Variety (Dec 1929)

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38 VARIETY V A U D E V'l L L E ''Settiof Salary" System in Keith s Keith's has'^Jecfi^ tc ^dlsbatd' tijie salary setting ■$y3f«m-<or iacts used In tbe .Ijodltiinie'; dfflce for the past y6ar. If • 'win.' '-heticef cPth endow bOokersi With poWer . to' :exercise their own opinions of what acts are worth to the .theatres they hook^ . Splitting up of |;he books into two dfyls'ipns^ east; and west, , made- Im- praqtlcal the former plan of setting an actVB . salary ;at a figure foe t;he entire chain. , .XThd^r the old metjhcd, salaries fdr^^all -acts in the Keith theatres ijifetveV seU; at .meetlhger .attendee by 0fr Wokers in the!"'6fRc«* of the one^, man^l^'ookihhW heiad, George Godfrey! ,<^ll',i^pldngs -of acts under,;that sys- t^i^'*^;'W'^ife7.gulde^^^ s^arles fi6- cfdfeif- itiri' at the, ifteetingigj'with jthe '$!Soli'fir^ 7 tljereafter powerless , Xo e^Ntthge. the /(Salary of,' an -act, .'"if Jiecessary or Abtt. without sending' •tlie'*'<fue'stlori ' tWouglv ^the • ■san^le■ c*annel/■'V ; • . pJi* ;<nany Ihstanbe^^ salaries setsa.9 general- for'ihls or' that acf-wer^' unfair to some 'of the theatrj^s:- .SCtie th«3itrea. .were ' graded But , the saiiaries- w6re. flot - ■ ' ■\.' ^Vesmah JStiuff.... , '~It t)ften took twfo^''^r threfe tnffeb*. ing,s -^toi' ^flnally■ reacttr.the ' sfejlary iCelth^s <;hief liodklh^ head ^^hbugh*: <jorrecti While waiting for salirtes to b.e/ set,. • acta . wttte, inlayingarti^und f^r ■ ''Showing'' jtndney without l-e- tfeiylhg a defiiii|;e;.qx;otatl<;Mi . until bsSfing -played Inost »f:,the .'bfest' time ■showinigJ'?. -ilanj^^^ opposition whiW vaittnfir: fpjcJkeitti's: td.act.. -^v--./'-:: ui<:'^''.- ^ ^ •■ v-v '-:Bookers Constantly ^complained of be:lng reduced.'to meire''f'einoll pUsh- . 6rs, permitted, ottlyv to"write narties '^ph the! boql<;s pn ; their own initla- I .;Cut salaried .diEit^s jftn .the^. Keith iiirculjt;.. fre.(lueiM:lyi vWiade- ^th)&..'salary ket^ljfg arrangement. ?ock .ridiculdus by. reduci|nB^ the 'fiet sajary 'aB%i 'or' m6Ke,;:?ifteR, ths. ;tlme spent by 4he: t$>pklnB:^ fiead ftiivL, stafl!;>lti sigreelbg: 6ii \,wlljsitv tile itUtlL .was: worth; to 7ith St, 3-a-Day • Minneapolis, £»eic. :3. Dec. 21 has been set for. the^ re- opening of the R-K-O Seventh Street theatre.. It .will, play Ave acts and sound pictures, tiiree; vaude performanc^Si.daUy, .one in the aft- ernoon and. two at liigjit, under . a grind policy. Theatre/* lias been dark for two seasons, i After thi^ Hennetpin - Or- • pheum's paeriing iij \),m^. '■small- tlhie vaufte*, OrpUeuip now, plansj all^picturtsT- -Pantages. Is. alone" wltli lvau'd6' locally at pj'esentk - - •' MJitjp' Cardlr/aiV^rJder (Hfi'^idrtch), ihternaUy inj^ii^d" last We.ek When t>iro\i^pj;^ft,Tli^r i[.n S- the Coliseum (Broni) ehgageirieiif.' .•■;.!: ., ' / Geotge .Chpoi (yaudi^),'recoyerlhg' atter Qi)eratipnifor intestinal trouble at. the Ficonch Hospital, New Torjc. i v^psther MH;<?ihell (Copley theatre Pli(,iyer3), itTaii^fed; In- a fall |n\!B<>S'r ton, recovered.' . ; ' • Mrs, • .Mary' .cillins, mother of Johnny dpllUns, r JRKp scout, /-wA3 Seriously,'.Injured in in aujto frash . near .liambpt;; ill.' ■'y : i DetrpiVs Vaudfilnr .. . ■. Detroit,-.bekj. 3. Hollywbo^t.n^w on fllni-ohiy polr Icy, goe^ batik'"to . yaud.-ftW"<;KrIsti' inas, ivith tftr*^' ac'jts, s^lit •week. ^ Will be • b6oked,;-by the -Cfiicag^ iRKO'office. - ; , MARCO LIKES OUTLOOK FOR IDEAS" IN EAST , Miite JUafco'c^f Fanchon & Marco Ijfft N^w Yotk Saturday for his re- turn, trip to lioa Angeles by way of the "^sotith; • ; The "Idea" unit producer says tlie F. & M. stage shows now have Ti route of around 20 weeks; east of Denver." . He expects tjhlftt to reach 86 before the season closes. Mllce stated that reports since he arrived east for a^ short trip of the way. the F. & M. shows, were hold- ing up on the steady rota,tloh Iilto the FoJc picture houses were pleas- ant news. .. Commencing Dec. 20^ Rube "WoXt, Mike's brother, will come east to do some m. c'lng at th'p Fox, Prooklyii. It "wlU be hi^ first-l.east- .erh plctut'e house assignment, Rube haying beeji--ff Pacific Coast'ftJttdre for som^'years; HIa sister, Fanchon, btl^er half. ojt. the producing firm, wlU' cbme ea^t'With Rube, to attend the-premiere.,' , On his way'•.west 'thls'time, Marco ■w;ilj irtterview; Bono^e wutberjtv.'inan- agers who^ .want to .talk «iboUt; .tak- ln^^.'piiNlils i^ldeaS."-. .One of these, is Kaifl Hoblltzelle, of the Interstate Clrcdlti .T'ftjaiftT .Th.ere are'.^ com pie of- Intelrstatcxbooked houses In Ok- lahoma which may try them, It Is said HobiitseUe, does' not •want .th.© iiiilts jusfi'ito'vj^ "for-hls own housed. "Walt Roesner replaces "Wolf at the Orph^'um.Sah. Francisco. i.- Stage-Band Shows Cut Down in Warner Houses . "Wlth.ii^ta,ge tf^nd shoyrs ^ifegj(>4t of the Warner-tStanley-;iiiou ' lahtlc Ci'ty ittiid CleVela^d.^iabd'tHe Stanley, Plita^burgh, >t6 revert £o Publlx units, It will leave but two and a half weeks of band shows in the ^present group ot .14 Warner- booked houses. ■ The two ajid a half weeks will be represented in the Earl, -Phlladel- phia^ and Enright, Pittsburgh, both full weeks, and the Ritz, Elizabeth, half w6elc,'. Remaining houses In the. "Wr.S group; Including' . Erie; JPa;.; Stanley, titlca; Stanley, New Lon- don; Central;; Jersey City;. Lincoln, Unipn City, and Ohio, Mansfl^ld* Q.. arei claying j^aude. . , . MARRIAGES Ruth Ho^e and Anthony 'QlatiSlII In Howe Cavei'ns, Schoharie, N. T;| Deb. 1. ^rlde former" "SckndalsV plibw girl^-^'Brldegrd'oni wIth. -DOt:- plans raus{ctil.act In yaude..' - ■ WilHam/GjUderian; instruc 3JIed Waybuipn'a'' -school,, .Chicairo, ^nd Frances' Smith, secretary to . the school, NOV,-as. . kelih's. With the booking meet in^s'■■« yesman ^assembly, it [really meant dbdfrey,'oiily. {. • ; . iBookers riW ^e'prl^'ileged jto.- ex iceed, the; anjbunt previously paid the; ao.t' by another booker it needing «hl#^'Sbfc-or-beHeving th«( «pt 1^; wojr ih it ;to tbe theatre inteniJed h."--f. KEITH'S ROUTE WiST Regular vajude Js off this'Week a,t Keith's Foi^dbslm with ' the hou^e pjjaying a iQctil'talent show for thje entire -week;; ';lt!s styled ; "Fordham.. Flashes'' with about'60 boys and girls. •(Continued from -page'^37). preferring to'remain east or'iswitph to .the .bt»l)psltJlon. The cut^i and. crazy ' jumps, ^necessitated, .*'1>y the prpheum route have kept, them away. .' • - - . •. ' 4 Acts in Unit A definite route ahd° salary system 'makes possible the intact bill ;,ro- tatlng id^ tor the west. The four acts will play as a.ui^lt over the^en- tire -trip,;.. i,t Is expected* In such towns as' Chicago, Ka,nsi5is .City^ 'St. Louis,-and, two or three..'bthera- :the bills will'1)'e' added'to by .one'or more, acts, but the iCour original tiirha will remain together." Publix Week-Ends , , i Cleveland, Dec!'2. p Publlx;: ha4 <'re-opened the {Em- {liress, KeameV, and thie .Swan]^ Co- lumbus, for ' three-day shifti^ on week-ends, only—Friday, Saturday and. Sunday. -. theatres; Proposedi IVto.—^$B0,000. Owiidrj : "care Jansen,. AQtiso. . .Policy -tiot and CO . in ♦THEN THM fun beg an*' . Just Played 10 WE£KS .m AUSTRAUA WILLIAMSON TAITS EXERCISED OPTION FOR 8 WEEKS NOW PLAYING 5QUTH EN ROUTp: HOME BOOKED TO PLAY PALLADIUM LONDON 2 WEEKS Jan!20and'27 AnllKo, Mose' AX given. " CUntwATlUe.-;iyisvf^(2) -I'TS.OOC?. JtUo fltorea and office bldg. -Ownerr, cHre Ar- chitects. '■ ArchUects, Oppenlialmer '& Obel, Greet) Bay, Wis.. ,,Pbllcy riot given. . Cortland, N. Y.^(M. P.) fl.50,QDd, Also stores ajiji offices. 12'9 N. Main -street. th6 eight weoK^s on the Tnt^rstaie; iRigaumtfut.' • ^ • - ■' ''t: T.* circuit; in'thO sbuth wlfa l?e .ifa^ltT' W^lilH^^'T,,^?^ ^.PVnera. ; ■ . 1. , . , ~. -T^ ■ 1 Bej^s.teljn Bros., .Klmtra, -Archi able to the units registering on the a. Rigaumont. Policy not given Orpheum. In- thatimanner aMstralght _ Hackensaok, N. J.—3li Maln-.«ta%t>t. route of 86 weeke Will be.' posstl^le hlrT'Sa'mb."'' Metropolitan, Architect, .^, under'Freeman's ilrectlohi ": ' • todjanapolls.—Also stores, a, m-cor*-' New -rpheurt^ route as ilald o^ ^tfeet^''"^^^ by 'the Keith's western- booking | te^,^_i»£t^^Fieck._^ Policy no^ head Is as ifollows': State'-^liake, Ohl cage; Riverside, Milwaukee; ."•7tb St., Minneapolis;; -. St. Paul; Winnipeg (6 days); Palgary (3); Spokane; Vaucbuver '(6); Seattle; Tacoma; Porland, "Open";. San Francisco; Oakland; tios Angeles; San DiegO, open; Salt Lak^; Denver; Omaha; Kansas City and St. Liouis, in that order.^ Interstate roiite drops in follow- ing St. LfOulS. .Previously for ad vance playing are "Palace and 105th St., Cleveland; Syracuse and Roch e|3ter, also on the western books; Palace, Chicago, is booked sep arately in the manner of the Pal ace. New .York, both two-a-dayers, -The four-act rotating bill In'- the west will have an average budget for each unit of around $3,000, flex Ible only when necessary. . Only standard vaude material . will be used. Installation of the' non-cut solid route by Keith's .will take jjlace when the present condition" of the Orpheurn Is straightened out;. Up to recently ' the west . was' used by I^elth's 'as a dumping:, ground loaded. up with turns the- eastern, bookers- were st-ucle^ with. •The)George Godfrey. Eastern inr tact bills, palled Standard. Show ^lo. li etc., by number, ■will not - be played In the west", with the latter division forming its own shows for its own use. k miWailkee.ffMiOOO.OOO. Also '/stores and offices. Owner, Fox Uldmsco; Ar- thltect, C, H. Crane. \ Mlagara !Falls.—Owner, Shei"": C6ilp, Policy not ^Ven.', " : . • Bookford. pi,—^176,000. , Also- stores and apartihents. : Owner,^ T, Waltsdn. Freeport, Architect,;c, WAIOey; " Policy not. given, NO. 2 EASTERN KEmi MIT BILL AT $3,500 5'Stttn4r4 SliW. .No.>2;". Siecbnd of the unit bids booked for ihtabt play, ing. oY^t theiECelth time in the east. oi>^S ty^K'i ,ln Flushing, Jj. I. The acts, "with'an opener'to be added are Margaret . .Schilling, Lulu Mc- Connell, "wiuon ' and Weber, and VTlhy TDwiirflevye," Salaxy total amounts i to" around " (S.'GOO, pr .$500 less, than "Standard Show No, 1," "Which failed .to click as a . unit and has been rearranged. Cost of the No., !-.bill was found,' from .jreports,; to :i^zce0d its enter- tainmeht value, .'vl'ItU the combina- tlon -not heil^yed by Keith's to be worth the ^4,000 it called for. . li^^'ova and Co., Kcjith offlce-pro> duced dsinbooa^pt, has been replaced in th<^ iN'^r'.ji^^^^ -t>iamonda, ynnile Ho ^.Iftn^te salary was set by K«ij|ilCs • pn.itl&'jhpme-produced turn, the fla.s|i qfl^d H6% operal!e for legs than;^,75tf;vV;; ,: ' . ■ ■ Keith's; ^slerh booking d'epart- niL«nt ,';rejVo|^d. the e£^,st's first unit bii^r •frainea ^tih'der the'dlV^tlon of. <5'e6rge.'jGfiiflifrey^ on ia claini'jj; was vindulted J^V -'jplaylng iiv. the west |pr the iiip^'^y^ gra Th^ eastern booicers -' liat^r- indicated' tail. -^No.' 1 was fitis6'..iinsuitable fdr their own theatres, wJth the ,changes*.<>rdercd piaide.'' "v-v't', ■'^' ■■ . • ■.'■' • follo'wlhg. the Orpheum'-depart- ment's four-a^ib bill plan, ^e east's unit idtea may. be further -'bhanged, Keith'eti'easteiin units 'corh|^rise five 'acts, aiifl.tho t'wo form'ed "so far are in excess of-the west's sallary limit. J:i5jRTHS ■ "S':; Mr, and'Mrs. dreorge "W^^inks, a son, at Manchester, Conn.,-Nov, 27.. Parents fortai .vaude team oi.^George Jinks and J^ii. .' '■•'^ -Mr. and Mrsi Sanford'K'^tanton» ^ovi 16, In' i^^orwalk, Cohrt., son, Father Is managing' director of Morley-Throckmorton productions In Hobokeh. - Mr. and Mrs. Al Qiitterman, In New TorK; 'Nov. 30, son* ^2^*>iher la manager -"^.JiOew's Delatw^*-' Street theatre,.^"i;;i- * ' Six Afita at Hip ; In bhahgliig' from* stagci' band to regular-'vaudib policy or slz-iacts at jthet HlppbdrkiinO; Art Landry and iOrchestr^. ^h'eJ -16 R-Kvl$.. .Hlpi>o« iarome GI^s-^nd Tonflny-jJow^ who staged^'j^^e: il^tioy^. a^e ©nti :,r Dowd, ''^hO '^Iso--lias. been. handUng tha -12€th- -^trget -showisi; continues in ■ charso ;f^' thjEtt house, . ;. ; P.harleq^^vjS^ein ,is in $a :plt^ leader with orc^j^tra of 16.. , . * N • * * \'. ^ '. . " • _ ■ N^fiiohal: Ri^Q. divisionilitfl^agerE^ meeting. "Jiifew. York,, called' iof Dec. 2 "by"! ilos.. Plun^etti' po¥tponed until Dec,' 9. Retuiniiig to AMERICA in February Tci Play 35 WEEKS RKO Route Direction CHAS. ALLEN NEW ACTS Bernard Granville Is readying an act. Harry Carroll has. another new act. Hazel Green, vaude blues islnger, has taken oyer the Aster ballroom at Tremont averiue and Southern boulevard, ^Bronx. In between vaude engiagenlents she is running it for taxi dancing cakes and frails of the neighborhood. Lewis B. Oolgoff, fowner Village .Grove Nut Club m. who Jumped .from the Village then into jilght -again. Is back in work.' Into vaude' ^.nd club . m. c.'Ing vaiide and club «9«fLiat 7.-„Tv\e« COA-tS ^rVtten JUDGMENTS Henley-Kayton Motion Picture Laboratory, Inc.; Du Pont-Pathe Film Mfg. Corp.*, $1,686.60. Edward J.. KaytOn; Du Pont- Pathe Film Mfg. Corp.; $1,435.25. ^ Cameo Theatre Co. and Benjamin Gottfried; J. Kalmanoft; $1,572; Alex Carr; Pathe Sound Studios, Incrr'$lv516l85r ""^"^^ "' AN 0?EN LETTER FROM GEORGE GHOOS to "SIME" Dear "Sime": The cleverest way to giet an ad. out of me is by printing in "Variety" a story that I am <lisenfrarichised faiy tH^ R.-K.-O. Herewith checlc for the ad. to tell tlie world th^t you are wrotig,; Not the first time, "Sime," Ist Half Vaude Sioux City, Dec. 3. Orpheum (RKO) now showing five acts In split week with vaud- fllm policy, goes into. vaude first half-only, Ave acts Saturday, Sun«-. day and Monday. 110 West 47th St. George Choos Producer for the R.-K,-0.