Variety (Dec 1929)

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Wednesday, December 25, 1929 FOREIGN FILM NEWS VARIETY AOsntAUA an INADMISSIONSl OF 411% BAD BIZ Royal Fans Madrid, Dec. 10. Pictures are being screened at the Royal Palace almost nightly* Either the royal family Is ambngr the greatest picture fans of the country, or there isn't anything else to do. Sydney, Deo. 24. Union rtheatres Circuit has Just Htnnounced a cut of 40% In admis- sion scales throughout its theatre lioldings. . , ^ w First to take the slash will be the Sydney houses, mostly playing jtalklng pictures on ai run.. Reduction is due to a depression |n general business with consequent heavy unemployment throughout the country, particularly in the in- dustrial cities. U. & DISTRIBS TIGHTEN INTERS Paris,, Dec. 24. American distributors operating In France are formulating a new standard-uniform contract for talk- ers, J. Carlo BflLvetta, Fox represen- tative, handlinff the undertaking, with a committee appointed to re- port whether any of the Independent sound systems is satisfactory out- Bide of Western Electric and Photo- phone. " The new" contract will rest on the -question whether, the systena used Is tatiisfactory to,the film men as op- posed to the exhibitors, and if it is ftot the contract WlU provide that "any. booking may be canceled, point being tliat the decision would I'est 'with the Amerlca,n distributors. The only Independent which prom - Ises to prove up is that sponsored. Iby Gaumont.. Tests have deiaon- etrated exciellent reproduction In tfils machine. The OAumont device • J8 said to be a baby version of the Western Electric equipment and It sells at about a quarter of the W. E. cost. The price has cost W. B. many exhibitor, contracts here "already, the showmen hesitating be- tween the 500,000 franc outlay for •W. B., as against the 160,000 charg- ifcd by Gaumont for his best outfit. Apparently Haik's Radio-Cinema ' taieans little or it has not been per- fected, for Haik himself is install- ing the W. E, , machine at his re- modeled Olj^pla. here, due for opening late in January. \ Lauder's Talker PAR. BACKING KANE ON FRANCO-SPANISH TALK . . Paris, Dec. 24. Robert Kiane, brought over by one of the French producers to ihake native language pictures, now has Western Electric recording equip- ment en. route from the States. He contemplates Spanish-French talk-: ing'shorts, using the ERPI device and dlsciardlng the RCA Photophone equipment brought with him. Rea- son is his belief the majority of foreign houses have the ERPI wir- ing and also his conviction that Photophone's . InterchangeablUty Is unsatisfactory. Kane came to Paris on the ^ steamer ("He de France") that carried Adolph Zukor last month, and Paramount's chief became in- terested In Kane's project to the ex- tent of backing him In his experi- ments with foreign language dialog. Zukor's purpose is to test foreign market posslbllitiefj, first with a series of shorts and If they suc- ceed, with feature length produc- tions. While Kane is thus engaged his brother-in-law, Sidney Kent, Is on a vacation In Europe to. last until Jan. 31. For the present Kent is going to the South of France, but will make, a survey of foreign mar- ket possibilities. Relationship of Kent and Kane comes through the two having married sisters. Hollywood, Dec. 24. H&rry Lauder is to make a pic- ture here for WelchrPearson of London. Agreement was reached ;Wlth Iiauder when here two weeks Itago at the Philharmonic Audlto- irlum. George Pearson of the English "'Company, here to supervise the linaklng of "Journey's End" for Tif- fany release, will remain In this ■ country during the making of the . oXauder talker. Lauder appeared a'.ceveral years ago in a silent "High- towers" made in England, but the picture didn't do so well over here. JOLSON'S BERUN PAY TOPS CARUSO'S SALARY Berlin, Dec. 24. AI Jolson has been engaged for I appearance at the Berlin Scala, key house of the proposed Jules Marx I European circuit, which is to try a vaudeville revival. Jolson's sal- ary reported at $2,000 a night. This Is a record German figure for a vaudeville number. It tops the amount paid here to Caruso a^t the Ipeaic of his career. What Marx* offers Jolson is a fair Index of the hold the talking plc- ture.already has upon the fan pub- lic. Jolson's pictures have been a tremendous draw throughout Qer- [many and all Europe for that mat- ter, 3 TONGUES IN CZECH-SLOVAK 1ST TAIIER Prague, Dec. 24. The first Czecho-Slovakian talk- ing picture to be produced is based on Tolstoy's "The Devil." It is re- corded in Czech, Giarman and Span- ish languages. Recording done on RCA Photo- phone. Producer is Bela Heller, local impresario. In the cast are Werner Kraus, Magda Sonla and Koclan, last named a noted Czech violinist. INDIE WIRE FLOPS AID WESTERN FOREIGN SALE Belgrade, Dec. 24. S^rst Western Electric equipment in Jugo-^Slovakia Jan. IB at the Kolarai; theatre here, attraction be- ing "The Singing Pool." In a race to be first; in the field. I Local Colosseum rushed equipment with the Gaumont system and start- ed with "Lady of the Pavements." I Experiment was disastrous. Repro- duction was terrible and the audi- ence booed the 'picture. Now the house is wiring with the |erpi syst«em (W. E.). A similar condition is revealed In several southeast European centers. Zagreb^ Dec. 24. Picture theatres here went into hot rivahTT using the competing Blophone and Gaumont systems. Both blew up, and result Is calls from each house for Western Elec- tric (Americain) installations. Information Bureaus for Actors And Others in Europe or Over Here It has been suggested to Variety by a foreign representative of a large American producer-distrlbutor-chain company that this paper open its branch offices In Paris and London for the informa- tion of the actor and others of the picture industry in Europe and over here for such information as may be desired. The representative, an American now in New York, states that in his travels over Europe, he is constantly iniportuned for informa- tion, mostly by native actors who want to know the Ins and outs of the American picture producing business; their chances over here and what the procedure should be. There is unlimited talent, he states. In the Inlands of almost any foreign European country, and mostly to be found in the permanent stock (legit) groups. Another point made by the traveler from his observations Is that the European nations must each and all go into native talker pro- duction. In due course when that Occurs, If not already, the native producer will want if possible a countryman or woman now in the Hollywood colony. The distinction of having a native player billed as from Hollywood will be of much exploitation value, he says. In the home land, almost guaranteeing the native box office return for the talker. With the Hollywood trained player as a coach as well, there is more incentive to attempt to make the native picture for world wide distribution. Variety as International Medium While these a,re the basic angles, there are many others, the American states. He declared that his suggestion is made for Variety to open Its offices for information, as he says, Variety is recognized abroad as an International show business medium and the only one; that it Is read and re-read In foreign countries, frequently through translation, and such a service offered by this paper on the Continent would quickly spread throughout Europe. - Accordingly, Variety's Paris office, 15 Boulevard Itallens, and its London office, 8 St. Martin's Place, Trafalgar Square, will furnish at all times, without charge or, fee of any character, such informa- tion as may be requested by the people of the international show business. Including America, and can be furnished, either directly from either office or by cable or mall, a.ccordIng to the import of the Information sought. „ . i_. In charge of Vairlety's Paris office Is Abel Green, from Varietra New York office. Joshua Lowe is in charge of Variety's London office^ from New York, and on Variety for nearly 20 years, most of that time he has spent in the London office. On the London staff is Frank Tllley, considered by the Variety boyd In New York as the best versed film trade newspaper man in Europe. LONDONRAZZESSILENIS; ENJOYS DIALOG AUDIBLY iSaxajevo, Dec. 24. Unsuccessful experiments with Independent talking devices, re- I ported from Belgrade' and other points, inspired management of the Olympia to reject oth^r devices, and contract for the ERPI system. * ■ BudapestV Hits and Flops; "Sin^ FooF Gds Record ^^London Fflni Holiday; ^ Split Weeks Retuming: London, Dec. 24. Owing to Christmas falling In .^mid-week most of the distributors here are closing their offices from ' Tuesday until Dec. 30, the following ■■'iKlonday.-- ■ Only, department functioning will be the film dispatch room which send out the prints for. the Monday ' program change. Practically all the houses out- side the West End are now playing features no more than a week, and there are signs that they may short- ly return to the split week booking idea that, prevailed with sllents be^ fore the advent Of sound. New plan will be on fiat rental instead of percentage arrangeijient. 24-Hr. Goodwill Grind "Paris, Dec. "24. Paramount theatre here Is en- .gaged in an experiment In propa- . gating goodwill. . House will remain open 24 hours • Christmas day and night. Every patron will receive a Christmas gift. Current picture is "Abie's Irish . Rose." Only Figuring On 10^ of Product for Forei^ Field Hollywood, Dec. 24. Picture producers who looked up- on the making of foreign versions as easy. Involving only the trans- lation of the dialog, have dis- covered that there's more to It than that They see many complica- tions ahead and have figured out that- only about 10% of their prod- uct Is available for the foreietn field. Paramount, one of the last of the major companies to make foreign talkers, admits that its 1930 pro- gram has very few pictures which can be easily transformed. This company Is starting off with Span- ish speakers and, for Its product, Is looking for Spanish stories and plays wlilch may be made as writ- ten. For the most part, these stories will not be made in Eng- lish. Same will be true of Its major product for France and Germany. Int'l Opens Alhambra London, Dec. 24. British International took pos- 1 session of the Alhambra last night opening with Its own talker, "At- I lantic." Business good and bookings I heavy. . . Pro-Patria's Losses London, Dec. 24. Pro-Patria, distributing subsid- iary of British Instructional, Is- sued Its balance sheet showing a loss of $130,000 on first two years of operation. Company was organized and pro- moted by Alfred Bundy. ' Budapest, Dec 6.. *'6lnglng Pool" is ptUI running strong here^ and has broken the cinema record held by Ufa's "Hun- garian Rhapsody."^ f First presented here on. Klang- film wais "The Godless Girl,** which failed to attract. This was follow- ed, at Ufa's houses. by the first French sound film; "The Queen's Necklace," another failure. So was British International-Sudfllm's "Wer wird denn weinen,** presented at Omnia, the fifth picture house to be wired in Etudapest. '^Four Devils," "Manhattan Cock- tail" and "Sorrel and Son" have had a fair amount of success in difiCerent quarters. No. Africa Talker Debut Paris, Dec. 24. Sound films have Just crashed north Africa for the first time, [ starting at the Rlalto, Casablanca, Morocco and Royal, Tunis. „ Houses are equipped wlh the I Western Electric apparatus and I had Fpx "Movietone Follies'' as the opening attraction. Both also have contracted for Movietone News for 1 a year. New in Argentine Buenos Aires, Dec. 24. Carl Sonln, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer I I chief In South- America, arrived here with Bernard Gottlieb, newj I manager for thie Argentine! terrl- 1tory. ■ This country is spreading on I sound and Is . a promising field, but for the moment Is under a, handi- cap, owing to the failure of recent product with poorly made Spanish dialog. .London, Dec. 24. •'Eye For Eye,'* French silent pic- ture with Claudia Victrix, was raz- zed Sunday at the Regal. It's the second silent picture to draw the raspberry salute in a West . End house during December; London is going for talkers in a big way and adopting a. definitely partisan view it never took towiard sllents. English audiences enjoy talklng^ back to the screen durini^ dialog features. MAESEHLES' WmE Paris, Dec. 24. Palais de Crlstal,. music hall at Marseilles and closed since summer for wiring, opens late this month, rechristened the Pathe-Palace. Equipment is RCA photophone, the first of s.ome 40-odd photophone contracts by the Pathe-Natan houses. Too Hot'Way South Buenos Aires, Dec. 24. Philip Smith, who has been doing pioneer sales work in thfs territory for Western Electric, left for home last week, his business completed here. Weather has turned hot and is unfavorable for the development of any new projects, amusement or otherwise. Situation will continue same way probably until March, when the tropical summer will be over. Group of exhibitors gave Smith a banquet on his departure. Lolita, Spanish Lead . Hollywood, Dec. 24. Jose Bohr will make his first English speaking star picture for Sono-Art under the title of "Heart Strings." He will make a Spanish version of the isame story slmul taneously. Lollta, a newly discovered Span Ish actress, opposite In both. Lollta Is a sister of Armlda and will make her screen debut in this 'i)icture. "Broadway" Run Ends Buenos Aires, Dec. 24. "Broadway" has been withdrawn from the Astral theatre here after an unfortunate start. Picture was made with added dia log In Spanish and titles, but the natives objected to the Spanish ac- cent and hooted the picture at Its premiere. Venture was disastrous throughout. "Parade" Big Repeat Amsterdam, Dec. 24. TuschinSkl booked In "The Big I Parade" at his big local house on a repeat, although the same pic- ture had run a year here.. Second 1 showing was an enormous success. Same circuit tried "Show Boat" I In the provinces and report it un- I successful. HIT IN BERtDj Tobis-Klangfilm System- Dialog Only Weak Berlin. Dec 24. "Melody of the Heaxt^'* Ufa'is first ^ talking picture, is sdorlnff at. the Ufa Palast, . MUslo and sound effects on Tobl»- Klangfllm are perfect, but the dl*- iog is occasionally weak in volume. Picture is regarded as a candi-.. date for an American success, due to the fine Hungarian ^^^tm6aiphere and the splendid . acting of Willi Frisch and Dlta Parld. Supdrvlslon of Erich. Pommer 0lves the plctuT* the marie of that film maker's usual class and finish. Story is d simple one of a Hun- jrarlan soldier and a peiisant girl who become- sweethearts. They ar« separated and fate drives ^the ghrl into a life oh the streets. Discover* Ing her shame, the youth throwis away his savings Intended to pro- vide them with a horse wheh they married and goes into business. Girl buys . a horse for hhn and epmmlts solclde. 1 "Splinters," English Wat Film, Figured Cleanup London, Dec. 24; "Splinters," an English equivalent to Fox's "Cock-Eyed . World," open- ed last night at the Capitol and !• a cinch mop-up for over here, where it Is doped to gross $300,000, . Picture Is probably unadapted to America as It's an. all-male revue of war stuff, 1916 vintage. Austria Quota-^Mind^d Vienna^ Dec. 24. A quota law on films impends In Austria. Idea is being, promoted In the newspapers and by politicians on the argument that such .a law would encourage native- talldnc pictures. it provides protection agrainst the Import of fpreign tongue talker* generally, but. is directed almost entirely against American producL Twchinski's New De tux«i Rotterdam, Dec. 24. The Colosseum, new de luxe plo- turo theatre In the American style with capacity of 1,201, has Just opened with a gala performance. Principal shareholder in the 6n- terpirlse is Tuschlnski, who operates the biggest circuit in Holland.