Variety (July 1929)

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74 VARIETY WO R EIG N Wednesday, July 24 1929 m ^ JLiphdoh,'July 13i Jacic Hyiton's' long atanding cQri? tract; with ■WUllamsoji's. to go to AUstraUa/ postpone last year >y Hylton paying tlxe: Australians fS,.- ipOQ has been cancelled 'by. Jack pay Ing the^ flrni a furthei'' $2,500.^ Sunny Jafmanri, American; play-^ Ing the lead in ^'Hold Everything", at th^ Palace/ juist celebrated her 19th: birthday: The dressing room vas decorated with two hUge cakes. One had JS . candles, with a notice displayed "Thia: Is her stage age/' The other, cake had 50 candles and tli© notice read: .'^Her.' real aBfe"' The secOhd cake was given by John I'irby. one of jthe coinedlans in the Bernaird S. Gianhini, son of Di?; A. H. Glaniiini. banker/who backed Foi in the fifty million dollar Loew inerger, was operated ,pn here Thursday night for appendicitis and Is reportfed now out of danger In_ a Welbeek street nursing honiei P.ub*^ lished reports had it that it was.the president of ihe Bank of Italy him- self who had gone dow^n under the knife. The Giahnlhis are here on ah annual vacation. Family , has moved out Of Savoy to hotel near private hospital , to be close to sick • son. '■ ' Paric riiathir Six Wired hi Sweden; Amer; Acts Now There Elstree, has gone and buggy, publicity too. Gives all scribes the air. Any publicity she wants will be done at home, she says. Result is, all she's got has been the . filing of lier. divorce in i»aris and that for fcAver -sticks than a bricklayer's chowder party. . . • - : : Bill/ Metson squawking about three-a-day in vaude is answered by an old trouper who did six tui-ns a night, split among, three houses and ..had to gallop, in a sea-going hack from one stage to the, Oitber.. One act, '.'The Bricklayers;" he saysf* carried heavy property (bricks pre- symably) between two houses fOi: •four shows., betSy.een siindo^pv'n. and midnight.-.. ' • .'• Talkef avalanche' oven affecting small time racketeering. Begigar carrying' a .'portable ; phpn6grap with a sack of: discs* /"See and hear the vagabond. tenor'.'HBlogans bum witK cap in hand, / ^ . / i^^^ ■'■ Records are «upposed to be . his "Wii voice before ijk went. ■*blind. .Plenty: of' pennies. ■ Trevor Wignall of Dally Express gypping Graritla,nd Rice "Sport- light," Calls It ^^'The Daily Sport- light." Rice doesn't syndicate in any English- rags, but his stuff appears in Paris edition Of. Herald. — - La t ei f t ~ th e me smv — seHpf writers saus l^eonii Plan$koy, kind^ of sound driA color Ungikeers, is "Eat, DriTifc ond 6e Merry, for to morrow we dialog." :. Dorothy . Gish . a. rave in .stage version of Samson ("Jarz Singer") Raphaelson's "Young. Love."^ Piay ' eUppreiased by Lord .Chaniberlain, but Arts TheatriB Cliib gave . censor. a run-around by producing it for its rhemberis, English love Dorothy's voice. She's been in silent picture productions. here. Swagger Club Cellar bathing in Lido of London ^ with girls having cocktails between" dives into pool illuminated from below is the feature of newly open- ed International Sportsman Club On Upper .Grosvenoir street. First 502 -•members were well-heeled Amer- ^ leans, mostly millionaires. Clul) will go in for polo, golf, hunting, racing and all the high-hat ways of wast- ing a lifetinie, but summer will be spent between the bar and the pool. Peggy Joyce in rnd out. Flashing a ?375;000 hliie diamond and a dick to guard it, she sdid she was just looking London over rcdth no sumr mer love in sight. Fact is it*s wait- ing for her in Monte Carlo under the working title of Albert Wilson Hermione Baddeley is quitting the stage to go ranching it with David Tennant, her husband, in Canada She's 22. Vogue around London for a new tenor called, on the discs, Erie MarshalL'Turns out to be son of Duchess of Westminster, who gives him foiir quid a >vi^eek. to biirn' up the highways. . Singing for years, but got nowhere until a teacher naiWed Mrs. Chaplin took him oyer and changed his style. Soon afterj he began to panic them ^ with, his Unchanging color in a . wide range of notes, but he refused iail opera, concert, radio and vaude offers. Pola Negri, shooting a silent at Tommy Burns, once a heavy- weight champ of sorts, in. his pre- ■TriKtiiBrtn Hfliyg Is aroUhd London. Weiighs 252. Fighting weight was .i80;'- ' . V Mary 0''Farrtell doubled. for Lya de iPuttlVs non-bi:ogue voice in .''The Informer.". ' , New ankle attentlon-c a 11 e r Bracelet hosei Clocked in silk stdck- inga by Jones, Leicester Square. Chorines eating it up, Cost $1.35 a pair. : Jeanne de Casalis, actress, widow, married Colin Olive, actor, widower, in Kent, Jurie 29. Both West End stars, he at present in "Journey's End." At the conclusion of .his . two weeks' engagement at the Paflad- i'um, Lester Allen gave . Richard Green, orchestra conductor, a. hand- somis gold-mounted .Awalking stick, making the presentation, over the fbctlights. This is the first .known occasion when an American' made a gift to any house official in Lon- doh; Crean is considered to be the best conductor of a variety Shovv in this country. , Paris, July 15. Sacha Guitry will iiang odt at the Madeleine next season, the new playhousie. In corijunctipn With Tre- bor and Prule, lessees, Sacha, vrill give a revue of his dwri composl- tlbn, for which A. -Wiilemetz -vyrill fumisii the lyrlos. Season will com-; mence Oct.. 15,V with a revival of GUitry's. "Mozart'^ for a week or so While the author is wiatching rev iiearsals of his historical survey of France, under the title of "La Vic- toire de Samothrace" at Paron ttenrl dis Rothschild's new Pla^y? house, the Pigalie, . to be inaugp- rated about that iieripd. • Meanwhile the Guitry couple will work off a contracit .with L. Vol- terra Jat-the Marignjr. signed prior to . the switch over : at the /Theatre. Edoiiard TII aiid Sachia's migration ta the Madeleine. - .. ;. The French Version 'of "Hit . the. .IDeck" which the Isbla insepafables are mounting at the: Mpgador when ''Rose Marie" is withdrawn in the fail, will probably bie billed here as "Alleluia" (from the: central song item irt. the . production). Lead will be Cecilia Nayarj'e, and Ciep VidI arie altemateiyv the former appear ing' at the pi-emiere. Henrietta Leb-r lohd, vaude vocalist in Piaria for years, Will impersohate the bid ne .Stockholm, July 12. Up to and including July .9 six proschtatlon theatres in Stockholm, have Ijeen wired. ^ There will nOW be a .pause'.. ...v . , '" ; The folipwing shows, these . the- atres and the syhchronizftd pictures they ■ have played so far;; pailadlum--7"Why Be Good ?";(FN). Th€) next synchronized-picture at this theatre, will be. "Sally from Singapore'* (Pat,he>. I>iccadilly-^"Whlte Shadpy^s" CM- ■GrM).; •■ Olympla-r"Wolf. SongV (Par). iAstorla "Abie's ^irish Rose (iPar)v ahd "Wedding March" <Par) Rlalto^"Jazz ginger" (WB). Metropol-Palais-^"Why. Be Good?" All.'pf 3the above theatres use Western Electric equipment,; V Count Anthony de Bosdari seems to be in bad. Getting an uneven break from his former associates in London,: too. When Anthony decided to . go to Germany-a,nd stay .there after Tallulah gave him the air, he left a Rolls-Royce behind. Gave a friend power of attorney to Presently cabled for the dough. Friend found one of the compa^>ies Bosdari had been directing had sold it over his head for what they said B63dari owed them: $2,000. car was worth at least $3,750, for which friend had fixed a sale. So the count had ho'auto and no dough. And how th.ey say his" American divorce isn't good in.this country, after he'a been and married again, in. Berlin. They w6n*t give the lad: a break. Who . would have thought 10 months ago that it was possible to inveigle hard-boiled Londoners to go into a cinerha at mid-day? But (Continued on page 79) gress. Cast will lncltid« MTinevitch's boyis, Felix Oiidart, :Drean. and George Biity..' Rehearsals: for ^ new,; operetta. "Bfuleboia et ses Filles,^' at the Marigny wiir commence n«xt week. LOuis Verneuli, prolific playwright-, actor, lis writing the book, with Maurice Yvaln supplying the Score; Max, Dearly will head the cast With Edmee Favart and Mile.: D.eCreus. Others listed aro Robert Burniet. Car Rentier (not the pugilist), and Nelson. Several French playwrights got together privately the other night to talk over-the invasion. of. the French theatre, particularly, by American successes. They intend to cause ; a stir in the Society of Authors as hot faithfully. aplplylng the late byrlaws; - At least a dozen foreign i>lays are scheduled already this winter. By the contracts with directors now in force the. quota oif ohe French play for three foreigri .ones lis Imposed, while some managers have prOm (Continued, on page 79) • Stockiiolm, will soon be played by Anieriean acts. They are here how and :pienty of them.: These are the latests Myron pearl and Co., dancers; L'oma Worth, musical coniedienhe, Jat the Circus Revue; Jackson*s 16 Stars, still at the Cir- cus CReviie; . Powers':. .Elephants; Grdha Liind TiVoli (Luna Pai-k of Stockhiolm); Swan Ringen's divinj^ girls;. Miss Quincy, diving expert; Joe Mandis: Trio, hand Ijalahclng. British Film Field (Continued frorn page 2) figure by; the time they run the fllm this and a couple pf other nuni- . bers will iiaye become over-famlUar and startied to slide., so the folk won't want to see thje picture. ■\ . Tigiht-Mohe/.'-.''••••; ■;•.■;:.■■' Public and qlty. very ;shy the^e days. With .overdue: reports not yet forthcoming and Some bad ones out^' eyeri: the good results lately shown by- British .Intematlbhal and its; theatre company Associated Brit- ish Cihamas have hot; made flota- tion ; money any easier. . Tills 8th the Edibell, Soundfllm Apparatus Co. made its Issue, ask- ing the public to subscribe $550,000 In $2 shares. The company is form- : ed to market iapparatus only and not to make Alms, and has; a syn- chronized disk system invented by Cecil Jeapes, son of William J;, one of the old-tiniers. ThOihas Hough and Wlliiam F, Robbins go on the board as representatives Of the:EdIr. son-Bell Tatklhg Machine Co. , . ; lissUe \vas. very lightly .responded to by the public. • ' - ^ •'^ ,'. —'——^ ,.. Other Companies British Filmcraft got out a re- port this week showing, cash at bank $945 and debts $86,<J00. I Thfty have made seven shorts a.n.d ifoiir rfeature fllnis in their: first year; and .are re-equipping their, studlps for Egypt .By EDWARD ASSWAb Cairo, July 15. Film entitled "The Girl of the Nile" ha^ been shown at ORamses theatre; . ' 'That 'thing (Jailed LOve" made a fair showing at tlie Djurgards thcr atre ih Stockholm hnf 11 the theatre burned, June 21. Only thing left by. the fire of this quaint little sum- mer theatrie \Vas a poster high up On one of its clxarred- frames; , Play switched over after the fire to the Blanche theatre, where. It ended July ft when.'the Norwegian, actor, Erling^ Drangsholt, especially en- gaged for the leading role, returned to Noi'way. Actors^ Distressed )$tate In France Inyesti raris, July 23. An investigation into why the gambling casinos have failed to con- tinue the engagements of stock companies in season, according to charter, will be included. in an at tempt, with government aid, to re lieve the present theatrical crisis. Owing to the distressing situation and the number pf French cpm.3- dians and lyrical artists Put pf wovk, congressman Gerard, member- of the Chamber of Deputies, and Mayor DijOn intend to participatie as spokesman for the Actors' Union in questioning the governhment. Jack. Schutz,. Of Le Film d'Art Egypien. Cpmpanyi is produclhg; an Egyptian- picture. Its lead :is a youhg Egyptian girl,: Fuada Hilmy. Cast- include'S Gbbran Nahunii Mo- hamcd Moistafa, Toiiny and Abdel Naby, all actors at Rlhanl theatre, Cairo. • Swiss Chatter . By PROF. E. B. RICE Zurich, July 9. An' English-American , musical conference will be held at Lausanne, near Geneva, Augfust 2-5. It will be mainly devoted to questions of mus- ical educationi etc. The chairman and chief promoters are Walter Damfosch and Sir Henry Hadow, well-lmoWn authority. The recent congress of Basle of the. Union of Swiss Musicians adopted a resolution of protest against the. introduction of "talkers" in, the picture houses of the country, and decided to call the attention of the authorities and picturegoers oh /the disgraceful effects of mechanical inuslc. It seems doubtful, however, in what wayv if any, authorities can :: interfere SVIth the eyplUtiori of tlxe ; ■'.. talking.screenv- ■. .v; Fritz Rotter; hiahager of ;the Carl theatre of; Vienna, at St Moritz, * VFtold reporters he and his brotlier ,.;T(rill again -play musical coniedy next fieiasortv :: ; DODGE CLOSES "SUN-UP." paris, July 23. Wendell Phillips DOdge'a Amer- ican ^Season at Mathurins, in which Lucille Lavei'ne was presented in "Sun Up," closed last week. Run- nin&jsince June 21. Hoping to reopen in November, Dodge is organizing a subscription plan. He has gone to Berlin, prior to retuirhing to New York In August. «omTng Over Soon London, July 23. Due to sail for America on the "Leviathan" Aug. 6 are Henry Sherek, Andre Chariot, Clifford Whitley and Val Parnell.: Lattei' Is the General Theatres .CJbrp. booker iand Chariot Is now ih charge p£ the :Grosvenor House. Tussef Bey Wahby and compahy will play at Zizinia theatre,. Alex- andria, for a month, commencing July 15. . Df. Erwih Debries, New York rrep^esehtdtive of: thp Scherl film papers of Berlin, Is in Baden, near yiiflph. Dr. Debries Visited. Hollyr wood recently. Now he is writing A book on Hoilywo;od, which will be ^puHIsh'TBia—n-ej£t==rfall—aTid==^^ : Iftled "Hollywood, the City of 11- iBsibna." It wilt: be m German:, ' The Ifeading SWiSs picture, houses i>i ZrirJch, Basler Berne and Geneva arfr bfting "wii'ed''" for talking pic- tarc.=f. The 8y.stcm chosen will be ■"'a'oWs-KIiingnim, the German appa- t^tlv^». It iH probable that the talkies Will Sim he mostly Ufatone produc- viima;-'- How^veri -the CJapitoL- Tlic- BaMet ; Does Well London, July 2?,. ..The-new Oumanslty ballet, at the Aihambra, "Leopards,'^ set to GfEen- bach 'music, didvvery. well,, open.lng ycsiterday -(Moni)i ;: -' Lo'ridpn: Debuts: ' '.-;.;;-London, July ZZ.. . Florence Foreman- .and Geraldo aRd 'Adalre ;>vcre cordially receiycd in'tlieif Plaiza debut.:; :: : •:;. ■ 7 ■ ■:V3rsam"aKi"TSt¥iTirr5~'' ' ' . • -' - ..: ■ ; ■::• ■ Paris, :jniy ^23.;; /Marie Valsahiaki has ;become as- socl-ated with .a. French company called Associated Artists which will begin a French season in. November atre of Zurich,; a tlicatre bclonfiing to Cnli Lacrtimle, wiirop.c.n the sea- jjon \vlVh"Sh.ow Bpat.". . Society Backs Odeon Paris, July 14. A . society has been ,fo.rmed here, including seyerkl Antericans, desig- nated as the Amis de TOdeon (Friends of the Odeon theatre) With the Object of .a,sslstlng finanQlally Ih the continuation of the. classics. It Is intehded to create; pirlzes to stimulate actprs playing in French classical, works. . Louis EVah •Ship- man and French Hpllls will piish the i>rpject In, .the American CPlpny 'thittg Called LoVe^ Ends . London,; July 23i - , Ilobert Loraihe'S presentation .of "This Thlhisr Called Lpvie"; closes at the Ai?oil6 July; 27; and toraihe will revive "Arms' and- the . Man'' - next week, y'.'-.-: ' . . ;-'.; ; ;■ While It was^ ' not successful in London, the Biirke piece; did well; in the provinces, with ;Cbriway; Teariei starred. ANTOINE OUT 6e PIGALLE . Paris, July 23. Andre •Antolne :resigh'ed ;as man ager ; of Bat^pn Rothschild's ::no>y l*igalIertlieatre"bTcf^^ fliction.. with Sascha Guitry,. New house is scheduled to open In'.6c tober jWlth a (Sultry prodhctioh, . The: two are. said to have failed to- ,1'each hai'mony In .dircctioh of the theatre, with Aritpine's initia- tive apparently limited. Rpthschild's ?.on, Philippe, is soryiiis as manager meanwhile. . . - 't; . '■. '['■'■ ■ lists" in . London, July 23. New Era iilms begin work on a talking feature Aug. 20, the cast being '"The Co-Optimists" group now in revival here. spiina. .1 Biatther •Corporation sent: around I a circular to stockholders estiriiating its first .ye(ir's proHts at $520,000 On a capital of' $1,260,000. Agreements with :l^exL Ingram have. Ii?ee^^^ term- inated, but they flgure :to niake; "JeW Siiss" as a sound filni on the Stille Wire. process ih; its .second year, •which started June 17. Meet- ing Is : yet to be held,. with delay claimed to be ;throug,h balance sheet ■ awaiting' cpnipletlon of auditors' survey. Western , Electric .Moves ;. A deputatioh is due to see tho f-arliamentary Secretary to tho Board of Trade over the inter-uye jam" this 17th. Meantime a .private meeting of Western Eleotric olficiais and .some Of the. distributors Was held and a prbpositidn: was put to agree to play ;filrhs recorded on. Western Electrio system .bver Brit- ish Talking Pictures' equipment and such equipment as is found satis- factory. ; '. W. E. has agreed to this, and that, seems . the "ehd of the interuise dis- pute so far as B.T.P. (Isidore Schles- inger's PhohOfllms) is. concerned. A number of other systenxs ate being marketed or tried out here at the nioment—Powers' , Clnephone, Traveltone, Naturatbne (in which R. H. Gillespie of Mpss Empire .and Siorris Cowart are Intereisted), and Syntok. DiiRculty is product to play over these except Clnephone, which claims, to have its pwn, ahd seryic- ihg. ~...; ■".;. ^ Syntdk is being run by Vivian yan Damm* -Who was the first, manaiser Of M-G-M's Ne-\y Empire and prer ' viously managed the Tlyoli.,. He is piittihg out a! public company for $750,000 to market . the. apparatus, which sells for $975,- but'the stock is subscribed; for. from the; inside and will npt be Offered to ..the" public. t)ominion's First Star London, July 15. Ada May Is coming over shortly to rehearse for the London openihg of "Follow Thru," first attractioh for the new Dominion theatre, be- ing built by Sir Alfred Butt and R. H. Gillespie. It is scheduled to Open early in Septembet; Others in the cast will be iJeslle Hensoh, Sydney: Howard, lyy Tre$mand. ; The 'theatre is atv Oxford street and Tottenham Court road and will seat nearly ~ 3,000, .'The best seats will be $2. A subway will lead' directly frPm the theatre tp the underground railways... Miariohette Goiigress . ,^ .Paris;. Jiiiy ti:. A Punch, and Judy Cphgress. is to ...iDie lield ; here in: Octpber. "The leaders of the world's ;t)Uppet shows; Will then meet to discuss their l>usi- hess from ah internatlphal angle. . The greater number of; delegates Is expected frphi :Czechpsio.yakla,. as hbaTly every schoPlhouse in that country Is equipped \yith .a matioh- ettc . sho.w. Russia is lilicwige ■ in the fore". .••■■. ;'■ : '••■ ; ;: Try. Plus-Four Shakespeare . - '■ . London, July 23. "The Merry W iyes of W indsor" goes into the'iflaymirket Frifaay of this, week for iaV special matinee, perfPrihance . ; being in modern clothes^ •■ If tlie idea clicks, piece will be. moved to for a run. -.: Regular tenaht of the Haymarket is St. John IjJrvIne's "The First Mrs. Frasor." ' Theatre Isaue This 16th the 500,000 shares au- thorized at the recent meeting of Associated. British Ciniemas, Maxr weirs theatre company;, are to bo issued, . "This Is in addition to an issue «f one-half of the million so far unissued common stock and hot an actual increase ih capital, Existr ihg stockholders are entitled to preference of allotment, . so. are stockholders in British International. Subscribers fOr the new stock per cent, prefprehce) will get an allotment of. the same amOuht of common. Noted Exhibitor Passes :.-' . Sol Levy, C2i .died at Harrogate July 9,. He was In the . shoe trade and started in the film business With a theatre :in the Midlands In 1905, later building the Scala and the Futurist, Birmingham,, still two of the best houses in the provinces. He was connected with Butt in the Palape theatre at one time, and owned the Scala and Claughtph pic- ture, Blirkehhead;' Scala and Futurist, Liverpool; Scala, Nun-, eaton and Scala, . Middlesbrough. He was also a local distributor oper-». ating territorially for independent product'a*' Sol Excluslves Cpnrtpany; . :[ "BOPE'S" CENTURY . London,; July. 23. "Rope,", play based on. the Loeb- Leppold .murder ; case In Chicago several years ago, turned Its 100th. TcrfgTmancxj--Mon]a|E[y=TTiBht.-~"~^-?^ .. Copieg-, pf the' play in book form are presented to seat holders. AMERICAljS IN HOLLAND Amsterdam,'July 23." Among the Americans in Amster- dam are Jack Rossheim, Alfred: Bloom and Mark Nathan, all vislt- Irig relatlyea.