Variety (July 1929)

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VARIETY'S LONDON OFFICE l70D17Tr'M FII M NFWCL CABLE ADDRESS: VARIETYi LONDON 8 St. Martin', pfcce.^^ INtW^) 6276^277 Regent Wednesday, July g. 1829 Australia Wiring Legit "In Case 0' Slump"; W. E. Bans RCA; Gov t Warns on Fib Interchai^e Sydney, June 2, noyal, Sydney, legitimate house operated by WlUiamson-Talt, Is be- ing wired for talkers. Tait, director of the house, makes the statement that the wiring was regarded as necessary as a measure of prepara- tion in case of a slump in the legit. RCA Photophone apparatus is be- ing used, which raises the issuci of Interchange of product on eqiilp- ment other than Western Electrlc's, Wllliamson-Talt already have'four sets of RCA, banned by W. E.^ of Australia and It may mean that dls tributnrs will decline to supply fllm to the Wllliamson-Talt houses. Tait declared his company was prepared to make a flght for service. Williamson-Tait are also heavily interpstcd in Raycophone, reproduc- ing system Invented and made' in Australia. Theatre firm will Install Raycophone In their TlvoH. There Is evidence that the Wil- lalmson-Talt interests have already made representations to the gover;)- ment. Minister of Customs has just laid, down the principle that American sound fllm product must be sup- plied to Australian theatres equip- ped with the Independent native re- producing system. The ofHclal takes the positlon<tbat •—assuming the Australian repro- ducing apparatus to be up to a rea,- sonable standard—American picture Interests cannot ride roughshod over Australian sentiment and penalize theatres Installing the na- tive-made reproducljig equipment. If the U. S. concerns attempt to confine fllm service to houses using certain designated reproducing sys- tems, the Provincial government will intervene, the official makes plain. Upon the publication of this dic- tum. Interests representing ^e^ro- Goldwyn-Mayer, learner Brds,, '^ox- and First-National let It be known that- thjelr prdduct' would be sup- plied to houses equipped with the Raycophone, the Australian device for which claims are made of su- perior quality. Only Spanish Tides For Fibns in Meaco Mexico City, June 27, Munlolpal government is building projection booths in the poor neigh- borhoods to give free shows, ^ Pro gram of educational and national Alms. The educatlonals are < tape dally made under the supervision of the municipal authorities. Rule 91 of the National Regula- tions is being enforced. It states that at least twice a week two reels of national scenics and educational pictures be exhibited in every house The exhibitors have asked the City Hall to furnish the Alms, as no such Alms are being produced In Mexico. A new rule saya Alms must be shown with Spanish titles only. Prior to this order, the Aim titles were in' Spanish and English. Austrah'a Demands Sound Sydney, July 2. State theatre, Sydney,. recently opened and following policy of class silent pictures, will go sound. House controlled by' Union The- atres says it is changing In response to demand created by boom in talk ing Alms, admitting public senti- ment forced action. French Talker in Work Paris, July 2 Dekobra Is handling the script of *7ango," talking' picture being made by Sofar Film, native pro ducer. It is one of the, Arst sound -fllm8_ffi_aa§_lfL^hlB^guntrx^_:^:.—, Italian Firm's First Fibn; Two Casts on AD Films Los Angeles, July 2. "H Passeroto" ("The Sparrow"), by Sabanlto Lopez, will be the Arst all-talking production to be made by Italltone Productions. This re- places "Aida," previously announced. Robert Vlgnola will direct, with Contessa Lina De Llguoro, Italian pianist and dramatic actress, the leading femme. Production is to be recorded by Vltovox at the Tec-Art studios and goes into work about July 15. With the exception of the Arst picture It is Italitona's plan to make all Alms with two casts, one speak- ing Italian and the other Spanish. U S. DM DEAL ON FILM QUOTA Paris, July 2. Severity 'or leniency of the pro- posed film contingent rests upon the settlement of the Franco-American debt' question, It 1b authoritatively claimed. . If France gets a break on ulti- mate tcompromlse of the debt, she Will be complacent on picture im- ports. If she doesn't, something wlH drop, French producers continue to ex- press conAdence Uietr demands of four 'to'one 'wlU'go through. They scoff at the suggestion pleas of ex- hlbffore will have any influence on the' ministry. " jprod'Vicers say the government knows tiie sho'-wmen 'won't do any thing but make a noise, and in sup- port of that view ask where Is the theatre strike, threatened for July 17 'While waiting, the Americans are losing hold 'on the market. \OId American, pictures and European junk are'being bought for the com- ing year. Exhibitors are falling for PEUilc talk to tha^effect they had better buy now what 1b offered' or they-may not get'any fllm at all on account of the Americans walking out on the French market. Every capital In Europe Is keep Ing an eagle eye on the outcome of the French contingent battle. W. L's Berlin Branch And Tobis in Deal? Berlin, July 2. Western Electric is founding a Gei^man branch .for the manufac ture and sale of equipment for re- cording sound pictures, making it apparent that a peace arrangement has heen made with TobIs, native sound system, and that Klangfllm, Independent German system, has been brought about. To the same effect comes an an- nouncement from TobIs that exhib- itors may now wire their houses with the- German equipment, as an agreement with American producers has practically been completed. A new angle to the conflict and litigation over patent rights comes in the announcement of Andreas Dlppel, American opera impresario, that he has made an arrangement with Warner Bros., under which that Arm will center their old world producing activities in Vienna, there being no patent complications In Austria. Dlppel adds that 14 reproducing sets are on the way from the States ifir,uss.in_Uie_XlennftjatuiUi(,.™.^ MISS RENIE RIANO Proclaimed by the western critics as an extraordinary eccentric come- dienne -whose amazing stage ability, natural pantomimlcry, irresistible clo-wnlng and amusing dancing proclivities are without an equEj. It is the same in the east and all over the civilized world, where this ex- ceptionally clever girl has appeared. HUNGARY TALKER BAN Exhibitor* Agree to Hold Out Until 1930 ' Budapest, July 2. National Theatre Owners of Hun- gary, body of exhibitors, has reached an agreement of members not to show talking pictures until May 80, 1980. Members on a vote accepted the -view that equipment called for too large an outlay at -this time. FRENCH TRUST STUDIO GOES SOUND Paris, July 2. - Pathe Natan have- bought Cine- HomaSB' Jolnville studio. Indications 4re that transaction has'some t>ear- liig on the still pending merger 4eal l^yol'vlng Sapene, Pathe .and other Trench picture Interests, i 6apene, who Is an Important ^ockholders In the - Cineromans Qompany, remains on the board. ' 'The studio Is being-transformed ^tta modem equipment, including apparatus for making sound pic- tures. Word in the trade here Is that the recording device will be the RCA Photophone. I The Pathe Natan j>eopIe already bave expanded their thea.tre hold- ings by the acquisition of the ch%ln of the Marviaiix Company, houses going with chiange in stock control Ontario Province Says Wiring ''V Tleatres Must Fffst Be Approved Protest Oy^ Comedie Talker by Americaiis Paris, July 2. The French ' newspapers have broken out In a rash of protest over the possibility of' the'-; Comedie Francaise making talking pictures for foreign producers, principally, of course, American. Comedie Is subsidized by the government and is a national institution. Question is raised by Marie Bell, prominent mem1>er of: -the Comedie troupe, asking for permission to sign a contract for a screen ap- pearance under American auspices.' Question having been raised, however,' the; Comedie administra- tion has goiie 'Into a huddle on the. feasibility of the House of Mollere, making SIght'-sound pictures oh its own or under native Sponsorship. HAILS SOUNDE '"Wedfling March" Big; "Show 36at" BiUed ' Buenos Aires, July 2. •The Wedding March," -sound picture (Paramount), opened to tre- mendous business at. the, Palace, here, . Friday. . It is the second Glucksm^na house to be wired. ■First house to hold- sound pic- tures was the Grand. Takings there ■with "The pi-vlne lAdy". made It plain that the Arg]6ntlne public wanted the 'new articulate prod'uct, and equipment is being Installed everywhere. Universal has leased the Porteno theatre here and announces an in- definite run of "Show Boatj" start- ing In August. House Is being wired in the interval. PABIS niiH Bins Paris, July 2. . ^ Thls week: Gaumont—"Quality Street" The- atre reviving "Ben-Hur," starting Friday (B). Max LIndei^"Battle of Sexes" (Grifflth-U. S.). Marvlaux—"Ghetto" (Columbia). Paramount-^"Innocents of P^s" (Par.), favorably .received at mid- night charity show. ^ Chevalier talked on ocean phone and speecti diffused to audience by mike. Theatre Stuation in England FOSTERS AGENCY OEOBQB FOSTER HABBT TOSTER (Bstablishrd 40 Tears) BTILI, THE LARGEST IN EDBOFB 12 Sbaftmbary Avenue Cablea: :C«anrmatlon,JLosdoo liOndoD,'W. I. Phone Oeirard .MlS Recent BoakIn((« ilnclnde JAMES iA.ABTON Ijondon, June 20. Apart from the '-' eruption fill through the business of tiie" talkers, the situation here has been still more houses wired and product : Till this moment theatres equipped with anything but "Western Electric could not get product from the main American houses.' The^e same American- producers have been limited to under 100 book- ings because so few houses were Western Electric wired. Playing percentage, a few juicy releases have been made, producers taking 40 to 60 per cent of the theatres' gross. In most cases it has been pretty for them, especially for the "Warners. But that is getting shot now with more houses wired land product available/ Things are beln^ eased some ways and more complicated others by developments now taking place. . 'Warners are booking Vita- phone features to play over Travel-: tone apparatus and also 1 over New l*!ra P.ortable,...thQugh.W—E>.offlclala- here still hold out on all other equipments for fllm-edge. As First National Is using Vita"- phone and has a lot of stuff ready for release, It Is likely to do the same. ' First National outfit Iiere, First I|TatlonaI-Pathe, Is largely owned by John Maxwell of British Interna- tiona], and Its other executive Is Ar- thur Claverlng, British head of Warner Bros. Maxwell Is wiring his Associated British Cinemas with W. E. and RCA Photophone, while some of the Gaumont-P. C. T. houses are putting . In Traveltone and others W. E. A further cross-current Is provid- ed from Albert de pourvllle, being connected with Tcaveltone and also making a feature on Western Elec- tric for British and Dominions. It's getting a' bit tough to figure who's who and where. Theatre Situation About 73 new theatres have f>een built since the beginning of 1928, adding around 100,000 to the seats of this market, and about $66,000,000 issued in new public capital for the- atres. All the flrst-run London West End houses are now wired, three new theatres are scheduled for building: the Jack Buchanan house, on Leicester square, which Is now turned over to the talker house with British and Dominions Interested In lt„as.,jiJ{ey,^.,-Florldar'On-Si»afte3- bury avenue and Rupert street, to be built by A. E. Abrahams with a Fldridan atmosphere; and this Pox house, when the site is set, present Idea being to take one on Haymar ket, opposite the Capitol. A number of the West End the atres arc thinking of wiring and turning over from burlesque and legit to talkers. The Palace has done ' (Continued ,on page 98) . , OttfLwa, July 2. x Hon, Dr. J. D. Mohtelth, Provin-" olal Treaqureri (>f .Ontario, has ruled that Sound picture equipment can- not be installed In any theatre in the Province of Ontario until it has been given a thorough structural examination, by Inspectors of- his department. ' The regulailotas of the Ontario Theatres and - Cinematographs Act are to be strictly enforced In every' detail, be: has announced, and a number of theatres-havo been ad-is Vised that extensive alterations are*^ necessary. -^f I Dr. -Monteith pointed out that au s Indication-of the extra theatre haz- ard attending the presentation of talkers was. to be found in the fact that there had been 21 theatre Area' in Ontario during the ■ past six ," nxonthsi or. four times more than '. had occured. In- the. correspondlnlf period in any of the four previous ^ears, ThQ minister announced that sev- eral of tlie recently constructed the- atries would require alterations to meet th9 new requirements, but there were a considerable number of older houses which would have to undergo substantial-change before they-'Vould l;e'penningd to wire. Names of the theatres were not mentioned. Ufa tdses Trying to Lose U. S. Distributor Ufa Films has again lost in its efforts to. get rid of Ufa Extern Distributors, Inc., the David Brill exchange system controlling STA per cent of the United States for Ufa pictures. Appellate division ' of the New Tork Supreme Court has sustained Judge Townley's decision of last April, ruling'that far from breach-' lyig tiielr 'contract, as Ufa alleged, the 'Brill grout) ovelfpiEild' the Ger-' ija'an 'company 'and is' entitled to' a, ^ubateritiai credit." Shortly'Wter Ihe fli'st effort of Ufa to shake Brill without paying'him Ufa's lawyers began a' bottiVard- Oient' of registered' letters dUhhing Brill for payment of ''varlouii^^^s cind stating; that unless'payirieiir^as - forthcoming in 10 days such oihls'->° alon on Brill's part would constitute; 4 breach of contract. 'Ufa wanted to make a national deal with World' 'Wide: at the 'time. It was beV^use of this necessity for protecting thelif Interests by prompt payments the Brill group over-paid Ufa. ' ' IMelody" Doing $42,000 A?erage in London Ron : ' London, July 2. "Broadway Melody," during Its eight weeks' tenancy of the Empire, has averaged 142,000 a week. ltd high Is $66,000 In a single week. Such. figures are made possible by' additional performances starting early In the morning and running to ibldnlght ' Weekly total is 39 shows. Schedule calls for six shows dally en week days and three Sunday. Featur<y will run another week, giving 'way to ■"Mary Dugan.'' Policy of early and late performance scbed-' ule vrill become permanent. TalkeFS In Dublin 'Washington, July 2. ; .Talkers are reaching out In Dub-' lin, r Ireland, and going Into the ,| Gaiety theatre, the largest In the ll Irish City. R. C. A. Photophone Is the Installation. Meanwhile practically all flrst-run and number of second and third runs are being wired. In this report to the Department of Commerce it is added that ex- pectations are that within a month at least four Dublin houses will be showing talkers as a regular fea- j ture. I Notice *'""A3dltlonal toreIghTITm~'newB" on page 98. " ' the Tiller Dancing Schools of America, Inc. 64 WEST 74th ST„ NEW YORK UART READ. President Plione Endlcott 82lE-< Men 0Ias8«s. Now FormlBt