Variety (Sept 1929)

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56 VARIETY NEW ACTS Wednesday, Septeft^b^r 25, 1929 BEATRICE LILLIE (1) Songs. 21 Mins.l Parlor (Dfapea) Palace (St. v.). : ■ TJoatrfGe liilUo Is debuttlng- In vaudevlllo foi* a woeU, maybe two, possibly throe, .perhaps holding over at. the Piilfxce, ais she sliouKh And : thouRh this artiste from lOnsland ■cclredr to remain ■ lonser , in vfiutlc, wh^^i'e ^oijld sheeo? . . it's: a Rirl. like , iMiss LillJe on the tv\'o-ii>daj' sttige that tells the story ol^. the liatchery: done to • straight' vaudeville, in ■this coiintry; And It's acts likii iliss- tlliie's. tliat tell why vaudeville will conie ba.clc,. for-th(>re are plentj? ot -iiiTlieS as . class hljfh'y- <>ntcrtainintj tarns,: and.. o£ 'course, nearly all of ..tliem '.Aihericn n,. 'Foi; Miss LllliQ isi-the secon:d liritisher to pluhi^^e onto' the domestic vaude stage m mbhths.- The' ..other, is: George .Claris, re.c^fptly, ,- And Miss .Liilie i6 alm:ost' looked upbii np\y as -a citisieh by a'd6ptjori,\.as a musical comedy star over her^, .... .; . lii: her act/.as likely artanged by- herself, olthotigh Hugh Sinclair,.-the piano, accqnipa7iist, hri.ay ;'. m su,^rgestion's, Miss .Jjillle is ; doing songs, 'most -of tlxem froni the shbivs she has app^ctred .in. ; ■ . ' As an acute .saitirlst - with, low comedy, but- refined. instincts,- Miss LilHe since, pni this siide seems to have blended-her vision of the .Eng-' lish pqrfptmer . trying to do Ahieri- can jazz ^dhd the! American per- former doing It. The result is very, entertaining,, of ten latighable,. and: as Miss .LUlie' does, it, with her .exr presslye pantpriiime,'charming. : The British star s.ta?:ts by plump.- Ing herself . through. the curtain, gowned tw.a points, ^^rotesque.! She's in . naming red "vyig^ and' a funny dress. . Says, it's'he.r iftrst tinie in vaudeville, - -Mis, wlxo 'ave;"ad trie own'horses." ..; . ' Song numbers -.'are; bus ted Into'-by a couple pf ballads, one for an en- core. That enpprp ;ii3 saved by .a "god damn." She - tised the .same thing in the show, for ■without it- there would be no sbhg; It's .called "Weary." Miss .1.111 ie' is. driessed- straight for it. . But a "igpd'■ bh a. .Keith stage—with the-Keiths passed away f^d Albee a sell-.6ut! ' There's 'r^lly a reason now for Albee tp buy back, what he :SOld^if ;he can. And the RKp chiefs saying they will ring dow-n the curtain on: af- front stuff! Thafs .thelr littlo gag, always funny,, too; Besides Miss Lil- lie's "Fairies, in Our Garden": song. As she sings, it! Mr. Sinclair serins alinost as versatile as the Hieidt orchestra on the sam« bill; He's Ensli^h, too, and a dram.a actor, having ia,ppeared on Broadway in "Oiir Betters,' among other .i>lay3. An uncommon fine accompanist.for Miss/liilUe is difHcult to follow: or lead. The Liilie act is a-decided credit to vaudeville lirtd Miss Llllie. Pro^ gram says it ia-prjesetiited by J<5nie Jacobs, a comtnislt <;6llectbr, . which Is not so bad for Jenle. When the real vaiide comes, along, as it wiU, and .Miss LUlie grows tired of rehearsing for musicals, she can slip into that real, vaude .'over hero for the rcihainder. pf .her .sta: life. / ; Sime. (3) MARION WILKINS^^ncl Co Songs and Dances . 18 Wins.; Fiill Stage : . 58th St. (V-P) Marion Wilkins haSI been aroUhd for several years in -yaude and in night clubs. She Is. doing a new turn assisted by jack- Meyers and the Harris T\vins|. trio, of male dancers, ^yith the twins also taking care of the vocal assignment Miss Wilkins is a graceful .dander and gave an exhibition of-her ball- room ability by doing a waltz with Meyer.s, tall, sprightly stopper. She alsp did a solo Spanish number reminder of this days when she first came to. attention oh the local stages with the Cansiho dancing act. She Used the castanets and did an effective specialty.;. Meyers also did a brief period of dahcirigi gbin for splits and some. Russian step I>ing Aveli dohei The twins . sing,' dance and i.plfiy the piano, dpirig a duet at the in strunteht botwieen dan6es., ; They seem best 'when stepping,; showing team wbiPk when they ' did their military number, : ' A novelty 'finale with all four, on Corablhatioh drum ah.d stairs lead.- in^ to the covering of .each of. the itour drum's .had the dancers tap ping a cbrprdinated number.. ; Pleasing sxct aihd should get .better as it works. .. .": ■ . Mark. "WHEELS" Fanchon & Marco Idea 50 Mins.; One and Full ($pecial) Audubon (V-P) ' Somewhat different stage gag' employed here than in the previous Kanclion & Marc6 Ideas .seen in the ^;ew Yo^'k houses;. As the title ini- pMe.s much of the general stage yrc.scntmont runs to byplay oji a varied assortment of wheel's with tiie idea:-built 'up aroUnd W. JC. liitcliie, tramp cyclist, aWsisted in. l:|is bike stuff by. Trudy I>o\vney. . 'Jfhe twp-wheelcd gag- also ; prp'-; S'id'ea for; one of the. most hover- tehime chorine numbers of the. seai' Soil, bioyele ballet, with Vl2 • girls going through ■ a sort .of. a.'nimat'6d Zouave-.. driiU^ ' ; .;: ''■;■■■:;;. ': . SA-t the uptown; Fpx' house two of thie girls di'opped out' with JO going thVough the .routine with .heatness, dispk'tch ...a'hd •..precision; . decided: nbyelty and . rioticeably eflCectlye. "ifhe. other two gals came -bo^ck for the finale and one crowded ' pne of the: riders \for a spill of : the;. twp, mairihg . otherwise a 'perfejqt score. •. .Ritchie's. , bike ■ Plowning , was aroiirid: long .befbre ■ p.ther: -comedy; bikes rolled . afcrpss ithe, stage With different riders.;, 'Ue: works up the cp]Tap>sible wheel and:. the' prop breakers, .arid, then into his v usual" stage rputine. ;Several of the fancy: tricks' atre donV by his: femme /asr. siststnt.' Ritchie, gets ^ some. laftd from his big whisk-broom; dustliig after-falls;.'^ ■ .. ; All ■ iii .all the;' gieneral : iayoUt mostly, . comedy.. With the ihterpo^ lated dancing yals.p disguised ; in-a;: ;cbmLedy way, the slindout being an eccentric routine by Katalie. Hiar- risoh. . but: of ..a familiar .stripe.;- : ;;^ ;;; ' It appears Ihat Zelda; Santl^y, whose .stage characterizations .run along ; the ^dramatic' type, . Was.. Ihr: 6cted for the; Idea's- eiistern bpbk^ ings with :the .work of announcing alsa given; heri Miss Santley did as .Well as ;3he; coUld -with the m. .!c. assignment hut • in the very big Au- dubon failed to . rbglster* ; Seenis fu.nny . that :.this; .Wasn't -given to Ritchie, unless 'Ritchie'doe&hIt wiant to talk. ' /. L;.':^^: .- .;-; -.;':,: ■'/..'.■;'•;■ ;; ' ;; Miss Sahtley did h^r former stage act . with the recltiative number proving:; the- most, popular. Her Grace LaRue bit is retained but it's .a question Whether, vany .bf the present day ;nei^hbbrhoods; remena ber 'Mlss; LaRue/ . The men carry off honors in' this Idea. Fuzzy' Knight is sandwiched in for his fol; de rol.. at; the little piano he, trucks along .for Such work. He yowled, . sang, . kidded arid skipped around the instrUnierit e'Vten. tO: his old trick of using it as a. sandwich; the Knight: method bf making fim but of nuttish sing- ing and talking streak - getting the desired ;■ results in - laughs and plaudits....': . V ;■' A cpmedy number styled "The Gay ;?0'aM brought but the.. "Wheels" girls iii' the " pld-fashlPned outfits, with some as ''boys.'', vand . the girls wearing theancient bUstles .and long panties. ': The' main feature is the. bike ballet. That is a relief frbm! the deluge pf.. adagiPa and "ballrbom dances. ■ ■ ■ "Wheels" could be made tP stand up with , some of the other'P ,& M ideas - preceding, it in the eiast, if fixed. To reach " that point it .must be fixi&d.; An adtled cbmedy act even if replacing,. might db it. ; ^ . '■. Mark. and JACKSON (Z) Cortiedy Chatter; SortgS, Dance 14 Mjns4 On* Eh0tevvood, Chicago (V»P). . Gltl is niature and man is weak tissls.tant> but the act is gbbd aud 'can satisfy, family tinfie patrons in No. 2 spot With their 14 minutes of llttle-glrl nonsense. =i=3?h eii^W^lUtralne.<l=jioj5=lalJbietj^ assistant; than the man, and good laughs, center bri chatter about the. pooch. <51rl carries 9-yeair-old fal- setto throughout. Strongest pull f$ when she en- tangles- herself in a camp chair. iDone withbUt forced comedy. Twp songs together, both in soft har- mony, that heed a new nian or else should bo omitted. Soft shoo rou tine by girl Is'Oldinary* Loop, CHESLEIGH and GIBBS Sister Act. "When Cat Meets Cat" (Crossfire) 12 Mins.; One Palace <St. V) Meaty crossfire OJE the ; panning sort for Irene Chesleigh and RUth Gibbs should place them in demiand where comedy talking acts ai-e an asset—:and where are they nPt? ; It's soft in these days.of girl ta,l- eht "sca'retty ;6verywhere "ifbr a-turn like this. .Miss Gibbs handles thb comebacks and: /Mi^s Chesleigh tosses them. b vep: Tho girls Ipbk all right, . wearlng^^ lbng dresses, and that's something, no m-atter : What the reason.; ■ Talk written by Bemiet and Carl tbn... It'is about ;50-50 on merit, and 80-20 with: a; yaUde audience, wlilch makesl it pke for. the . gals. Their delivery adds the 30 per cent, espe- cially Miss Gibbis*, Who .gets; va.lue but of her stuft, A ebuplb of songs, •with ;the- sec- ond; -about vr^r numbers spunding terrible as It-Lgtarts, but is- iiartlauy. squared (is far ad that red .fire can be. Miss Cheslplgh mentions: the outstanding sonfes. of the war.^lng ing ia, chorus, of "Over There,"' add- Incr It was an lnst)iring number; but there's dnother arid .greater^ "Keep the Home Fires Burning." vYou're. ^:"eady to'pass'Out -at the first, and with the second you al most do, as- Miss Gibbs saves every„by. _statlng there Is another_even better, the greatesfT>atIIe tufil^ever written, going into the wedding march. It will be panic in the neighbor- hoods, but. the; girl.'- had better hold it out if e'i^er playing a professional benefit. And Keith's had bettor give this turn a rente right a'vay to oe cer-| GAMBY-GYGI-STANBURY Dances^ Songs, lnstrument?il 20 Mine.; Full (Special) 58th St. (V-P) JVIarie Gambarolll, Ota Gygl -and Douglas StanWiry, who came. Into promiripnce; in Upxy's- prosontatlons, have coriibinod for a class turn for yaude. The ballerina, Vibllriist ?ind tenor, long .under .Roxy manafip- riient, ha'v'o 'each built, up a -wide stage,and radio foUowIng, and their appoararice in an act of their own should mean .riiohey at the box. ofllce, it; exploited right. .. A. few trimmings arid thIs' trio ..can step into tiny, spot ,where ^vell•diversiflQd. artistry is alppreciated*'.;. - Gygl ststrts. itV.bfC with a concert violin selection,: RiacHel Boristine at the piano,,, arid iS.tianbury vpcallzlng in pperaiIc. styliE!,;efte.ctlvely'forking up to: Gamby'S ■entrance for a;solo aallet da.rice; . which tells a, . pantby ririimlc story; the synopsis of: which is coritalned .; in; a prbgrarii. .note; This bit arid.:the violin solo which fpllows wel:e; nicely.; received. Gamby'S mecharilcal doll dance is he.r butstandirig contributibh. '. Her yoc;a.llzIris ■ which ;.pr6ced:eel It,.. der llvered in la thin. soprano; was in-, audible half way. . back' artdv might welt be dropped, -i;- .r Stanbury, next, .to closing,. WoWed' thehi with "His Marching Home to •You"' number, his warbjirig. of this drariiatltj! ballad,, fatmlilar to .Roxy i?atronj5>'Cafryihg.'a, :purich' evien tdr those to- V^hom: it- was ribt new, and was ;the. only departure from the all-classical routine. Fineljr .;executed ; ,Wli^i^^ toe stuff by .Gariiby winds It up -most y. rHOLWYWOOD BOUND'' 30 Uriit :..RevuiBi; ■;}•■'..■. •; ;';l;'.. ..' ;- ';: 55 Mins.;' (7 Scenes). FordHarri (V;p). ' ./ ; A^ri elaborate sbrig and darico reviie .hrlrigs Joe :'B. Stanley, orice burlesque cbmcdlan arid leader of unpretentious yatidieville turris, into his own after, iquite a few. years. Stanley always has-been a comedian pf ability, ' but. until nbw he has never had an adequate background. This. prbductlori by Morris and Grefen is a first class; wbrkri:»an-like pirbdUct/:. of ' generoUs . prppbrtiibns, expertly patterned and.stiiged with a good .'deal pf skill for speed and, sustained .;entertalririient. It has a happy bleriding • of ma;riy elements.; First of all, Stanley is a genuine cpmediari.: -fife'has the support of a very likeable 'corps of principals, nice looking; production, stage band arid a g'roup -of 12 dancing girls.. B6lle PeMbnde * makes, a good looking young- prlriia'donna, capital iri foiiirig for. the 'comic and a per- sonable girl bU her own.: Phoelie Brpune,: pbpi>y soubret, doesn't do the picture a bit of harm and cpn- tributes a fast and spectacular acrobatic dancing session In a good Spot.' 'There is al^b Helen Wilson, tall girl who can tap lilce nobody's business and' handle croorilng blues iri eminently -Satisfactpry manner. Harry; Seymiour functions In a capacity resembling, a straight man and handily.:: These . .pHncIpals figure In a scarcely perceptlbie stbry of a small town girl,, leaving for Hbllywpod as a contest winner arid the adventures bf Stanley as the town boob who follows her there, ;Story never In trUdeSi merely supplying a thread to., hang, the speciaUtles and the comedy upon. Besides the riiariifold merits of the. Specialists, there Is the back grourid. of the Hollywood Col iegiates, ; jazz orchestra, with a cbuple of first rate clowning musi- cians in their ranks, and the line of 12 . dancing girls Material is shrew^dly laid out for sriniobtii: running. Ensembles are brief, spocialties brisk and change of pace, excellently:: devised,—^Noth Ing is oYerdone. Opens With en- semble, on for. stepping routine hy the girls. and introductory story plariting. ' Change to railroad sta- tion', -where all bid - prima farewell to. Hollywood,; Stanley doing quiet cbme.dy m both To' director's ofiice in Hollywood, mostly, .takeri;. up .With gtanlby'.Ss clowning .as; :applicarit for !job and all amusirig^lpw cbriiedy. Interiot of studio for :.melodrama . travesty betw.een Stanley and the. two girls., dorie as only a. comic With .Wheel tralrilng.could dp it. .Another studio set for further Comedy arid a flash at the girls in; rehearsal • dishabille and then to Mexican .setting,, (what riiatter Why?) for: another" setrii- bu.rlesqiie bit, , .Cafe scene Is the fi.rial firiish..~; FariilUar: cafe .'table stuff Stanley made funriy. and nbyelty chorus nUinber for curtain Nbvelty cpnsists pf each.girl: hold- irig a frariie supporting the: fiigure of a man in dres.s~ suit and sp ar ranged that the girls look like men carrying girls on huge trays.- Adap- ■.talibh of old circus? clown idea; but effective arid good final punch -Orchestra boys have scene to theri is elv'es, bke a stage, band act 'comMnatio1lT0f"T0^^0^^^'Bn!{''im and the Usual clowning, such as. burlesque apache ,bj' two boys arid such buffobhery. . A standout unit Iri -ths flash field where so much of the prbdUctiori is machine made, by reason of : Its spontaneity; Bi|.Uriff credits book to 11. C. Green, music by Harry At- tain of one good comedy act for cher and dancesiby Frltzic.llbbicl. J this season. fSlrtie, i Rush. BEN.TURPIN and CO. (1) Gagging 14 Mihs.r One Jefferson (V-P) ; • Ben Turpln, crpas-eyed film comic but an old timer originating in vaudo. Is on one of his periodic ejc- cur.sions from HoUywopd, lie is presently a.ssisted by a straight nian with gagging wbrking up to a con game by the young man represent-., Ing himself as an iriternal revenue bbiiectbr . threatieriirig trouble for TUrpin: because of dlsbrepanclcs In his ;incbme., tax . returris and his earnini?s. Jt ■provides; a frame to hang' fhe 4ulps upbn. ■ • ■ "Turpiri's' r.eceptiPri was ^spohta-; heous. arid e.hthuslastlc. V ■ No quesr tlpri that the;aUdierice here greeted h'im . as a. wfel 1 remeriibered fa.vbrlte.: That. means. the ■value o^ Turpln . is inherent In .. his presence ';aiid inde- periderit bf the quality .bf those gags. At. that; .they, aren't. • ba'd gags.; Mei-ely ,a. little familiar, and shop- ■wbrri. Turpirt's best effort Is. the .iirlefi. desultory ; sariiple of pantbniiriie," that b'bgus-dramatic nonsense W'hich iri the:charaicter of flodney: Sfc Clair, the . cbck-:eyed poet,: lover . and; fighter, riiade "rurpin in the. heyday of.; Mack.;' Serinett;', tWo-reejers...:a• screeri persbriallty almost .as. widely, known- as; Chaplin arid .those .bthers- of that era. ;; \\ ; Straight man' is iari expert ifeeder and give^ TUrpln strbng. buttresslrig. Combo can pliay any where, with bnly: a ppssible doubt as .tb.a f^W stvank houses.-. liaiul. '■ "KITCHEN PIRATES" (4) Adagio (Acrobatic)^.:. . ;. . 7'Mins.; THree (Kitchen) Palace (St. Y)v ;---v-^;-:: 'Thes^: adagib. "danbera .At least' one, .must , be an. acrobat pf a kind, and here, it Is the girl; Peggy,- whb's also a cbntbrfionis't.. . . : ^ Peggy:. is nic'e,' with her graceful figure, and:...i8 a looker. Tlie pro- gram teams- her with. Peggy, and Gary. , Gary is- the mkn with two others, Warner arid'La wrerice.' Thb three fellows throw this girl' aroUnd \ with some -new stuff; ::; \, . .' , When thie Bard- .Brothers years, ago .did their .flying hand-to-handy who woiild have thought years after that: thr(»e understanders cbuld take a girl flier and get almost the . same results without y.earS of practice in' a gym? Only, they dpn't catch this girl by .the hands .'as she gbes through the . air; it's in the ppen arms as the ypurig wbmari. comes- over horlzbntaily at full lerigth.; But tlriiie.has:Rroven .it's the spec- tacular in acrobatics that counts more than the skillful.or' even.dlin- cuit." And. there are dozens of these adagloers at pre.sent, but prily two acts whidh could do the Bard's feats. And, as The Skirt observed:; .■; "If those three huskies. were; thrpwlng Trlx Frlganza arpurid like that, Instead, of a 90-pourid girl, it would, be a tticltV.. - ;'. '. ;' .' Meyer Golden has disguised the thing well enough with a production alibi, follotlvirig; . the title. Three males fj-s -cats in' costume after a mouse, the girl;':. ; ..■' Mr. Golden, .' vet -stager, \ls quite cute himself. ." . . • And this one will get 'em aU. . .Sime. ■ "JOHNNY PAStiNE Reyu^ (8) Adagio and Musical \ ' • ■ : ■ 15 IVIins.; Full (Special) Jefferson (VrP) Adagio team with Feodor May- bohri's Russian stringed aggrega- tlo'n for musical support. Adagio stuff is excellent, scenery and cos- tuming rich and colorful and gen- eral program, flash utility sufllcient to insure bookings. Pastihe and girl open in evening attire .for a little ballroom • step- ping. Divested of their supper club habilimerits they go intp the adagio with .much leaping, catcliinfr, leg- perching, '"arid - the. u.^ual'm'btlV-arid-' flanie .s;tulT,. but :wcn ; done. Hardly qualifies ris ■ new or orig- inal but of its.class!fjcatlpn, smbpth and graceful eritertainriieril. • .; ■■ Land. HARRIET arid BiLL HUTCHINS 17 Minis.; One : 81st St. (V-P) : . Brother .arid sister, act with, nifty dancing, .sorrie comic skit work and singing that .(dbesnft mean anything Dressed iri suppbsedly sports but- ftts, ;th.c two trudge ori, from: the wings in a prelim jabher. . "The girl is carting a gallon carii . After some bantering it Js let ovit that she Is carrying her own gasoline ho Won;t have to walk home; Th6 skit •work has a: tltlo. "Life's Too Short." written by Harry Rus kin, and the middle bf it, which is its best soction, has to do -with some j)otcnt pills. Each pill supposedly is CQual in power to a quart of But the plot fans flat when -the gal becomes sober sudddcnly attcr an awful tramp ai'pund the Stage In a.character drunk stunt, jyst so the hoy can take his turn ^t takin,g a pill. Both should ha:ve gotten drunk and .the: act might • have been better. T?wo good performers, with the girl having the edge, but without the. lines.. , BUTLER and SANTOS REVUE (11) .Band,.Pafiees, Songs, Harnionica 27 Mins,; Th ree ngleWoody Chicago (V-P)« Distinctly a clbsing act for llipi better family houses. Band of six, dancing-man m.; c., singing, girl \vhi> leads band also,; girl dancer utid harmonica plaj'tr. Threie drops. iVlUslc is good. .Cbniody good! Straight specialties good,. Effective oj)en,lng, with Miss iJUt- ' lor leading band. ;santbs, ; remind- ing, orie of ybiithfUl . Nat Nazzaro until he. tnlk.s, fblldw.s. with sbft shoe routine.; Takes baton aiid puts band- Into excellerit pantomime, bf jazz- 'ma'd .bunch..without playing a note. Ruth Roberts follows, with aero- batib routine*. Pain ; Havmonl< a player ds: no . champ, but .domjc in- te'rruptlbhs .by Santos help. Yodeling feature hy. Miss: Butler could bo cut, with ballad .substituted ri^ore. cffec- tiyely. ■\Sh.e's a stage darb... / Final' number is great, Butler SlngS'. goodnight; song, lights- drop, arid Santps .crawl.s downstairs in pld-fashipned rilghtgowri carrying a lighted candle; . : Lo0p: GRACE and MARIE ELINE (18) I'Seminary Secrets''. -.. : . 60 Mins.; FuJI (SpeciaI) MptropbJitan .<V-P) • .All-girl revue featuring the Eliifie sisters,- a ;jpair of\nlfty; comedlcMrios : who clown ;.ebmpetenfiy thrpughp and help riiaterially tb brighten Up, specialty turris that tinder ordinary:: circumstances might be dull." Turn Is,expensively f riibunted, is speedily . rbutined and will fill the vaUde .por-. tipri of ariy Taeighborhbpd: house, bili ■easily.'W! ■ ,■^ ' '.■ ;■: Ambng the ilne^Up bf ten. br .niord specialty • perfoi-mcrs Flo M«,yp'; stands , out . prominently "with her : \Vork. ;ph :a. swinging; bar.: Some ,pf her';st.Unts. are brbath-taking,. e.spe- biaUy her: body balancing- while ly- Irig. across. the;-ban; ;Her .imlt.atibn of Lililari'lLeitzel's bnerarriied iibdy- swinging while: aUspfended' from 'a swinging chain is also- effeetivo,.' Qpenlng .has ari eight-piece ivm, barid . dressed .in gay colored ^ silk pajamas, dish irig out- pop riu m bers iri ;fine: styie^ .' Set -is . the sorbrity' house of a.-giflis.' schpbl.: Neat solo specialties arb; provided by two of the girls iri the - orchestra,- the cbr- hetist 'beirig particularly hot, . ^ Second .full .stage scene, .. after ■ cpmed.y: business in..:"6ne''' with the Eline lister rating pldrity of laughs with their .individualistic style is a: campus; fi'oritng'; a^^bys' dbrmitbry., Band girls are dressed.-iri sports clothes and. Serenade the boy friends. 'Ijots pf hbofirig hbre of a varied sort, riio.St of it being belter. than average.,. Act has plenty bf .singing, .pom-.; edy,: dancing and acrobatics in adr ditioh to - the .orchestra;: lack of a prbgrarii making It diflicuit to ideh^. tify individuals. . :. FRANCIS arid WALLY Comedy-' :■:-■.■..- 13 Mins.; One arid Three ; Acaderriy .;(y-P).; "VVhlle not tabbed in Variety's files this turn must have beeri playing around, for a ' stretch. Probably hiding, out ori the coast pr middle west. \ Either way looks oke for the east;, and should fioUrish mainly aroUnd .Iritermcdlary . vaude . stands.- ■Knpckabb.ut comedy iabetted by hokurri Is : propelled deftly by- the malb: rhember. in. the. act, to . which the femme end. cute-and siprightiy with lines* fpils favorably. Switching from the olio tp; a bur- lesque Spanish dance in ; "throe.'': man scores ori sheer cbriiedy situa-. tipn, though nPt uncommon .stuff since Jim Barton has. been ' doing the .same for years. An attem pt a t tapping; by the: gal is weak.. It could be'disperi.«!ed with. ' ' : On the whole registered solidly in this house, spotted in the riilcidle of a short layout. HANN A SAN'S "Frolics" (1(>) Dances and Songs ^ ^ MTris..; TTvvb and^Three • " Englewobdr Chicagd (V-P) ; Fair abt, with comedy and songs not eifectiye eriough, to., carry weak Spots; In-, seml-baliet dancing by' group of seven girls. - Two men in rUbe make-up do the coriiedy danc- ing and; slriglrig. ■ Stfts and costumes are; good, with opening - number: .; an ' American- Oriental danbe mplarige by the girls in fi.'ont of their songstress;; who-sits ou a golden throriei . ■. Final • riumber Vhas : clever inset, New York as New .Amsterdam of Indian days and as N. Y. of 1930, with gals apprbprlately. dressed, full skirts first,: then tights, but act just had to end. sonic time, so Why not there?" Just an old-fashioned girl flash act of the days that used to be. - Loop. REYNOLDS arid COLLETT (2) Hand Balancing 5J\1ins.; Two ^ .._ ~E'ngIewooa,^;Brc~agcnCV-P) 7~" Good act to open family time, but not strong enough : for closing. Handsome man docs the hand bal- ancing, .with an attractive girl as his understander. Act opens on. stalrwyiy dais, with man balancing oa short pedestal.s on I the girl's arched body. Gobd opener. I He walks up and do\vn.stairs on hi.s hands, waltzes same. Best feats are