Variety (May 1929)

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VARIETY HLM HOUSE-REVIEWS W«dn«Bda)^ May 22i 1929 PARAMOUNT ("Theme-of Love"-Unit) Key Tork, Mny 18. A book show Is oround Rudy Val- lee this week and Par's all-talking "A Dangerous 'Woman" on the •crcen. Fine bill. However slight the story running through John Murray Anderson's) "Theme of Love" might be, neces- sity of Inserting Vallee's orchestral, specialty dispensed with much of the continuity. Out of town, where the ni. c. is not so prominent, the. show win look better as a show, though without that kick lent by — " his small plotform "Painted Dolls" ensemble dance nuniber, muffed a little because there wos : no light humor vein in It, aa carried in the picture, by ■ that gal- loping preacher. King was on next, working before a . docorntcd drop alone. Started weokly with a load of broccoli about how glad M was to get back to the old home town, which although It really Isn't his home town, still It seems like his home town, because. ... All of it turned out to be a plug for his nrst number, about the old home town. When King actually started to sing he was set. Aflcr that phoney introduction and the cynical titters It brought he used a mini- mum of chatter and It fitted nicely. Finale, full-stage set, with "Love Vallee when his sinaii P'^""™ Boat" theme, short and sweet. End broke away l^rom the. band stand to dancing with a move into "one" ^°t- ? lugoful of balloons, all electrically That they're BtU eo'nK*»r."\«^y righted inside and making a pretty was clearly illustrated Jn the recop- K'S^^^^^'g^ ^igpiay ^ curtain. . "°P: . ,» „ th» trniinc Quite an opening reception for Also out of town, when thf troupe v| ..jjj.^jaa^.ay Melody," Just nn- fa^s A Cinderella and Horatio him. Importance of King's name Alger tale ?omWned%nd smacking after his picture played only one of "Merton of the Movies." If a house Is surprising, young song w.-lter who busts into a "Broadway Melody Revue''ran 80 studio sells his song and himself to minutes. Previous was aa H. Leo- ?ho dheotor immedilitely and winds pold SpRalny orchestral ^overture UP starring opposite the great Gloria combination of pit overture ana Glorious, is to be taken sorlously. lt stage show produced by Oscard and will be the flaps who :wlll take him SplUlny. Based on Beethoven com- that way. The • vest ' won't mind positions, and using Rudolph Wag_ either way. And the little girl vo- ner, pianist, ftuth Fisher and callst who carft get-herself a break Charles JoUey, vocalists, with the in the studio Is Instrumental In put- sUtt singing chorus. Simple, but ting over the boy. She's shunned, effective staging; Spitalny's music because he's told ./that- Gloria excellent as always. Glorious got him" the.- break—by. "Man I Love" (Par), talking fea Gloria. He's infomiea- differently 1 ture. Comedy short titled If Men later on, and the IHUfe-girl Is In bis piayed Cards Like Women" (Par) arms at the nnishi and silent news clips completed. Well staged flnalft flet Is a show News reel Is novelty Presented at i -—" ro^^^^^ within a show. ■ Kyenf staged^ Is the start In the center of a. hodge-podge S premiere of. the etaWng-Olm of. the | newspaper lieadllnes projected | clown £Jf,t2™""t'„''i'?fJ2ftlon. Sxn^ swings Into a- good pop arrange- ment, accelerating In tempo and tonal quality. Earl Capps and Sis- ters,- two comely blondes, click nice- ly with Individual and group leg work. Earl, youngest of the Capps boys, stands out In a> BOlo ot tajks with marked showmanship. Girls "Wirvd" Out Hereafter the word "Wired" will be emitted at the head of picture house reviews. Ae nearly all of the bio downtown houiea are wired, 9nly Indicator will be the word "Silent" InstAid, ehould the house reviewed be net wired. ORIENTAL (Wired-"Frtvolltiei"-Unit) Chicago, May IT. Traditional stage show this week built around the band and Al Kvale, m. c. "Frivolities," put on by Lou McDermott, makes a' fast, well- groomed and talentful show, de- spite economy. Only three specialty acts, but sulTlclent lii fllUng out a good 60 minutes of eye and ear en- tertainment. With "Saturday's Children" (F. N. dialog) the screen draw, and Kvalo's popularity on stage. It should be a healthy week for the house. B. ^ K.'s movement In bringing Kvale to the Oriental, his original stand, is both showmanllko and profitable. With the m. c's in this town grad- ually doing a fade-out, Kvale Is dis- tinctive In being- one of the very few of his school who still is a fav. His opening here last week fully substantiated that popularity, and this week again. Working all through this show, Kvale measured up In every respect. ' Quite note- worthy Is the Improvement in his style, delivery and demeanor. Show opens with the Abbott <31rls hero and- Glorlo. • On-a. proportion- over the entire stage curtain, ate screen Gloria and the boy • aro | Business heavy, Blug. flashed In a'love bit, in sound, with the unit's plugged'sbng^wsed. Novel and effective piece of stage busl-I LOEWS STATE Previously, for laughs, Don Bare- lav, unit's comic, does a Jackie Osttrman before the house screen to (Wired) usiriman ueiure iuo LoS Angclcs, May 17. Y" Km»„ h,.» th'p gag an old D. W. Grlfllth release. ©nee a year Fanchon and Marco show less In ability,^ but dress the Exhibition of-any old a pm on an "Opportunity" Idea con- turn considerably. Unless a fara- Batlrlcttl nAnner Is. siire-flrp stuff, BiBttag of amateurs from Coast lly anrangement. young Capps can and the same here. When Barclay towns where Fox has theatres, and stand on. both feet alone ana mice yells to LllllRii slt jlown Juat Uow the natives go for It. A PUsh- all the^bows^ „„v,r.«tir bullet before Lllliair. do?s sit down, the. over with little or no "nut." Merrlel Abbott, fnereetlc ballet laughs are endless. Nothing, seems to flop out here, mistress, has her girls oo'ne Specialists In the unit are Marl- only thing wrong with the legit tapping routine swiped from Moxy, etta, girl eontortloiOpt, .billed as an K,i6wups along Uie Pacific must be of Mary and Bobby, here the pre- "odnglo dancer"; John Walsh, the j,,. ggJue. According to the picture- vlous week. Mary s toe routine wai hero-tenor; Lillian White, heroine- audiences if the legits and the first of Its kind ever done in ' " " their prices lire right they ought to this house. To see R followed up so be getting repeatere before the end soon and executed by !??,„^''i'°" of the first week. If you merely ask Girls In a manner by no means pro- a ga^ smlon attendant out here the flclent. shows not only a brtach of w^ho cleans your windshield, he professional etlquet, but a w a bad . inalatfl unon fllllnc the^diator with judgment on Miss Abbotts part. suits. It was difficult to again pick A tableau flash to vocal refrain up the stow after Rudy had An- S^^^l'thrwheel he'll brush you off. la briefly slghtful, after which the Ishod pashlng. That nnmo nnlrlt Boems to march up Gaudsmlth Bros., vaude, turn in Choi\,aof 18boys,and.«lrl8inthe JJ'*Af"?l* hilarious comedy with their unit 19 a pip. A novelty numljer, l,ougg ^i,lch even usual acro-comlcaUtles and two With the eight, boys as four Prop , „f "Topics of the Day" clips dogs. Gaudsmlths seem to At like a horses, excellent. euiSd from Bernarr's Graphic? Pub- glove in picture house presentations. Publlx's new policy calls tor mixed stuff, always good to kids and bollcts. "Theme of Love's"'boys lire "*P^""»'",/i^^ ^ mystery of adults alike, scored heavily here, legit hoofers, but later.on. when the ioT^{:„„ business to an easterner. Again a band number, wHh vocal legits run out they'll be cainng on specialties, brings the pretty type of chorus lad, and M.^^'lfuie "sG^lf Wolf m c" obvi- Kvale out in sax solo and a trio of then Ma Simmons will have ?ome P'^'* woir.^^^w ^nd harmonists, with Mel Snyder and opposlsh. doesn't over feed or high hat them. I Lou Storey of the band. Leon Na- Balance of Paramount's bill has g>e|n ^ove^ leea ^^^^ been Bhaved to minimum due to «««^"o^S^*"*, - " some of the Navaro's calesthenlca at the piano, soprano;. Johnny. Dale and Nlta Carol, besides Barclay. Miss Carol is a statuesque woman, just talk- ing nnd playing the fllm star part. - The 'Vallee band, and song. Insert was as usual In content and for re of previous stage shows-not-so . lonle ago. 1 Presentations In general Improv- ing Blrtcfr^Wier decldM-tot>ut.quietus on beauty angle and glve .r«>al en- tertainnfent '' Original ."Idea' vfaa to brliig units in directly from Mast- baum In" P<illly, where the Roxy hand was .'seen-fo'r a short time; but this quickly-went Into the ash can. At present Stanley's overture pro- ductions are being, de-ytsed riglit here by Jotry Mayh'all. ''It Is seldom that more than one. or two a^ts from the Quaker City are brought on. Local execs take a trip east every week to see What the Mast- baum has, and . then come bock and work up tholb o-^vn show. Nobodr hns any kick coming. -.' - ■- Orchestra production, "Plantation Days," Interpolating Stephen Fos- ter tuned in connection ^wltb Foster memorial drive here,, and* featuring MUton . Douglass,, class • baritpne, singing "Old Man IWver." Corklne set devlscd'by AI-.Kaye; 'Chorus and ballets in atnisopherlc costumes. Only ■ fault is that Douglass', solo comes at middle of number and rest falls flat In comparison. Spotting Show Boat" number at very end would- have given overture wow close. News reel and Bernle Armstrongs ori^Iog, take-oft on theme songs, sandwiched in between overture and show proper.. Presentation set re- veals nlte club with b&nd in center and' girls and boys draped about tables In back and along - sides. Dancing chorus on at curtain rise, with Melson following for his open- ing announcement and introducing Anthony and Louise Carr, a couple of cute- youngsters with personali- ties and flying feet. - Kids do two cracker jack; numbers, and mako way for Ma. and Pa-Carr, who tap in a manner reminiscent of 2li years ago. Pater and mater get niee hand upon Introduction -as kids' parents, but hold their own on dancing. . Usher at this juncture steps fromi wings, handing Melson opened letter, and explainis.broke seal with "Stan- ley-Servlcci Sir," good for laugh, with m. c. stepping, out front and reading some shopworn gags to allow a couple ot changes on stage. Grace Barry, comely little itilss with a voice that's a cross between Bessie Smith and Helen Kane, on next, singing "Do Something,'.' and makes her. eyes as valuable as, her. larynx. Bert (jarrell and his partner follow in their 'Telix and Marla":cat turn, and get laughs with the back fence meowing, but fall to take advantage of their other comedy opportunities. Production number has Drena Beach in her spectacular leopard dance, four men cairylng her In cage as chorus finishes jungle rou tine. Here's one control exponent who can make 'era all sit up. Her' split drop- on one le^ Is a breatli,- taker, and the way she throws her self around Is a sight. An old rou tine and seen here before, but nev- ertheless retaining all of Its effect- iveness. Ross and Edwards held up their end with rapid crossfire, song and dance, giving the show some much needed and welcomed comedy, Standard two-man team, boys arc there tor either fllm Houses or vaude. ' Finale had' ballet, with Frank Masters out front for a little soft shoe stuff. Dance numbers not so forte all through, .'chorus revealing need for more original routines. Show runs 40 minutes. Just right. Vohen. running time of the picture and ■ ,^ - • y ^ j[ some of the I Navaro's caiestnenics ai inv piano, t«''*' """^^ <^"> 0?5Sieum a^t8 got the aSse these while done with much clowning, do and no shorts, kids grabbed here the speeches laid not cover the really fine musician er commena- I end to end would reach around Joe this boy Is. With that he possesses » T* «T to- Plunkett'a waist line. But this stage a keen sense of humor properly in monl.eTs\elTat breakfast as ^^eC K ran^'^tmorS ihan 40 minutes, terjected In his cursory remarks, monize as well at oroaKiasi as tney ,^ Navaro should watch his enuncla- flome n%Knd''?C ?he C^^^^^^ «s claimed to be tlon and voice though as it was dlf- home in the land than tne c.iaw I gjj.,pj,y ^„ g,rtg_ the flcult to get him at times from the gag being to feature the soloists as rear of this House. Otherwise well the unit reaches each home town, liked. Females are from San Jose, San Kvale and the band bring up the Francisco, etc. And for unprofea- finale, flash affair typical of so slonals, excellent. Ringers are three many others In ensemble colors and bova, two o piano comedy singing effect. Henri Keates offers a dl duo, and the third a colored hoofer versified organ recital around who can. - No names because pro- mogazlne of tunes that has the nu grams at this house only Inform as dlence singing tree and easy. On to what's pinylns at Fox's other em- the short end of the screen arc two Made a celeb by one picture, I portums. sound shots from-Pathe and a lone Charles King of "BrQadi^ay Melody" Stage end started with the girls Paramount silent dip. , has let no dust collect on his stage stnmg oci-ohs fo - a topical lyric in Flourishing biz at the first ehow drenB suit. He Is here this week which they Identified themselves. A|-Friday. heading a stage show titled "Broad-1 prop train and tap-routine novel way Melody Revue," selling him- enough to build up the exit Wolf self simply as a picture name to a and band operate in "two." Boys of- plctui-c house audience that doesn't fered classic and handled It well, know of his average atage rcputa- Thence the specialties hlgh-Ughte<l tion. And he's selling himself well. I by the dark brown dancer and a King must have felt quite at homo I quite buxom' lass warbling "I Want In the stage show. It was pro-1 to'Be Bad" as a cross'bctwcen Zelma duced by Paul Oscard, who had a O'Neal nnd Kate Smith. Okay and doubled up able ome fords'. lloufiP packed Saturday evening. Ml-. Vallee had his dragnet working. liiae. CHICAGO (Wired) Chicago, Muy 17. by one . picture, I J.oap. STANLEY (Wired) Pittsburgh, May 16 Stage show clicks In every respect I this week except for comedy angle, look at' "Broadway Melody" and! with more seasoning should be able woefully neglected, though picture, took as his two full-stage sets the to hop herself right Into a standard "ivfothlng But the Truth," dialog "Wedding of the Painted Dolls" unit. Meanwhile, the A.A.U.'s arc i,„„ uinn Qot color production number, and the doing Indlvldiml toe work, a hula M^"), seems to keep mob well sat "Love Boat" scene. Both are excel- accompanied by n harmonizing duo, Isfied In chuckle division. Prcsen- lent duplicates, less impressive than I tops, and a comedy song and dance, (atlon dubbed "Manhattan," possibly the picture sets In production, All nioo without fireworks and because of nlte club background, mostly because they must be beamed upon by more than, a three- and smacks of a well-rounded vaude watched without the advantageous quarter house. Set la ordinary | bill that lacks only an outslonding roving camera and its close-ups. . enough, prettily pnlntod drop repre- lTi--"Pirlnted-BolIs''-Bet-,ropenlng-is|.8enting—futurlstio-sk-yscvapers,—but a vocal chorus of 12 nnd a 16-glrl the trlok in this sector Is a scries ot ballet combining In preaeritation. small flat pieces'painted os almoa- Eabe Morris, top dancer,. follows plvcrlc bockgroun'da for the perform- without announcement • and puts ers where desired. Stage crow over a fast routine.. Next were Joe slides tlwse on and oft, never gct- and Willie Hale, comedy Juggling, ting far from the .wings. "Thru Dll- also unannounced, with homely, but ferent Eyes" (Fox) the film feature, satisfying, talk and a light collection I par from a pretentious layout but of tricks I ©vei'y indication of pleBsIng nt all He succeeds, which Is pomethlng in Closlnir flash ot the first tuU-1 points. This outfit knows Its Co.iat. this house, where fans come In with ■bxge sot was duplication ot the! Sid. ' a chip on their shoulder us result turn Charley—Melson—makes—his—bow- as ra. c. nnd gets over nicely despite some gags' that have 'seen bettor days. Melson Is billed here as guest stage conductor. He's in for tour weeks and then leaves for St.- Louis. An explosive little fellow, he's nil over the stage, always smiling and trying to keep .the audience happy FIFTH AVENUE ("BEAUTY" IDEA) SeatUei May IT. Fanchon & Marco's "Idea of Beau ty" lived up to Its name this week at the Fifth Avenue, stage set- tings, colorful costumes and pretty gals combining to that end. Lucille Page Is the bright star, a lithe miss with rhythm In her stepping and grace In her eccentric acrobatic dance numbers. Only two male members in the show, Johnny Dunn, who makes the uke do things, and Ralph Erwln, who sings, while the "Sunklst" chorus gals dance, 18 In line. Carlta. very young. Is a nifty tap dancer nnd effective In her number at the close when unusual color and beau ty are brought to the presentation by the Oriental dance ensemble. Max Bradflold is m. c. for his fifth month. He has that band do Ing things. This week medley of theme songs. The band members are clever and can all solo. Carl Horn always sings well. Others can act. It's hard to figure out variety right along, but the crowd always applauds the boys for the well-ex ccuted stuff they deliver. Opening dance by girls needs some smoothing up, unison was lacking. Carita was posed in big fiower basket while Erwin warbled She comes down for her toe num her. The garls are softly, fluffily attired; like a flock of baby chicks Here Bradflold's band docs Its stuff. Then the stage show resumes, with»hec.~nut-aorobat4C' dance that surely la a wow. Chorine dancers then do an endless chain step across the stage. Dunn and his uke good, and better when he talks less. • . Water carrier gals; then carrying fruH and lastly the tamborlnes come in for the' finale. Lucille docs her third big numbpr. On screen, "Pagan" (M-G-M) ag.ntn shows Mussolini; D. T. ENRIGHT (Wired) Pittsburgh, May IS. An. Idea here this week but it never comes off. Show, "Fun Frolic/' supposed to be glimpse at Inside, of' amusement park, but thil quickly blows and' presentation sinks hack Into familiar channels. Starts off with Dick Powell, m. c, out front In barker's box crying wares and. inviting audience to see freaks, ride the .whlrly-glgs and whatnot That's the Idea and has unUmlted possibilities but It stops right there. Chorus sidles from wings following. Powell's spiel in shredded-wheat outfits-trying to do hot and low-down hula,- anything but that. Gaudemlth Brothers open wlln their, trained dogs and do tumbling wfth ■ canines revealing almost Iim' man ability. Great stuff for kids, -A black-out skit follows In which Powell' and girl from chorus, sup- posed'to be his -vvlfe, visit medium who makes girl disappear. Wheu told by turbaned crystal gazer that he's. only one who can bring hci- back, Powell shoots him. These sketches have become a common, oocurrence - here and have no place . In . film houses since they slow. everything down Immeasurabbv Not worth what few laughs the.v"-.' get ' ■'.-'■" Lett' Sisters and Louise, one ot those- sweet and melodious trlo^, . follow with two numbers and then make way tor a production num- ber, wth Martha . Pattl singing 'Wedding of Painted Doll,!.' weak effort and - looking like - something lapped. together at a ^inute's no- . tlce. Mechanical --contrivances In • finale prevented-use of tiill stage, i and this proved somewhat of a .- handicap. A novel band-number, "Tin Pan Parade/! with boys blowing mouth- : plie9e Into rubber^ tubings and. fun- nels, pounding -on' dlshpans ..and , : wash tuba led up to.-Powell's ■ solo^ At End of Rainbow." both nlcoly ecelved. Caltes Brothers next with . tapping, but effect somewhat lost by too much mugging on part of one with the Lon Chaney complex. Ini- tial appearance, with face screwed around hia eara, good audience re- action, but succession of "Stop lauslilng" warnings to mob takes up more than half the allotted tlm^. far too long and not .nearly ds funny after the first 20. times. Finale baa a tew ot the femmes being splnned around In dizzy circles 'i by a . couple ot lighted mechanical -' devices which gives sort of a Mardl Gras effect and constitutes the . whole of what the amusenaent park Idea promised to be. Picture. "Love and the Devil,".- sound (FN), and Is Just another of' the atrocities Enright..has been- forced to put up with on|llm end. Cohen. CAPITO^; (Wired) . ("Steel Blue"-Unit) New York, May 13. Gloomy, depressing picture In 'Bridge ot San Luis Rey" (M-G-M. dialog), counter-balanced as far as possible with a Jazzy, Jlgrgy presen- Utlon Interlude, the latter contain- ing some ot the brightest chorus dancing ideas disclosed In & long time. Notably long show with 46 mlnutea devoted to presentation and 86 minutes to this feature, whole tak- ing up more than two hours and a half. House apparently doesn't look for great deal from teature and lets the fast turnover go by default. Presentation starts off with a smashing scenic setting. When cur- tain flies stage la dark and further blanked by scrim out front. Dimly discernible ,at back Is confusion ot steel girders, wheels and gigantic gears silhouetted against illuminat- ed background done in yellow-red and flame design like blast furnace. Lights on gradually as scrim rises and futuristic presentation of steel mill grows. Capltollnns are in workman garb and Dave Schooler is leading In overalls of blue satin and mechanic's cap. Production credited to Arthur Knorr, who also designed settings. Brief introductor.v by Scliooler and Chester Hale Girls In imprea- sioniatlc overalls go Into song num- ber, vocally anything but forte. Dance routine has good drill mate- rial as usual, and the finish Is a peach. Girls form single file; each girl takes hold of preceding girl's elbow (arms are all bare and show against dark blue bodices). Then they go off slowly, the compoalte continuous arm working like the driving rod ot a-locomotive. A dem- onstration from out front on the novelty effect. -t Cnpitolian Trumpeters, seven men playing corneta. Open .with five playing a pop as they dance. Tlien all seven In grand opera aria on seven comets. Specialties in turn the Pearl Twins, singing and dancing kids, --^a..sc9rA.jffiitUjiiyMlaian^na^oM_.. legmnnia to singing of "We Like Alike." CapItoUans go Into nuni- ber, "Louise," feature of which Is hnderlylng effect accomplished by a trick instrument like a xylophone made out of "galloping cocoanuts" arranged in -comic resemblance to tone range. Schooler out front for'his usual bit at the miniature, working with (Continued on page 60)