Variety (Aug 1929)

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42 VARIETY REVIEWS Wednesday, Au|;ust 28, 1929 V MUSIC BOX ; ' .(New) -; .. . . . Chica&o, Auff. 22. The opchlns .of two ncfw noiglr- borhood libuses; Bamova and Music- B6x/-'lhdiciates. that the ;• town,, .while .isUll ovor-seftt^d, is at least, oh'the road normalcy; ■ era and btliot-s . are • affain offering some sbrt ot .^encoura^gemeiit to. would-be theatrp .owners. A f'eW . years ..back' there >vas a sudden scramble, to build picture houses. They sprang -up Qverhigh t. all over. town. Houses .\vere put ui> ..without', .cash: all on paper.- . The break soon follbwod; houses, began t6 close ,iirid others 'woht.;.into, the hande 6£ receivers;;. •;On the south sid6 they got' one. hoijse p.iftly up; then aUit. The-rush was bVer. v iThe M.u&Vg .box Is spotted, In a rather poor arid labor-class .neigh- borhood, composed almost entirely .06 Swedes ahdl Germatis/. : Npt.or-. loUsly honrtHeatVegbers.'. • The house, .with 800 aeata on the main, floor; Js done, ih ^ the igaudy Spanish style bound to s'ftacfc the eye; Owned by Jacob Laskei* & Sohai,. who operate two'.bthje^ .big; houses in; town, and : built. by' the Blaine Building ;Cpri>.; . : ; Tre-vieW br R-K-O ''Street Girl'* And ^*'St. Loiiis Bliies," short, for formal .opening, a.ttende,d by tlie leaders . pf. the section.; ■ HPhie talent and some addresses.: . . - ' . . .' ; Mu^ic Box faces competition from; 300-seater a couple of: doors aw-ay . but shoiild dispose, of it, having everything in its fivor except pri.ce. Music Box, at 30-35, is ' scaled tod high for; the neighhorhbod: And the. smaller house, npw oper,ating lat two-bit top,, will probably cut .the price a nickel or a diiirie. ^ Which meahs isoniething to . these people. -Within a rhile radius of. the Music, Box are a dozen Housesz/inclttdlng the Belmont, viiUdftlm- spot. " Not one makes real money. Belrtiont manages to keep grblhg respectably because of Its tight budget. Grind houses all squeezing pennies, Arid from all ' Indications the Music Box will follow the samie oath. - It's a rocky road, nlng time Of srtage down to 2lJ min- utes, ■ ■. ■■ . , Unit has IG: crackerjack lookers a.nd steppers. Kids are gauged to •high gear,, ppening liumber ..haying them doing taps in. every cpnoeiv- ahlo form and manner.. One pC" the iiivla, Mary ; Carr,v steps, out ;pl lino, tor an spccia,Ify. Couptle of ■ fbrmev line girls, Mary Miles .and. •Mildrca. rei'les, lead- mmibtfrs and spociaUze inv co'ntorttpn.s. .ahd.',.acr9 baties Tiio'ely; .■ ; ' CliarkSs . llozeHa. ftetg aboiit throo minutes for eccentric iiistrunicnta-. tibn, :thi?n tlie Three C;obs, c6lored, for more- .sfeiSpinj?. ;.lT6ys open slnfj- in^^,^ then . into grd.u-p. taps to t«?ar it. Wide open. . :Jdight minv«tes . and. hard far. anything :t:b. fbllbw. ,/•.; .' Indidrt' numbei:. closes with girti} all-feathered tip as .TohTi Vail chants. Lbrrls and lObrni, mixed - couple, do slpyv .-Indian dance . with, •, bunch speeding fer finish. ; ' . Unit., can't be judged with hair Pf nurhhers and specialties but; but it's colorful, and has capable, .fi:irls and specialties. , ..Business at, the second. hiAtinee capacity: with a Jong libldout line bn a- burning, sidewalk; ■' '■ ■ •• Uhy. : PARAMOUNT ("Romance l8le"^Uhit) New York, Aug. 23. Gobd, fast show, : stage " and screen, comedy -predominating, Whiie from, Jesse Craw-ford and Pavie Ruhlnbff currently cpme the best organ and orchestra ofTerlngs In weeks'. Business • .show, too, with Eddie QuiUan, featured In the pic^ ture, '"The Sbpihomore" <Pathe), al- so on the stage in person. Elddie do.esrft break the unit's routine, stepping^^ into "one" brief- ly at first and then on full stage in front Of the band for specialties. It kayoed the slight story, but Eddie Was mbre important. He. clicked with two speicialties, cbmedy dances and mugging (New Acts). Hickey Bros, are the unit's own ■ coriiedy, exclusive after this week, and they do rather "well for a couple of niits, comics, froni vaude in these classy surroundings, Everything over, even the oldest gags. O^he conking with a tin platter a wpw Facial business, not so. clear to the rear, but they lauighed up front, so they laughed in the rear. Bboking this act for the picture houses was taking a chance. Getting it across is an accortiplishment. Bpok is one of those fairy sto- ries. A prince in a pub poses as "plain Mr. Smith',' to a princess who. happens to drop. in. Tenor and soprano. He must have made out all right for they're singing together at the end., The prince is dressed up like- a polo player. Theme sang plugged aplenty. The vvell vbicod pair are Woods Miller and Sylvia Miller, but sepa- rately billed. ..There is also a 12-man vocal crew arid the; dbzen Gamhs-Ilale girls lidtter one of the., b' troupes around in .some time, well trained and brightly routined.:. T>vo;iium bers froiit them., both, peaches. An JVI-G-M ;ishbrt of Van and SChenck (Talking' Shorts) ■ also In film sec ^ tion^v . .■ ':<•'• • Rubihoff directed the pit band;in the playing of a; pop tune ("Preci Otis' Little Thing") as: it possibly . virbuld. be interpreted by; the .prfesent day itlusic master.; Dui;i.nff the Krles ler Jmpressibn Dave sllp-ned in hi own ■ fiddle, and beautifully. Nbvel and intei^e.stinff. bit. ; . ' ■ Crawfordi plaiylrtg single, . plugged "The 0ance of Life's" , themer In Jils effective way, and then into a ■fast .series pf oprin.ected pops, using the 'flrst two b^rs of e.>th ; and' changing l«ey .without. niis^]n.j a beat. • Bige:. , Washington, Aug. .2.5. . Localities have; a hctbit ot coming in all.thKbugh the first , show "on ;,the bpeiiing;;' Saturday, which, makes it tough going, ■ This ' CPttdition Has existed for many months.; Sivow, is an individuaily assenip bled' affair for thei local Fox;.Booked by 'Max Silver, Staged, lighted an<i putined by .Joe LaRbSe. Both.-did: good jobs, on ehtertalatnent anslc. arid.-sight." Hblise ballet ibf 1<5 girls bpenod with a Tiller, rbutlrie, seated b.n stools, and through cpurse bf hour doing t\Vb.other, routiriesi one a. gplf number and other a. straight dance outine. Melba Vierdag does the trainj^ng with the girls all local. Nice group and business-setters for the houSe. Leph Brusiloff and Meyer Davis' 3C-pIec6 now stage hand (former pit) this week duo a string sextet of a cldssical and then jazz it to please. 'both factions, as,. BruSIloff states it in; his own introductlpn. tP the number. John Irving Fisher, m. c. on his 23d week here, picks up the intro ducing assignment, bringing on Helen McFarlarid, cute tap dancer; vppiil and xylophortist, and getting over exceptionally well. Be^'t and Hazel Skatelle with; their roller skates do,too much talk, but sue ceeded,in ii£tin^r the turn out of the usual by it. "Wee, Willie" Robyn back again, featured,- and again clicking. Fbrsythe and Kelly pFay for the cbmedy relief with not so hot talk, but scoring with singing. Fisher dbes a piano number and ties up everything, as he does every week with the Foxettes cipsing. Fisher has a style of his own on the m.c.'ing' ^sslgnnrient; talks back to the custbrner."?, pans them if they don't laugh: with, him, or at him. Tjut succeeds in getting away With it causing: plenty pf c.ontroversy and cpnsequent extra discussiph. Joe^ LaRbse deserves partibular commendation on his lighting. Feature, "Why Leave Home?" COUNT BERNI VICI (22) "Gadding About" Revue , ■ go Mi OS.; One and Full (Special) Albee, B'klyn. (V^) Count Bern! Vicl's former vaude flash forms the«nucleus bf this new ail-fomnte unit produced by Harry Rogers. For entertainment and fliisii it's there plenty and should do weli all alqni ,the llne^slnce it's perfect for vaude. VIn additlbu to Bern I VI ci, the line- up includes Irene .Ricardo, Maud Hilton and Almy, Six Manhatta,n Steppers. Ted Leslie and Syin^ piionic Girls, band. cbmblhation of 12- featuring Cecil Miller, and Darby ijrown,. ■ . ■ The ,unit; follows reyue; formula, TWO girl heralds are pla;rited in; one of. Berrii. Viers come.bri; with stair^ case background plrting: and girl band prbpielled forward fbr "Sli.ades of Bliie," syriiphoriic arrarigemertt of blues past and present, handled ef- fectively, VLover .Cbriie Back to Me" soloed by one. of the girls with band backgrbunding' went, ovef. big, with Cecil Miller tpssirig; off a cork- ing? tap, in follbw Up. \ Manhattan Steppers,; girt sextet, fblloWed with Pickin' Cotton" as a build-up for IMiss, - Leslie's "Chloe,'^,,. another wham.;- ■ Htltori and Almy. grabbed things for: the next 15 minutes and; rocked them. The chatter Stuff was well placed, with Maud Hiltph superb in the; clbwrilhg:.. Steppers a,gaih for anothei: preclsibii enseriibie . with Miss Leslie returning for-; "Mean to Me'' and ^'Gild Man River", played in~- symphonic, terripo by hand . arid with -- refrain.; warbled ..:fpr -anbther click;- -; v.. ^ ■ ;•-■;.•■.-;''-■■■■ Irene Rlcirdc hppped in and planted her usiial vaude single. Her firt^woman opener was a .sciream and her - satirrcal Slant pn CJlnderella- a yell, - A sailor dance by steppers built up a'sailing boat finale with everyone on. Wallopy and effective getaway. .'■• ' . A corking; unit with plenty of di verslty-.' and -'good fun that should click, anywhere,. Neatly cbstumed and well mounted. SULLY and HOUGHTON "So This Is Bomarice.'^ (Skit) 15 MinSiV Three (Di'op) Jefferson (V-P). - WilHam .Sully and -Genevieve Houghton reunited. Their return is In a new act W'ith bright, hreezy patter, -songs and dances;; corking eritertainmentr , ^ ,]^Illy always could lioof and he iseems to -have gilt-edgfed It riiore with a pleading finale whereby Miss Houghton . sing-3 several, old-time ballad . - refrains while he dances around..: He sure works.his head off stepping. , Miss Hpughton. sings charmingly. •The pair have smart arid amusing dialog. ■ Much pf it pertains tP mar rlage and romance; . Sully and Houghton were always an' energetic . duo ;and strive , each time tb .bi-irig back something new tp vaude.. The present effort is anr other success. . Mdrfc.; loew*sst:ate '=='(^H bl ly vwood=^tud io=G frl s?!^Uh i \ . • ,; Lbs Angeles, :Aug, 22. Sta^e^show had its purich rjpiied out frorii the middle, this week; House has "Modern Maidens" (M- Gy as the screen- ;€V.ent; and in; an- ticipation of breaking the fioiise rec- ord, seven de luxe daily shows are the routine. Means Fanchon and Mafco had tp resort to heavy prun- ing:. They tore plenty, just two girl ensemble numbers, two specialty viums and no band overture. Run- STRATFORD . Chicago, Aug. 20. Here is the mbst economically operated stagehand house in the cityj doing a modera.te business in face of extensive coriipetitipn. In- vpluntarily it is one of.the bankrupt- National Playhouses operated in receivership by James; Coston. for the' Chicago Title & Trust Coi—'a; circuit dragged into bankruptcy by Its. yireaker iliriks and alleged mis-" managenient. ■ AGCiistomed to stijtnulating the big-theatire- stage ■ sho,\vs without going in for the heavy overhead, this house might have evolved an original type o;f presentatipn suit- ahle to .theatres, of restricted.purses. But it hasn't, and the reason is that ingenuity is;not a quality developed by riieri:, with the- cloud, of .bank- ■ruptoy eriveloping .therii. : StiU, they have-.Pruned the- ordina'ry bresehta- tiph down; tp vosf-l)bcket size .with-' but' seriously ..dihiagihg .its worth;' ahd are doing pretty well:; .. The prunings.afe these: eljmlna-- tipn;- of " ballet, abstinence .. .frprn flowery prodiiction; hbldiug:the. band to 11: men arid making ..three, acts seem like a lot. ..That's simple .-and obvious,, but npt ineffective; . .; The m.;c. is Cookie, newer to the racket than any. other hi. , c.-, in town, and wbrking'wlth an apparent interitlon to igot ahead by riiaking every show The Show, His an- nol!^ncomerits are short and snappy, his'actiori.s lively arid his sn-tUe per- petual,. ' Those aVo .valuable- virtues IRVING CAESAR (With Lou Hoim Songs 40 Mins.; One Palace (St. V.) Irving Caesar's engagement' this week at the Palace foliovvs his gag appearance oiie night lust week with Lpu Hblli In'.the sarnc theatre. It was the composer's first time bn a stage,, but. for a Friars' Frolic, or maybe.•..a..cpupl.^. of; bjfrieflts, or maybe -some, parties." . AS a. parly ^^nterlalner. G.aesar .is iiis: good a,<i; anyone else in the "world. At the Palace - this wepk; he-s not much ;,less, Hbldihg bver, Hbltz brought hiril back .with him.. Holtz's ihtrodubtiori .of Caesar de- scribed ; him; as capahlb of- saying riiore in four: liries than mpst other; composers say in-four ritjonths: Caesar is singlrifr thtiee of his past hits,-- one of the present,' a classical Yiddish chant, and; a darb, coniedy Bumber called "There's Spmething Spanish in Youi: Eyes," arinounced as written for. Sophie Tucker, Irving; knows how to'sing his own- Songs. He doesn't try bthers; . V QUestibriable what Caesar; would do elsewhere or alone.; .Alsb doubt-, tul whether he ^^ill ;eyer try to find but, . But for just this -week .at the Palace, with Hbltzj he Is an .enjoy- able Alieyite turned .actor, ;■ Bige. ^'STOLEN, STEPS'' (7) } Sohg arid Parice Revue -. ■ . ■'.: 21 Miris.; .'rhreer(Special) ..: Lincoln Sq. (V-P) Song arid, dance fla,sh cortjprlising a dancing; feriime quartet,; .male team of hbbfers and tenpiy, : Girls are export in tlie enseiribles arid .a couple of them, step but. fpr impres- sive specialties.; .brie does a ballet burlesk' that lerids a; nice; comedy touch to v'an. PtherwtSe orthodox revuette. .' Act title .is a mlsnoriier; ;u:nlcsS that vagufe. prelude in. the pbprly lighted set. is suppbsed to plant': the "stolen", part of the .Steps moritcl^er. An inept. pfeSentatlori is "Mexican Rose,'* crude lyrical transltlort from "Moritriiartre Rose," with the orig-r inal'lyrics about "the violin, with its song bt sin," ascribed to a Spanish motif. Why nbt the originalFrenchy irtiport of the riuniber? ; Looks like the. tenPr essayed a. home-made adaptation of the words to fit his hybrid Spanish' costume and sorii brero instead of "fitting the get-up tp the song.: Itcreate^s a crude.Im pressipri, eBpeciaily' as his lyric tenbr rriakes him clearly- understood, proving in this instarice a paradox^ leal detriment to that'pteseritatlon . Act runs a little too. .long arid builds . up an anti-clirinax which should be surmbunted. . The ehsU irtg; :"One Alone" tenpr golp, while well done, Ms a lotdpwn. The finish Is oke arid the act otherwise good smallie flash.; i Abel. LAN E arid TISEN (7) Dances and Orchestra 14 Miris. (Full) .Metropolitan, Brooklyn Good boy . and girl flash act, as- sisted by a strlnjged orcliesti-a of four mailes and female pianist, the violinist directins'. and soloing for costume changes. The work of the violinist is extraordinary, his strajige and melbdious-effects a hit. Boy and girl dance, featuring splits and contortionistlc postures. Girl short and delightful. Very young in ap pearance. Clean, cut boy with blonde, curly, hair. Does exquisite work individually. Girl does high kick solo interpo- lated with nice splits. N'umber by boy . with silk shirt and velvet trousers is- expert in every detail' Fluting style and catchy smile. Finale: is a- knockout mechanical doll arid ,soldier number. It brought ;effthTusiagtic: response: ";; - Act .can set in; r.riy spot. MAHX5NEY arid CEClt^ ; ' Coriiedy Song - and Dance 12 Mins.; One Lincoln Se|..(V-P) ■ Girl has .pow'ci'ful .voice; but only iih'presses- wheii Straight singing. The suppbsediy'. cbniedy patter prc:tty .bad and ;barely drew chuckle in •. this ■ house which has the rep, as orte of the easiest in the met- rbpb.litan section. Cornplete change of- cha, needed., , , ' ('omedy, is in the attempted cbm- 'cdy 'songs with, the: lyrics meanlrig- Jess: Dancing just a ruri hither and thither thing. A too Ibng piro- lorigation of their one hokum bit, that all byer a kiss, altered, it from ludicrous to rIdiculou.s.: ; The igirl's voice deserved brought most of the applause. . thing, in turn. whpri: iaokaaaisical gents are heirig driven b.-tck to cafes and pit or- chestraH: in carload lots. . On«the bill rovicnved, Bobby.Gil- bert, fiddler with a^Hebe accent; and its attendnnt .roriilc misuse of words, presented a turri that dovetails SO closely with the whole presentatibn Idea' it is regarded by art audience a.s a band bit rather than; an act. <iilbert; sits with the orchestra, (Continued on page 45) i^" Darfcmg ahcTISinglng and Only ROSS and L0 UISE (2) 10 Mins>; ,,Orie Englewpod, Ghlcagp (V-P) • Bby .and girl hoofing teamy with a little singing by the girl to re- lieve the rputiries. Very, mild turn and \vjll have difllcuUy holding up in vaude. Dances are tap, jazz, soft sl>oe and acrobatic, all done nicely but without distinction. Bookings are Ipo lean for this act to establish Itself around heCo now. Bing. PATTi SPEAR Sengs and Vipl,in 11 Mins.;' Onie . Adubon (V-P) Once, in; a while a vocal "find" hits vaude and Patti Spear Js one Still in her teens Miss Spear has a, high .register short of phenomenal On; her debut at the Audubon,, her first appearance as an act although she had appeared, twice at the fal ace as a "guest" pf ;the Dave Apbl- lon turn, the week .before, sh* ac- quitted herself like a seasoned trouper. Her yb}ce is npt only musiical; but has - that; unmistakable .freshness and fullness of youth. With further seasoning arid training it "will be- come, more pliable and more adapt able to the low register which seeriis to be the girl^s only vocal weakness She tied the Audubon; audience into a knbt. When the applause be- canie insistent, she had to beg off, saying if the foiks -were patient they would hear her again in the Ben Pbllock act closing the: show. She appeared later and sang a topical ballad, effectively. - While lief- standotit, is her voice fhe giri also; plays the: viplin artis tically.' She used; the instrument to diversify her; song rbutinie, .Her -voice got its widest scope" in'the Trentini song frbm ''The Firefly," an old number to be sure, but 'arty enough to test the : rriost . cultured of. voices. '.. V- Mark, NATACHA NATTOVA and Co. {A\ Danices ■ ■ . -. - ' 5 Mins.;. Fiill Palace (St. y.) - Brilliantly staged cla-ss diuico apt ricUiding bnef of those adagio quar^ tots, , but; so e'xcolleritly interpreted that this time it's sensalibtiai. ' arid good-danclug all over the pla:9e. The group adagio nuriDjer. is pre^ ceded by cxplahatory ; slides,, synV- bpllzing.the mechanical ap;e.; An In- ferrial macliinp: is- the .se.t. At the finish Miss Ndttpva is tossed into' a;paper mache Xurna.c^J. Al fife ;sblp.' by one pf- • tlie men through . a curtain niask : ■ sounds , furiny;: but.isn't.' It's, a novelty and aillbvi:s fpr a stage t?h.ang.b. Fancy foot;, work, opening in the .classical dance,: ending iiv an adagio by the principal .and ia prtrtriov In a skeleiori suit. ■,,Pr.eyibUsiy ; dnbther .jiarthep sOlped n iftily;; . : . V ^ ■ . : .Uigc. ) ■ EDDIE (;uVlLA.N V Dancing, Cbmedy ; "One'' and Stage Band ■ Paramount; (Pets) ,New Vqrk . ' : ' Eddie;.jQuillian;. with stage expepj-' erice befprte, can stop :in again Wlveri^ ever, h^ pleases. lit a personal ap- peararice: gag albng ; with his pic- ture- (A'Sophoriibre") . .a^ the Par- ambunt .this week he showed enough beside this screen rep to ease bve|t as a perfornier^ ' . :Ari .adopt mugger and pantpmimist in-fllriis. Young Quillan is as adeiit in. the flesh,'., and; additiorially .a: peasant clown ; arid fine conxedy ■ dancer. In hls",fe\(r hilriutes in "one"' and later before th? stage barid at: the Parambuntr, lie revealed 'quite alot, ' Bigs, 6ILL1E WILLIAMS :; Pfario Accordiohiste - 10 Mins.; One : Liricolri. Sq. (V-P) ; Miss.BIllie ■WIllIanTis is'ah aver- age windjariiriier; ihstiruriientalist, but sells herself nicely, lookiri smilingly attractive and sends: oyer appealing stuff. ; ; The pop .medley request number takes her off big< She; lied; it 'up cold at the Square With /!Wedding .Hells." Gang song spirit ruris high anibng the.bpoboisie that cortipiiSes the majority patronage liere. . Actually, it's apnoUnced as, a re- quest medley, but she seemed to J;;n.oil.e_:nibs.t-Qf-.thcm.LdPinff-a^tininl .v^ trip of numbers, althbugh "Wedding Hells" was an actual response., :- ►She did the gracious thing ^o passiivg up. "Pagan Love Song,'? In^ si.stently requested and siibsUtuting another themer, attempting to ex plain that an ensuing , act was do ing the same hallad vocally. How ever, the customers' bedlam forced her to drowri therri out with her .icoordlbn musici but they accepted tlie substituted number. Abel SNOW. COLUMBUS and INGRAM (4) DancesrSonss 17 Mins»; Three State (V-P) Along usual lines of Snow a.nd Columbus acts, With dancing and singing in the rriusical comedy man- ner. The boys generally are well supported by a feminine partner. Miss Ingram, announced from the stage as last with "Americana," is. a smart eccentric dancer. Closed bill at the State and can do the same or sppt most any where. Pianist (man) solos once, while the principals sing frequently, as dairicers often do. They dance much better. Much better. Bige. DANNY DUNCAN CO. (5) Comedy Sketch with Music 25 Mins.; f ull (Special) Englewood^ Chicago (V-.P) ; A Harry Rbg.ersi act, hol'cey com-• edy stuff all riglit for the midwest* Danny Duncari, who looks like Charles Dana Gibson's idea of a white-haired old g'ent, is featured In a plot whcrciri he and his v/ife demonstrate to their .quarelsom* daughter and son-in-law that mari- tal battling is pretty rotten. The- old couple haven't had a bat* tie in 30 years, but when daughter and the hubby cbme to visit an4 are on the verge of divorce, ma' and pa fake a quarrel that winds up with hurling objects and wild shoutings, to /show the younger couple their erring ways. ;; For an. added climax, the dad i» found to have been actually cheat-' ing with the young housemaid and the old lady goes at him in earnest, Vivian Duncan/ the maid, and Peggy and Sid Page, the young couple, liave song and dance- spots in the act handled capably. Duncan's old man character Is good. Act was a big laugh getter here and shotild be the same ia other midwest houses. Birtg. RQBLES and HAMILTON Coriiedy ; 13 MinS.; One Lincoln Sq.,;(VrP) Two-man cpmody act that sug-. ge.sts past experience arid probably a teaming, of components of t\s, > other team.s. Both of strong voice arid a nice flair for broad low cbmedy. More robust of the twain does a mild seriil- nut characterization, switching ' frori*;, wop to stooge hpkum;, and\ clbwning broadly fef corisisterit laugh' returns. . . , .: Their.'flnlsh with tlie parbsly med/ ley abput paying alinfpriy, etc., »» along bverly: fainiliar liries and: ^ weak - sehd-bff. Capable of- doipfJ abetter arid sugigest . important com.* edy ra.tirtg with; some, attention material. - ' : :; Rbbles • arid -; Hamilton have; the basic timbre.: for a strong' cOriiedy combination: if applyirig thertiseives to it serlbxisly enough. . MAHONEY and CECIL , Corioedy Song and D.arice. 12 Mins.; One Lincbln;;Sq. (V-py^./ \ \:; Crirl has"ppwei'tiii voice, but only ' The suppossodly ' comedy patTer pretty bad and: barely, drdw chuckle in this house*, which has the rep f>3 one of the, easiest iri the metroppii-. tan sectipn, ■ Cpmpletc change , pi chatter needed.: . Comiody is in the attempted f<>ni- edy songs with the lyrics nioanhiff- less. Dancing Just a run hither ana thither thinpr. • * u The girr.s voice deservcM .U'T brought most of the tipplt>us«>. Or^\)> thing in turn.