Variety (Jan 1929)

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Wednesday, January 9, 1929 FILM REVIEWS VARIETY 11 LUCKY BOY (DIALOG AND 30NG8) TIffunj-fftahl productton and release. Two ptitiis, In aoiina ftnd silent. George ieasel starred, with dialog and captions! by Ir. Jpwjol. Adapted from a story by Viola terothurs >Thore. DIreclud by Nurman TJiu-, rog nhrt Charles C. Wilson. Sound portion tiuporvlscd by: Rudolph Klothow. Harry Jackson and li'rank Zukor, camer^imen. li: C. A.' Pholoph'jne souniled and synvhron- Iziid. . ScKi-oil by Dr. Huko' Rlesenfcld. Themo suns, "My Mother's lCyx>!?," wiUton by T,. M-filfe Gilbert, Abol linnv, I-pwIs YouMK an.l Axt, Sons's publisher, Felsi's. In\'lluilon pre-vlew at Embassy theatre. New Yoi':, Jan. 4. Hunning time, around IW inipiii.'S. nblcase diite not annountod. TJnden-iooil Ibis, talker goes direct to reg- ular ii!i-iiiie houses. ,■ ■ , Gcorglo ,ri-sel, ., ..,........., .rjeorge Jessel Momma Jcssel.....-........ •. Ut'sii llu.sanuvj: " Poppa je-Msel., William .,K. HIruucs Eleah"r..;.-. ;■. ;■;..,,..,.'. M;<rgaret. Qumiby Mrs. 151118......-........... -ti^^ cn ;X;ec %fi: Klli.^t. ... .nii'har.l .Tucker Mr Treht......,'.;.. . .. .(.Inyne • Whltmnn Bet-k\... ................. .Mary Doran "j^iioki' Boy" i.s'a vei-y jjt>ofl < Jhf?'6 with sojib:.s, tind' Avitli Goorye Jessel who pjhRs: tlie soivRt*. five of them. It Is bucked up by a logic-al, likable story bcui'ihijr on the. • stago and having a boy's lovie for his. piotlier a.s the- niain nioUf, al-. though a romance is. worked , in. It akso . has' a theme song, "My jMotlier'H Eyes," that rings like a . buHsPvo among the thome numbers so popular now, Heside these, •'LucUv Koy" holds comedy, mo.stly in the dialog and captions, both written by Mr. Jesscl. So this pic- ture can gb where th€ Jolsohs al- teady have gone. lE^ the house men 'care, to, .though the picture :easlly stahds up by . itself, they should make an exploitation play to brmg the Jolson fans back for. compari- sons, . Advance work along that Jine might prove helpful for* the b. o Of course, admitting no person in the World today can. sing a ballad or a pop like Al Jol.s.on, don't doubt but that George Jessel can- sing. • On . top ot that Jessel- is a finished "actor, on the stage or screen. Ho has a pt'rsoriality and a naturalness .here of performance, Avhether Act- ing, Singing or talking; that sends itself over. This talker squares Jea- sel for any of his other and eq|.9ier . ones, including shorts. . ■■ -^Vith the R. C. A. Photbphone process foi* tho dialog, singling and sounds.' if you want to accept this Photophone sounding, heard for the first time by this Teviewer in a the- atre (previously heard in the projec- tion room of Photophone), thenpho- tophone for so.unding seems to have it consid«jrably . over the others. Clear, w.lthoiitOa blur or whirr, you must ' hear Jessel. talk and Bing to know how far ■ ahea'd Photophone appears to be as. a Bound reproducer. In one nurhber, "My Real Sweetheart," Jessel sings, he "is supposed to be on the rear* end of an observation car on a trans- coritlnental tiain. It's the iactual sameness as though Jessel were . ■Binging -himself ln."on.e,", hoaf the apron. in the story and the mother and romance section for the silent ver- sion to get over, though naturally the songs greatly strengthen up the dialog print, as Jolson's songs added to his talkers. "Lucky Boy" as first outlined had Jessel as • a singing waiter. . "With Jolson's "Sin!^i-:g Fool" • and Jol- son In that character, Jesscl auite ethically' dpcllneil to. appear as a slnsihg waiter. Probably the open- ing o.f this picture was changed :tv) correspond' with hi.s wishes. In that way' the optuiiitg section may. have beeh made a hit long,. It talyps ovot: llu-oe reels, to gi;*t 't.he 'boy, put of the .Bronx bound for the coast. Pic- tur(> now runiung In 8,500 feet. . Soriie of the bigger producel-s niight :' hav'e ■. chanced- this'.' "liucky' Bov" as a Broadway special first. It "do.e.-^n't get that ratin.g. • T-S sensibly intends to .^end it direct to the picture "lAicky Boy" should" get .Tiffany- Stahl plenty bfmoney., it'.s the T-S limie in its slnipllclty, overwhelming in its iiatural appeal, a girl that holds with her looks and a great little trouper as well, and with it all one of the best popular personi- fications of a show girl yet at- tempted in the mad cycle of show pictures produced during the .past season.' . Like a great many underworld plt ture.s w-hoso box olllce value les-. scncd because following earlier ninis of that, type, this 'iMcturo suf- fers because of the .war theme, run- ning tlirough. But for thnt it should have turned out to be one' of tlie commercial sueeessos of the sea- son. As it is there Is evoiy pfol)- vbiliiy that it will clean, up wher- ever it may be shown, ■ regardless of . ekuss of audience, because it . is a srorv'tliat grips'universally. ■ Xan'ey Carroll and Gary Cooper cohtribiito exi'e.llont work. Both seem natural and lifelike. AVhcn the luneiy doughboy tells the chorus queen of his barren,life without a home or a family,- and. hiijhHght to date, and this a younfT kjiVg.xeplio.s that she had never heard producing firm. Ah extreme credit anything so sad since the "T,\vo- to T-.S .to turn-out such.a thorouglxT. Orphans," • it gets a .laUgh wi.thovU ly all around .Well made talking j ic- ,.i£.t,.a(.tihg from' the piquant- sud- ttire.<? . as thi.s so early—and wlien ne.«is the boy .Inspires. And simi- other and moi-e strongly entrenched larly in all important situations, the picture produoers are still strus-[ girl carries them off in. s.uperVi gling with- the .talking problems. Shne. THE AWAKENINO (SOUND) I'ntte.d: Artists' ■rel'='a.<ic of a. Samuol Gold Style... -. . . As the show girl livlilg with the worldly sophisticate, with nothing to worry over except b6o'/-e hcad- ,1 aclies and bawling the dance direc- tiiii- Vvhen asked to come to rehear- sals- on time. Miss- Carroll never color regardless of the way in whioh it is daubed. Lionel Barp'more has little morii than a bit. lie captures the magician's bride, just after Chancy has sub-titled his ailTeclion for her; The lulter part is dully played and given scant nieaning. Slie passes out of the pie.tiii-.e top soon there- after for the m;igliMan to believe that the coiupeiition- is the kid's dad.. ■ ■ Tlion, for iip .partioiilar reason, the aotioii is tiahsi'erfed to another world. .-Chanoy, too huri-iedly, is sliou-ii.'as an ivory robber and just as iuy.sierlt,i(isly- Barryiuore sud- diMily' develoi'Sr to . luive quit the stage and booomb a: white- tfiuler in Africa. : - -With . the ..same . unexplailiable rapidity. Chaney is revciiled to have stai-lcil hi.s .iHvviMige by trainiiig' the babe in the ways of tropical llesh-' pots. Incidentalli-,- Chancy., take-^ advantage of iin earlier wa.llop to back to Notre i)amo days. lie drags hhu'self through the ma.i.or footage with a pair of dead, pin.s. While this deformity, is :effective, . its strength is minimized by the jerk- iness of. the plot. ' - . ■ ..' ■ . Miiry Nolan as the grown daugh- ter dpeis not m.ake the niatriculatloh of a., prostifut.e., any too vivid. Ritthcr a blonde saint in Ohaney.'s ee.rie jungle den is the-reaction.- ... Revenge conies when Barrymp-.!'e is. bumped off, but i.iot until, aflor he has. proven to" the m.agician that he was .partIS: wet and tluit the girl is his ovVn daughter. Thereiipon strays from type.^ Slib!* . hard, breaks the regular cheap meller for doing .what .their ker. Stury by Frances Marlon, adapted by girls got .:-ercy WU.sdn.. Thome sorig. "Mai'le," by niammas told them not to." Irving Uerlln, At RivoU, ;New Vork,. for rry,^ «r>ldtpr hov is from Texas oxtended engagement, starting 20. | ^. Th| he Slvcr saw a show gh^.;or cam doc, who,<?c presence is a mystery, slip off togetlier' -for an amended existence. r-. -,- Jungle scenes with crocodiles oozing through slime and a . score Daisy acciaeniaHy. i.s ^^^-^ - I or so '^f vaselined black extras doing P 'A".,^5'LJi?''"^e tias to .mak6 I «ieir dances and attending to their starting -Dec. llujuung time, .10.'); rnlnutes.. , ^ . . »„,™,,o Marie Ducrot..... ,.,....viima Banky a skyscraper first hand. He Dumps Lieut. Count Karl von Hagen.Walter Byron jnto Daisy accidentally, is dHven to Li' Bole-................... .Loui.s .Wolhelm ' - -- ^t.~- The Orderly..-....Oeorgo' Davis jrandfaiher Uuci-ot Siib-'L.icut. Fianz-Gevi _.. , , - , —— _ , an Odd moment in which she weak-I .^-^^^^^^.^ _ Same .>hi complaintr.Wliy.w^iVt^^^^ to get the soldier rotit ^Mt^ oal^^ they dbvote as much tunc,-intelli- of the mess,, ^ . ^ febts are Wbrse the chaiiting of gence and professional competence I Tn snito of herself the girl be-| .i<?Pt3 a»e ^pr«?e, uie cnanung oi mlnutlve package of power; and Knute Erickson meets the mental .vision of a veteran captalii.' Jack Curlis scowls through his dastardly Toomey. fcN.MU'luonization h,as . gone, out after everything, the racore beinff superior to tlie effects. Latter'par- allel each other during the brawl in he-Joint and the abandoning of sliip, one nullifying the bth<>r, and espe- cially in this ease, because they ; come close together. It'll make : tiianv a patron wisli for the silent veiu^ioii, -,\\ here a- little beadwork would have niade the isound fit .and consi.>^tent iivsiead of overpmi)hasiz-.. . iuK-. Door knocks are' partibul.-irly . ridiculous,: listening as sledge-ham- mer blows as Harthelincs.s starts .searching what seem to be deserted ciibtn's. : A'.crude interruption bf sus-' ' peiise for w.hieh there is no .excuse.. '' According to report. "Scarlet Seas" is the picture tills F. N.'^nnit was going to Central America to make iiist sumtner.: ■ l>rospective trip was : called off aiUl the prosuined revision jh script and productibiv is evident, its best bets are a good share bf action. j3arthelniess and Miss Comp- .M)n, The sound can be Ignored; the. advantage being that without it the - can be cut and the atmos- phere unbroken. Story Is familiar, although in tliis in.slahee the fomm^ half of the love Interest Is directed to demonstrate that she's dome and has been a lot of thing."? the normO-l sereoii heroine supposedly . knows nothing aboiit. . SYNTHETIC SFN (SOUND): -,- Kir-st Nullonat productton ftnd roloase. SUicrlng CoUoon Mooro. Directed by ^y' - lam Solier. Ha.scd On play by VVederlc and Kanny Hatlon, Rd«l)ted by . Tom J. Goraghty. Titles by Tom Keed. Camera- man, t^-idney Klckok. Antonio Moreno -lea- turcd. At I'araniount, Now Yol-k, week Jan. S. Running time, OU mlns. Betty. " ... William A, priaroond brags to the &ang. ^ rie ims I funeral pyres are what will. get this ver.t'ari von Hartmann I good and does because the girl na? | .. In spite of herself the girl s to fall. But when he aski — . . , _ stance, to the matter of photogra-I to marry him, just before sailing poy cnorus. - ^ phy? Samuel Goldwj'in has spent for France, she breaks down. There -to the script as th^y devote, for In- l-^^s tS^i^K But wHen^he asi^ coin liberally. He has done the thing is a scene with her guardian up shipshape so far as elegance Of after which she goes through for production is concerned. Yet with the boy. He is arrested for heing all the fusing of technical talent, | A, W. O. L. halfway through the SCARLET SEAS .. (SOUND) - till mv ii-io*»<e^ v^. ...v-v-,....^i». ._.>...,, ,„, ■■ • —■ ^.v^'liT~nA tVi<» .ptrV j- 'First- N.HlonHl production, and - reloaMO fine acting and the r6st,-it IS not a I marriage 9«rfJ'Tio^y__^.';^° ... . . . .mo ci<.-.....e. — 1 — -1.—.—-—=- - ; „ ^„ i .-jinrrinK Bichai'd nurlholnioss; teaturliig good, though it is a passable, mov - goes back to the cnorus, t"v. *^'^"^^ Beiiy CompHon and l^oreiia Young. i>l- ing picture. The explanation is director who had suffered her ep- rccted by John if. iiiiion, from story by r <;torv centriclties giving her a spot in the .^c.jtt Darling._ t tied by i;">'ii* 9 evens, .s.. story- . „. , . I cami.himan. At the Strand, Now The story is a mulhgan stew. | aecond row of the chorus JUS'V io Vork, week Dec. 20. Uunning time, C7 " get even. . minutes. — -• ' -'' ~^«-.,/xi_. .. .. ..-Richfird narthclmo»,s . i. .Betty C6miJ.son .'.... ..'-. Lorella -'V'ouniT i . James Bradbury, .tjr, .Jack (Mrtls .;-.... .Knute HrlckHon 13ohald.:. i..'.. Mrs.- Fairfax. ■Margary:.,... ShcUa ... ....... Brand) ,.. Krank.-;..'..;.;.. .Colleen . Moore.'. Antonio • Moreno • ,.. .Hdythe Chapman , ..Kathryu McGuIre Gertrude Afltor.. ..... .Mr)ntague I^ovjj , .Ben Hendricks, Jr. There's a pinch of "The White Sis-1 get even. . . I minutes, ter,"- a seasoning of "acarlet Letter," The clincher in the closing scene steve Donkin..., a ikrge chunk of all the war pictures Is a pip, in sound-. The f irl is do- "'.^^^^^^^^ .since 1-&18, and several slices of ing a song and dance chorivs num- "a^rR^^^^^^^ Hnroour, small-time baloney. It's-> a fake ber, singing a love ballaxi. bne Toomcy............. tragedy in essence aggravated by sees the boy plunging through the capt. Barbour..... last-minute uncertainty .whether to lines in a charge, .th^n shoJ: d^^^ Nearly everyone of the prlncipa s The Germans after 10 veai's are hanclng Its^ value.^^^^^ name, it Bpeak. About the lightest. voiced is gtarting to get a break frbm Holly- well as cof""^'b.ox-ofllce harm Margaret Quimby, the ingenue, who L^ood. In "The Awakening" they ^t f^J^^^'„^^^^^ £nd and will -likely moderaioly. looks sweetly nice. It appears^as L.gpresented throughout as rather | mg through^th^jegula^^^^^^ audience-«ave full evl •though by voice control at " ' ' Btudio (R. C. A. photophone in York\ whatever imperfections have been in her natural tones ... ,n;ru, ou mu-i ..... ... *v,o flonrp deleted through hbldlng-it down to m,n,ite men of the late conflict. , P^f.^^i^^^ Xi^^ c^^^^^ the men hair-wa> i quite low register;. - ^ . Byron debuts to pictures irx "The Rutting^ ^^t^^^^^ few through a There is a quartet (people) draw- 1a... «^ ic, or. Muss carroii nas a lew , . Ing room scene players all talking. iul — | i,nfv, efforts comedy situation and the bcst_laugh | f-^ft enough or his manner sum- | -p^^^ Lukas, as the girl's man, 1 btit the obvious bad cutting and un half-hearted struggle. irtet (people) draw- M^^yakening." He is an upstanding r aces _avia.>:^^^ The giiTa WHon built up this sequence well with the_four bridge Lhappie, sleek thatched and regular lmes he,o and ^ «° f ngj/'^.^n, m enough to make balconites.applaud :ing. It is clear. A of features. ^Vhethcr his eyes arc voice records suiprisingiy jusf prior to the anticipated battle. With the continuity maklncr no slips. I jfiss Banky, somewhat more viva Dialog pai'ticiilarly w-ell staged, clous in her new responslbiJIty of If^s the story of a Bronx boy of individual stardom, is al-ways at- Jewish parents, his father a jeweler tractive, although so gorgeous a and he the store's clerk. But he creature should not he wasted as a wants to be ah actor. Rejected by peasant girl and then a novice nun agents and managers, the boy ac- all in one picture. r. , cepts his mother's earines to George Barnes' photography Is pawn, .to rent a. dark theatre in. his. .particularly distinguishod .fpr; clear- neighborhood-for one-night to .dis- ness,' beauty and imagination, al- play his taleni Neighbors flock to though there is no attempt, blther see Georgie, but he falls down On h^y cameraman or director, to take all of the rent ($500) for the one any but a straightforward system of night, -and the house is darkened carrying forward the narrative, ■with the crowd turned aw.ay. Without tricks, hobus-pbcus or .Determined to make, good, the j^triVing for mere effect, the produc- hoy-works his way to San. Fran- tion stands out as first rate. This Cisco, g'oes -on at an amateur hight rtngie is impbrta;nt in any reckoning (finely handled in a directorial of "The Awakening" commercially, ■way) and through that lands .in a The-great fault of the piGture la class Frisco nite cUi 13 as . its sole the drngginess and familiarity of entortalricr. That's where the ro- the story. Any prutiing of ma nee starts, ning time, notably in - the middle .P.ack hpme, the old folk.s are lis- parts, will be . an enhancement, teiiihg in one evening and "jy r.)od Xoarly two hours as previewed at fortune get. San i'rancisco. They the Rivoli wan too much for the hear their Georgie announced and idnderg:arten plot to sustain, singing. In thT3 club he .sang "Bou- "The Awakening" will be mode.r nuet of Memories" and the theme ite at the b. o.. but is not the type song, "Mnther's Eyes," h.aviiig nf picture that will Vllma earlier in -the picture started the | Bahky as a star. Lana singing wilh "My Bl.ackbirds Are Bluebirds Now." A message from home says his mother is ill. He returns, .and the picture closes with Jessol the new . BtrLr--of.-..JlI.iir.:ky __ P.f)y"_ L_^umlc.r_,Jtb SHOPWORN ANGEL (DIALOG) Paramount produrtlon and release, likeable .heavy. They .. _ even while they hate him. : the port of all evil, having Barthcl- A' smart set picture, vvith-■ best mesa aa Steve, the rough and tough results evidently in the big. towns, .skipper, in love with the not ncces- Still it is smart enough to click as sarily pure- dance hall girl. Rose strongly all the Way down the line. ( .Compsoh), whom he shang- ■ Mori. hales. Fire casts the two adrift on la sea which can't even boast of a ground .swell, and tliey cventtmlly come-upon a schooner aboard which mutiny has placed the crew In con- ! trol. . Inasmuch als both liavb sworn to WEST OF^ ZANZIBAR (SOUND) lea^'l/fl'^^'^Sy" ToS^'^Snriom [ their c:odo>. if answered for original etory fay niester Devpnd<> and TCli-^ their prayer.s, Ktcvr; finds the cjip- boiirn (Gordon. Ixin rihaney Btarred. Syn- tain and' pledges lilmself tb . deliver ohronlzed^inu.slcal ^"f|^f""".'V*V^^^ the boat to port. Mtose: al.-^o turn.s Do?''^'^^ n^^r,f;:^''^me^abo;^% herplne. until tlm rovolt;leader tips miiUiies. ■ . - that.her boy.friend is.afteo.the f:ap'« Flint. Criirie. , T)'iC, .. . .Maizle, .\ i)i;.a,.; Tiny... I'.oli'' ... iJum'ja. ,..;-T,.On rh.'incy ..I .IjlonPl- Bnr^ymi.*^^• ,. J.\Viii'nf-t' iJ;i.\t'-r . . .-,'.'-;. .Mary Noliiii ,.. ....... J-'ine' ]>aly. ,;,-.,. .Bo^i'-oe "Ward ........Kalla BiLSha .-,,.,... .Curtis Nero than the romantic matter. There la vviliiam Tyler., a very l)right seauehce of the bridge | itailoy.. jiarlv In a society' home. Kntertainment In this picture. , (iary C^vper I'aul lyuUa.-- Once In a long while the formula fa y c^;-enly balanced, for .Teasel picture fact<)riea in llol^^^^^^^ tu n Is admittedly a .^ihowman besides a out a K'amorpua gem ^hla spl,.ndid actor fand one of _ great s irring. ^^^^^^ Any number of the girls | tlfuUy; PreBt.nted_ that^ the critical •\vlll CO for Jessel ... . -- i . xi^^ looks that good. Enough atrength * pen* rar«* "\Vfcird atmospheric effects will get this by as a straight one or tw.o- day program attraction. . Lon Cha- ney's name must do thoire.'--t. An excellent ba.sis for n story i.s .sacrlr ficcd apparcntlv for background and the theme get.s to the screen, in jumbled episodic way that reduces continuity to slireds. ""West of Zanzib.-.r". lndic'.it"S nh -Civer--W(jckgd-/;haney. a:he_sl.;tr__i3. there, but tlie rush of gcttih:,' his quota on- the r('-lfa.-'« .srh(->lule is tiikiriK its If'll in thf.' most imr'or- tant phJi,<f; of lu-gdurlion—T)ref)ara- tlon. In this ri;.spoi't Ch.-aieys l.Tte.«t knpn'.-ses as h.'ivin:,' .ex- lia'isted the property nif-n and tlir. c.'isting director and all'>y/Ii!ir Tud Browning to follow-rf.-ll.^iioii.-ily one of those cuff RCrliits. vSmacklng strongly of "Congal, although tho thing is called an or- iginal" "We.qt of Zanzibar" will ant- totj- Chaney tana -who like thou- daughter -(..Miss Young), whence slu> rev^'rts to. type and tells the . crew she'll help grab , tlie shipment - of. pearls .and make. Steve rbll, ov-r. ..'Resultant battle^ 'Is between Toomey and Steve, the latter going overboard, and the crow, with (h'-ir loader goiie, going, back to work on a i)leflgo of clemency by tlio f-ap.- tiiin, becomes convinfel that Steve really mefin.s it an^^r having taken- a sork frotn the f.udgel meant for Stove. Picture geta away fast on the uproar of the abduction from th" waterfront dive and the blaze at sea. After that It .slow.s-4lowri. A deal of aqualio f.'iking. la a hindrance, -u.^ :ll.^O the, _SU ptl TQjlOUf''o.ti iiIjVited. sorne of thr- ^s'-fjtif'S. Tj^:i>i- W^"?); Ti.<T the film would be ju.Mt as good; pi/>ii- ably b"tler. Laughs In this one. .. Continued, tbrso-vibrating, ihfcctlous. iaugha. Start to finish it's mostly giggles, .sure box olllce pleaser, a great Col- . leen-Mooro feature, and a triumph In comedy technique by William Seiter, the director.. "Svnthetlc Sin" -was a . play a couple of years ago. First National bought the screen rights before the play was producied at the Morosco theatre, Los Angolea, early in .1927. . For various reasons ita production has been postponed several times.. It could hardly come more oppor- tunely with tho edge oft the. talkers and . Flrat National not overlyh stocked with b. b. Stuff at present. There is a lot nlore to the picture than to the Hatton play. Tpm J.. Genaghfy has .tacked on a whole new facade. Where the play opened in the dressing room after the hero- ine has just done a floppo as an .actress, the picture starts in a small southern town and builds up the stage-struck girl who finally run.l . off to New York to sin* and suffer .so she can. become an emotional ,'i.rtresM. While the plot l.s\ novel and gave star, flcenarlst and director a lot to bito their teeth into, the result is primarily due to an inspired pcr- formanco and production. Among features for evbrytlay use "Synr thetlc! Slh"- slands out like a good fire. There are a hundred delight- ful touches. The . whole thing Is warm, human and skillfully com- pounded. Miss Mooro'8 Imltationa should be as popular with the tana as Marlon Davlft.s' have been, al- though entirely different in typo. The cast ia good but everyone merely surrounds and mirrors the star. The production Is first class in every respect with a passing laurel for Tom Reed cap- tions fitted the occasiona with uni- form aptness. Vltaphonc (dl.Mk) .musical accom- panlrnent hot so^iot. "SeVT-ral-imlhtH - where tho orchestration doesn't lap evenly with the. action. The at-. temiHs to intnrpr<it chinglng moods by mtislcal emphasis waa rather a and»a.t a couple of points the overloading of tone produced hor- rible nolaes. An organ would htiye licen - better-. - ■ , . -.- •nihcrwlse the score on "Synthetic Sin" 'was 100 per cent. ^ Land, : GIVE AND TAKE (DIALOG) . - . , T'n'vTHal piorturiliiti and reloane^ ui- r.d'-fl by WlUliim Jlcaudlnw. - Ad.njitCd^ ildv l,v Anron I|..rfiM.-in.. Titl'-.s by Alfred M. ,M.,i.'.J. Dialos direi-tftd by A. B. Heath, S-.n<l.i-iily."d mu-lr^dl S'-ore over Western r;i"iii' >l>-v-;rf, l,y .I«""r'b ("hfrnUvsky. la -: J< Itr.r«!iolf,- Cif-rKe J'l'ln';.y, f""'W r.c\s:M, t^l.-.n.n I.ji.n,fharlps Mi.iftr, bam Hardy. At Colony, New York, cornrnoncln* Dec. '^o, Uunninjf time 81 minute*. "Give and Take" la juat mediocre In the lu-i.triani chisH. Story poorer. )),..n til- aM-i".;;e job'on the cuff, (•; ;;• . ,v", it frf ni..complete Hop. =^I|i^r^".p(4pt?-t=lrM.--f^l() wn Iri g^;£ J-IiculL^ Si(lt!< v .'I'lid ri<,M>-holt, the dialog Is v,-iiln;V>t lit. Wi.secnieks as old as ""(^^1^:;; the pace starts to orr th.'- '^^nZ''^'^^. nothing holds it- tof'...her l.'.t t».- ^. i ' ' n . ^r^^ 1^ work of the star an:;lM.^v|•....M.^on. / ' V; ;' ,,,v'^;,/',', ^ This -girl _is on h.r wa.v V'^."l< a-;;' ."^j;! ^ tho college lad i-^n't making any boTi'.H i' She is featured her's aiid dc. ■•rvr-dl; with .Mi.'-'S Young also un'dcriir!'d. I'-r a very sni.'" Itu* looi<in': a.s an- c-ellc a.s ever. I{;irthch'iK--'-^ I-' fippf'"- priately dirty and hsitdlioilfi in -^rx- ting a' the impression of a di- With big iiidii-rrial p.-rspectivc for f.-iihcr'.'^ eanniiur fai-tory l.s b-lter .:.-i.-n. Iffi reconls lik<» a schoulboy l;.-;..r(' th" vlll.ine bo;ird. To c.'ill tiie tiM-rrUi.a story is er- (Contlnuod on page 34)