Variety (Dec 1929)

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Wednesday^ jpecember 18, 1929 VARIETY 63 :: FOR SHOW PEOPLE LETTPRS : Whan SendlBB tor MaO «• VABI1BT?> A4dr«M IbU^CI^k. POSTOABOS, APVM MCiaiMO' •» BB ADVERTISKp. • , gJBTTBBS ADVEBTISJSD rlRv^/ B«vau Balph C' Brown Robert H . Burke George M Conlan Paul Cullen Chloe' Miss SelJalne Kitty pnion Jane ' DobbB-Clarke-Dare Spwqlncr SOiin. Flnlrl Georare ] ■. Fltzgeraldj j:ddl« • Fosljer Lloyd R Foster Victor OarVin P &. P. ■ Goodwin Blsie Mies Gray • Gllda Hltqlicock ^jVVim- A Eowells John Meald Jud<r« Qali - ;■ |jaM4rr' Harry lA. Pavla lioclkfcart B . & C Marque & Uarq'ttd Morgan Mr : . Nevlns Marlon Olver "Jial Owen Uiclc Pearl MIbs Raemler Valerie Rothschild V[i^ck; Stuart Marloij ^\ Tato Nolly Taylor,Jaa Jl;. Tiffany Cwe»i\ 'J'urner Mltis Vincent' Mt^dge .;. ■WaWh Bili:^ Welch:, Nlles "West .Mai^ - WhlMng .<;hay Wlnton ..iJaneX Wrenley May young Haj-yy CHICAGO OFl='ibE AIeX4nder Roy ■ Anderson Lucille Arnahd P B : . Blndir Ray Blumjenfeld. Herm'n Boye| R H ■.' [ '. ■.■ Chandler Fehm^r Chang K4l .Sheck Cltkl«a jJack '. ■ .*' • ■ Penhlson Geo' ' Drew: Virginia Duffy" J' (Sax) Bvan^ Alvln A FrohinaA' Bert Oillord W C GUtflTt Bert Gillette Lucy Cleiiri & Richards Goralette W J Gordcr AI;- • ' . Hall' & Bssley Hansmond . AI Harbor Madeloh Uernian Lewis Hertz LllUato . j Hogan & S^anlle^ Jones Davy! '. J<>nes Tereqe. 3f Koolaha /Violet Lange iloward"' Leltcb JaCk ;'.'. Lymdn Tomn^ . MacGowan & M Murray J Harold Novit Jdles^ . Olson Louise Pymm F &.P Rose Chiarlle Sanderson Helen - Steinbeck Bruno - Vanderkoor H B Vernon Wally Verobell Madatn^ White H Pietre '. Wynn Ray DENVER By JACK ROSE .B^padsWiy—"Chauve-Sourls," • , D«nhiwanrr-Dark. ntnv6lP-"The K(sS"; stage' *how. ■ OrAhenm—^"Thia Thing Called lA>ve"; Taud^. - •' . . ]' Rlrtltiy—••Marianne." : .1 Tftborr^'lThe Delightful RogtJje." . . t,PRRA^|4E Ivl^.C:. SINGIJi boom; BATH, W.OO CP DOUBLE ROOM, .BATB,:$17.S0 AND 921.00 WBEELT DOOBLB W2mO€T> BATH. $14.00 WEEKL.Y LEONABD ttlCKS President <;hANT SINOLB BOOM WITHOCT BATB. «1.28 AND $1.60 PBB DAY eiNtiLB ROOM. BATH. 92.00 FEB DAY DDDBLB BOOM WITHOC1 BATH. $14.00 PEB IVBEK DOVDLE BOOM WITH BATB $11^0 AND $21.00 WBEKI.V ACKSON ,137-139. West 45th St. - Completely remodeled—cTciythlnc of. . the. best—Simmons fumltute (Beaufy- rest maufcBBes)/ hot autl. .cbld water.' telepbonesj ^honrers. ,< $12 for Single Boom $lS-$iy for Double Room $ie-$18^$20 Tor Dotible B«dm (with PriTdtie BAth) ' Is the ideal hotel for the ProfesBlcn—in tli.; ibieart of,the thjeatrlcal section . - Phones Bryant 0573-4-5 . f ; DES MOINE? .'Jlerclicl-rDark, jCaslniH—Change.. ■'DiBS M6lnes-^"Condemned." ■ :.Gorden~"The- Dance of Llfd." ■Orphenm-—Vaudfllin. -GPalaco—"Girl in the Glass Cage." iParamoont—"Thei KJss." . ■President—Dark. I Princess—Dark. -iStrand—"Her Private- Life." Opposite V. A. Club ^ $ 9 and Cp Single ' $14 and Vp Dodble 4^^^ Shower Baths, . Rot kTX^ and Cold Water an'd Telephone- Blectrlc Fans 264-268 West 46th Street New York City ' : Qberfelder- Ketcham ■ production C^)mpany s.tock ^ilayers will open at tbe President Dec. 28. Ben Ketcham fa :in New York engaging players. All Newly OSeprated "$ 8 and Up SlngliB ' $12andlJpDotible Hot and Cold Water and Telephone In Eaqb Room, . ^02 West 44th Street N6w York City Phofie BRTANT, 7228-29 Trie Denham -stock- company rdst.- Ingitihls weeki Frank Jaquet, come- dlaii; will Join thehi ChrlstmdS week in 'fAbles' lrieh Rose." , ' ki.Z Guild PJayers"putting-on ee-' rlea of playlets Weekly. A. iDeBernardi, Post drama critic, coppied prize in contest for naming George Hall's orchestra ' prbgrarti OYer;KTrHS/iHot Springs, Ark.;.. Aii item In ^'Variety" telling -of Colorado's effort to grab some pub- licity by having its license plates on cars in pictures caught the eye of ah actor In- Portland, Me. Writ- ing to Secretairy of State Armstrong he offered to put plates on his car and boost tlxe state in this travels. Jphn If.,.Riggs has been re-elected president, and Claude E. Pickett secretary, of the Des Moines Musi- cijans' Ass'n.,.. Fair Managers' association of Iowa opened its 22d annual meeting here Dec. 9-and 10. Delegates represent- ed 82 lowia, fairs. G. J, Dlttp, Slb- liey, elected preisident, and C, S. Mil- ler, of Tipton, vice-president. At election of offlcerti of the Iowa State-fair, held in <?on]unctlAn with the. annual mpe,ting, of the Fair Man- agers' Ass'ri of .Iowa,.Chas. E. Cahi-, eroh, Alta, was re-elected president for the twenty-fourth terni,:and J. P. iMullen of Fonda re-elected vice- president for the 12th year. . . L.OUiSVILI.E, KY. "! By RICHARD B. GILBERT jLoe*'*—•'T?he Locked Door.'.' ^Ulto—"The Virginian."; StrandT-^VHearta in Exlle.^'. Anderson—"Darkened Rooms." AlamV^"Four Devils." ■ Gayetjr—Burlesque <Mutual).: IValnut—iStock burlesque. der foreclosure proceedings to P. Bajllantine & Sons for $150,000i This was the only bid. Mortgage held by the Ballantine people was for f200,000. : ; • Police raided five night clubs and numerous saloons Saturday night. Places raided' included Beaux Arts club, Stein and Hogan's, Astor Grill and Breakaway Club. William Bierd elected president Denver ^vt Theatre. KANSAS CITY By VtriLL. R. HUGHES Xoew's Iftldland—"The Locked Door." Malnstreet^"Paris"-; Vaude. !Kowman—VHalf Way to Heaven." Pnntnges—"Why Leave Home." Royal—"Darkened Rooms." SItuhdrt—Ha-mpeir Shakespearedn- Rep- ertoire, • . Orphenm—'JCrime"' (stock). JSmpress—Stock burlesque. '*nyety—Mutual burlesque. .Two local, night .clubs burned last wefek, with the liog. Cabin completely destroyed and the iE^ver Valley Club damaged to extent of about $25,000. tiog Cabin was Insured after all, due to , a 30-day .grace clause. -, In-, surance .company had returned the premium qheck .And stated the pol- icy was to be cancelled. Fire in the.basement of the Gay,- ety, Mutual burlesque hou?e. Fire- men had to don gas masks to put out the blaze. Just slight .damage. ROCHESTER, N. Y, Biy DON RECORD RKO Palace — •'Delightful Rogue"; vaude. IlKa Temple—"Sally." Txtew'B Bochestor — ••13th Chair"; vaude, ... Sastmnn—"Halt Way to Heaven." Plccndllly—'•Marriage Playground." Resent—'JWelcomO' Danger" .(2d week). Pay's—"Love, Live, XAUgh"; vaude. Ctrand—Change. . PamllyH-Change. Betty Hanna new leading woman for the Oberfelder-Ketcham stock at the Orpheum. Fox, which has taken over the Midland circuit of theatres, has just purchased ^ the Strand at Council Bluffs. W. D. Smith, secretary of the Missouri State Fair, has been elect- ed secretary of the Middle West Fair circuit, composed of 12 agri cultural and live stock fairs. SAN FRANCISCO By WALTER RIVERS Nick Turner, former manager of J'Qxis.^CallfoVnia.-theatre^^iniSlack- ton, returned last week from a trip around the world and is headquar-^ terlng in San Francisco, awaiting a new assignment from A. M Bowles. Henry Gunson, for many years guardian of the Warfield stage door, Is ^out because of straight picture policy. Once an opera singer. Gun- son Is in Los Angeles ready to crash pictures. Henry Duffy has bought "Broth- ers ' for his Pacific Coast theatres. Vaude out of Fay's after current Week, house going all-sound. Victoria is dark for 10 days for sound installation. Will, change name in effort to bury bad burlesque rep. John J. O'Neill, formerly of Eastman, brought in to put house on Its feet. Three men moved up from East man to Publlx houses in New York Mitchell Smith, asst. mgr., similarly at Riaito; George Joneck, tr.eaisurer, to asst. mgr. Rivoll; Oscar Weiss, head. usher, to that post at Rlyoli. R. H. Ayer comes from Lynni Masis., as a.qst, manager. William Ball- horn, usher, working in as treas- urer. NEWARK, N. J. Broftd-"City Haul." Shnbert—"Top Speed." Proctor's—"Night Parade"; vaude. -jrm^iv^ -Q^at^—"Song of Ke ntucky'", -vaude. ■ Newark—"Wall Street"; vaude. Brttnford—"The Painted Angel"; stage Mosque—"Lilies Of the Field." Fox Terminal—"Sunny Side Up" (4th week). _ _ Rittlto—"The Woman Who Was ror- cotten." Capitol—"The Unholy Night." Bmpire—Mutual burlesque. OrDhenm—"Bottoms Up": pictures. Newark Motion Picture Guild opens its little theatre January 17 Corp, sold at auction last week un- PITTSBURGH By HAROLD W. COHEN Alvlni—^Dark. » ^Ixon—Dark. Pitt—Sharp stock. Aoademy—Mutual burlesque. Pictures Stanley—"Tiger RoBO"; stage show. Penn—^'Return of Sherlock Holmeci'^; staire show. Bnrleht—"JealousyV-: stage show.. Harris—'•Skinner Steps Out"; vaude. Oratad—^'GloWfying American Oirl" (2d wefek).^' . -, 'i . Aldlnd—"Woman Trap." , ^heridan Saqare—"Rio Rita" (4th wk). Roth leglii houses, Nixon -and' Al- vin, dark this week. Nixon's" flrdt dark session of season; Alyin's sec- ond. iPittsburgh .Grand Opera Com- pany, after two performances, went Into hands of receiver last week. Dick Brown, son of Harry. Brown, niinager t>f Nixon, has just teenf appolnted'ihdria.g'er of WarnefB JEii- rlght in East Liberty. "Children of Darkness,". Edwin Justus .Mayer*s play, booked at Nixon for'New Tea^r's week. Ber- nard Simon, ahead of "Strange In- terlude" to Coast, back east ad- vancing the iiew one. OTTAWA, CAN. By W. M. GLADI8H Eastern Theatres, Ltd., operating Pantages Theatres in Eastern Can- ada, has announced the name "Pan- tages" will disappear from these houses after January 1. Pantages never controlled these theatres, but they had been named In his honor, because ' Pantages vaudeville had been booked since their opening. Manager Joia .Franklin of B. F. Keith's Theatre, Ottawa, Ont., re ceived a note with 25 cents "con' science money," the sender explain' ing he had passed a plugged guar ter to. the cashier. Some other pa tron apparently gbt the bad coin, and when Franklin offered to re- deem it he had' a rush of claimants Solved it by giving the quarter to charity. Smoke drove 2,000 patrons In &,larm from Loew's theatre, London, Ont. Ventilators had drawn chim- ney smoke from the outside. . Galvln Players stock company closed at the Galvln theatre, Ottawa, Dec. 14, after three years. RKO broadcast is now a regular feature from the stage of B, F, Keith's theatre here each Monday lAVPning tVirmigVi thA Canadian gov :ernment-station, eNRO-->—^-—--=x- Laurier theatre is the first in Hull, Quebec, to offer talkers, opening at- traction being "Broadway Melody Mai St. Clair aiid staff on location in the San Bernardino mountains to film snow scenes for "Montana." Mary Foy in "Such Men Are Dan- gerou.s" (Fox). Ivan Llnow added "Temple Tow er.s" (Fox). Hrtmpton Del Ruth now. on the Darmour RKO scenario staff. 600 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS LANDSEER APIS, BENDOR COURT 246 West Slat Street ColumbviB 8960 IRVINGTON HALL 355 West 51st Street Columbus 1S60 ; 343 West 66th Street Columbus 6066 HENRI COURT 312 West 48th Street 8830 Longacre HILDONA COURT 341-347 West 46tb Street 3560 Longacre 1-2-3-4-room apartments; Private bath, phone, kitchen or kitchenette. $18.00 UP WEEKLY^70.(K) UP MONTHLY : All apartnients directly under the supervision of the owner In the center of the theatrical district. All fireproof buildings Address all communlcationQ to CHARLES TENENBAUM Principal Offlce: Landseer Apts., 245 West Slat Street, New York All apartiheilts can be seen evenings, i Offlce in each building WIU Lease by tlie Week Montb or Vc«r-> ParnUhe^ or Dnfamlsbed. Phono: LONG ACRE ««06 duo. P. SOHNBIDliB. PrOj^ FURNISHED APARTMENTS CLEAN A^ AIBT. NEW YORK CITV Ftlvkte Bath.. S-4 - Eooma. Catering to the oomfort and oonvenieneo 4t tilt profession;. ■ ■ STEABI HEAT AND ELECTRIC LIGHT, 916.00 CP Hrf. ^aekson now In charge COMPI.E'l'Jl FOR HUVHEKREPINQ. 325 West 43rd Street THE DUPLEX HOUSEKEEPING FURNISHED APARTMEMTS 330 West 43rd Street, New York Lopgiacre 7182 Three and tour rooms . with bath, complete Ultcheri, Modern In every . particular. Will accommodate four or more adults. $12.00 CP WEEKLY CLEVELAND By OLENN C. PULLEN Hanno—"June Moon." Ohio—"Jade God." Ploy House—"Daughter of Jorlo." Potoco—"Jazz Heaven"; vaude. HIn—"Gteat Gabhp." Allen—"Mysterious Island." State—"Isle of Lost Ships"; stage show, lOSth—^^"Broadway"; vaude. University was stench-bombed on opening day of talker policy. Orient- al also gassed recently.' Two hijackers held' up Prank Hlnes, manager of the Palace, frisked him and then copped his car, after finding he wa;sn't carrying the- atre's receipts. Car found few days later slightly damaged. Jerry Ross, m. c, leaves Uptown to open in Warner's Perry theatre at Erie, O. Sound installed last week In Paul Gusdanovic's Norwood, Manhattan, Family and University, all neigh- borhooders. John Higgins appointed manager of Loew's Alhambra, which reopens redecorated and wired. GREATEST SHOW (Continued from page 47) itself. Every kind of real life bur lesque figure that breathes is on the festive rampage. Reeling, laugh- ing, clowning celebrants, thousands in rnasquerade costume, walk from 42nd to e3rd and back until dizzy. Broadway becomes a merger oif all the Main streets In the Imme diate east. Almost every store and place of business on the street is open and prices leap. Musical shows giye midnight performances, loading the houses with night club turnaways Every joy den Is . open until all hours with special permits. The curfew ducks for one night only. Cheap Fun For without mopcy. Broad- way= provides-the-^most-economical and entertaining hilarity to greet the New Year. Folks who ilve with- in commuting distance of the Rlalto, yet never see Broadway all year, come this night with horns, confetti, cowbell.q, ticklers, whistles paper dolls and any kind of a maker. Th^.y shout, sing, holler and parade, watching or Joining In with jovial drunk.s. with money have thf greatest outl*^t to sprjnd tholr hoad.s A GOOD HQT£L IN MIPTOWN NEW YORIC Wetkly Rates v ■: Single rooms $14 to $21. Double rooms $17.50 to |24 •Two-foom suites $35 Thte(;-foom s\utes $45 HOTEL WELLINGTON . . 7th Ave. tx 55th St., New York Qty . Under KNOTT Mansgemcnt ' i IRVING HOTEL 917 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. iAI I Outside Rqoms with Bathi Phone Kingsley 0580- .> D. BOSEir, Mgr. off.. An Idea of the cost'of things if one wishes to unlooaen thei b. r. strings is best presented by actual figures, or rather, assessments of the jilght clubs, whose night Seat Prices The Rlchman Club will, cluirge 116. per person. With your girl It'? $30. to sit down.. Food and drink extra* ^lace seats 600. ' The iildo, Montniartre, Trocadero and other such favorite rendezvous of the'Park avenue-frlee^ hounds are taxing $16. but serving dinner to each customer, with additional charge for water, €!tc. The Mayfaiir Club is asking |26 Ik dover.'. The Central Park Casino, accom- modating' 1,000 for New Years, Is asking $20 per person, llkewlso serving dinner, without entertain- ment on the regular program. • i Up i in Harlem, Broadway?B Nubian annex, .the hite cltib staged for whites, hav^ a $12.60 fee with dinner. These places afe hotter than ever New Year's and reser- vations reel in faster than down- town. Les Ambassadcurs gives dinner for SI 6 a person and seats 400. Kraxy Kat and lesser places are taxing $7,50 straight. For thofiO wanting a good spot for $5, there are p>nty this year, alloting din- ner at this price. Tiie I?roadway xnbw years Mve this ye.xr will doubtless be the most ficnz;cd of all time due to the mo rke'' si rain. People have to have a reaction and this will be the night off.. " '■■ If You Don't Advertise In You Don't Advertise