Variety (July 1929)

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PJSTHE SUPER FEATURES In order to mhieve superlative eixtenainment^ Pathe in selecting the subjects for these thirty distinctive produaions has observed the basic principles of modem shownuinship. The plays have proved their audience appeal by long successful Broadway runs; the short stories are cuUed from the best andmost popular magazines of the dayt and the original stories are written by men vuho have shown hy former box'cijfice successes that iheyjmpw their business. Four of the most prorrunent names in production supervision are to be found with Patht—WiViam Sistrom, Robert T, Kane, Ralph Block, Carl Hoveyt Maurice Revnes, Josiah Zuro, and William Coriselman, TWO FAMOUS MUSICAI, COMEDIES M. M^M^jC%.\^ \M M^M^ %J(M.M^Mi4 imitable music comes to the stoge for first time: Book by FraJericfc Thompiibn and Vincent TJiwrencei Lyrics Ira Gershwin. Produced by the noted stage UnOor Richard Boleslavsky luith mcuiental numc by Walter O'Keefe md Bobby Dolan, Josiah Zmot musical directorir GREEt-JWlCH VILLAGE ■§7/^1* T T17 ^ An elaborate reproduction of me qfBroadvmiy'stnost M.\^MmtJLtM,MLA^' famous institutions. Through tf^cial arrangement widi Jones oni Graen Ae most brilliant sketches of the FoUies iuiU be reproduced in sound and cobr.- ^^-y ^^^y ^ 'j ^^^y^'py^ An ada^ion ofjhe sensational European byMaiiriceSevrtes. jtage success by Emest Vajda. Supervised ANN HARDING. theatre, she unll appear in dialogue pictures tn the popular stage plays uiuAaK described belou/i: PARIS BOUND Fredric March and Leslie Fenam are in it< Maurice Revnej was the sujiervisor and E. Hi Critfith directed it. AILIL-STAR ROAD SBTOW SPECIAX WAR AND WOMEN ISSs* Robert Armstrong and «n dU'Star caa in n spirited. AmeriMn version of the sensfttional Russian drarrut depicting the turbulent upheaval of rnan in a great crisifc Adapted and superi^sed by Wilfiwn Ganselman. THIS THING T itWTW^ Burlce's successful sidgt play about a strictly moder» JL<^^ yf 3^4 ~ wife in the days of companionate nutrriagb. A H O T H E H BIG SPECIAL rrruiT iBTir^ CFY/^T* Ben Hecht and Charles Mac*. X XliL/ JJJ.VX ■■\3KM.\J\M.. Arthur, who wrote the out' standing stage success', 'The Front Page", have written an original story for diakgiie pictures based on the life af one of BAiadway's rru>st sensational character*^ ^ ^'I A TTltiy One.of the foremost personaMis of aX^X^ ^ * -* the stage, America's foremost comed- ienne is the star of two refreshing oomedy-dramasi Her two Pathe productions foUoi^ THE AWFOL TRUTH ?Alr: with Henry Daniel and a distinguished cost inclnding Theodore von Eltt and Paul Harveyw Supervised by Maurice Revnes.and directed by Marshall Keilan.' The casts of'Pdtht productions are the best in the field, ^oth stage screen have been combed for the /inest dramatic talent. Ina Chxire, William Boyd, Ann Harding, Constaiux BkrmOt, Robert Arm'-, strong, Laura Hope Crews, Eddie Quillan, Russell Gleason, Carol Lombard, Jean- ette Loff, Stanley Smith and Herbert Clark are already under contract. HER Herman Bernstein has rmlde an adaptation of the stage pl<«( "The Right to Kill" b$ the noted ftusaan dramatist Leo L/ryantcov.. WILLIAM BOYD personality on the screen,- he will appear in three dialogue pictures, a field-where he has already made his marlu Tliese are listed below. HIS FIRST COMMAND An original story by Douglas Doty laid in Ae famous V. S. Cavalry SchooL- ''Hif First Command" is a dashing attraction—Bill Boyd at his best* OFFICER 0*BIMEN i^tifpSlS by Tom Buckingham, in which Carol Lombard also appcarsi Romantic Boyd m Oiiother great role. CRASHING THROUGH A comedy drama stage play by Sajton Klin^ dealing with the cimtrast of love, nch«» and potCTty; Full of daring action and hearty laughter* CONSTANCE BENNETT The return to thescreen of one o/the most beguiling personalities in pictures, in « of entertaining dialogue pictures^ Her three pictures for Pathe ore listed on the foUow ing paged 3^ P A T H E SILVER