Variety (Apr 1929)

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Wednesclay, April IT, 1929 NEW ACTS VARIETY 51 LEATRICf JOY MlflB Joy brlngB an Ingratiating ADA MAY (1) Senq and Dane* 'IS'lMin*.; One Palace (St. Vaude) Ada May (Weeks) was last fea> irai? In "nln 'Rita" onH hoa "T.nllv RKO COLLEGIATE SHOW Unit 190 Mint. Palace (St. Vaude) RKO's Collegiate unit la the best CLAIBORNE FOSTER:and Co. "The Marriage Recipe" (comedy) 23 Mine.; Full (Parlor) Rivereide (St. V.) This comedy sketch, from the pen Dersoiiallty to vaude. That and her tured In "Klo Rita" and has "Lolly of Its type. In unified entertainment. Maxwell Anderson spends more natural beauty are enough to rate Pop,'! "Capt. Jinks" and other, mu- Holding five great acts, whoever kw-n half of its allotted running her above most film players chanc- slcala as her production background, was responsible for the. producing, huUdlns up It drags for ine personal appearances. • She Is new to vaudeville and, like writing, etc., did a great Job In the n,ini,tpq Then It netka ui). ■Song material Is credited to Billy maiiy another legit luminary, not co-ordination. UtralehtonT' oUt brl^^^ and Rose and JBruce Fletcher. First good vaudeville timber. Somehow The 14 Brlcktops. tltlan-halred number, with Miss Joy a pleasant the variety fans can't be satisfied girl band, nee the Parisian Bed J""«"'«I,f",?.^^^^^ ,„ filKht In linen summer frock, states Just with a »6.B0 rep, nor will they Heads, Insured sufficient femininity -.MnrrlnS^ that through the talking picture the take into consideration that a pro- for background. They look well, also > to cMws Marr^^^^ actors of the stage and screen are ductlon ingenue or star has book in ensemble. h now hand in hand, and number advantages to bolster The campus Idea Is well stressed around at {"'a "^o"/'"' . -„„i,ent Miss Joy next makes a legitimate her, whereas in the varieties, as a before an olio drop, with Bobble The act >8 o'essed with e^^^^ attempt at singing a pop, frailest soloist, her specialties alone make Grlce, band leader, descending to t"PP°" Beauford A'nj'ViBe f;"? item in the act, later returning for or break her. the pit for some flashy baton-wield- NUa Mack, particularly Miss MacK, a monologietio bit of a wife dress- Jack Allen assists at the piano Ing. Her conducting may be awry, besides its name star. Miss foswr Ing for the theatre. In this bit she and otherwise In this "recital" (to but she acts pert and perky, and rates high ainong the younger legii Is attired in a canary-colored span- quote the billing). Aplde from bally- that's what counts. lights for looks and ability. Bled evening gown, looking the pic- hooing Miss May as to her stellar A descending lattice from the Simple tale of a girl in love ana ture queen In fact. Final number In associations with "Rio Rita" and grids cleverly camouflaged the gals' of how the girl lands her man. Miss character is the wall of an ex- ziegfeldian glorification, he's a good Instruments and they reeled otf a Mack Is there as adviser and Parisian music hall fjivorlte vainly straight and gets something on his number, leading into Ada Brown's for comedy. In character she lays beating at the gates of Hollywood, own with the "Etiquette Blues" specialty. out a mode of make procedure for Girl piano accompanist (blonde) pjanolog. Miss Brown was virtually the the girl in love, and It works out solos twice during changes. Bige. Miss May's extreme dress with opening regular act. She looks like a perfectly^ the side apertures, and her manner genuine hlgh-yaller (that being her One adjustment, if possible, might REGAY and DOLORES of giving the stage a good eyeful, make-up in buxom mammy fashion) greatly increase this act's value for "Oiit West" (Sketch) Is not particularly a bright idea. In- featuring southern syncopation," vaude. It's Miss Foster's English 16 Mins.; One (Special) stead of reflecting, the musical com- with a mean piano accompanist In accent. It Is miles out of place 6th Ave. (V-P) edy charm and distinction one looks the pit. That boy, whoever he is, coming from an American working John Regay and Vera Dolores are for in a production emissary of Ada throws plenty wriats at the Ivories, girl. English accents have come teamed In what looks to be a for- May's standing, she becomes too actually meriting a solo opportunity to be accepted In the legit theatre, mally "written" production skit, generous. A subtle and provocative with some trick keyboard tickling, but the delivery Is not for vaude or Thev have invested In scenery and reserve should be her aim. Mies Brown took a couple of en- vaude audiences. Bige, four or five changes of costume Miss May does several numbers, cores, one of them a black bottom which Bives them credits for effort none distinguished, ranging ;n style specialty. p..!ii.„.\ rnd neVh^Ds nwelty value. Puns from "cute" to "low-down," such as Madle and Ray, recently at this FIVE RILEYS (or Reilleys) l?e' nretty feeble and act sag^ "Laziest Gal In Town." She dances house, were recognized with their Child Dancers OlI SJmcrous transiUons well, of course, and for the encore roping and dancing. Some of thehO M'n».J One ^erne is New M^IiSj w^^ Santa does her "Klnkajou" creation out of rope stuff is a bit overdone: also Albee (V-P), Brooklyn rallrofd CM aealn^^ announced. Madle's repeUtlous backward con- • This remarkable family of five jje raiirooa car againai u vjbw. ui | ,_„„,„„ ,,n, « .^n.. luricm U/^%.ti.,.. -^ait, af<ina Th.>'uw , - ' .... cactus and prairie. Gal has come Anyway, it's just a fiyer for Miss tortive waltz steps. They're other- dancing children appeared at the w^t to meet guy. She successively May, from understanding, Is herself, an Indian squaw, a Mex- ican senorlta and finally a cowgirl. ™ Man changes a couple of Umes. "DI)<IE WHIRL" This creates flash probably useful Band and Specialties for family time bookers. Dancing 29 Mins.; Full (Drape) and song intermingles with chatter. | Jefferson (V-P) A few laughs and enough action to 'stave off the yawns. Land. CORA GREEN Songs 13 Mins.; One Audubon (V-P) Cora Green, colored, Is best re wise the same likely youngsters. I Albee Monday night as an exvra Abel. I with the simultaneous eight rope turn, following the- N. V. A. basket spinning as effective as.before. collection In the audience. No bill The Runaway Four clocked abun- ing and Introduced by another act dant laffa with their nonsense. Talk I on the bill. They stopped the show, about marathon seasons, this quar- I it Is the sort of kid act played by _w.. ,. . , plays anywhere and everywhere, kids and built for adult auditors a' JlSfeld" foillea that appears to I one week up Broadway for Loew's rather than youngsters, though have hopped right off a Harlem cafe at the Capitol at four bits and a children In the audience always floor. Billy Mitchell Is billed as pre- fortnight or so later at the Palace idolize children on the stage, senter and may be the contorUon- 'or two bucks. They clicked better Ages of the Rlleys run from per- Istlc dancer and band leader who Is at the Palace where the intimacy haps six or seven to 16 or 16. All featured In the act. He directs the heightened the dead-pan comic's ex- ftve are buck dancers, all dancing band under a silk hat. presslon. as well alone as In unison. Eldest, Band, arranged In single file, is Clara Barry, of the distinguished probably, Is the second girl. Blond „»afx^ifh hlr n«ne pieces wide. When you hear yaudeyllle family, with Orva Whit- jg the youngest, membered In yesteo^ear with her accompaniment you understand «efe, topped everything for laugh £istrumental and singing quartet teaming up with Hamtree Harrlng- ^ doesn't solo. returns that first half. This Is the onenlnif with the younger of the ton, the neero ^comlc. Mtes «re«n s ^^y^lltT P^Ple a?e two boy team that subbed for Al Trahan and ?^oglri8 doing the sinfing-she's now going ".alone In pleMlng^s^^^ hoofers, kid (boy) dancer, girl com- Co., who waUted out after being or- ^Iso the most spirited legger-could tum. She dresses attractively and ^^^^^ number leader, finally s ated for the spot, Whit- be shortened a bit. Otherwise the puts her songs over effecUvely. erne L^^'^^ ,g leader's trick lege's Jesting tt bis femme partner's turn has been Intelligently routined, is ably assisted by tw<>„««i"f™ dog. Chorus of eight sprlghUy and expense was conelstently mirth- . ^hese children must be the muslcIaiTB, pianist «^'"fl?,V nl^ lodklng. provoWng. They're fished per- branches of a theatrical family tree. That extra stringed Instrument gpe^a ja the essence of the act. fpnneA, smooth as a Park avenue ^helr sort Is not often raised outi- helps Miss Green's musical a«com- .j.^^^^ ^g,,^ IngredlenU of hotel headwalter, selling themselves the profession. Where the labor panlment where a house orchestra J ggg^ Costuming ex- for the single objective. laughs. L^^g j^*^be vaulted they will prove Isn't In service. traordlnary for this type of turn. «" *" - Miss Green Is one of th« few ' ' gig^ colored artists who Is able to speak ■ ber words almost afoaylsh and that's an asset; she also sidesteps a one-hovse song catalog and by way of vei^atlllty used a topical iMtllad In a dramatic style, splendid- ly done. Started with a light num- FERGU80N and DELVAL (9) Dancing 10 Mins.; Fdll (Special) Academy (V-P) Good ballroom dancing tum, as [They got 'em In plenty. "Graduation Day" was a clasa- Iroom interlude in "two" with Whit- | lege as the Prof, in the chapel set- sure-fire. Bige. .FOUR ARISTOCRATS ting. When dwelling on the sweetlSoiiaSt Instrumental girl graduates'"Innocent faces" they rl4 Mint.; One give him a resounding rawzberry. I Rivereldit (St. V) viuuu i-<»...w«-. „, . ^ , Action goes to "one" where thel' past record of the four personable slsted by a six-man marimba combo robust Miss Barry appears, stating boys includes a Vltaphone short. - —- ...Ioho hoo i..a» •s«aAo» th^ crcw Of from Impression In No, 2 at the toer and th«» Bwltched to "Don't and a soprano who fills-the waits she has Just "made" the cn a Pool, Toui Fool," different In style, between costume changes. Although Dear Old Hooey. Great oIlr> non- Riverside they ;carry more weight For the finish. Miss Green an-I !C°-"r__. ... » .....^o... I sense here, with the Runawav " '• ■ - - ■■ ■• ; . .... - » the femme half of the team appears sense here, with the Runaway Four in the flesh than on the screen, Bounced her Impression of I^Must plenty of weight, her none and everybody particlpaUng. Instruments used are piano and Have That Man" from "Blackbirds'MgV^'J^axt partner puts her The 14 Brick Tops proved their three guitars. They harmonize vo- end she sure sells It. Mark, khrough a routine which calls for claim anew as "America's greatest caJIy throughout. In the subdued —— Dlentv of Ufts. with unusual grace K'" band (billing) with their show- cafe manner. In some .respects they WATSON and BYRON Snd aellltv manly instrumental versaUllty. The resemble the Yacht Clubs Boys, be- ■"■•"^ - .. /« • Dancers do tango, waltz and fast fals double on everything but the Ung of that order, while strictly 16 Mins.; Full (Special) one-step Marimba sextet Is wor-|i'apeze, mixing It up with string | themselves In work. Pleaser, Kth Avenue (V-P) iiy of mention. Tum Is well light- hjifJ^w.' *^*'°' Lillian Watson, formerty a single, ^d ^nd neaUy dressed. . HS?,';^"i?,^'„ ^ll^' and Roy Byron, formerly an as- Opening the show here act cUcked "Khts, Plus M^^^^ slstant to Eddie Nelson, In a loosely easily and deserves a better spot on "'nj of St) Louis Bl^ knit full stage talking skit that k„y Neighborhood bllL I r^Zlf^Ttnti ^? 'Sweet Mys- rings in Innumerable scrap book gags. Scene Is a hotel lobby with | sQL GOULD CO. (3) tery of Love.' The unit, for Its finale, "adopted' the Noel Coward "Dance Little SOUTH AND MAYO and Co. (1) Songs and Talk 16 Mine.; One and Thre* 5th Ave. (V-P) Two men and a sprightly looking Snd'^^'^c^nte? on ?he other Tb"L'„^5 On. number out of "This Tear of blonde Comprise this comedy trio. Miss W^o^wesldes ovM^^^ Mth tV-P) Grace," with the prop eyes and The gags fly when two men meet, seems SWshuX has been sVgou^^^^ semi-Hebe with red masks, not as well done here, of one working straigTit and the other niirhf hflfora csMPlng from and a nrettv girl with a dandy course, but a novelty top-off. If the seml-comlc. There's a slipup on the mn^ Sine She tllks^ long dS^ co^ purchased, why not men using telephone booths with SSc*^?ireWne wi?5^wMynof ^n- S^en^h^^ r"'x,"""*"if'' ^^i^ completely? the two meeting on the boardwalk IteiJtlan' warden (llwM will be r^'oSuld's talk is cross-fire. Starts 5«'?,f * e^eat hour hater to smash each other. iteMwPto heSr.) proporeL marriage off wopltlously singing a pop ballad and a half vaudeville show, a peach Then to a special beach drop S^d^^e accenti Enter Byro^ the men prove old friends Duean a flitfoot ff^m New York, nop then^nounces RKO wishes to combination house and, of course and go into cross talk when the gal S-^ ls Siere fSr uJ^ purpose of Kn^li^tenant s^and so. who a perfect first half for the straight appears. Comedy byplay with the "MAYTIME MELODIES" (36) Unit Revue 65 Mine.; All Full Academy (V-P) Scantiest of billing for this, elab- orate and ambitious productloi^ splc and span In newness but rougli and raw in pattern. At this stage of its whipping in, the best that can bo said. Is that it has loads of talent, much being wasted because the revue Is shapeless; leading spirit Is Bob Landray. who has been functioning around, the picture houses with i> • -^e band, doing incidental m.c.'ing tlM while. Personaule y«-iii; - ing toward the polite Juvenile. Sings nicely arid presides gracefully over the revel. Rest of the trbup is mode up of eight chorus girls, probably Just re- cruited. Well trained, individually, but they haven't settled Into team work. Trio of two girls and a man. who sing and dance; pair of comedy acrobats; prima donna; team of toe dancers; one solo dancing girl who Is a world beater In slow legomanla; a couple of acrobatic and contortion steppers, and an assortment of top steppers who may or may not be some of the aforementioned dou- bling. Eddie Prltchard Is IdenUfled as . the boy of the trio. There Is also Ralph Cook, who adds some super- lative eccentric taps to the already abundant dancing. Helen Cross was as near as anybody could get to the prima. Ten-man orchestra backs up the personnel. Trouble with the layout of this assortment of dancing .ability Is that It doesn't build. The hour of running time is a series of starts and stops. For Instahce, they work up a scries of animated dance solos, songs and ensembles, arid then, when things are hitting on all sbt, lights go down and Landray comes down'center to sing a slow novelty number, "Poppy God," seml-reci- tatlve. At the end of that all they have to do Is begin all over. Revue has no speed. Too much of everything they do. Two toe dancing girls ^ Into a burlesque ballet session that .might have been good for a mlqute. They do three minutes, none funny. Ensembles are interminable. .At ^- . one. point where they have got the top spinning again, everything: Is , abandoned suddenly and the prima donna ambles on for an elaborate . coloratura session. Of all things tn^ . the middle of a revuel It had beea?:?'. running 40 minutes when the colorai >'< tura broke out. , Affair baa practically no comedy. - Toward the end the two comedy . acrobats use up probably five min- utes In travesty feats with the men :" first class acrobats who get a lot m humor out of the falls. Only It Is ■ thrown In so suddenly and stretched out so far. ... -. •' Whole act well produced. Set U a picture of a blossoming orchard, the orchestra embowered among the trees. No effort Is made to get a landscape effect, the stage being hung on three sides In a plain sUk eye of lively blue. Costuming Is pretty and expensive.' One of ths. costumes for the chonis. a garden. ' frook. Is done In a color tone Just off '' orange which has only been In tbe . .' market a month or so. • A really worthy bit of production; the talent Is there In abundanco . and It is merely a matter of shap?' ', Ing It to better purpose, for ;a hulld . to a crescondo finale. Present finish Is weak, having the principals lined' up and each slipping out for a per^ f unotory sample of his or her earlier specialty. Rtuh. He --- - ~ - . , wisecracking In a precise, each- has Just retumed from the Byrd ex syllable-emphasizing manner that I pedltlon or something like that. vaude theatres. comedian wearing a life guard suit of grotesque proportions with blonde girl stripping to bathing brevity and feigning she can be rescued. Not much to the act but hokum bespeaks the hotel lobby showoff. Gould struts on with a hoke outfit n In the end lady takes the 10:05 for laughs. Comic introduces an- oonj"^ "»nceB to bury her convict hubby and mar- other chap who appears in a bear tL«-:/.«- /w di xy Warden Lawes. Tag is that skin coat. They haul a sled on the ^"»"'', « i ^, _ v a i .i Dugan is late again, speakeasy also stage loaded with real Ice and on Violet McKee, who has a nice fig- which amused here. A musical fin closing up at the crucial moment this the three sit while singing, ure. Just as nice a face and a crown Ish enabled them to exit to mild When he needs stimulaUon. Plenty of hoke and laughs. of short-bobbed red hair, was play- | applause. Iforfc. They giggled at some of the gags ing mostly to muggs when caught Which are stricUy of the old school DANNY BROWN TRIO at the American. She spent a lot of, uiLT POLLOCK CO (2) ,uesUon and answer caliber._ That | Oanclng \ 7„^h!Jy''stariel^l"U ^i'^ ^i^^^^^ Indicates possibilities for the non fastidious communities and audi ences. Blah for any other type of clientele. Land. EDWARDS and 8ANF0RD Comedy 16 Mins.; One Uefferson (V-P) Flirtation skit Utled "Just Fool- Md the gW a simple dame bound Intermediate houses, for the city with nothing but am- _, .,ppQ bltioh to write for the movies. ^ nLn^.,. Cross-fire is of the nonsensical In originality or I » Mine.; One soft, lacking m «rie»ii«niwjr l a..j—/\/.di -■^un6hr-'Glrl-%0es-a-good-ImItatlon..Aea^m^_^^ of-Vivian Duncan and her partner Colored boys '^Tio^In^W^m- some leglUmate laughs with Then into rouUnes in which the five a burlesque of Rosetta Duncan's: step together. Effective.^ Nothing Topsy. Finish has girt Playing away ftom the beaten path^of l^^^^ piano accordion amateurishly.. era other than the combined .syn At the Jefferson spotted fourtk on copated moments of the quintet, a flve-act bill turn ran over long Apparently cut the act on time, and needs plenty editing to get by as no Indlyldu^ "'^"^Llf attempted, consistently in the Intermediate Opened this bill and did well. . houses. . I . 9 Mine.; One i luiteu lu, lui mcj oum^u .i. j mi-- . p,,ii Jefferson (V-P) was a treat to see this girt take ""'"s-' Colored combo of two boys and a whatever they had to offer, toss it girl In hot-footing In the familiar right back at them and make them Old George Ade sketch about the Harlem manner. Boys are neatly like It. Then and there Miss MeKeo pickle manufacturer and the fresh dressed and girl's costume Is of the established herself as a performer, young man from college who wants abbreviated type. Few songs of- In spite of the detrimental condl- to marry his daughter. Rewritten fered are an excuse for the trio to tlon—or maybe this girl enjoyed the somewhat, missing most of the old go Into the dance Individually and tough spot—Miss McKee also humor, and done In'slapdadh fashion, collectively. One of the boys, prob- showed that she has something for Scant 12 minutes, much under ably Brown, excels In eccentric other and better houses. usual running time on sketch, ■■ —ghe has her own lyrical singing Brevity'helps, however. In main and dancing ability. She opens talnliig pace that allows little time singing, like many other single for audience to think It over. House women, with special material and a set, which means It. looks cheap male piano accompanist, switching Acting fair but whole effort, strictly to a punch high kick (slow) dance | for the minor dates. Land. . routine. Whoever wrote the vocal material heeds^a-collaboratoc.taubrufibjt^ue, It's all there basically, but lacks a certain finish that even Miss MeKee falls to lend it. What the girl should eliminate "YOUNG CHINA" (8) Acrobats-"— 12 Mins.; One and Full (Special) Both St. (V-P) One of the best combination acts and forget Is that one serious song of Its kind. Holds eight Chinese, all effort, for she hasn't a singing voice, useful and highly skilled Jugglers, Otherwise, with this act, she tumblers and contortionist acrobats should arrive oa the big time as a Scored tremendously on all effort.s woman single. Bige. 1 here in the opening spot. Hon. DAVIS SISTERS (2) Song and Dane* 9 Mine.; One Rits, Chicago (V-P) Very attracUve girls with choice wardobe. Recruited from the night. ; clubs, where they should go big.. What they're doing now U not for vaude unless placed In a flash act, . Primarily these girls are a terp duo with plenty of looks to cover up their work. One vocalizes Just fair; the other would do better to cohQne to her toes. Cut down to one or two numbers, niotrre houses can'use there glrls"' handUy. Loop, BLING8 and THOMAS Songs 10 Mins.; One American (V-P) Small-time combination of man's voice and girl's looks.' Man .carries the act's singing dasslflcatlon. His' partner Joins in here and there to harmonize, faintly. Steel guitar ac- companiment for one number, sole departure from straight singing. : Girl's appearance is worthy of the,^ pretentious costume change to white . gown for finale. Extra long train. , when folded over her arm, blocks an otherwise excellent vlev^ Its not good showmanship. Mige, > . ■ THE WANDERERS (4) Colored Quartet 10 Mins.; One 5th Ave. (V-P) A stricUy Negro vocal combo. 431oscd.the-8hj)J?^ere_ondgot^ as much applause as~iniythlnr oa " the five-act bill. ; An ordinary vocal layout Wltn ; best results on the trick stuff sev- eral voices bring Into ploy on the . harmony. One man does some banla ■itrumming wltlt hls high notes ef- fective. HatK. ..