Variety (July 1929)

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ss V A R X K T .T Wedntadaff ,^ July 10, 19^ PRESENTATIONS-BILLS NEXT WEEK (July IS) THIS^EEK (July 8) ■ - ■ . i'" 'Showa carrying numerals such aai (July 14) or (July 15> Indicate open- Ine next week on Sunday or Monday, as date may be; For tlila week (July 7) or (July 8) with split weeks also Indicated by dates. An asterisk (*) before name slffnlfles act is new to city, doing a new turn, reappearing after absence or appearing for first time. Pictures Include In classification picture policy, with vaudeville or presentation as adjunct. PARIS Week July 8 AmbaiisadfnrK Borrah Minevltcti Howell-Harger Naldl Eildloa 3 Jimmy Ray Oeraldine & Jo« 16 Chlneae Tr Medrano ft Donna Noble Slesle Orch Ctulno de raria Harry Pllror Jack Foroater Rowe SJa Florence & Crip Georffle Hayea U Tiller GIrIa Marie Dubaa Henry Laverne Dandy-Bach Germolne Lambel Rica Mae Meter-Clement Paulette Franck Jim Wango DangeluB-Seyrack Erica Hlliebrcelit Rauzena-Rcyna Marcelle Elena Glnotte Guy Colette AndriB Empln Borrah MInevltoli Roumah-Je Junetroa Tr Bcdlnl TnfanI Dante Smlrnova-Trlp'rt John Clark Lamy SImone Aalbert Athena & Roxlane RoBor H Carre's Horaea Hoolln Boase Blackbirds Adelaide Hall Alda Ward Geo W Cooper S H Dudley Blue McAllister Eddie Rootor Mantan Moreland Tim Moore Louis Colo Clayton Peg Bates Philip Patterson Crawford Jackaon Marjorle Hubbard Elizabeth Welsh Cecil Mack's Choir LONDON Week of July 8 FINSBUBY PARK Kmplra Craay Rhythm Bobble Hind London Sonora Bd Chick Faw LONDON Hippodrome The Wonderful Lie Victoria Palaos Shows' the- Thing Oracle Felds NEW CBOSS Bmplre Our Cabaret of 'Bl 8TRATEOBD Emplia All Fit PROVINCIAL ENGLAHD BIBMINOHAM Bmpln Paris Life Gnuid Hot Tee BLACIfPOOI. Omd Constant Nymph Open House Chinese Bungalow BBADFORD Alliorobm Off Wa Do CABOIFF Empire Leame of Stars EDINBCBOU Emplie Beau Oeeto GLASGOW Alliambra The Squeaker Empire Barbed Wire BANLRV Oiasi Oeorge Cla.-^< The % Pirates Mervln 81s Les Uniques Stella Deacon H ft B Marten Ottwar Bros The Martlneks HDU. Palace Sherlock Holmes LEEDS Empire Harmony Uall Co Boyal One Little Kiss Dromley Challlnor UVBBPOOL Empire tAugh Town Laugh HANCBBSTEB Palace Bitter Sweet NEWCASTLE Bmpira Pleasure Cheat NBWPOBK Empire The Seafarers NOTTINGHAM EmplM The Police Force Royal Henry Baynton Co FOBTSnOUTH Rojal GooA Gjrrri iuh Empire Jack Hylton Co Melody of Rhythm Bolle Avalon Henglor Bros > O lrlB a a Boy SOBTHAMPTtOf Empire Lnoby In T^ve BOtlTUSKA KlBc'a ThiDK Called Lov* SWANSEA Empire Mustard St Creaa Pictve Theatres Oamby Hale Girls Joe WoDB DKS MOINF^. lA. Cnpltol (IS) "Bits Of B'way:' U Gatnnos Hoaly Sc Clifford Dean 2 DKTROIT Capllol ^0) "Ot T'wn Detr't" Del Delbrldge Joe Christie Co Paul Klrkland Motlellnu M'ckonzle Jack RIano Geo KniBcly "Man & Moment" Fisher (6) "Musical Mol'ge' Al Donahue Hope & Louise - Will Aubrey Dorothy Neville Suzette & Jose 'Flying Marine" Michigan (6) Castle Dreams" U Al ^Evans Slock ft Sully J A O Luster U U Mary A Bobby Norman Freaoott Derby Joe riUrADELFIUA ro* (8) Dave Apollon Co Danzl Ooodall Harry Howard Hollyw'd Studio Co Frank Jenka Oscar Taylor Lydia Roberty Hlohel's Beauties "Ono Woman Idea" PITTSBURGH Barlght (0) "Circus Week" Rev DIcIc Powell "Divorce Easy" Peon (6) "Theme of Love" U Wesley Eddy Don Barclay Marietta Lillian White John Walsh NIta Carol Johnny Dale Qamby Hale Qlrls VUma Banky This Is Heaven" NEW YORK CITT Capitol (6) "Vacation Days" V Dave Schooler Kate Smith rrlts A J Hubert Bally A Ted H Whitestone A P Chester Hale Olrla •^Thunder" Paramoant (S) *7tadlo Rom'nce" U Paul Ash Ross A Edwards P A F Se Wees Laura LAne Lawrence Adier Dave Gould Oirls "Cbarm'g Sinners" ^ Bray (6) Patricia Bowman . Leoolde Hasslne Geo Rerjnan ^■n Harkert's Olrls "Behind CurtalD" CmOAGO, ILL. Avaloa <B) Charlie Craft's Bd Boy Rogers CiwMol (S> Charlie Agnew Bd Oypsy tisnore Gaudsmllh Bros Ohieaco (S> "Laces A or'CCS" U H L Spltalny Bd Verne Buck Bd Fortnnello A C'llno Tommy Atklna ( Nell CVDay . Lorn Hoffman . \.y Oamby-Uale Olcls "Last Mrs. Cheney" Granada (0) Benny Meroft Bd Seamon Bros Boo Bros Evelyn Doan Mahoa Florence I Jesnette Lane Karbro <S) Cha s Kaley Bd ' Josep^Keg'Sn Oriental (S) "Cheer Up" Unit Al Kvale Bd Billy Poarl Jeannle Lang Alphonso Berg Wilfred A Newton . "Dangerous C'rvea" Peradlse (5) "RalAbow Trail" V Mark Fisher Bd Gasman A Scbepp Bachelor 4 Bud Carlell o-.lsan Boydell Jean Devereaux Gluck-Sorel Olrls "Idle Rich" Rlallo (S) B6I» White Knox A Baker j"' ' Stratford ' 2d halt Cookie's Bd Helen Kennedy Veetoff A Vaughn S Whirlwinds TlvoU (B) Warlng's Penns "Broadway Babies" Vptowa <a> "Country Club" ITt Lou KosloCt 3d Wilton Crawley Alex Morrison Brian McDonald oiivo Paye Cliff Crane A Rasch Olrls "Idle Rich" BROORLTN Roy Cummlngs Harry Fox Beatrice Curtis Princess Blavlansky Royal Russian Ch'r JAck Waldron Co George Tapps "Protection" PanmooBt m "Let's Qo" Unit Rudy Vallee Orch James Barton <- "Cluym'g Sinners" DUTFALO Baffalo (7> "Fifth Avenue" U Phil Lampklh Novelle Bros UallnofI 4 Hector & Pals Robert Cloy Helga A Rasoh Olrla "Alary Dugan" —DAXXa-g.-TEK;^ Pabc* (13> "Harvest Time" XT Nell A Lucille Cook Ted Harks Stanley 1 Fauntleroy A Van G..W CQnnlDgham Gould Olrls DRNTEB, COL, Denver (13> "Bubbling Over" O Markell A Fann Boyd'Senter Dnian A Dale Beth CbaUla Spoor A Parson^ Henri Mack Foster Girls Sybil S Fagin 'Last Mrs. Ch'ney" CLEVELAND State (7) 'Parisian Life" U Stubby Gordon Harry Downing 3, Demons Chilton A Thomas 4 Merrymakers Oamby-Hale Girls 'Madonna Ave A" HOUSTON, TEX. Hctropelltan (18) "Cooling Off" Unit Wallaoo Sis George GIvot Bert Fay» Packard A Pal Peggy Lynch Gamby-Hale Olrls LOB ANGELES Bool ward (U) Lynn Cowan Manuny A Ticks Daley A Hesley Hugh "Exalted Flapper" Carthay Circle (Indef) Carll Bllnor Oroh "Four Devils" BCTPtlBB <1U "Jazz Buccaneera" Bmllle A Romalno Bddle Rey Charles Blugge Helen Warner Pirate Girls La Petite Marie "Alibi" Uww** State (11) Rube Wolt "Sweet Cookies" Co Santry A Norton Jack Honley Roy Loomis Hazel Romaine Bobby Thompson "Last Mrs. Ch'ney" Pammoont (11) Milton Charles "Fashions In Love" United Artiste (1«> Oliver Wallace "This Is Heaven" UNNEAP., MINN. niBnaeott (IS) "Rainbow Trail" U Ossman A Schepp Batchelor 4 Bud Carlell Jean Boydell Jean Devcreaux It Sorrell Girls NEWARK Brantord (6) H'n'ym'n Cruise" 0 Jay Hills Joe Penner "Wheel of Life" N. . ORLEANS. LA. "Varieties '29" Unit 6 Lucky Boya Mary Kane J A J Walton Johnny Perkins Dave Gould Girls OHAHA, NEB. PtamBMrnat (13) "Chinatown' Unit Anna Chang Stanley (0) •Bv'ybody Step" V Charlie Melson Joe Browning Bernard A Henry Gus A Will Drag" FBOTIDENCB Fay'a (0) Josephine LaVole Mercedes A Ferris Bobby DeLeon Rogers A Donnelly La Pan & Bustedo Louis A Cherle 'Strong Boy" S. ANTONIO, TEX. Texas (tS) "Carnival C'tall" U S Swifts Belle Osborne Frances Wills Ruth Burn: Joe Besaer Irwin Lewis Foster Ciria ST. LOUIS Ambassador (6) 'Say It With •F'rs' Harry Rose Sammy Cohen 'Dangerous Curve*' tUMoart (6) "Steppln* Out" Frank Masters Arthur Nealy Irene Taylor Baden-Chapman LambertI Rockets 'Man A Moment' WASnVTON. D. O. Fox <13> Leon Bruslloft 40 Ja!izmanlans J I Fisher Joe LaRose Pres 14 Foxettes "Behind Curtain" (S) J I Flsher« Joe LaRose Pre* 14 Foxettes Paul Howard Bdlson A Gregory Sallle Sweet Swing Baton Maxim Brody Jaok Roes Helen Windsor Leon BrnsIloS 40 Jassmanlana let halt (K-IU Bordnsr-Boyer Ce Merley A Anger . Jimmy Ryan Co Francis A Wsllr Lieut Gitc Rico Co 2d half <18-*1> Haynes A I.ebman Tex HcLeod S'nshine Sammy Co (Two to fill) LInoola Sq. Ist hair (U-IT) Pedrlck A Iris Sla Mickey Walters-Fries Co Primrose Semon Co Jacksonians 2d halt (18-n) Joe La Vaux Buddy Ralph M'Laughlln A Ely's Fantasy Rev (One to nil) Nailowd lat halt (16-lT) Redder A Bmlly Dotaon Brown A B'm'gh'm Helene Russo A P Mildred Andre Co 2d halt (18-21) Barl Liee Co Collins A Peterson Bekefl Dancers (Two to nil) Orpheara 1st half (16-17) Skatelles Haynes A Lehman Ted Doner Co Collins A Peterson Chaney A Fox Rev 2d half (18-21) Angel Bros Dotson Love Bugs Demarest A-Deland Bert Collins Co Stole (IS) J A I St Ongo Joyner A Foster Singer's Midgets (Two to fill) VIetoris 1st half (IS-IT) Strobel A Mortens Broneon A Renee Opera vs Jazz Oifford A Oresham Tiny Town Rev 2d halt (18-21) Bardlangs Lyons A Waterman Primrose Semon Co Sheldon Heft A L (One to Oil) BROOKLYN Bedford 1st halt (16-17) Chelm St Orr Co . Margie Coates Jack (loode Co Hall A Symonds Rose Kress 8 2d bait (18-21) Royal Sidneys Mickey Jack Conway Co Victor Oliver Co Bums SAL Bros Commodore 1st halt (16-17) Bddy 8 Weber A Cooper Wyeth A Wynn Pep-o-Mania Rev (One to All) 2d half (18-21) Amy A Walters Lomax A Johnson Jscksonlans (Two to flll> 48th St. 1st halt (16-17) Reck A Rector Rose O'Hara M Montgomery Co Qeorgle Hunter Sheldon Rett A L 2d Halt (18-21) Howatt A Hardy Margie Coates Jules Howard Co Francis A Wally Chaney A Fox Rev Oatee Ave. 1st halt (16-17) Alpine Sports Lomax A Johnson Love Bugs Demarest A Deland Jose A Bdyth Rev 2d half (18-21) Bordner-Boyer Co Rose O'Hara Anderson A Oraves GIftord A Gresbam Lieut GltK Rice Co HetropoUtna (IB) LaFleur A Portia Vlnc't O'Donnell Co Sid Lewis Co Seym'r Howard Co Jack Wilson Co Ray Bills A LaRue OileBtal 1st halt (16-17) Joe La Vaux 8 HcCann Sis VLaughlln A Bv's Clifton A Brent J BUlott A Co-BdB 2d halt (18-21) A A G Sohuller Will J Ward Buddr lUlpk ■art Lee Ce _ jrohnnr Hercnaa Ce ■ 'Gal*-A CaiaoB B*T Id halt (li-lt) : Chelm St Orr Oa ' Skatelles Doable BxtKMinr* StuU A BIngDam . Casting Campbell . AKBOM (IB) . Howard Olrla Convey t A J' O-Meii A Hannen Monoiogist Love In Ranks ATLANTA, OA, Grand (10) Ted A Teddy Craig Campbell Co Brandeis C A Mann Rainbow. Revelries (One to nil) BAY BCDOB Loew's (IB-IT) Manning. A Class Shean A Anger Frank D'Amore Co Jean Barry Rev 2d halt (18-8f) Morgan A Stone Bdith Bobiman Bsmonde A Grant Alpine Sports (One to mi) BOSTON Orpheom (10> Sticlmey's Circus Hale A Hoffman Alton A Wilson Lillian Fitzgerald Masterpieces CANTON (IB) France A LaPell Fullmer A Wayne S Brown Bros Berrens A Rolland Milt Bronson Girls CLEVELAND Granada (10) . France A LaPoll Berrens A Rolland (Three to (111) CORONA, U I. Plaxa 1st half (16-17) Bardelangs Sherman & Ryan Billy Farrell Co Barl Faber Co Atkinson Luc'da Co 2d halt (18-21) Redder A Bmlly Murray A Irwin Shean A Anger Johnny Herman Co 11 Glorious Girls EV'NSVILLE, IND. Loew's (10) The Andressens T^ee Mason Co Kerr A Weston Rev Fields A Oeorgie Blue Ridge R'biers HOUSTON Houston (IB) Ford A Price GAB Parks J Sidney's Frol'k'rs- UBHPHIS, TENN. Loew's Harry^Hlnes Stars (Others to (III) MONTREAL Loew's (IB) Page A Class Muriphy A Wilton Al Wohlman Night Club Revels (One to nin NEWARK State (10) Paul Bros Mary Marlowe Winifred A Mills Toney A Norman Jack Donnelly Reva NEW ORLEANS Stoto (IB) Realm ot Dance Jack LaVler Jean Barrios Co Sol Oould Co Vanishing Maid NORFOLK, VA. Loew'r (10) Zelda Bros McCarthy Sis Fraternity S<i Fred Ardsth Co Virginia Moont'n'rs SYRACUSE (16) Amaut Bros Carney A Jean Casa Lehn Girl* (Two to nil) TORONTO Loew's (10) Breen £aB A B'rry H A B Hutcbins Dear Little Rebel Coscia A Verdi Ray Hamlin A Kay WOODH'VBN. L. I. WUIard 1st halt (16-17) Bmllons Will J Ward Poor Old Jim Tex McLeod Home'ward Bound 2d halt (18-21) Rose Kress 3 Horley A Anger Jack Goode Co Georgie Hunter tUk Mrae* lat AaU (llrl«) Bar IA HarrlaoA i (OthaM'to BID ' td halt (17-1»> oar Oang KIda Bdlson A. OregoTT Bert' Hanlon. (Two,to BID ... . ad kialt (10-il> Bddie Allen Co Harry Holmes Meyakoa (.Two to nil) Ferdfaiun 1st halt (13-1«> 4 Phillips Helen Sbipman Bbony Soandala (Two to Oil) 2d half (Ifl-lt) Conn Kenna A Pilot Aadereon * Oraves Mae Usher Oua BV>wler VAS BOOKAWAT Strand let half (fl.-l«> Jimmy Luoai Oe Molly Rloon Wald't-^Astoria. Ore (Two to All) BBOOKLTN Albe* (13) Gordon A King Harry Holms* cMarls ValentI (Two to nil) W Sohepp's Circus D Small A Partner Hayes A Fieeson . Leavltt A Lookw'd (One to All) EXCLU8IVEUY QESIGNED QARMENT8 FOR GENTLEMEN BEN ROCKE 1632 B'way, at 66th BU N. Y. Clt> Lewis A Wintbrop Billy Hallon (Two to nil) 2d halt (10-12) Archie A O Falls Villa A Strlgo H A F Usher Harris A Radcllfte GAP Magley Rev Franklin let h^f (13-16) Broken Toys McOrath A Trovers Chas Hopkins Co Chas W Hamp (One to flii) 2d half (17-19) RAF Usher Stamm A Devere Waldorf Astoria Or 2d half (10-12) Hearst Bros Almond A Grey Sis Alexander Carr Dillon A Parker Ray A Harrison Hamlltoa Ist halt (13-18) Paul Remos Co Fid Gordon Dixon Holor Co Allen A Orenler Alexander Sis Co 2d half (17-18) 4 of Us Geo Broadhurst Co La Follette (Two to All) 2d half (10-12) Dauntless Gordon A King Waltera Fries Co Dunh A Day Brown Derby Orch Jefferson lat halt (13-16) Harum A Scarum Edison A Gregory Harris A Radcllff (Two to nil) 2d half (17-18) N T G Parody Club (Others to All) 2d halt (10-12) 2 Ladellas Jimmy Lucas Stuart A Lash The Cavaliers (Two to nil) Palace - lat half (11) Marie Vaienti Boahwlok 1st halt (13-16) Worth While Girls Geo Broadhurst Co Jaok Strouae Nine Saxonettea. (One to nil) 2d half (17-18) Helen Higglne Co Browning A Clark Joe Mend I (Two to HID 2d half 10-12) Manford A Claire Jerome Jaolcnon Powers A J'rrelt Co Fid Gordon La Follette Co Grsenpolnt Ist halt (13-16) Laughlin A West Marga Rita Co Browning A Clark La Follette (One to nil) ^ 2d half (17-18) ^ Chas Willis Dixon Holer Co Jerome Jackson Co Alexander Girls Co (One to nil) ad half (10-12) B A L Gillette Left A Fields Qllfoyle A Langrd Sandy Shaw Carrie A Eddy Co Kenmore lat halt (13-18) Dauntless Canneid A Whyte Kenning A Mile (Three to nil) 2d halt (17-18) 4 Phillips Hope A Taylor 2d halt (10-12) Pallenberg's Bears Blair A Breen Frank Melino Co BUI Robinson Happiness Girls Hadlsea 1st halt (13-16) Lewis A Wlnthrop Frances White Gus Fowler (Two to nil) ad halt (17-18) Broken Toys Ray A Harrison Vox A Walters SOUTH AFRICA TOVB Lulu McConnell Fieeson A Hayes Bernlce A Bmlly Nina Gordonl 1 Whirlwinds (6) Julius Tannen Ghessls Wald'f-Astoria Ore Clifford A Marlon Pollok A Dunn Avon Comedy 4 MoUy Picon Begent 1st halt (13-16) Calvert A Hurd Cun'gham A B Rev Hatter A Paul Joe Mendl (One to nil) 2d halt (17-1}) Haram A Scarum 4 Chocolate Dand's Fere A Thompson (Two to nil) TUESDAYS HOTEL MANHATTAN JACK L UPSHUTZ '^H^^yV^^*- TAILOR, 908 Wahol St, Phila. "F'm Headq'rtece" Palace (IS) "H'n'ym'n Cr'se" V Herbert Rawllnson "lAst Mrs. Ch'ney" <6) Mothers Party" D Herbert Rawllnson Zelaya Lime 8 Nell Jewell Gluck-Sorol Girls "Fosh'ns In Love" Loew NEW YORK CITY Doalevard 1st halt (16-17) Angel Bros BsmoAde A Grant H"-S-TT-L'ffngffon'^ Bekefl Daricors (One to nil) 2d halt (18-21) Reck A Rectcrr Lauren A La Dare Barl Mountain Co Wllkena.A Wilkens Dance Bits : Delancey St. Ist halt (16-17) A A O Sci)Uller Horray A Irwin Double Bxposure t Aristocrats Ylotor Oliver <3e 7 Stylish Steppers Id halt (18-21) Cannon A Lee Georgia Hall H^ H Langdon 'Toso "S'Traytflfev" Barl Faber Co Sergo Flash Co Falrmonnt' let halt (16-17) Mowatt A Hardy Bdlth Bohlmah Grifllth A Toung Wllkene A Wilkens 11 Glorious Girls 2d half (t«-21) Strobel A.Mortens. Frish A Sadler Jimmy. Ryan Co: Oiltton A Brent Tiny Town Her Helene Roaso A P Gale A Carson Rev (One to All) ruace 1st halt (16-17) Serge Flash Co Jerome RySn Bums SAL Bros (Two to nil) 2d halt (18-21) Brown A B'm'gh'm Hall A Symonds Homeward Bound (Two to nil) Premier 1st halt (16-17) Royal Sidneys J Blllott A Co-Bds YONKBBS, N. T. YoBken 1st halt (16-17) Lauren A LaDare Barl Mountain Co Stutx A Bingham Casting Campbells (Oae to BID Id halt (18-81) Manning A Class 3 MeCann S'.s Bronson A Renee Frank D'Amore Co Mildred Andre Co s -NBW-YOBIt-CITr- Cbester I'st halt (13-18) N T O Nits CInb (Others to BID 2d halt (17-18) Tatea A Lawley Jlnuny Lucas Qus Fowler (Two to fill) Id halt (10-12) Lewis A Wlnthrop Helen Shlpman Vox A Walters Canneid A Whyte California Collog'os CoUsram^ 1st halt (13-18) 4 Chocolate D'ndles Meredith A Snoozer Billy Hallen (Two to BID Id bftit (17-18) Canfleid A Whyte Chas Hopktna Co Chas W Hamp Long Tack Sam (One to nil) 2d halt (10-12) Marcus Show (Others t» aU) 2d halt (10-12) 4 Cassona Carllna Diamond Geo Broadhurst Co Carroll A Gorman (One to nil) Royal tat halt (lS-18) Carllna Diamond Tachtlng Party Frank Melino Co Helen HIgglns Rev (One to BID 2d halt (17-19) Loretta A Bd Ring Powers A Jarrett Fid Gordon Carrie A Bddy Co 2d halt (10-12) Harum A Scarum 3 Travel'g Saleam'a Larry Clifford Co Allen A Orenler Eight Ragamumns —coNEnsiannr" TUyoa 1st half (IS-lt) 2 Ladellas Vox A Wkltera Carrie A Eddy Rev (Two to BID 2d halt (17-19) 9 Saxonettea Allan A Orenler Frank Belino Co - Princess Pat (One to nil) 2d halt (I«-12) Dancers fJlownland IrvlnA A Lewla Norman Thomaa B (One to BID 2d halt (10-12) Monroe A Grant MoGrath A Travers Bernlce A Bmlly Freda A Palace Bbony Scandals AKRON Palace 1st halt (13-16> Dainty Marie Turner Bros Weaver Bros Home Folks 2d half (10-12) Reed A Lavere Sid Marion Larry Rich A C Time A Larue ALBANY 1st halt (13-lS) Brinkley Sis The Fakir Lander Bros Irving A Torrence (One to ail) td halt (17-19) Gulltoyle A lAngrd Freddy Leightner Kitty O'Oay Co (Two to BID 2d halt (10-12) Frank A B Carmen Nawahi Anderson A Burt Columbia Comedy 4 Rodrlgo A Llla Co ATLANTIC CFTY Barle 1st halt (11-18) Deltorelll A Oils-do Sensational Togo Lillian St Leon Co Pallenberg's tieara Henry Ree&l Co Neptune 4 DIaa A Powers 2d halt (10-11) Orville Stamm Co Bdwards A Horrts Florle Lavere Co HIckey Bros 6 Rockets BALTIHOBB 1st halt (13-18) Rcynor Lebr Co ad hUf (lS-lt> 3 Rolling Stones .Sylvia .Hlllac——~ Wesley Barry Co Stan Stanley Hatt A Herman BOSTON B. r. Keith's (13) Roys A Mays The Ghezsis Leavltt A L'ckwood {Tyr« to fill) («) Ben Bine Oo Joe Frisco Ruth Mix Rodeo Kdth-AIkee (13) Russell A IVrmat'rg Cantor &. Duval Frada. A Palaoe Bob, Caproa Co (One toJ^>. The Zteglers Carrie UIHs- Wilson A Crowley Bert Flt^glbbons - Seellnr Sq. (11) Bernlce A Foran : Frad Hagcn Co - Jones A Rea Rosomont Roll'kera (One to nil) (8) Mason A Wood > SI Wills . Stone A Plllard Fred Leightner Co Norman Thomas 6 BUFFALO Hippodrome (13). HcLvllan A Sara Al B White's Rev (Three to nil) («> Devil's Circus Savoy A Mann Marie Vaiente Torke A King Red Donohue OHARL'TTE, N. O. Carolina 1st halt (13-18) Mltkus 2 Ruth Warren Co (Throe to nil) 2d halt (17-19) Flo Lewla Co Georgia Crackers (Thr«e to All) 2d halt (10-12) Moran A Mona Mae FranclH Curly Burns Co Mona Mura Co (One to ail) CHICAGO Palace (13) Count B ritl VIci Co Von A Schenck Blomberg's Dogs (Two to nil) (0) Vic Honey 3 Undercurrent Medley A Dupree Tod Fiorito Orch W A C Ahern Van A Schenck Bd A J Rooney ' State-Lake (13) B ft J Rooney Crockett's H'nt'eers Walter Hlera Ryan ft Noblette Larry Rich A C (6) Gordon's Dogs Adier A Bradford Dick Henderson Kenneth Harlan Hurst A Vogt CINCINNAH Albee (13) Ken Murray Unit (Two to nil) (0) Lee Oall Ensemble Frankel A Dunlevy Roger Imhoff Walter Hlera May WIrth Family CLEVELAND lOOth St. 1st halt (13-16) Vic Honey 3 Lydia Karris Sully A Houghton Hurat A Vogt Wedding Oown 2d halt (17-14) BIcota A Byron Geo Rosener (Three to nil) 2d halt (10-12) Ruth Sir A Moore Grace Poro Frank Beaaton Josephine Harmon Les Kllcks . Palace (13) Les Oall Ensemble Sid Marion Joseph Regan Olsen A Johnson (One to fill) (6) Masoagna 4 Bob Nelson Hooper A Gatchett Orter De Haven Lone Tack Sam COLUMBUS Palace (13) Helen Arden Ted A A Waldihan Claiborne Foster Bob Nelson 4 Aces A a Queen (6) Ken Murray Unl (Others to nil) ELMIR.\' 1st half (13-16) Columbia Com'dy 1 Feather Creations (Three to flll) 2d halt (10-12) The 3 Londons Mary Marlowe Kitty O'Dore Olrls (Two to -BID Flashing ■ 1st halt (13-18) Clonn Kenna A Pll't H A F Usher Bert Hanlon Princess Pat (One to flll) 2d halt (17-19) 8 Marlnelll (Mrls Harris A RadcllSe Henning A Mile (Two to BID Id halt (10-18) Ora Faraell A Floreace Our Oang Kids Chas W Hamp Maryland CoUeg'na jBBSBV cm 1st halt (18-18) Randow 8 Harris A Pepper Mace A La ai? ' Lolhrop Bro»,-T'.;r Whitey A Kd.Jtoi Herlwrt Wlirira Maurice Coll*iS;S; Lottldo Howrt?^ Palore (ur^. Bobby May ' Stanley A ainna John Chas ThoSie Will A O Ahexa* (One to nil) •■ Turner Bros .■• Billy Glaaon (Mrl Freed Orth. . Dnvey Lee ; Hank the Hole' . MINNEAPOLIS. Hennepin (i|> P Sydell A SMtiy Stanley & Ginger John Chas ThoBua Mary Haynes (One to nil) OAKLAND - Orplieum (!})' Colleglato IJflif •• Ada. Brown (Three to nil) (8) Dixie 4 I B Hamp Co Welln A 4 Fay* i George Bcatty'- Hickman's KldOlM OHAHA ^ Orphcnm (13) John Barton Co Gordon A Squlne'- Indian Bnnd (Two to flll) (C) ■■ Large A Horgnec. - Ryan Sis Norton A Haley < ^ Parker Bobb Co Joe 'Laurie' ROTHBSTKB :: Palace ' 1st half (13-16) Mangagna 4 Josephine Harmon ' Frank Beanton *' Keller Sis A Lyosh' Russian Art Chorqs 2d half (10-12)," Al B White Rev ' HoLollan ft Sara,., (Three to nil) ' SAN FRANCie<K> Golden Gale (18) Collegiate Unit * Ada Brown ' (Three to flll) SCHRNP.CTADT Proctor'n lat half (13-lS).' Cortello's W T Rer Nawahi Oullfoyle A I>.ingrd Carter Brne Rev ' (One to nil) 2d halt (17-19).. MIcareme Brinkley Sis Chlaholm ft Breea (Two to nil) 2d half (10-li) Bob Henshaw (Others to flll) SEATTLR Orpheom (13).. A B MarcuH Rev (Others to all) (C) Wilson Koppel ft B Smoke Screen Peter HIgglns Jimmy Allard Ce Keno A Green -i Uttle Mitzl ST. LOUIS St. Lonls (IS) . Wilton A Weber ■.. Davey Lee Hank the Mule (Two to flll) (S) Blomberg's Doga Joe Howard Co Venlt« Oould Oordon A Squires, Gllda Gray ; SYRACUSE ' Keith's 1st halt (13-18) Florence Mlcareote Reed A Lavere Fulton A Parker Corbett A O'Brlea Long Tack Sam O* 2d half (17-19) Bart Sloan Lydl'a Harris Sully A Houghtoa Hurst A Vogt Wedding Gown ad half (lO-lf) Alpine Sports Cooper A Vavan'g* Lulu McConnell Bobby Randall Roye A Ha ye THREE RIVERS Capitol 1st halt (13-18) Glen A Richards The Wheelers (Three to nil) TORONTO HIppodroiae Devil's Circus Savoy A Mana Oraoe Dora Torke ft King Red Donahue («) Campus Colleagee* The Fakir Little Jack Uttle Watson ft Cohan - Le Roys TRENTON Capital 1st halt (11-tO Le Paul 'i Kemper A NoMo i (Three to flll) TBOT I Procter^ 1st halt L18-t*) Bob Henshaw (Others to flll) OFFICIAL DBNTIST TO TBB N. V. ^ DR. JUUEN SIEGEL . 1060 BROADWAY I m* Weeki nank Keuler; Doagloe * PUosr 3 Arts Rev (Two to nil) 2d halt (17-18) Barl Hart Hatter A Pant -( >-—— 2d halt (10-12) Kelso Bros Rev (Others to flll) LOS ANGELB3 Hlllstteet (IS) Shannon's Frolics I B Hamp Co Lottlce Howell Chase A La Tour Herb Williams N) Mack A Large Gerald QrlBln Glenn A' Jenkins A FrieAland Rev (One to aU) »d half (17-19) ! Nawahi | The Fakir Lander Bros Irving A Torrence -(■One-<o-flH)-i 2d bait (10-11) Cortello's Rev Miller Sin Sully A Houghton Mel KIce Ths DeTorcgo; UNION HlUi Cnpltol lat halt (13-18) B A L Gillette Chas WlUls Helen MaoKellar Jerome Jackson ■ De Carlos A O Oo 2d half (17-19) I Irving A^^lrtwla