Variety (May 1929)

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Wednesday, May 8, 1929 V A R I E T Y 67 carl Freed prth (One *<»^J}'' Bicardo * AaMorth Siui & Will Angus & BearlB • KICK Lucae Ken Murray Co Orpheam <la) Bicli Henderaon Cbaney & Fox Sylvia Clark The Sberwooda ■ Duncan Sle Al Traban Co The Agemos XOIISVil/LB Ktolto Ist halt (13-lS) jlolan BroB A Vele The OhezzlB Teck Mnrdoek Weaver Bro» Home FolkB 3d halt (K-11) Wary Dugan Unit (Others to nil) 2d half 0-12) Elefer 3 Fern & Marl* Nathal .' Uel KIe« eilda Oray jtAWtiS, MABS. CroBd Ut half (I3-1E) Xayre & Sayre (Others to fllh 3d bait (ie.-19) .Soger Imhoff Co Xitttle Atherton (Three to nil) SIEMFHIS . Orphenm (13) llorocco Bound U (Others to ni) («) Ijomas Tr Ehaw & Carroll Bay & Harrison Xmlly Sarrell Les Ohezzio MTX.WAUREB ■Teiaa, <18) Adele Verne Herbert Williams Powers & Wallace Bslle Ba]<er 6 Bracess (9) Jay C Fllppen Unit (Others to nil) MTNMBAPOT.IS HeDoeplB (IS) Bal Nelman Sobple Tucker Ben Blue Co Hazel Matiehan Tr (One to nil) 1 <«> - Sap Haszard Baym'nd & Caverly Peplto Art Henry Co tr 8 Indian Bd HOMTBKAI. Imperial lat halt (18-lS) Vorlel Kay Co Joe Harks Co Wylle & Toans Wright Donclas Co Prince WooB . Sawyer & Bddy NEW BBDFOBO Ist half (13-lS) S Lagards Roger ImhoS Bath Ford (Two to nil) 2d half (ie-l«) Seltorell & Gl'ando Rickard A Gray Jimmy I<ucas Co (Two to nil) Zd half (9-13) Tvonne Jay Velle Kemper & Noble MazettI I^wls Co (On e to n il) newbuhoh Academy 1st half (la-lS) . Corlnne Tllton Aelen Beth Harso (Three to nil) 2d half (16-19) n Harrison's Circus Robinson & Pierce . (Three to nil) 2d half (9-12) T>onovan Olrls Bernays Johnaoa Curley Bums Villa & Vanoe Bey (One to nil) MlAOABA FAIX8 Belleylew 1st half (I(-IE) >* Boss & Darosa pack Sbinc Co Bob Hall (Two to nil) 2d half (ie-19) Gordon & King Cniber'a Oddltlea (Tliree to nil) OAKI>A^D OrplMom (13) Berlckson & Brown Watson A Cohan Kelly t Jackson Billy Olason X<ong Tack Bam <•> Gordon's Dogs Lewis & WInthrop Frankle Heath Billy Hallen BAG Stalrwood OMAHA» ITEB. _ Orpheam (IS) FracksoD Night at Inn Glenn & Jehklna Honey Tr (One to nil) _ («) Kd A J Booney JAB Browne Hal Nelman Olson A Johnaen (One to mi) OTTAWA Kelth'B (18) Vowatt A Hardr Helen HorettI Oatrney A Walton lAne A Lea The Bangera («) Aeroplane Glrla Prince Wong Whitneld A Ireland Carroll A Janea All W rong . P1IILADEI.FHIA Earle (13) Eno Tr Joe May A Dotty Jfllton A Weber ^TOhe fo nil) Mian , 1st half (lJ-18) Marie Mang Co Packard A Dodge Dewey A Bogera Marty May l>and of Clowna ■ 2d half (lS-19) Ann Schuler Co TAD Ward Jne Freed Co Wyoth &. Wynna Dance Blta riTTSBOBflH Davis . 1st halt (ISrlt) Karle A Roveln. Nile A Manaaeld Hazel Crosby Brown Derby Orch (One to nil) . 2a half (le-lt) Monroe A Grant Pope & Pore Bath Mix Scanlon Bros A 8 (One to nil) 2d halt (9-12) Bbletto Bros McGrath A Travers Boy Bogers Onr Onng Kfda (One to nilT Sheridan Sqnara Ist half (13-lE) Pope A Pore Butb Mix The Briants Scanlon Bros A S (One to HID 2d half (ie-19) Karle A Bovein Nile A MansHeld Hazel Croeby Brown Derby Orch (One to nil) 2d halt (9-12) F Ross A Du Ross Chas allm TImblln Cnllen liondls Co WIIU A Holmea (One to nil) POVOHKEEPSIE . BardaToo 1st halt (13-15) Harrison's CIr Boblnsoh A Pierce (Three to nil) 2d half (16-19) Corlnne TIIt6n Helen Beth Marge (Three to aU) Zd half (9-13) Gene A Joataette Wanzer A Palmer Olyn Landick Friscoe Harmonlsta (One to nil) BICmiOND HIIX 1st halt (13-16) Plerlot A Bcofleld Fred Coots Curley Bums Dance Parado ■ (One to nil) 2d half (16-19)' Kelly's Kabaret - (Others to nil) 2d halt (9-12) Paul Gordon MIUb a Mortett Jarvia A Hanrlaoa Rickey Bros Lillian St. Leon Co BOCHESTEB Falaftf Ist half (13-15) Ina Alcova Lucille Benstead Lytell A Fant Our Gang KIda Willie Solar 2d half (16-19) Herman Timbers U (Others to nil) 2d half (9-12) TInova A BaUcoft Ted A AI Waldman The Fakir Peter HIgglna Johnny Berkea Remos' Midgets SAN FBANOISCO Ooldea Gate (IS) Tabor A Greene Florence Moore Billy Hallen Janette Hnckett Gordon's Doga (9) 3 Whirlwinds Stanley & Ginger Derlckson A Brown Lulu McConnell Dick Henderson Cheney A Fox Orphenm - (IS) Hyde A Burrlll Van A Schenck Connt VIcI Show Pallenberg's Bears (One to nil) (6) Iiester Irving 8 Tabor A Greene Kelly A Jackson Boland A Bard The De Marcos Al Trahan A Co 8CHENECTADT 1st halt (13-15) Marcus Bev (Others to nil) 2d halt (9-12) Ted Marcelle Cedlla Weston Co Donovan A Brean Fid Gordon Holland Bev SBATTLE Orphaom (18) Large A Morgner Byan 81s Irene Franklin Norton A Haley Frank De Vos Gail Ensemble (6). Blomberg's Dogs Tumer Bros Kenneth Harlan Co Evans A Mayer Hurst A Vogt' BT. liOVIS St. Louis (IS) Honey Tr Joe Howard Go Glenn A JenUni Mae Murray (One to. nil) (•) De Pace A Co Power A Wallace Ben Blue A Co Indian Bd (One to nil) STBAODSB Kelth'B let half (13-16) Herman Tlmberg TJ (Others to nil) 2d half (16-19) Ina Alcova Lytell A Fant Kitty Doner Willie Solar M Collegian 2d half (9-13) Dack Sbing Tr Tatea A lAwley Baymond Bond Joe Darcey The Ushers Newberry A H THREE lUVEBfi let halt (IS-IE) Whitneld A Ireland (Othera to ml) -.24. .half .19-131. Delterelll A O Bosa Bosalle Wiley A Tonne (Two to nil) TORONTO Hippodrome (IS) Dance Bhapsodles Gene Greene Betty BIytha Lane A Haley Haram Bcamra (6) Byron A Willis -H Ifarlonetta Jack Norworth oe Marks Mnrlel Kays TRENTON 1st half (13-15) Fbllson A Duncan Dance Scandals Al Abbott Savoy & Mann (One to nil) TROY 1st bolt (13-15) Shapiro & O'Malley (Others to nil) 2d halt (16-19) Ted Marcelle Cecilia Weeton Co Donovan A Breen Fid Gordon Holland Rev 2d halt (9-12) Bain or Sblne (Others to nil) UNION mix Cnpttol 1st half (13-16) Riddle A Cook Wanzer ft Palmer Jean Upham A Co (Two to nil) 2d half (16-19) The Envoys (Othera to nil) 2d half (9-12) Conn-McKenna A P Lee Mason A Sonny The Bearcat Original Honey B (One to nil) unoA 1st half (13-15) Coo Kuo (Others to nil) 2d half (16-19) Paper Creatlona (Others to ail) 2d half (9-12) Hess' A Valla Pope A Pore Eddie Dale Co Dotson Schltal'B Won'ettes VANCOUVER (Hphenra (IS) Bee Starr B A J Browne Gordon A Squires A Frledlnnd Bev (One to nil) (6) Large A Morgner Ryan Sis Irene Franklin Norton A Haley Frank De Voe Lee Gall Ensemble WALTHAU BnlMBsy 1st halt (13-15) JImmIe - Lucas Carroll Rev. (Three to nil) 2d half (9-12) Dancing Husbands (Others to nil) WHITE PLAINS Kelth'B 1st half (13-16) Bddle White Toto Jones A Rae Marguerite (One to nil) 2d half (16-19) B Rowland A Co Walsh A EIllB Claude A Marlon Dance Parade (One to nil) 2d half (9-12) Donal Bis DIshI Sis A M Mason A Xeeler Talent A Merit F DInsmore Co WINNIPEG Orpheam (IS) Lottlce Howell U 8 Indian Bd (Three to nU) (6) Collegiate Unit (Others' to nil) TOUNOSTOWN KaHh's 1st halt (13-16) Irene Vermilion Goes A Barrows Fleeson A Hayea Slim Oimblln Lee Kllcks . 2d half (16-17) Along Broadway Roy Bogers M A A Skelly Jos Regan Remos* Mldgete 2d half (9-12) C Colleagues Kohn A De Pinto Fanny Wafd Lubin A Larry A A Fallenberg'B Bears 7 Nelsona , (One to ail) 2d half (16-11) Van Cello A Mary Harris A RadclISe Wells A 4 Fays (One to all) SIOUX CniTY. lA. . Orphenm let half (12-14) Mitchell A Durant Devil's Circus Lucie Bruch 2d half (16-19) Frank Hamilton Anger A Fair Peplto ISO. BEND. IND. Palace 1st halt (12-14) Paxton Pllcer A Douglaa Harris A Radcllffe (One to aU) 2d halt (16-16) Harrington Bis Hal Jerome M Colleano Co (One to flII) SPBINGPLD, IIX, Oiphanm 1st half (12-14) Froslnl Harrington Bla M Colleano Co 2d halt (16-19) Pllcer A Douglas Bid Merlon Co ST. JOSEPH, MO. Beetria Ist half (12-16) West Lake A Hane Camlval of Venice (Two to nil) ST. PAVL. MINN. Faliice-Orpheam 1st half (12-14) Van Cello A Mary Prank Hamilton Anger A Fair Peplto 2d half (16-18) Mitchell A Durant Devil's Circus Casey A Warrea Lnele Bruch TBBBE HAUTE iBt halt (12-14) LaVorre Bros A P Wells A 4 Fays (One to ail) 3d halt (16-18) B A J Crelghton (Two to ail) L^w Cameron Grey'a Ok, C'wb'ys 2d half (16-18) Bonta Tr Grace Doro Eddie Dale Co FONTIAC, SUCH, State 1st half (12-16) GuB Fowler Co Olive Otsen . Billy Purl Co Proctor 1st halt (12-16) Radio Show (Others to ail) 2d halt (16-19) Ernest HIatt Roscoe Alls A Co (Three to nil) SSth St. 1st half (12-16) Donovan Girls Bmest HIatt Roscoe Alls A Co (Two to ail) 2d half (16-11) Radio Show (Others to all) Fifth Aye* let half (12-15) Bell A Curtis Williams A Toons (Threa to nil) 2a half (16-18) Kane A White (Others to nil) 188th St. 1st half (12-15) JInes A Jacqueline (Three to ail) 2d half (16-18) Bell A Curtis (Othera to nil) WESTCHESTER New Beehelle let half (12-16) Bobble Rowland (Othere to ail) 2d half (16-19) Hop! Indians (Others to All) MT. VERNON 2d halt (16-18) JInes A Jacqueline (Others to nil) TONKERS let half (12-lt) Paris Bound 2d halt (16-18) Wanzer A Palmer Silks A Satins (Three to nil) NEWARK Proctor's (12) P Watawassa Undercurrent Geo JCBsel (Two to ail) PARAMOUNT, NEW YORK THIS WEEK JUUA PARKER FRANK CAHBBIA'S "CASTLE OF DREAMS" Direction LEDDT & SMITH tt9 West 41th St., Bolte 801 ELIZABETH, N. J. Blta let .half (13-16) NTG Club Bey (Others to nil) 2d bait (16-19) Llla Campos Ray Haling Dixon A Garrison (Two to nil) UOBOKEN, N. «. FaMan 1st half (13-15) Alleen A Marjorle Dan Oileman Brewster Froy Rev J Block A Sully (Two to ail) Great States DECATDB, IIX, Uneola Ist half (12-14) Iris Mack A B'aon Ted Marcel Carter A Aalbu Bis (Two to nil) 2d half (16-18) The Harlequins Hope Vernon La Varre Sros A P Ted Marcel OALESBUBO, IIX. Oiphenm Ist half (12-10 Whirl of S'g A D'ce Kerr A Ensign Billy l.amont 4 MUET, IIX. Blalto 1st halt (13-15) Lathrop Bros Interstate ATLANTA KeUh's (IS) . Musketeers Pat Henning Co Britt Wood Wells A Brady (One to nil) BUUiiNOHAM Rita (13) Ubby Dancers Stutz A. Bingham Stan Stanley Hope Vernon Hatt A Herman BAIXA8, TEX. Majestle US) . Rockets Rogers A Wynne Kane A Bills Madeline Patrice O'Donnell A Blelr FT. WORTH, TEX. MaJesUe (13) Moran A Wiser Emily Earle Williams A Delaney Harry Bums Jeannic HOUSTON, TEX. Mertlnl (IS) Fulton A Mack Carlena Diamond Rich A Cherle Dub Taylor (One to ail) _ UT. BOCK, ABK. Majestic 1st halt (13-16) Klein Bros Adeline Bendoa (Three to ail) 2d half (16-19) 3 Jests Manny King Co (Three to nil) MIAMI, OKLA. New Coleman (13) Great Nelson Tr JImmIe Rodgers Shaw Carroll Rev (Two to nil) NEW ORLEANS Orpheam (18) Manuel Vega Bamnm A Bailey Krafts A Lamont Jimmy Bnrchin Co (One to nil) . OKLAHOMA CITY Orpheam (13) Mltkns Z Flo Lewis Spence A True M Cinderella (One to nil) SAN ANTONIO Majeatto (18) Sandy Lang Co Zelda Santley H A F Socman Crockett's Ken M Argo A Toung TULSA, OKLA. Orpheam' (18) Hudeon Wonders Billy Doss Chamberlln A H Billy Chomp Co (One to nil) AssodatioD OVB ICFIDS. lA. Iowa 1st half (13-14) Primrose 4 CuBty A Warren Crane's Modem'tes (Two to nil) 2d half (15-16) Mercedes Kerr A Ensign The Demarcoa (Two to HID CmCAOO, ILL. Eaglewood 2d half (16-18) McDonald A D'yt'n Chalfonte Bis Paxton (Two to ail) DATENFORT. lA. Capitol —let-half-<12-l«— Alexander A Peggy Natacha Natova Co (One to nil) Zd half (15-lB) Geo D'Ormonde Co Horry Holmea Hill Bllllea DBS MOINES, XA, Orphenm lat half (12-14) Geo D'Ormonde Co. Harry Holmea {.Bill Bllllaa 2d half (16-18) Alexander A Peggy Natacha Natova Co (One to BID IND'NFXia IND. Ljrlo (12) Zostro White Rev Swor A Goode 9 Allisons KANS. CITY, MO. Mainstreet (13) Al B White Unit (Othere to nil) LINCOLN, NEB. UacolB (13) Keo TakI A Tokl Hall A Ermlnle (One to nil) MADISON,' WIS. Orpheam <12) DePace Co Stan.^avanaugh_ Forsythe A Kelly M'LW'UKEB, WIS, Rlrerslile (12) Princess Pat O'Dunn A Daye Hamilton Sis A F Sir Cecil Alexander Annabelle A Bojra BOCKFORDt ILU Palace iBt half (12-14) ilWIlson ICeppel A B rBal Jerolhe B A J Oelghton Frank Dobson Co 2d half (16-18) Crane's Mod'nettes Reynolds A White (One to mi) PEORIA, nx. Folace ' 1st halt (12-14) The Harlequins B A J Crelghton Revel Bros A Red Sid Marlon Co Cody 6 3d half (15-19) Publlx Players (Others to BID WAUKEOAN, ILL. BRinOEPORT Palace (6) Ernie Golden Orch (Two to nil) HARTFORD Capitol (0) Femme Folllen NEW HAVEN Palace («> _ Beach Nights U't Members of Roxy U (One to ail) ' SPRINGFIEU> Palace let half (6-8) Dancing HosliandB Two to mi) Zd half (9-13) Marvel A Co Rome A Gaut Musical Enchanters WATERBURY Palace (6) Marvel A. Co 1st half (16-18) Irla Mack A B'rson Dancing Garlands Earl La Vere TORONTO Faategca (IS) Carr Bros A Betty Slim A Scotty Maria Allyn Co Clayton A Leonard Opera Memorlea H.AanLTON Fantagea (13) Australian Bird CIr Kennedy A Davis Fantastic Stndloa Hall-FIIIard 8 Orantos TOLEDO Jtetace* (IS) The Rlxrords Ferris A Ellis Arthur Prince Billy Gilbert Co Collegiate Nltea MINNEAPOLIS Faatagea (IS) Diamond A W'lm'n Holden A King Harry Hayden Roxy La Rocca Topical Topics 8FOKAXE Fanta«ea (13) Osaka Boya Holland A O'Den H Sabbott Co Bennett A Rfchards Alman A Duvall SEATTLE, WASH. Paatages (18) Clemens Belling Cooley A Peters Mary Blank Dayton A Rancy Blue Sllckere VANCOUVER Faatagea (IS) Jungleland Ann Clifton Tango Shoes Seym'r Pntn'm A B Barr Z TACOMA, WASH. Paatages (18) O'Dette Chas A M Fielder B'rlot A H Ray Shannon Co FRESNO, CAL. PaBtagas (IS) Int'l Comlquea Racine A Ray Scrambled Legs Cardlnl Amos A Andy LOS ANOELES Fantagea (18) Frolic 4 Story A Xee KIncald Kilties Joy Bros A Gloom Labero SAN DIEOO, CAL. Paatacea (IS) Spec O'Donnell 4 Covans lAypo A Lee Lewis A Stovall (One to ail) L. BEACH, CAL. Paatacea (18) 4 Eastons Dolores Lopez Johnny Barry Co Browne A LaVelle Kazana SALT LAKE CITY Fantagea (IS) Frank Vila Co Marcele Rnasell A Armstr'g Ray West Bd (One to ail) LOGAN, UTAH Pantoges 1st half (13-16) (Same bill plays Ogden 2d half) Laing Bros Hendrlx A Baldwin Elbrown Roger Williams Fan Fa I re KANSAS CITY PanlogeB (U) Golden Dream Lowe A Dunn Sis Oriental Oddities HOWARD SLOAT UONDS KOR INVESTMENT K l,. = ch S Co.. Inc.. bi SI. N. V Leonid Martcv Paul's Hawallans Penny Reed A O Ijowe A Sargent PORTLAND, ORE. Fantasea (IS) Alberta Lee Co Brown A Wells Noodles Fagan Revels of 1929 (One to ail) SAN FBANCI8CO Paatages (13) Stanton A Dolores Foley Kids Beau Brumraels 'Harris A Pepper Arthur Petley EDMONTON Paatages (18) Thomas A Raye Bulldog Sampson Dalton A Craig Flo Eokert Co (One to nil) MEMPHIB, TERN Fantagea (IS) Ling Tey 3 Bert Byton Alcaniz Coogan A Casey 4 WaltODS Botterfield ANN ARBrB M'H. MlehlRaa ~lst*half-(12-16>— Lieut Gitx Rico Co (Two to nil) 2d half (16-18) Jim McWIIIIams (Two to HID FLINT, M10H. Capitol let half (12-16) Bonta Tr Meyers A Hanford (One to any 2d half (16- Bllly Pari Co H) Olive Oleen (One to nil) 'K'L'M!/jOO,--~MICHi state let hair (12-15) Emory Manlcy Co Grace Doro B<ldle Dnlo Co 2d halt (lC-18) Felovlfl Rlgoletto Bros (One to nil) LANSIXO, MICH. Stmnd let liaK (n-lB) St Clair sis A O' 3d half (ie-l(> St Clair 61a A O'D Lew (^meron Grey's Ok. C'wb'ys SAGINAW, MICH. Temple lat half (12-15) Leavltt A L'kwood (Two to ail) 2d half (16-18) N Amaut A Bros Meyers A Hanford Lieut GItE Rica Co Stanley-Fabian JEB. CITY, N. J. Central 1st half (13-16) Mooney A Wood Colombia 4 (Three to all) PATBR80N, N. Reseat lat halt (18-16) Norman Kerry Co Dixon A Garrison (Three to nil) 2d half (16-19) Rice A Werner (Three to ail) Dixon A O'Brien Rome A Gaut Musical Bnchsnters (One to nil) 2d halt (9-12') Bwing Baton Wilson A Dobson Chas Ray Stop Look Listen (One to nil) WORCESTER PahKe (8) Maytlme Melodies (Two to nil) WOBCESTEB Fox let halt (6-8) ZImray Ewing Baton Wllaon A Dobaon Hall A Bymoiida Stop Look Listen 2d half (9-1Z) F Hunter A Perdval (Others to 'fUD RITZY , "A Hundred Tears Old," the play In which Gilbert Miller Is now star- ring .Otis; Skinner, Is adapted by Helen and Harley Granville Barker from the SpantBh oC Serafln and Joaquin Alvarez Quintero. H. Grnn- vllle Barker, as he was previously known, is the son ot Mrs. Albert Barker, English elocutionist and tor years an actor. His stage debut oc- curred In 1891, He was divorced by LiUah McCarthy, actress, who then married Sir Frederick Keble. Barker married Helen Gates, who had divorced the American multl- mtUlonalre, Archer M. Huntington. Huntington, who later married Anna, Hyatt, sculptress, had his name changed from Warsham alter his mother married CoUis P. Hunting- ton. This lady,.' after the death ot Collls P. Huntington, from whom she inherited fabulous wealth, mar- ried his neiih'ew, Henry E. Hunting- ton, another millionaire. Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Hunting- ton have both passed away, and the accumulated millions have come to Archer M. Huntington. The Barkers translated "The Kingdom ot God," Ethel . Barry- more's first play this season, from the Spanish. Hodge's Daughter Weds William Hodge, the actor, main- tains a home at Greenwich, but, Ap- pearing in California,' was unable to' attend the recent marriage In Greenwich Of his daughter, Jane, and Theodore N. Law, sen of the socially registered Commodore and Mrs. Robert Law, Jr. Oddly enough, Theodore's brother, Robert B. Law, also married a Jane, Jane Jackson, daughter of M. Roy Jackson, Jr., and the late Lenore Schoen. Caaaaevs Clab Billy Mann Tacht Club Boya Ohman A Arden Alice Bonlden Ramon A Rostta Jerry Friedman Or CastlUaa Royal Eddie Chester Leo Stevens ^ Chateaa MaMd Arthur Brown Bva B Fontaine aab Ude Fannie Brice Chic Endor Bobby Brooks Ore Clab Monterey Al Davis Rev Loaiss Ayres Muriel Warner Lay ton A C^rroU Jim Buckley June Clark Orch Club Montmartre Brnle Coleman Or Johnson A Murphy Clab Ploia Don Howard Kay Durban Chas Baron blck Gasparra Or Club RIchman Geo Olsen A Orch Adia Koumetzoft Blllna NIcollna Llebeth HIgglna Geo Cllttord A M Jennlnga Connle'a laa Leonard Harper Rv Snake-hlps Tucker Le Roy Smith Bd SEW TOSK €k>4ton Clab Dan Healy Rev Berry Bros 6 Blazer* R A Mil Dixon Josephine Hall Litha Hill Duke Ellington Or Ernest Charlea Imegena Coca Sue Baxter Walt Feldkamp Or New FrIvoUty Art Swanstrom Rv Evelyn Sathler Mary Bay Jeanne St John Nina Lopez Teddy Kins Orch Oaklaad'a Terrace Will Oakland Buddy Kennedy Blanche A Elliott Blllle Cortez Maria Whitney Rita Darling Alice Cavin Landau'e Bd Faiaraoont Hotel Roy Ingtaham Or Jos de Luca Jessie lAlrd Lois Von Bck Elton RuloS A Eva Readeavoa* D's Dancing Dames Cl'yt'n J'cks'n A D Patrice Gridler The Alvorados Ruth Adama J Durante'a Orch CHICAGO Alabaaa Bernle Adier Dorothy Donnelly Kalaulula 3 - Ralph Bard Patsy O'Connor Dottle Dale Eddie Jackeen Bd Blackliawk Coon-Sanders Bd Cinderella Heorl Oendron Bd College Inn Earl Hoffman Bd Golden Pnmpkin M Sherman Bd Oinnada Guy Lombardo Bd Green HOI Joe Lewis Betty Dane Hazel Romalne Sylv'ter A Measber Ward 81s Joan Andrews Kelly Stables Johnny Dodds Bd Sol Wagner Bd Petmsbba Geo Stcherban Bd Raphael Herble Zeller Bd Terrace Gardes Art Kassel Bd Turkish Vlllase George De Coata Al Gaut Margie Ryan Freddie JaniB Ed Uptown VllUge J Garrlgan's Bd Vanity Fair Rick A Snyder Harry Glynn Madelon McKenzle Dot Meyers Keith Beecher Bd WASHDrGTOH Aster Strlckl'd-B'lrest Or CArltoB Meyer Davis Orch Chanteeler Paul FIdelman Meyer Davis Orch LotuB Irv Boernstcln Or Swaaee Meyer Davis Orch Max Lowe Bnt Venna Harry Brasae McWIIllams Orch Wardman Park Max Lowe Ent Lloyd Huntley Or John SchultZr formerly with Keith's production department, has Joined the Pat Casey agency. Joe. Frlaco, .out of yaude tor^thc., past year and In "Vanities" most of the time, is back thts week, open- ing nn Orpheum route at the Palace, Chicago. Art MaeLean and his Chlc.i Blew Elow-crs Orchestra have eight w'ccka at. the Klt-Kat Club, Liondon Commencing June 3. Irene Bentley'a Niece A recent marriage ot interest was that ot George R. Kent of New Tork, son 'of Mrs. WlUla^ C. Kent of Phlladelpbla, and Irene Bentleyt who had divorced Kenneth B. Nie- mann of Pittsburgh, by whom she had a son, Donald Niemann, She was' named after an aunt. Irene Bentley, musical comedy actress a generation ago, who married Harry B. Smith, the famous . librettist^ after his divorce from a. former wife. The Ke'nt-Niemann marriage was performed by Chief Magistrate William McAdoo in the magnificent residence of . Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pulitzer In East 75th street'. Mrs. Herbert Pulitzer was- the bride's at- tendent, and John Wanamaker Wfta best man. The only others present were Mr. Pulitzer ot The World, and Police Commissioner Grover Wbalen. After the cere« mony there .was a lutfcheoh and small reception at the 5th avenue Wanamaker home. Mrs. Pulitzer divorced Charles' Minot Amory of Boston, who then married Margaret Emerson. The heiress-daughter of CoL Isaac E^ Emerson of Baltimore, millionaire manufacturer of Bromo-Seltzer, flrst divorced Smith H. McKIni, then became the second wife ot the late Alfred O. Vanderbilt, arid next divorced Raymond Baker, and has, Vanderbilt 'and Baker', children. Mrs. Pulitzer was Gladys Munn. One of her brothers, Oumee Munn, married Marie Louise Wanamaker, and anotheri Ector O. Munn, mar- ried Fernanda Wanamaker, Faversham's Penthouse William' Faversham has leased a penthouse apartment at 246 West 74th street' For many years he Oc- cupied a house in. Stuyvesant square, sleeping In' a room with soundproof walls. Born In Ijondon, be first acted there In 1886, appear- ing at the Union Square, . New York, in 1887. Remaining here ever since, he was a favorite at the Empire tbeatre from 1893 until 1901, when he starred In "A Royal Rival." Di- vorced by Mrs.. Ma.rian Merwin. mother of Frank Horace Merwin, he married ' the ' late Julia Opp, his leading lady, who had divorced Robert Lovalne, English actor. ° By the second marriage he had two sons, William 'Faversham, Jr., and Philip, the former having play- ed juvenile roles on Broadway. He .then^married—Edith^Campbell,_xin,. actress who was known for years as Edith Campbell Walker. Her father was once mayor of Phoenix, Arizona. In 1927 he sold his collec- tion of antlq'ues, and went into bankruptcy. In 1923 Wlllmm Jr. married Sarah Q. Shaw, daughter of Thomas Motto Shaw of Concord, Mass.