Variety (Dec 1929)

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Wednesday, December 11, 1020 P I G T U R E S VARIETY 49 Picture Possibilities •Whirlpoor—Unfavorabl© ' ''WHIRLPPOL" (Comedy Drama, Amierlcan Playwrights, Biltmorc).' "Weak story and plot. Mostly talk and no action. Concerns small town preacher, his loves and life there. Char. .**Ypuna Sinners"—Fayorabt* ••YOUNCr SINNERS" (Comedy, Shuberts, Morosco). Thematically. suitable for screen purpose. Also* dialog Is smartly patterned In several spots. Bpan. "The Humbug"--Unfavorab|e "THE HUMBUG" >(Marcin play, Fllhtmar' Prod., Inc., producing; Ambassador). Por Adolphe Merijou, perhiaps, but would have, to to rewritten. As Is, not for screen. , . -'. • Jlush. "Silver. Swan'-'—Favorable "SILyBR SWAN" (Operetta, Gantvoort, Beck). With elastic screen treatment, this operetta could be recorded. Simple love interest, music and comedy. Bang. "Top 6' the Hill—Favorable ''•'TOP Q' THE HiLIi" (Drama, Felix Young, El tinge). ^od chance for screen treatment after dialog toned down. Too spicy _ Span. now. ; * "How's Your Health?"—Unfavorable "HOW'S YOUR HEALTH?" (Farce^ AndrewsiBurnside, Vanderbilt). Patient who thinks he's ill makes everyone else feel ill when attend- ing a party prescribed by his doctor. Much reconstruction required to make only a light program film. Bang. "'The Patriarch^—Favorable ^THE PATRIARCH" (Drama, Joseph E. Shea-Charles Knox Robin- n' 49tli St ) Heavy drama of mountains but with some punch and situations that give it chances as a picture. Plenty opportunity for atmosphere and niotlon, suspense-building but treats of brother and father murder, latter probably making it undesirable for filming. Char. Aeslcned aa In others above. 1,7B6,BB4. Multicolor clnem«tograph Mm. J. B. Thornton, Ijondon. Mo assignment. 1,786.656. . , Multicolor cinematograph film mate- rial. J, B. Thornton, I.ondon. Assignor to J. O. O'Brien. l,7S6,6Bfi. Process and apparatus for the pro- duction ot relief Images on cinema- tograph fllm Btrlps. J. B. Thornton, London. Assignor to O'Brien. 1,736,667. Film handling apparatus (device for holding on track and for releasing film for editing). H. O, Pontlng, . Oxford Circus, tiohdohr and O. W. Ford. Kens- ington, London, assignors to Vf. D. Fos- ter, Washington Township, N, J., TJ. S. A. Original application filed March 11. 1322. Ser. No. 642,898, and In Great Britain March 30, 1921. Divided and this appli- cation filed Sept. 16, 1929. Ser. No. 392,- 890, Twenty-nine claims. 1,736.730. Colored film. X<udwlg Horst. Berltn- WHmersdorf, Germany. Filed March 19, 1928, Ser. No. 262,903, and In Germany March 18, 1927. One claim, 1,736,826. . Means for. . automatically, controlling the operation of moving picture ma- chines and for operating a Are control shutter. J. TavanI, Philadelphia. Filed Aug. 6, 1927. Ser. No. 210,866. Seven claims. 1,737,034. . ' , x . Motion picture -film (to control 4v"*?," slon). 'V. D. HlU, Scarsdale, N. Y. Original application filed June 7, 1929. Ser. No. 309,173. Divided and this ap- plication flled Aug. 20, 1920. Ser. No. 387.217. Fifteen claims. 1,738,054. Photo amplifying system. It. H. Ranger, Newark, N. J., assignor to Ra- dio Corp. of America. Piled Nov. 18, 1924, Ser. No. 760,614. Ten claims. 1,738.316. . Another in Burlington Burlington, Vt., Dec. 10. Publlx is planning to build a secr ond theatre here. House will bo erected oh the site of the XaPran .© hotel, recently de- stroyed by fire. LICENSE OBDINANCE Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 10. ■ Direct result of charges hurled by the local Moving Picture Operators' Union during ltall>resent caimpaign against non-union houses is a city ordinance making, mandatory the licensing of all projectionists. It is being drafted for early submission to the Common Council and Its adoption is certain. Union, fighting the houses on the unfair • Itst, has stressed the lire dangers arising from the employ- ment of unskilled operators. With- out exception, all local second-run houses are non-union. Ordinance Will make no reference to union affiliations. Opening a Limited Engagement Dec, 12 At the "Sons o' Guns"—Unfavorable "SONS O' GUNS" (Musical, Connolly-Swanstrom, Imperial). Studios are now picking musical shows accordinig to score. They can t wait too long as the heavy "mechanical" plug any hit tune re- ceives can have its kick-back at the box office because of the over- playing.. That's the reason the Coast mob has been Inserting new songs into its adaptions of stage musical comedies despite that the entire original score may have been good. ^ This show has one outstanding number in "Why?' and. possibly a runner-up which may develop. The book doesn't mean, anything for pictures unless the show becomes a smash and the title thereby taeks on significance. "Amorous Antic'?—Unfavorable "THE AMOROUS ANTIC" (Comedy, Sam H. Harris, Masque). Dialog play with characters of ultra artistic nature, who talk and plan affairs which are not consummated. -^^ee. Hotel Gibson, Cincinnati, Ohio Hear Our Radio Programs Over Station WLW — tliey are looking for talent — tltis is toclay^s bigr opportunity ADISC record of your eiuff will open many more doors to yon. jlhose desiring speaking or mnsical ianditions for radio or moving picture engagements would do well to have them faithfully reproduced by RCA licensed electrical recording process end in the form of records which re- ceive . utmost attention at radio and picture studios. Such recordings rep- resent time^eaving, economical, digni- fited, lasting, faithful auditions, taken at the artist's convenience when the voice is at its besL Complete facilities, conveniently lo- cated to the theatrical district, permit of carrying through the entire process of personal recordings in minimum time and at minimum cost. Auditions by appointment. "Write or 'phone {Circle 9214) for ftiisther information, SouiifD Studios OF WEW YORK, Inc 50 West 57th Street NEW YORK aXY Patents Washington, Dec. 10. J. E. Thornton, of London, has been granted eight distinct patents for the making of colored motion pictures. Most of these have been assigned to another Englishman, with patents previously granted In Great Britain. Lee de Forest is also listed In the current list with another patent on talking picture device. Other talking devices, along with dimension control, and others on color,-are Included in the following list, which may be secured by for- warding the name and number in each instance to the Commission- er of Patents, Washington, It Is necessary to -forward 10 cents to cover costs of mailing: Motion picture projector. J. Q. Cap- Btaff, Rochester, N. T.. assignor to Eaatman Kodak Co., Koehester. Original application filed Feb. 20. 1925. Ser. No. 10.601. Divided and this application filed I5ec, 17, 1927. Ser. No. 240,898. Ten claims. 1,736.165, . ^ Motion picture screen. P. Favour. Rochester, N. T.. asslffnor to Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester. Flled Sept. 24, 1927. Ser. No. 221,701. Three claims. 1,736,162. ^ T, -a Talkfng picture apparatus. F. h. Owens. New York. N. Y. rUed June 13. 1327. Ser. No. 198,647. Eight claims. 1 7 3 B 3 3 B 'Motion picture apparatus (projector), A. M. Mayle, Toledo, O. Flled Oct. 18, 1923. Ser. , No. (!69,238. Eleven claims. ^'Multicolor olnemntORraph and otncr film. J. E. Thornton, London, Eng., as- signor to J. O. O-Brlen,^ Manchester. Eng. rued May 5, 1924, Ser. No. 711.- 253, and In Great Britain May 18, 1923 Twelve claims. 1,736,810. ■ Multicolor cinematograph and other film and method of making same, J. Thornton, London, '"^'th Fame assign ment as above. Three claims. l,7J5,8ii- | 173BS!l3 ^ ■ cinematograph fllm. J. Thorntdn, r:,ondon, with same assignment. 1,7J6,- 812 Sound rcpfodncingr aevlce. Lee de Forest, New York, N. T., assignor to General Talking Pictures Corp, Hied Oc?. 31. 1926. Ser. No. 66,916. Twelve claims. 1,736,035. ,„ «j color photography and Bensltlzed ma- terial therefor. J. E. Thornton, London. CHARLES ITET.KN ROYAL Late of "Almanacs'* V£BSATILB TABIETX DANCERS With Jack Partington'* "Mardl Oras" THIS WEEK. PARAMOUNT, BROOKIiYy. V. During Our Absence qt the Hotel Governor Clinton in New York PAUL SPECHT Presents AL PA YNEand his Orches tra To Radio Advertisers, Agencies and Talking Picture Representatives SURELY all these critics can't be wrongi Read this unsolicited criticism and then let PAUL SPECHT "shoulder" *ome of your worries when preparing your commer- cial radio and "talkie** programs that will insure RESULTS FROM COAST TO COAST FROM POST, BOSTON, MASiS. During Paul Specht's program of dance music broadcast- over the Columbia System last Satur- day evening, studio officials of WABC were somewhat surprised to receive a call' from. a promi- nent executive of the National Broadcasting Company request- ing that Specht play his favorite number. The fequested selection was Diayed with gusto for the offlclai of a competing network. From Dnllr Mirror, New Tork, Bloiid Johaneson says: "With all the band leaders going Into the movies, Paul Specht, tho only one of them who looks at all like a camera subject, finally has been persuaded to make a film. He and his band will be featured In "Love at First Sight." a Chesterfleld picture, made at the RCA Sound Studios here. Tho picture will bo made wlthlik the next two weeks, Broadway players filling In tho sup- porting roles. Paul Specht, Inci- dentally, was the first bandman to recognize tho possibilities of sound movies. He made the first De Forest Phonofllms, in 1924, while the other leaders were all asleep at thoir re- Bpecllve saxophones. Specht will play his violin In "Love at First Slfht." Several of his boys will contribute Bongs. FROM BULLETIN, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. The excellent brand of dance music K^'RC is bring- ing us froni New York through its Columbia sys- tem affiliations. For in- stance, Paul Specht and his Governor Clinton Hotel Or- chestra on Mondays. An important executive of the Columbia Broadcastino System write* Specht, viz: '•1 want to compliment yog on tho wonderful programt you are putting on the air over oumetwdrk. They comparo most favorably with our best hours . .' For Future Bookings—Address Room 220 1585 Broadway Phone, CHIckering 4429 Cable Address: "Specorch," New York