Variety (Sept 1929)

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Wednesday, Septembef^ 18, 1929 FILM HOUSE REVIEWS VARIETY 51 RKO ..Los Angeles, Sept. iS. Stage band has replaced the vaMd- fllm policy here, aind thfe former Hlllstreet "^Is in tough shape. Mhin naiiic Is the sound reproduction, which was 'way off at the $5 Sept. 11 opening, and was sUU. far. £i"Oni rlcht Friday afternoon. Those sitting .on thci up and downstairs Avihg aisles are going daffy trying to figure :put what's being said, and the reproduction is^ almost as. l->ad- across tlie top shelf. Best spot in' the. house for sbuh.d arinears to be downstairs in the clnter section anywhere half-way ihack to the last row. RCA ehgi- neers hiave : been working bn. the equipment all weck> with sdmc 4m- trovemeht reported' from opening nlgfit, but still fiar short of being eatisfactory. ■.■ ■. Faulty. amplification. was . as. no- ticeable xlh the shorts as"Streiet Girl'- (Ridlo). And the picture, is doing business, despite all the handiciips. The othe^- incumbrances ire a brutal Pathe Review, bad booitihg, a pick-up orchestra i)Ut together, by Danny Cairns to sub for Ray West's: outfit, who couldn't sight read fast eribugh at rehearsals,, and the genera.1 routine. Stage show cohsists of 12 choristers, Con.-' tSLd and Eddy, Joy Brothers,. Ruth liane, arid: Charley. Irwih as m. c. Besides Which the new seats fqr ail over aren't ;in yet, aind the cane, bot- toms reriiairi in the logo section. Arid that Pathe.. Review is • apit ■ to make: 'etn ;,rettiembet thla house- long after theV've forgotten those cane chairs.-; .•■.■^ ' ;r ' ' :; in: other . words*, the house . i5houidn*t "have bpene.d, . If "Street Girl"'can overcome the obstacles it's fighting this week, it's considerable picture. The theatji'e has. as tough: as . possible, but. with .the opening- ballyJiqa for the new policy ihey were solid on the lower floor arid half-way bJtck in the balcony. Don't give-anything .the credit here this week but the lead picture, and that'.s fighting wire. . .. . ..Take away the: house chorus, put the barid in the. pit and there's not much difference between the Hill street and the RKO. Not so many ■acts,: and: all running shorter, that's all. • ^ Strung together, the stage. dis- play ran 35 minutes, Coniv^d: and Eddy consuming the ereatest indi vidual share. Recently at the Or pheu4n : th6 couple :hav6h't changed anything, and just did all. right IrWiri is doing a comedy sOrtg next to closing, while the routine calls for Cairn's bunch to do a four-min- tite opening Victor IJerbert medley, Which could be: cut without loss. Faster they get into the show the ■ better. Top .item. - tinnucstionably is iibvolty' chorus number, six girls prancing,: each with one limb en- ;cased in the trOuser leg of a male dummy. . Corking effect, which got applause upbrt eritraince,. and de Bervedly. . Other numbers (two), or dlriary.'rwlth the finale a tap. Mack- . Un Megiey i.^ staging. Joy Br.bthers and theif hoofing smack very much :of the Colony; New Yorlc'. And Ruth Lane kept her baby-talk ditty a'secret. Mean- while the stage crew was haying its troubles with the lights arid draw curtain.«i.: House gives ho semblance i>f havirig: settled down at all, ex- cept for the crew out front. Pit is covered by a wide stairw.dy, per mittirig any perforriicr to walk down to the orchestra'floor. Pathe sound rie>ys got mild atten tion. But that Pathe Review! Started without the lead title, so no one knew what It was, went into some Chinese rapids shooting, fashion: plug, for Hollywood and a prolonged ode on the ' coming of spring. This depicted what the first balmy weather had done to Seattle, Kansas City,. San Franciscb arid New York—in' eacii case a group of femme nymphs galloping • o'er the green. Outside of It being Septem- ber nobody cared before the .caniera got but of Seattle. . A complete bust and'-a - sureflre- -chaser, ■ probably- booked In sight unseen, . • Theatre Is. going to need unusual tictur-es to. outdraLw the surrounding - jprogram. Unless the boys go to Work . on this house, and fasti Too riiuch picture house opposition out here lor a theatre of this size to waste : time In getting ^ set. IrWIn . is a pleasant m. :c.; was liked throughout and .Will stick until .his welcbriie : wears off; . Chbrus:bk« on Tooksi arid ,the. girls caiTf, haridie theiriselved, . Bpt there's got. to be isome care in the specialty acts and screen shorts, . Which is far from evident In this .fl.rst show. Then there's the sound problem, which has got everybody connected with the hb.use staying awake nights. Cairns may ■whip the U-pIece band into some) kind of shape.hy next week, atid 'riot fair to juflgo now because Of the emergeriey .' Measure. - v. ■ ■ '• ";.': .. Although thi^. house'' ha.s- been wired for. about 30 Tveeks. that the sound is still so : unsatisfactbty is Perhapjs a reason there's a good -cb ari ce- ^R adi o's==:-5iRio=Rit ai^====ma?£ •open hoi-e in. a Fox theatre. ' • JVlfh "Street G-irl" going along at ftbout $10,000 weekly pace, sati.<!fac- *ory, th> future problem is what's Poiiip to happen, when th© screen .feature . is of les.'Ser. calihro. Same picture did. afourid $22i000 at the Golden Gate, Frisco, minus a heavy :, ^'•'''IriPalgn, and $10;00O was .-spent lo '•^'ly on exploiting ihf Hill.'itreot'.-? enange of policy and name, the studio assuming about $3,600 of that for the picture. . Thei*e are those who think the band will bo back in! the pit by, Christmas, and. nmybe before that if; "Rio Rita" is withhold. :Prico scale is 30. 40., 50 .and 65, according to the hoiir.. But sit in the middle. ■• . . , Si(l. and J 3. CAPITOL ('.!Rhapso€{y in . Red, White Blue"^Unit) • :'. Ne^y York,. Sept; Stase show, at the -Capitol .. this week is surely a letdown frorii the: previous week,. Maybe it's Qui* . Mpderri Mai(Jeris" ' (M-G); screen feature and dialogless, is be-^ irtg held over oh its . strength, and the .stage was cbrisideped of minpr irinpo.rtapce along ; wth,.it. Economy may be ariother: angle, if that's the basis.- .. '■ . "•:". ',' Eritertainment.. In this; unit - Is practically alt of one variety-r-hbof- ingr bee. :■ So - much "of it that the edge rijust. come off eabh act, though individually all stand" out In quality. Chester Hale's idea, /supervised by Louis Sidriejr, throWs thfi' audience ii?tb :^ piatriotic spirit, regardless the preseritatipn : itself. That Star- Spangled atmosphere can't miss, of courier, •Neither, can the troupe. of 30 Hale ;girl.s, Whb tread routines -in cloCkrlike. pi*ecisIon arid work like iMclcets; . But the gii-ls only db two numbers, leading oiC arid winding up, the .flnalfe, with the brunt falling- upbn the acts and Walt ROe.srier .arid " his Capitolianis. Itoesner is a fav in this, house and his m. c.'ing is accepted .gracibUsly. Band behirid..' him is; an excellent combination,'tlie.kirid iri -quality arid (j.Uantity that is an asset:to any- pib-. ture' house, :andva particular boon to iacts with i^pecial music. '.- .M;ilitary : fanfare brings on the H.ale troiipe" ill siparkling costuriies, evenly .divided in red, White arid blue cblbrs. : Re.gular. tap fbrmatibn in 'straight.'line, but unusually, well done by this, group. Al: Nbrmari, first hoofing' specialist brought on by Rocsricr, is of the. tangle fbot school, arid a, corker.. Norniari's in- tricate. step.% is mjxrilpulated .with plenty , of showmaniship. Also does a cle' bit of a subway .strjctp- hanger. Roesrier. Works the band into a special: -drrangeriierit ^lo bring out individuals for the benefit Of Bobby Gilbert, comedy .violinist, who sits in With musicians, .Gilbert is suffi- ciently forte With, hiis antics on the fiddle to. cut mo^t of his accompany- ing Yid chatter. ' None of it would be funny away frbm Delancey street. He does a variation on "Turkey in the Straw"'- a.s . different nations, would play it that's oke. ■'. Johnson', ■• and Graham, :another couple of colored ,hop.fers, go thrbugh a -maze, of soft shoe, and buck arid wings satisfactorily, but to nothing outstaridlrig.. the. w'ay colored dancers go.: With not; sp much coriipetition they might, have done, better.. Roessner gives: himself a play vo- cally around a nifty band.arrange- ment of blues. With the boys giving a creditable account, of themselves. Then Fritz and. Jean Hubert, mixed couple with both, in male attire, just released: from the .riew "Scan-dals,'- top the vest with a "drunk" .darice that spots the , pair in the front ranks for ?iriy theatre. Huberts are a western, turn with lots of p. h. experience,- and the way "they looked here lare ripe for production Work. Flash finale, patriotically deco- rated, had the Hale girls as a drum corps, with Colorful costumes and effective settings bringing the pres eritatiori to a close in carnival style. Yasha Bunchuk's overture was a classic Interpretation of "Singing in the' Rain," the Hollywood Revue motif. Except'for a little too much blasting in ppots. nuriiber went over big. .: / ; ./ ■ . \ ' :■, . . : STRAtFORD ciliicago, sept. 11 . Brisk, cool, shoWgbing Weather had the Stratford filling up well Tuesday evcnihg. Cinema draw was "The Ganiblers" (WB), with 'fTurkey for "rwo" - (pathe), dialog coriiedy short, silent news .shots .(Daily News-Uriiyersal) .: and. two dialog trailers. : , i, ^ Buddy HoWe: opened the stage .^how with acrobatic - tap dancing, two routines. ' Bi-id is - likable and was. well re:Gcived, but..'might try. ifor more poise between numbers. - Those two. girlies, Bernard and Henry, No. 2, who have. been.going well in the : best . places, : put their act- over again, despite too riiuch blue. :Their harmony is fine- enough to carry a clean lyric act. Cookie, Harold Teenlsli nl. c, helped 'em draw their bigge-tit with a pte- arrariged-encore.-: It's a IPvey-dpvoy song with pats, and Ivugs by Cookie. Tho show closos with the Kitarp Japs preiSentiriff rislcy ojC niorit. The. two men. start with rhythmic barrel ■^ug^fl in g-?'as=^fehe-y=!=H<^ the .la:dy assistant, clad in coriven- tlorial Nipponese attire, fstand.s by flUIc:fly; . The men go into; exciting gj'.mnastics and /balancing on . a table, with light clowning. Drew heavy applause; .; Cookie arid hl.s Jl-pi'.'CC. band are gaining neighborhood iiopiilarlty. The patrons like their kids In- creasod vigor and .fiu(<hoO, liaj'tiy smile. ROXY New York, Sept, 14., Not as.extensivc as usual, but slill elaborate and scbpic- at that is the Roxy stage this, week, supporting "The Black Watch" (Fox), fresh froni its run at the Gaiety. Stage spectacle of .major .interest was the "Caucasian Fete," tich; arid carnival presentation Of Russian at- mosphere, handled in a fashion that, only the Roxy achieves Aveelc after week. Where else, for iristarice, can be found the Rojcy's abandon and oxpansive (also expejis.ivc); prPducr- tion-mass.? / Current R'ussian . page- ant, is exemplary' of the way fhey . do-thlng.s m Mr, RPthaforis cathe- dral.-. . Front end of the .house is thrown ' into:, a: three-ring cireus, when the ballet: ensemble: and; ,32 Raxyettes combine for - the opening, Utilizing, bbth .side turrets, and cen- ter:, stagf? :fOr !«; graridiOise ■ R.u.«3S flbiirish. • ■:■. •■.'■■ Effects reached by . routiriiijg. all three spots in sirinuU-ancous and same manner, leridirig unustial pfbr portion to the display. Leading iritp: bacchanalian, .revelry, the erilarged saien- set iaites ori substance,; with Beatrice. Belkin. colpraturing :a lilt- irig-melody, jbiriied by male, choriis for tonal volume.- .Belie .Flower. M Ybljanin arid Lloyd .Brett lead :With a'coriricdy folk .daJtice,-dbvetalled a.rid topped by the Cossack sblo of Youry Yourlolt. Great spbt tor the latter, who unlooses a sort of madness of hock steps and plro.tiettes. iPatricia Bewman, prima'-house ballerina, scores with a spirited . Gypsy ;daricc, supported' by Leonide- Massine, Darice .ensemble of: 48 girls 'inter- polated ihoi-e Russian footwork With a. bang-ujp; routine, bringing up the flnale .to; a. bizarre. climax With everyone on.deck. Brief' :and satisfactory prolog to the feature fojjloWs the neWsreel, bringing, out Miss Belkin once more and tbe. male choir, , led by .Harold Van Duzee arid the Lovat pipe Band of New Yprlc. Bagpipe coriil)b :in- serted for atriripspherlc reason main- ly; reririaining; in the background. Finish fades right into picture via scrim. ' Orchestral .feature, the classic Orpheus'' oyerture,; pealed a " pop- ular note. As always, riiassively in- terpreted, by.-tlie Roxy Symphony brchestra,. Bi-no llapee conducting, Violin solo interlude by Josef Sto^ pak, concertmaSt6^, outstanding. NO shorts other than six Movie- tori.e ne-ws clips,':in<iludlng the Graf Zep arid Eckerier's welcome : In Jiapari, of rather belated value; new Gerriiaij' air cra^t witii 30-passenger capacity arriving .over h.ere; flash of Chang Hsiao Llao, China's bby em- peror; another Chinese shot shoWr ing .mobilization at Harbin against Russia; rather lengthy political dis- course by Ambassador Da-wes over In England, concluding With Ram- say lylcDonald on his coming triir to this ' country. vaudc moriolog, with only the wal- lops reUiincd, and walloping. At all times Browning is obviously Playing to the roar of. the. house, scciiiing-iy knowing the; front wiir hear for itself, and that; looks like the best way for straight tallvpi'S in big .theatres. The" difficulty is to pitch the tone so as not to detract from the riinterialv; Browriirig m.anr- iaged to.db it and as a.result, scored as easily-as he generally docs in the Vaude theatres. ' . ,; ;- * ' /rLatci' on the same .results were, dortved 'from the .:sah-»e method, when Browning Glo.sed:thc show with parodies that . arc. strong because, they are funny Here, also, ft-Was a .case of prOpei'delivery;. Third scene includes the band and the specialties; Iri the latter class', be.sides BrOwning's;.-:wci'!?. a pair of dances. by J.ules and jbsie Xvaitbri, clever- brbthor arid sister, , arid .\V,hite;y.: Koberts,, who/ ; does . a.: ropg . skipping eccentric, danbe riUm- ber that is . perfect .picture l)ouse. ■f he, Waitons fbllowed up: a cdniedy .hobfiihg. - interlude,: -which included sonrie paritoniime from the girl,; with a ballroom ^tango. ^ , DaVe .Gould's chorus stepped but iri mixed: pairs-for specialties in;a' ;pibkout .number when called by the 'rtumliej's on their back!^; While .brie couple Was dowiistage,: the othei-s Were- doing- that: listless side-to-side glide in-;trUe dance marathon .$tyle. Together, a smartly trained group of-bby.s. and girls. Mr/arid Mrs. Jesse"Crawford,• at the-, twin consoles, play a comedy riumber arid:then a new pop which Mi's. Crawford is credited. With cOm- poising.. An offstage tenor plugs a Chorus of. the latter a;id it's sbld as: well as a song ebuld, be. They'll not'forget the melodiy', and When they hear it again they'll kriow Who wrote it. "Booklover.s" (Par), with Joseph Saritley and Ivy Sawyer,-the screen short. PARAMOUNT \\ ("Marathon Frolics"—Unit) New York, Sept. 13. Pretty faithful reproduction of some of the nutty atmosphere that clings to the looney ■ iriarathbn dances, sends: "Matathori Frolics" away frpm. the beaten path; for pic- ture,, house presentations." Though it comes rather, tardy, the marathori dance idea is rionetheless differerit. Thinking up new ones for band shows must be an industry in itself. An irisight on how a unit'idea is born, in bed or In the office, might prove: heart-rending. Thrbugh "Marathon Frolics" and some of the talent involved, the stage has the edge on the screen at the Paramount this -week. The fea- ture, "Jealoufey" (Par)-, is question- able first run b.o. material, unless,, as at the Paramount, the star, Jeanne Eagels, should personally count. Abe Lyman Is on the stage With his hot band and doubling as m.C, second week* As a musician with a band behind--him, Eymiari -has -been topnotch for a long whileV-while now he also becomes an jn.c. who never offends. • It is doubtlessly due to the fact that Lyman: remains In the background when not.^Irectly con- cerried in the ac.tlPn. When called ■on, to'step but and talk, he doesn't .oveixdo jt. ; ;.' :, . . . ■."Mar'athori" Frolics'* brings -anr other; vaude mOnplogist, Joe Brbwri- irig, intb the large:capacity picture houses. Joe, with his tegular routine .split three ways, has no trpiible in landing, talking or singing* - Brown- ing's singirig Of. parodies brings the presentment to a close arid it ■ i.s far frpm usual not to see a film house trikveler close: in .on a finale cbm- prising purely a .flash scenic effect, .""rhe way the curtain goes;down on "Frplics," it dropS with a laugh. Also: extra prdi nary. . Action is: placed in three scenes, the first .(I'street scene in which the mixed . dancing : chprus (12); and principals Whitey Roberts and Claire Ralph are tiilking. about: the Mention of a blue: nose • abput to interfere is the bue fpi'. Brownjnfi who ;steps into a porfo.otjy .pl.inted spot for his refornicr: ch.'ira,ct.criza tion, .' ' ■ Next b.eforc an olio siippf-sting the entrance to a dance hall, witlj Joo Brpwriing, Jr., barking.. Browning. Sr., appears for two .irilriutes or ; so of fathQr-son cross fire, and.. 1 hf■ n LOEWS STATE ("Kisses"—Unit) Los Angeles, Sept. 12. Name of the new Fanchon and Marco idea, "Kisses," promised more than it deliveired. Nicely mounted, but tui'ned out to be. a (Julet affair, Billy- Dooley, ^ slated to turn on the next to shut comedy wallpp, be came ill just before the unit opened and nobody was obtained to throw into the spot. Absence of a punch was noticeable. Best Is. an interrupted conversa-> tion by Gene Morgan, m. c, and Chuck Callahan. Gave the mob four minutes of laughs. After Mor- gan's Introductory, -unit opened in one, with Rose Valyda arid Will Cbwan on for a tap number and song. Drop upped to knee height to show line girls' and boys' shanks in kiss pose. At the end of chorus the drop hoisted to show they were really doing it. Twelve more girls on and whole ensemble into dance. Cowan's military tap went over, the number closirig with chorus oflFlng in a varsity drag, Cheer Leaders, collegiate male quartet, next. Ni<{,e-looking lads, with good voices, and personality. Futuristic scrim shut off the barid while cho- rus came on in striking yellow and purple cb-stumes for more taps. Morgan and Ciallahan here did a comedy number, followed by a; band medley. 'Morgan stayed In the spot for a solo dance that was okay, then brought Callahan back for the patter skit that wowed. Show wound up with lengthy ver- sion of the jazz wedding idea, fea- turing four particularly good cart- wheeling girls and gathering speed for a fast close. "Thunder" (M-G), silent-synchronized, on the screen. CHICAGO Chicago, Sept, 13." The .popularity of Victor Herbert niusic has iilt rvai-otl. steadily: since hi!5 . dcatlv a.rid in the past year his riiusic. has bccoriie a favorite With orchestra leadC'.i's...Within the| month llerl'in't tu'rie.s liuvt; : been; featured tliVeo tiiue."? iivtlu* liig Loop. ■ houses; tlie entire stage ;\v at the :; C^hicago b'bin'g btiilt araiirid a group of .the Herbert operettas a : couple ; of wbeks ago. - This week the .orchestral featiire. is "Nau{?hty MaHotta,": -vyith vocal-- . by a group of the statue ensemble " seated in . thp band pit. Herbert riiuisib ri-icans soriicthing to ;^ these . people, the' openirig bars of "Sweet: Mystery of- Lite" gettjnff - sppntaneous applause. . (Accbrding to Clareribe Parrish, loca manager oi '^'itmiCy\i\k black arid white icatar Ibg, the.. dem?lnd. for; Herbert music;..: today is :exceptipnally strong,, -with "SWect Mystery" .leading tlie isaleS.. Mark I'Msher ; back to the Loop,, as. : m.. c, for ■ a. stage; ; shOW. labeled .: "Hollywood: Hits," mciriing theme ., sbngs and others." ' Show opbris with . chorus stepping "to; . "J^reakaway." , and a .couple of riiale; hoofers in front dbing. a rQutlne tap. ; Oke. for - operiing -yvlth . riiusic Snappy,; and ' ia. modernistic striped: backdrop: g-iving : an impresslori. of speed -ari^ class ■ to a riuriibei* which is; ordirialryt Orchestra ;'sti*uts In a ■ cbuple of turies, Fi.sher .vocalizing one'chorus." Julia Ballon, of Carlton and* Ballou, sings "St. Louis Blues" the Way. ;a . prima would sin.g It, She misses the low«down of it. "Hollywood Revue," due soon at M!cVicker's.. got a;plug -with "Sing- ing in the Rain" and V'Your Mother; • and Mihe-." ; Fisher closes the ; shbw with the; "Mother" song, backed, by tableaux^ arid striving for the sobs. ; The ."Rain" .number, piit qn-as. 'a, ; nbvelty. clicks' :on appeatanOe arid - tunc, the entire band: lining, up. in slickers in front of the footlights, followed by chorus in sarrie outfit; ; Carlton: and. Ballou are Over their charm of manner, doing nothing in particular, getting across on the . forgotten ""Crazy Words, Cragw Tune,'' number. They 'start to 'ti sort of skit, change to a darice bit, decide to sing, and close with three Mother Goose rhymes with trick endings. They seemed to be erijoy- ing themselves, so it was okay with the .audience. ^ . . Other act was the^FIve Bracks, a fast paced tumbling and tossing turn which got splendid returris. The way those boys toss and juggle each other with their feet! One of the best acrobatic acts ever devised for speed, novelty, cleverness and results. Seven news shots, all Paramount except for one M.-G.-M. News • bordered by Wide screen, - plugging next week's picture and B. & K.'s new house. LOEWS 83D ST. New York, Sept. 12. An all-picture house drawing in a neighborhood -where classes range from' the free lance manicurist tb iDiin and iBradstreeters, the theatre on this night accessoried by cpbl Weather dreW a capacity biz to a .double feature bill of one all-talker and one part-diaiog. The former was Paramoimfs "Woman TrapV; and TJniversal's "Girl . Oyerbbard," the seeondi;:. ■ .; ■■: With no comedy, a: silent Metro- Internatipnai, and a Fojt Movietone neXvsreel .the show ran ior 170 riiirir utfis; This time included ifpur- riiiri- utes for ari organ rccitaV of Faust bits .by the house; mu.^ician, . John Grat.Just an brdiriary bit of rirtu.sic, but it added a heeded moriient of relief between the long film dramas. The house, seats about 2,700 with smoking/permitted in the balcony :where the cu.stomcrs . were about evenly, divided In .sexes. In the or ehe.stra, . women butnumbered ,.the riiale.s... two to brio. -; / Between the' smoking.; and the cbnglpmoratipri of ptii*fuine. .odohs broupfht injby- thcjadle.s, it's a'^pretty tough job to keep from coughing. -T>l>>nfy ff fh^'OP*^^ fi^prplft^ fefiiiri<V.<T throughout the performoncG, Hal Skolly and Kvelyrj Brent wore muclV rf^spbn.'--n|l(j;for tlio great draw this nfght although the rat<'s a :rrgular. cH/'ntolo r.r"gnrdlr'.«s of Hi'-- fn r t t.H;it a: Kf/itli vaudevilie. tilo.'i Irc ."tands ofily two'Works away arid -(-.i thr «.ame; sidb rif .Broadway.' . iJoth .rirw''els ihtC'.rf',stinf.;; With onch ffill.owinAr the oth'-r jt wa.*-- LITTLE (NEVV) . Chicago, Sept. 11.^ The Little theatre, foimerly known as ' the . Pahprama, opened Saturday (7) as an Intimate, semi- art house, Witl;i Fred Mindliri . In charge. Mlndlin last year oiperated the . Playhouse, sure-seater on Michigan avenue. New house is unique in that it will play ordinary program pictures in an art atmosphere, serving cof- fee, clgs" and cute Chinese usher- ettes. Entire outfit decorated in the Chinese motif, with added atmos- phere a mandarin out front who, be- sides; opening auto doors and stand- ing iri the rain, will attract attention by socking a huge brass gong every hour on the minute. If they manage to keep accurate and don't get a istop order ori this, nelghborhpPd folks will goon begin spotting their bedtime when it's-four bells and all's well. House , has only 65Q seats arid Is : right for the Intimate idea; the Essa,ness- owneris, 'however, going light on the eicperiditures until cer- tain the thing will rinake money.. If It does, - they intend tb make It thicker. ; .. To all appearances house, should go;. Spotted in a-favorable north-, side location; especially fOr the pic- . tUres- sMlndlih InteridS \ to prese.rit. For exariiplc, opening bill contailried' "FashiOris' iri Love/^ .the' MerijoU Paramount .picture, and a Mischa iSlnian. . short. Booked for same Week" was "Mrs, .Chbyney,'.' M-G-M , feature, and a Marfinelir short. Pic-; tures ail penciled in for three dav,^ with prograni cbhtaining; feature,' two; shorts and an occasional com- edy or'cartoon. . -.: ; House operis at .^ix p. m. week - day?!' and at two on hPlldayf;;. with tarifE a,t all times 35c; 40c for. the negligible; mezz. - . . Idea stressed h<.>rn .ip . to pfrsuade the n^ighhorhfiod-it .Should wait un.;^ til th'b pietvire r(;arh(!s:.thi.s ur)t<)wh'-; -s pQt,instOatl.ofjaairig-i.n.toahp^JvOoj>.^ pop into'a shortened version of his i saniowlL-a t<-(]jous. Arid -adding, >that*« a' ,fcw weokf*; hctwcfri fllriif ? .Tlve folks hfji'e won't w.ut; liiit :t?vy'.ll cdmV. here, whe.n tlii-» ('I t "tired of. th(i . radio; and 'i'lil- n.ft)"'- placf lia? lots-in its fa- ! vor; - )ni:ii>H'n.: at,rii(>,«ijli<. i-r-, material ■li.'i-rvd priff, anil 'f^-lifiuld .show profit, 'li s a Tiifi* i'lfoe- tind ju.>^t .artnind fhf-. forrif r frViiri.a lot of iioople who i like to gy tc pictures. ■ LoopM :