Variety (Mar 1929)

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VARIETY n»*nor * Byron\ Uel KIM . IrtHa" ("-»> . Ciclf * Oaun.. jo«. lit b*U>:(U4*> gou *JB»2!^. ■ KJrbr * Dtnno £ls ft'T/Br** (Ons to 'BIl)' GoHbn * MlLBBen Jlnka • ■;V.,_;- FrlBCO ' BarEMDUW Weadln« , ■ismh. .'f-.. - Kcltll1|> - lit halt <1I-11V Bas * Baasaga Senna A.jDe|kn <One tbr*tt^: -, I.08 arobub; BUI StrMt <U) Ohekcla Buok ft Bubbles Lo«katt & Fasa Franda 'WbUa Feplto (Ona to fill) (4) Vaaeaal Scott Sanders Hooper & Gatehett HIbbart & Hartman jfansiu .;^bow Bsposltlon 4 _ , Nat C Haines Co ' XBIB> FA. • • Peny jrt i>ait;«l-"> Vonn ft WestoBx . '3IaJl7ajna . 5m * *> ^»'3'»»» nappe' Frasirtes 'Siewra ft '•''•■•J' Coonlnf liam ft B ^in"' . (Two. to flu) ■ I* half 'lioala ft Cherle ^Tateel.ft'Carsoa. ' Bar Friends . -.BannftltBros TMterthoii«Ms ..1ITCHVG|^ Jtl^Ba. lithdlf«l-l» . Barfiist ft- Jean ' Dancing Danburrs Uarle ft Ann Clark ■ •Tllll Vance Rev . td hall (14-17) ■war sir Cecil Alesander . 8p«nae & Lloyd. Sis ■lO ne to A ll) _ _ : IVillHUINO, Ik I. . Pehh's .. • 'lit AalC (11-18) . . Jttoroe ft Bvelyn ; Fannie Word" '. (Tbrae -to SlI) id halt (14-17) Banv Fox Frankel ft Dnnlevy ■lUlnl State Bd (Two to mi)' : 2d half (7-H) Katbano Bros ' Bntler & Parker . Benny X>avla Gans ■(Two to All) let bat(7ll-ia) Tom £ Addle Leon Carr CUflord ft C (One to mi) BABBISBVO. PA. Ne«-fitat»:(U) Bnrt Smith Rev '«BAI<I> RAPIDS . .-.Kelth's^ . IH baU ai-l» Qaynor, ft Byron Oallarlnl Sis Cnllen Landla'Ce Lans ft .Haley ' Zastro.ft ,Whlta Co . 3* haU (7-l») An)bla4 Q.FaUs Froslnl ; . Taboruft',.Greene .wm Desmond Co Trlxle Frlganza Carter Bros Rot OBBAT BABB'NO- jrpH, UABS. „ (16-16) aloora ft Moor* (T ail) . OBEENPIBU) VIcteila ^ Id-halt (14-17) BIgolettQ Bros ' (Two to fill) • ^,id. hall.(7-10) Rlgoletto Bros Setson Vhe Hoiutons HABTFOU>. CT. Allyn _ 2d holt (14-17) Bcargqbi J^B'«n'>de Byblira Bo^ban Co S'Vmnx; KA88. , ^'■ Palate ■1st talt. (11,18) ganleteon Follies BVKvurta, N.T, 2d ball, (14-17) Rsnzettds' Connls^ Blllle ft II tiSjel Kays (Twft to, flii) ITHACA, N. T, Btcand L RIofa A Cberle ,.»d l>alt (f-m ll'Brloktops Chevalier Bros Will J -Ward (Two to flU) 'BaaBt cm ,^ Stato 1st half (11-11) Frankel ft Dnnlevy ■ gantastlo Studio Byans ft ifaysr (Two to fill) HuUng A CharUea (Four to -All) • 2d halt (7-l») W Mo ^!»rica/1^^nntem kbenh,:n. h. —Von .stremel'^-— Weelon's Models KNOXVIIXE Tennessc* -J* halt (14-17) •Typical Tonics ^CAsxea. • PA . . Colonial 1st half (U-13) Rose's Midgets Bert Smith Unit Oandsmltha Wlnslow 4,;.. Oiptmn: <U> Olson &:<,Johnson Al White . Rev Bayes ft Flesson Medleyi' ift Dnpree .Jack Benny ■ Lea Kllf k« - (One loVmi) (4). Rae Bamaetf Hayes ft FJeesoa Teonger.Poya Jack Benny, < Pneer ft Doiiglas Harrington Sis Priacess ,Pat Mann Brop^Byao LOCtSVILLH 1st halt Tn-it) Illaeaihoi ' - Collins ft Psterson Art Landry ' Corlnnq. Tlllon Carl Rosnil 2d halt (14-17) Grace AdelpU Primrose Bemon Chlsholm ft Breen WIU Mahoney HaTvard-Cbas ft K LOWELL. MASS. Keith's 1st half (11-1» Daadng Danhnrys Robblns ft Jewett Del Ortos Id halt (14-17) Marty Qbnree Bh'w LTJIN,-MABS. Olympla 1st half (11-n) Bily Morrell ft BeekwIth Sli'' Ceall<\Alexander Spence ft Lloyd Sis 2d half U4-17) " Qoslar 'ft Lusby 4 Van Rippers RacpooneVs . (One. to ml) >• MAIJ>Bir, MASSi ^Oraad . let )ialt .(11-13) Nolan Bros.ft V 2d h%U (1.4-17) B'be Bg^ Redh'ds Ornhevm (U) AUeen ft . Marjorle Frances ift Wally Uodeni Cinderella Bddle J^oiden Co Joe Mendl.: .(4) Falls Reading ft B Charlea lAlthoff Betty' Bly'the Joe Marka ■ Frank Devoe Schlctl's •W'ndVtes KILFORD, MASS. 2d Italt (14-17) A ft LjWIUon Elmlly Darrell (One to All) MTLWABKEK FBtaco (II) Marls ValsntI H ft F Usher Berkes Sully Frankis Heath (One to. All) (4) H TImb'drg Unit Has ft GAtig MniMXiAPOUS Hennepla (11) Everett'' Sanderson Harry Watson Jr Billy .Glason Muriel Kaye Co (Ons to All) (4) Agemos Dick Henderson Leatrlee Joy Watson ft Cohan Blarl -Lindsay Rev IFNTPELIBB,' VT. ad halt (14-17) Skating Tamers Doree ft 'MorrfsoD Kane ft whltis MOIiTBBAI< Imperial (U) Gamble Bros ft B The Brtants Laddie Lament Ethel Davis Jnle ft Rlt« J ft B Brow n VASKVIUJ5 Prtneess (11) SehlcU's W'ndVtes Block ft Sully Banjoland Frank De Voe Joe Marks Co . (4) Wolf ft Jerome Sully ft Thomaa Alma .Nollson Co Corlnne.'.I^Iton Carl Roslnl fo _ N. BT>TT»,. HABU .Olympio let halt (dl-lS) The Hill Billies 'TOlSSir—'—— Tacopl Tr (Two to nio 2d halt (14-17) Mankin Dance Whirl W ft L Kaufman Bddia Carr Co Morrell & B'kwith JTW BRUNSWJCK Keith's 1st half (llrlB) B ft J Cralghton Bit Rosle <Thi<ee to Ul> ad half (7-l«) Anderson ft Tvsl Tlnyj Spiro Frank Boeston Co Alton ft Wilson Stop Look ft Listen NEWBUBOH AcAdemy Ist haU (Il-lt) Kane ft BlUs (Others tOt.All) 2A half (14-17) Eva Tftngoay .. (Others to All) . 2d half (7-10) Fayen * De Costa Clarence ^ordstr'ni AMxander ft Peggy Toeah's .Art* (One to All) NIAOARA FALLS Itellevlew let halt (11-18) Rogers ft Gregory L« Panl Foley ft Latoor Cnnlngh'm ft B Co (One to Alt) 2d halt (14-17) Moran ft Weston Arthur Devoy Co Ted ft Al Watdman Kailyama (Ona- to All) NO. ADAMB, M'BS. 'Empire -.n halt (14-17) Will'J Ward (Others to All) 2d' halt (7-10) Selins > .Werner ft Mary A 0 Rackets (Two to All) OAKLAND Orphenm <11) ' Fanla Paqitlta ft C Sophie Tucker Casey ft'Warren Sid Marlon Co George MoLennon Katka Stanley ft U (4) T Gemnovlcfc Or B ft B Newell Mayo ft Lynn Lookett ft Page Frank Hamilton Nelson Family OMAHA Oti^mm (U> [Bobble Rowland Lon Cameron Co Bard « Roland KoLeUan ft Sarah Carl Freed Oroh (4) Happiness Girls Billy Glason Rogers ft Wynn Feter the Great Rials OTTAWA Keith's (11) ' Cannon ft Lee Riissel ft Hayes. Billy Swede Hall Walsh ft Cleirk Dance Scandals (4) Lioddla Lament Tom ft Dolly Ward Crasy Rhythm BlUle Moody Little Plplfax _ _ PATVrCKI, B. I. Colonial 1st halt (11-11) Clayton ft Clayton Bars Wiley ft B 4 Van Rippers 2d halt (14-17) livans.ft Fltts Al Llbby Co (O ne t o AM) PHTT.ADEU>niA Eorie (U) Kay Hamlin ft Kay 6 Honey Boys Spence ft /True 14 < Bricktops (One to au) _ Grand O. H. Ist half (ll-ia) Mdldle ft Ray Foxy LaRocca Undercurrent West ft Mcglnty Co (One to All) 2d bait (14-17) Undercnrrent Seymour^ Howard R Clbree to All) 3d half (7-10) ■Alice Dayo Co Bobby ft Van Brooks ft Rush Indian Res Bd (One to All) Nixon list halt (11-18) Claires Gordon ft King En'oz Frazera Co Lebr ft Bell Love In the Ranks 2d halt (14-17) Roxy La Rocoa Jldm'nd • D'Orsay .Co Cook ft Oatman Dafnty Marie (One to AU) PITTSBDIieH D&VllI (11) ^ Mason ft Dixon Rv Llbonatt Felovis ^—^ Freda ft Palace Kate Smith Kenneth Harlan Nan Halpertn Roy Cummlngs 6' Moutiters Harris 1st halt (11-18) Vaxca.'''- 3'Rolling Stones Hudson Wondsrs Haxry 1/ Coopsr Co (Ona to All) ■ 2d half (14-17) {B^ti ft' Lehman Dance' -Bits Douglas Wright Co (Two to All) - .2d halt (7-10) ZImmy Foley ft Latoor Jimmy Lyons Otis Mitchell Girls (Ons to All) Bberidaa 8g. 1st half (11-13) Douglas Wright Co Borrentino 4 Burt ft Lehman Anette ■ Kellerman ■iOio to All) 2d holf. (14-17) pTOzInl. t 'Rollltfg Stones ' ItiiiUoh' Wonders Harry L .Cooper Co cope to All) ^^d half (7-10) ■Perez'.&-<X.aFlour.— I Krafts A Lament TpiI & Al Waldman Plappef FrcaUlea (One to nil) PORTLAND, ME. Keltli's 1st half (11-18) Ben Smith Co Bobbins ft Jewett Del onos , , 2d h^t (14-17) ' Marty' D'preo Show POUGHKEBTOIB Banl Avon 1st halt (11-11) Bva Tanguay (Others to All) 2d half (14-17) Kane ft Bills (Others to AID 2d halt (7-10) Phil'ft: Bddle Ross Bod ft M Reed Co Spence & True ■ J Burchlll Girls (One to .All) ' ' PBiOTIDKNCB AJbee (11) Claude' ft Marlon Mercedes 4 Plashes Manny'King Co Tyler ft St< Clair PUTNAM, CONN. let hall (11-18) A ft L Wilson Bmlly Darrell (One to'All) QUEBEC Aodliorimii (11) Gilbert ft May Crazy Rhythm Blllle Moody Little PIplfaz (One to All) (4) Bee Goa ft Qupee Madlyn Patrice Page ft Cortez Walsh ft Clark Mnislo lArt Rev aumOT, MASS. <tui<My ' 1st halt (11-13) Raymond Bond Co Donohne ft Morgan (One to All) 2d halt (14-17) Villi Vance Rev BIOKMOND N«Uoiial (11) Edgar Bergen Co Barry Holmes (Three to All) (4) Steel Pier Mlnst BOCHESTKB Palace 1st halt (11U8) Ruiz .ft Be nit* Allen Bene Rath Worrea Chas Ray Rae ft Dot Deaa Vardell Bcos 2d halt (14-17)^ B ft B Miller " Reynolds ft White Nina Gordonl Vat Harris B Markeit Girls SALBH, MASS. PMesal 1st halt (11-13) Grace Bdler Co Monn Warner ftM Francis Benanlt Raccooners (One to All) Id halt (14-17) Dotson (Others to All) 2d halt (7-10> 7 stars (Others to All) BAN FBANCIBCO Ootdn Oato <n> Wataon Sis B ft B Newsll Don Lee ft'. Lonlse Frank Hamilton George Dormonde (4) Frances 'WbHe Buck ft Bobbles Peplto Obezzis Pearl « Oiphcnm (11) Mitchell ft Dnrant Claire Vincent Co Olive Olsen 4ed Lewis Hal Merldan (4) Sophie Tucker Olseri ft Johnson Medley ft Dnpree Fasten Dormonde ft Ftnr Paulo Paqulta ft C BBATTIf, WASH, Orpheum (11) Adela Vetne Torke ft King Win Fyffe Bed Donohne Foraytbe ft Kelly Honey Tr (4) Devil's Clrcns B ft J Rponey Fraksen Nick Lncaa Jack Usher Co Rym'nd ft Caverly S'DRIDOE, MASS. 2d half (14-17) Hamid Bey Co (Two to All) SPBINOFIELO, O, Begenl 1st half (11-13) Don Cummlngs Rogers ft Wynne Roger ImboB Co O'Brien 8 (One to AU) ad halt (14-17) Bobby May DePace ft Girls Gordon ft Bqalres XTwo to All) 2d half (7-10) Bsa Marvenga Co Al Traban Lament 4 SPBINOP*U>. VT. ^d halt (14-17) Skating Tumcra Doree ft Morrison Kane ft White ST. LOUIS , Bt. LoDls (11). Al Traban' Co Falls Reading *_ Ellvertown Cord Or Ray ft Harrison Sylvia Clark TIneva ft Balkolt (4) Charles Murray Long Tick Sam Roger Imbeff Co Johnny Berkes Marie ValentI BVRAOUBB Keith's 1st bait (11-13) B ft B Miller Reynolds ft White Sbean ft Cantor Nina- Gordoi^ Val Harris R Markert Girls 2d half (14-17) Ruiz * BonIt» Allen Reno ' itfe Warren Rae-^'ft-ftorUeSB' KIkuta Japs THREE BrVBBS Capitol 2d half (14-17) Little Plplfax Gilbert ft May Crazy Rhythm (Two to nil) 2d halt (7-10) Bee Gee ft QnPM Madlyn Patrice Page ft' Castes'' Mercedeo' (One to mi) . . TOLEDO ■KsMh'a 1st halt m-lS) (Same' - bill plays J Grand Rapids 341 half) SaranoS Rev Lytell'ft Pant DIzon Rlgga I (Two to All) ' . ad halt (14-17) Zaatro ft White ht Collea Iiandls Co' Gallarlnt ft Sis' Lang ft Haley Oaynor ft Byroa 2d halt (7-10) Gilbert ft Avery FIshsr ft Gllmoia B ft G Sherwood Collins ft Peterson Al'x'nder Bros ft B (One to All) TOBONTO BIppodrome (11) Testertbonghts Geo Beatty' Florence Lavera Ann Codes M'Ir'y McN'ee ft R TBENTON KeKh's 1st halt (11-13) ft M Harhlns Family Ford Alexander ft Peggy S'ymouT 'ft B'ward (One to All) : '2d half' (14-17) Bl^ Rosle Ada Brown'^ SiK Frlwioe Bd Willie West ft MeO (One to. All)' '2d holt (7-10) RIU ft Margie J C Mack Co Mary Haynes Co KIkuta Japs (One to All) UNION BUX ad ha??%4-it) Bvans ft Mayar (Four to AU) 2d half (7'1») Ora Rbi Gtechler Co Henry J Kelly (Two to All) VnOA. N. T. Gato^ 1st halt (11-11) Houstoas Rangern. (Three to mi) 3d half (14-17) Kitty O'Connor Harris ft Ratcliffe Bronson ft Reaee R (Two. to mi) 2d halt Berne ■ Moore Co Stanley Owen ft H Along B'way Ryan 61s Lady Alice's Pets VANCOUVEB, B.C. Orpheom (11) Ken Mdrray (4) Torke ft King Will Fyffe Red Donofaae. Forsythe ft Kelly Hone y Tr WXA/OFUO, or, 2d halt (14-17) Renzettas Connie BlUIs ft M Uonel'Kuo WABREN, O, Bobhhis' Id hall (14-17) Tbalero'S' Circus Kiatts & Lament Sotrentlno 4 J BUIott Olrls (On* re All) ad half (7-10) Norman Thelma Lydlja~ Harris Caranas .Barhar Co Burt ft. Lehman Cnnn Ingham ft B WrrBVIIXB. MB. 2d halt (14-17) Jimmy :BvanB' Show WE8TEBLT, B. I. (13-14) Hamld Bey Co , (Two to All) WHITE PLAINS -Kdth'B 1st halt (11-18) Ray Haling Seal Harry Lewla Unit 3d halt (14-17) B ft J Crelghton Hyde ft Burrlll Mnslo Art Rev (Two to ill) 2d halt (7-10) B F ft..Hnrphy B's lAWlor ft Watson Linton's Follies (Two to All) WINNIPBO, CAN. VTUS VOK. ABB. 1st halt (11-18) Ledeva (Others to All) Id halt (14-17) Frank Bvers ft O Sargent ft Lewis 4 Camerons (Two to AU) NBW OBLEANB Onhvm Van Cello 4 BtOD Boys Maker ft Bedford Tyler Mason Joo Tonng Co : OKLAHOMA' CtTt Oipheom (11) n .(U) ft Maiy UNNEAVOKkS Ploeta'iSroa ft Bis ,„.„ . Brock ft Ttynn Jsrry * Baby Gi'ds I Johnny Barry Co 3 Aralms . .'_ SUsahtth Brlea Co Jed DooleyCo Wilton ft weher BAi( ANTONIO MaleeUfr <U) Harris ft WalUeo Bernet ft Dye Charm 4- Weaver Bros Home F.oMiB ■ - TULSA, OWUA. OtVhean fl8> Musketasm. Pat Hennlng Byains ft iMcIntyre Brlit Wood ' Wells ft Brady Orphcam (11) Watson ft Cohan Florence Moore Dick Henderaon Agemos (One to AH) (4) De' Marcos lM\M McConnell Bob Nelson Stanley & Ginger Gas ft wni 8 Wh irlwin ds WIMSTBD, CONN. Ettaad Id halt (14-17) Tom ft'Addle lison Joe Donovan^ Apartment A WINBTON-8AUM Aadltorlaaa lot halt (11-18) (Same ' hfll plays Charlptte3dlialf) Typical Topics Sd halt (l«-m ZImmy _ Adeline Bendoa Co (One to All) ' Sd halt (7-l*> Jules Black Co (Two to All) WBC'STB, MASS. Elm Bt. 1st half (11-13) Howard Smith Co Harrison ft Dafcia (One to AU) 2d half (I4-1T) 8onohne ft Morgan eraa Warner ft M I (One to All) ■ Ltounobtown, o. Keitta's 1st halt (11-13) > (Same bin plays Akroh 3d half) Shaw ft Carroll Al Abbott ' P X Bushroaa Jr Jimmy' Savo Daok Sbing PAUL KIRKLAND Iioadlag f aa gtia to 0. B. NfOOE^^XEB'S PUiUz Unit "BLOSSOMS" : DliaelioB joe>-IiEDD7. tinfl ■ SMITH—Ed' tM.Wast.inb St.. Salto Ml 1 NEW TOBB .UU'S 86th St. Ist half (10-13) Red Grange . .« ^ Muslo Art Rov (Three to AU) Id halt (14-1() Ardlne -ft Tyrell Roy Sedley. Co (Three to miV Stta Ave. 1st half (10-13) Mack & Rogers (Two to mi) 2d halt (14-1«) Shean ft Angar (Two to>)lll) : . ' Uth Bt; ^ 1st half (10-13) - J C FUppen'"UBlt 2d halt (14-1() Mary & Bob Chaz Chase Co Noree ItSth St. 1st halt (10-13) Shean ft'Anger Joe Welly ft Jim (Three to mi) ^d holt (14-10) Roy Walman (Two to All ) _ WESTCHBS'fEB New Bochrfjo'- . let halt (10-13) Mary ft Boh ', Hyde ft BurrlU Bnnshlne Sammy (Two to Ail) 2d half (14-10) Ray Marr Rev Mt. VcnuB 1st half (10-13) Loma Worth (Othen to AU) / Toakess 1st half (10-18) Baby Edna Kerr BeSsle 'nerapel Co Roy Sedley Gang 2d halt (14-16) Harry Lewis Unit NEWABK .rnctor's (10) Carder Bros . Hsirry Langdon Co Bmest Hlatt (Two^to All) ALBANY. N. V. Grand Ist half (10-13) Harris ft Ratcliffe (Two to All) BCHEN'CT^. N. T. Ptodor'a 1st half 10-13) Branson Rcnne Rev (One to mi) TBOT, N. T. Praetor's 1st halt (10-13) Chevalier Bros Broadway Flashes RIgoletto Bros BI/MINCTN. ILI. M«|esUe 1st halt (10-13) DezBO Better Talaak & Dean Brown Bros COI'B BTIDB. lA. Iowa lot bait < 10-13) P ft D Rial Chas Aldrlch Bobby 'Barry Co (Two to All) 2d half (14-10) Fleurstte Jeoffrle Behiard ft Kellar B ft O Bherwood (Two to. All) CHAMPAIGN. ILL. Orphenm .1st halt (10-18) Chas AlthoS- Hoyel Mangean Tr (One to AU) > Id half (14-10) Rogers ft Wynn* Cosda ft Verdi (Ope to AU) oHicA<M», no. Bclmoat . lot halt (10-18) Be« Jons Steppers B Herbert Co (Three"to- AH) 2d half (14-10) Mel Klee Unit Englemwd Isi halt (10-13) TotO: (Three to All) 2d half (14-10> Versatile Bteppeia Emery Girls- (Three to AU) DAVIENPOBT, lA. Capital 1st halt (lO-lS) Peter The Great Prank ConvUlo (Three to All) td halt (14-10) Al Herman O'Donnetl ft Btalr (Three to mi) DECATUB, nX: Uaeda Bqnan 1st halt (10-13) <niff Nazarro Hlckey Bros (Two to AU) 2d half (14-16) CUft Nazarro H ft F seaman (Two to All) • / DBS MOINEB, lA. OrpUtam. Ut halt (10-U)^ CDonnell ft Btaff (Others, to AH) 2tt half (14-1«) Bams 2. Slamsso 1 (Three 'td. flll)_' 'Bdkutb; mink. ' Lyilo <lf) Owynna Co Nick Hiiirord ' Memphis Collegian BVNSVILUB^ IND. Grand ' ' 3d half (14-10> Don Cnmmtaga O'Brien 0 ' (Three tomi>_-;^ FT. WATOB, IMB. . NeW '.EMlonl^'. 1st half .(10-18>-, Mel Klce.Ualt ..' 3d half (14^16) Ons Fowler Co (One to nil) ad halt (14-16) Midget Land Kohn St DePlnte M ft A Shelly Bee Hee ft R'by'tte (One to All) MASON CITF, lA. CecU 1st halt (10-13) Bums 3 Barnard ft Kellar Siamese 2 3d halt (14-10) F ft D Rial Bobby Barry Co (Ona to All) MILW'KBE, WIS. , Blveialdo (10) Campus S Roy Rogers Chass ft Latonr Texas 4 Mas ft "(Sang ' (Two to mo PEOaiA. tliU Falae» let half (10-18) Persons ft Hawks B De Pace Co. H ft p Beamaa Lament 4 (One to AU) Sd halt (14-10) A. ft O Falls Bentell ft Oonld OSr'G£ng Xtds Frank Conville Rice 'ft Werner BOOCFOBD, nX. Palo CO 1st halt tlO-18) Midget Land Koba ft DePlnto M ft A SkeUy Be* Bee ft R'by'tte (OnS' to AU) 3d halt (14-10) Zelda Santtey Chancy ft Fo> Art H«nry Gas Fowler Co (One to All) BiOUB CITS. lA. Otphcnm lat haU (10-18) HapplBOss Olrla (Others to AU) 2d half (14-I6) W L S'Bno'w Boat SUloti ft Latour BO. BEND. IND. Palaco '1st halt>(10-IS) Bobby Mar Jao CoughUn Co Gordon ft'Squires. Orookett's Co (One to All) ..2d. half (14-16) Bddle. Dale Co .Chaa AlthotI BrowB ft -LaveUa (One to AU) MObSEJAW- Pantages 1st halt (ll-13> (Same bill. ' plays BdmoBton 2d half) W))lts Maass Storey ft I«e Thank Ton' Dr Joy Bros ft Gloom Lewla ft Stovall Walter Wallers Co' BPOKANE, WABH. Paatagea (II) Marietta 3 Dolores Lopea At Metropelitaa Hendrix ft Baldwin Dlxon-Holer Co SEATTLE, WABH. Fnatages (II) 4 Bastons Roger Williams Kazana (Two to All) VNCOUVBB, B. C. Paatagea (II) Frank Viola Co BIbrewn BUly Farrell Co Davis ft McCoy Castle of Dreams TACK»IA. WA8B. PaBtageo (11) D'avalo's Orch Brandels C Msnn (Three to mi) PORTLAND. ORB. Pantogos (II) Ling Toy's Lowe ft'IMinn Ks Twins Harris ft Pepper 4 Petleye SAN PBANdSCO Paatagea (U) Vie Honey S Raymond Wllhert Alcanla Coogaa ft Casey 0 Waltens PBESNO, CAIi., Paatagea (U) Castlag Campbells CtaOney ft Waltoa' Zermain F'rrar ft C Bums ft fiano 6 Speeders Oriental Odditis* LOS ANOBLES Pantages (II) WllUe Ritchie Fox ft'Rowland Jean Schwartz R«M Moran. ft Mack IiOttle Gee Moran & Mack..< SAN DIEGO, OAXk. < PaaUges (11) Seror Bros ft Sis Edyihe Boblma^ '. Golden.BIrd Lee Morse' Katharine Beyle Oft 1/a BKACH. OAI. Pantages (11) Bd I<avine ClUton ft Brent Maryih Bellett Oo George Morton Trip to Holla nd SALT LAKE CTTT Paatagea (n> Gilded Cage Thompson & Kemp CuckoO' Ward ft Raymond , 4 Kemmys LOGAN. UTAH Paatoge* (11-U) (Some bin play*' Oeden 13-14; Choy* - - enno 1'6-10> .;' Phil La Tosea ' Bonner ft Power* Gleason ft Brewa'fl Trout ft He« HazeUe & KlatoS OMAHA, NKB, Paatagea (11) Shannon ft C BrO» Jack Russell Rev ' Harry RappI Melody Manaloa ' (One to All). . ' • KANSAS CTTT : . Paatagea (U) Jewell's' Manikins, r' Heller ft Lorrain* Maok ft Stanton ■ 0 llaxellos •'" Dan Cotenia n' Co • '' BraMPHiB; mtA-. Paatagea (Uy' '. Pauls Hawallana Wslser ft Kbbaa ' Ray ft Ston* « Nugold Rev (One to mi) BotterfieU 3 IB^I Mangean Tr F(TwO.' to Al l) ' SPBIKOVLD, HX;- _lst halt (10-13) 'Dob Cothmlngs " ' ,1Hf>gera ft 'Wynno Eager Imhoft Co' (yprien 0 ' «»T* ttc-miy Sd hmt (i4-i(> Bobby'-May Da: Bace Co Gordon .ift>-Bqolrea'.' i^^raEFH, MO. ANN A'B'B, MKB. HItAlgaa Jior B Tlmberg Uqlt BTIB CV, MICH. BUoa. 1st bait (10-18) Tampa HaU ft Brmla* Hearst Broa 2d half (14-16) CVr'nce Downey Co Swor ft (Toode Canto ft Eddy VUMT, HICHk Capitol let half (10-18) CVr'nce Downey Co Ford ft Glenu Bay BhannoB Co^ 2d halt (14-10) Nothal.. . "Male FHgansa • bene V«nnllUos'4M K'L'M'ZOO, MICH. '. ' Mate list halt (10-18) 8 Jaasleys. .. BarM;A:Bact WMdlng OowB 3d halt (14-tf) Ryan Sis. Crookott'a Co <0»o to mi) lANBINO, MHA'.- ■ 8ti»«a ,'.,• ■'.:• 1st Wt (lO-lSi , ■ Trtxlo F«^n«a v Carrie ft, Bddy ■ (One to mij 3d halt (14-1*) : Ford ft Glenn Lament 4 (One to All) ' g* OWOpSOt HICB; Capitol . . .,■;■■. ■'. Id half (14r|#> . -- vi- ^ Hearst Bros ■ Keo Takl ft -ToM ' ■'.' ti""'.' (One to AU) ' ..(Vk' PONTIAC, laOK"^ : •'Btato^ ■■ '-;.'>V..; 1st half (lOilS) ■ Nathat . "-:-'. 'V 'Bany.- ft WWtorig*':' ,:,:':!, Irene Vermilllpig^Ott'.'' '.. .: ad haU (I4-l«..' ;.-:.''^^-''; Seed ft Anstta • ■" t;v' B Janaleys. " -''-..-v-.;, (One (O'^flU) - 'li. -'^-i- auuNAW.. nmdS^ Temttv ':'U."'-- 'i.-v- ist 4iaif (lO'ill) ; . Keo Tnhl 41 TaW -^-ri'v; Bs«d''ft.ABs<iB'.:_ ■; Norman- TMomaa .# ' 2d hslf .(1M«)' -;'-^*; Balny .ft ^httent*^"': Watch the Bl^ttl* --y^ (One to flll>''i-:', A.. I 1st half (10-18) P Oukralnsky Bal'tBope Ve'raOn (Three ,to All) OAUMBUBOi nx. Orphenm . 1st half (10-18) A ft O Palls ' 'Bentell'ft Gould Our G ang Kids ' JOUEP. ILL. ' Bldto '1st hair (10-18) Qnln Ryan Darling 2 (Three to AU) 2d half (14-10) Chas Aldrich. Betty BIythe Co . . JOFUNi MO. EIMrle . ' -; 1st halt (lO'll) Stotz ft Bingham Anger 'ft' Fair (Twe>to All) BT. LOUIB.- Mp. ; Omad (10) I Lam tt 'While > |R<ie Reaves IB W-Hdpp*r Shannon's' Frolica PalacMlnilMaai'' pBUZABBn^ B. X> . Blta^ ' ' 1st half (il-18>- I Wonderland • Jerome ft . Gray Radio's Monkeys '(Two to flnv* J 3d halt (14-1/1) IXaibla Lany ft A I Mexican Cofesaoka (Three to fllt)^ - PASS^IO, <N,v.A. -:'~-V.. 1st halt (n-lij Al' K Ban ■' ,-.,„'■.•,'. (Three to AM) , . 2d halt (14->»)/ V % Dofor Bros. ' . ■■.-':'■(iv^ (T hree to. All) patbdson;' ii^Jf/;:;:^ 1st halt (lO-IS) §' L S BhOw'Boiit niott ft LAtonr '' \ td half (14-10) Happlneps Glfhi (Oth*|i^to"An)' f BE MDTBi INV. 1st baWUio-18) Nella Arnaut BKw.hCoeica' ft'Verdi Interstate (One to'Ain 2d half (14^16} ' Mystic MlTTor ' 1 (Two to All) KANS. CITY, MO. Maiii8fr««t.~(10) I Iioulsvllle Loona Revel Bros ft Red Bartram ft Saxton Al Trahano Co LINCOLN. NEB. IJncoln (II) I Bdlson- ft Gregory ■ Rath Bros . (One to nil) MADISON, WI8. 1st h2f*(10-13) Zelda Santley iChaney ft Fox Art Henry ISt^ Stanley Cte . FRatt ft Herman T(1Vo to All) ■ . ^d half (14-16) Roger Imhetf Co I 6 Brown Broa (niree to AU) TOPERA. KAN. : Novelty (11) . Kerr'"ft Ensign Pormita ft Millet B (One. lo All) ^AURBOAN, ILL. Genesee td bait (14-16) IB ft T Hfehey (TWO to mi) WICHITA, KAN. MlDer 1st half (10-13) ' Llbby Dancers ATLANTA, OA. Keith's (11) Wolff ft Jerom* Deris Rue Lon Tellegen Polly ft Ot , HerbertJayo__ AUSrtN; TEK. Hhn'cock O. IL 1st half (11-13) (Same .,blU^ Pjoys Waco '2d holt). Monroe ft" Grant ' Ruth Ford Powers ft Wallace Frqpk X Bilk Sllks-^ft^aJtlnB BIRMINCIIAM Kits (11) Col Fred Lindsay Tates ft Lawlay Edmunds ft E'chon Mr ft Mrs L Brice (One to All) . DALLAS, TEX. Majeatle (lU . . 4 Chandler f>of» \, O'Dunn ft Day Frank Stafford Spencer ft WlU'rae Rbea ft Sant o ro FT. WOBTH, TEX. Majestic (U) Swing Baton ■Teclc'MMrdoek Je;ck Smith 3 Golfers (Cino to. All) _ OALVESTV, TEX. Mtiestie, . let half (Ilpi) (Same bill plays Beaumont 2d half) Serge Flash flcdtt~ft, SwBt BIS~ Koran CUnord ft Marlon Jack Pepper HOUSTON) TEX. Mertlnl (11) Chlnko ^ Wilson Kepple & B Norweod ft Hall Borne ft Dunn 4"Dlamonds NEWABK Newark <«) 6 Leiands Chas GUI Billy Gilbert Co (Three to All) NIAGARA PALLS Strand (11) Mdrle Babott -Ainra-ft-Dn'vstll- Holland ft O'Dan Jim ft Betty Page (Ona to All) TORONTO Pantages (11) . Jungleland . . Ann Clifton Topical Teplci Dayton & Raricy Blue Slickers HAMILTON. CAN. Paatagea (11) ■ Od'e'tfe'CBarles A-M' Gnstav Mentav Tango 'Bhoes Penny Reed ft G Holland Rev TOLEDO, O. Pontages (Ill- Polar Pastimes -Al~Rome— / Klhcald Kilties Fielder Harr-t ft H Ravels of 1429 INDIANAPOLIB .. Lyrlo (11), CUton ft CDeno. Pollard Su|)-Deb Dancers , Racine ft Rl^y Labero OPFICIAL, DBSX7M ;TP : THa N; Vt -jki-; DR. JUUANi>Stt ;^ IBM brtiPADWAy ^ - Thla'Wcekr . ■ VINCENT I/OPEZt THE LE OBOjpi;; BOBOKEN. 9. New l^blah ' 1st half (11-13) Luliln I.arry & A Dainty Marie (One to nil) 2d half (14-17). Gordon ft King (TWO' to All) JERSEY CITY Central let half (11-13) Angel Bros (Two to nil) Dickson ft Cassldip''!:.::-''. Oeraldlne, ft'Joe'-C}' ,'?.^ -. Bob Marphyi.; . :tM7:i^i Mexican. .Cessackg '■' .. Zd half . (14-17/'..- «,: Ang^l''Bros'i ', . Jerome ft Orair . , . • (Twofio AH) . UNION'CITP,^WJt'.r.j-I"'. ■ BooseveiO^ V ■.''■M' -v 1st half Vll-18)' ' ■ • ; Dofor Bros. ..' • Othors to nil) '. • Fox-Pbli BBn>OBP<«T MaJesWo - 2'd half (7-10) Balzar Bis Bddle Mayo Co (One to All) Palace (4) Jack Sydney's Rev HARTFORD Capitol (4) 20 Miles Out (Two to All) NEW HAVEN I Palace (4) Odiva ft Seals McKay ft Ardlne Modena's Rev SPRINGFIELD Palace 2d halt (7-10) Dotin ft Bonger Larry Stoutenb'tsk . Faber ft Mclntyre Joe Herbtt-t's Eer "-;■■: (One to AU) ., ■ WATERBDRX' Palace . 2d hAIf 17-10) ^ • Joe Niemeyer Omtii^'' Jack Waldron ^<l>,:-'- Jones ft Rea Dolln db Bonger (Olio to All) • . WOBCESTEB :. Palace. (3) > -v 6 Craekerjacks .* Lee Mason ft Si;n»r Chas Chase . . i ..-f- Joe Daly. Ce-Bds . - (One to AU) • t Cabarets^ SEW TOBE ■ : ' V Casanova CTob l Jerry Frledms^M McCarthy 81s 1 Cbatea* Ma*!^ ■, Olive Mcapre. Tommy, L»raafc '_- ' J'n Carton'-Waddetl ■ Va'ughn ■'«!> Vesto^- (Contlnaed oii paije «3> ' '