Variety (Oct 1929)

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44 VARIETY VAUDE HOUSE REVIEWS Wednesdajr, October 16; 1929 PALACE (St, Vaude) Islvr vvicli t.1v vI')c-U-lik'- Muff. j;.-VUt- f'U'iii'jl ri'. linruiu'if witli .S»»Vfi';il f'lrili;''' ■ ■ A'llli'.Ji."'" t-UltH j spuMiity til • iiii'<u) :v- ili .^la.;i''1 ; Xh it fi-i'Mtx rl'*'>iV';.T. Hi: >"nvo ; of th ' t'i.>nn:if ''I -.'■■'j^iTn. rKsnk.- Itj'o.Hi.s • •>::• i'> i"i>: ■•IJllII'li)*; ,j;:»t-'.:;>'(Vi;;::,'l" S'.^r •►.•a t.^v>.t'ir ! ■ ■' . • i>[ii.ii;tm'S:i. ; . A^! an-the ciiie-stion: -JJut i«: It vauaLvviile?" ' . Ari oponirifir rt.Pt that rvin.^.-fi!", mir'- •utti'S', JL- oohvody turn, uudiju'j-" f'-'.il- MjstiiS;** .iU^t; iiuennissji')i), aoi-oftai- full-.■<.ti\^'^•' sketch und: ftri-.iVly. Ols»*n a.nd .jolnis'iin. ' .; . , .• ■ • Si'X.-liivt.s <i)ii -tho Pliiirt .putsidv'1 ttic luu)f!c luilf ' i:i i^utut da;; holli:lu.y nuitinP'(^ xvi.tlj fi)Ot!)ail. UoU^ ecs u.Uu)>t;ain!ili>,'. ': ■ ■ It ct.'rtiilnljr . i.-J . not: ;s:!VU'levill>S- If ' rhf:it> is iinv. r'.';il nioaniiii? or'tWul'?'; .S'Mis'- ti» t.h>? ^v.'or'.l; Ajid/ jv'f^ul;dl,*'.s.-.-f <<i' riniinng- tiVtiu. .■ sijc "art?5 iir,o luic ' eiiiiii«h .for (I bigr'timd Wll .ana I'i-U- : aor> $;|-top prices.;.- '• .■. • [ Irc-no Rich.- 0}>?fn. And ,Ti^hn«on I a ad, t'j Kuhif e:itftn;;' l.losita ' And ^ tj^p:r..^Il(>ini;^^ \ <li»n'» f.i) Aiiiiluli' ^'rlt'(^ 'Ij^iid'-. ■ ic.t;-., (ihoi- tiasi; wliivlv iiiicri/ ORPHEUM (St. A/aude) .IjOs AnJTidir-.;. O-^f Piitit-nt . ., v.M.-.j- hi'.v ooiiple nigrc r cIui>^ o> and tli; (iortiilyi'r c:i.n jiirtTut hi.? .-jf-OV" . A un- pjpr. RiiUiow',-ar>>- E>i>, Ji. i?:iii'no.t. 1 o report I'd that OLirron.t . pi:oi«;rani .'K porrfua.sivo -Sales ,iirKaintMl;t, .consid'tir(.Ml. iridiviJ'-, ivUl.v. a.-^-a i3even-x1ii.y prirblem or./if a brick: in - tli<> nii-w e'diti.'i>. of piitdlc coivtidwnoe Jt-'K-O is- attotnptiritf; tfti build-'• '.: ' '■• ■ " It iva.s riot iinlil G.Isep jind s.-.n-M j)p*>ai->»d ti,t tiie ty ll end Of .'liie ,. Idll tliai tlUnijs .stiii'tod to• li-vea %)p. | yv .tli '-Prevli>n-- ■cpniedv cfryrts - by iCur.-it i .b^T><' and V'ogt as part of • the, CU\Qr;;*/ Choo.<4 uiiit fftiS Sidney MdriQn were avidly aljijjorbed. by i\\o. ^iKPlc-fani- ished -coripregatforii but ; w',ere . only ^^ntipasjtb for Tplntst appetites. ■ ; Hurst arid ..Yogt, •\vhose-piitimistie attaeiiment to; .{'om'^ "<)C the 6hU\>.-t gags has bem: rioted, before, now. again laid thp. ancient wiiw.zes^ to end ia .iialve itritlclpatidn of a- laugh galfe :tH4t-. never gp.t.stronger than a zephyr." ■ , 8idn0y Marlon :. 1^ ; .appijirently a rieweoiuer to the Palace;, fie eirii*; ploys a sputtering .Dutch dialect, biit niaiivtaiiis: pace- arid teriipo, and l>y dint t).f hard work and a certaia iri- gratiating kniick'mahaigess to give a good accounting;: '•. Prederlck :fciylvostor . . iind . ''his Nephews Is th.e iiame turn around for Kei th abo u i li ye yeai's ago. u nder aotnewhat different.- billing. They opened after infcvmlssiorij a,.gri'at break for 'an-e ullibristic act. b'ut not more-than l d^Jserved.. It's fi. peach of a no. -Mty, tlVree midguts, and Sylvester, an upstahding slxr . footer. . • . .' ■ , Swift In moveniieht .'and ?taged with a canny sense of show X-alues, Sylvester offaoihg hlri[iseir gfaclou.s- ly, this act is a nedt. fiure-fire anfl universally playable turn . that not only can till buttlegerve.s'a sj)of. • Roslta and Rdmdri. surrounded by an ll-piece j\rgentine Tiplca en- semble, is plass, double. In spades. It's refreshing to b»*hold the smooth and- silken - elegance of . tlie girl in ■graceful cOmbiriatio.n with the slcol Ramon, : . ' Hailing fromi swank supper club here arid abroad,, .although not sti'arigers to the bJ^tter. inuslc hails. Rosltii and Ramon- are orie of. the most acoorirvplished xvlfiva danc-e teams In tho >ufiiries.«<. : Nor' would mention be coriiplete yi'ithoiit allu- sion .to Miaa Roaita'« exri.uisite wardrobe. .Ali o'f which is hell>fi»l. Oeorgo Chdos calls his new unit "Odds and Ends." in exact descrip- tion Of it!} chai^acler. The most se.- rioiis .criticism Would bev on the score of too great length. . A; good 20 minutes eo«Id be slashed for ,th.o gonoral tautriess. . : : • ■ Choos is an old .;and p^^^ hand at this big act. business, arid he has put together this time (New Acts) a revuo of color, charm..and. gl;unour. . omitthig from ' grouping under those adjectives the . sloppy. pointie.<5s .irid unwise: blaclcout en- titled "Gin." , ■ I-'rances (lershwin, the vivacious ^ and aii):.\c(ivc slsd-r of thf- nrothern I fiersir.viii. is ;i ni. V'rtlier of the ' lenyih.s o;is't of "o.liis iuid Knd's." and ii is prt)l^•il>1y.. ho - ci>,lnc.i(lence lh;;i uuuiy of .vli" .finosi; 'dershwin lunt's ar>>- incltidod iiv .(ln' si-orei ■ That sitltt^d.- silly Mutl sonseless one-a.>t piny, "Ask ^'imr Wife.", liy Gef)r;:<' V-yjTe. c'iiiuinu«'.~ ti>. sorvi> Irei'.iv ni''li. \<-hi>- i;c>i.uliiiu's to pet 1>S MEtROPOt^fT AK •*Wi-.«:Ks--D.iilti.>s? Mv'i'rvtj ''ii<l-"' irnjifu- :Arti-st.s). r'ji.Miiit; {i.'^i-"^ th.-ui .-!>!) ■ Oiln'-. :j;t>i.> liiii^'j'rimliioi.': tiw'; . tliiiVy' fefitt- urd.v. . tii'V ^- »iiil-''. i-vi'' im'i of',the liad 'f.D '.~t ».i:.i. '••■>ri.virJ<'r.i.l».l'>; cuttln.:,',: lioi-iL-e- I/ut'-til'.'*."'" .j<'V> •:• -iiost <>-f :ihe- tiltiI'; ciii' tumod, A.t.. tUW^' iccond Ured l.»..uiiriiite.-i: tn tii^J rilrie sched- ule .vvhirli e.-ttied; for. four slunvs-Sat- ■urdiiy./'Hiinilay and. MotiJay iYprii Kippttr/.- - The .i'*ri>^d'!:ind- rey-.i^-s wlf li,-h !>rp,s,ed. i:,. Iri^ ■p.hviliui: ^i^Vlwirrc'-tuiaKfeiiturT iri^- ej.ilit- ;specLa.ity'. :iii'ls, Xvho. ■ wnujy ^;ii^.^• ■ ;,i;nd. - uiv-lpii-lv-oiit.-niun^^ ]\id.s ..);(;•.•. ..tU, lookers and: .tal-r. eritetl imdlVir.s. .0iris .mil dtvtdlreads ar* sentcii tables tirninsed^ in ifront v.<.:C tU^^ r>< Vf''"»'r i'JtSQi^'Vhpfitra b.roii.giih: pri. shvtj''- «i'.Vd heittly; uiouldv ed irito'.X jiizz ci<ritl.)o- Jiy '-Al J(>'cki'.ii><; Friedlandls:. dirr-rnor..-..-Outs j-a-e' Ijii'triile Etayi^is. jiv^z ttj.e stepper, tiie . Mat'('eil.e. ^''i\-i'.>,, tviluixidi.sts. and. .•.'.Ji-'lly l)»>ait"' Jjyiiiijji)!!/ i.'ol.or'(*il, ec^. eentriO; .Aw. - expQrtly dirocted.,.- r* utiri^-d wa-^.. .v.'ell . reeeived shOvV": Saturday.-" ' -. ■ Qpenirtg' l\old; Mn.K imX. hi.s 'Gaftg. d.-vmly do^-, ai't. ..liiat • get"aw-tvy from the usual".riiuliiuriU., .'!M-i'i.v .wri.rks- with his dogs\ throughout. playiiig leap frog,..doing back tlip.<i antl'hip upia' that are fmmedlately. imitiUed by his fpiir- well traihed hounds, . Xtc flevotes a speriil;!. spot' to a.-contort tion .bit tivat is uriirjue. As ft closer iW doeS. a series of. back flips across the stage--"vvith one pf the'dogs btil-; aricl-ng. Idmself :ori. tlie. fust revolving body. Act iifis' enough variety .to: 6p«!n ariyWhere.'i. a- In the deuce were .Kirby .and Du Vai, mixed ciotnedy team that Avere just adetiuate with cross.; lire . .talk mainly .dealing.with the niari'to hick nppearan.ce and elongated figure Qn the soreen .addition to the fe.i-, turo ^ were M-fr':.M Nti-^'S . Csil.e-nt) aiid P6x Moyirttpne New.s. lilss 'SiVtV urday ■aftornoon about /three-qitar- terfcj dQWnitairs,-. JEFFERSON Owing-to the. length of tlie .pic- ture, " iHltreet (.'.irl'.' • ( UKO>, - Avhli;h ran 00 mlnuie.s. -the iCoitli l/ookel^s- v^,:,]:-"^:^^,.;^.,, n. sent in three•.fiCsi.i.-1!«->nn; Kenna a.nd, :,'> Mp^^iVS: _it IMlot < New ^Ao'wo ).. Hal" Neinian and th« Rooney.s. The llooriey act .Was on^ for 4r) niihultvs :.nd that IielpeJ: .swell the running ti in.?;: i.ookiMg the'Uooney visit Over the wh(/le thing as . it is now. laid put with much stress on the family gag it i* ideal for th.e nejglibbrhpoda where they still ..keeo the albuiii on the table. ' ' . .The ■ iiri.n le v gag ais the Ro.oneys - work it .cii.n't tni.-^::' in the nk?igh.- liorhdpd.s: alsik -si-r ves. as'- an ' alibi! ftU- 'erii-?j>re r.ikirii!;' ; the: dishinir ' Snything but aUilinnce jsaiisfactiort for lliis wV>oU's bill. ■/ 1''"!" a iii>;jdlii>('r-.,:hi)U.-iA fP 're.ich to till' jiici.iir*' i.-.^lony' and n»c ru it IJ li 'Id y. 1 tO!;-i -rs; li.'.tdini! -.15ob ,Il()hniiri'..s C'alli'ornia Fresh;ineri b.aivdv iJuddy. is^!;I.U .tVir. .rh»' r/uiiaritjc'.. eyf.«-. of thu l:4dy folk.s- iiiid .is there with-tile voc^U' .s'tuff. ariil wlth-trprii- b(/ne; c'lu'nei arid ;have. yoi>i [Jii.s ' made:.-.a i.fevv.: aiipC^.-iVfiiv^^^^^^ [ihaiu'e. lipii#i<'.< -in' ■[•la.ii.. doing. siml- Jar - work, . r.>'st- JiVm on ; th^'. biil..~ ihdi'.s sure. -. l>ut lii>i iict dovf^rsn't 111. for the-, top- place fov a . hourfo bUiih as'this.-v-- - ■•'-:,■." ■;;.::■■ '. . Another. inOvie. .s:tarter -was .C.ari. lottU Klngi borrowed from ,M-(.r: •Sang, several numbers ' and .- went over big. \\'as called back ! fi.>r a. cbupl€(. pf /extra riiimber-s and In. contrast tt) -rest of th.e : fiili\ be considered .great- vaud'e -feature : A while back. .this . houiiie ; tolokv ^a tulnble. when it -tUlf^d in . witii tubs- At .it again; . itv looks as if . hoiis:?' vviii: agaih suffur fi;pm .tabitts;- If; they can't dig thenV., uj): I'efter.; thaVi; the biie offered this ;\veek, V , Tab was' programm'ed ** a dififer- . erit kind-of niuslcftl'-revue.'?. 'That',s- ri.sihtv "It. W;is different. ' Aiidie.nee could 'iiave - stood -.stifl " -another ciitirige;" joeAVllt.(in /iivd Ilex \V>M)er are'ible. .They "diib .it '^Dixie iif^oUles;'''- >-";-.:■- ■■ ■ . WiltOn dpes Ih.e str.iight, "VV'-ebi^.r. the. coinic- H.ebe; . \Vlltbn pyeiMloes the. master of' cerenibnies stuff, es'- 'pecially. .aClyr -. th«i .vtirst . two.. "riurii- IVers. -.whfi'iv Ite "coiries oiit wi'h a' spiel Ipr inoi'e ;ipplause for "the girls and boyt>V And he means -it. toO). •.. Audience., hPwever, liaiVdcuffetl and. he bui^ned. Th-e oppner.s didn't offer anything-hut ,ja.. fe^v- Jpe ^^lil- lers,- Which oiiUt got. over with the school cohtingeht in the, and. some y.ievy brdinairy; chpvtvs:w,arbl.riig arid tappi.n.^M .: "-'.■--/.-. :■ ~- - Jean. Rarikiri . arid her 'Blu'e Bells, riiore- band .stuff, got the. beSitr rer ception ;lri the tab. , Severar other specialties were a little, better than fair,: - Second" honors ..went to a ti'ip of -toe • danceris; Dorothy .P£tr.deri, Ruth- Thouiaa "and- Jean feehoell. Wlltbtt arid Wobifr in their old re- verse Eriiilish . vehtt-iioiiuist. stunt pulled laughs at -long' Inte.r.vals. Weber played the. dummy and, sang a couiile of ballads with sitille.dHps, humor 'cpmirig from the voriatlona of :his .dead pan as he trilled.. Tab not strong enough to lipid 'threi> nunrter.-? .of the program for . bi.g tiriie. Might, be hope if the first two ' scehes were -discarded . and if show were allowed :to ,speak for i^ self, a-ather than ■ liave "VVilton do so .inucii'master of ceremonig.s bal ACADEMY ; (yaudiRIm) /. Hard tbiiiccpurit-for iapiyearancie of up - of "'The .Dauyhtor b£ Kosie 0'(:!'rady;'"' ' ' . - . - ■ ■:.■' • Con; -Kenna:. .and - Pilot .. Abt awa>' to ii,.'slow ^ixart that :picl;ed up sti't^ngt'ii-.u' the tirii<h..- . • , ':. Neimr>n a.< : the tramp .av.Iu> slu.-^.t '.-.rill t".i!:.-: did weU ;.ori.: senr prid. anU' that, d.->writiv\Viv: bunch- se'.'-tri-Ml to H!t»' his sty le \:ery nvurli. Il-Kii'' ;;>;.is r.-nMiinn. t HAMILTON , ^fVaUdfili^' s"j)<.'nc som>^ in 1 :i :1ii'ighl)ivrhi;pil. stand i ing or maybfi the I'px people are on the. trail of a Giipit il bi>oking wrinkle. Hhytiim- Idea wa.s' the. nearest thing to nu:-.s on this perforuiunce the rinciiori &. jvr.arco - p..'Oj)le have so f xr sSi«ni east, Maybe last week; dlsorg.ipiz'd I'.i^ pei'.-^P.nncl, .working; art It did with the. hoiise. troup. The' jirib wa.s .listlpss arid' pri.-c-islori stuff pi/or. Aet:if>. riic<-"'.ly-cli'i'-s-^ed ai^cl fls .-.ettirig.s ai;-.'' sightly, with; a; . dandy tl; 'iit.tlie '; • The. liveliost-*pi- t:pdes were;-the "Breakaway^' ritipi-. ber by initi{i:et colored girl, Jan* nolt.e- rVin>>^ ,. ;Viid tViV- ' rtM aor...iIjjit.-i:p.s o ( . (,!orinlej- aiid. \Vea- ver, i|up of cpjbred boys. Idea; .hits a -pepiry 'iiiiisii! .with the girls dPlrig- erisem l»le-taps; eai.'h girl mo;iirit<>d bri: i\ dririVi- .head;, with • the; ..bacMvvdrop tlying £]. prottJl-y posed, tableavi.' • ■ - -The i''px- l>refei:enee fot;. .the revue I) .)f eyideiit in. this .shp.W; whicH op*^u;s on the six-person skit. "Ki'd-- ding -LMiiderelki,'; AVith; Ida 'May Sparrow, Act, is in. effect a sottig .aiid danee .fliish ;revue wUh; a, fainf .story thread "to '■ hold • thcf .song-and-. tepping. spoc.iyltie;«t .together, arid, a Very neat nirrangeirient. , Poppie are npt: billed here bift.'ihey ,fire, tv'first- rate tenor "^lead, capital; daricing cPriiedlati, arid, ii da-ridy'grbund turriv bling Ipw cPinie.' ; Aypiiieri- are Alis-s Sparrow,. so:ubr<?t arid a glniierly .in>: geliuei. .Tririiiy-; an'^arigl'd; •serie'.i sohg^ and dfirie"? riiimbers: floW sinopthly, .with c.Onlif'dy bits "to. space tlie cli.anges pf: bpsturiie.". (i.pc-s ; Ji minute's. to' a. firsjl7.rate'. lirifile - a gag- lyrjo: about a j;i,7,j:. bridal- paiu ih jazz, iibrieympon flat. -■!.'-;:;;. = v Much to recoriinienrT this Ko-'c idea 0f " opening !a .specialty, 'bilI w'kh ai high speed niiniber capabio. pf ixcxt-J bilhs of iil.ce gradeV It. feet.^. the stage : !^ritertaJniri'ent .off. to a "fl.virig .start and tiie: problem, of miiintainlrig. spgeid isn't s6 great in an Itbtirwand-lva'lf i^howvhet'iveen fea-. tiire-irurinlng,. as" it : Is in :a ifornia.i thr<?e-hotriv;spec.i.'ilty.bill that hoifi to' start lbW find, clinVb tb lUgh. •" ■ A .i'evue to operi arid a: reyu^ to .clo.te,, li'f t only. the';mtdiille spice, to be filled.. Here" they; spotted- Bpbbe and; Nelson, /riV£^le \ singing .comics, depiendlrig upon their very different cbvriedy. style" for pac.e^riialvlng cop' trasts. -..They tnad^.gOod aljundaritly SO: long- iast thfey stuck. to thb comedy of;iyrics arid-bii.sirie^s thatwentwith the wordfl, but -wheri tliey ci'Osa-flred the . let-down was; tlblefiil. - The smaller of the pair has: a great'cprii-: edy style anil .a voice' thiit gets ■'ein with.seritlmentat ballads like "Little Pal."-: Partner's iuu-le-saue that £bl- lowed. wa.s good furi But the bald swa!)ping of frags: hurt, Teti riiinutes ;t£Fl5en out for. the Fox ballyhoo on "sale'of Its stock, a MovletPne projection of; a moriolog ,sales talk by J.;iwi;ence. C'iianJberv lain, introduced as <i banking expert Pine dj.gniiie.d bit of business ai'gu- nient, briskly deli.vered, but dpes the show no spf.eial' good; , • . / J'J.'ceel le n t.. oyer cure by this; class orchestr.i groui)' iM^fi .medlb.v of re-^ ceivf pi|;)s. tablH>d-^:Iiit.< -of 1920/'-Ml wlii.stleable".l>lt.^ iu the public mind. Fox" Movietone Soun.d New-J' •and the . lisnal talkiri.;^- short but in favor , of the .j^tocU purchase tallc. RIVERSIDE <ii; - the on i>er8rtnnlinv.^.'v.v.^^^ taui spiM'^Ii.. .riiaruv lowards Ikm- ' two iisrii-il;\rii;<-rMdsvin. .li'roiiix- atid > Harolil i;iliPlt--: WPiiid dscrihe to the j geniMVil , inept i.l!.ide ; of the . siietch' ] their atrocious; actinic. ;MLss .Rich i now refer<> to the ' si "boy.^". in her xict. In the general lethargy of a Uill i • th;iI was left-handi'd from the st.iri. | C)Isen .iirid' .1 i>hnson \\..ere :f.-i r.- shi>r.i. of their acousto.irii;''! ;s'iii'i'es.^,-.d.''spii tiif^ -higji -glee AN lib rer'eived.'. lV-U'.ireAVi;H lliiV'': w hiiii they i-" to do bolter. Ti. lic.i'ily th.f " wlVoie ,iii'."'riMr ;l;Srtf)-.-.t>ari^-,-;---l;.i.-; .u.t;.l,'-M-;.:;oiiv' Vi^iniii' A).f some s'U't 'ii' 'Xf'pthi'V; leavhi.!?.a; stitisfactory - sigh','. .. .^h.ould 'count wltli tlie rit'iufhbs,; j I' h'llt bill held; d'V.viv to but : threi"» turns.- ai-.courit (if ov iM iiine. "of i. feiilur.i". "f<t,rei*t; (Jirl " t.lVK {) >;. . Mii.yo :'si'<;rii>-to-":l'>av.e'-i;iei».ii pi.ek.t'il 'uii \ ol her Iv'ilh hou;-se;j; uuih-r same oii;- I i''uri)«'»'"^. 'tI.' • my: tk-v •l).;u,, a mOA'C .rapid, pi iy.-.: I ; Uf -.fclif)i:t; ;; >->"i;'>:j'>:; St. : "•'l;vir . .-iiid Ki,-(ftii- I .All O-AV I'l.f-.. i U■>»f^ t i.'l \\ i I i llll (i» .-il't. ili->\i<lt)p.|U';:'tVt it i«.«. •■ '. ':.-vf 14f\ vviM^k -;-.'i'( -■ l-.iti'u -J lio. 'liiliiuie.-.; i.> ■■' . (Vaudfilm > , --^iiitpn iti'rfe'ji- iiiiit. .:;(;<> \iii>." tlie' n);> jop iioriiuri i>i" .show for (lurreiit StfUe. . Unit . run . 'riui^•l^ diverfjity... f.iid siiappy d-mi;-, ihg. .I'asijiiali i trollu'r'* pri'f.ici^ ^\ iih >low)i stulX ^uid thvu'aia'pb;tii.'s u ■ iiot overvbig.. ''■ ; • :.;;'■' ;• A. f.ii'Kl.ii^-. utilt Willi .a' tri;i>.::..- >rr '.Vt.Mi .Witli tuor.; •h.!'!-; ii-re iljilii't .;-J>|)in.i itiii'i st;ig-.-' WlJliiV ji,.ii.- j:^i-w nki'si. . I'hli- fiir. this uini e \ |i"r liMii;e.' AI - Mot l!'«''\i' f)h. ih'> :'(ii4lrlli.' .ilid .yet- ri.i!g a--ro-i-^ h iiiili! <!i 1)bs. i:IrI ■ ■ ■ )tu> -ii;: -.rua;' flit' iii.. .-,p.i:. pr->\'••I' T\ p.. idiMit'. V • ibl ' , ' - S:-\ ■ ■ t( tU.-. hri'.:i»' ■->fM-.VV I - I'li'-'^li-iuli .and •.'i v:i';iii'...A\'i'i'i' Jlf■-^■!• '.■^■i'^.•ii•: 1- ipiil-^fif'^ gii--vip.y ■ y.iriciy; ; eU'i'Maining I t<..jt!>'- »--in iis.> • -i •.i.'. •.'•1; ytil.-linT ;>;ii-.'i .ijoin.'|-si>i,i I - j. 1' I ■ juh tUM- III . n ' .i; ■for 1 !i>rli''s.I''ddii.M* ^utiii ; tiiiti. H<t1i'. ui ■ r.'-i.'fi'i tivi" 'nV-Vi il- "tieis, riiosili d.-ii(i'iiw. ami rrl. the j J''!i adagio,.-d;iriciT-; r.* tlfi'-li:ii*'>ii-: hUi ■ JJe'rlp Works in .i in-'-i vij. matunT and I'l.-.i-ri- .blKik'.s in. till'. I'anior bil thi'iiiigi\ tinnai - plt.vsioal resi'riiblain i^ in C'atiiov a.- > llousi well ii-' a l)ri; failhfiii suuly by o'f thfmannerisms nf y^lfUM'ld'.- .-i u .oll.m.-; : - A brigade, of l- ^Vfll-trained pr.^-! i.".\l ii.i.' cisiiou daucev:? alternate \\ it!-, ti.e -io-ver; .u' I ••. -,v ; ;ti.> i .v. i' i>i:'. , ~ I ■ .spiMi.iir;, V •:'r-'il.;lli n;i. rntii '. '[•.'' tU' lii'i \ ;<-U)-=;' . .(.r .ri '. • -bi'i' ri ii t -u'ith business on a 'Saturtiay; afternoon and a hoViday at that, And nice :weather. With half the house .vacant at'2.;30. It lilled fairly ^vipU fpward the 4 o'clock iyerformarice', ljut that's not tiie recent o;spect.of the.lOox 14tli street. - Reason aisslgned w«f t"^" watching;W'prld's -sei-ies score boards or rad'io. listening Ji;irid;Wbirien i)re occupied^ W'th fail :sliot>ping . oti a day with riipst sipres .Closed; ; . Sprlghtl.s- entertii-inni'Mvt in the Fo X " t >• le. W1 > i c i I ui«\v ii s 11 eavy on the; and:; dance ircViie thing .Ai;ith:si)rinkiln.U;bl" I'l.inedy speciiilty It miule a far.t arid diverting frame up; " "I-ihick IkVatch" tlv<>x). horo;ihi week, arid top lirio dividoil betw6;en icriille l"5oroi» and- the Fancliou and IMarco '"Pvhylhm" Ideri. 'Knbug'h to reiiort that Boreo.;b.u'lc from .1'!«ris 'and with a load r>T -ii^w .stuff, notably, a trick lyri;c Iciddi lig the ta 1 klrig jilc- turtS was one adult-sized riot, do- 14 niinlilos ar.d begging off in tluV 1iriefc:;L .(^iirt.-tin. :spepch .. yet. Coin l)le t e; te.Kt' i'j^ I'T"! i a ii k y o t;v;f o'r.-1 lus- rec(*ptibn. You're "wonderful: '•' Here, and' now is sianed a movement , to. get ^t.i\ IVimvt I'lie red riblKUi of .the Fi^ri-ioh iiegiPri .-. ;^ Odd! arrangeiiiont for r.i.>rep here. The ]•',.it M. lile.-i had lieGri.rUnn'ing Hi) iriiimie^ \\ hi'M thr-drop "closed in ':':oi-ie--'';-iviwV '.;i - ' ^^hVi's ...m;' .:<^.v - J la-y .Si.riua'ls. .'aiiiiomi(?i-il biiji.- ..lit-;, •i11 fl' h is'' .1.1" .11 ri.h'u 11's -.r i }ih t. i ii; tli.e h i i"d -"., lik- 0c;'tlie re.vui>, W'hifh '' pii'Iced.:;u.ii.-i- ;iis runriirig ^vhereift-h.'.iil left off. aiid j wcril oil -aiiii.thiT niiiuili.:s-. ; . ■. si-ii('-tn<» isiig.iifsitf-pDssibii' ii^e pfi'i'i iiirl- ii.nit' roviii- a-^. Viairki;ri!tii)il.'.for ii wh.ole svuM'.iah.> ;l>ill iiftiM' the -man- | ii'cr'fif .M: .st.a;ie,;bMnil i'uni.n-ipriiiig; l>e.r hind a s^arlviy piHicraui;, III thi>-ca>o it ... \s'i.»r-i^"eii ; nicely ' -beoaiise . th>"' - "i''|iai.tvi> t^biif'is'' tMMiiiMl.Jiui-,songsii'r I iVll liilii ii rii.i'i' !<j>iii. As it Wp.rkcil out.' t h .1 de,'.t: prhve. hi iri an ;it l ra c t i'\ c |-.selting rniil ;iiis "hi.t Co.ntribui.-.l ; vastly to the cn-^eiriblo efl'i-ct of ihe [ ld»'ii, l'iupn'.-'sipn..lreing. coriveyed tl.vit hi>-Was' ilu^ staV iff it. ; . a< j Si'hi-'iii" of T^j-.iat ^ir.U a ^niUVi.v' net- ii Itiish. STATErLAKE ; (Vaudfilm)' . Chicago, Oct, l^j. Or* 'he fi'-e acts only two- beiorig in this yhiiiise. One that does riot belori-j: i< thi'"Skyscrapers' Revue," pulliing down about three grand. It't so bMd.; i^xi'ept'the Statb-Lajce -h.-is been overfed with tr&'siiy revues and. bands; - ■ ' " ' S.i the- 'fiuestion reriiains. , Will western KKo let eastern RivO'ruin tlie^ State-Lalce? ' ■■ . .- (.;eor;:i:i> Stanley and-his . "CJebrgla Crackers." .o4^)i..nlng,- live meri and a girl, just tlvey pretend^o Oiiirie fii^in-^in the sticks. "The .« thing in thi.s poor medley of spn.c.<- jews' liari> nuniber- and hillbiily invitation; is when Stanley sjjtys; "r .reckon it aih!t nece.ssary to tell you ,aU we ain't actbrvS."; . :;I'iTdi??ydei r apd iiTs;u;ci-Pba^^^^ Spottie. re.-ill.v;opened the show, both working h'anl. nnd;the dog's haricT stanilV! on *ydell's hands arid'ariris clicking blcr. " - \ •; ' As; for the next act. .it I.<i likely that it will take the ea.slerri -bo'ok- er.s several years tp learn sa- tires cannot <go. over in • the Stato- ;T.,alviR. . If. ('hick::Sale were Splaying ;with .rV^'iliiam :Xuriri and Goiripany In their .';l>lood • .tiuI Thunder'' skit. tlu\;ai't 'Woiild' stilt Hop. It is not -strong talyc-off On ihi.-' tlieine of the I villain tr'yin'g to defraud tlie farmer I and his v ife. and riii.i-i their daush-r tor uiuil th?"*. Ivej-o . in lerf eres.- • Th e. I .average vaude tiudienre in Chiiia.srP I doe.s not kiibw wlial it is ali abpiit. They'w-tM'f told to hiss the; villain', .n;s in -i"SSi>. so tliere wero .a few his;'e-<.'. - - IVA'it.i ..'liiil Tierin.w tho."ae . two po 1 rh. l\i;iK'IIinists". :iglrl • .assist mtt-.V. s.ive thi' - show, T-IkVs- ure the only liinh;-''PiU on the bill, arid for 1.' niliuiies .l);id-a; big luuise hy.^terleai; - :, (St. Vaude; "W'eir bahiriceil bill,. pAced ' Ini ; speedy tempo for eurrerit Wepk^ Right, .acts with ■ Charlie- Alurray, from pictures but for'naerly froiu " vaudei. tORllriIri.g and ' gettirig. ovei; . in :a .biej" way with supposeiJly insldi> .: st u iT f rorii Hoi I y wood, MU r r ay held ;nWct to .shut, getting latighs inter- mittently..with hh^./clriittey hut.reaHs:; knocjltlirg tliem atwistev with :arv eh- . core;.dance arid-cartwheel;' ; '■ ' ^ .':; :: Bu.sinipss hrutal at the riiatlriea. Saturdaj', pperiirig, '. aritl. Columbus 15ay.. IjOpliied more Hkb an agent, assenihluge ' at a rivoinilng' ,shbwlnfir; for. acts, at the: jpalace .rather thaa a/bx)y:aiidiericev;V . ; .; . .- . Aus.s.lp - and. ; Czcph, mixed . diio'^ ■ opened .and got" byer With a cort»b(^ of..whip;crA<^king',-'axe throwing- ailit danclri.'^, The iri.iUv diii jthe axe and Vviiip manipul.T.tiPri W'hlle the feriimo: memi>er contributed, the hppttng.; A- novelty arid, they;liked tliem. /■ v .'Max' and Hai-ry . NesWtt..cipwned.. . thpir way. to faVor in riex.C. ivicha. with songs, ;\ iristruriientals arid - clowiiirig; The pay bff fPr laughs ' Was the ''Zulu Xidnd'' riuuijber.. wifU boys In .straw dreiises, -thtirnpinig ihr struiii^^nti! itnd Sending over ii travi"; esty huld that rplled theiri.- /;-; -. "Marc "Xdtliai,; mi.>nkey jiriper-son- ritor, provided anotherV rib' tickler especially for -the kid.4. ; .Nathar;3 ciinibirig. over oi'ches'ti'a ".stall^i; boxes ' and haicbriy in .true siiiviuri^ "faslVloi* took . ti-io - Iddsi cork y.-lih. .'eldera- eqtijjlly. bewilderett arid- eii joyirig itj; '; top.'. . ;'::■:• •■" >'/ ;•;■;/■ •. ;-.'.-' •:■: '/■-,, ■ ■ /Iviilijin ; Sfjirtpn : clieRed ; in next ,ppbt witli a. sbni^ - oyeie", . incjorppratr , injg five. ' bu t; g'ettirig' ■■ rcsivl t s With - "Sea Sick'.' arid . ''G.Iad ■; Rag Doll." The "lingo fict'ompany-"' Ing bPtli did the- friek. £iJr ihe;. .sirigv. ' ing. coniedienrid and, sent .heV aWiijr-^ to good apiVliiuse;. \- ::; ;1. Adier and Bi'ddford.^ihirxed. aanca;. tearti, -registered. Yor .'aV>ility/arid class in. a' danee.- routine. of ■ aero- '. batics and adaglb; • :. The ctiiiTtVtfet ; adAg'io^ with tenipr assisted by: two ■uribllled riievi tossing the. dln-iiriutiy& Mis.s- Adler'.'through the aiK like *- doll .provided: a 'Porklng finish^ Grace Hayes .and Neville Fleesoi d'lsb.jnbpped up ;heavy with "Sorigf. Portraits.'? ;. Miss Hdyes . handled : four, riuriibers, all specials by, Flee- «bn W'ho ofllciated at- the. piano,, for tops and then topped again with si: satirical fling-at Mae -West in ''Dia- .riiorid Lil." Miss Hayes' c.acicattire of "Flflriiirig Mae-" is a peach arid- it sla-yed therii. Runner-up "with 'Ch-nriie 'Murray; who' followed for 'ghow-stO.pplng lioriors. Ca,ul SisterH. fo'in- girls. clO-sed with posing, noveltv with three girlS:.- in fleshings' handling the posin.g', stuff, with other sister, prefacing the. groupings W ith descriinive vocals* Combo gbt o \^er. . .. .Edoa. ZIRKUS BUSC^ (BERLIN) .'■-■• -1'!-rlin,. Oct..-?. - . Last spring this permanent .circus , closed cari;v owiri.ii- to hick of atr teriflance a,nd :h..-is: now reopened. It neems doubtful Whether: this', form Pf entertainment ea'n keep a hougd^ oj)en,the whole season in Bet'lin. ; -. In Hamburg the Ttuseh manage-; ment 'has' freshened.; tip its: nrenij. •and: i,s :givirig a coriibirtation pl ei.r-< cus arid vaude at pop prices. Busi- ne.sR . is reported excellent there at both matinee'and evening shpv/.s;: ;Here; in Berlin. Paula Bu.sdi has decided to cut ont the. spectaclea'. which always plojed a large role on her bills arid go back to undiluted ' ^ It n good bill and lilen.sed .a:- house tha.t e.ould hardly, be descrilied'as-.jjMuiiii'il. On the program "Were Tva'"t .Hess With . his l.iorses; ; Roberto "tie Vas- cpn.ceUo, Portuguese rider; 3 Nors-< Bertys txrid the. 7 Wortleys. acrobat.% Two It.-ilitins. Orjand and Mara, spring, chained togiithor. from the. dome of the bin" Id ing to the ring, 70^ feet lielpw; ■:; '■: The star is Cji-drle's Ra^oulet; wiio ; 'Ciairii'.s to ; be - tiie .sii-iiivi-e.^tV ni-in. iri' the; Avprld; Jlis. -climax;is- .eiTri'vincf :.^00 porinds ai;o.urid the rin.T on hi*' ■back,: • ;"- -■• - ■ ALBEE, BROOKLYN . : ■ (Vaydfilmi ;•. ' - ' ; .. ' ■ •-']:;!Vo<)iclyn-.'Oin! 10. • ; RKO's ;"Street .Oii'i:;" pr.->bably wuU ; alibi .pierity .of., stage shows. . Its; i^howirig liere iirou^hf one lung ses.- sion bf laugh.s; and thi' acfompany-.. ing six-^ict bill was a little stronger than it reiilly to In-; . ; .l:U»adlin,e<l w,'i.s' ifur.ii.))-i 1 inu ivpy; foreniost - cbnfendeiv right - iVo.w for Iri^^h-American teniir honors. ]vowi- ney .-has. -made twb; piotiires for Pathe. and j\ ftUr film lianie to, back his. vaude ari:ti eafi' ri.'p. His act . oorisists Of pop seleoliwiis: front the picl iires he' appeare'vl i11. nd . a Oouplo, (if outside 'nunihers, with j nothinn- heavier .than a .Tolson biil- . "TTirl ri'vui* IhoICn ftvH .good entertaiii- ; AVeek hi'fore tlu ' with a .tho center oi" h-.y auii' .oi' possiliilifii'." ii going -ineni li.-ilance nliin.L'; Kl.i'A-lhin Idea vil.i>cd in the Brooklyn t-eii>a- I'VVi'v; :iiuuu'ivt<»il b.v tlirt ho\i.<e chiu-tis -; 1 aiitl-with, IMdie- I'eabody workiniS out front, arid the compo.^iie of^Vet was distinotly agreeable; 'iTi'iv Botyo sei voil !i «;iinn;ir pnrpo?<»? and ..u;i'.- anvi i ihe en.-.em))le was entiiaUy sueees.-ifu;. • I Maybe it w-i;: only a ^-'Virei-h-ni-e . „ ... lad. . Tli'ats - wl.Vit a v.iude "au- Wheh. De'\'iib dived into tlie grand { diericewants: from Vin Irish-Ariuv'i- .1- an P.vertih'i' /iiiii R-l.v- ThM-'ini; niii^- into th.e ol'chesira pit. ;i riot, An.l wheM IVVifo pulled dowu hah' of :a hack curtiiin. tln^y were laying thi'iii in; the iiisle. This .srirl, tli.ousjh, ^^«^lk oiV .t.ips. ' ••Skv>i r;vpi.r,-.' Revue:" f 2.1) • closed. Buddy P.iu«-. f.iir as n.i- c. and liand ordina ry fi.n- a tOrpiece outtit; ' Jack and. K.-i\- Sriah'rli'r.. flaneing" te.'im. with th.e . b'-.-^t work by K--iy.'pt TM.u- fi'-im w ilkiutront. - Loop, tur hi.!;h wherever ,seen. -Openers were Six Ain' rii'.'nv Bel- fords, rl.sley; binind to 'start a; bill witli good p.Tec.'v - Thert .Hyde- and Ihirri'li. ;coiniti and girl, who eotihl get ,a hit irifire thaiv thej- now coUeot, l-ianglis .an- scattered., mostly, se- cured on trick'-ral iristruinent.=» played liy the man. lie has a lias.^o Willi flii'iptnur wings; ,el;r.ri'ii'* . \s ith. ( page 40'