'> " introducing the - headhners. H- > Phil" Bampkin. nr.c, was .lohmo on the spot'." While a ct'iipl dance dur'ts were "I'l.v EASTMAN* Rochester. K. Y,. Dec. 14. "Popular Potpoiirri," stag'c pros ontation at the Eastman this week, brings six song and dance nuniD'-rs lasting 25 minutes. Ol»''}'"p;''^'^'w co.stume octet, best of th<^ lot Company has don,e this f^^^'V^'^'-•^"'f hefore arid never talks to get a hand dre!3s up. the sinp.M s. in tM costumes of the gay nineties, theij comedy fits the dress. "Buy my roses. Buy my roses in high, falsetto by Margaret McK eon hefore the curtain goes back, sets the-pace of the number, ^h'' ^ " bright green creation wit;h basket of roses in front of blue V;l^'''t/roP; -Sbe-sinFs-:"Who'-l-HBuy My- Rosi s with comedy effects as Rins a d boys join her. Co.sttimes get a big kid net. .n horse, d.anclng picture of tlie s'o-.'^o. they p;ot by. and all worked into in a clever way. Flu bit some of the stars jneant deleting of. "Ready lUver" by Kick and Snyd- r ter hors de- combat Snu' - So l-'Jek's work was li:'.it vh- ide; <■:'',I-It or do.uhli'.-'Mnouiir iv w --• a; \ i ^iii rt I Kred .\i rei.ib and < '" . --• 11 v: -- >. in additioii to t!." «"-m. '■Tl.e lT!...U'ed Ho-)'^' with sr..;nd < f'e, is b'lt mit> : •.apl.on' T.ilki?i.L- fi-ature • (FN 1 . di:ileL' Uiij'. ,.,-j,,lil'd entrys' for th'- ; iir.;l( s .Hid.'duos who d;:n ••|-i\er" >on;;s. • i'-i-nn"- Johri.-o;i i T.Tlfrrp'T^fr-TTr7^iT.-7iTN"-^rH' ■ "e-.i;i e.ailv w'ith hi- l-rawl. Niee wardrobe aiM'op'^ I made this whole id( iThen V. ;tl! a s^.i-bb nn-- •,M.nt dai.k. and 1he-,-ix ■'.;id.-; changed to ratty ! l'i)-v ^-r.Wy for a n' this the lat- t-'hr. he \ arloil!- ■ il I 111 II ;< ml for :;h- % Ml ..i.:^:i'"'' Gordon Davis In bl.ackface haf ,^ song; 'Taint So, Hone.v." 1««My w-oll done. but. suffers froni- sirn- ilnrity to Metro Movietone by^f.eorgr Washington pcwey that .b-ft a bad *^Mar.tin Vogt 'in- bla--kfaee and Ruby Bohrcr. as high .yellow do a suappy eccentric taP df. nee .wi tl> ef feet • .^Mi'mo Bonaldi as .iM'ban frni vendor sings . Keapolitan street rongs. but fails to -measure pare of the: other nurnbei.-- ri green velvet trunk« and whit- blouses with green.ties c<.rnew.m.f''r a few kicks and comortu.i.s ealled "Strawberries." ; Final bit colorf.d. Hawaiian songs hycnsembl.. u. fi- ling of moon, palm ti-»-:- are! y--< VfliM.i Ruedenauer ii.M r^.i i -'t- an H:,wai:an dance l-'r fir^'; ^<.lo. ap- ' pJnranee and no kMi'k..-i'- A- - K.r.ves swiftly and ra'! . bit mi - ■ 1 : r.,1r-'V wlthOU^ WaitS "X-^TiT^V'^f^-^ •1. ete -i,i;'i I ir- 'li''<-tra ove'i-nrre p. fii.M-e firm "Sh"vv I'l ' ■ dr;.'\.n;r c;ird h'.ir l-r"U.:':'.' M;"--'.'.'!!. neconjpaiiirr;' I • i '>,-.{ r.rrang-l by . '-''i^-'i Tracer llarrron nu'i , . ' '("Night Club"-Unit) . Chicago. Dee. I'l. l\Viiuietii ioh is boiling on.tb.e, west jde. ' .\l;irks Bros, luiilt the-.^havhro. first w ith enough :s:i ats to. take'care. of cyei•^•br.dv. in th(!'.neighliorhfiod. V,. &. K. iKUight the t>:iradise later, advertising an "acre of .-eat.s-." Thai makes two acres within two blocks bfeaeli bther. and in a nei.i;bborhood, This is a funny town, though. Book at the guv wlio huib Teatro del T<apo, pieiure, right in a cow pasture outside the city, with noth- ing-in sight but a couple., of - Joe L-'riseo'.s phone booths. . ■About.half a house a. .the l-\»ra- Saturday afteiHiooji. and iriostly kids. "Night Club" unit opened ber»\ (ild. as its Intended lirst week at the'(Oriental Avas filled by an eastern unit.'shoved out nf the Chicago by Sousa and his band. :. _ .. •Nightclub' is one of those ihijigs that might as well be-titled •Venetian Ninhts." I'roducer diil In;- share with a pretty brick drape aud ,1 few balloons, hut the bookfrs liadn.'t beard. So there's .a a pair of guys di.sguised as comedienne, sister team, tor andf ballad singing In .a fr;<ri->e. ... Kids went for it .strong—more so than the elders. J'alterson Twins, opening, kicked a routine together and blew- off In a hurry. Very short fill-in. Jc-jn Roydell. long a well- known comedienne in the Intermfe- dlale and small-time vaudo h.-xlls. .stopped things cold with her bur- lesques on various types of fU\K^ hoofing. The gag Is a Umher body, iiecenting all the conventional.hoof- ing gestures into, ridiculousness. Mi.«« Roydell sings light ditties as ;he works, and the act is a good comedy ' acquisition . for picture hou.s('S. _. - '■ ,■ ■ _ . Doiiglas^WlghV^lH^ ro.rn^'n-nTen under a Spark Plug horse costume with' a. girl assistant aetmg as trainer, recelve<l scattered lauKhs Act had the s.'ime troiible in vaude but still it can be rated as satisfac- tory.' The idea is yet a novelty .n picture hou.'-e.'i. Closing. act wa.^ Cei-eldine and Joe. very -small KH.I team, panic-king the jovenile. -andi- ence here. : Apdehe roiitine is feat- ured for Jieallhy laughs, and before that the liov is really good iri an acrobalie l it spotted with fast head- 's,dns: fJirl does an Inipresr-ion of -M Jolson .'■in(.'inf,'"S<jnny Hoy." witli n beavv'll'p and a foreign aceent. With tliis ;i<-- a ra-ecedent. .Io< t.'oo.-. ..)-ould imi'ate.foiir Tiawailans. i;;.l)'-t of nire t'irl'^ wa."-- iiisertel I for poo, toe, rn d posiof tahbar hp". -.M--0 an-uriliill"! girl " reai- ■ *..;'e fir.rri'e. ^iiif'iliif a ballad a' p-'"'" 1. •' f-': .-■ I-:ra!: preduel ion., i ,M;iri: l-'i'dir r. r.i .c. '•an:' a!- ; ■ .ii d barii.ouiy.i d wi:>i ^o!.,e '.f h. : :.,r.s in < V-" ' ty'e: 1'" ' ^'•''' ] •■ p.. "Mar.!!:']: •. ' '"\ WxW n.->--.'.- '•;<'^ '- ' . and I''' •• iti ••Oin.voline Day-^.". li-.t'..' •'■';''•^V front liiirih-salaried Jiet^ ai:.! ..« .iing the dilTerencv to produ. tn-r. ''-i l.r.ight idea. Rerult is. a pip "f « show nil around and ras.'o ui-rin . the nu«ni-y spent on it . To tin- (tr'n-ntal inob. ;o;.-,;sii ineu - to heat their d-et ' to .l-i'-ih ju-/.z icmpo.-tho plaiiuiv.' mel.odi- nt - ■ mental tunes and luyop -:kl-''; ir this • show w-t re seuiothin;; . ••ii,.Voi i-.nt. P,v t'hi applaud'.tory -Coip:!..; ut. »-vg- l.stered it is evident . the> . l this . sort . of -st.ult, nt lertst .-'i.. e 'm ft A\ hilc. . ■ . - Wliile Ilarrl.S should Am . e:u ouou for the '-b'ook .' and -gi-iu'-r;;! i-eiis-iniO'- tlon of the unit. l..eo Starr. w-hi> de- signs the sets and arranges the st.age' nvfy come in for. hi-; share, of honors. ■ . With three ch.vrv.iies of Bcopes. all in fviU stat;e. Laivd. lis - Veniovvd to the pit, wheri> tlP-y '>dld; forth all the way. . ; Story .^eqiiencc of the show is' a . flashback to the "crinorn";.' days .•iftcf a modern sitiia.tion. , Sp''>'.ial-. lies by. asscirihled acts, h'l ndiiig as -w'eir -.I," may be cone"i\ed by ., ■stretching the Imagination. BeAd- , ing off is Ned Miller. soni:ologis,t : 1 with. .«oft piiies.' w'ho warlil'-^ a fit-. . 'tine,- note, .-v siilendif< roos'y. .de- ' sim.i'd interior ."^et is next. ,dri--se.d . wUli a firoup of l" ui'rN and in;ro- .. diu'ing Wally and Zella, si.andard . vaudi> tap.-danrihg feaie. ' llaril to distinguish which outdi:-;ai)e>';- the ..; other', -r.oth. are nifty . heel-:a>d-to& ' specialists. Tounny Atkins Sextet, with Nell . O'Day; were'feaiui-e material. Avhile registering . a show-stopping. bit. This outfit Is-being held ovrr indefi- nitely In the house ..and is .1 hot. Maxlne Hamilton, eccentric ringing and dancing comediimne, was a.gree- ' ably and humorously plea.siut. Miss Hn'iniltonV pint-.sized and peppy. Is a.dapfahle to \yorlN-ing a lope or with the m. c. to equal advantage. A "Swanee River" number, with the glrlsi. m. c. and .Teivune Kang, personality foil, wa.s pieini;:esque from color and effci-t angh-.s: Then followed some hot plan()' banging from .Johnny Payne, repeaii-d hei!v^ w:lihlri a few nvonths and .wv 11 liked. T' strictly an ad lib, admittedly knowing .nothin.u aiiput note.s or such thing.s, but he kiiqwfl the i-\^orie,«. In wind-up W(w;e Maiiricn' «n<l . \'ine.erit, comedy acrobats. Who de- pend oh-situations for laughs. They got snleker.s. They have seen too many acrobats, all kinds, around ti>is"town. • - Finale was an ensemlde fia-;h with n patriotic flourish. Pre.'-Jton S'-Uers, at the organ, gaye a rather b-ngihy recital, but customer.5 didn't seem, to mind. Singing bees are still In vogue here; ; Paramoiirit ne\v,«reel and' a Metro - Movietone talking short, witb Miller ;i,nd lAb s. .added to the scre'en. w.ith"" (FN) the fealure. [.uop. UPTOWN •'Hip -Itot.s, si»ii?e (Wired) Toronto, pi .• Jaek. Arthiir.'.s' a)l-girl I'e.viie IIlp Hooray." ha.S: it.s w«ak but i.s the of the foiii- units he has done ,with .his new m. c, ICd d 11; Ban gh tonKdd le is trio .show, becytise ho supplies all the hiugh.s Jn tho 4I)-iiiinute stretch. Opens with the band .lu_!i p<'I' be- fore an ornate futuristic-baek drop in scarlet and black. Driinimer lakes up vocal refrain In couide of r.-igs, .and there Is a neat hand lor Laugh- ton. He w'ork.s a coijidt' of bug- house gags to get them Jm hiimor, then calls in Kitty deMarco. sliick rope acrobat, who has a routine vaudeville opener and a nifty shape. The ballet girls, in while and ap- ple green, do a graceful waltz nnm- her. time they have play d a .straight bit in weeks, fJood for eye and e;ir, also the hairdre.sserls bank- ronr^—^^--^^--^^--^---^———— Reta de Siriione, .so'^rano. did a dramatic bit from "Cavalier de Kus- tlcana" that was smart, but the ef- fect was' partly spoiled in Iht fol- lowing: pop. Horace Bapp: i:e;Milar pianist, missing in ae.-oiin'ai.ine-nt, didn't help things mueh. The band went through, a .inedley. of Orlentiil'bits and built iifi a neat entrance for Hernlce and: 'J'ln'lm.'i. How. radio singers fr'.-m li.e Red Apple Cluh, who stopped tn.e .--hOW, laruelv through'ad hi' of in, ■'. B'T,' rilee.- the blonde, h.'id look'-- l-'it not niueh <-lse. Thelma. 1<>'-.'^- "-f eonier, lb r I (in a wow. Distiuet noAclty ( aeb 'if 1 '1 rirb in Miceialty V it!i I.-nigh- w as choi I):. P' ;-/.'-• ,' re i i n -1!. r ;\ • 1 . av .(fr' • 1 .Ml! Sin;.''I oj ' II'd ill t<i'>da!, -' U- \ i'd' t (;ore in Chin' • '• \io'i) > in ol'i-:-/-!' l:l"l:'' d - r;oe ai.d i-:vely.n CI.erb r . Mii'-;. .Mid -.vii 1':' ■]'■••■■> .'' -I,'■>•', I.''' "-e Hiirii-. !•■ S.I- .■ !'.i:-.'i'- >;••' !,' '1. ':>•■''• f-!' I-!- ■ . V:i>_j!^-.. Itni-eJ_2i ^-'' 'A' '. ■ ' a r'! r;'"^1 TTn"!?rrr it y by. 1 ioTrt :lo,,ed .'-;jaee ' ;i :<<,-• i.'-ppy ilit: . • ih il 11' V. S. form' >...n>- gi'fid;;rillv t'l o'ind. and the tlnal f!:.g. fi.;-! Cr.'-'K-.-'d'--." s .'if ium.i Wav -ahead • <■«,'; n n '5 w'.ih w'lund I :rrT ■'i'l f " I . of I- '• ). - o» g 'fi ..(I! '.-.I'l! ' i.l 1:..:'! (,.t ):.• (I J. I