Variety (Jan 1929)

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34 VARIETY Wednesday, January 2, 1929 PRESENTATIONS—BILLS NEXT WEEK (January 7) THIS WEEK (December 31) e R 1< a' A I e t I I :-f- n M t Y, \ 1 •B t t j t .t T x I .1 e t I J . 1 Shows ca,rryiri^ numorrt.Is such as (0> oi' (7) iinli< week on Sunday or Mbnclay, as dato. niiiy .be. For tins With split weeks also Indicated by datos,. Ah asterisk .(*) before name sifrnilies net is new' to turn, reappearingr after abvsence or app^urinij: for IVrst iPictures inelude. in .elassifieation picUn-'V. policy, ^v presentation as adjunct. 'ale ^)pf•nin^' next week (;!0) or. (31j city, doinp a new tijiio. itli vaviileville or LONDON Week Dec. 31 Kiit|)lrc. Clowns in Clover ■ I.OM)ON Hi|tpO(lroiiro A Good Girl Kcv Victoria rtilace Biert Cbote Co BlUy Bennett May HenOcrson Carr Lynn Mftiiey. ■& nobcrts .Jenny .Ttirgor Victoria OirlM Yoflt it Pmr Ast'r>- ft: A.slon'a : Ktnplre JJrown Jilnis llov STKATKOUU Kinplre', Eric . I'l-aODcli Kildie IJaye.>< Miu-lft r«a\vti)n Harriott KiU'iir Deltkor & Pan .\toiin (troy Gcor(,'da C'Jirppntor PROVINCIAL ENGLAND ARKKDKICN II. M. Tip Toe« BlkMINGIl!\M iCinpire . * M'ny H'.py Returns ■ Orund. ■.. . jejnny Kbrdyce Tarsey & Scott ■ Lily Aloore. . D & E Tiar.stow Carr & I'fell Flotaanv. & .Tctsam Robins .Tom Davie3 3 BLAi'IirOOIi Ornnd ■ Trial of .Ma,ry D • Operii IlAuae ' Plying Squitd BKAUFOUD Alliumbru' Dam Thing .Aftor A CAEDIFF Knipire White Camellia EKINKrilGIl . .Kitipire ■ '■ Vagabonil- King ■ GLASGOW Alliaihbru Show JJoat ■ /- ' Empire Chas TJlrlck A C Astor .G H. Elllotf .■Lea .Fluhcrn Tom & McSweeney Miguel Cuivln y, 10 Looples MANI.KY 'Gruiid Will 6' the Whisp'r jn 1,1, I'aliice Wind ml 11 -M.-in i,Ki';i)s •Umpire Hullo Toinniy Roj'ul . Clndf'rt'lla MVEItrOOI, Kiiii'lre Glndorela MAXHKSTlSK ■ :. riilitcu I'antoniimc! ki2\vc.'.sti;e Knipiro Virginia NKWl'OKT Uiiiplrlj 1914 NOTTINGHiV»l : . Kmplre All at sea Koyal De.^ert . . rORTSMOVTII . Itoyiil I.,ftdy Mary SllIiHfIEI.D Eniplre Good Newa SOtTlIAMl'TOX Empire.. Winona' SOl'TIISEA King'H Show'.s the 'I'hlng SWAVSEA Empire Samples Picture Theatres SVMV YORK CITY Cttpilol (20) Bob Nelaoh Dave Schooler King & King- . ■ Forest yiirnall Gertrude Lang ' White & Miirtning "West 'of Zanzibar" Paramount "Perfect Girl" Unit Bonnie . Krueger. Rublnoff Helen' MacFaddcn Joe Tenner Liuella Lee 4 Cheer Leaders PoBter Girls ''Shopworn /Itngel'' CHICAGO, II.T.. Avnlon C-iO) Del. Lami)e I5d Prosper & Ma ret Ad.ims & Ra.sah Meehan & Newman Capitol (20) Roy Dotrich Bd Juvenile Uov Capitol Ballet Chicago (40) "B Grass Bluos" U H L .Si)Ualny Bd "SynthelU- Sin" Graniiiln C^O) Chas Kiilpy M iBustei' . ^!:. .T West Olive Fayrt Pep|t.o * Car the Jerouio Mil tin Harding an "Crinoline I'lfiys" I' Al Moi-oy na Wally Vt Zolla ; Maiirlre A'tncfnl Maxin'e llanillton ' Johnny I'liyiie "3 Wook nnds" Marhro 'ill) .. Benny IMeroff Hd • Dc)ni)aoy T.iiVoaux Robblns Family . • Mllo . Carlto,n. Bowman Norxltorc CJI>) "Oh Toarhor." L'jilt Al Kvalp Bd . ■ Arthur KoiiH.v Jcanno . "IlcviMipe" OricnUiI (liO) Senator V .Murphy Edgpcoml) 4 McCuno .Sis Grapp .Toliri.^on "Motlior McC'i'pp" riiriidlHe (2!)) In Tiivland llov Marlt I'MshPi- Bd "Somi'onp to Love" Il4'gal (2HV Fpss Williams lid . Ishllcwa BriiH . iCoscla a- .\'i'ritl WgaTpTTi'^ r- ■ •^ Klalto CIO) Bender .Ktiiipp • > •■•^''JIoc r.pp' S( nil ford • Id hair Ci-.T) M lllllblpm Bd Ted I,Pnry Stiidlpr & lUisp Rubovillo ■< ■ Whltpy UoUortH . Bribo Sis TUnW (30) "Hou.sobonl" I'nlt Dave Aiiollon • Snrpl Girls "Somoono to Love" Towor am "Gyp.iyland" fnit Lou K Of) I off Tld Wnlzpr * Dyer Nat Spec lor ■W Si Kav i-'.-rioU'-la Jliill I'aragon 4 .Marie J'auli (Jolihi; (;irl.>; S. ANTOMO. TEX. Toxiis (">) ''Ilarein Seareiu" U Hurry .'^avoy liuth Stall! Tumbling Clowns liltiL Rubprtl Fo.sti.'r (JlrlH Jt'ox (5) Doctor Jazz Pres ■ 111. Tlllerellps : LawrenPo l.)ownoy Nieyer Davis .^ym .f-oon 'Bru-vllofr .. "Sunrise"- (2n)' .fcwpls Pres iN'iiney Decker Leo Prince .Svil SiH 1.2 l''iisii'r ClrJ.s 'l'hei> l't''iriiin;;li)n Sainniy Krploft Goiuez .<• 'Winona Mpyi^r Davis Syiii I,awrpni'o Downey : I,eon ItrusilofC "Iloil Wintj" I'liltiCP (■>) ".rust Kids" . Vnil I'lias lloze la ' CccilP Bliiir Atitiu Chang. . . .Vl (;nlc> Could .Clirls "S \V....k Knds". (29) • "Magl<- .Hug" Unit. Hurn.s it Kisseti I3milp (K- Romalnc Gordon A King Hfcnry. Johnson Foster Girls "West of Zanzibar" ALF T. WILTON V/ISHES EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD A HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Quayle & Kelly "Revenge!" Uptown (20) "Artists Frolic" U Verne Buck Bd "Sonieono to Love" ATLANTA, (iA Howard (7) "Step This Way" U Dictators- Bob Bob & Bobble Bee Srircho Francis Wills- Nat Spcotor Foster Boys & Girls n'RM'GIIAM. ALA. Alabama (7) "Main St B'w'y" U Aliuira Sessions' Joe .Besser Cj' Kahn rjurday & Norway Ruth Witmer Arthur Campbell Sorol Co . BROOKLYN rnramotint (20) "Just Kids" Ulilt Paul Ash Ad- Carter ."Shopworn Angel" . UAI,LAS, TEX. Palace (5) "Pow Wow" X'nit Hd .t Morton Beck llorlon Spurr Henry Barsha Ttplen I'ack.ard raTil " Krasf ■ T" — Sorel Ciris DEXVKR, COL. Opiivcr CD "TeeinK Off". Cnll Hert lloiivi- 1 fenry, Dunn lOarl l.aV'ere Dullln it Draper Alice Wellnian , .Cramby-Ua'e cilrls Dies AIOINHS. Caplfol (5) • "Ifsweet Blues" U l') UetlPr Gr;ii'.e Barry Ciraep Diifave Wi-lls WInlhrop B'lys ,»;■. Cilrl.K EV'NSVIl.LE, IM),' Victory 2(1 half (:!-r>) AI it Lo'jso Uiidack T,eO ,t y DoiiKlu-rly Joe Bentiptt TOinerson . it B'Id win 4 Mrailnas I'T. woiri'ir.. TE\. •\VorMi (.">) "Habes B'dway" I' Du Calllon ColleltP Si.i! li'red r.erM;i rd HI PC I a Tiavel -1 roiiiiurJiuiUau^^^^i. i!aniby-H;ilo Tr IIOI'STON. TIOX. -iM(>(ro|)olllan (*i) "West I't Days" L" .riisei)h (Irll)in \'lr»;lMla Johnson Morn i*i Luwrcnco Coo ,NellilolT (5:inibv-Iiale Co N. OULEANS, LA. .Saciigpr (r») "Ocean liluos" U ('h.'irley Chase .\1 NorHum Allilone 21 Foster Girls OMAHA, Mat. RUiera (1) "Wonilcrfl Girl" V Gooi-j;p Uilpy llclc"he Ilellcr NEW YORK CITY Anierirun 1st half (7-9) Dlack & Gold Harriot llulchlns Hewitt & Hall Lane & Lee Wilson Bros (Three to nil) 2d half (10-13> Lorraine & MInto GrlliUhs & Young Josephine Harmon . (Others to fill) Boulevard : lat half( 7-9) ' 3 Orantos - Konosan Green & Austin Dooley & Sales Parker & Babb Or 2d half (10^13) . Llla Campos Caits Bros Whirl of Splendor (One to fill) Coinmoiioro 1st half (7-9) Olive Green Co Bob Nelson Co P London & Pals (Three to fill) 2d halt (10-13) Julius Fuerst Co lOrma Bcrtrand Co Kemper &Bayard Brandell (One to nil) Oolanccy .St. lat halt 17-9 ) . Uucker & Pcrrln Chas' Aliparn ('o (Others to nil) 2d halt (10-13) Les Jardys Arkansas Charllp Weston & Lyons (Three to nil) I'ltlrmouiit ..._.Ast_haU (L-jU_,_ Karle v^' "ttovcin Restlvo A &■ T, Barlow roddje T,aiiiiiprt Co G {^■ P Magley Ucv •Jd halt (lO-i;!i I'-ltzgi-ralds . lOliloit it I>aTour . Mob Nelson Co .•^nlly Hand Boys (t)nd to nil) ■ (•rami Isi half (7-9) Gibson.- /C- I'ricc Violet McKep Co I'i'use & Nelson Co Joe Darcey t>or()thy Henry Co 2d half (10-13) Mniihair 'i'r .Mui-rav (Jordon Co r,eo 'i'wins Co (One to nil) I>ihrolii S(|. 1st (7-9). G .t ]■: Pai'lis- .r llaniion it. (;o iThree to Illl) 2d halt (10-11!) Jiilin It Walsh I'll Il"nry Kegiii it .Co Itiiclier \- I'errin II lltitclilns Co (One to lilD Niillonal Sr=lTIT-I ) =^ r.-irker \- .Mack Meyers iio .N').l:in .las Kcnni-dy Co .M.irty ,M.iy Wlilrl of Spli'MiIcir 2d half (lii-i:'.i Mlack it Gi.ld ;t Vacraiit.M Wilsnn Bros I'^rank Pol'son <'•■< (One to nil) Orplw'iiin <f 1st hair (7-9) Bonhiiir Tr IlieliS it Hart MurnS it Wllsfm Kemper ^- Jtayard P 1) K- Mi'Kenn:\ 2d half Pk'kard & Pul ■trade 2 Pease &. Nelson Co Joe Daj-cey G t P Magley Rev State (7) Gaynor & Byron (?oss & Barrows' •IlosH Wyse Jr Co Al B White Gang . (One to nil) Victoria 1st half (7-9) The Fltzgeralds Hale it HolTman Keller Sis & Lynch I,anp & Harper . 11- Glorious Girls 2d half (10-13) Perez & M'rguerite Konosan Millard & Marlln . Eddie Lambert Co Dorothy Henry Co BROOKLYN Be^Iford 1st half (7-9) Yvonne. & Victor Trado 2 Grimihs & Young Billy Beard Co DoJan it Bonger R 2d half (lOrlH) Palermos Canines Meyers & Nolan Van Si Vernon Keller Sis & Lynch (One to nil) •Htth St. 1st half (7-91 P.alcrinoa Canines C'per it Cavanaiigh Scotts & Vornon Sonny HInes Girls I'rivato -Slack .2d half (10-13) Olivera Bros McCoy & Walton Billy Arlington Co I,ponoras Stejipcrs tOne-to (Ul) ^^ = Gates Ave. 1st half (7-9) , Olivei-a Bros llalslead & D;inlels .MeCii\- ',V.- W:iltiin . Hilly Arlinglim Co Sally .Band Bovs 2d half (-10-13) ?, Students llerreiis . K-. Bol'.ajid 'l"nifliy--(^h rinl inn - B (One to nil) Metropolitan (7) Splnia Brant-/, Co . Carroll .si.s ■ Carson it Willanl Low-e & Sargent R 2d half (10-13) G & M McLaren I,a'no <t Lee U y'l Welch Gl'm'n I One to nil ) . Prospect lat hiilt (T-9> Wheeler S .lohn Walsh Co- (■'nrshmen. (;!o-Ed8 Tracy & Hay Co (One' to nil). .2d ha:f (10-13) Karle Rovcin Violet McKee Co Cole & Snyder Sonny HInos Girl* ATLANTA, GA. Grand (7) ir it M Scrahtqn ' Geo Lyons ' .Morgan & Sheldoa Morris & Campbell Uaneing. T,ess6n9-' BAY RIDGE Iioew'8 1st halt (7-9) .N'lobP Frank Dobao'n Co r,ytell & Fant 3. Blanks (One. to, nil) . 2d half (10-13). Norton & Brower 11 Glorious Girls (Two to nil) BO.STON. MASS. Orpiieum (7) Moyd .t Wiillln . Franclne Leo Bill Harl.and Dixon (} F & Stewarts (One to nil) CANTON, O. Locw's (7) 4 Aces & Queen Mltchel & Mlnch Meredith & S Jr Carney & Jean . Juvenile Steppers CLEVEL.\ND, O; Park ■■ 1st h.ilf (7-9) - (Same bill plays' Granada 2d half) Tjohse & Sterling Geo DuFranne Co Peggy M'kcchnle C Jones & Rea Eddie Mayo- Gang (Same 1)111 . plays Granda 2d half) CORONA. L I. - I'laKH 1st half (7-9) G & M McT,aren Singer & Lightnor Alexainder & P.eggy Leonoras Steppers (One to-nil) . ' 2d halt (10-13) NIobo Halstead & Daniels I,aho & Harper Chas Aliearn Co (One to nil) EV NSVILLE. IN0. Loew'8 (7) Hubert Dyer : Co Villa & Strlnge Welst & Stanton. C Bdlth Clifford Co Les Gellls Rev HOUSTON, XEX. Houston (7) Carr Bros & Betty Earl & Bell Toomer & Day Bert Wa-lton Braille & Pallo R ■ JAMAICA, L. I. Hillside lat half (7-9) Sembla Bros Tucker & Smith" Lee Twins Co (Two to nil) 2d half (10-13) P D & McKenna C'per & Cavanaugh Freshmen Co-Eds (One to niiy .- MBJurnis, TiiNN. J.«ew'» (7) , Romais Tr - . Vincent O'Donnell In Wrong Robblns & Jevvett Collcglana MONTREAL, CAN. Loew's (7) 4 Kadcx Ed & Lou Miller Leon & Dawn D H'rris & Frsnkle Dave Harris Girls (One to nil) NEWARK, N. Ji State (7) Marie- Marig Cn Clark & O'Neill Brown & LaVellp Watts & Hawley M'dd'k's B'g O'T NEW ORLEANS State (7) Man-Kin M'r'n W'rn'r & M Memories of Opera Chabot & Tort 1 no Alice Doyo Co NORTOLK, VA. JiOew's (7) Law ton ■ Bernard & Hehrie SaranolT Co • Barrett & Curineen 6 Harmahlaca TORONTO, C.\N. Loew's (7) Al Gordon's Dogs 3 Ryans Casey & Warren Faber & Mclntyre F & M Brltton Or W'DHAVEN. L, 1. Wiliard lat half (7-9) 3 Students Marcus Berta Wally Co Berrene- &- 'Bblland Randow 3- 2d half (10-13) Yvonne & Victor Hewitt & Hnll Dooley & Sales L & F Berkoff Or (One to fill) YONKEBS, N. Y. Y^6nkerN 1st half (7-9 I Pere^ & M'rg'rite Tom & Jerry Millard & Marlln Murray ' Gordon . Co Lorraine & MInto C 2d half (10-13) . Sembla Bros Hale .& Huffman Tuckot & Snilt1\ Lo'we''&. Sargent R (One to All) Keith's 1 NEW YORK CITY Cliestcr iBt half (6-.9) Abbott & Blsland (Others to nih 2d half (10-12) Nat Haines Co (Others to flU) 2d half (3-6) Donal Sis Barbler SImms Co Dale & Fuller Rich & Cherle L Rich & Friends Coliseum 1st half (6-9) Mcl Klep Unit 2d halt. (10-12) B it J crelghton (Others to nil> 2d half (3-B) E Stanley & Ginger Julius Tannen 14 Brlcktops (TWO to nil) 81st St. (t) Ship Ahoy Chancy & Fox (Three to nil) (30) - Honey Family Ann Grpenway Glenn & Jenkins Danso Rhapsodies Frank Fay Fordltam 1st half (6-9) B S: J Crelghton ^Mitchell & Durant ' (Threc To 'nilV ^ • 2d half (10-12) ■■Mel Klep Unit - 2d half (.",-5) Mr it Mrs J Barry .loe I^arccy Al .Moore Bd (Two to nil) FranUllh 1st halt (&-?> Mlg RosIp Kane & I.O'lis (Three to nil) ■Cd half (10-12) Falls Beading & B (Others to flll) Renlo' Rlanp Co - - Tano Shoes The Collcglatcs .Teiferson 1st half (ii-9V . Irene Rlcardo (Others to nil) 2d half (10-12) ; . Big Rosle Mr & Mrs J Barry (Three t6 nil) 2d half (J-.-i) Sawyer & Eddy Hfenry Kelly ' Carrie St Eddy Co Suite 16 Rao Samuela'. Musical Enchnnt'tit Palace «B Chas Slim . Timblin Parlalan Red H'.ds Joseph Regan Eddie Conrad Co Olsen's Orch (Others to nil) (30) Pola Pastimes Keno Gr'n & Mitzi Mitchell & Durante Markert Dancers Paul Whiteman Bd Evans & Mayct- (Three to nin . Regent 1st half (C-91 Claude & Marlon (Others to till) 2d half (3-{)) -Rlckard -& Gr.-vy A Logan & GoodP 3 Sailors . ' Cody 5 (Ono to nin Itlverside 1st half (6-9) Padlocks of 1928 2d ha[lf (10-12) Philaon & Duncan C Ben'.hgton it N Y Leo '■ Gail' En>iemble (TWO to nil) 2d , half, (.n-r.) Lewis -,& Win thro J) Mich on Bros Frank Mullane G Broadhurst Co Kaiie. <t E.lls C'rackcrjacks FAB KOCK.VWAY Strand . .2d half (10-13) Kane & Ellis. Crackcrjacka ■ tOthera to nil) 2d- half (3-0.) Diaz Monkeys • Falls. Beading it B Nina Gordunl Co Harry Watson Jr. Ilobbc &. Van II Waimun's Deba. BKOOIvI,VN . All»ee (C) Bay Hullng Seals- l.'iidcrcurrpnt - • . ; Ci'hree to 1(11) . ' . (30) Cycle of DanCe Bv'n >t Whitiaker (iebi'ge Olse.h ■ lid- Jack Benny tOne to nil) 1st half (6-9) . Lewis & .Winthrop Geo Broadliurst Milton Berle Gilbert & Avery (One to fill) . 2d half (10-12.V Herbert Bee.son Co Claude & Marion Fantastic Kev ' (Two to nil) 2d half (3-5). 1 The SeebacUs Mays Burt & Finn Fellows Harry Burns Co Joannic Greenivolnt 2d half (S-5) Frank Viola Co Fare & Clear Abbott & Bisland 2d half (10-13) Fulmnn & Wayne Tell Tales Redmond & Wells G Dauhton Shawd (Ono to. flll) BALTIMORE Now Gardons (7) J & B Brawn Rene ' Rlano C'6 Joe Browning Trcnialne .(irch (One to nil) (31) Nathal Al Be White Bnt .lack Major: (Two to nil')' BINCiH'T'N, N, Y, Bluglmn)|>t«>;i 1st half (7-9) Ora . Stewart Oli.v.e Eva Tahguay (Two to nil) . 2d -half (10.-13) All Girl iSliow BOSTON, MASS. New Itoston (7) Chappelle & C'lton Marie DiComba Co. H Ardcn & 3 M't'rs DcMolaye Bd (One to nil) , Sc6llay Sq. (7) ISlslo it Herman Kody & Wilson . Hogan & Cohen-' Billy Gilbert Co (One to nil) , BCFFALO Slien's Century (7) Ken Murray l.'nll (31) . The Del Orots Hap' Hazard Henry Santi'y Co . (Two to nil) CANTON. O. Palace 1st half ' (7-9) COMMERCIAL RADIO Si'C our Mt. Urtrry Lee for cDimncrvlnl rndlo tiookl'nRS. We liftrc tilneed such names as. Stella Mayliew, Julia S,^ndc'^^o^, ' Frank Cruinit, Marie CahlU, Josephine Sable and . Klelinrd Kceiie on tlic nir. Suitable talent al- ways ill (lonmnd. LYONS & LYONS , Joe Phillips li Dockprlll Horses Kenniore 1st half (6-9) Rae- & Dot Dean ;! Sailors Florence M-qers Bd' (Two to nil) 2d half (10-12) Padlocks of 1928 2.d half (3-5) Dotson . Irene Vermillion Co Watson & Cohen Ruby Norton U'rVd Charles & K Madison Ist half (C-9) Suite 16 CraokerJn,cks (Three to nil) 2d half (10-12) . The Collegiates (Others to nil) 2d half (3.5) fjoul's & Cherle Rodero & Maley- Padlocks of 1928 Orpiieum 1st half (6-9) .. Herb'ta Beeson Co Dave Thursby Co Harrison & Dakin Fantastic Rev (Ono to flll) • 2d half (10-12) Helen MorettI Collins & Peterson Bl'mb'rg's Al,ask'ns (Two to flll) 2d half (3-5) Yong Kee Tr Dixie ■ffamllton Lulu MctJonnell Foley & Lutour Fraternity Rev Prospect 1st halt (0-9) , Nat Chick Haines Paulo -Paaulta & C (Three to flll) 2,d half (10-12') .Tos'ephlne Monatitin Barbler Slmms Co Alexandria &. Olsen (TWO to nil) 2d half (3-51 Beege & Qupec ' Armst'g & Gllb't 3 Double Exposure Morey TJUs & I-eo Claude•.& Marion B Wells it 4 Fays AKRON. O. Palace iRt half ('7-9) (Same bill ploys YouhgStpwn 2d half) Uodrlgo & T..lla 'Honey Boys Girl .Wanted Corrlhe Tilton (One' to nil)' . 2d half <3-C) Devil's Circus Chevalier Bi-os. Tuesdays 723 7th Ave. New York JACK L. UPSHUTZ TAILOR, 908 Walnut St., Phila. Vox it W-ilt->rs Willie Solar .Gain.-^ilii-I' Orch Oriental 1st half (7-9) KlWiptl I*;- T.aTour . 'J"nn!iy I"hi'isti.-iti () (.'I'liree to lill) ParUi r X- M.ick Gr.-iee K- V. I'arKs Lew Ki'lbv it Ci Dolati it Moniri-r M tone to nil) I'alnco 1st liali' (7-9) .1 l'"i|i'i-st Co llr.iiub 11 We!:i on it T.s ons (Twi) to nil 1 :M half I ici-l.'!) llmiie K- (;.-ili'. Cl'bi-.'p lo ti'J) Premier 1st lialt I 7-9) Pii-U.ii.l .t I'.il .\rl;:lnya:^ I 'li.'irl'.>» .-<nii;li iV D.irlier Van it \'ei-ni)n 2d halt (3-5) Golden (late U'bl's Vorke it King llnliand Rev (Two to nil) . Hamilton 1st half (C-9) Bil'y Purl Co ''i°JTO'iin^'it'=Jerilrln-.<i— lir)iib')-(,''.'» Alask'ns ('I'wo to nil) 2d half (1(1-12') Geo .Bro.ldhurst Co (Others to nil) Sd half i'.i-rA Ilcrberla Beeson Kvan Sis I'Mille Dale Co Collins it Peterson (.One to Illl) 11ipi)oi]ron)o (0) Freda \- Palace IJae .*<aTnuel3 Danso Uhapsudl.os (.Two to Hill - CM)) Mlg lloHl,. Hill Blllle B & J Crelghton • Nat Chick Haines Phil Baker Royal 1st half (i5-9) Fitch's Minslrda 2d half (i0-12V Mays Bui-t & Finn Dave Thursbv Co nnr r I So n —(.t-"=l:)irki n= (Two to nil) 2d half (H-.-.) M Henry's Hieph AUcjO Merely. Davo Thursliy ("0 Bay it Dot Dean (Onn to nil) CONEY ISLAM) Tllyou 1st hiilf (i;-9> Barbier Simins Co Aloxanilria olsen (Three to niD 2d half (1(1-12) Suite 10 Paulo Pa(iultn it C (Three t.o lill) 2d li;ilf I."-.•.) White's Circus Keane & Whitney Pod Dooley. Odiva it Seals ALLENXOWN, PA Colonial 1st half (7-91 Modern Cinderellii Dotson (Three to niD ■"-Td^^li.Tir^CI 0--1-31--- Whitman's I!hythm Foley it La tour I Three to nil) .V.MST'HD'M. N. Y. Iliallo • 2d half (li)-13) Ora Allen it Ueno Talent it Merit (Two to nil 1 ATIi.\N'II( CITY Keith's ' l.<it half (T-9) Be'rk'it Sawn 4 High Hatters Kyan Sis W'(it.«on <!.• Cohan Flashes of Youih Along Broadway George Heatty (Three to nil) 2d half (10-13) Tiny Town Key - liCvan . & BoUes . - Behee & Rabayette (Tw6 to niiv 2d halt (3-6) Douglas & CVaro Fr.ikson F X Bushman Jr. Olive Olaen Olympla & Jules CIIATTANOO<tA Kcltli's 2d half (10-13) .1 Nelsons Shafer and Bernlce Dance Bits-. ' (Two to nil) . CINCMNNATI Aii>ce (7) '4 Karreys. Kcanei' & 'Whltn.ey '- Jlmmy. Savo Co (Two to fill) . (31) Mifslc Art Rev Madle & Ray Clifford & Marlon Van & Schenk Tampa l»alaee. (7) Archie - & Gert- Fall Olive Olsen : . Swor & Goude' Smith & Hart Chas Fay Rlva & Orr (31) Palmlta & Millet Jack Han ley Anthony & Howl'd Billy Doas Co Herbert Clifton Ilatt & Herman CLEVELAND, O. lO.llh St. 1st half (7-9) Jack Uanley Tony it Noriiinn Babe Egan Redh'ds (Two to flll) 2d half (10-13) Manhattan Stnpp'rs Tom AVaring Be van & Flint (Two to nil) 2d half (3-C) Adeline . Bendon Paul DeockcrCo Flo Brady . Behce & Rub.ayetto (One to flll) PaUice (7) Chevalier Bros Foy Family Fr-ankie Heath - (Thtce to fill) (3t) .-Honey Boys Bobby May - Kitty Doner Co Sylvia Clark Lean & Mayfleld . C Bcrnivlcl Orch COUv'.HBltS, O. Keitli'8 lat half (7-9) Levan & Bollcs Tiny Town Rev Ryan it Lee Brhee & Itubayette (Ono to flll) 2d half (10-13) Along Broadway - George.' Bcalty T,ean & Mayfleld . Tony- & Norman (One to flll) 2d halt (3-S) Dance Bits C.V- Landry Ruth Wiirren Rosalind Ruby :.1Jiumy=J£!a vQ..-C.ol Large it Mormier . DAYTON. O, Ivellirn . iHt half (7-9)- 'S;ime. bill -plays Louisville 2(1 half) lli'-rn'ian Timb"rp V 2d half (3-11) T.llllan St Leiin Co McLaughlin' * IJ'. .lack I'epi'el" Tony Sr NoiMiiaii Davy AVhile Co DETROIT. MICH. . (iran<l Riviera 1st half (7-9) l''sniond (t Granc Kosalind lluhy (Three to fllll) 2d half (10-13) Ryan & Lee Stan Kuvanaugh (Three to flll) '; Moliy^V(»od half (7-9K Hyde & Burrell Lean & Mayfleld (Ono to flll) . 2d hiilf (10-13) Rosalind Ruby- (Two to flll) 2d . h»,lf (.3-0) Cepll & Van Lilll^in SHaw ' Tiny Town Rev Oriental (7) Oerber'a Gaieties ' Frakson . * - Ruth Warren Co Dbhprty ,t Breen East iSi Duiiikc (Two to nil) ITHACA, N. Y. • Strand 2d half (li)-i:;) Burt ■& L'elinian Har'doon ((.)'ne to nil 1 JER.SEY .<'IXV SliUe 1st half (7-9) - Jay' c Flippen's Co . :!d half no-ij) Bungle Love Jack Behnv (Three, to nin . 2d hailf (:;.C) Art Landry ()i-cli- (Othera to .fill) . ' OFFICIAL DENTIST TO THE N. V.' A. DR. JULIAN SIEGEL 1360 Broadway. Bet. 46th-47th St*.. Niw .V9i« tUU Week: Jack Lindcr; Sum . ItornKtoin Toih SnUih .Memphis (,'blleglans : ■ (3) Wills & Holii-iPa Otis Mitchell Girls Tom Smith Corrlne Tilton . Signer Friscoe Co l.'ptown- 1st half (7-9) Joe Howard Co .. Bevan & Fiint ' Adfeline Bendon Go (Two to nil) 2d half (10-13) - Hyde «r Burrell Klein Bros . Babe Egan Rcdli'da Cl wo to . fill) 2d halt (3-0) , Lo Grohs . Rodrigo & 'Lila Caaper & O'Neil YacopI Tr (One to nil) EA.STON,, PA, ■.Majestic 1st half (7-9) Whitman's Boys Foley & I..a Tour . (Three to. fllD' 2d half (10-13): iloderii Cinderella D()tson (Three to. fill) ELMJKA, N. T Majestic 1st half (7-9) 2 Blosaom.s Eminett King Cuby & Smith • On the RIvlora ' (One to flll) 2d halt. (10-13) 4 Caddica , Eva Tanguay (ThiPe to fill) ERIE,. P.V. Erie 1st halt (7-9) 3 Am i ma Ad(l Brown .' Harry Jackson - Co ' Weber & Bay ' (One to fill) 2d halt (10-13) Jack Haulcy May- Usher Homer Llnd Co Farnell & Florence ((")ne to flll) FLUSHING. N. Y. Ke!tlt'8 1st halt (7-9) Mr & -Mrs J- Barry (0tlv?i-3' to nil) . 2d .halt (10-13) Irene -'Ricardo Evana' & Mayor (Three -to flll) 2d half (3-6) Betty Blythe Freda & Palace - Holen Arden Co (Two to nU) G'RuM'NT'WN. PA. Orpiieum lat halt (7-9) Fulm'an & Wayne Billy Maine Co- Redmond Sc Wells 6 Daunton Shawa (One to nil) 2d half (lO-lSI .Melodious Maids Bnrr & La Jlari'. Little Plplfnx Co (Two to nil) ' GL0VER.SVILLE Glove 2d half. (10-13) Hughie Clark Cnit GRAND RAPIDS Keith 1st half (7-9) (Sam(? bill plays Toledo 2d. half) Lc Grohs Cfraduates . KNOXVin.E K<«itirs .. 2d half (lOrlS). Wfstlako & Ha:ne« Vera Cole Johnny Barry Co •XTwo to AM) . LANCASTiEi;; : PA^ CoionUii half i7-9.) Spike Howard Pclvey Sis Weather or Not Down -Home (One to nil) : 2d-half (10-13) Cheal(ilgh ."t Carls'a- Rigoletto B)-o's lyhng & -Haley Melodious Maids (Ons to nil) ■ - LIMA 1st halt (7-9) ; 3..Golfers. Cook &. Oat 111 an Lum & White Helen I-Iigglna Co ' (One to: nil) LOCISVILLE . Keitirs 1st half (7-9) (Same bill plnys Dayton 2d halt) Roscoe Ails- Co Anthony -it Ilowl'd Zelda Santley. Largo & Morgner (One to nil) 2d half (3-0) : Rlva & Orr . Sw6r <t Goode Ch{\s Ray 4 Karreys ' (One to nil) kANSFIELO, O. - Madi.son 2d half (10-13) Dekos Bros Kdwarda it Sanford (Three to fill) MARION, O Palace 1st half (7-9) C.Uira K Young ticKos Bros Co (Three to-fill) • 2(1 .halt (10-13) Chlnko & Kauftnaa C;ook &' (Three .to nil) MEAUEVILLE Pavit 2d half (10-13) r.,uhi it White Franci.s Renault (Thi-ee to flll) ' SIEMPIIIS Orpiieum (7) . Bes.«!er & Ba'four (Others to flll). (31) r^a Belle Pola Derlckaon & Brow* Smith & Hart Kenneth Harlan AI Trahan Great Shubert MONTGOMERT Keitli'H 2d holt (10-13) Jack & Flo Hughe* Janet Read .Tack TJsher Co Behind the Wail (One to nil) NASHVILLE Princefl.8 (7) Derlckson & Brow« Al Trahan Co Raaso Co (Two. to nil) (31) John it Sl.-isnn .Stun Kavanaiigh Lowell B Drew Co . Zelrta Santtey Roscop Ails Co EXCLUSIVELY DESIGNED GARMENTS FOR GENTLEMEN BEN ROCKE 1632 B'way, at SOth St.. N Y City (Three to flll) 2d half (3-6) Bland Lenore &' L Haynes L'man & K Desperate Sam Hyde & Burrell 4 Casting StAra ' GREENFIELD Kipitii'8. 2d half (10-13) 7- Variety Girls ' -(OthP)'s to nil) : GRI-UCN.SBOIIO National lat h.iVt (7-9) • (Same bill plays Charlotte 2d half) ilhandh^r Itoy.n Renard & Ward' Walsh it Ellis Colonial C (One to flll) HARKiSB'RG. PA. Mjijestle 1st, hjilf (7-9) 'L.'in.t; ?r Tr;i"Tey " " Klgiilelto Bros (Three to llH) 2fl half (10.-13) Down Home ((.)|hei's to Illl) HOKM:Li„ N, Y. Shalt ucU's 2d half .(jii-l.".) Knimptt-King- On the Uivlera - (Tlirep to lill) HT'GTON, W; VA. OrpheUni hi(if (7-'.i) Hrttt <t Hei-iaaiin (C)ther'! to nil) id li.ilf ilO-l.-l; 3 Lord'.>ns . NEWIU'RCiH .Academy , let halt (7-9) "The ll'ouatons Maya Burt it Fin« Harry Lyons Co Hai'rls & Van - (One to nil) .2d. lialf (1Q-13J Cosmopolitan 4 Hud.Mon Dusters' ; Trma I'oweil B»'v (Two to nil) 2d half (;!-n) Gauthier \- Pony B. Nancy Gibbs (.'o Ray- Shannon Plaano Ik Devlin Mi\y. Wvtin Co NIA(iAI?'.\ l'.\LT<* Belleview 1st ha:f (.7-9) Homer r.ind. Co l-'rnncls Uc)).iiJlt Farncll ii;- Klcr-n.^* ^r^)^«-»==i:r.^<il!-i 2.1 h-ilf (I'l-lS- .V'l'i Ji)-uwn Hilly SW'xb* W'ebi-r X- Il.i> (•fwo t,i (ill) NORTH .\i)\"M''* I^^nipire '.d lidf ( Fell) VI-: Wilbur Su • (Thp-e 1.1 lil I ^. OTT.XWA, < \S. Kei(li'» 1*1 BaK' A.; '■•.i-'i: I .-'. h->r . D A - Kilm'.l 1 >'• '• --• ' •■' Kuss.'h iv -1' Gibbs i .Ml