Variety (Dec 1929)

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'^VARIETY'S" PARIS OFFICE Paris Building, 15 Boulevard Italiens FOREIGN 3H0W NEWS CaUe AddreM:. VARINEWS, PARIS Central 01-57$ ]Louyre». 52-15 Flock of New Paris Offerii^s of Varied Fale-"Goqd News" Hoppo Paris, Dec. 24. ^lock of new attractions In for the holidays, numbering: half a dozen Qr so, with only two tliat^ook like successes of any Importance* Among the newcomers aii adapta- tion of "Good News" looks floppo. 'Mn Love With Her Soul" Paulette Pax and M. Ber olXered "La Jeune Fllle Folle de Son Ame" (The Girl In Love With Her Soul"), by Fernand Comnierlynck at the' Theatre de rOeuvreV A poor play, poorly done. ^ pre^ry theme has -to do with a chaste maid called ..Ca- rlne, who discovers soon; af ter, she is married'that all the world is pet- fidiqus, eveii heir m'pther haying"^ lover. In the end, she gives way to despair , and commits suicide,: Idea being apparently that that's all a pure Woman can do in iho'derh . society, where all ,the sophisticates misunderstand true: Ipve. : Anothei' case of poor casting. Telller as Carine |s a. sad case of overacting. Maurice Grenee as the husband was ineCCective. "Kadubec" ; , . "Kadub^c," operetta, ' book "by'. Andre Bsirde, score by Ma^Urlcd Tvaln, was fairly ..diverting'at the Nouveautes. Pieie. is in'three Acts!' The plot: ' ' , A former,politician helps a one- time ppihmunist ' railroad . ;wprker, . named iQadubec, to, win, aii election to the Chambisr bt Depiities'from a Brittany 6ohstituehcy,- reason! beini^ that the other, candidate' hs^d Jilted his daughter, Edith. He insists that Kadubec take his son along as his secretary.Son pref<?Ts toj^re-. main back ih' Brlitft'ny- hear his mis-' tres?. Wherefore Edith disguises herself as a boy' and goes to Paris with the hew legislator, becoming indispensable to thja deputy, writ- ing his speeches and helping him to win popularity. ■Whert her identity Is revealed, -Kadubec wants--to' marry .her,; but she-is in'love' with-' iEinother. Milton' 'is ejzcellent as Kadubec. • Oth'ets ate GabriiBlie-Ris- tori, Suzanne Deltelly and Ellhe' tie Creus. Benolt Leon .Deutsch ai>-\ peftrs as producer.' ' ' "Li Gi«ande Vie". "The Great Life,'^ by Tv^s Ml- rande'and Henri' Geroule is new at the Palais ' Royale," where it was nicely 'receiyfed.-^ Story rec'alla the "youthful adventTlre Of 60 yeark ago of a- famous testaurateUr who'at-' tempted suicide'because hia couldn't' -hold an equally '.-famous' English demimondaine. Plott A thrifty "butcher's widow conceals her. large fortune* and makes her son Paul work in the shop -tv^lth One assistant; ■ Duiing his mother's absence the youth has dealings with, a money lender, who learns the hidden facts and, in conscciuence, the boy raiises a large sum by signing notes. He takes a million francs and goes oft on a Joyous week with a light .lady. .. At the same time the humble assist^ ant poses as th^ son and capti- vates . a scheming, gold digger. Diivalles plays the son. capably,.- while Albert Brasseur is amusing ■ as the money lender and Blanche Bilvao is excellent as the demimbn- dains. "Amis Comme Avaiit** "Amis Comme Avant" also was given a favorable reception. It's a three-act piece picturing the pur- gatory of a father supportihg a family and worn to a whisper by a nagging wife, in. order to be with his son. Son at length grows up and gets a position, w;hereupon the father quits. The wife seeks the company of gigolos, causing a scandal which Interferes with the son's marriage. Boy appeals to his father to save him. The elder re- turns home, throws out the para- Bites, and puts the house in order, but the bickering continues, father . finding it Intolei'able to live under the circumstances, but helpless to depart, Alcoyer plays the strong but timid husband, Jean TlernarfS = the-Bon^iind" Mnre""SylviB":th«='wi£e*. Tlie tiller Dancrng Schools of America* Inc/ «4 WEST 74th NEW YORK , MART ■ ROAD. President Phone llndtcott tilt-t Kflw CIamm Mow Formlac PUT IT ALL TOGETHER, ITS STILL THE NERTS Paris, Dec. 16. Comblne . all the snooty elements of . a dance at the Ritz, the Embassy, St. Regl9 or 'the eociety nights oh the Coast, and you'll get an idea of the haute monde ezclusfveness of Ciro's iiere on Friday nights. Also the scale. . . .IProni'whence is evolved a ,picture of ^ -recent Friday night gathering when .Julien, perhaps the most fa- ixio'us iieadyraiter -in straight res- taurant circles, -was the cause of a catering, mess that , had an assort- linient pf.nobjlity and .t^e cream of an j especially. sTr;anky;, gathering snickering no .end; Julien, in his trons , who payr^and bow—for ■. the tkltiTttate in service, went through hlsj more or less .familiar practice of pro|dd!ng or jostling a slow or Otherwise mildly . .offending waiter, ^sailing him do'wn,.a8 he often-doeSr before. the guests- (in PVenchJ and otherwise waxing, tyrannical. This liight'.-.somie . ' grande damei merely asked that the dishes be parked this way instead of that.' And for suc^ a;-^llp as this, Julien. hopped thej-waitePi despite-the-latter being weighed dow-n with, a- full ahd.flo;w- ringi tray. ■• -..VA|nd the worm turned. ' Without xnwjph. ado, .the inraiter merely faced h'sj superior and with much vim anA feusta 'flapped eyerything onto the floor. Mrs, Rltz|s mutton chop got' hot on the .dance floor, Mrs. Glltedge's- chicken went the otljer way, ete: In Ciro's. .To topi It,"the waiter slapped Julien.. He of the tray then storhied into the kitchen, Over, and again came out to administer anoth^ siap. - A slap in the pan'ljloesn't. call .for a poke, lii^the ^bse ais a.chaser, here. " ft used. to .mean rapi^rg pr plstjol^. If, .you -beiieye .your , -But the ■waiter had" another, jolli' lyjilii^jef ^down -the street, a.nd jrulieh took so long to. cool off a .duke ..caine' in and actually .founijl - his. own • Jable. The assembled elite gave the .decision to the -waiter, whom they'd been rooting for anyway. In Ciro's. Pa-lease." . And you can tell how little news thei boys ate 'digging when they .start' mailing this stuff In, Or ii^aybe they're' <>n the payroll. The •Paris office ohlltted the usual credit line On this one. • rieidt to Monte Carlo . Paris, Dec. 24. ; Edmund; .Sayag has 'bobked Horace Heidt and his'" band [ from the states for an engagement. on the Revlera. Hei'dt outfit takes up a two- month residence at the Monte Carlo Casino Feb.' 8. ' • ' MISS WALTON'S JEWELS ■ ■ Paris, I)ec.^24. Florence. "Walton Leitrlm,, fornier dancer, now, the wife of her .former partner, Leon Leitrlm, reported to the police the loss of a 200,000-franc pendant. Je-wel disappeared in a taxicab, she. said, and she does not know whether It was lost or stolen. ]Miss Walton runs a style shop here. Purine Miss Walton's residence in Ne-w Tork a year or so ago, she used to have her 'jewel robberies on .first and third Thursdays, Jiist like newly weds' "at homes." • SETTLES FOR A HFTH Paris, Dec. 24. Valada Show, colored dancer, now under contract to Lew Leslie in America for five years, Is settling her 12,000 franc claim against the Chez "Victor management here for about a fifth thereof. New local Chez "Victor features the Bohd street keynote. In every- thing,_chlefly catering t o En glish "and Aniericaifs."""~ SHUBEKTS' FRENCH MUSICAL Paris, Dec, 24; Shuberts may take the new Max Dearly musical, "BuUard and His Daughters," to America. Score is by. Cullvier, who 'wrote "Lilac Domino." Operetta is cur- rent at the Marlgny. (CHIC) ' "(ROSE) YORK and ICING Originators of "5?in-rf ype" comedy; After establishing themselves 'as London favorites sailed' Kb'V'. 22 to conquer, new^. fields in South--Africa; Represented b'y JENiE JACbBS. \. Xiondon, Dec. IB. A number oiC inquiriesseeking the nightly legit' 'money capacities here.. Listlbelow^iS ah'.approxlmate estimate^ 'but'tota'ls.'vistry with tlie tilting or lowering of prices. ' This prevails"'in England more than anywhere else. Some houses have pit 0ea,ts which can bo con- verted into stalls, at four to five times the pricey-on a few moments notice:. -. : - ■■. ; • ■ Adelphl ...... m tUi'.. .'.'.".' $1,776 ^Idwych ...«...;,'..-, r • .v...• •-' ' 1,800' Ambassadors k *• V.;.. ' 95.0 ApOIlo «t ,••>-. .. i'.''.''.-..•-«'<••. •'. - liSSO Comedy .-V.. • ^«J:>'.. ; .'. '1,460 Criterion v....' -lj060; Daly's .'.. .'k;..-....ii. t:. ,.', -2,'176 Duke of York's..-•«-;>.«....k. 1,640 Drxiry Lane ......i..'«-'..-.;-.^.: 3,260 Fortune^ ......^....^.'^..f..... 826. Gaiety .......*.^>>».,h,.,.2,000- Garrick ..'..'■.t.*<iL*.,.*«..«*«.*.«.t..' ..1,62.6. Globe ^ .<.. k - 1,226 Haymarket.«. ............ i.,,76Q HippOdropoLe ..................... .2,600 His Majestyfs,... ,,m . ... .i2,6po EIingS>7ay, ., .... •... .j.... 1,050 Little «««.«.•...«•'«.«800 Lyceum Lyric 3,000 ,1^700 • • •••-«;• it.* • • * • • • • • • ' 1^800 ,P^1ftco ••••«••••• d«• • •'•-•.«»: ..2>600 Pavllloh ...'.'.. i.«.,...'..... 1,900 Playhouse .:.................. 1,250 Prince of Wales'1,500' Prince's v. .';v.^...;.. 2,800 Queen's .''..'.•#«•<....... 1,560 Royalty .......... 1,200 savoy' .,'...-^^•^..i.*"..*....... 2,450 Shaftesbury -.*>.....'..• 2,176 St. James'' .....iii^iv.'.tfi^..1,440 >St. Martinis .^..-..^.w.......:. 1,480 Strand' •*••.• ..4 »>...i.k* -1,800 Vaudeville ....v» •« 1;576 Winter Oarden «'»..*..««..... 2,816 W3rndhan;L''s .••-<• •.•*f• 1131-6 Jairmaim-Fraiicis Married ' ' . London, Dec. 24. ' Suhny Jarmahn'' aind Francis Francis, who were to have been niarrled Dec. 26, were quietly spliced Dec. 23 In the presence of a few friends. They 'will. bonejrmoon on the con - tlneht^. v. • SAILINGS ja,n. 31 (Paris to New "Fork), Sid- ney Kent (Aquitania). Jan. 8 (London to New York) Ducalion (Aqultania). - Jan. 8 (New York to .Florida), "Vestoff and "Vaughi?; Jack Kerr, Dolores Cordova, Holly Hall, Wallis Sisters (Algonquin).. Jan. 4 (London to New York), Jack Marks (Adriatic). Dec. 30, (London to New York) Russell Roper (Augustus). Dec. -24 (London to New York) Wtischa Elman,Jlvan Lafllneyr, Serge Rachmahlri^dff; . Cha^^^^ Nora Swinbum^ Hugh '^V'alpole, Prime Carnera,! 'Leon See, -Gene Bolreau (Berengaria)'! Dec. 21 (Alexandria to Mar- seilles), Come'die.' IFrahcalse com- pany (Champollion),!' Dec. 21 (Sydnejr to San Fran- cisco), Terrell and Haijley (Sierra). Dec. <I*ort '^aid to Piraeus), Escudero Spanish Co. Hookups Make Sasfs 41% Margin O.K.; Woods-Treyor-Morris ffiscnssing Deal ibilhors--Playwriglit$ Qm Zinmer of Plii^liairisni Paris, Dec. 16. Arbitration committee of. 12 French authors' and playwrlghtb has decided that Rene-Lo.uls .iPl^r chaud's accusation against Bernard jSlmmer, that the litter's translatlbii alnd ad^pfatlbri oi'"Mel-ry WlVes'of Windsor" was a plagiarism. Is un- justified. Carefu) comparison of both tr'eatiiients, iii -i-the -J jud^eht of the committee, proves that,the treatments afld spirit dfihoth'are'at variance. < ' Board con^prised Edmond Fleg, H. Ri>:' •i^L(e«oi?nand, .■.-Denys...;^ dharles Vildrac, Constantin Weyer; Jeari-'Jacques Bernard, " Jean Rich-' ard Bloch; Edouard' Bourdet, Simon Gantilon,' Jean GIradoux, JiileS Ro-- mains', Jean Sarmont. ' ' '' ' By Edward J. Ktlrylo Warsaw, Nov. 80l^ '•lialka," Polish operi of Mbii^ iuszko' and rearranged" fo'r ■ ttie o'c-' Casionl' has opened the'season-under the: new .'.manager, . Stermicz-.'Val- croziata. i Due to an argument;be.-r tween 'the. director, and. orcbestra- conductor, " the naembers of the " or- chestra left' a rehearsal and' we'nt. on strike, Now; the musicians do not play for rehearsals but only" work at the performances. A few ye^rs ago the opening-(^ the^-opera- '^eas.on was - delayed by -a illke rup- turfeprra ballet m.aster thought that a pertain . number ■ was-.' being im- perfectly rendered. 'Whereupon, the ,ei\tire orchestra wrote. ,d,e>mahdirig; aq la'ipoiogy. ' ^ ■ '■ ■ ■ ■ . •"'■''..'." According to 'Rudolf Nlllus,-' oiie o"f; the best orchestra'-' condlictorS^'Ih'' V'lenna; "Halka" I9 better-perform!; e'd' here than in Vienpa.-; •.' > •..i'.;-- ■':i;^-5' ■ ■■ -rrr^tv}-- r/^f-i--; : A',new Polish epera,' -"Ijola,'' riis 'due soon,..whose .composer iaothe. T^ell-known muslci^, -PJotr: i-Ryte^.-, Liib're.tto is .takeij fropl 'f^lie .iifama.. of ^ulawski. "Afterwards .TPS'^ll '.c'ojba^' perhaps, ^'Devil's Mill," of Ludomir Rozycki, which is called hy that composer *'a musical , film." .. . : Adam Wieniawski, the composer, is finishing ..his . opera, !'Th6* 'Klng' LoVer." It deals -with the Jove af- fairs of Polish King August n. Paris, Dec. 16, ■ Carol. If. - Sax's, .experience Mvith his PariSrAmerican Players- at the Theatre ' Femlna evidences 'that without'the -endowment and under- writing," such as he OhJoySj no Atnerican group^ or any other uftit of foreign language players, fcaii e:?ist in Paris. : The many taxes' make It econbmically ^ohlbltlSrle..^ ' Sax operates on a 41% margin,- coiisldering that-hls house split on the gross is 70-30; There ia a 17% tajt 'tft the! Gbveriimehf and the As- sistance'-^Publique- (ipoor tax) plus tho 12^-tflix - Which the FreiiCh So- :Cloty ol Draihatlsta • gets ' on ail grossesi: ' • This-' latter percentage takes In- the cut to the authors of tlie •plays,' prbvidlhg that they are members of the Society; If not .the. French Dramatists •'' cover them-. selves- hy clalrtilhg thk entirie ■12%- fcr->.heli?-^'p*£hai«tri-Af-und'' 'j?hlle, the • producer njust also-, pay an -"addi- (GontlHtied* 6h pa^e IB) V •I'lH; ■ -jit |^^ Jiist as Smfu^ for French •' r- -Just as s-w§,nky/ as. may b'e. th.o: idea. for. tlie nbyitiate/ tYench. stu- -dent in jjew-Y'ork. to. try out hia or her bS;d FVehchV iph the, waiters,' so. , it Is just afi sjvanky for the natlva WoUld-be's to. ,;parley7v6uz eii An-i. glaise. Local. smart set considers it. quite the 'thing to. use their meagre English atnongst theni- selves. It's a. peculiar . psychology, this striving for-a language not your . own, '.That.,they don't go In for English iinerely a,s a courtesy to. a 'Stranger in their midst, is evidenced by. the large percentage of nativei? ipatrbnizllnir the Paris - Ahae'ricari' Players at'the "Theatre Femiria,. pne' nlght,^ ■C.arol. M. Sax, the" Inipres - ' arlo, clbcked an 80'perce^ PrencIjE: mob liv his hipUse/; seemingly enjoy-- jng the. isngllsh; tongue. ' * "Unexpected -Thing," , drama: by. Karol. Hubert Kostworowskl, which made such a sensation- In Cracow, has beeii successfully put on ' at the; Teatr Narodo-wy. Solskl 'I^ 'Iii" the cast, - Irene Solska, engaged to thisi Mu- hicipal Theatres,- is doing "Trial of Mary. Dugan," produced by "War- neckl-at the Teatr Letni. Show is very well acted. Another successful play Is Casi- mir Wroczynski's "Don Juan's "Va- cations." Deals with a film herb resting in the mountains Where many; ladies, each from various parts of Poland and speaking dif- ferent dialects, are making love to him- . - . -Te,atr -Nowy opened the , season with "Case of, Doctor Hieronhn" by Szpotanski. Peculiar drama in four acts, I appropriate for this kind of experimental ■ theatre, although the audience dldn^t quite know hoW to take the play. • ■ ■ ■ Plays ■ "Boleslaw Smialy" (BoleslauSj the' Bold), by the late Polish poet and painter, Wysplan^kl, at . the Teatr Polski. Stage and scenic di- rectors were careful to reproduce the drama exactly as the author wished it as he left the Instructions and scenery designs.. Adventowicz, one of our best actors, played the principal part^ Teatr Maly played a three-act comedy of Zygmunt . Kawecki, "Couple. Not a Couple." Admirably produced . by Jerzy .-Leszczynski. another done here was Lonsdale's "Last of Mrs. Cheyney.'.' 'Roman- owna In a title part with Borowski as producer. Next piece was Mol- nax^a.'iQlimpia.!^_.L.TiUe. part_piayed by Pancewicz-Leszczynska with her husband directing. Teatr Ateneum produced ."jakub- owskl's Case" by Mrs. Eleonora Ka.lko-n'ska. Play, was originally 'written in German and produced In Berlin. Also produced here was "Hlnkeman," German play by Er.- nest: Toller. Very sordid and- can- not be a'succesg.. Just now* they've produced a comedy of Dy'mbw's, • (Continued on paffe 39) * ' . , ,-<-..->..---? ■Piat'is;i])ec.-'16i ' - ."Variety's N.:Y. ;staff^ ma'defa pansy out of'CamiUe-Wynn. J Maybe ex-i Plipilnable conaldering-the first name, except ', that the >Frfench' b.oyS> so often- have .those names.' = Although Wynn and Jane Marnao fire no ' longer.: partners in the Apollb) . they are - continuing as co- adventtirers In the revival' of "Trial of Mary DUgaTi" « at that theatre. Show - Is a stOpi gap until around Christmas when Miss Marnac, as sta:r „ arid.' manageress,' • lopens " in "Shanghai- Gesture:" ' Meanwhile,. another company of "Dugan" has been sent on the road, organized by the Marnac-Wynn In- terests. Miss Mamac's husband; Keith Trevor, will hereafter handle his wife's business affairs. BETTER DIVORCE ACTION London, Dec. 24. Dezso .Retter, now.^playing Eng- land, has'Instructed his solicitor to' bring divorce proceedings against his wife Ethel Retter, and naming Hans Jansen, house painter, as one of the CQ-respon^c^ents. - . • > Evidence for the proceedings has been Compiled by a detective agency, and the case will be heard at Monte Carlo. '■?C •;a- ;:A EEARNS, VET COMIC, DIES . Sydney, Dec. 24. John Kearns, old time minstrel and vaudeville comedian, died of heart disease in Melbourne a few days, ago; KNIGHTHOOD FOR PAYNE London, Dec. 24. Gossip Is that the list of New Year's honors will Include the name of Walter Payne for knighthood. JOSIE BAKER IN PARIS Paris, Dec. 24, ' - r, Josephine Baker, colored . re-vue performer -who specializes in nude .J f poses and dances, .is back In Paris' ..j Mter^a.lQng.tour=,iri^Soutiu.Ajnerica._^.«.= Grumblers never work, arid workers never -grumble. .MR. AND MRS. JACK NORWORTH 180 Wwt 44tli Street New 'York