Variety (Oct 1929)

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Wednesday, October 2, 1929 FILM REVIEWS RIETV 19 Talking Shorts «FRAiM4NG OF THE SHREW" PARAMOUNT MOVIETONE 17 Mins.; Comedy skit Jap Garden, Ntow York Octavus Roy Cohn story of davlcr town Birmingham screened with an. Hll-cblored cast. 'Jfitlo Is a para-, Phrase on Shakespeare's. "Tarnins ot the •Sht-ew,'' which Fairbanks and PickCord haVe rebently completed: as a'talker special; This is light^velght proffram filler for any .bill heedins: comedy. . . : Several of the characters iised by Cphn in: his 'maeaz'ine sfortes are on the screen, among tliein Ldwycir Chisw and Fror.ian SlaiVpey, latter non-'^"^'Oi'^^"ff skin slicker;.- ; /Fiorian" ribs up;,his ^pai; XVivacy,: pii wiays and nnieans: to, niake his Wife behave, she . b^ing a : chronic nagger, but still nuts, .about heP- lazy husband. After three of .Fl6- rian's schemes fail a. hunger: strike brings arouirtd .and wind-up. has her serving breakfast in - bed to her. .^ood-for^nothing, - Cohn's dialog .grpes over much better on thb\printed page/than, it does on the :talkihg screen:. Many . ditn -spots and. a minimum of action. 'in ; colored, neigiiborlioods this comedy with .a caift; of .Unkiidwhs will probably be treated. AVith less apljrecia,tipn. than that shown in the, regular ryn of neighborliood :spots; b't-NNV^RUBIN^ "income Tact" . UNIVERSAL .9.M<ns.; Comedy • Colony^ New York ■ i^eimy iRubin has siap])cd tpgfethor .sonic.; bits and. ^saers culled from his . "v^aude days, making an : accqptablc. short.. Not as forte as the pruvious two Rubin has done. 'For the neigh-' bprhoods; And. the more Hcbcs ,the Inorrier... • Rubin divides'this "CpisPde iit .two : .halves; doihg'a monolog by himself first and winding: up Joe Verdi, Wop dialectltian. It's, with Verdi that Rubin does, the gaggy, income tax bit' which fiirhisheis the title. As in his.. previouS shprts, there ^s.a.th6a- ' tre. .fitting, ■ with a: ■ .backstage . giimpae of orchestra and audience; I'robably the fii'st time Riibtn has hoofed in .a short and he ;should put miorc! of it in hereafter. . Alw-ays ah a<;e in the hole for iiijii. ij'lis double, bit wi Lh Verdi is well. timed for ■ lauijhs/' :H.eceivc!d fa.ulty: recording at ■ the • Colony.- '■ . CLARK and McCULLOUGH. '<AII Steamed Up." (Comedyh FOX MOVIETONE 17 Mins. Ca'meo, New Vork» . This must be the lilnth ot" tenth in :tlie:Fox Movietone series by the. cpincdy pair, .It Js above , the aver- age in. low v.cdniedy, .ilcnbckabout fun, .involving such rough items ais art invasion of a Ttirki?!! bath on ladies' day; \ ,:; ' :■ ■ Ha.&. a wealth of boisterous com- edy; • but comedy'■ shorts seem' to have demonstrated., that talk: ,6e> ciuences Avealcen . rath'er.' . !than strengthen custard pie comedy,: Cer'- tainly they do thia.. Itiwould pi:ob- ubly hakve. been a good ;d(jal. funniier. in pantomino.. V The ' dialog adds' nothing to. .the situatioh and im-^ pedes speed of actionv A Wife invites' the-hobo pair: into licr"house as part of a.plot to cure, her jealous .husband, ; .Schejiie works well enough'and they, go but on their cars, Later, they get em-' ploymont in a Turkisii bath. Same; husband and wife .come~ to the .esr' tab.lishmcht for.~ ti^eatnienti. and' in an . effort to . escape husband.- they crash; into tlie women's; department fPv the ufui.ii complicaiiprts, which, of course,-.include much flopping in and out of a swinimiiig podi;by;an haridf.'.;-■■'; -'■•■'•;■ ■:-■ . V-' ■' '-;., •• •-■; liight .ih; iaughs at. this' hpuse where the ;mbb is hihat. :. Ought fb get returns .in. neighborhopders, esr. pecially; Pn . school holidays.- ■ • . '•■ Rush. "FARO NELL" PAR AMdU NT-CH RISTIE 2I Mins;:'- '. Prpjcctipn;; Rpo.m, Nevy .Vork* lie'ro... Heavy.;. . ... SlioVlff..... BarliCQljer,. A \-I-<; .-Tazenaa .\,. i.'. .■;Jaclc Ivyjeh 1,.'... ..Harry. Woods .,. ...,. .Fr.-vnk 'ftlce .. ,.. Cliarlos Mack "THE FATAL FORCEPS" PAR AMOUNT-CHRISTIE 19 Mins. . ■• Projection . Ropm,. New York. Demist................. .-.rord StorlinB Saxpphone I'iaycr.............. .liert Upnoh P.MiletU.; ;, -■^Vjll Km0 - Nuinc ... Natalie . Joyce ■ Another good; Parantouht-Christie two-reel domedy, wherein the sight of a guy getting a motithful -of teeth- puiied is softened into a laugh by " the reason why..: '';. . FPrd Sterling, as.Dentist Schmul- haiisen, is- doing Putch on the; wit-; noss stand as the film ©pens in ;a courtroom. What oh. trial for . i.s shown in a flasliback- -A., neigh- bor keeps him awake nights with a saxophone.- Doc is going, nuts from ; la-^s of sleep.. ' By chance the night-time saxo calls on the doc with a tbpthache. "What the doc. dbps for i-cvenge is a shnme, . First in the chair, then with both hanging on the chandelier.": lie gets the last tooth out oh a flag pole, to where the poor saxist climbed to osi^ape the forceps. After hearing the dentist's story, jury says not guilty. Might bfii aniphg the many- slams at saxophone players, l)ut a new way of .^lamming. Sterling, gives an e.ycellent comedy account and inildly surprises with handling dialect. Bor; jRoacU there ns the sax playei*. A few additiortal iaug^hs from AviTf King, as a Hebe comic-patient, Sterling punch gag i.s the repeated mispronunciation of "insomnia" as ."inSomania"—art old trick; of dialect comedians on' the '^'arioty stage. It works just as well in this talker. .Direc ted by .'WiUiani "VVa>Kon. • ■; ■ ' Bigc. Shoiwiiig .What may be done In two- reels .with a comedy idea that's really flinhy. "Favo NeU-' is'a satir- ical bit by Willis Steell, Burlesking the old- blood ..and thunder "west- erns,", funny enough .at the stai-t as fun . .thoughts . go.. . ; With many chances for cbmedy. .Louise lirazenda, WlVo cart be equally comical in the talkers, made hangup job. of . the Faro Nell as- sigriment. . As "our little gal,. Nell," the soft spot in .all of the cowboy's hearts, in a blbnde wig with long curls, Miss Fazenda paces some baritone .chatter with soprarip gig- gled. ' After this one .Miss Fazenda tates high as a'.talking apre^h comedienne. In "Faro; Nell", slie's richly .sup- ported by other performances. Es- pecially worthy of note is a bit last?- ing but a- few seconds, by Harry Woods, who, as the heavy, makes illianouS exit from the saloon that's aycii.,' .: "Faro Noll" can support featured billing. : Directed by William Watson. .-; B'lffe. TAYLORS HOLMES, with-Carmel Myers. "He Did His Befst" . PARAMOUNT-CH RISTIE 19 MinS;; Comedy Playlet Projefction Rodhi, New York. Playing'' of Taylor Holmes and Carmel Myers, plus Miss Myers' nice looks, contribute mo5?t of -whatever strength there is to this cpm.cdy yarn in talker: short form. Impersonation \pf another and case of mistaken identity bring Holmes and Miss ; Myers into . comedy love scene that't"hot enoiigh in implication to please the flaps ITOlmes' quota of laughs should ar ^^ifi'ly^^btT^iisi'-^c^e^d^'^ r<?gisterihg pas.sion. • ' Harry AVoods and Kalhryn Mc r.uiro play hu-sband arid wifo,,soc "ondary to tlie star ; and foaturod woman.: Ktory by Wilson (.'olIi.sDn A. Le.'-iie .pierce diroctod. Xot bad. lUit, in oontrast 1o tw,) olhor l*iu\'unount-riiristl"'.«.. "I-'aro ■ N»»ir' find. "The FiUiil l-ofcrpv,- ."-Mown jointly in.a rri>j'" (i-)i'. i-<.>i>ni— ii.H . . Ji'r.' .. Sharkey-Loughran Fight (SILENT) ivoilucp^ by ilenry Sonetihclra. ■ BaloaecJ by Sports Film Exchnnge. Filmed \at .VanUee Stadium, Sept, 20. .At HlppoUromc Hept, 28. Runhlhis timer iT minutes. The sponsors of the fight;plctures showing the heavyweight. cbntest betwei&h Jack. :Sharkey, of Boston anci. .Tpmmy. liaughran, of Phira- d^lphia got no. . break as tb the ;match itself 'Which' only lasted two rPiindS' and :27 ■. j^eeondis.' VHad ' the contest ' gone : the: 15 sPheduled- rounds the -picture. WpuW hayie been ■fuir length. TP-fill Jt out-'tp' It .min- utes, four of five rpiinda of rth© Ma- loney-Gagnon cioritest;. which 'went on:; after the ;in;ai:h . event, are In.- cludedi. . That portibn; .of ;the picture; like;- the star bout' was rnildly iri^i teresting,' best part being tKe rather g(5o'd phptbgraphy, : ; : , The Sharkey-Lpijshrah- fig .was :npt spectacular until - gharicey. de- livc'red the - knock-out which •was suddeh and shocking to the; custo- niersi-::,Tpmmy is seen ' gpttihg; up an.di: walking fp a neutral;. cpirner. ddzed. Sharkey : .hesitates,. ': ;ihoh bes for .his; man .but ^the referee waved him aside and Lough-, ran to his corner. ,The secoiids and ofTi.ciais gather arpund the beaten' mari and ti-ie referee ihstrUcts Shar- key ;tpi' go; ;tp^ hiiS corner; Jack is'. over slaying comforting things to iioughrah • who; doesh't hear anything. There is plenty of drama in that few nioments,'.but prinoipaily-for: those whp saw the conte.St. at the stadium. :. Picture is silent, no attenipt hav> ing been made,to record Sound. The Schmeling-^ljzcuduh .film early- in the summer was . more: satisfactory than rtiost fight'picfurea because of the sound- 'recording. /Curibusly, the new type..'pf . mtcrppTitohe; is visible around the ring: but not used to ampliify the. :anhoun"cemeiits. About the average fight picture.. • • . ■ - ■ /bee. have made the Rooneys to mination tliafs worth while waiting for. (lood short. Hugh O'Conni'll plays a sl'-\w re- porter; Arthur, liurli-y liirvLloii; RusseH wrote the iiklt. The star ,haclc gets an assiKnui.-iu to interview the \Vall .street .birii who plans cornering the .cotiojv market.; The: cub reporter applioa'iu sent along- with (X'Conriell. to keep him sober, if possible, is, .unbeknown to anyone, the niagnato'?! son. The souse falls into the .required yarn a;nd. phones.Lack.awahria 910.0, spill- irig it;: to the city. desk. ''What a scbbp fbr the- 'Times';" he' . boa.sus;. "Why liir/ WetnVpre.^' tlio 'magnate'.si sort chirps/.. .''Vo;u'i'e . hot : on , the •'Times'. -any. mpri?; you.-re , Working tor the'Jotii'nill';V" ' ; ■ • ^::-. .' ;Blowf.orf;. "My God;, i; phoned , the wrong; paper." .; .'.;.•'■. '. tjiz in a. speak .supyorlii. previous interest. : • Bigc. . ILLUSION {ALL DIALOG With Songs) raramount production and ret(?asc^ Dl- VftoiJ i)y J.«<)th:a" MimuI-s. i'^oalurinff Buddy P..>;iM-.s anil Nancy I'arroll. FnMu story i>y .viiliur Tialn. AdajjlM by J-:.. I/oyd, -li. i.lm- TSC H AIK 6 WSK Y'S O V E RT U R E UNITED ARTISTS iO Mins. • ■■■ ■ ;^: ■ ■ ■^^"■,; ' Rivbii,-'Ne'vvs'Yo.rk. ■ ;'•-.-;..•'^ \ ■:'■''>■ /' ; ;Under the supervision .Qf'.-.'ttugP lUef^erifeld.'iuUjSioai.lvead :fbv Vn Artist.^!,: "a • featurctte . based oh ;Tschaikowski:"sv r-Ovei'-ttire. of ,1^12:^ ;inaKes;its debut, at- the Itivoli as -the. first.; of a .. seizes. -6f• ■ simiirt.r short l)todui?Iioils -reeofded- on•; .Western, Klecti-ic. ■■ :.■ . To tltc goneral.' public; opening featurett;e niearis Rttlc wore than the a'sseinbh'ng of. s;ome misc^ellane- bus shots .of ■ clmrclI .interiors, h'prsea' hoofs; and war scenes. Ail the Avhilp a: chorus of. voi.c'e.^ .is f un'otipiiing in tlie recording oi" the oi.'chcstra-, is in' 'ftili;blast.-.\v -:•.'; ;.> , '. v. - '. ' : ;■ ISfCpris: are majle: to p.rQ:yide the semblance of a theme tiirough titling; refer.riris to. Napoleon; arid Russian; aversion - .' to. ' 'Wii • "an'tl-religious',' vle.vyiJ. Long, .shots of. ari ;:.brchesti;a. are .irisexl' in Several, tinies .to es-. tablLsli the. as.sociatipn of jdeais;, v • Thb recording is raspy ah.d^. as'idc. from spriie. of the .phptographic slartts, such' as silhbiaetted: bafek- grourtds arid Frgrich soldiers, tli^ first of;the Riesenfeld series has little to recoriiriiend It to 'the.;geheral film theatre: -: . ll'ii/l/. ROONEY FAMILY "The Love Tree" UNIVERSAL 21 Mins;;; Comedy Colony, New York I'niVicrsal;' niust wiioiesalo deal with turn out shorts?. Only last week one of .; them . was . cauglit. This one better. ■ ' . Two scenes.' ppenin.g with Pat Rooney and Mariori Bent in a vaca- tiPn spot in the woods. Pat goes into song. Pat, 30, arrives with hard-boiled dame he says he's going to marry;' Mother seems reasonable about it, but Pa Booney doesn't like it'and bets.-the boy'the dame w'ould for anyone, even himself. Kid accepts the proposition, and dad sets out to'prove it.. At a dance that night Bat. does his stuff and is dis covered Vy Ma Rooney '.with the gal Sori squares it, arid the Rooneys go back to the love tree to finish their song. i*at. :2d, gets a chance to insert a few. clogs while- leading the band at the dance, .while Pat, 3d, gets hiis inriirigs; also. : • -Kdgar Allan Woolf wrpfe^a "cat little plot arourid the Rppnc.ys, .■yvhich Ben .Holmes; effeetivetv, directed. . .. •^ari^.g'o the-rbUrid.s.: ■ • "GENTLEMEN:OF THE EVEN. . ING" - LeMaIre and Hearh (Comedy) PATHE-RCA; 21 Mirrs. Strand, New York. , A novelty twopre'eleri full of hpke and irinovations.; Kxeellent short possessing plenty of slapstick put. togetiier . with lots,'; of thought fpr audience i'eactipri, ' Goriventioh of inventors form .first mirth sequence,. Iferc. 'ppa-iholding knives, face gear : fbr'. "vvateiMuelon; eating and'.a systen\ for .spoon■'in- coffee drinking are. intrpancfd. 33^hJp-n^^ci^^-Hcal^n.:^-glipa^a^V-a^u^^^ GARNO ITALJAN IVIARIONETTES ENGLISH.MADE, DeFOREST 9 Mins. -..•.•':■ . -■;. Colony, N^w York. Another corking ribveltjr sihort brought over frbni England and manufactured by Hugh Croise. Dis- tributed over here ' by New Era. Fine bit of dialog entertainment for kids and adults alikie, Puppets are skilfully manipulated with remarkable precision; Garno fartjiiy.. is mentipried 4n titles as marionette trainers for several cen turies throughout Europe. Soriie great Ideas in this release on bur- lesquing " rtipre -ihPdern ; situations. Picture-goinef • mob over here will consume- it with; relish. . Another important point is. the clear, record- ing, that DeForest. Phonofilrii has managed;. ':; First number .Is a "Sphny. Boy" burlesque with a Jolson prototype in a manikin; going' through the same hibtionS as Jolson .did in,the. picture, but with gag ;iyrlca Inserted and a pujipet Sonny iEJoy'a;dded,^ smoking a cigar.. "Diriipics and Tears" Is.: second item, shorter but just as funny- Idea is a coloi'ed jazz ; band :cpmbb of four pieces, with thie puppets made to produce hot strains and clownish, antics. . ;: • ' . Plenty of avenues open . for this, sort bf short releases;In America, ll;l'la '/•<!. la Kri-.':-.- Quiv'ii. i>i. .Mi->tll('f .■!■'.»>•,. .; Wlll-fciiu:'AuHtfti orhK» . Wall.-u-.i-' .\c I"aramoUi»t, Vork, week .'Innnlnff. time. .i>0minuic*. ■•.;>■■ .. Charles (lluJdy) Rogera ........,...Kaney I'jrroU ' .;. Jun<> ( 'ollyer ... .,i....:.Ivny' l-'rVncii. ;..',.,..... Uofirl.o T-i'>mey • . ....- Kiiure -Erioksiin. - I. ■ M.ui If ' ,"urner- <iordoii.; ■: .v-, VKini-ho MolviJle l-'r.wli-i's : UuViii-.n l, :rC-i'i }nf' Joim. V:.- ;N>i>.i- i.;^Mi«. ' ' -Ii . ; .. ;^!, .l>.i-.'in:i ■Ivil'no, • MlOli.U'l sVtsui-4:rr..'- V- liloliaj-vV rj-iUiior, H''.".--:t? .1 .\ i'S - SIcUj'nnelMiuU l.i liiiVi lliii:iv 'jSYNCbPATED TRIAL" PATHE.RCA PHOTOPHONE 15 ■ Miris;.;..: ■ Strand, New Yprk. ; . - : .Lew Spencer and Morgan' Mbrley surrounded .^yith perhaps live other princlpal.s, two .score bt supers and a miicii undressed chorus, do a jazz riiusicar version of the old burlesfiue bit called "Irish Justice.." -; It's a:, bright fragment of low. comedy enlertalrimerit carried out entirely in doggerbl spng and with nice dancing: intei'l'i;dcs. . . F.uturlstiQ court rbbm settlrtg ^ jury of comedy types and .court spectators. Stage i;eyu:e prpdUcer is arraigned-charged With some absurd ci-iriie, and in liiS own defense brings on his production as ^'evidence,*' leading to .a song; and dance cabaret before the. bench, punctuated by the lisuai business of the;-judge fiirting with the chorus.-girls. . Funny bit with a prop horse end- ing .with a lau.ghable darice by the men whovwork the animal; .: Tried , "and true hoke mater^ial snappiiy j)reseritcd, and.a great im- provement over the ;• everlasting blackout, idea which is .much over- done for' Pomedy short's. The old burlesque routines are, a promising field for shorts, by'the'way. Rush. ■".': Witli on.o. bbx->>ll(Cii^ nifiy .aU-iv't'i'/ . to its credit in :v' .liariri-nix..' ; . the ..iSiiddy . .Rb.gers-Xan'oy.' .«;';irri)li .; polite, necking :-j.'onvbiriati0ri is pre- sented to eribiVghadvuritage.iri\iIiu-.; sion'. .to'.sail iiicely' aiaiig pri.tii.c. tide.- Only drawback is- that the team ■; a nbtabiy flap :.aridV jelly fav; -while, / this pietur.b in sppts ,attpmiits sotne ' tiiass dialbig.-.;-:.;•'•.'-■■ .■■• '';^ ■; Rbgei's ancj ;Carvoll do a roagie act; ;iri a".circus, and finally-get a cfuaice-; to crash big-time vaude, liut Rogers iias beOn ,plo;ying. around in society; " wbrkinig-his way up by eritertaidirig;. with parlor .tricks <and. making . 'plerity ■: ,ot dough in: bj-idge games. . He falls for Hilda Schmittliap, whpse . old man has niade .his. pile arid is •. doing a spHal. cUnib for the .familly, .: • Miss Carroll is . brbkcn licarted, :when ./Rogers i-cfUses. to talce the : vaude:cbritract. and splits •with liiin " to team t^p. with ahbtlier niagician nxatned Mag.u.s, cbriv.ehieritly altered in reproduction to. sb.urid like;"Mag- ,got." After, a fling at the society, racket Rogers, decides tb blow bat'U- to- Nancy. lie and- the ScHmittlap.. . girl havp; talked .it;ovfir a;nd decided :.they ;cb.uldrt't;.hit.:it Up tbgether..; Nancy; has' becbme .^rtiorose and ;changcs harmless carbide biillets .to:, reaV.ones in the bit wiiex'e. Magus has -gent's, from the audience shoot at her with irifle.s. Buddy cpmes to (he;±heatre just before the shots are " fired'and is handy to .pick the .girl up when one out of the five jguys shooting happens to hit. her iri the shbulder, A makeup scerie in the hbspital ends? it. " ' Featured . pair, make a very like- able ;team,' .'\vith youth, . appearance and .a talent., for ivaturaliiess. Sup- porting characters ai:e good. Regis Toomey, who played the laughing drunk in "Alibi'' and. niade it a spe- cialty, is again seen through th© bpttom of a glass as the SPhmittlap .girl's no-good brother who tries to make Nanc'y. Eriielle Melville as a retired trouper has a short bit, hut makes it a standout. The rather, tough part of Hilda; Schmittlap— one of those "like-her-pr-hot" char- acters^is handle.d capably' by June CoUyer. ■ Inevitable .song, dance and rhustc In a cabaret set and also a little theatre in the Schmittlap castle. Both Rogers and Miss CarroW have song spots.. • There's a gag burlesque on QUeen Marie's visit to America, with the. Queen of Dalmatla visiting the v'^Phriiittlaps to.arrange a little loan ■for her country, •ibts of comedy; arid eafsiiy recogriized. ; ^Variety" also used, this tinie with a Nb. 3 head on What a good act Ro.gei's andi Carroll have; Tliat piakes two bur- lesques. - Plenty of pitfalls in this stpry waiting for Mende.^, but he skipped llie gutter gracefull.v, A cleanly handled job. . . Banff. that pe.nnut falsetto to a dame, up- stairs wlio has been iritrodiic.C'd with throe others as J^arkgrotuid in'opon- ing flush.. . I.eMrnn.'. as IliC h>--'<>'\ didc- (a'''e.« >ho u«ii.'il ro'iii?. Ininlini? ffir. t!i'?. '.in-- ; i'i'!;'i.-tf;r(>ii mmIm, sUtii'i:': o-r.'rl".tinif.c I Mti • Of):!!-".! iirid'T "wlii-li Low. Is' i.-ipr:..vs It.'il. Vh:i>)<. sN-i-il-- LpM.iire biit ' w ill'. 1 l"-i-a aii'i b! .iri.l«) 1 I.iiu.-U'L "THE LADY FARE''^ PARA-CHRISTIE COMEDY ^1 Mins.; Colored Cast . Rivoii, New York. • "The Lady Fare" intrpdUces beta-: vius Rby Gbhen's dialect dialog, long treasured by a big:reader following, to the iscreen. The wow can be du.sted trff ; ToP that's what it; Ib; ■ • With an allxcolpred cast, including :possIbly a few whites exceptionally well made .up, this two-recler is one rtovelty tidbit. : It-takes; Ih black- bottpmirig In .the -. Harlenv ; npianner and life iri the higher dark circles. Best of all it has a . theme; and riotcrpus comedy. . - '..'■ c .; • ; Sta rting . in • ia, night club, -where dbugh .is:the word, orie duSky sheik wishe.s off; a hea-vy eating dame on a gullible lad. . Not satisfied^ yrith bcifig rplled fbir the bill the churiip finds a tail has been Working its rheter for hpurs outside. The driver turns out to be the girl's ex-sweetle. Here the young- ster turns wise and. averts a beating by exchangirig seats with the chauf. Wrecking of the taxi, With clever photography giving It realistic touch that gets audience on end, closes. .Mt's a'certain bet lh any. house and good for many duplications .since the Cbhen style and Christies' ivandling get it^^ out .of the hum- driirn. slapstick rut tQ^_a n.ew pj.'ii"ie,. ~ . ■ ■ ■ ..Wrj/, UV/'y. "THE INTERVIEVy" VITAPHONE No. 838 > 9; Mins.; Comedy Skit Loew's Nevv York •: N"e\v.><p;iporm.'in gag,'.strptrh(>d out \'<ir iiine minutes, rontaltiih.g-.Sfjtuf; l iM:;i.s, !:')od playing'nrtd sitn.'ition'-: :'■'>>Ml" w;iy;. wi'.h a punch ;l'.'r- GRACE JOHNSTON—Indiana Five VITAPHONE No. 869 7' Mins. Strand, New York Grace Johnston i.s a radib. arid disk (Brunswick) name. Statuesque woman with "an ajrreeable voice for pops, and jazz mclpdios, ;a .sort bf orooriing. soprano type vocally. In- diana Five . orchestra also :carry talkin.g n^achine. weight.. Miss' Johnston, sings ^'Bashful Baby" ; \vith the orchestra vaguely visible bcliirid.. . her Cbncealed by scrim drop. She Is. Pff and the jazz bbys have a se-ssipn,' rnedley of pops nicely -donci; Singer back for "Glad Rag Doll,'' for the finish.. . Slle^^b.gifjter.i abbut as much, petr; sonality; as the r^st of the., si-igle women working straight, .which- Is little'^hougli..evert for the best...-.Ap patently time iiri^its of a short-are too; restVloted to. permit the; shadcw to project niuch.. This one . is as good, as; any in its bias's, but .still rhild..,:; No Single woman. Iios clicked yet basis.' ''■' ;;.'; .;.;; i?MSft.- In a short, except on a comedy ■ .' Davis- Par. M. C. ■. Indian'«iPoll3, Oct. 1.. ... Chn r les«<,. ni.' c; at the; Indi|- anA theatre, Iridianapblis, pponb at the: I^uranibiin't,. Nc\y . Yovk, Oct..- 4, for two .'vvvr't'.ks. ; ■ .' ..Lolwe .Oppositjg, .;. T^os: A\>ii(;lif^ Oct.-1. .Fp.K lia.^ UifLnx-d ;Kdfnim'd T,ovVe "to tJnit'-d Artists to .0ppear. .r-pppsit( T)ijlr,i---^ T)<'1 lUV^; irr .'''rhf'j^ruV f)n'\l THREE LIVE GHOSTS (ALL DIALOG) Srnx Marcin pro^uotlori. and UnltCil Ar^- I.xl.s rdeaKi*. Mlrcetofl by Thornton , l-'re-e-- liind and ba.sed on Iho fitapce play of Iho panic tllle. Robert H. I'lantlc. oaoioraman. In cast: Kobcrt Montgomery, Claude Al- llsler. Charles ;Mc.\'auBhton. IJoryl Sler- oor. .loan npnriPtt. U'eiien Ifolt?:. At thn RIvoII Sei)t. 23. Ruriiilns time. St minutes. While the-; talker screen version of ' tho play, "Three Live Ghosts," is a. gobd prograrii comedy, well acted and far above the average in the twists of its theme.- the-.interest threads are slightly frayed by a dragginess '^ppareri.t almost during . its entire projection. !: Long conversatlbris, few close-ups arid an adhererice to three oi: four Interior sets, pbviously reminding of the original shbw,^ -niay bc -acQbxirit- able' for retarding /the; speed, and sparkle bf the picture Just: enough to keep .it fforti, ratinig ; par.; excel-;; lenc'e.' . v:': '.. .\ ... ■■".;.-: "■ The'' Marcin i-crtiinisront of Dickens in hiore/respects ;tlvah that; author's penchant fpi" detail, The chara'ctoriztlpns arid sets have? t+ie musty, cockrieyed atmosphere of London's Cheapside; And Bvryi Mercer,, excellertt - as. the .grog' ad- dicted: ma of .the spldiery^py re- ported "casualit.v" by the goyern- iriont.' i.s :a little too literal at tiiues.: in ;fHc slryxyness of. her inovemeht.s. 'i'he. tluMuo itself conn's to the roscub of.^- satiO- l ionrvi hy: tlW'. dircKbr.. ; TugctlU'r vvith iluj- dialog.- : whii'l.^-. <"'.'i't;j.ina jr^fitl>l-l■^LLl^^l^^nJ0A:dkb1^,^;_i:l^^^^^ . Richard. Ui;-:v. Enacmbic, :l'ii-ti'i,. r) i-i()«f !-irtIit'if'iit!y jti"lUi:ieVijaK and (iriui-n';il. to : niriint.'iln si'i.'^'ijense, .: ' .As'-.lininiy.: flie suri.: 01ia^>les M<"- X.'iiiulif'iM fjiii'-; .■iri.<.'nt job with. i r^ili! i!>!.' \v.oM^; .^^•:■) . fiJiv ClViud.i^ M'-, .-(I.;:! , I.Vi.l) r-L. .M'liit win'-ry .as" .-••.•.I.,:' ■ .- ii'I ."I'''*--:- frit? A uV'tI- 1 t'i p' ';Vl!.^0 .1. ":l.jr:i1 i'll' til'?