Variety (July 1929)

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Wednesday/July Z, 1929 PICTURES VARIETY 26 PICTURES NOW IN Equity in Strange Ptfadon in Deadlock Widi Film Producers The deadlock between Equity and picture producers started Its fifth week with little sign of a change on either part In Eflulty's campaign for a new standard contract and condlilons In the making of talk- er* It is a situation strange to Equity In its skirmishes with man- agers ond producers. That la explained by the fact that the biggest percentage of legit act- ors In the picture field were signed to term contracts by the producers prior to June B, when the Equity Shop edict was dated to begin. It Is stated from the lists of players reputed to have signed the old form of contracts In defiance of Equity, •about 30 per cent, are not ihemberSi Others are alleged to be back In. the payment of dues and several are under suspension. In the event that Equity wins, It' was admitted that Mn-member actors who have signed since June 6, would not be punished. SuBpensIons Equity la printing a four-page weekly bulletin In Hollywood, edited by Prank Glllmore. Last week's edition announced the suspension of three members—Albert Gran, nka Chase and Charles Quarter- malne, who "Ignored the definite instructions" of Equity as to sign • Ing contracts'. Prominent picture actors who spoke their mind against Equity's plan are mentioned." All were signed to contracts prior to June E. . it was claimed at Equity's New Tork headquarters that several act- ors bad turned down term contracts on the coast, when refused the new Equity form. Actors who figured . in the meeting called by Conrad Nagle were referred to as "Re- nagles," a term coined on the coast. Request to Cnetara In, New Tork it was stated that .;two talker producers were slgrning actors on the new form of contract. ■ They are Pat Powers and Harry Severe, the latter to shortly start making "Collegiate." Paul' 'Dulzell, Equity's executive secretary, sent letters to all New Tork casting agents, requesting them to refrain from placing people In st'udlos: within the metropolitan district t>uI2ell stated that every 'Important casting office replied as- senting. The casters are said to be : telling picture directors that they are not submitting any Equity act- ors because it might mean trouble tor them and would cause loss of membership to the actors. AUTO SENTIMENT Ix>s An'geles, July 2. Eaulty situation has reached the partisan state. Automobiles are now seen around Hollywood bearing stickers reading "Equity," in- dicating jthe sentiments of their owners. STUDIOMENSAY 12 MORE ARE CAST 'roduco'S Declare Heayy, July Schedule, Framed 8 Weeks Ago, WUl Go Through 7S%—^Equity ATailaibles Equal Equity Refusals — New Ruling Bars Extras, Writers, Di- rectors NO UNION HELP EQUITY Gillmore Says Equity Will Fight and Win Alone Los Angeles, July 2. Equity Is not looking for nor de pending upon physical assistance from studio unions, according to Frank GUlmore. Glllmore stated to a Variety re Tporter he figured Equity would have to and would win Its fight alone against the film producers. Academy ContinDes Los Angeles, July 2. Regardless of the outcome of the current Equity-film producer squabble, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will con tlnue to function. This was the statement of Frank E. Woods, secretary of the Acad eray. In refutation of etatemente freely bruited about Hollywood to the effect that If Equity should be able to Impose Equity shop on the studios It would end the Academy. Claire Luce in Talker; Contract with Agent Claire Luce, former Zlegfeld "Fol lies" dancer, who broke Into the legit last season, playing -the lead- ing femme role In Arthur Hopkins English production of "Burlesque," ■wAs engaged by Metro' Monday to play opposite Ramon Novarro in his next picture, as yet untitled. M. S. .Bentham, who negotiated ths-contraet 'fdr "Mlas Luce's sefv^ Ices, got around the Equity con tract thing by producing an agree ■ment showing that Miss Luce was under contract to him personally for pictures and transferring his rights to . Metro. She leaves for the west coast next week'. Miss Luce ia due back In Sep tember to start rehearsals for "Scarlet Pages," drama, to be pro duced by Al Woods, It has been claimed that when Equity settled its strike of 1919 against the legit managers, tlirougb the assistance of the stage unions, principally the stage hands, Equity secured at the same time an agree ment with all then existing the- atrical unions "Its members would not be called upon to walk out in eyiiipathetlc strike for a, 10-year period. This agreement is reported fore most in the stage unions' leaders' minds nowadays when talk of Equity's current strtfe comes up. ' At present it is said the only stu dlo craft not of the unions of 1919 is the cameramen's. An intance or two is recalled by old-timers in connection with the Equity union agreement, wheA its restrictive provision was Invoked against the ' stage hands, after Equity's former strike. This Is also said to stilt rankle with the atage hands' union. Pledges of moral support by central federated bodlea or the na' tlonal arm of the A. P. of L. car rics no weight with the local unions concerned. These can not be or derej out except by their own lo cal leaders or vote of the local union. Studio Crafts Moving To Unionize on Coas; Los Angeles, July 2. Agitated by the present Equity demands for stUdio recognition, movement to organize other studio crafts is under way, with the sound technicians already well organized by the creation of a temporary aux illary of the L A. T. S. B., Local 37 (stage hands and operators). Following, this a movement unionize film cutters and editors is golng-on-under-oover-with- reports- they are about to secure a charter from the A. F. L. If this Is passed It win Involve more thain BOO. Studio transportation help In eluding truck drivers and chauf feurs are taking the same procedure, of organizing as the film cutters, basing their claim for unionizing on the fact that they are suffering from long hours on studio location assignments. NDIES' SENTIMENT TEST Los Angeles, July 2. Members of the Association of Motion Picture Producers sent 14 pictures Into production last week and Claim they have casts set for 12 more films to start work this week.'"" They figure to be prepared to start work on a similar number next week. Although plans tor July production are heavy, the pro ducers figure tliat their tentative schedule for the month, prepared six and elfeht weeks ago, will be followed to accomplish about 76 per cent, of the work. Studios admit that many Equity members have declined prefers of positions, but maintain that other members of the organization have taken up the Jobs. At M-G-M Wm. DeMlUe put "Jungle" into production last week. Pathe had two companies working on "Oh, Teah" and "Her Private Affair." iParamoiint had "Blast Com pany" and "Th» Kibitzer," while RKO was on "Rio Rita," "The 'Very Idea" and "The Delightful Rogue." First National put "LltUe Johnny Jones" into production and Christie started an O. R. Cohen short, "The Lady Fare." Universal began on "One Rainy Night" and "Bamum Waq Right," while Educational Is Biaking an untitled two-reel talker With Lupino Lane. Hal Roach started "Sniffles," a two-reel Laurel-Hardy talker. Current Week's Lln«up Lineup for this week consists of four at Fox. These are "Big Time," "Sky Hawk," "Words and Music" and "They Had to See Paris." War- ners will get "The Sacred Flame" under way, iu\d TUfany-Stahl starts on "Mr. Antonio." At the M-O 'Navy Blue" and a short color tone subject will be put into trork. Para- mount has two listed. "The Mighty" and "The Love Doctor." Columbia figures on starting two, "Hurri- cane" and "Cradle of Jazz." Uni- versal may get started on. the Paul Whiteman picture, 'TSing ot Jazz," by the end of week, but declares that two shorts will be put In work. Christie will put a two-reeler Into production. Prodycers say that It It were not for the Thursday hpliday all would have a number of pictures start ing this week. The producers are continuing to loan people to each other with some contract people, who have been do- ing little work until lately, cast three and four pictures ahwUI. Equity Tlghtenlno Equity started tightening the lines In Its struggle picture when the advisory committee i>assed a resolution June 28 that every mem- ber ot the organization not under contract to a producer before that date Is prohibited from setting his foot on any set, stage, or location in any and every capacity untU the present crisis is over. ResoluUon, It is said, was passed to cover those members who have received or expect to receive offers for extra work. It waB figured a great.-many-,:memhfica_3fhit—have turned down the studio form con- tract might,, without impairing their standing, take extra jobs aa there was no ruling against it prior to this order. Many Equity members function as stage directors, dialog writers, and advisors, and it is understood that Equity will also hold them to this ruling. Glllmore Informed § Variety re- owers Accepts Equity Contract; Device SeDer, Not Producer ACTOES EAT CHEAFEB Los Angeles, July 2. On the wall of the Equity reception room Is posted a notice citing three restaurants selling meals to actors at re- duced rates upon showing an E^iutty card. One offers 20 percent dis- count, another 16 percent and the third 10 percent. EQUITY ASKS % FROM WORKERS Los Angeles, July 2, Equity has sent official notices to all its members now working In film studios stating that as a mat-- ter of duty and loyalty, they should cojitrlbute 10 per cent.. of their weekly salaries to Equity's Relief Fund. Small hdie for Equity Los . Angeles, July 2. Cliff Broughton Productions, which makes four features a year produced by Mrs. Wallace Reld, Will accept Equity con^dltlons on ' "The Dpke Wrangles,'* talker. It Is due tor production August 1. Pat Powers' new Clnephone studio which opened last Friday in Astb- rla, L. I., has accepted Equity con" dltlons. American Sound Studio, o^ 44th street and Metropolltan-blo« phone studio in Fort Lee, N, J., Intimate that they will accept Equity under the Impression that they are not in a position to do otherwise. Weiss Bros., lessors' of the De- Forest studio, have, deferred their' decision In the Eq'ulty matter. They; are scheduled to place a feature in^ production during July. Feeling-around New Tork Is that the Equity affair will be fought and' settled on the coast; that as at-. fecting the three big studios. Par- amount, Pathe and Warners, In New York a prolonged fight may merely halt feature production with the studios marking time with 'shorts, em'plbylng vaudeville^ people while awaiting .the outcome. Povvers'- Publtelty Oag "Equity made' much of' Powers' ac-. cepting the Equity contract Oh- the strength of a letter to Equity P. A. Powers got newspaper pub» llclty for Clnephone without Equity apparently Icnowlng - what it. was all about; ' ■ Powers is primarily Interested in selling CIne'photie equipment, not In talking picture'production. He has - not made ,a full length feature Ip- years. ■ At present Clnephone la making a series ot one reelers; Written and' directed by Harry Delt. As only one actor, comic, is employed on a day- ' to-day basis In tbe newsTeel satires. Powers had ' nothing to lose and plenty .of publicity to gain by belns, the first to sign with Equity. Coast IVoducers May For injunction Agsunst Eliuily Discounts for Actors. For Food and Gas Los Angeles, July 2. Local merchants are asked to place a sign In their windows, read- ing: "We are for Equity." A number of stores using these, cards. . The Ehiuity office Is also listing markets .where actors can procure foodstuffs at discounts of seven to 16 per cent The schedule contains nine restaurants that are knocking off 10 and 20 per cent. One service station gives actors a gas cut of 10 per cent. Equity membership card must be shown In each instance before dis- count is granted. porter that Equity expected to win the strike on its own and that he thought It would be all over within two weeks. Indies Meeting Although no notice of the Equity demands has been served on mem- bers of the Associated Producers and Distributors, composed of most of the Independent producers with the exception of Tlftany-Stahl and Columbia^ Phil Goldstone, head of this body, Is calling a meeting the end of this week to get the reaction ot its members to the situation. Qoldstone says he personally is not worried by the situation as he .WllX^ .Into production for at least six weeks. He" leaves" fiext week for New Tork. . Eddie Nelson, an Equity mem- ber turned down the comedian part In the Belle Baker plpture to be made by Columbia last week. It Is claimed at Equity headquar- ters since June 5 that 725 new members have Joined. They say toward end of week around 70 ap- plications were made a day. liOB Ahgeles, July 2. Isadore' Koniblum, - Eqioity Iaw» ' yer, has resigiled from membership In the Los Angeles Central. Labor Council as a technical move In an- ticipation of the Injunction, against' Equity which the producers aire expected to ask for in the courts shortly.. .. ' In the event ot an Injunction t>e-'; Ing granted'agialnst Equity, Kom- blum. If a' member 6t the Central Council, would be restrained by ' law from acting on behalf of Equity.; Product are expected. It is re- ported, to apply , to the courts tor relief on the grounds Equity Is in-', terferlng with contractural rela- tions between studios and actors. C. C, Bnreao Issoes Call For Musical Comedy Extras Los Angeles, July 2. For the first time since the in- . stltutlon was organized, the Central' Casting Bureau Is asking tor regis- trations from those ambitious for screen worli It is,a "class" call that is being broadcast, Central asking only for registration of sing- ers and dancers. Vast amount , of musical comedy and revue work being done by the . studios has created a shortage of this class of extras and bit players. Agents' Secret Booldngs . Many members of Equity are do- ing picture work that Equity hoa ' no record of. Since the rumpus with the' pic-: ture industry agents are keeping all bookings of Equity members under cover. Bookers readily admit placing members with pictures but will hot I disclose their names.