Variety (Dec 1929)

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Wedi/esdiiy, D'ecemW 4. 1920 NEW ACTS 43 «THROUGH (18) Band; .^infljno P«"cma Jeffer»bn,(y-P) t»iE PERISCOPE" POWetL tlrifl bOTV Conredy^ Sinqing 11 Mihff,; One' Jefferson (V-P) Best thing about this mixed 1st- Legmania flash with : those billed tempt comedy turn is . tli<d malib's cn for their specialties but once-and straight _ tenoring of "Pagliacci" don't reappear until the finale. Setting: is thiat of the engine room et si submarine. Orchestra Is com- posed^ pf 10 fenunes, beside the male leader, who ni. c.'s and- sends a few harmless gags across. iHe Is not billed. Featured are Hal Sidare, with his adagio contortion while doing a drunken Imitash and Ma;S3ey and Disclosed a clear likable voice and it went over better than anything else- • . Man uses dead pan make-up with toupee and half mask attached. In- troduced as a mentallst with laughs supposed to revolve from that Bout'ce. Only a supposition here. Gqes in for semi-straight playing of sq.w, harmonica and Spanish Dietrich, two boys In an enibelllshed 1 guitar, Russostepology . specialty with a Femme helps with harmonica for number of good steps; Joan Sinnbt, a duo. Otherwise is the feeder. Also cute curly haire.d girl, with fast tapia warbles pops but delivery without right side up or upside down, as het«] w^rnith or .personality. Fell cold. finish is on her hands while" she taps against an upright board:, and Sally and Sonny* boy and girl in e<?centric male get-up, who support the com- €cly end with a hoke song ^d dance; Beside these there remains an un Deuced here and n.s.g. WAULY^HARPLES and Co.. (4) Revue , ^ Mine.;.!Full (Special)' credited ga.1 wfth lots of pep arid (V" P) who puts over a'comedy pop fairly Different blackouts and song fln- effectively and follows it with a ishinWfitUy Sharpies' reconstructed comedy dance. Much time is taken revue, arid inferior in quality to his up by a S^rl ttom the band, called previous act. Where they knOw Miss Mayberry, lor a ,.bit .-pn the anything at all about burlesque bits hannojntica and som^ whistling. they'll recognize the act's comedy All these specialities., follow close mainstays, ' on each other, except for the in. c.'s Announcements are madei by two ouippingi That doesn't mean much giris as pages, who.harmonlee ade but gets a laugh here and thfere. ^, quately between' full stage read a| for the band itself, the Iristru- | justments. First blackout has mentation could he. nnuch better Opening number sounded like a car copljoriy in blue; . . ; It's a fast dance flash with each Sharpies a police captain, jgrilling- two Jewel robbery ■ suspects. He finally has the aights turned out aiid promises If the -Jewels are ties arie. closely crpwded. Held-the feature spot. faring well with .heir diversified placed In^a hat " j^t the boys g^ dansapatiPri and Interest not giving ^^^.y^^'l,^}^}^^!^.^^^^: th?bnva a chance to lag in that the special- 'are gone. Mutual comics playing this all-bvei: the wheel; and it has been done in a talking short. . . Second bit is combination of sev- eral burlesque gags, Iricliidlrtg lover hiding In a trunk wTiile " suspicious hjisband rages at wife, and both boys faking a shooting to see who the wife really loves.' She looks at the bodies and signals to a third gent. Finish is jazziniB «f a classic by Sharpies and his company in old -tiriie costume, along, the lines of their previous opera burlesque Lady included for the singing did not appear until then. It lacks the big punch" of the opera gag. Best suited for intermediates Sharpies makes it that because he's a good performer. Bang. JOH.NNY HAMP andprcheeira (11) Baiia ■ 29 Nlins.; Full ^ . palace (^t. V.), Chicaa© Johnny *Hainp and his orchestra; of 11, with an enviable - reputation at the Congress Hotel; Blue Room and on the air, have not been on the stage In five years. Their act shows it. Evidently constructed in a hurry; . -'' -• ■ A-series Of rather ancient novelty numbers, and from that standpoint, not as good as the, average family time flash-act band. ;What Hamp can do and should have done. Is keep to'straight dance music. 1 Opening jftumber, spiritual rendi- tion of .^'Olo Man River;" and clos-, ing selectloA itrain novelty with the ba^. horn, player, letting out .steam, good spots.' , ' - . NeedS'Speclal talent and complete revision of selections to be df . vaude value. ,i' •. CY LANDRY (iy Dancing, Talk, Seng 10 Mins,; One 81st St. (V-P) In picture houses,. since atart of the stagehand yogue, . Cy Landry, was strictly a comedy dancer; Mid- west houses hooked him frequently because be was sure, to provide a high spot for any presentation. Vaude lengthening his time to 10 minutes, Landry has filled, the time with talk and a ballad; with woman straight supporting. Result is a dropofC for Landry. , In anglinjg for ways to strienigthen the act, Landry should consider the results he gets when doing pan- tomime. Dancing or not, he puts over the silent comedy. If possible he should replace much ef the. talk with pantomime; Pantomime, danc- ing,, and .the .one ballad, sung well, would be his ^ideal act for vaude, Landry,, nfevertheless, Is a worth- while addition to, th^. v?^riety h^lls- Suggestions are made because, .,he's not getting , as good results, as Jie. did when, in picture hou,s6s. . , Coriiedy dancing IS fine, . SanQ. MORRIS AND SHAW Talk and Songs ' 8- Mins.; Two (Special) ' Loew-8 Or'pheum (V-P^) ■'' " ' Go.od comedy turn. T.wo -riien, one . making lunatical remarlis and Other using Hebe' dialect., . Set^.iri front ef prop drpp 'represerifing qiubtatibn board" of a stbfck market. Taller of the two, with deep bassO voice, throws idiotic remarks the other in a serious manner.' Come- backs and delivery of both supply plenty of lalighs., Wayei: frorii the. characterizations for a few miriules during 'the middle . of the .routing for a solo and then atrklght 'duet of "Yoiir Siother and Mine.'*' Also Interriiilngle a sob recitation. Fin- ish with comedy lyrics mixed.with the. tunes'of old ballads; aind taiod- ern pops,' ' ' • ' : Both -Work adeptly' arid thouigh not llsteid In Variety's llleg, have probably been playing around for some tide. Should be able :to hold down a feature spot In the neigh-' borhoods. ' • (8) "UNDEAWORLD REVEl-S" Dancing, Acrobatic - 10 Mine.; Two and Full. (Special) 86th St (V-P) Addition' of an American girl dancer who alsd rilngq apparently -l-takes -- thiaonei-out- o£-_pantQiriime claisSflcatlon: It's a tongue-tied fable of an Apache dive in" Paris . After , sbri(ie. , specialties, . tuiedo chappie enters and tlie irievitablef attack by the tou^h niuggs follows FERRIS and RAY Ri^vue (2) Singjng.arid Dancing .... 10 M\n9.}. Full Jefferson (V-P) , r ,= . ..... . . . ^, . , ■cay oi «ay. ana . _i ™.w„ia' irciVnnriio ' kills or cripples the whole kahoodle: Taking the bbnd iri "one" Identifies the tax--?frearer as the head inari of the act; distinction not^ otherwise Action element sind general free- for-all finale gives this turn, valufe. (not - the: .Naomi Ray Harrison) are assisted in their war- bling and dansapatlon by a blonde I femnle pianist and a small • colored | gai; probably Bobby Dl Leon, fea' tured ori the annunciator outside.. Ferris handles • th» vocal end.! Sings "Spell Of the Blues." Voice. p^Yi]a? setting and idea but devel sounded a bit flat and leaves Quite 1 f^jJlJf'^^^li:,,, ^„„^nfl„^ „^ ^nvrfb a bit to be desired. Dishes a mini- mum of hoofing but realizes It is not his forte'. ' : -Miss Ray is a comely brnrtet with a fast iacrobatic specialty and later goes into the breakaway. Shapely lass and handles herself well. Colored girl out for a bit of short fast stepology. Small time revue and spotted best as opener, a.s here. DORAN, WEST and DORAN Female Impersonators 15 Mine.; One Englewood (V-P), Chicago All laughs for this trio of naen rigged as Diia-riiorid LIls or dance- hall dames of the 90's. Reeks with hokuni, but needs nothing «ise. Otttime dancing, of West in the opiening trio number 1(3. very, funny. Tbpsy<-and Eva . satire by ope Doran ind. West, -With - a bit more finish would be a nOw bon mot In vaude burlesque. Could safely omit diva iriiltatlon by other Doran, and ought to revise gags used by Topsy and Eva pair. For strong finish in gaudy Rus- ^ _ sian costuriieis,. and end their song tering, a meagre laugh , here and ■W'ith a ridiculous danc6 that parilcs there, while taking falls, 'em. I No style from either, who look as though they've been around for some time. No record Of them in Variety's files. Nothing to recommend It, Span, opment fairly qualified as ^novelty opener. . Land. JEAN CARR and Co. (2) Dancing 10 Minis.; One 8l8t St. (V-P) Excellent girl tap dancer, retiring after two routines in favor of gray haired man and wbmian who tear into old time hard/shod routines with much vigor and noise. . Thi^ part can't rriiss.. ^ Elderly team announced as the girl's parents, which may perplex customers .who have seen .the sanrie team ' appearing, witli others an nounced as their offspring. Not j big fariiily; just theatrical license. ' Rip-snorting. applause bound to come. .. Ba7iff. HAYNES t»nd BECK Comedy ' 12 Mins.i One Lincoln 8q. (V-P) Man and woman with hokey pokey chatter and songv , Woman handles rough edge of comedy to heir partner's inane foiling, regis ■male upon MARTY MAY CD Comedy 14 Mine.; One. lJftffe|-$<UL (VrJiyL KAMPLAIN and UTTRY (1) "The Record Bbys" Songs 12 Mins.; Orte Loew's Met., B'({|yn (V-P) Two boy?, assisted by a pianist arid relying ■• simply .=.UieiE_.vocaUstult - No- side-dishes. .xi. , ^ , Each solo warbles once. Remainder Personable young chap with fast IS duetting. Harmonizing agreeable chatter In a matter of fact tone that and oke varied, with the deeper helps results. voice of the taller boy and the high Does a "single" for the major por alto-tenor of the smaller. tlon of the time, except for the few Turn remains on the fence until minutes with an auburn haired the closing number, announced as miss. Georgette. Gal kids fixound •Hokum-Snokum," and one which with May for a short spell and then they allege to havfe done frequently goes into high kicks. , . , ' over the ether. Good comedy tune May's steady patter Is hOlped and mixed with the high war cry along with a bit of-hoke Instrumen- yodeling of the smaller g6nt; closed tatlon from the ivorie.s. the turn on the right side, I Manner and banter pleased. HIPiP0DROM£ (Continued fx"bm'pt!,g!B'^2) vaudfilni' theatre. If the ■ bookers 81ST STftiit (Vaudfilni) A few moi-e bins like this and people will 4ttit going to Vaude ca^'t'se'e y^^, they «^o.^W If ^the bool^er^of the H>p couldn^M^J^^^^^^ dancers Ot spit it Jjecause of «ie.^^^^^^ ^ customer ^® ii'''^^ J'''^ '?;- both h««^«3 to hoot a Uttle with his right shouldn't have booked them do« [^oot. Pretty soon he's able to shov* on .the same pi"-;^.. . ovsr- * taps with his left. Before Les G iezzis. ^^^^^e^ hand-over-J j^^^^ to rap staccato with hand balance atunt^ always get^ U,^^^.^^ ^^^^ snap hig cuffs arid them over, fared^aa «suaL to Nol ? ^jj-^is collar all at once. : There i« Marty May, who does a planolog^lthLj^ longer any reason to pay to see brief assistance from a dancing girl ^^^^^ shows. He is ready for th» arid tlien leappears as .m. c. in tne ' band and specialty turn following; Title of the latter is *'Through the Pieriscope," perfectly permissible, since the drop represents a BUbma- rine -subriierged, an oval cutout In the curtain framing the -nine-piece girl band. A riiiss in curls standg on her hands and executes taps against an upright board, an old time dancing stunt this generation may accept as something new. It s stage himself. Dahcers on the current flve-'act bill Include one in the first act* three Iri -the second, three in the third, one In the fourth and four ■ In the fifth' Repetition was not onl# unavoidable; it was monot^ ononis. Customers could liave ex- ited in ballet formation with no previous training, whatsoever, ' Lieut. Gitz Rice and his North- west MoUntleis, Wth girl daricer. certainly a novelty and well done by the unusual" and somfewhat the girl in this act.;. A nil*ed team.K^^^^^yj.j^^j^^j; ^^-^ jj^j^jjiinipg the impresses with eccentric comefly jj^gj.. g-^j^ The Lieut; is d, composer song and dance, while a contortion- ^^j^^ plays plana while his quintet istic young fellowf mixes his bonding stage uniformed Canadian cop with a stew dance. These are the I >.< ■ »pv,^»..*»i»o rmrt, best of the specialty people^ Girl who first appeai'ed with May In the m. c.'s solo turn jumps. Into, the band act for a good .kick and aero batic. routine, exhibiting njore danc Ing talent than all. Sh^'aibut of .the specialty class of the othpicfl thrlbiigh pers harmonize.' " There'iS 'a good sprinkling of. CanUcfc toufeic. and everjrthlhg vei^ military. Like^abie but riot impressive. " " ' Jean 'fcfarr arid Co. (New Acta) one ot those turns with ia surprise finish'" oil "Now t'U bririg mamnia an^l papa oh to show'ybu ho\v they her featured-position. .Following his ^^^^^j the old days." Unusual' : own act. May make^ it somewhat act of this .sort is the ybun^" tough for all of this good, danmg ^irVs' really clever tap work dis* with his cut-and-di'led. comedy. <.The before the tipoff. ■ ' / • good dancing would look better v/ith Maine, with two meii and bettev support anjd a better hand i" two girls In a full stiaige comedy b^2k Af It; Whpevfer staged''Through sketch with ' sorigs ' and dances, the Periscope'^ knows Rasting much | tHree-spot click; Maine is the Jerk- SHAMPAIN and MILLIARD TRIPLETS <4) Songs and^Dances 12 Mins.; Full Lincoln Sq. (V-P) Youthful dance flash featuring the Hilllard Triplets, COmely kid steppers "Who provide ttovfelty frbni the relationship angle." "Who Shani- pain is can't be discerned; Unl^sis It's the blue&i singer who lritrbduciefir the others via a nursery rhynie. ■ "• 3even' girlB In all, peiJonJaing sonp-.''arid dance Specialties.^ Aciro- batic gal of' simple tralnlni^: tWiris, who... are_^peach. r In okftra"- mnA' fa ir kickers; HiUiard' triplets arid the brunette '"wai'Men Pull' stage lay- out very i 'meagrrfily dressed, ' with cp^tume^ not so hot. '>' Might try a bit of'•.expense'in' fix In i before going ' ahead; ■' Juet' a pleasing iittle turn for the smallles. • ■ ' Spa^t. ANN PRiTCHA.RO and .Boys (5) Talk, Singing arid Dancing 20 Mins.; Full Stage LoewV Met., Brooklyn (V-P) Ann Prltchard was formerly of the dancing turn of Holbrook and Prltchard. Here Mis's Prltchard Is surrounded by three straight hoOf- ing boys and two others who mix their legmania with comedy chatter. Turn is -nicely framed. Miss Prltchard sings and solos dansapatlon. Both pleased, with the pedlmanla the outstander. Boys build nicely. The three are together neatly with their feet rpu- tines. Other two take to solo work, with the smaller one foremost Ijaughs.. were attempted through placing a,plant In the audience and the usual ensuing repartee contest. ; . Pleasing" flash and shoidd make a nice closer. ART KAHN and Orchestra (13) Band( Dancing 20 Mins.; Full (Special) Englewood (V- P), Chicago Easteim m., c. and • band 'of 10 breaking In to western, audiences, Weak throughout, though band's music Is about par with .ether revue outfits playing similar family houses. No originality in four numbers, with comic iriterruptlons by band members. Including that aged "Tb Be In Love" number. Two girls with taps, though slightly oft time now and then, add sriap. Credit to Kahn le that he puts over ail inane "Cinderella' recitation in Tid dialect, going soriie seven minutes fbr big returns. This Is not the .Art Kiahn known in Chicago as a pianist and, band leaden' ' Comedy, Instrumental 12 Mins.; One Belmont (V-P), Chicago. Single wfts giyen a big hand In spite of poor material. Revamped and cut to eight minutes, a good act for family time might be ob- tained. Gags are poor, as are most comic attempts with piano and violin. He can dismifls the violin idea entirely. Fester has a good personality and it put him over. better, thari production. Business fair Saturday evening. vfaX^t boy friend inviting himself' to; his girl's sorority darice, aud becoming a social llOtf ; by •p'is^nff ;as;a count after ishe adhilts she'd lashariied of him. Tfriexpecttd ap-* pgarance of the real count throwd gasoline on the fite Of hoke humor. Maine's, act with, three daace spe- cialties warned that there wa6 go-* ing to be an extra cai^load of terp- siscore In some booker's bonehead LINCOLN SQ. i(V«udfilm)" Small timey vaude at this Loew stand is the rule. Exception is rare, though once In a while a turn here will show feature developments. Usually it's a new act breaking in I idea pf how five turns should sHapa^^ around the bends, , . {up. ' j^'^ Better class -stuff doesn't stand ai Foiurth was Cy Xiandry, whp for «hance around - the square, ,where several- years did an eccentrle they prefer vaude hoked. ;up . thick dance.ln pldture houses; For Vaude and heavy and the more the mer- lhe haa added a ballflid and gags. < rleir. Four turns seen at Satur- str^ilghted by a,lady assistant It day's.third show skipped the gut-J has weakened Landry's entert&ln-t ter pleasantly, providing giggles to ling powers a hit. .1, the kids and abashed smiles te the .Baye^ Ellis arid ,La RUe, adagio grown UPS. It's the Intimate type [.darice turn witlj unusual produce of ihouse, wheria. they smoke In thel tlori^ ciOsed.; After a. toUroom oorn^ balcony and . boxes and munch, ,«n IWnatlon of .waltis j?^tto. adf gio, ;th0 chocolate bar^. . '.. leM^iind twP. meil go .?p ,full etagj Hatt and Herman,^ miyed .tranx-..1 foi^, undorsea thjrowabout , wo^ poline pair,, were weir received reai<aijriig: thrilling propprttpHs openers. Front and, back oomer- the girf 1^ lifted to a high t>eroh. , saults while strumming the banjo by [a liJan. watumed as. an^ootp]^.'^ we-Tre^Dtiy-d^one hy theiw?ra7^ apd- ,:fa^ls-backWMd-Iptp-th^ the woman ma;kln& a nice appear-1 of o^fi of.her partnew.beloi^^ anbe in singing entrance. I V itween the tW4? rOutlh^a^ls irving^: V Hayries . find.'^eck .{m^ Acts) Bope in an «ceentrlc dance spe- dldn'tlare so well, with declining ciaJty--dytog hecause Cy iMiAty'M comedyt- patter and. .mugging that fladjpreceded It. . had the mixed couple scrambling , l^^W NPJ'lieres^^ (FK> o^^^ in the ."deuce" to'.make the exit. - . |scifeen,^and about half a maltf floor . . Next. two. turns . much better, J present SatuY-day. .. Banf. picking up .stronglywith Lydlaf Barry In -character song;fest. done: so ably by her for many yearp. Miss j Bajrry'g trouplng of tpday .can't re- sist kidding the modem generation. I Ghampain and Hilllard Triplets (New Acta)j all girl light dance { flash, closed nicely. Xouth is the predominating item, but other Im- portant ingredients lacking. Doing, four shpws Saturday, bill! ran an even 30 minutes, with evi- dent cutting. International news-, reel (silent), with .five clips, only screen subject, aside from feature, "So This I9 College" (M-G). Span. PARK PLAZA JEFFERSON (VAudfilnt) Plenty of laughs oh the first halt here with practically all thtf severi acts packing some- comedy* 612 light At the middle show Sat* urday, biit a gradual flllup for the* flnal show baJanced earlier eMp^ ties. ' ROlBiuaii's Alabainlans, novelty orchestra of foUr men and two girls; enlivened proceedings from start with musical numbers, danc* ing and clownlngl Girls alternated between instruments and dancing^ with most of the coriiedy packed by the youthful drummer, who clowned aili: over the' lot and kept theiit ttclded without retarding or dis- rupting regular routines. Act has (Vaudfilm) This was a Monday night and even' ^ ^ in University Heights the old blue I everythlng^in the way of good en^ wash'day is the nanny for bad blz>' tertalnment, and' registered accord* House was Just cold with customers i^giy, at latfe show, orchestra getting about i Q^rr Brothers and Betty also . a 55% play and balcoriy only & maintained the comedy motif In fol- I * sneeze, with two couples facing one another in the front boxes overlook- ing the. stage. .. Bill had four acts, Mbvletone newsi and,feature> "Romance on the RIO <jrande" (Fox). ,Of the-quartet of acts only one | rated consideration. This was old- timer, "Whitey" and Ed Ford, where the rifian does the talking but the dog does the acting. Opener was '*Runnin' Wild Re- view," colored turn pf eight shades of Harlemites, five women and threie men.* It's singing and dancing and: went fair here but comparable only to low rate Harlem flobr show. Irving Edwards, third, had gags older than himself. If he listened to low up through the boys' travesty on acrobatics. Betty. planted ft diaric'e for spacer, boys, coming back, for a legit balancing, routine to fln? ; ioh,-. ■ :■'.:■ , ■ . Raymbnd Bond; arid CP- r^ng th« bell ,with. a comedy . sketch woven around a hucollc couple honey- mooning In New Ypirk. |>aughs grabbed through shyness . of: tho , hayseed bride and continual inter- • ruptions Pn their bridal night. Bpnd . is perfect as the booh grobm witb Helen Sullivan an excellent foil aa the timid bride. Skit packs plenty^,, of good humor and tickled them' plenty.: Doyle and.' Hoover, mixed, team with man under cork, also capital- f'«'L'^o*rot!^?,«.fi?^^Syft^J^^^^^ comedy gab and songa. o^^it^wo" 1>Si wSit L i2i Po^^^^ numbers a?e Pulled from ^fL^^t^^tit Broadway musicals, with, now makes him took like a summer l^j^^,^ Hoover assisting adequately in camp graduate i ...-^ ■ closing a girl-band known las. the "Fifteen Synco-ph ants," 14 musi- cians and one female specialty. Dizzy costumes, sloppiy playing, petty comedy, goofy make-up puts it in the wow clas.'j for University Heights —. but only University vSde bill ran 62 minutes, featuro I ^l^' JJIStS^ ?Sn 105 minutes. News and other stufT. """J^" «nd il Reith mJ"e minutes—plenty long. J (Continued on page C3) the-gab repartee ^and=uneorking^-ar-- tap for Doyle's closlnif number. Seabury, Irving and O'Shea, flanked by five others, went over for a smash in a classy song and dartce revue. Seabury m.c'fl throughout and also contributes his share of- hoofing. Miss O'Shea unleashes nifty