Variety (Dec 1929)

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50 VARIETY VAUDEVILLE Wednesday, December 11, 1929 Publix Units Playing Three Acts Of Standard Class Instead of Four A decision to use three acts to a Publix stage unit Is reported to have been reached by A, J. Balaban. Heretofore the minimum number has been four. Just when the change will go into effect has not been stated. Publix now is playing around 25 stage units, each rotating weekly. Booked by the William Morris i; BIIJL TELAAK The Debonair. High'^ Hatted Gagiter (NOT GANGSTER) /ThahlcB the- westero bookerS' for tbelr quick, wonderlul co-operation. Now In the Middle West under the -ypereooal direction of MAX BICHABPi office, the Publix units' acts have been costing about ^2,250 weekly, with the bulked cost, Including chorus, reaching around $3,000 to each moving stage show. In re- ducing the number ot turns troiri four to three it Is said that Balaban concluded after a conference with the Morris bookers that a better quality , of talent could be secured In- thriee acts costing the same amount, than Publix has been pro- curing in the four turns. . In going into the three-act units Publix will-be more largely tapping the standarfl class of turns,/with the .chances that each of the thred acts for a salary of gross $2,250 wUl be of the standard vaiide brand. Paris Chatter (Continued from page 2) renovated with a, double set of nu- merals.* . Th'© . entire Fox organization Is now , housed at 12 rue Blanche; arouncl the corner from the two separate buildings <?ccupied on riiet Plgalie . (Nos. 17 and 22)., . jvrhereiri the fiini and Movietone News divi- sions were situated,. Hunger ior anything Jolsonesqud because of the great popularity, o£ his "Jazz Singer" In Europe caused the booking of Bob Fisher into the exclusive ceroid (gambling club- cabare.t),Abbaye,.. Brussels. Fisher Is a .frank imitator of Jolson. He tiTriyed . Nov. 15, goiniff to ' Brussels a we«k later and Is set foir Paris thereafter. Ed Haffel on Paris edition of New York "Herald." Nite cflible edUpr. H. Wolf Kaufman, ei-Broadway- Sends Advance XMj^ GREJETtNGS FROM, FAR. OFF BERLIN, GERMANY Sailing Dec. 14 "SX Bremen** R-K-O RIVERSIDE, NEW YORK THiS WEEK (DEC. 7) Ite, pepping things up In publicity. Resigned from "Herald" as reporter to do general publicity, educating natives on press-agentry* No cinch. Has George V. hotel. Soviets did a Shubert with Paul SchefEer, former Moscow corre- spondent for the Berlin "Tageblatt." He Is refused re-entry into Russia, hence Herr Scheffer ffoes to New Tork as th© Berlin daily's corre- spondent. Scheffer'a stuff on' the Soviets wasn't relished by the Rus- sian gdverhment. liocal slgnor offering 50,000 lire prize- for best biography on Gabrlele d'Annunzlo written by October, 1930. Limited to Italian scribes. New move to bar aperitif (cokr tall hour) sessions In public taverns, bars, etc.. In Belgium, has tlie French booze merchandizers In a; panic. Aimed strictly at them. No- body takes ;bottle3 .of. .cockta,lls home, having theirs iat public ca(es, hence .the French Government's Ire at Belgium's' proptosed legislation which Is Still 1ft abeyance. • Bernaiird and Henry, femme Van and Schenck from Chi, airfe here try- ing to get set. . Allen Foster, the ^Issus, .two kiddies, and an English nurise, still having a tough time > with their French. Foster alQhe can read • i menu andi inukt,punchi the.clock :at home around six nightly In order to get the proper chdw . for tbe youhgsters. He was Almost rej(.'dy to. quit "Good News'' rehearsals be- cause he couldn't make himself un-^ derstood. An' Interpreter .saved the day. '. ■ •■: • . Anonymous tip-off' detdtired 1,200 cases—count 'em,; 14,400 'bbttles—of chanipe^ghe. on a, ship bound from here to America,, Skipper' talked himself out o.f artest with the cus- toms> men through unloading - the coiitrAband cargo at Havre and faic- ing-lortnal chafges 6f.'<alse declara- tion '.bf carg'o .Under the niarltime lawSr ; iGeorge Arllss has formally denied quitting the stage for talkers. Has since left for I^ondon. Some to-do here again on whether the late. Gaby Deslys wasn't'really Hedwlfif Navra'tir, Galiclan Jewess troid Huhgary, as the result of an estate tift. Harry Pllcer, her orig- inal sponsor, says "No.'' Barristers aver she wasn't •^'rench, but a Hun- garian subject. If so, a legal bat- tle against the city, of Marseilles, to© fortime she willed the French municipality, is sound biasis for complaint; Considerable g?ib here over the flaming red flngemall polish af- fected here by the femmea, a manl- festatipn picked up from the Basque country by the Parisians during the Biarritz season^ Everybody getting publicity panning the Spanish ladles for this crimsoning df their cuticles, Pola Negrrl Is to divorce Prince Mdivanl here. Also peeved at re ports .U. S. Government Is.suing her for taxes, stating that If this were so she'd never have been allowed to leave America. Chatter in LoiidoU (Continued from page 2) "Silver Wings" leaving Clayton and Wallep without a baritone. Ankle-length transparent skirts make up for that lost ys. a. Rudi Schneider, "medium," has got all the conjurers het up. Western Electric Is advertising all over the lay papers. D. B. Wyndham liewls, top flight columnist, has written for the Green Room Rag. After three weeks Illness Walter Briice Is back in Wallace's play, "The Calendar.'^ ' Lord Berners Is writing music for Cochran, who just can't keep oiit of print. : _ If you want to phone New York, call at your pal's when he's 6ut> It's a new game; Lawrence's "Red'-Bo'j'','' famous painting, up for $l>OOOiOOO. . Augustus John defligning things for the Chelsea Artd Ball. Noel. Coward is 'supp'osedly wrlt-i ing- music for ''::'a ' Shakespearean operetta. • ''Unemployment Corner,'' ppiposlte Hippodrome^' 'vtrhere' all the small- timers hang out between dates,' dls-, eusjSes ltS'stbck losses.', Cedrlc Hardwlcke 'has beian given ai- miniature apple cart. But Shaw gbt'photographed with Itv ; Papers •are' clamoring for Mabel^ Poultan, local picture lead, %o stair at Drury Lane. VGbodbye to All That;?' Robert Graves'' autobiography, ha^ broken all records for its-class by sellings 20,000 In a week. . Val Parnell, sooner or later, will have to be operated for appendicitis. Publix-Olympfa at New Haven, Conn., most recent of chain's houses to shift jinpnlckep. to Paramount. . If Ton Don't Advertise in Yon Don't Advertise Judgments Glynnt Theatret, Inc.; National Theatre Supply Co;; 16,184. Wilt*n LackAye; 46 West B2d a*. Corp.; $1,256. »«• Tempo Theatre Corp.; Elmwood Realty Corp.; 13,613.91. Irvfti C. Millar; Millard H. Franca Sons, Inc.; $1,937.70. ■ Caryl Frink MaoArthur; 167 Eft«k 72d St. Corp.; $183.30. Mokowen Managina Hollywood, Dec. 10. James McKo-wen has replaced Nick Jorey as business manager for Llta Grey Chaplin. He left here to Join the act In Texas. THEATRE FOR RENT -New Brighton Theatre, Brlghtdri Beach, Coney Isand. Fully equippeO.- Rental 116,000 per atinum, immedl- ate poasesBlon.'. House open for' lo'J spectlon at aU ttmea. For.'partlculara communicate with JOHN O. tAT'ANAGH; 30 E. 42d St. Phone JUURray HIU 694tl CQNLIN and GLASS ^ With HANK MILO . V , ,Woek; Pec. 14^ .Majestip, .... Heuston, Tex. DANCERS Experienced boys and srlrls wanted for staere work. Thirty weeUs guaf anteed. Take Astorl^ subway to Washington otreet. MK' Cowhlck, be- tween .A A. M. and 6 P. M. Publix Theatres Corporation, 7tb and Pierce atreeta, Astoria, Long Island. ! wt?iTBwma •** otg e PHIL A. FREASB raANKIJN S9}S**-rAN PRANCI5C0 REPDE5ENTAT1VE RADIO- KEITH-ORPHEUM CIRCUIT OF THEATRES Vaudeville Exchange General Booking Offices Palace Theatre Building 1564 Broadway R-K-O FILM BOOKING CORP. General Booking Offices 1560 Broadway NEW YORK C O R P O RATI O N 156Qr1564 Broadway, New York Telephone Exchange i Bryant 0300 Cable Addressi "BADIOBJEITH" R-K-0 PRODUCTIONS, INC Frodncen and Dlatrlbntor* o( RADIO PICTURES Launchino an Era of Electrical Entertainment 1S60 Broadwar MBtv TOBK oirir General &<ecutiue Offices LOEWBUILDINC AN N E X 160 WEST 46^ ST* ' BRYANT 7800 NE W YORK CITY J. H. LUBIN GENERAL MANAGES MARVIN R SCHENCK BOOKING UANAGEB CHICAGO OFFICE 600 WOODS THEATRE B'LD'O JOHNNY JON£S IN CHABOB EVE and SULL1 By AL BOASBERG Direction MARTY FORKINS P. S.-^Had a lovely week with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Benny at Palace Theatre, Chicago