Variety (Oct 1929)

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/ VARIETY BURLESQUE Wednesday, October 2, 1929 News From the Dailies TKis department contains rewritten theatn'pal news items as pik^b* hshed .during the week in the dally papery of New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angefes and London. Variety takes no credit for these hews items; each has been rpwritten froni a daily papei*. (lie. ri>ltl)iM y of Uii» Clili S>'i)t. ■-<, w liirli . iioiii'il Saml;iv pi'i.VctI ■ Ity ijii. Jll. )>!rturi;s I III', city I'tiuin-il o\' 1 Ii>i'- LpWDON V.t\ vv;i !•) 1 i '11 i 1Js Car|)t>n toj-'s' Anvor- , if- iii i-oiuiSly. "The JJachcIor j-'utliui-," wliiOli ;si.', Airi-oi,! Butt co-Ovoduces wUh Al \ypbd9 at :ttic CJldbe- £Ji>i)i. , wiU have Curiam ifopKihs oi" N«^^^' . Y<u<lc, Atlriona ■p*)rl-. rtf Itiilv ai\il Ioi;;),n(rls .liIst«yiN:Kinvlaris lyn ;;.nHl,. 1 :(.>.His ;.C!uoilrioh i\h(.l= Xiibi-cj - Brnin^ txC;" London :jn>!i;!it.. ■,tCi- 1<>Wiir(t plaiiH- a. vm I oC .'-'TUc> "■(.'tli'isiinris. ■■ .. •i'y-i|V\ i;.}ivO. •■•i'l- ■ llu' • J-Iii^illsn ,ftI;M»rLr.> ;;iri. JIx» 'Ilis piiikotl j'lci'; (o hca^lv- .u liat- ,lip" '(^ills "ilu* siipi'.i-- chords jjirl'H" to si> to Atrioi'iea with "Wake l.*jy ana.l>roam." . : ; \- ■. .. Matii-i(>i> nrownc, .Klill sJiuibliii^;" Avitli :.; h!> iiiQk ^.a.f.lcr ,,".Iouni^'y's' Khd.," u'ill . iVi-psonT. a. j).ut oii. .]misiv!i ! C'ouvoily: : pyvU : Hi"o;ttv- calloil •'Snvt^t'ze-.J^incoi''^ and ai)iu^ calicu "l>iiiio.i,\-,] Kimh Y6i;i;y3?anc(?;\ latt.CL- first otK'ilhii;-., in Js\'.\v "i'Oii'lv* . ^' )>:>. .ErlvinV: hy .Ia<.'iit) A. \V»*isi>r, fornuM- Miirfi.' ni.'ina.'-i*'i' '>'.' .ij! " 'I'l.ioalt-i.* Ciliilil. .A vVit of: niaimainirs' Id (Miinpol l^)tl«>(' ■ (V)niiiii.'<f^ioi'.yr ■\V'lriihMi to' M- (U'' f.r>"-.].()\v-ivit"» it:j-''iifij.hs,-. Sv'as iili'il tiKv;A'''!|i.t.->-.l (;iir.-.'<| TrixL^Sorvii'r. .In'-i. liy Sup.ft'jvv ' "'i .:ln!<li.<'<* ^.U'- l.'t >' >U; . ■ ( mVui'I f/t ;,i .ti.'il; .1 n').\vi' v, , t lVt> l- tonipany Iviii ifltrut r.-ilMs sunii"l<'n.t- J^^^ (!nli;t.l.'\.i>:;t'>:,'^'Milpini:UH roliof!' ii!' N;u-t«: Xirr prOi i^i. • ■ '■ ■ ; " siiiiVor■ li;i,s Ijiv-jV ^sUi.Ml.. I.iy,.'-JCroclt'i'ji'U (i. l'"unC'i;i>lil, odntitiV'toi" of I lii'Uvilii.v , i., to rooov.-r. ' fiu" 'siM'viv.'os ;ind lOM ti'i'.ials Vurj-ii.'sh.rMi .in. ri'pairitijj hi-ii" I'Minvii'y; liom '.ux . i'uini', S!!iilii'i;l .1 )i-;uiial io I-fajfUi' of Chi- cjiffo oin'iis iU. tlu- I'riiu'css Oi't. 14. w iih liohiiis. .Miliitr's • '^J'liiintUT in till' Air," as thi- lir«t, of tlK> llyo pl.-iys ti). Ik' ijrtssiMiiiMr.. ]l*];i.n to iiuM 'i>a(''li ■ ivfay ■ foil*' w ovU^^ bt.UoV. ■t4;uy.s aiv M. Jolm JI^'rvin.o's "J''ir><t Mrs. Frii>:iir,V^ (J.; 15, t^toi'nJsr./'AIatri- ;uVh" aiitl ''VV^dr^ AVoll?:" i»y'I'Vi^oitc AiiVrniir. Ivifth. l»l;iy pijit .dooiiloil. :.Aiaiii!ol 1 )iaj;,'":fjiivvin'jj . (loiitist np. J|.:'T>;iniii. luis saiiod.:for .tMiica'iiu.,t"^ ■jOiii .til.i':: ioi'ar Opoi^)!.- ; ;,. ■. . " ' ■ - .ta<:M>'and Jill-I 'liVj-oi-s;' pfoKl coiifil; lUds. hav;(' ill: Ihoir' t lii' sidiv. huiidiivs;; .. lOirst; ^•iMriitos ol":..}.\'iizaiu.'i.'.' .opened 10,2!)season a t re. (itopV'a iieii r- norilh-'. .6iTerini^?\\-Us I •. f<un'iid iilln>;-nVivti) l.)e i'lrfed fur ihi' A f(er f IIni 1 )1; firf)iind '. y\'.ith titfos iDaly's.- r.f.nv . tinnoiii.U'e :• tiijif Mark Tw'ain's-oAi n .(>hi)i Je- \vilI' l>o ap.i>roJwi'^ nva.tely YoliiiVyed .foV-tlioir. . diio.lion.' liiHU-r 'ihei Selilosijisjor i'c- pimt^; ■- New- tilie. Is ..i:A YarUiee at the C\>i,trl of •ICink'Artiuii'.""-' ; ■■ CplutWhla; :C;rani(.)phono Company, entci-fi the radio licld. feeling tliat this, -industi'y, has -l)Oon untapped in En.irland, -as only a thlfd oC the. homes have radio wets, and feiv; Of those uiy-to-datp/,'' Their idea is^^ make combined plionofjraph-radio sets to eo«t. aVouhd. .$100. : D. B. Wyndlifiiii Lewis,' the F; P. A. of lintrland, recpt-d$ this- Oiiilog from a tulkipfj .fiim "taftory; "Al, yrtu woid-poifeGt?" "Sure."- "Poicy, i'D-u Avdid-polfecl?" : . "QUUte,-'. • :: "You AVoid-ivojfect. aiiss Foiber?" "You fiaid .-it, big^ boy." . "You,.Boitr- •Tm swell, Kd.".' ,. "Arid you. .kid?" >. "I^.osv l haf,.MiV lOdclstein."- "Swell.. Now li.s.'se^i, . everybody snap into it.s. .Episode Thoity-.tMo. Hamlfet in the. choichy.'ifd, • crackinp:.. ... All riffht, Joo? "Swell!. Now—Shootl" Clayton '& ■W'alldi''s- tlirep -neAV producti'onsM)efor6 Xmas will be ^Oet Your Man," with TEillu.lah Bankhead, Allan Ayneswortli arid Lawrence Anderson. "In Her ArnVH." Ayith Aniiio. Croft, Sidney. Howard, Ena Gr.ossmith, Vera Pearce.and Kate Cutler; and "Silver "Wings," ..with .. Desiree - Ullinger, Ha,rry VVel.chinan and Jimma Ilaig. nxprt-imental-. broadcasting of Paird . Television, wlU take, plate Sept. .".O thJ-oyglv London 210 from 11 a. m: till 11.30 and every week day thereafter e.Keept Soturdiiy. Ex- periments h.iv.e ^Io\<-r.nment support through It. tJ. C. ^en^i^«ttIl )"ull<'r, diuioer, Mrreslod a \Vi>ek ii.tro for contempt" of court wan ri-lo;iscd on. ai) , t^hc had I'mIIimI. to loltey an in.1iinction re- fr-triiinii)-; hi-r from iisiii.c; the hariie i»C L.'ik-(■;• l.,oi.<... Sir' -.Vl.ih '.i lii-.;li<'s . r,in-,'?oyiu; sug- gpstod ill Ills \;iLKelly Collt'g<' shunUl; i;c«t rh'; iin.-s'i ii'.iojTii.^raph ever lluilt.. Wiis amnn.'.;'. iVis'.p.t)s- Tl'-lti'.'-:^fC',tul), run. l»y -U-ilda JTary AUiin'i, ,\vafs foiuid' guilty of .celling. ■ liiiu'ir u-itli(Mit...'I.';lici.vnso. and during proh-ilMUMl li()\irs: •AI'S. Alliirvo Wiis lJnV',1 i'l ."lO ami -tliv./c'l.iili wVis.sLriflieiv. Oi"!" til'' J-i.'gi>iUM-.: . : V ■ •',( ?il is.-<'V ■ . Stw.-irr ■ ■•( 'lavioiV. . . groaV gr-.tiiii-daughtei- or f'li.-irlf.s .1 )i('kjont*V .^>:,;.w>,v;,.-j..^,.j. .jv^ ^roroni'o .'Alol iiigh, ■ .- ■ I.'nyshii.rf^; llioatri'. l:ay.shf»re,..L., I., .Ii.'is hV-.Mi pii'iSM)a,-<''d 'i>y \-i!i»i 'Pi.'.u^d^^^ (iril I'lfv.vhotises.: .Ipi.'., o.vvnet' .of the Jtevrent in thnt town'." IJtiyshoi'e. bi ^;iiOO-seati>r .pia.yihir .viiudeliUu.^ l>rii;'e siiiJ to l)e..^':JOO,fli)i).' . • ]fa\ihg waited 10 for. the P.'iyment of ad 'ht Whii-h a bnl- ilnee. oE $Si);J .Li due. >l;)ry.. Voun.g. aetrpsSi lias bj'u:ugl\t Miit iri City Court'aguinst.H<lr,ry,W;>gstaffai-iK-- ble, playwfigiVt."'. The. piMginal 'loan of $i;770: was made pri'pr tii 19'-'0V. :. i Coin mission er W'lialen'.s reyificd; tiN^Wc .^.regulations :ih;:' effect last week.':. Tlieatre zone .on .-. .*«)iitii.. gxt tended to t-ike tn Mi'tropoHtaii O, ti. Sight-seeing- biu^sos. .banished 'off ;Iirotidway during -theatre hour.s. 'Pules riiPdined to allow turns on .tTie- ■ and ■. .boundaries , of ..the: ^zouel-- .. ..... ■: : Mayrtr .Walker, makiiig . talkers; at. Fox Films studios, to- be. u.sed';.i.n the comitig political •catripaign. ■ . Ann'. m.inV, Mo,oire Miivdock; .(ATr,«5. Irene Cule- has; ).Hii-ehi«sed tlve K. 1'. estate^ at. Water ilill. X; L ■ .Msix Weinberg, Vlese.ribing him- .selt ii.v .a picture actor, was released in $i,T.00 ball on a charge oI grand larceny niade bj'- Anna Cohen; ri40 Concord avenuei jjrohx, who said Weinberg got. $32,000 froril her foUr years,OM pronif.sies of marrioge. ejhvk'al coMiAi-i-ss of tliv- (•'olUvge oC Surgeons her.e J'.S. .A.X'ill be- run.-in slow -. detuohs'traLe t(.'fhriiq.ue; Anterii'aii .Utotion. to ■ .Pau'i K.vale. hrpuWr of AI 1 lu; c; at .the OriOntai. is Jioihg 'sup- piirted ."^i.s the sncres.sbr'. tr) tlieir tl.xe late t*oi;?;-resstji;\i\ Minnesota di'y, ..who to.death; . ~ iVither, .Kvalo, - burned :vh.le ( >. .1. '.- wa.i LOS ANGELES .'Kinfiry: il-t^hn.'^on doclured. t»%'<''hip.t -fi.'OiJi aiimpny -in Sii:perior.. Court \yheri he: pleaded - talking . i) h:"id thrown him out of .work, liis witV had 'ask«>d. tliat^ she ■ ye .allowed $55.0. arief^ed'-duiv, ; ■ Suit brought agifinst W;.. S. Gill by 11 r.s. Mlra Talbert asking -$2',00.0' alleged dainages' for an--auto never ,doliy<?red:. to" her- after* "she, had bought it, dismissed in Mttriicipal Court. ' - ■ •; Herbert R. Jack.sbn pleaded, hot guilty Sept. 2r> to lioUywood bu^■•l^^'t- .slu)fi•I)lng;■ Trial; Oct.. 15. . ■ Reginald Wori-enrath has star led suit. in : Supi-ehic -Court to recover 200 .shares of V;;eheral Motors .ijtQck, valued at $14,fi00; frohi the l>-idellty Trust Co. of X. y. which is holding the?.s.epuritiesnow worth niore than $70,000 to Insure^ the...singer's, annual aljriioifiy payments of $15,000 to his fii'st wife,- Ada Werrerirath, who wltli their three children are also named defendants. . . Montauk I.sland Club, locnled nenr Jrohtauk ' Point, L. T., cxclu.sivc orgJiniKatloh, v.ns raided by Suffolk County -pfllcials. .■.and gambling eqiJilpmcrit valued a.t $100,000 seized. -Arrest., of- Earl Willi.nms" widow; Nlrs. l-'lorlne WjvIz Williams, ■ or- dered oh <;M)mpiaiht of three indi- viduals that she obtained $20,500 throtigh repeated u.'^e. of mortgagos oh the old: Itomestead. : C. C- r.vlo settled with, compjairi- ing liuniou ' Dprbyites put Pf .court; .Labor ciiarges.disnil.s.sed. . Bee xrontagiioi stage, must stand triiil: for': being intpxicated' while driviiw. Released wltixont ■V-'ij': after prclimiTliry hearing Sept.- 2a. . Wilhur . Hf>rwie,. 55, - .suicide .by hanging in his P.^sadena homo . Sept. 23. . Last worked in chPrlis pf Coast compciny of "Desert Spnf-" Pfiehds think iaeic of work made htm de- spohdent. Ho leaves a .widow arid son, .' Charging the -alie'n.'itiori: of- her husl>arid's affections. M i-s. draha m White, the former Mtlu-l Levey,, oi' Now York, is . st:irting suit in Paris against Jtuisy l-'ellows for l.tiOO.OOO franc.s. Hl-v husband is lirifish I'Miglit Commander Claude Graham While. ; . Lewis Stone .iiled suit in Superior Court f(»r divorce, from. Florence Oakle.v, t.-harging extreme cruelty. Couple riiarried in 1020. •.Trial this week, ■ ■. ■ . . ■ ^GiRLS FROM FOLLIES .;.(JViutual) - •Nl, the .Slnr, ,1 !r,/\vherc thl^ one w;.is CM irghI. L'riday . nIglit,- the. sliow in fhe.. :.iudiehee is! g(>iH'rllliv belter11 lia n.'(!ie stage fa i-e. Its close |)n.-xi.mity (P -the ; ^'avy Yai'd has. Iptig .slm-e dubbeii it. the ">;aiIors' Hippodroni""' ami it ..Siili lives, tip tiv of.tiie elassilUvifioti:-- . .' '" V -The show.' prodiiePdMjy. I'Jd J liya-M.' Is a , wliiviiinuM'. all •.ariiui.iil a-iid -l'a;r above, liie av(M-iige ,i\i:utiial. oi^era both ; a.s. tp- prhi<-lp;ils. iiud:-produe> fii>i\. • .R.vat-v.-jiii.evldiiinliy oariie's't in gnin.i? afU r Ihe .Vl rrf ual pri-ze. niodey and has- pVdnged • luviyier ^ than in preylou.s iry'aso.ii.-i ou eo^it iunes' and s('t>iii<'-;e((vil)iim'ht.- ; .. , l.'ernie '(U'-ei>n,. eiventrie . (Vitnie, is a . hard wpiikei'--aiid;.gets be.ttei-- re.- snits .-' wiilv.-■ timowori'v .gags -iiiui. Iilai.'kouts. .th;in . Uuv \vlVee.i eOniie.: aiu'i ui>ts thein Tegitlinaleiv; /- \,-(l^u1ys (M;u-k. -atiraellvv'., l)U>ndv with pieiity worth lookln.g over,c.o-.' 'I'eatiVres v.-vtli ■ (Irech: a.s feii turPd soul) iipd desei'ves the .sii(d. . Zona. Irtivai; -.shapely, bruni't. with j»U;,h.ty. of si ii;:. is'Ktvomi' .souJ>. .who works riumbi^rs f(vr! tops ^vithout. c^irifl-ii t.- irig -With' ili.s.s C:iark. Johnny tU^i)sI.>.vV d.)ing WPP. is' seeoVuh coinie wit I. httle , to. 'do .hut shadow .ground fireen, Bessie ])avies i.-^.nri attrac- tive., pi-ima U'illi good .singing, voice .wIvile Kralik MeCprivinC:.straights' to perfection.,; ;-'■''• - ll.vah.' has i.sp'otied. the .slip\y in I'mitine. rt^viie fformuia b.iit has. dis- pia'yPd ■ eiiovfgh ; slu).\vriiiii\ship . to buihl. up '.to a. ^vallop in finales of hdtli parts ratiiet: than Iclr do\yh aftei- the first stanza as of. th<' otlun* .\vheel- shpw.s .do. Cohiet^y also i.s eii.uaily divided jjetween both, !p:ii;ties. ■'.,-■..; ' -V ' •■■ -. -. ' ' ing. to. write home about in-the Com- edy:.! divisiori, there arc;'. lots of laughs..; ;All;£ariuIiars and .ho use of wa.^ting. tiin^ to recdwnt here. The show, has.another "advantage in hiiA'iiig nift.v: lookpi-s in the femriie (1 iyi.sion ahd tliis gpiris f or .chpi'isters .as well as prihcipai.s. The Tn'ig'ade .gal.S aVe :the bp.^t lookers arid uni- formly Ihe jhaju'ly. i)urles(iue ha.s had in- .some time. . ■ Gladys Clark j)lahted:an Jristru- mental; specialty, . a<r(!ordion ' .arid clarinet a.s.iu'pface to a teaser, click-: inft. on both a-rid handling the stall strip , sttifr^ lilie an artist,. Miss Du val also Jhanipulated a tpaser otte; ijpst.of .the numbers .embody ideas thiit .at-p carried out \vell aniv click ais heavily as anything: else in the shoiv •vi-hieli is a eonviricer that at- tractive stage pictUrefv c.ari .still get recognrt-ioii froni tive.g()()C^j patrohiz- ing lyiirlesiMie;- The "ilewels Ot trip- \\'orld.''..whi('\r.closed the .part; wflis - costiniiod;. .grouped.; and tin- ished . endiigU for a. class musical arid drew a. splendid liarid. • The "Congo", numbpiv and riiilitiiry drill wore efiuaii.;v effective: as .Porking stage, pictures. . "filHs .i-'ronv the .Follies" ; has plenty of zip n?id ginger and should prove a top notcher for JMiitiial.. ■:. l:^ : Edlia.. Attorneys for 'JefCersiin Seligmai-r. who is being .sued by Kittens T.-eigliliner for ?1tiO.i)0O'f:ov breach t.f pronnise, delvinir into Kittens' early life- in Canton. (),. s;»y-they find she had two liirlh (••■riilieales'. One d.-ites ])ee. ID, l'fn)2 and the otiu-r l)fc. 10. .lSi»;). kittens -swore she .W;is only. ItJ whi'U siie lirsj met. "Jji^ii^iriariv rrji' irrr " - , YORK ■■■'. A n.iv fir'i nk frierid ,..him<.;r';) so Ml g'.l V" !-,vi.'ar-old . t.l.-ini-'i-r, iodine- ;i-rix.'r t iu'- h.iy hi'r ilie iiir- J^lie.'M live! Claiming .sh^' ordered XoiiV fiiiarts of. .^•h.;nni»aj,'ni' - in ]•^u^lyn XeWliit's ;l''olirs .l.;.-r-Aeri' :c\\\h: at At hi n Lie Cil ,v: :ind Av.-'is'. .sO(.'ked.... w ith' a: $l>nl). hrt'l-. ('Iinrlo'tle .:(' .is finhtiuf;- a \v 1 irI hless i.:lteck ■ rIiari• fi'lei V Uy ^Viiss ■\e-.-<"l)rt.. and ' h;i;s- beV^.n - held, in''^ 1 .aov. hail for tho 'Grand ,lnry. . I\Uss is'Ps-; ;b:it.- and.; .1 'Ote 1 ..'nyvsa, n'iai.i;iger, are h''id in- Jj.iil ea»'tC a>; .juatiM^i^il ivitriesses. .' • .'■'■; ■■ iNT rs. -fi d r'^ A\' i t wer .i p !>f>iii ied n (V hiinistratrlx r-f . estate of iter.; lius^ bivnd. H. C. ^N'itwS'r.. -;':- ;^fax -Fisher gi-anted a permit . (Continued pn page .SS.) to ■Is T l king. hiif youn.g fnincee - to .'{la-tV-'O,-;, -Jtj-v. Waller A,' IMiller,. pas- toi-.- of. tin^' First BtipList Church, vil' ' C^iriMtli, ! .v., was asked by dc'i - C'liiS -i'ov'si,un'. rU'V, .Miller agTei-if to oi't'- (In* and the dea- Cui'-^: l.-ii 1 MiV the resigi-i;i,lion. . - ' Two. of threi- holdi.ip .who icied-.t.o. frjsk ,lJo,-^e'D.-i.iu-elrind - biill^ Viioin in.- HarJem \\liiie lot) .persons \v.'i-'i'; jiKesi'ril, w.cre -raiiglil Ia-- .roii-; iv-rS; u.lien. '' :- che.ek-roiiiii. .uirl Sl.•i^^•>d. ■': - . ■ - . ., Cprisididated I'lliii , Labora{bi'ies, fTliidiP ;a l-'prt' L'-K X. .7. w.'is de- f.-ti:i'yei] .by fire. : I'l.stima ted (I.image $li)i),()fi'i. Firemen srf\-i'il se\-eii lilin storage, v'lirlts. ^ \ (.'•d]e.;e of Iho aiMnrUUieil two City of courses X Y. has in i)lay- j l.'.'.'kskMI. : X, Illi-U'llrcrs V''i.ti'>il .^riiid;i\ pielin-.v; y.. '■ vilt-t-iiv. - l)i);ird for 1 r.'.'re.riMidMi.ii: now .banned. ' 111.1. CiilCACiO ' .T.uiV's' .Xfariin'. l.-ibor<'r. .shut ;up Ronii'ii lhn. rii.rdlioi.ise betwo'-ri Cjii^; cagf) and/.lolii'i. 111,. wh.i'U he went on a, s.'riiiii.-ly wounding, a' patroUi -T.wrp soldii'rs, A'ine Cliii'.igi) ;uid ,]o.-; 'ph •nf Ttomeo of t.'ook of .."<i>w •riiieipies und practice, to / i'ot'k. liave C'jnl'e.-^ed comiiliclty in Burlesque Efficienty Barihury, Conn., Oct, 1 This, year the Lyric at 1.5ridi port, playing ^lutual h.nrle.Sfiue, 'making a pla.v for 1 )an)tury patrbri- agii through advertisin.g in a local ))aper. ' . ~ \ 'ip" u n ti I'H hv: la tfrr' part': of- last week S^liding BMly Watson's show AVas. adv.orlised as. tl\c current at- Iraeiiph. .'. Tlia t .show Ivtaypd ' the. iiivufte' the" s^erolid \5'eek. in. the sea- Von. - ; -. ■'. .-, .. ■■ . - • Oivl.v. 'three changes.- h.-iye ]ieen. , iuadir .-,jn-' l.'.je.. show . line-/of; the {.id- vpriiseu.\e-;v,t sincp-it wii.s piaced. ■■ Burlesque Erigagements . a\li|VH'l. AVIii'li'V .^•ouliret-lt^. willr :Miisip 1 fox-, stock,'. ];urfalo/ ■ . ' " Mai'gio I'ehnelti, as bxtrti;' attracr. tion with i'.ijpu .^loek, Pluladpiplila", Oeorgi'i Southern, .S:Ouhrettpi. .li'.ft liiijou sLPck, . I'hila.dcrphia, t.p ..join " -Review!.' iual-|. . JVfMy Sliaw replaces Miss-South-;. I'rn ill -I'hilly.,' .. ; ' ; Stock in AVest .end ■ The J<:n(l I he:\l re in Jlaijlpm Is—go'lTTi^Tt^rfec'Trnri~a'M:'XiTO« lioiisi'. ■ . Harold .llelvi.'i h;is taken a .lease it will-open in about t wo weeks. . Watson's .Gag . - Billy \\Vaispn's pi'oposcd revival of; "Itei-r Tr'nsl!' as gng revue for IjioaUwity is oft and cold. MOULIN ROUGE GIRLS (Mutual) Without .. backing iip of house stot.'k, house; Koubs and r.imw.iy gals it's going to he just too bad for this «ne. Thp house brigade put it over tor the .show at the Irvin-g i'lace. New . York, • Monday, riiglit. Without that stnipprt it would have been a tamo .affair, , Too ba(l. t<)o, for .Toe Cat.'ilano, producer, has been around burlesque long enough to know what a real show is. He's, in-bven it in pi*cvious yeai-Si hut seehungly. didn't give thi« one niucli attention oi* either swung mtn-vllTTe '-vviTh; The--G figuring ariyihirig. is okay for Mu-" tual, , .■ '.. -x;-■ ... " The Show's- ian '; all aj-bund Weak si.ster' save• for Jienny Moore*, chief coniic doing .yvop, wlio . wbi'ks likP a Trojan. ' '' .'. ' .'J'lie house gals. Pe.ggy Re^ynoldis JUKI. Gertie. Forman,. outwiggled tl\e trpiipc'is hip.twisterjf by a riiilo and showed.'t.h.ehi itp .plenty in other: rcr spects.. The show's priricipal'danibs, to.-a.ser.'-!.; and ■c'vcriV.ihih.g else w.ent- bliih,. Tliis sliow will certainly rieed plenty of-jackiiigvup, Kothing in-co.mcdy and riotliihg in; /niimbei-s to have it riiakc the gr.'ido. Unle.s.s the. dowjitown ]A»ruscrs be- c^onie confused a'M.d' fi.j>-ure Johnny Weber and. ■•"Shorty" .McAllister. hoiKse con-)i<'.HK of tlie show in.stead of of .the house. >:othing 'too fovle h» their stuff oitlier, Blackouts and skits cre.akod from the radio bit to ;tli.i-- fin.'ile. . -NS'iLh np laugh's-,- no 'gin.U'4-y prin- cipal dtiif»eh and a; lac-k.-idaisieal jJ k>Jtll.LS-_.l.h.l.!SL^sl.vo_W_:-l)ro4epis licienl mag.netisiiv even for the miri- iiig town.*!. - - na(l it not Ijcon for Peggy Rey- nolds'.s i,.kp(i ■vveavijig and sem'i- slri])'stuff most of the l«ob riiight have run, hack to the box office. \ .'"Whai's tlve -mattev with • bur- le.s.|ueV" - ' . This one i> one of Ihe answers. Chlerrgo. ;<')(•!. i ■ Bi)nibiiig -i)r Hie:.Academy■ the- Hfy'sV blilesl: liou.s'^s;. un.j- -i:nvir playliw hiivlesitue, drew atI'-ntiori last week; to a tighterieiV burlesiiuQ si tliat ion. at Miidison and: ;u;;,,,^ .| Sts.:;oii; the iiear^ ;M-est,..f*ide./\vii....e tluv-Ac;id(Mny, .Star iiivi|i(;;irler.'^^^ .H;(yninrl:eh-..nil lUii-iVv;h(Ai:ies^';ir(y ;gi'(iUped. within % block..' ■;:;-;.^'-./ ' • :•]:;<)> \ ■ llg^u res;-. airi prig -; t i >V Ihr .>f, ha'ye noL.hj^t'ri .plea'iing'liiiel-y;. -^clidl.y ■vv-iien the- .^Academy ' ivp \y\iU girls .'and the. ..old liVrli^ '-^^t^ April juid began cutting, in i.a 'ihe' iithc.r twV). -.:ViuV-.tlie^i» wa.s 't.-ilk i vyi) w;eelvs ii^o: .of ■ii. .piJi'f.silile. ViUi'.M-nj.c'nt auioivg-t-hci'(K ; :a iiparenijy Xhi- in,.,,t.^ liig.- if it, ;U)pk ';, pUiee;^^^ : ib- tibliilng.;!.! ' ■ ;:■. ' ■-.; .'- ' 'KliP- .At-'iideiny .ex'pli-ision ■i'-;i.fiYi', as' ^pivlroris vyer.r ))oiu;i:h^ .ai'!.>r thV lasti i^hirws at - (h'l.y'e jioiis.-.-:. ■imi -ill(.e.\\- th,eri'\' inio a. ;iriot;it -1 li-iiaglit' Put; ..ppllee-. reserves.:/ -The: :l).iinb,: )>laeeU at ;tlie Aea(ieriiy''< ;staL;.> .do.,!-;. Whiph . factv<; tlvp: S.tal^ anil; t ;.M-|;.i-'f['- - sia ge . en:t rj i h ee,. t o i;p' . a pa i; i - .p f t iie A^H>'!criiy's rear- wall <ar J - seat pei-.foi'iiiPi's; (if b;ol ii liiuis^^s. seiri i-.Vi'rim I'roni. .' '.; dressing • inioip.i;'..stilt, tniclad'; ' -.['.'''^ .. Is'.- ;.H.- - Binrge'r. ''a.-ge-t!l .f t hf»- A(^iidniey.- hlamed t he' 1 ilast oli - hii-f>.ii r;ick('tiHM"s. .-' Says Ivi.s I'l-ii^e ivivil- Th'iMi. threatened .sevei^il itiiries,'-.siiic.e liis lipiise weht turic;. . Aciijleiu.V is piierilted indepi-nd-t enl ly -aiid i>rodyeIii.g it.s own. sli.)w«. with a 75:'5i)-3b. scale, and S:itunlay- mididght_ .Shp.w ,\yit|i; $^. top. 'arid. Garter has sanip rates; 1 lay- riuirket slightly ib\vei*.: .' and Garter shows • ihterciiange . ; vvitli; Rlalto, loop. tHirli^sq Lie hoiise. ;]»oLlv being "pikn'ated by . local syndicate. Haymarket books -^TUtual. unit.s..; le was rpfornt target cpunle of year.s ago, but censors passed. .shoAv ;i3 perpv'lssible aiuV ha-vp let .hui'les.iiiie alone-since. - ■:.;'•' ;".''., OK SHORT CHORUS UNE •;Oiit. pf town- ;on Mutual' \y.heol,: e.«ipecia11y tiio«P nPt flanked with hou-sc . civorus cnspmbl<>s. a.r^ srivtawkirig ibud and often pn the shorta ge of cllprilsters' in.\ in coin Inf? sh()>v.s ri'»any nptifying circuit iiead- quart.ers iinless .tlie shows' eari'y th'oi ■reciuireiV 16 e[iiis they'll idediic tvala fpi^-'the absentees.-' • With this season'is. tilt .irt the •Mutual .giiai'ahtee, the girl :shbrtagp is especlally einbarrassing".agailist the of better shows for^ thu raired fee ' which has tibt .iriateriai-- ized either./ While ;Mu tual -he.Tidnii.artprK is/ seeii-iirigly .s.'vtlslied witlV. the. early- seaspn' start of the. Wheel shpws, some of the house operatoi-s have a. different story to tell. Outside: th© with a cheap operating nut, the^ regulation wheel -.shows have been, unable to .«»tand up with- out h 0 ti se ■ ass 1 st ail c e Wi t h s t oe Ic combo of. .principals , br run- way en-semblei^. • ; Something's; got to lie (lone .ahoiit, burlesnue if it wants tp .'iiirvivv the curreiit sea .son, according to vots iit -til?Lt Jii-ari;(lh (jf sh .Ijusijiess;.;^Thri>. hit anil rtin -variety of sl)6w.s' have siirVlved bit the wheel in pjist are'.iK'teriiig '(ui^ be- cause of ■.sii.iiilarity 'pf. e.Hch -sliow'-'t'i) the'pthpr.. ;^ .. .. . ' :■ Tiuj. uridi-fi ping of; tlic fpinnies wa =) ia-. clicker .si.t- years ago wheiV thp. wh ecl wa s b rga n ized; psj >pe ia-i 1 y w i t K: I'tM.'tlvpn cpivi.petit.otS t'()luhibi:i w'hf'ct. liot: gpihg f(nr the .som.i-strip s.iiii^ h. Ut- di*e>!sirig tip the. dani'es/.'iiid aim-; i.hg f'or a ..reiiivpd-.'j.hpw tha L .piV) ■''■"l- :a..biist/'' '. , ■,■ ;.-,;■:'■-'- Ghi pporihaii Killed; for ^ Telling J^atirphNpSearts- ■.' ' ■ - Chicago;;-o.'t.. .l.- Charles. Jrell; 50, a (hjorman, w i -: killed nd Kdward liivhai'll,, 1 '.>, \\ wounded Sunday .whei-i; a ci.i>toi..---.'' wont wild in tiio ("jpm-tin-air.', bni les.(:i.llO_lLO.USQ--:Lt_d.-il-)—^i^„Sl;ll■^■■,■'ilk'Ll^J;^ f The patron', Sam Barcirp, p;ili"d >.. gun when told he'd have; to sit if. the balcony because there wer-- ii> more downstairs seats. ,) l>' is 'a-'i 1 by police, ' . Connie St,.flair replai-"d l-'r-i/i While as runway principal, Colutj.- biu, New York, 'Sunday,