Variety (Aug 1929)

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Wednesday, August 7, 1929 FILM REV IE WS VARIETY 201 ins Shorts MARC CONNEtLY . RCA PHOTOPHONE^ "■The Burglar" (Co.rh*dy) 15sWins.; !»it0nc)rs ; Globe, New York .; . 'Marc CoiineUy'^. second, short fpi- •RCA Photophonci.; produced": at thp firtimercy studios, .'Ne^v York,; It is ih the same grciheral nonsensical vein the iJrevlously released "conni- muter'' sketch, biit otherwise lacks the subtle niceties of thait travesty, this sketch being out.and out i?on- >8ensei- ' '• ■ ■■ GorinoUy is 'reading, a: mystery novel in bfed .. ^hen disturbed by inuslc from his phonograph. After a couple- of falsie starts during which he' laughs, off this inexplicable noigo, Connelly ruha into a burglar > ln the midst of his: duties in the Connelljr drsLwlhe room; ■ , v The latter apologizes; for. the >n- Wruptioh/ In pblished diction the^ vegg exchanges cards with his client whom he is burglarising.. ^Connelly iirgea him to take alohff , a pair of oriiate candlesticks ..and an .oil painting, b^ut the burglar questions their intrinsic value, although po- litely, but- with studied aloofness, conceding ,their . sentiin^rittil Value as. heirlooms, .i/ v\ The burglar also. produces. sonie press notices of himself I with wTiich to Impress Gpnnelly. ,' The latter urges, hini to steal-a certain lihoho- graph record but "hesitMes to give him "Jinglo Bells." . The; ;hurglar seems to lik.b: that- disk, but Gon^ nelly .plays off hajjE; of it •.until he teaches the portion that, is crackedj; causliig ■ it to repeait' m.pribtonously hecaujse .of the;.break in. the wax; The burglar at .this point .sides; with • .;ConnelljK"•■/ • Other jilly stuff! such as ringing for .the butlei"; introduoing: V.ic" ais~ trict patrolman to ;the bui-glar,. and the-ilke.- ' . The'Short has; :a: few laughs and .'more silent; chuckles. Nothing up- roarious abput this one; just: nbri- ;sense likely, .to. please geiier^llyi . Connelly vis a veteran newspaper- jman and playwright and .an equally expert comedy playev, alert ;to all' cdniedy viilues and a keen travesty trouper. It goes withoVit' s.aying he authors all his own stuff with Rieli-i a-rd - Currier a:nd PUdlby 'Murphy credited for i3upervi.?iQn' and' direP- tlori. Abel. CLARK and McCULLOUGH 'In Hollsnd"; Comedy FOX MOVIETONE 30 .Mins. Japanese Garden^ l^few York .Aftij.r 'so' many successful Fox talking , shorts. Clark and McCul- lough are finally guilty of a real lehion. "In Holland^' runs 30 long, tedious minutes with liardly half a dozen giggles in all. It is .Iries-' capably a bore.'Authorship is cred-. ited tp Paul Gerard Smith... ■ It's a isilly hu.'3lncS& aljout a tulip, competition In Holland. Bobby .and Carl swaiii PvPr from AtlaTitic City. They- are hired; to " gudrd a prize tulip bed. Clark ^ruins this and to make gppd, goes' to. Switzerland to hu nt edelwel ss, a - rare 0 ower. which Seems to:, be of victory in any tulip cphtest. . Lots of. mPney may have been spent oh the productionj although likely the Dutch sets were standing on the Fox iPt froiii ."'Christina.'' Marjorie Beebe, James Marcus; and Ralph Emerson are programed as assistants. None rated, Norman Taurog's directorial job . is pretty hacknej'ed. ■ Full of feeblp puns and endleiss- ly repetitious of things this copilo. pair have dPne before and much better. • Jvcnrf.' GODFREY LUDLOW RADIO PICTURES j/i.olihist with Orchestra 5 Mins.; Studio Set ; Globe, New York . .• . Godfrey Ludlow is Uie' ace violin soloist on the ■ Ndtiohiil .Broadcast^ ing Co.'a sustaining .programs. He is a consist^snt radio .performer and ipossesSed' pf a' sizeable nnr^'o via ether. In.Additio'nlvhe is ah .cXpert instrumeiit^llst: / Jlis: radio '; rpp paved th6 way for; Ludld.w's cpn- cert - bookings recently,. the AUs- .tralian yiolinist alternating between the "mikp'.' and the concert Slat - -form;:-;. ■ ;■ /.Doing one nurnbcr, Lalo's "Symr Phbnie. Espagnole," LiidibW is'biacked; up by the full NBC CpnGert brches-' tra, • Set is. a circular, elevated stand, Quite effective for pictorial purposes. "Symphphie Espagnole'' Is. a bit pedantic- for appeal, al- though Ludlow does it with fin luhod virtuosity. It's a typo of short that jvill gP belter in the $2 houses than ^" . *-r>e '-general; rGlerisef.: although "^ynnt x.;u(lloxv-may lack in mass.ap- V^^l is solidly off set by his radio renr^irowevTr.—tli^r^s^ i^^ui-oH here, for. the mas.sos most UKo^ly tune in on licihtor musical stuff ^vliencfVor Lxidlow is on the air, of Sunday nights which have j"|<^onio a-regular w;eok-end spot, for l^adio Pictures is captioned a.s Presontlng thi.s .short, otherwise pro- tU(>o(i at the RCA .I'hotophonP stu- dios in Oraihercy Park», New; Yurk. . AtiCl. Souiid News Reviews Hereafter detailed reviews of sound news reels will be . dis- continued : in this deparinrieht. Due to Paramount now issu- ing a lweekly sound, news 'reel, along with Uni.versa.l, to cprne,. with Pathe, already in the 'field, and Fo'xv . the;, pioneer,; sound news re.els shortly- will be as plentiful as were the si- lent :newis reels..; . .Cbrnmetit upon..;:'(he < soiund. news «|ips in/future in ya.riety will be contined to the house . or show reviews, v FOX MaVJETONE NEWS 36 Mins.; Reels A, B, C, p Projection Riopm, N. Y* , Astonishing array .pf ; tPpical news, shots ithd Interesting ;npveities! Soimething-fPr evierybody, here, and a; couple of. laughsi Hard,to. pick the high; lights. Probably, .^)ne would be Dr'. .Spaeth's lecture . on composing music, dandy little ^lovelty. Another is discu!?sioh'pf the./British political isitiTjitiPh; by .Lloyd, George aihd his. dixughter. ia a cute kid milking a, cPw and having a tough.,time of it. Five .clips in 10..minutes.; Sti Louis flyierS ;\viip ; Stayed up. 17 ^days.- Va- riety Pf views, Includihg record^ of refueling in air; with flyers' wives in MovietPne plane wavihg the. aviators good "wishes, also' fl.y^rs'; return tp ground aiid ah im prPraptu. sj».eech by one .who dfcJn't AUite know .what the; mike meant J •• Storzj cainera; Rein, sound; ' ';■.•''■■ ; •.' Shot at paddock,. grandstand and lawn of the Sitratbga; track. Spivited ilhlsh pf the inaugural; •with excited.' flaps , in./clpseuR. Hanimond, carri- era; Walz, sound. :. . ■Vyreckihg by dynamite of SBG^foot smoke stack in Bajroinihe, ,Ni J., high.- est east of the Mississippi. . Thrill. Prahgley and PolitP, camiera; G'rig- hoh and Dodge, sounds . : ; Lloyd George, interview and , a d'andy recoird fpr style and the clar- ity of the's lecture. Scales, camera; Bither, sound.: . Five clips, 9. minutes. Edison and Ford lit the Chautau-; qua coleBi*atiPn. EdisPri tells p;bbut the founder of the system arid hiS ideals .of education. Ford seems to be the only, person who can made Edison understand speech.. • Adplph. ,Ochs tried it and flopped. Intimate study of three .men who are n.e'vvs. Green, clmera; Tappah, sound. ,v; Nice action shots- pf a', flock ;Of English chorines at'dance rehearsal. Tapping of 30 girts in, unison snappy recording. Taken . on sonie roof. Scales, camera; Bitnei*,: spuiiid. Trick idea value:of which.remains ,to be seen. Dunriinger, mind reader, attempts to"projcct" .name of a fa- mPus personage, following a lecture oh mind reading. Fixes camera with eye then writes name and seals it in envelope. . Will • reveal-. hame next wee){. Fans . asked to communicate nieaiiwhile; what name they "re- ceived." ^Veedman, cameira; Hicks, sound. Thrilling, demonstration of how • a parachute wprks' when an aviator leaps. I'receded with :. clpseup of pack with lecture on what happens when the rip cord ring is pulled. Then eight or ten'men make the leap from high plane.: Lehihann and Poole, camera;. McGra:th, sound. Six clip's, 9 minutes. - Fifst ria,te action -views of Helen Wills in pia:y. 'Five .challenging English women introduced. Then Betty. Niithail in actioni js'erving and volleying. Prangl.ey, Parnpra; .Grig"- hoiii,'sound;.'.: ; ;,- •: - . v. . ' Views of "Tiger," Georges Clemen- eeau, no-\v 88 and 'retired to . country home. Old boy sputters, in .iXench as he poses in, his gatdGri^ then tells the; crew. "That^ll be all" in fYonch. Fresnedu, :[ cahiera; " Went-worth, sound.: '.■."•'■-' ■ ^' - Kid milking .and a charnijng bit of unconscious: -eomedy. - Bossy doesn't.-.pose, to suit Uie youngster and he gets. rhad; about it; ■ Baby s astonishment when ' the -cow puis foot in the bucket the climax. ; Nal- lan. camera;; Matthews, sound.. Real, thing: aboard; a. warship. "Wyoming'.' t*>stH Her plane cat:ipu)r. The gobs , at deck scrubbing and duds washing, Awth- amusing Com- ments from the^oys on nav:y life, etc. Maedle?;, V-camcTa;. ■Jackson; sound. . , ■ Herd of h/ir.^cs on Virginia Island.^. progeny of animals left by ship- wreck. Thoy arc made to swim to mainland and sold.- One tiny pony .nH.rj:irfWoft--h-v^ nUceli.asjj;r uh(l( hj^ arm. ■. Painter,; . A. Ti«:f. soiSnd. ; D Six clips, R 'jniuiilf.P. • . ' ...^ Rodeo'roughlmusc ridiniL' at Sali- nas, Cal. I'sual {?hpls. . Lilll.s cam-', era;: Young,, sound. •\k'\<ii of in.'ukcUng in Bru.sspLs public itqiiar.e, with: comedy hy-play between, thi-ifty housewives, and peddlers whoso carts are drawn by ;• ;"Her«.^Tis'?^;.:;;'.;. ■ Yoiirs Very 'Truly LITTLE JACK UTTLE Known and . :idplized t)y mlliiona '~;^V;acatipningV--Somewher.e in Yur- tol)., \'' '■' ' ■; .' ''-'■'■ :: Broaidcasting a cheery "CheeFIol" ,tP all - bur friends; home. STREEi^GIRL DIALOG) .^■,; (With Songs) ' . "\y .JMCd (-Radlb t*letures) rroductton and fcle.ise. -.tJ.nder: WUlljun T.e-.liarori's super-, vision, Nlrte ir.eel • liro.rluctloji of 'Snu.sU'al dramst,"/ . etag.ed ]3y Wesley. RuBljJes from W.. Carey Wonderly's v-vierthe8e; Gharnier.'.'- Betty Conip^n featured. Ot>lal6B. by. Jane Murfln.;'three;fip«clal aoiigs by Ostar-tevant (musl(?)i;- ahd- Sidney.- Cldre ■(fyrlc!?);:.dg;nces by-- Pearl, B&toji; •costuines,' Max Kee'; ca-m- era, . -'Ij'.. Tover; musical, illrectlon,. -Vlcto'r Darabelio. ItCA Photophone sbundod. / At Globe, Ne-w Tork, July 30, twice dally, $2 .top. ' . -Mike,-.',.....-..,. i.. , ,, ...John Harron ^appy Ned Sparks. Joe ...,.'..»•. .Jack Oakic ■Pe'te...'..,... .. .V..... .Guy- Buccola,- .Freddy .v.i.....;. . ■.,.. <. ; Betty; -Gompsoh Keppel...;..., . .■.'......'. .:. ^Joseph ■ Cawtiiorn Prince^J4tck'oIaiio. ..lytLTj Lebedefl Club-Manager..... .; .'.Eddie. Kane Dbrls.KSitOri and ^todlo. Beauty Chorus. ..-JRayrhond Mainrei ; and: the' Cltiihol 'Male 'Chorus.:-; ' '-^ ■-- : '•'-:' , Gus. Arnhelih apd'hl9 Ambasisador' Band^; . "Street Girl" is a gpbd picture arid a money picture. The fans^ -wi 11 like it. ; Hald this , BKO. musicaii talker come in Six: months ago it: would have rated the $2 it is scaled at. Be-; gardless, it the present stah.dard of things, it will reap a box olhce har- vest in ;the regular hPuseS.: As aL picture it has' plenty in its favor; There iare laughs, galore; The com- edy alohe would have put this one .Pver^': ■ . '^;.: . Nod Sparks as the. dour jazz fid- dler, and jack daklej a;s the happy- go-lucky clarinetist, comprise ..half of a little Pafe.jazk band.khown as the FPur Seasons. : jfphn s HaiTon ;and-.Guy Buccoia cpmplete the- quar- to t,- elevated from 100 bucks d week into: the heavy doughy at three;grarid foi" their, ac't, which is forti.ficd bS' Fredericka joyselle (Betty ; Conip-. son),.whoni they befriend and whose business: acumen is directly respon- sible for the bpys: .profesSipnal suc- cesis.- \' .;; ^ : '; / \ \: ■ ■'.. ' . The story, as a faithful .croSSrisec- tion of ; theatrical iife, may be open to captious, criticism, biit it is quite entertainingly done With not a little conviction. In toto it is more of a tribute to the direction and playing than the fuhdanierital- story. .Still the yarn possesses plenty of action. It progre.sses interestingly from the ve'ry ..start. "When Harron rescues Miss CPmpsbn from a ."street nia.shcr, the probable explanation pf the.hazy but selling title. Our .herpihc is hungry, she is taken ih for" the night and:permitted tp share a corner of the la;rge, rooni the quar.tet ocqu- pies. 'Not only does she make her- self dbinesti-cany useful, but proves a great little 'b.usiness manager for the jazz: bpySi; . v.;-^ - . V;--.; A .nuihbeir .of niceties to the pror. ductipn. • Cafc;; stiiff,' is im pr.C'.ssively r.eallstib. - Tifip,nt manner; pf having the. Vbys. work' in a definite unique style,: cphcluding each :num-. bPr with their baciis to the:audierice, londs an undonia.lile touch of faith- fulnt's.s.. The charactors arc roal. t^parks iK-vor forgets hinvself as' the I'tornal Qakic, with tljat eitu'u-ily .pan Cif his. haUUng. wllh the wo\, nu\U\vi?it (CJiiy JUiOoola) , rcpls- li-rs ,'x Uving;c-h.»rai't(:'r. .Mi.s><- C'.nni'i^'in triMip,o:s oxi'ollt''ntly to lliu ili.r; oi.; that sl.o. almost ovor-^ cornc's; cortajn phyf^H'al tiliprtcPinings. Some of the phott)griiphic .s?hpis of her were' not quite Ihttierin.g and the role really called for a ;yo:uhg<'r porsonality. ' Joe. C'awtliprn; turuod in a good n.orC^vr'inan«,'rt' i'ts - the '• Austrian ' c.-lfo pi-opriotor-Jind iva-'n L(-bcdoff crodi't- ahly perspnatod ;i.'iunce; . jNTiokolaus, pluyinR the role ;\vitli- .idniiriiblp re'r straiht.. : . V; ',; ; KCA-. PhPtophoh.c's recprdingr; is cuiisrstentiy ' tvnipped;. the aini fpr. which -Wiis probably the cause of .the oc<r.apibhal "muddy; CJi,nning." ;There is one dialog sequence in the phphe l»0.p'th, will have to be stejiped:' Up'to improve- the amplification.:, Sidney :Clare and Oscar LcVant have three, good songs in the picture; "Huggable.: . and Sweet" ' is fh.e plugged hot niirnber, but "My DrOum Melodj'"- is the. sympathetic' strain which Miss- Cpmpspn appears der with .so. much: rdaii.«im. If.•she's flddle:-faking, it's one of the - most skillful: jbbs;3bf its kind, "Brokph Up- Tune,'' the: third humber,' is led by DbriS'Eaton in a cafe ensemble set, whproiTi some trick- cinematic staiglhg is essayed With camera ef- febts.-. ;' ' ....■■:■.'.;■■.;.: ' ■..:.■■:'■ ; Unfolding pf; the : plctUl-e aims, tp simulate the illusion of: a staipe pres- .entatioh, •e\'.en uhtp thp prPgrJiming pf the playoi-s '"in the. order of their screen i-appearance." . ; . '"Street Girl" is a coin clicker'. .: ■ . • V 'V: ,- - •- .. Abel. '■. Huhgarian lUiapsody \geRMAN tAApE). ■ ; (Sound-Synchronized) - Ufa: production', released by Paramount. Producor, Krit-h Ppinmer; . director,' H;inns Scli\Vart:i:; -Aiimricun' adaptor,' Julian Joli'n- sori;- aulli'or,- .Hans .SzL'kely; .'screen.; pliiy authors, 8Ved - Miijo aiid Hans Szckely r pliotoBrapheri-- Ciirl -Hoffmann. 'Hunnlng .lime- TO ..minutes'. '. At.; Paramount, New York,-: ■weefc::Aug. 3;" - ' -'- ...' ' .- Cahrtllla.. ............''.U.^..^^.l,l.V Dagover Frahi .... .:....:..... . Willy. JPrilsch. Marika .-, :.. . , : , .... ■.'•, .-.■ .Dlia :P»rlo -Her Father :: ........ .-.'.Fritz . Gxelner .Her Mother ..Gisella U;*thory General -Hoftrnan,........'. Erich'-. JCaiser-Tletz Barbn Bursody .........'...; .Leopold ICra'iher dpgs,^ -three abreast. Squire, banir era.; Manri, sound. ; " . Inspiring. recbrd . of ; gra nd bircui t trpttlng racefi at Kalamazoo, with hot 'fin ishQU. You Havort't h card- hoof ^ beats until ..yyu^ see and hf:ar: the steppers ,s\vc;(!p by. 'Storz, came.ra;- NV.'C'm.s, souhd; - .■ ,.I)r. Siiacth'R bit. JOxiilains .old.os-t hott! ,'?c(MK!npe in the bird's ''c<hi ooo" from the Gardon of Kdcn, and shbvv'.s how .those two7tone'••fomb.irt;jtjnhs ;irp ' rtpro.du.C'd iri ; Bcvt-ral, niod'^rn .Tibpuiar souths, ."i'dls; a. rr;ijsir'.'ii-f?.'ig. fif'r tlio finisli, about the :j(>l:' r wii.cj played a solitary chord on ih<: iiiitno and'stopped, .so' that hi.s.noryo;i.<-: old uii.' li'-. ■\vlio Mtiul'lri't >lf Of) h:i(l to get jj i)' anri. fill !sh . tl if^ i mi-sif-Jil M-'fj U' -J\ i:(■ Tiii-fur'^ iTo c'.ii'l'l. corrt"('fn~liTrjT'.-<'=rT7=fiiT° .tlif iiii-'ht, .;;^iclnnis, oaM;*-! a; Hit-ks, ,<0U)1<1. . ; . I'aity of ,.Tap nappor.s t^iK-f a tlirlll- inK hfat ride down, pu-jft r.-irnO-'-". i pilotC'd by. qui'pr niitivi; hoatsnjc n. Mfiycll, camora;, .sound. Mr.«. Florence Kahn. in Co.ngrf.sf-- from California, revlrw.s con«f artll- If-ry troops, with artillery disjilay for the lliiale.. . ' • ' . H^h.^ ThP first . Gpi min - sPund picture a,nd the first foreign production pf any kind presented under i niajor Ahierieart auspices. in many mbhths. Looks lik* .a: hioney; release: on in- trinsic merit' from, all angles, and ought tp- be a te.-it. of; the question whether American fan. public -in the miis's wiU accept meritpripiis foreign talker product. . . \Vprld producers may well rest their case pn itlris output. It Is in all respects up to the. best Amer- ican, standards as to physical, chat- abter and :'pictoriai beauty a.nd. has real freshness in .porsohalitlea and atmosphere whil© . its backgrounds have a, very definite;-charm ih their uhfamiliarity. '-' ..' ; ' ; A ciast, in' all respects .adequate, plays in a perSuaslvp vein: of re- strained smoothness. Thete is hone of the stilted acting famiiliar ih -the bulk Pif iSuropeiin pictures;.. Pro- :;ductipn is impeccably dressed a^ to its cbhvehtipnal chairabters and the piPtiiresque; dress of the peasants Is a:n a!5set to tlie'-Spectacular aide. ". Story ih; its plemehta . is rather fprmula; but. treatment has: a cer- tain sophisticated Eurppeari flavor that: gPes ; becomingly; with its lo- cale in the cbuntrysido outside Vi-: enna, Fpr instance the naive ■wor- ship pf caste is illustrated; An ImV poverished. young nobleman in the, army is sa-vcd from the di-sgrace he richly dpservei. by .a girl of the m'iddle class who sacrifices her.good name in his. behalf. Thu."? when the young man generou.sly agrees tb make her his wife; it is accepted all around as. the: handsome thing to dp and everybody, . including ^ the girl's father, regards; the situation as oin : altpgethcr :_h{ippy outcome Sort of. bland - a.ssumptibh; t!fia;t .boys .will b6 boys and 'young arnriy officers arc that'way,, top;' ',.:. .' - :'. : -'. Picture ;ha.s many curipusly Inter- estingly : alien, side, lights ; of this kind, /trifles 'that ; have a certain pi(iuaricy. to - the American view. And it has one passage of dl.^tihctly spicy import, the visit of- the .gay •ybijng; officer tP the apartment of a philandering Viennese Wife in the ab.sehfp of:iier elderly husbahcl, fuU of rather torrid innuendo. Lil -Da- gpA-er ;play.s the Sprightly in the munner th.'i.t iii.ade hcf talked a^but hf'rc.ih 'v.ainp roles aoipe tirriir.' .ago, ari.d; sbmothing f-he; 'ha.s missed under btho'r diractorH.- .. Thb . roinancp is nicely handled and the setling.s are beautiful be yoh(l. t:f'lling. particularly ' pcen.e.s of . pr'asanJs Wbrkinf? in :enorTnon,'i . wii'bat 'fi<'l(1.4r pbli,«ants;;trid .the gen- try in th;f?lr harvest fPstiviliPs and ; t lie rr'r('ijif)ni/'R of thb priests bless- ing the. ii.' with all the pag- f-.'iRtr.v of Ih". i-h'.irf-h. ; y -- . . ■urifHMii' on thi.^' siiJe, but Bhovv i. ng' po."-- ilijlitif-.«..: Horo:, she g<':<.- yniall opportunity, having a pa^.>iv(> ii, ;'''niio' role; that dof .sn't pet off Ijfr afting ability; 'morely givf.<« a i-harniing. .setting for ;ber engaging b'''auly, a beauty something of the Janf-t na>>nbr typo. The pjftiire really poe.s . to MI.'-h l).'igov<'r for Acting scope. Several of the typos are excellent, particularly the aterBL father of Fritz Grainer. I'icture has no dialog and: ha sound effects are ■ int'oni^eiiuential— sui'h things:a..s rin!^iJ5.^: irliuroli hells and ort'lu stra. playiui;; in a cafc'— biit its. scoring 'Pf .si'^-.vral haunting Mayar nu-linlii.vs and liie. weaving in. bf the "llunnUfian. Uhiipsody!' it.sclC gi.vv. it an ;admirablv ':niusical atmosphere. ;.;;•': .,: ; Chief merit, this rovipwer finds; in tiio picture is. that it-i.s ti sihcere effort to:. gci'cen. native l-Juropeah. Tiiatorial in; a geniiihe "Way, instead Pf. the ; Usual- st}cojid hand : copy. of. Ilollywopd .tcclmiqup in story -.and method. .. . .' ., ' ■ ■ ' -y .■: . . ■. .' JtUSh. y. . MAN AND MOMENT (40% DIAI ■First ' .Natlona.1 production- ..arid - relpAse,-. DIrci'tod by 'Goo'r(;e FitzniauHcei,, ijol-. Vo- \l\6, tdmp'i'.anm'n-.' Film-t^ipino.'orodlied KJl-, lior Glyri'-fl'-. Blory. • 'Orchostra'tldn' .'by'Leo Forbstoln.; W, IC- .(Vitaphone) ..<!oijndfd.'. At. Strand, Now.; TTork, V!'e<>k Aug;. 3. Kunhi'ri^;; time, TS 'rnlhutes.:. -.; , .loan..-.-''. . ...-.. , ..... .BtUie -Dove MIchaol,..-.. ;,. ,-.•.-..■.-. .'j.;-.:; .Rod. laaRocque Viola ..«» i. »• » •■. . . .. .'^>.O.we;n IJ#e Sklppy.. . .;..". .> ..'.. ,.>',;,,..•.. '.Hobt. .Schablo Joati'vi Giiiaj-dian. .'i .., '<..'..'... CharlOs. Selloii Butler. ... ...•:/. . ..;-'.-..";;.,.-...-..G.etfrge Bunny '.'"The Man And. the. Moment," wilv; p.iiiss as :llght "Entertainment in the average 'house. ;,;Gebfge Fitzmaurice. has diluted-..the Glyh molasses so that .the screen versioh avoids .mbst of the love lic.Pi'ice arid: dwells on the comedy:sltuatiphs; .A little cutting wpUld imprpve the plctiire's program assurances.' •'■ : Only brice .does the dialbg insinu- ate in a way, .boldly subtle and then, repeated . until even'., the 'jahitbrs know it is the sex Most of the .lines get; hy, althbugh' a few are : so; brprhidib: in- their expreSslbri of. fidelity that, the • Saturday; matinee.' crowd , laughed a little dei:isiv A Swift, novelty, of buthPard motor polp; introduces .the chief Ipcale, niche in the West CPast arid a yiacht. Phptography . rip's the small. bbats through, the ;waiter at ;an .urinatural, but. audience; thrilling speed; The' youhg, reckless, and somewhiat dUinb. milliorit'lire. provider of the attrac- tions;, is \ shown . just before, he: cra.shes; with .the .seaplane bperated. by the theriie's heroine. Ilod ' LaRPcquie arid Blliie -. Dove play, these roles. ' Fantastic as Miss' Gly.n has. maide: them, F'ltzmiiiirice: and the principals are. unable: to eliminate a recitaitioh tonality, char.-; apteriStio Pf sniall town.jstock Voices, that creeps : into some pf . the more stereotyped. . lines. - Both players, however, give a wbrthwhile. per- formance,, especially;-LaRocque.' . ; There is too muQh .pf thCv cbmedy; with the exception, of: .a. mildly: en- acted' eye and ear kissing aequehce, for '"rhe. Man and the Moniehf'' tP- register, anything rpally hot.' ; The audiehcp knows frprii ;the stlbtltlihg that Miss Dove: as Jpan, the little gi.rr from Iowa; is out of hpr :clas6 with , the boofcliifi yacht crowd and that Mike, the .supposeji philanderer;. has really fallen fPr pure love, .after the second half of the; first reel. To duck her guardian, who hates planes,. a;nd to rid himself ,Pf a blonde fprtuhe buriterr Join- arid Mike go . thrbugh. the ceremony. before the girl's dPthes' are found In': Mike's stateroom Pn- the following niorning. Getting in with; the blPnde, :who seeks to. ruin her. rep, a night club scene pi^pvidcs a • highlight. This conies when Mike, breaks the glass of a swimming pool revue tp gain acdpSs to- his - wife, in the arms .of ahpther. ' Many of the known aUto .chases occur befpre Mike, in t^;yihg-tP kiss his fleeing: wife In a pTilne, 'Wrecks the High ti a second time. A maroon- ing for the night before they are picked u:p by. the yacht satisfies both, and the; fans, that convention- alism Is the best way to get out of the" theatre, ' ; , T^a^V- : COLLEGE LOVE (50% DIALOG):. Universal production and' rHcaao. .■ D1-- rected by Nat Ross and featuring George I>ewiri, JOOEOthy: GuUlye.r. . Story credited Leonard Flolda.' George Robinson, .camera- mixn. b'tartltiK at Colony, .New York, . week : Aug. 5. Western F.lectrlc uourided. : Pun- ning llrn«}, approximately 80 mlnutcB, - A cbhglomeratibn of the Gblleglan. Series; inaugurated- some time. ago . by the younger Laemmie/into a fear turo has beeh..accomplished by.Unl-. versil ih "College Love" While striotly -..machine-made, the . long- length .version .will- .be I' liKbd • eyfen hotter by thoS© who "enjpyed' the same stuff during, its- episbdic. re;- 'lease.-. -■ :' :..." ■:':'■. .(ioheral recording f br possibly re-.. production in the Colony; Is; the fiiuit) is poor. . Consitiprable bf the dialbg-lS- unirife-iHgible unless good' ear.s: are attuned, a^id . a lot Pf the orchestrating ropirbduccs 'a - raspy and thin tiualiiy. . ° : . All in all, ."C-ollcge Love" exceeds In box bllioe value a lpt of attempts by. conlennporarie.s of TI to conjure iip for screen niatt-rial. thfeir.idoaa of •the pla .vljoy' side (if uii^V('r.'--i^i<'H. T'hf- L.arfn'rrilf--brgMiJi/-'i;ii..;'h in Its '^iTlTf^iTm^^^i'TT^ ■gM'hc,)': 'by haviiig a yViufh sacrifice girl; hoiior and v^riiif-aiioe fo that the Unv'ortliy.. football star may. brihg gloi-y to dear old Caldwell on the-liig day in the stadium. The t»'.'tm, quite apparently,: is taking a torrlMc linking until, just before the deciding quarter is (Continued on page 208)