Variety (Jan 1929)

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Wednesday, January 23, 1929 L EGIT I M A T E VARIETY 53 18 B way Houses Still Dark in Jan., Only New Producers Producing January is drawintr to a close this disastrous season with 18 Broadway houses dark. House managers are almost in desperation to find attrac- tions, making overture^ lor any new «lay a^nnounced. Noarjy all the productions being prepared ar« hy new producers, with the others dor- mant or in Florida. : Business again went downward last week with but few exceptions, ban-lng the stand-out . attractions, this yeek started better .than last. Several showmen thought the new traffic regulations might have helped Monday. That was not clearly established. Doubtless some were people drawn to Broadway Monday night to see how the acheme worked. Increases of $500 and $600 Monday over the previous Monday were Quoted, but in at least two in.stance.s theatre parties were in attenaanoe,- Business i.s expected to spurt somewhav between now and Feb. 12, the start of Lent. Last w-eek's promiere card looks like a bunch of cut-raters, all of- fered at bargains. "fJambols" may have gotten $12,o60 at the Knicker- bocker, but that moans nothing for a musical sho^v; "Zeppelin" claimed around $7i006 at the Xational; same lor "Cafe de Danse"* at the For- re.str ''Gypsy" got $0,000, Klaw; "Precious" less than $5,000; Royale.; "House TJngxiarded," . $4,000, Little. Musicals •■Whoopee": is easily best among the mu.sicals; "Follow Thru," as big In demand, is an easy second, $42,- 000; "Three Cheers" and "Show" stay In the big money at $-10,000; so does "Hold: Everything," sell-out at 134,000; "Animal Cratfkers" eased Off but o. k. at $33,000; 'The New Moon" slipped, too, $32,000; "This crontimiod on page .63) Shows in Rehearsal "The" Buckaroo" (Ramsay Wallace) •^Night in Venice" (Shu- Werts) ■ "The Town's Woman" (Ber- nard Levy) ."Dynamo" (Theatre (juild) ^The Bl^ck Crook" ((Chris- topher Morley) "Flight" (Laura D. Wilck) Principal Roles Cut A record in production economy hit '*The Buckaroo" this week when 10 plaiyers who figured they were set were written out of the, show. The piece originally called for a cast of 28 players, but Ramsay Wal- lace,. producer, got together with the authors and chopped the script to 18. ' When those written .but showed for rehearsal they were apprised, of the change and vamped. Since no contracts had been i.ssued to any of the let-outs, the producer was with in his rights. MARY JANE 4 Shows Out In Florenz Ziegfeld's "Whoopeo. The Washington "Post" said: "Opening night of 'Whoopee' little Mary Jane ran a-way with the show. Boys, she is a vision of loveliness that makes .«ld men take on new life. It is doubtful if any young tap dancer on the stage ecfuals Miss Mary Jane." Direction RALPH G. FARNUM 1560 Broadway •One .'sluiw is li.^ti >! to oln^i- thi:- w.ooki It is "'rho Wild Pu-k." ro- vival, whivh did fairly woll .at tlu- 49th St, Anothor revival aiUlod \o Saturday's • oli'sing>" was -Major Barbara," ((1 u ihl). T w o o 111 ^> r p rv) - ductlons.stoppi'd Ruddt>T\ly Saturday. "Vei-mont," presented by. (loor^o M: Cohan at Krlan.s:or's,, takori. off after two \ve(^ks. Well doiu- but they would not, buy it. VERMONT *' Opened Jan. 8. Osborp (Eve. World) found it "Considerably, short of a perfect . evening." .Anderson (Journal) vvas pretty, miich of a minority in ?tatinjg "Interesting and sometimes ex- citing play." Variety (Land) said: "Its journey Vi'ill not be as smooth and snappy as its perform- ance." Cast Changes Aline McMahon is out; of Rich ard Herndon'.s "Indian Summer." She is too tall. Miss McMahon left the show in New Haven Saturday, replaced by Spring Byington. Show at Atlantic City this week. Lead is a bent old lady In-the .first act. Louis Calhern withdrew from male lead of ."Gypsy," current at the Klaw, New York, before show isteered in la.<'t week, with Thurston Hall supplanting. The show pro grammed Calhoi^n m.uch to. confusion of some of the second and third string reVif-wers that .caught the show., .'-iilzabeth Forrester ha.s .supplant ed Beatrice Ames in "Holiday"' at thf^ Plymouth, New York. Donn Cook stepped into male lead «£ *'," displacing. Louis Cai- liern when it opened at the Klaw, Now York, last week, William .McFaddon has taken over Walter Abel's assignment in "Skid ding," lattor withdra\ying to enter cast of "S. S. Glencairn." .Tane Green to have combined parts of Gertie MacDonald and Es- ther Muir in "Lady Fin,s:ers" when it opens In New York. Alice Fisher,' opposite Lew FicUls in "Hello Daddy," leaving. Her place filled by Florence Earle, who plays another role. A chorus girl Will take Miss Earle's place, Wanda Goll, blue singer in "Hello Daddy," leaving this w^eek. William O'Neill ., of "New Moon leaving in two w^eeks for a trip to West indies.' Beeii mcic^ : " Helen Crane, replacccl Margaret Mower, in "Jarnegan.". Walter Lew ia replaces Robert Cain. John Hallid.iv is again out of "Jealousy" at the Elliott with throat trouble. One performance was' mis.sed Week, same as. the : "week before. Arthur Lubin is sub , stil-jt'ing Fay Bainter in the two-per.son pla>-. Jessie Reed's Daughter Marries Elwood Browii New Orleans, Jan. 22. Elwood Brown and Anna Debrpu, both of the southern "Rio Rita" sho^w, were married at Hattiesburgh. Miss., Jan.:21. The bride is professionally known as Jessie Reed, Jr. Last season she won a beauty prize in Texas and was called "Miss San Antonio:!' Mrs. Brown, daughter of Jessie Reed, former Ziegfeld beauty. Anna is about 16. BotljL left , the show on a honey- moon. ~ Vic Leighton VS. Erlanger R Victor Leighton, former gen eral manager for A, L. . Erlanger who is suing Erlanger and the Er lahger Amusement Enterprises, Inc. for $6,000, ■will examine the man ager b.efdre trial shortly. Erlangsr in turn has agreed to produce ah papers and documents, withdraw- ing a motion in opposition to the examination. Erlanger is abroad for bis health The submission of the books, papers, records, etc., may serve Lelghton's purpose instead. Leighton proceeds under, a con tract at $300 a week plus It) per cenf of all net profit.. The former g. m. admits full satisfaction of any and all salary claims until his res- ignation from the Erlanger Ex change on April 23, 1927, but claims 10 per cent of $60,000 profits Btlli due him. MAE WEST TAKES SLAP; PITTSBURGH PANS IIL' Pittsburgh, Jan. 22. FDr her first week on the road in "Diamond Lil," Mae West took it on the chin. The 40-week Broad- way hit played the Alvin (Shubert) last week and the critics kicked it around. ' Business, capacity opening night, suffered the rest of the week al- though neither of the other two legit houses offered real competi- tion- Gross, for the week may not have been below the profit regl<>ii but it probably would have \been If there had been any opposition. Nixon had Bozo Snyder with. "Echoes of 1929," both remnants from the late and lamented "Amer- icana," and Thurston, at the Pitt. Paper on the West show had Mae p]?csentlhg herself at $2.60 tpp. TlOREnA' AT Uim, PHllLY Qiily Hit in Town—'Fin- gers," $16,000—*Tress" Up, but Out . "The Skyrockot," prosoiUed at this LyccMmi by Gilbert Miller and Guthrie MoClinlic, off. Played : a little; more than oni> Svook. THE SKYROCKET Opened. Jan. 11. "Frail, en- tertainment,'' declared Windiell (Graphic), and Mantle (News) said that it Would be. good for the road but not for "this neighborhood." Variety (Mori) said; "Won't live to see ■ chahge in weather,'- Jeannette MacDonald Held Curtain TiU Name Up Jeannette MafcDonald,- who m-r placed Anna Seymour In "Boom, Boom" In Newark, N. J., Monday, held the curtain until 8; 45. while her name was platfed in lights. Contract called for featuring and she sat in her dressing room until house sign compiled. Show is a new Shubert musical duo at the Casino, New York, Monday. Using Stage Shows For Talker Engagements Loa Angeles, Jan, 22. S. George Ullman, artists' repre- sentative, In his. endeavor to get his players employment in talkers Is to become ia stage producer. He has taken a four-week lease on the Vine Street and will open Feb. 18, with ''Weak Sister." This play was done out here several years ago and a money getter. In the cast will be Maurice Costello, Dot Parley, Prls- cilla Dean, Helen Sullivan, Allan- Connor and Frankln Pangborn, who is to be starred. In case the show clicks and some of his people obtain studio employ- ment, Ullman will continue to ex- ploit others under his management in the same manner by presenting them in different plays. "Vanities" Closing "Vanities" will be closed for the aeasoh by Eai-l Carroll, after one more week, "Fioretta" succeeding the revue at the Can-oil week of Feb. 4. : No reason ia given for not going on tour at this time other than the .shortness of the seasdn. AHEAD AND BACK ■ Oscar Sorlin, inaiiaglnp the Presi- dent, New. York. t' . Crosn^an, Co. manager "Flor'etta:' ViEarl Oarrnll'). . Jack Pottt-T, ba«-k; Marc Lach: man., advnn'--'-, "The TTii/h Head"' on tour. Campbell B. Oa^5aa, prc.'^s repre- sentative, Standish O'Npill attracr tlon, "EnPt of Sunrise." "NIGHT HOSTESS'- AT L, A. Butler <fe l-{''la.--<.'6 will ph\y "Th" ^^Ight Ho.«fc.--.s" here. It'.s th<-' Philip Dunning play of nite lif<?, produced by John . i^ioldon a' the Beck, New York. , Th<^ nrm exii' i'T^ tu run '. tho Plf^oe ft ;- at 1( .•i.'^t Ift \v( f k.«. It will play on n. royalty pi-ri f'ntage with R'lvsini.f-. Fla. Stock a Loser St. Petersburg, Fla., Jan. 22. The Plaza Players, here, stock company posted a closing, notice 1 due =^ to bad business. — Harry E. Jones, lessee and man- ager, made money last year with I the same company but this season 'his losses have run over ten grand in eight weeks. In upeaklng of hl.s losses, Jones said:. "I have not yet had a winriing week, losing money each of the eight weeks played. Last week I 1 dropped JOOO." "DUQAN" OUT OF CHI Chicago, Jan. 22. "Trial of Ma,ry Dugan" Is defi- nitely set to leave the Adelplii March 2. A. H. Woods, now in England, 1.-- rcport»>d to be figuring on bring- ing in "Scotland Yard,", a play by Denni.son Cliffc. Two other show.s considered arc . "" and "Blackbirds,'^ -j^ood s-h a«.-ha(Li^rir-tiM£iL.-t^^^^^^^^ with "Scotland Yard" over use of the title. "CANE CROP" COLD "Cane Crop" clo.sed at New Jin- ohollc, N. Y.. Saturday after play- ing- nearby for two woek.". Clark Ro.'^.s produced. Salaries all paid **Lightnin' ** on Coast Los Angeles, JiB,n, 22. The next attraction at the El Capitan in Hollywood, following "So This Is London," will be "Lightnln," to open Feb.- 5; Mrs. Prank Bacon and her daughter Bessie, the latter being the wife oif Mat Allen, man- ager of the theatre, will be in the cast, also to include Percy Pollock in the title role and Charles Evans. Harris Sells to Shuberts . Chicago, Jan. 22. . With Sam Harris selling his re- maining interests In the Selwyn and Harris theatres, the Shuberts how own BO per cent of the twin houses, while Archie Selwyn and Crosby Galge retain the other half. Col. Bill Roche remains iri charge wmTZ AND POLLY .fJtorge Wintz, road show Im j.rf ^arlo. mny take over ."I'olly" for rnad showing If present negotia- tions with Arthur Hammerstcin go Dirough. ll.animeratein, called off^ "'£!-*^J'^'" TH'n^ arf'openln^We*Tt's^ SCAHBOROUGH'S "BAD BABIES" Los Angeles, Jan. 22. G*;">rge Scarborough, playwright now engaged as play advl.sor to T-jiitrd Artists, is finishing h!.«> nriw play, "Bad UableB." .•^.-.arborough states T>avld iwiaui < M.!' ,!c, this show in the' Equity's Coast Ball Los Angclos, .Tan. 22. The first west coast Equity Ball, being staged at the Blltmore Hotel on Jan.. 31 under the supervision of Margaret Smith, of . Equity's New York office, will have the following committees: Arrangements; Lionel Barrymore, Warner Baxter, Reglnrrtd Denny, Ralph Forbes, Milton Sills and James Spottswood. Decorations: Lilyan Ta.shman, Lois Wilson in charge of programs. r,:jnetta Barrett is handling tickets. Floor committee is under direc- tion of Conrad Nagel, and James Gleason heads the reception body. Tickets are only available to members but each Is permitted to Invite limited number of guests. Ball Is, step on part of Equity . to gain prestige in the film coloiiy.>li)hl;t;.,Jau J:!. Onw again tliere was but une .single ray of sunt-hine iii. the .ivliiomy ' Icgil sky last week. This time it. \va« Cari'oirs "Fioretta," ^^ liich ' oponod lit the Krl.irigor to the linic of $-ti.OOO , or bettor. Tliis Itgure; ' ili.esn't repre.-stMVt' capacity except at tlie end ol the wecic. ICvery indica- tion that "Fiorotta ' will boost its ... gl'0!^^; this weolc if th-"" wo.ithor l)roak.s arc good. I..-ist week w.xs l*lnlly"s auto show. ; Notice's on. the i.*a.rroll 'show havtv . amounted to raves and woi-d-of-mouth is v-M-y favorable. ' Rumors tliat if trade continues to hold up, a fourth- week may be taeliod on to the local cn- gagotncnt.' ■ With the Forrest ' ami Adclphl dark last week, the comin^tition was cut somcwliat,.. but not enough. Latest show to get loi?t in the. shuf- fle, was "Burlesque.", Broadway .smasli will close for good at the Lyric Saturday hiirht. Show, hit around $10,000 the Utst week here but dropped to loss than $S,000 last week. Figuring the title one of the main causes, management cut the word "Burlesque" down even smal- ler than It was in Chicago, starring Ha,l Skelly In extraordinarily big typfe. Lyric will, be dark next week with "AndJ So to Bed" coming in on a return, Feb. 4. . Serena Blandish," Jed Harris' Iryout, got along Just moderately In its final week at the Broad. Around ?9,BOO reported with people disagreeing sharply on show's chance^. Audiences not enthusi- ■ astlc. "Gentlemen of the. press" closed Its tour Saturday night, an- othei* . casualty that had its demise here. As a matter of fact this newspaper show picked up in Its final week at the Walnut; mounting from less than $4,000 to between $0,000 and $7,000. "The High Road;" last week's sole dramatic opening, drew raves from most of the critics i)ut- didn't gross more than $12,000, if that, at the Garrlck. Town's musicals, other than "Fio- retta," did not fare especially well. "Lady Fingers," overhauled and re- paired 80 much that some claim it has been seriously hurt, wa.s . re- ported at around $10,000 In its sec- ond week at Kelth'.s. "Luckee Girl" was down to $14,000 in its getaway week at the Shubert, being.hurt by word getting around that Billy House had loft the, "Well, Well, Well" waa a little better off. This rough and ready niu.slcal ben- efited a.s much as any show by the auto show and claimed better than $18,500 for its second week at the Chestnut. Current week has four opr-nings, three of them with a Broadway Label, and the other a tryout. "Kaln or Shine" opens for three weeks at the Shubert, a shorter honking than generally expected. "" Is at the Walnut for two weeks, and Jane Cowl reopens tho Adclphl for a like period. New show is "All the King's Men," Lew Cantor's produc- tion with (i.rant'Mltclipll, booked for three weeks at the Broad, a long time for a new show. Dr.ama was given a single performance In De- cernhcr by the Profes.slonal 1 Mayers which, despite the name, is a local amateur organization Just formed. At that time, Mitchell and Olive Wyndham wore featured^ Feb.. 4 - there ..will be a haf r'h of FUND BENEFIT JAN. 25 The forty-seventh .annual horii'fit for the Actors' Fund of America takes pl.ace at the Jolson theatre Friday afternoon of January .Ijn un- der the management of IJani'"! Frohr man. Among the .stars w'ho a..rr> to appear are: Ethel Barryrnbi-e, Will R6g<.as, Beatrice I^iJlie, Kddle Cantor, Ruth Draper, "Chico" Marx, Gcrtriidc Lawrence, E. H. Sothern, IJdrothy Stono, Bill JiobliJ.son, Irene. Frank- lin, Gladys llanf-vin, Jack llaz/.ard. SELWYN-FORBES WEST . L<;.« Angfl"s,- Jan. 22. Two Ti'-w writcr.s to arrivft from thr; cast for M-G-.M are J'^dgar Sd wyn and .lames Forbes, Thr^lr work l.s to be donf on talkers. As. yc-t no .story a.v.--iL'iiiii'. ii'.- linvi bfr-ri (riVn thfiri. BRONX TREMONT STOCK Frank Mft.'oy hris t;ik<-n ovf the Tremout, IlroiiX, New York, for dra - matic .stock, fip<T)iiig la.'Jt v,"ek with ."Craille Snat'h'TW." Comi'-'ny In- •IVides Mar^ .Mif-hael, John G.-D lu • d"tt. I'liii^Ui H'. g«'. May B e ! I'-.v-. June ■VVVd),-»i'r; J. Ar.lhorjv lJ-..^'t!es and J i; M.i! ■•t<.ri. newcomers, including "The .Silent House", (return), at KeKh'.s: ."Kihlt- J5or" , Ca new play), at the. W;iinut; "And .So fo-llf'd"' (retiirn), at the Lyric; "J.Sprlnfj Ls Here" (ju-w uui.'sl- c.'d), at the Forrest; "Good X'-wh" /return), at the .Chestnut . Street opera house, and Sfim'-thln.g at the Krlanreiv proh.ahly "Vah^t^ef!." Estimates for Last Week "Rain or Shine*'/ (.Shubert; week). j;oe Cook musical comedy tn for three weeks, with encouraging advance; "Luckee Girl" off to $14,- 000 In ei'.'hih find fln;il wei Ic. "All the King's. Men" Hiroad, week).. Tryout .drama .wiih Ht-tul Mltehej] in f'lr thrff wf^it.'-; rcu.i r;"' fa'r la.'-t v:*-' ]-., lu.n-u t'-l- aOll. "Jarnegan" (Walnut, l.'-l wt-ek). Itk-hard licTinett show In for .*'(irt- riight; "Gentlemen of the l•r.e.'^^," I'losr-d Saturday nlsiht. aUho';t;'i up a llltle to around $';,r)00. . "Jealous Man" (Ad<l|,hi, 1st wfek). .lan'» <."owl vehlcl..' In , fof "fm-t^nirhtf ivith-TXtra ^WTT^Ir^r^ hon>--e dark la.'-t week. "Burlesque" (Lyric, 5d I-'ini' liopkin.s .show c.lo.^es totii- S;u- iird.'iv nit'ht ; l-iyt. v.n-i'' . di'ntiiifd from fii >iiirid $10,0(.'o to. C()r..;.d<-rahlv iiri'l"r ""'"'i; "Fioretta" (lli lang^r, 2il w....k). CtjIv lii' i.'i '"'.vn laf-f Wfi.;.; ('.•.rroll jjhow h'-v-'-y tlriri $ilniiii ;;, lirfit I '. 'nil!..' Ij- d Oli )