Variety (Oct 1929)

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Wednesday, October 23, 1929 L EG I T I M A T E VARIETY 71 \s-r'ltine a : play wherein po grave A charff* of murder is tried in court amid humorous interludes, only later to twist the . story Into farce. Credit . Mrs. ¥'isk<>-.iaiul her compatiy -rt'ith: doing s6 ■well by the' ' fprmiilr chorus eir.I, wed • for •ft year to a. middle, aged. Jerseyite, Is accused; of kllliiig himi, Sooms. she had tired of the suburban rou- tine and-run off to. Broadway for ,a Ti'eeic. : U.pbri ; return tiiei-e was a, iauari-elv ' The .• hu«band- :is shot ^lid the AYife- .'acguscd..: Ttic. m'tlid teStifl(^s ;.that. Mrs. .Gordon,:a .French, ■gh'l tind- fornier .<.'horist^r,;. had ad- niittcd IfillinS h<?r husband ahd .iliat she had bten. oKered: *; hvrgo" .siuh to 'R£iy. that it -was suicide/. • >. 'The trial scene is fav t-roin; comV plcie,' -in fact .it is.- almost vshoddy, Tlvere - ai'e. six Avomcn, and six. .men ph'th^ jury,' principally ;tvpes'., 'The last to .be sw-6rh-in. .IMrs. liiviiijc- stori J3aldWin Crane ■.:(:Mr.''. Fislif!).. of New Jersey's- uppci: 'ci'iist and. weii ! acquaih.tcd ■ With; :.the .'3Ud},^f.-. They exch.nng.(?-.- pleaFantries.. .The trjiil hccomes i.v mi;£ture 6E - comedy: tlrahia,- Mrs.. Fiske liising; t.o. a.Kk:. qucWtions o£. the Witnt,.s,...'th('- att'^rneys and" the-.bench;-- - ' . . . T)i.o .lirst ballot p.^ the ■iu'ry...i.s'. .ll .t<i i for conviclioni Mrs.-.C-vanb hold -'. jng out. ahd . stating, she .]inow..s Vby instinct - that'. Mrs. ..Gordon' :. 15 not guMty.. .In the iritervening two days Mi^s. Crane-proceeds,to c.aiolQ, vamp and- win oyer' "to her side '.'all tlu^ other."? saive two, the dra'bbed forc-^' niah /and a. •spinst>&i%' It Is- t> nioriilrig of: the ihird day ,that vie^ toVy is hex^Si' arriid a;scenis of curioii.'' mixture.-.; - ;-' -.' '. .... . "SlvH, ;iriske was biioyant .as '^frs. Ci-ane who; believed the tt^tiuionSv of' tiie maid .w-ag . fal.<?:e a-hd.;. Who sensed the hand of .Chaiuricey ^^^o.r-- don, an off stage char.T.cter who. ■with . Mr.s;' Gordon oii.f .of the .why.; ■would, come'into.' the . we.iTth .of his uncle. .The .star. seemed to enjoy herself, as did'iir.Uackaye.. - There were.'time.s \W'hen - her "speeoh failed ;-tp carry more thart half w.ay baiMc iii the hous^, J3flanger:.s,. however,-, is.a place of largo capacity, and the original plans were for; ^trs. Fl-Ske' to com«! to the Avon ..(formerly, the Klaw). However,, thajt theatre Is. set with "Strictly Dishpnorable.*' . All the jury, had: .innlngsTditring the second- and third ..atcts; stahdinfir out being Hallie Manning. .George Farren.,George. Twade, "Vin- .cehi Jarnes,. Cla.ire Grehville and -.W.nltef Klnsella. . "Ladles-' of thfe Jury" is. ho indl- rated hit hut "it should serve \MrR. Fi.ske -well for a- ihoderate engage- M.m omc6r......:.. n.oeky .'Mosby Siiat.-.-.'.-.., -Do.roihy ..Plainer.,... Fr.irik: RntiUey... , , M-fi rjQrie Grey.....;.-; KuKcnl?' Fehmore;.-; ; ■ Mouse Tiirnpr'.... ■'. .. SriU<]......V.-...»,:.v... ;MII)iV.;.;.v... -Oant, GarRaii-. i, . .IrispeotOr lyicQul.nca.s: SicnoBrapliier -,..- ... j, 11 • • i-.lld^ry Arthurs 1 'i, jniiy-Tliirr;." ClwrRc Uaiilv->1., . .. .To<l Hl.n khi >n ,, .1 .Ilia- AiiOorsi>n J;- -Homi-r Ti£;£ ..., .---.11il>l-.v Offloy .;Veio 1?. .Tvlins ntch-.ird 'N'. (inuK. '. ...-..'.JatHfi.s- KullPr - . .Miirif'. ■ViViuiK- ,.'-..Hurry-M.v'ocs ; iUrHpli lliMulrii-ks the sanie Version as current In Lpn-. don in English. - It is. a tribute to the Tiddish.the- atre in general, but for. its box office .ahother and'sadder story. Dramatic a.rid sentimental value if "Jew SUss" is powei"ful enough to arouse any cultured .a;nd i)jgh thinking Jewi, bvit- that type aipparontly stemvi. ta shim the 'Viddish thoairo, - its. prihciijlcs, traditions, and aspirations, if aj.iy, of'nt.-. ' ; Schwartz: outdid himself in this production. .. There .are Thrce..sets- in tlie play, .that w.ould bo a credit Xo ijny-,house on. iiroadway,. ' ..In essence tli.o ' story, of • "J't-w Suss'-'- .Uoais; -vviih' the 'rise and i'all of -an -amazihg CJi-rman Jew- iiv'the l.8t.h c(}ntury,.whoi*e-iinivncirtl .goi'vius^^^ made hihi' th6 virtual ruh r. of , si: kin.gcIjom. .- The -ht.storicat lj:u'l.h- .oC 3iK;h- a .;i.'.hara-.ctcr. .sceihs .,l"o h.ave boeji- .'."'esniibllshed ; someWhOrci , .by .so.mepney but . nevoi- gtii6i\vily - ac-- 'ccptedi . : • -.. A. web of :intrig'ue-^ .and':polii.ii'-al n>avhination« is woven, around .tliis magnetic per-sonality^ .who .whet'dlo.'* the re%rting ."Duke 1 at 'will. - . . ;-'The. .prolligate aiid - .lechoi-ous - p.ulie, .tiring of .lii.s wonien at-cci.virt, di.'^cpvc'rs.. ;th6 ;i)ipus - .and. .ppet-ic .daughter : Pf t?u'.s.s . .who-; had hiivn- hiding Ivei: 'awiiy' from his WorJd,^ .w i 11V. his vniicle, - the Mugufi, i1 n ■ a n - clent ..and - . venerable ■. (j''abali^^tiO' .y.isio.haiy. -It is he >y.lVo: foretells of the ljukc.'.s bvjor a .wtiman Ijrevioiisly iii' the"- . story;; Tlvat ■:P'i;oj)he!5y , . c.onve.s' ''ti'u'e.. .-when-: the j Diike attacks, the; yiiimg girl and.4 i^|h.fp>svai)o.,/^^ or^"'^'."n lute but docfi. WEST END STOCK I. new slii,nt is ihat iluv authi>ro.<>5 has Uanu'.-< 'artvanf;hng fiu- 'a strui;gllng ;(Nati.onal Cptored Players) lauthnr and Uu* huti<r is siru.ijgling Harold Hevia-8 Co'.oroJl.l'Uiyir.* t» pi-t away from then). 111.'^ ImyT In etock at th<s. "West, End thc-atr4»s Now hocnl Ihunt'. An.^i-I.i. pivcs liim tho York, preisented VCrlnie." tUe Sdniuol. ,?)>li'i ! iiv.ono for the Wi aUh\- okU-r l':uv- ^r,^Pri''hl"^.hUo",.^^t'^r^'2^'^^ v'"'" I »H-rni:\n-.- but kvfDs in ' tourh. • Rvn- uucea ijy white .fast at the Fulton, \, .,1, » ii - -1 1 1 ■- n i. • (In oravr ct .ai)p<^aranec) | uollv.Stowart. the ?in-il>l>ii-i-. .stijl has Anhd-beljer l*orterv'......i..i.Bcbp To)^-n<!i'inl a. strong yen fi^r Angola,- but gurs T(im.rhy-Brown. ;. 4,..v..AVrn.:Hh»-^>anl: oh tlu>. looso 'with: stuno . (h'O'vnwloh Woman..>;-.,.-..-,;.,....i.;.;-..;Mury Ji-iU^lns 1 yiUage oiuurittlos - land w^akos :iVp 1 w.itli" a w.ife. the,l"o'iMnA-'r-\'ii>a Chase.' \Yhom bo' ruslird ; to' . (;i-.««i\wii'lt. "ro.-^'iiVi-od okay; All-thi-oc. di>u\v..s liii.iili.i.ig. i'oV -V^^'^P s?'*;".!'I Kivn aniV -'iiUiM-tni.!)tiiv4;- -,hiK.' ooniid'o- -'--r ' - - - V-,- -^-V '■ ■ • 1 ' -^T , t-nm of .,the--gi\;at Auvi-risvin^.iiovi'U :•■ T". one -ot; the oldest -houses in N ew; | -.y „ j. ola "s )i a I'. L.y: 1 ;;i'ss.'>s uli. ' K i^V i.s York's upper :sec.tion,.the \S iV'^t. I'.ml. ;ji,i,ii/i.,,t'i.^^j still shii'k-whh a wii\\ on 125th street, is now^ the homo' of .:rhi>io:s a sUirmii-h and Ani^ola is ;C'; ;aivd .niau'imohy wlu-n! :in. his ouPf*^/ ' ' '■■ , Tiiat \v..iMild. inako' a,-pohri't trf- ahgio woro; it Mot. U^\- .^lary I .a-u'o, sistOr'-of a doad.-pai who is.-li.vini; ... . .. . . . ... - . . ., ^ WitlV-KoivMiV ivis-'suvdio, :' A .hi<"0 ;:ai r^^'^^>'.'- <-V'''':Ui^ivo .soiU. ( oven without-' i.-:h:tiior'ono.' hut- It'.s ; jiing th»'.falluuvii* stiijpod o£ iiis })rido.. , I'ast is-ohtiroly" Ih'itish exoopt for: JiMJiiiotto Sh!'rw.iO. .\o.f.tho di.ilog Is , ol''ur and .intdl.i.i;ihlo ,to middle i wo.^tVn'u-Vs. .'S aro' riirofiiMy ■ .wro.ii.yht •*.-,a'v't ion low ' bt'it rffovli\-e, ' aiiii. iju.tlity' of '.MUieri^atuval t ari-loil. ;witiv(Uit tjruo.^.onuvivoss. 'iMioatiioal liiH^nso. an 'iiuiisiuinsable .aid.; n-lKs 01 thvindiM:, rain, . ;iful i-ijualrry. oC hoavy.^ .suroliai'goil.atihos- - |'l>li»V<\' ■ .^ohiovod niUura.lly by. good ■.sta.'jiiig aiid.\iiv.lvriH>!atio;ni» in ; the ■ [ di.i.y»g.; .' ---^ '"' ; . - I Cooolia I.oftus as Mrs^.. .\VxtV>d, th©'. I gv-^y.-liaiivd -nioihor.. ami .J. Kis;'i;er I Wlvito.-ii.^ ho('f iniliuiV'y htisband-, ^ 'the. i?a,tion.hl Colored Players, :stook ihiit . the promoter,' Harold. Il'eyin, holies, will, be permanent. ' If that lio'pe :,is: siich that -it. can ; surmoun.t .had oftoli . 'iV I'on.vonion'tly h,Hh-r.i.u-d. off. vi'.\ a baok.-. stage: shot. !Mai-y did It but . .^".iri:v takes - the l.ihuno;. deohu'iivg hor dad .such small. jautiience.a as greeted thC' Sat'urday nuit; • then ; success: may away-with oailihg hi,s i:roWn the effpvt.-but oth<?'.s a 1 .\ii,ry .w-;v.ntis Kon. and.-.aftor forlarn hope.'' About-.e.O in air.rtn; tl'-o llrst floor, mixtid. audience;..with .iho two upper tiers empty.' And .with ri mat tpp of OOci this afterriooij gios.s wouldn't go far in Trtaking the gliost the hoalfiiy person he should lie on pa'y ,dii:ys. - ':'; ,■ '-' ■'.-^ • ■■ This-, is. .-th6 second . Week: The. iuiitt.a.l -\'ina'c'i>mo.s told hot- - siir' oould.. g.ot' nvjn.'dor; and now - slio's .bUiff;..- Vina "-.soivsos .that. ao- fho ment- ahd then shti ■nnll ceed -with ;her repertory- likely pro- JEW SUSS - (Yiddish) Maurloe- Sohw'ai^tz's. ■yiOfllsh. Art Tlvcatvc l>rf.scht3 irah-^latlon frorh I/ioit I'>uch- -wanprcr"s pltfy ot: sarno-name In thren act-": and four scsencs. .Dlrcclloii and ■YltliU.sli vOr- .ilon hy Schwarl!!; p'elllnRS by nnrl."i Aron- 8on; music arr.lrigea by GcorKr Turllcr. At ■ Tldmph -Art Theatre, Nc\v York, beginning Ift. : ' -. Karl Alexaridor, Duke or -U'url;eiiil|prpr ; Mflurk-e S'.hwartz .•Joseph, Privy Councillor- - '. ■ ..Samuel Cfoldonburg CiohcraV Remchihgen, of War Loulfl "^N'pisberg, JPhilip ilrlhftlch TVelssensee, rro.s. o£ • Church Council. ...T,«ldore Ca.-?hKr Johann Helnclch Strum, Chief Soo. Of Kstatos ii......./i. Mo'rrls; Stra.ssberg Schultelss Binder of'Settinfcla MIohael Gibson. .. Master Rudolph Amandua "Schober ■ Mark'Soh weld lRa.bbI Gabriel (The Magus); Su.-=s' Uncle I,a^ar Freed Habbl of Frankfort.... Courier from Stuttgart, The. irnngman.. Suss' Secretary......... SJus.")' Mot hor, . Tamnr; Suss' daupht(»r Magdalen: Sjbylle, 'Weissensce's daughter . Bertha Ger.-'teh Graziella, Opera PinKor....... .vPtflla Adler iFhp Duke's Attendants and ServahtR, :$u/s' - J>n(.-kpy9.-aria Servants, Guests,. Princes. Court Ladie?; - •- ; "The. role of Jo.<=eph Pu?s will- be alternated • '.by JIaurlce Schwartjc'.. Jacob Moslol .-.rihcus Sherman .. .Gersliom Rubin .Joseph Green berg. ...Anna Appel .Judith Ahrtrbnnell Sti.s.s-" rtrrives lop, not;: dispjoy; his, emotjons : to - the Dtike, ••:plai-i.nihg'' vviVg'oahce.' - lie accomplishes this as his last master stroke jirid thereby condemns him- self, to'd.o:iith. .ICfforts .are;-made .to save him, Sufjs's mt>thCr-'tells him his father Avals a'(.tcnfile, and by d*'- clarihg. bimselt could save' his life,. But having ascended to power and afCluonce as a Jew, Suss; go .to hi.s death a^ one. He i.s led aw'ay to his execution .With a .raljbi miniistering 'spiritually .to him. . ■ Mi:. Schwartz in the title i^blc is^ all the character called.for. - At the of the second act he. revealed a 'histrionic strairi-. Ihitt Avas fault: less in execution/. Second ;only to S;chwartz wa,? Samuel Goldonburg, sterling perforrnei'r. .av1\o, it- is an-" noiinced', \vill a I t c r n.a te. Avith Schwartz in ' the. title 'part;' Gold.-. enbu'rg- liv«d .every :moment as the Duke-,, nevei; deviating even slightly. Of-the rcs;t of the., some dis- tinctive work -Was done ; by ' Uazar Freed, the mystic Magus, and Bertha Gerston. ■• Stella Adler, one pf' the; -Vdler. clam .playing a courtesan, caused quite a laugh when .after rattling off a line in French, she came back with "Ich J-Iab Dir. Gezughtt"' .in .More of this assimilated language" -was in evidence -all th r oiigh; t h e" pi a y, - but pard on h bl e undci:'the circumslances:- With .'•jew Suss,"" tlie; TiddiMh Arti ■'rhpa-tre "has .started off - com^ mehdabiy in its "newest .location;^ from an artifitic ppint p£ viOAv. As a niohey . niaking . .orga'nizatio;n,' i.t probably will be the pld story.. LOLLY -Conicdv :ln three, acts by Fanny Tli-aslln riea. I'rpsc-iited as first play of subscrlp- lion series by, Nr\v York Theatre Aw-in- lily. - Stuped by "U'lilter G.ree.nough. man-. nglhR director of Apscrp.bly. Mary YoiinK. featured. At New York Theatre 'Assembly (formerly I'rlntesK), Oct. It), at tcp IvOUra' Carrol)'. '.\ .... Jeff "Robertson...... Dante) Cay lord,,.. ."Vfrs. • I'loyt,... Mr.' lloyt-....'....;. I.rilly Carro])..-.;.. AVnIter..., . . 1 AValt TvoDanil. . ... -T.,ouis Hhane .,, .,.. Krant I'lio Dr-lmar.. Mrs. Fairfax..,,; MiEUO.l Do Ca.stro-. Kllnur IJedfon) ,'.. John lirew.Micr ..'., .IlUKlV MIDer ■... .Ma.ry 'I'li.iyr.r .-.llo.w.ivd (,M!|ri(iy ...Mary Yiiiing ......■A)vln lierr ,x,IIu'rvcS* Sayi-r.s ,... .tia'ii'i (■">;<■ , ,T-{»>,tty ,sl;fr\v(inil ,. .KiUen - I>f>uf:l:i.s , ,-.\)berio i-'ai rillii hood, mbllcrs,: mystery ..or .n\urdexv'for the -huge popUlatiPh on the; Heights ; This cpmp.Thy has. as; its leading femme jda Anderson,v-Ayoll known and has.:a:':rolIpWingi but perhaps it paly c'dmes' out at.n.ig.hts;.:as.-lt sui'e. Ava.s .-rrii.sisirii? ^ Saturday, afternooii'.; Thci- only "other woman, of hpte in tho -cast .'Is .Bebe--. Tbwhsend; .but showed an inclination tP shout hor fines, and fiiiled to 'j;ef the real sig- nificance to the g.irlish character diN'nvn. by the au;thors^ The" men dominate. This i.s'.t6 -be expected as' it'^ that kind of: a play and.really isn't a good stpck piece. It ' ha,s little to attract; the" ^'Women other than masculine characters,'all. of the cfooky . crook Class or under-. Worlid'type..--• ;;;'■/: Of the ;men those doing the most work and hpldirtg their own.-were George Rahdbl an;d Vere E...;Johns;- The forrper .Sn -particular haS: fciuite a name amohg;:the. straight-drama loving folks of Harlem;: he has 'a breezy per.<5pnality; ahd steps into the dialog like a seasoned troupei'i The chief crotik part 'was taken by Johns, of'comhi.antling stage priss- ence, and .dresses well. . He made several chaniges of suits arid .Avas sheikij5h in ca-ch. That should prove of Interest to' tho fcmmies going strong for stage .sheiks,. In the supporting category comes ■William . Shepard, Richard N. Gray, Jame-s -Fuller and- Ted Blackmpn, 6f?; Gr^y. handled Avhat. little comedy thete -was and showed .ppj; sibilitie's «iE'doin^ sometliing .with a part calling, :for some genuine com mcding.' . " . -"The: West End may be an pld but it didn't look .so an C'ient inside .br oiit. Display of bunt- ing also helped.. ; Fresh paii\t. has also worked wonde^is. ; . - ; The company on its ''Crimo" Avork alone Is worthy of patronage. The colored people should take suJIlcIent: -pride and encourage It.accord ihgly, but If Saturday's audience is. any criterion it can't last iohgi It is too Iarg6 a .company for the • bankroll until the b; o. tide turns "Crime" Was to be followed by -The-Gorilla," The idea is all right' and the com- pany a good onci on the. average Yet" 50 persons is a heartache even to a colored stock troupe.. , JI/arA hoi- l'»U( fiCtO-.toll litd ;she"s; t.hl:'6ug.h';- .■ it-i.s. '(^ioiid.a .FatM\''U': r(iihp.s,,.!iway w llh i tljo,' show ,<i.ui;i>., Ijor.' coi-king. do i.liaeafion ;o.f.; Vitiiv. ;Ch;is.o,- tho :p»ior j littU'. rtoh girl Avho sta'ps-at nothing. ! fprv thrills. . . Miss 'FarroJJ's psoudo ; Kird-hoilcd- ddiilc' ill .o.pcn.Ihg aol'.iH - Ku-p;crb and I'u't'. enUHio.ivi'tl W.ork-. latoi;'; is pqualiy .g(Vod, • Jane.';--. MoKiin .i.s splenflid .as Ang'tOa, ••; J)oris':.Fr''-rTn;tn gives aiiigobd at'coii'nt as [the kiltenr: ish., M'jtry, , while '.Itiohard ltowtor does npt - reglstor heavily aS. vKen/ the. targot all the '.gals are shoot-' ing. -at;. ■■■ " : ■ \ ■ ;• .-• .:' ' .. "^ Divided ■Ilonor.s,'' [a onlerlainlijg; in .,<;i)ol}i!,' but hasn't /muoh. Ohance, They may : prolong ' its nyi at the Belmont through cut -rate- aid. hut it's not there., ; ' ; '.. Hdboi , • : Yiddish Art Thcitre, under dlrec- .lion ot Maurice Schw:artz, starts oh . Its.i2tli season of presenting literary ;and .artistic, piays. If locatipri, means ariylhing; then SchwaTtz;s company seems favorably esconped this year .at 28th St. and Broadway,, formerly ilVoctors 5th Ave.. Schwartz ; i.-i .understood, to. have taken .a lease-.for but one year b.n the It still' romaiiis a,; moot question whether a . art :. rep company " can ' flourish in .New York, -even on the siibscription basis- it is on; "Evert more, than for' it,«? -Fngli.wh ..epeakliig contemporaries; this seems ciuite a task, . ■ . ;, . ^ .'•- .,. - Opehrn.g. night found' less th.'in - a half filled house for the fi'rstact and: even less than that by the last, Jt was .ovident that to the ma.iority of the.audience the lines and action of . V.ri-w; SUS..S" were over thr-ir luads.. .•2s'ii"d.t;ihg and quereioiis . look.s all; ov/T the hou.«o oorroboi'tltod this. And yet the Yiddish Art. Thoalre •With S.cluvartz at t'v(..'"iio!m h.-is d'.n'! j-poinl-S -f splondid piece' of :Wiu-k Avitli 1-1:" : .w]ir.uld ► .1-who flifl"ii-'ilt of tlrr- i-xti'a'.v- rii'iiuhd =JEl4aiiwU^imfri on—Fi<iC= best '.sfVifr-. "poWor." - Th(! undortiikiD.g ■ w-.i-s , a - ^lid . laborioXis. one, Sco'pf >i'Ai'l f.nly a f'-W "•'•■■ns of "majfir - im-idcnt ."^.lii'-h-to liuild tlM/ pl.'iy. Tln! <'l--'h trai;slatioM and dirr-Mlon '■■v'n,.more ,of. a task that Miiuriof; -f-^'.'i.w.nrtz. move 11i;in ca palVly l<..ij;'/,(l With -judii ii-ii'.- r.i'*inir find hiU l.liiiUit, vhr.*-'.J.g, uiiio.Sfe - thiij ivS - The" Theatre .(lUiUl.. . which this ncAV group of serious-minded diam.-i fans strives to emulate,' ha.s hothitig to Avorry about in the way of op- position froin it. ' With this poorly wrrlCch^ iiiid"^as ;ii6brry,-Ti^.r(;d jii^m the New vTork Theatre As'sembry niak.b.'5 its deblit at. the old I'rinoess- theati'e. as its •povni.T.noTit honie,:. Gin, ,1 overs, 1 >iii-cik'niai 1,.; piippy. love arid other in,gr"odiohts have been: nTi\'<' Faiiny Heaslip Lea into a tirro(f?rii(;tor that never, gct.s any where, and; is. inept and i.n.- effcctive theatre. The ji^-cmisc Aveak.- no one cptild hrivi made mtfch out- of 'Mhe m'atcriaT.' . ;■■.;■■■'.■■'--.. - First and. sipcond .acts are;- a bnro. with the little excitemoint ari'iving in the third not fiufhcient tti' nialto up for ddicit already establisliod.. Aftei' it is planted Iri.many Avorrls that holly. Carroll, wealthy matron, is, in tlie toils -of .ft. gigolO,with hor •snippity d,m:ilit<.'r urtd an old Ipvr-r trying to e.\?i'1'-ato .hor; m.pstly by lireaf'jniK'i-'it,' ''he audiotice loarn-s th'"'. gig,, is a.tlii^f .and hlafkrnailf-r and tho ro,«iii'r(-ctod luvcr i's tlif: fatli'-r of. the );oimno jrivf' Ir-ad. . - TI>o only pf-,'-'>:ii>lc-. ni'iral 'tb''.i>I<iy i.s; that AV.t.'ilthy -wi'h'.u.- std'v yliV'of- sl'-fk-!.;'»i'-il i:i- DIVIDED HONORS Comedy Iii lbn;e ar ts by. AVinnJc I!;.!'. w im ;produ('ed by. K: A. .T. I'rodij. Il'm". .Staxed by WtDlam IJ. Frledland'.r, fjp'ii'il ^at ;Kor.rr.."it •Amt^^U!;.,.lioJ[mon^^^ Yorki ; Monday evcnlnB, Oct. iT THUNDER IN THE AIR (2d Review) ■■ (P rey io u sI y rev ieyved f rp m L,oh doh) ^ ., - :'\\-' 'VChicagb; Oct. 17. \^ p..«ych<i)figy. drama- by- Jlobbin.'t -MlKar, In tbroo ;a6t.s. At- I'rinccs.i) Oct. l.'i. by 1 Ji'.'ima'lio f.ra/;ue of (""hlcaBo. --(inc. ..•jet.; of 11,, Slaved by- f; Cowloa Slrlclt- land and ■; WMck. ;, - D.oi-blhy iSlaricM. . Jeannellp Sherwln JlPV. Arthur- -t^tanes.. <4lbb."?.....,.'..'...;.., Ja mes J1 ii nl I npr;..».. .Major Vvxtcd.,, .> . .... .\I r.<«. A'ox te.d'. .„,.;,, i, ^^ N<'\vlbn., i'aitle-lla- J.j'ent)oy-..,,., A .''o)d'jer;.,.. .'. -. .•. .' , Anna.;..-....... A lioy.., ;-►. .;.'. Iieonard, .Wiiley . ..lohn iiramalj .-Wilfrid S-onpram J. .KLschrr Whtle ,. .r*ecp)la'].(ift.u» ,,, Edith .H,Arrourt .;. .Sellria Hoyic ; .-Ilobfirt HaHlam .. I>;(ura. Iliirdint; . ; Krpd(llc StanifO; -Vtary liane; KeniK.'l.b Sic-wart.. .■ A nfif-Oa: Danncrman-. iiVnnti..;,-..-.,,;-. ...... -. . Vina,.:. Detective.,., i'ljjicetMn.fer,,..;.:, rollc.e Offlccr......, I'oiico Oifllcfr...., ',. ,.. 1 ifi'rl.s l.'r(''-inan .. .Itjchanl j!..'<w|f^ .... Ja-FM'. K iiii ,.. i JV-anniv 1*« Afp- ,,-.f-;ifn>hi yuinn .,-,. .J'))H.i/- jl'-.'-'f , .I{:il|-.h j; r. .!M-:v ,,,('.!"'1'.'" Il'-'l'-iTit' Comes to Chicago with a splendid cytst t(j opCn tho inaugura-: tiori- of a ne-w.' -guild, - -Drainalic League • of cnilcaigo, after. '■' tAVO months in London.. Play is - Ji; touching;, powerful "Christmas Carol:'.' It-can go four t(>. eight Aveoks with .subscription aid, but" wpiild. not draw ptherwise for an.v time. ■ Kxcelleht cinema possihllitles, arid Avith doctoring could be made into a psychology thiriller. - -• - Opens with;a seance In the.homo of Major and Mrs. Vexted in JOng- land, '10 years after the death of their son, killed in the War. G'uesi;s feci; uneasy. Theory ..Is advanced the dead live only In one's memory. On this hypolhesis; tho dead boy aj)pe.ars, ;assuming, for Ayho sec him, the character in- whioh-thcy ■rccall him. To Famella Bcntloy, hl.s tlfincoe. he Is a young,' graocful swct'thcart; to Dorothy Slanes, h^t lover; to IJorothy's hu,sband, Rcv> Stancs. 'a. thief;: to Mrs. Vextod, a - Uttlo ;hoy: to J.'imos Harding, an accitlorital guost. thc man who sayed his lilo i/i - Fi"ince, IIat(s ftj'r llie- son prevents the fatlicivM.'ijor^Voxted, from., so.oirig fiirli.; nntiT'"{he v('ry -Idfrnouemcri'f, .wlK-n lh.o bltt.f.r'. inoniorlos sudd'-nly giv.o .Av;i'y. to r'-aHzatlon by - the .fatii' r that hfglect for his boy 'sorit the yourig man "W.iyward. A grip- tn;^!'.-in.:h.i.s litio.s.'ftvr .the slitiht i'i'llef provi.ilod 1-; . iiTo -.i<\i'(uirb..-' .-'Jouivrietie .si)orwiii 'rioxt u .>;hoi.oe of t Ayh.o ;(.i.)wof .over the .others -in .aiv'^^^.xo-o.p-, t'lonal'-gro'tip,-" .■" ; ."' ■■.;'--..;.■"-.'-..'.- - Antt still i1ot a plUA-^. :f'or; a logit hoiisi^ t.hat- la.ok.'r!. spooiai siipport; ' WINGS^^^^ :;•■-:. - - . :..j\ilantio'C'il,y;;.O0t ■22..;."^ ■ Alt'hbush . I'ilmor ; ..'ltarri\s' .now' dr:nj)a\ .'.'AV'iiig.s of .-Ypu'th;"- ihouritod ' fxu' :th"o' fli^'it tiriVO-at the-Apollo last. i.!i}iht, ' .concorn.s . the; 'di,stro.<!sfUl bhindor.s'■ of >:is. holioved. th(v typioti'l. ypini.«ei\gon<M';ifiojVv'itrse^ ohiollv. cOMi'oj'iiodwith.-piitt/ing, the " ,l.iiain'o-.Oil-; thf* 'male;' paveiit .'.-fo'r. his' lit <yf- dome.«?tio. r<\sppni*ib It. . is-iiui'oly .'ioivhom'drio. - As lh6 "WIn.g.S';hf yphth''.tie'gin to. flutter, thP hero is ^;t'iU:th tii'riiod 20 v Who h/is .driihk hl'm.siolf all ■pvo.r the; * w< rid. :Yx)u scev ;his father was too' ■ t)U-"^y nialvihg milliQri5. and his riimh-:, or diod. Svhen hp was/soVon,; .^o' the lad; gi-ew. ui). ., .Out of all tho fwniniiie, b.iggag^ he.has ever: enter- • talned .tliere Is .pric little mls^s. of soveritiyii he's iii iove 'With, arid. -.W''.;,f<ophistloation; i.^i ' abotit :par \ With tht» WPrld's. Wl.sept, ' ■ ,', ftoy / sall.*!,.:.tliefi ivihd . motors ..S-000 miles, to hay<». ii look .at her,' r>riiy to. bo greeted wiili the- ahhotinoeri'>e]i.i^. that she is.; engaged, tp a ■''U'rman. b;iiro.h. . ,AgaIn . he' tur,ivs -tti.; hard W()mori aiid . hard licjuor,'. bo.oiuise Whon- lie's driink "he Oah.'t think, how' futliel is life."; . \ -; In. desperation his falh.ei^ hires Maguirev .i. specliill.-^t-Irt.makirig Use- ful ;cil-izen.s; •<if wa si rel.'j piit of - rich; fathers, .ThCh, for two. lorig acts the aud ion op. Is., treated : to witness the probIcjn of this parti0ular ;cad baclc, oh-.his >;oet. -Not that It , hi.itttored much. -Or thiit anyoriia" would be .specially Interested in see-, ■ing him rogener;tt( d,, V , : But the atrthor Will hnve' It, "and the pal!icriro of* the audienc^' jij re- warded with" a grand attemt)t of the . oho. girl; trying to s/'duoc the now; strong'arid clean " hc-mah. All : the time you couldn't help: biit ■feel the boy had a heart; of gold; that though he m.ay h.iive been-a loafer, a . oynlcal fresh: young.stor, he . had •a certain sense .Pf fajr play in soplal r.elatloh..s, and: he took his medicine Avlthout whining.,-' ;.: Air, IT.arrla mixed .up a.fiood many Avlsecr.acks- Ifi, his di.'ilog, , to which ho fidds a broad; measure of aug-: gestl.veness and ri<it a few plain words; Ills people act: and. talk like: so m.iny shop:gfrla think tiie shiaft .set :act and talk.-."Arur the. cast, Avhich ..includes .Dorothy:- APPlchV, Jlilda Spong. Itaymdrid Gulbn. ICd- ward Donnelly and John Ilarring- ton, do more for the author than ,ho. docs for them.' ."■ ■ Gpod pap for those "undor Ifi; . . l^eggy'sG hoist .Cho.'it Avriter of '"J'he, "rrivalf- Life of I'eggy Joyce''. wa.<3 Ra.sll "Woon. I'oggy was a contrib. She frf'<(U.V'nt-' ly jotted In Hupplemeiitary details strongor than the original. - Woon gof |G,000 for the Job; . DOROTHY LULL with ■ 7TH KDITION or ^'EarlCaiTolfs Vanities NOW ON TOUR if |ii'-.ik Av;ili a ■-fid ,h.vo p<.if-li'y, —M.ii y ■ 'i'oimu t-^U (•I'fiii;) 1'-'^^. uiiiti-('n a.s ■ ..Vi 1 !1 .-UU-lJx';t^-,doll.ulL- :A .:weak si.ster ihat . starts;; off splendidly,- lias a cbrtupg a'-t •d'rid: then • dlfn'rc.sscs into a miizf ol ft otionlcss tal k that puts ^)Vo .s.t 1 ik f-n upon its- chan^vo; of .siirvi'v'iiV. 'AV'jil-: nlo Bald win,'.formerly, of vaudc, au- ibored and ■- probably tlu- yaud'- formula fooled her. Tn vaudo youAo got to.glvc It to them .•••nappy. .^Inv- bfi that's why Miss I3;ildwin w;if-; .u t h'-r best In the flhst act. Plenty of .action - and- Ph'i'iy ''f w i ."-f-cracks in - th .'i t first 'a '"t, w I if':. ~howfr promise' of' a. livfly M.ijii-'- .A f t r Intf• rmissl0n . Can 1 f- 111•.• 1 <■ 1.•. ■ifj.w-n.. '• Thf- story, is almost* arf-hai'v Tl.^- PAUJv WHITEMAN Booking ExdiiVivclij Through fiii Own Office . / 560: Broadjvaij New York- JA.MILS F. GILLESPIE Personal RcpresQntadve ■ Ii a'-'-'.ii» I>i' ■ y as "i'iil-jplayod. The p.-it AVTrrO |to - b" li'.<.''li'. l'".i' nr.d - rorM^iTi.' .• r.d ir-^-r .' rf'.>:i'i ^ r;n' iy Willi II . M;!.!' r. . :iJT ul.d I i'j>tur .lJ, J-.l.n i,r.)ii I i;"-' it . <.-';l4!d b'. <-.i!I:J up'iM li' r .1. i(.'pd''.i n ■ A\ay di'iii;-;: ill. tin,!'-', r<,i-'-i rr.-ii: (;i;;i.. i.' a . I .A'.'t' r,. rKI,I;mt.V7I,Vfi O.N <H T. -4;^ .MV 40tli Pcrconal Management'CHARLES MORRISON, ■iK.Vi; ON Til t; ST-\<il. 1560 B^oadw^ly,. Ncvr YcrW City