Variety (Dec 1929)

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6 VARIETY PI C T U R ES Siieakers See and Hear Themselves On Screen at Dinner to W. R. Sheehad "For years I have t)een suggest- ing- to actors and actresses what to do and how to do it in pictures. Now here I am lor the-first time in a picture and I don't know what to do or say." W. R. Sheeiian speaking to him- self at the banquet tendered Mr. Sheehan and around 80 guests bj' Commissioner of Public' Woi'ks Joseph Johhsort at the Hotel Am- bassador, New York, Thursday eve- ning, Xt marked a,notlveir epoch in the talker. All of the speakers were at. the tables but spoke from the Movietoned screen. Their speeches; had been recorded in the silence of the Fox studios, at lOtlj, av.ei>U6 ?ind Sfith street three or fotir dayd pre^ vfous to the dinner. Otliers yfho 'saw and hea^4^ ttiemr selF^ei^-d^UVeiredl fronl «^ris/ besi)9es th$'-" gueSt^^f ^honor ia^^ the host,: with Commissioner Johnson . also doubling as general introducer, were Jlobert. Adamson^ Arthur Brisbane! John P. Curryj . leader ot Taimmany Hall; former.<3overnor SmftixCand Mayor Jimmy! Walkerv In that order/; with SheehajQ,. closing the tialker perr fomiance with a,bang*. As ^^(|J:^.l^t^eehan finished and had; nothing further to do .but to take a bend/ ^i." fusie bifew but^ and the pic- ture abruptly Shut off. Opetator DeDldnj ift charge of the' special projections let it go at that The projection wife' pbi'tahle. a. single wire being strung aldpg the. north yt^il from the booth roH^, into the .grin room's entrance. The throw was across the prettily dbcorated' jsaiiared table taking up' the. entire dinlnfir robm, with a .miniature ob- 6tacl<E> golf coHree. laid in its center.^ -Soiiie sna.ppy reinarks were let loose by S[<e'ssrs; Jolinsbni; Adamsbn,' -Brlfebahe; "Xyalkier -ind " Sheehan. Thbu^h 'the' first exliibition- of sound dinner'BI»eakerB, the novelty prevailine; throughout did- not • dis- tract : from -ithfe talkers' remarks; : Several irfeferted. to'^he studio, stunt,' 2tfr.. 1Bi?isbfeh«>l!ind Mayor Walkei/ in particulaJPi '• Ex^tusivo ' ' ' "' It strue^c the rather .excluslv^el EathetinEf as the possible'pioneer Of a revolution in after-dinner. talks.^ Cojirtniissiorie'i^'^i^ohhisoh/ ief erped' to' that by Jstatln^e'.thct .Movlfetori6 re- moved the evei'-Sreeeriit *'two hours of sweating until you ?ire-called upon.? '"Wi$l|.r the portabio^/eciulp-t ment Aaklnig-tlie ild>^leti»ne adSres^ a^vtjllable aj»3^>«^ -ifftei' febo^ed.i jiatibnai speakers, may be billed for 60 or. less dinners an evening. For Will HffeeVs?an? leapt. vIrVlijg O'Hiay, €ach .of . whom «ha*pei .ior" maWnp; fun when eating, they could cOver the country in one nfght and lay oft lor th^^reniainder Of .the. year. • The (||ii.i}et;iii8!i'& niorie. of a;';p6Htical tinge than of the show business, But few show people were present while nearly ~ all of the leading democratic poUtical lights were in the seats. Of the .80 chairs, exclu sive of the sis or seven* newspaper men, but. thi'ee were vacant, each lor cause. ... Guests Guests' werei • . Joseph Johnsoi^, Winfield Sheehan, John J. Curry, Alfred :e3. Smith, Ar- thur . BiM!ibahe^ Robert Adamson, Grover A. Wlialert, George W. Ol- vany, Col. Jos. M. Hartfleld, Julius (Continued on page 32) 13^589 Stockholders In a: checkup made as of Dec. 6, Paramount stockholders stood at. the record figure fOr all time of 13,589. . This compares with 9,976 stockhOldei* for Sept. 6, 1929, and represents an increase of •36%'. . AT&T WANTS NO Qarbo in Comedy . ' ^.i!jijollyFQ9d.,-D.ep.^^ M-G-,. Beluqtant at -first to glvej- ?s talker to^Gr^ta Garoo-on account of her ^Qc^t,'w sold on het work in "Anna ChristJe»," Studio, is searching for a sophis- ticated society comedy as her next talker. It will be her first aiJpear- anee in coniedy. Brook, Co-Starred The. first Paramount picture to Jilve Clive Brook star credits and rating yvill be "Slightly Scarlet," in ^ ■which ■ h^ co'-stai's with Evelyn : Br^nt. ■ always Ueen featured. Composei'Alithor The.first wiriter who will type out jnusic along- with the original story is Konr4d Bercovlci. Universal has him under contract to have the double Job underway by June^ Troduction will be made by John Boles. liegally and for the sake of its record 'ai9 a -public utilities corpoT.; ration before law makers in "Wash*- liiff-and 48 jstates, American Tele- phone ahd Telegraph fe cbhsiderinSi^ accOrdine to inside reports, the end- ing of Its active participation and identification with the film Industry. The first step In this direction, and one -whlch la offlclaHy admitted would have come within the neaet five years, but Is described as 'be- iboming' premature by. unforeseen changes in iilmdoni," particularly* theli* rapidity; Is the divorcement of Its Western Electric talker sub- sidiary, Electrical -Besearch Prod- ucts;; liike It divorced Its Graybar hold- ings, • severing all 'ofllcial relation- ship except certain conditions in the handling of its products, 'Western- Electric Is now" reported nearihg the. completion bit plans whereby ERPl .-will .bo as free as Graybar and »blfe to ilse its own discretion in further Inroadiiig into' the picture business.- The dlvorcenient of ERPI would In no way affect "Western's talker .oontiracts with producers- and dis- jtrlbut<>ra.: TJie: stibsldiary wpUld rStlJ^ distribute and W, . B. would still ma|^y|aQ^ui?e<^ 1 .Thaji AKOtuW^-CbO' Pa**; of the sale. The only difference; as far as. insiders can glean, Is that Jii, T P? could,then phake its skirts; of any. intention to control .filiQtidom,, which ^ reports-;it. now .refuses to' deny or affirm. • . , < . Beportisrassociat)ng A T &> ?^. .wlth ihe industry, ;lt is learned, have re- acted ' among : its -executives and those of Western I with decided dis-, tate, (especially since the, silent; BBPI, hea'd, J^ B. Ott.erson.tWas pre- cipitated Into active film production and .exhibition through his seat in the Fox. trusteeship. Breaking Avtfay With EBPI 'free, Western ana AT&T could continue to the nor mal• functioning Of a;great manu- factory, uninterested In anything, ex cept parts and parts, it Is conceded. ' The patent jumble in sound 16 also seen as refiecting Itself in a better contented ERPI with the AT&T unveiling.. ' For the ftrst time since the getttogethers started over a year ago reports are iseeplng but fi'om the - Western-'Warner istar chatnber proceeding. These are'that a peace pact be reached with a huge combo of all obnoxious and proveri rights.- • ' -•• ■ -' ■ Bi-gones with' Pacent, regardless of who is backing him, and an end of the- Warner squawk about hJgri prices and delays, is presiiged as the first - step toward Such a &et-' together, • • •. The p&tent situation, incidentally, hag become so complex-that elec- trics attorneys are serving in dual capacities, for plaintiff in one action and for defendant in another. In the meantime ERPI, as a West- ern interest, Is having plenty of Its own troubles. Tlie financial unit. Which it established earlier in the year, Is reported blocking ERPl's first gesture to be philanthropic In its attitude toward the remaining silent indies, by giving them talk without the 25% down payment which , has been her' obliga itoi;^y.-.Beforeiitjcan.go :thrQUgh.With the bnly-weekly-pajrment idea it must get rid of Exhibitors Reliance Corp, or else change the agreement, according to Informants. So far ERPI has been able to try out the $99 a week substitute for the 26% downer in only a few .spots, one of these in New. England. Reliance, in which ERPI also hold.s a big interest, is reported to have consented to the tryout GINGER ROGERS Miss Bogrers is openine this week in "Top Speed." The Philadelphia "Ledger" said: "A special word must be said for tlie brilliant ahd vivacious young, .lady. Ginger Rogers, whose personality and tal- ents are so striking that they set her far! above the" musical comedy average." ; Direction RALPH G. FARNAM ' 1660 Broadway Wednesday, December 26, 1929 H Nob Extra Casting for Back to Old fWe^ limg^ ■is/ .! Warners' Merry Xmas In last week's ehyelope War- ners Included two weeks' extra pay for all executives and em- ployees with the firm A year and over. .. Those with six months on. the record got a single extra week. DNEUP nOTECTION'SYSTEMS City ^departme^ita and fir« device company-"prote.ctIon'' sj^tems are, shading up for: -major <iuerying Im the- Pathe' fli'(^-;lprObe.;'"dfC' the rec^ ord charges aiiLd .counter^ have beeii so . numerous during the past week the technical homicide allegations against j'llnn and tally, as Pathe executives, have Ijegun to pale Over; month before their analysis .by' the court."' , ." ' .. . _ Joseph i*.yK;fennedy is scheduled to return. "frOm'"the "West Coast,be- fore "the cbm)jien'<?enii3ht of the pros-, ecution's, evidi^^ce Jan. 6. . Then; only tjie violation of the ordinance, in slightly oviif 200,D06 feet of film Instea^; oil the. prescribed 5,000 feet illege.d by .-tbe cliy to ha.Y,e, bjeeii 'istored in .'the^, studio at. the time of the fire, will be recorded. Only proseCjitlon witnesses will be c.alle.d. After "thei.r' "testimony the.. 9ity -will rest tmtil Feb., 5,-when Pa the will combine Us-defenses'in the homl cidal hearing. '■ Pathcj. .'does-, not anticipate that either side,.will call Kennedy as h^ is not listed as an officer of the company. B. B. Derr, executive head. Is not slated for return, being engaged. in the company's produc- tion activities - on the Coast. Hollywood, pecv 24: .: American Federaiion Of iabor lis -on the ground with organizers seeking to line up white collar em- ployes!, of studios. Studios liave met the Union propaganda by an appeal to their employes not to jam present har- monious relations," that their work ia, of a confidential character, that wages are paid theni during illness, that vacations with pay aref" the ciustom, and thiat union conditions would limit advancement possibili- ties .to 'the maximum -wage dCale* So fax*' organizers haven't done much." Macon , Skps $500 Tax On ^'Se^atcir POms . ■ Macon, Ga.," Deo; 24. ' As aVprotjest' against -the sho-W', "The. Road to Ruin," showing at the. Grand theatre here Thursday Fridajr^md Saturday of this vreek, the itacori 'city council, at the sug- gestion of Mayor G. Glenn Toole, sitting in executiiire session adopted a .me^supe .galling.;fo.i: a. license, of $50.0. on.-"mfl-ving:pictures .or .Other eritertaimr^ents-Xor men ;Qc- women only,., or; ^f.BOm which chlldreij, are excluded.'?- V ; Although the. action was directed against the .film-now shOwingt the' new .levy'.does, no.t-.go ^nto .effect until Jan.. 1 and cannot the show.' . .iiie jlcense ■ was-placed at what the council believed wo.uld be a prohibitive .figure in order to pre- vent further showihgs of this char-; acter in the city. Oakie Wstnts New Tehn^, NowTanbed'OiitallSOO Hollywood^ .Dec 24. , Claiming that his. iJontraOt' with •T^esley Buggies is Inequitable, jack. Oakie .is askinsr for a Aiew contract. Under- his px'esent.i agreement Oakie is farmed out by; Buggies to Paramount. Scale started at |400 and.gocs to .$1,600 Weekly at the end?of ;th€ a^rreepaent'?/0ftfi 'XefLV^,. "Aottfr believes this shbuid 'be abro- gated with a new; *oi>tract-jjalliiig for $1,600 -Hbr the 'n"b4t, yiear .and /graduating to $3,000 at the finish Basis of Oakie's claim is that he has been farmed to one of the' ma 'jor independent studlos» where- .he has been billed as a star with the firm' willing to give him a term qon tract starting at $2,600; . '' Oakie contends that .he. is .now being featured in Paramount pic- tures at' $300 a Week. - . Subbing Minus Hays'Coast Visit Hollywood, Dec. 24. 'Will Hays is due here Dec. 31 for his semi-annual look-around If he has any definite matter to go Into, Fred Beetson's office has not tipped off. Hays will be accompanied by Maurice McKenzie, of the MPP&DA, whoi=gets-.back^to.^New.-.3rorlSr:.fEom: a winter vacation in Florida just in time to make the, jump to CaU- fornla. Hollywood, Dec. 24. Eddie Cline jurhped in and direct- ed the unfinished sequences of "Playing the Market," for Edward Small, following the- sudden death of Ted "Wilde, who "was handling the picture. Cline took no reimbursement for the worh:> -as'he:wanted-'. Mrs.-Wilde to get the full amount; ' ;' •' Denny-Griffith Jam Holly^yoOd, • Dec. • 24, Major differences between Regi-' .nald Denny, star, and.El H. .Griffith,' director, has resulted in the post ponement of pi'oduction' On"Dark Chapter" by Sono-Art. ■While the story, original by E. J, Roth, is being re-vamped to suit Denny, he will take a holiday on the Metro lot, appearang in a fea ture role in "Madame Satan," which 6. B. DeMille will direct starting Jan. 27. Griffith meanwhile may direct "Three a Day" for Columbia. Hollywood. Dec. 24. - Talker requ.irements. that extraji;-., . Bpeak- tho.-lorelgn language of the?.;; locale In which they appear^ has set the mob-casting back to the meth- ods of 15 years agO. > Befire"- the central casting bureau " lists were built up extras were fre- ; quently .i-ecruited by classified ads \ . setting the gathering place a;t some cornei: Just out of the business, sec- tion downtown. T?he assistant di- rector would pick out his mob, load ' theihi in ti^ucKg and take th'em'dir^t*' to the Btudlo. ' : . ; : Thb current' language. require»?'- meiits cOkriiiei a repreSehtative OjJ^** the casting bureau tO go into" offo' ' of the foreign colonies Arid, vrl^y the help', o.f oiiiej or t^y-o who. speak"- ■ the lingo line up the talkei: mob. ^ V' pave Allen of the casting bureaif * figured that the ' flirst t^lls for foi?^" eign speaking mobs would be th'tf " hardest, Once liried up they could;'; be called agaiii whene-por t'h e same' * language wis wanted. In prac'tlciB' it looks as though the ; first thousand mobs will be the' hardest; Allen leaifned about th© situation from Russians. Three liundred .Buss were re- " crulted in feaiat tos Angeles for one talkor and tW contacts were duly noted In' oastini bureau records. , Russians A. few weeks later another Ros- . slan set hfid to be peopled, , but the . available talent had vsejamlngly dwindled down to 16.0. Allen-askedi "H6W come?'' and got this/explana- tion: 'There werjB aoo .Russ who had nevtr been , Inside a studio. One hundred and fifty ofytAon had thf ir cur'os'ty satisfied by the one experi- ence and: are not further interest*^. A third call for'B.us6jian8\ the grief wa8.-tei!i>ible. .-Hardly-a one of the original bunch was available. Somebody had an explanation for this also. Most of the Russ work In small factories .Of "various kinds.' They get ait best $4 a day, and th»"" ■Idea of $7.60,4 day hit them strong • the flfst couple of times. \: - Result ?Krati' that the. small fac^ ,' tOrles clb^ed for la<5k of wotkers^on '' the fltst c'MI andi Crippled by lay- offs the second'time. Factory bossei^' posted signs sayihgi "Anybody -who ,: -takes work iii the inoVied Is' fired." Th? i^uss WiEjlghed that occasional^- $7.60 against that regular $4. , rit S*" ■. -nf.. :m:s Art Cinema> Joseph M. Schenck'S personal producing unit, has greatly*^ extended its burden aS SchertCk^:- builds up airound him practically new organization composed largeW^-' of Broadway "personalities. ' George M. Cohan, Arthur Hami-'''; merstein, Al Jolson, Fannie Bric^^'] and-William Anthony McGUire afe;^^. the best known of the neW Uhiteid'^^; Artists names In the Schenck'-fend, •'; while Florenz Zeigfeld, Eddie 'Can-^p tor, Louis Bromfield and'Irving Ber*^ " lin are also feflailiated in their re^^^ spective "Capacities. ' Art Cinema in past seasons-•has''^ Itwitt^ Rich man's 2d U. A. Option on a second musical-tftlk- er starring Harry Richmaui who has completed his first, "Puttin* on the Ritz," is being taken up by United Artists. HELD FOB JEWELS San Francisco, Dec. 24. =^l^alentin6^^.JVNfhIttingtonr=-picture actor from Los Angeles, was nabbed by police last week and. held for questioning in connection with the disappearance of jewels valued at $2,000 belonging to Mrs. Alice Zwillinger, wife of a local automo- bile man. Jewels, police say, were missed after "Whittington had gone for an auto ride with Mrs. Zwillinger and G. H. Howard, Los Angeles dentist had five Or ,six piDductlons. xu have 10 or 12 In the coming seasom^^ United Artists total correSporidingly^^j rises with number o* pictures to" . reach closer to .30 than 20, the" former yearly kverage. 4,139 Extras Hollywood, Dec. 24.:. Calls for mob isets plckihg up with 4,139 placements made last -v^ek b/ the Central Casting-Bureau. Last few days saw the pick-up, ■with 857 extras working on Friday. "~^!Nro""diHsfandIng ""• Golfers in Comedy . Hollywood, Dec. 24. "Walter Hagen and Leo Diege«,^^ pro golfers, have been engaged by|; Mack Sennett to be featured in a two reel comedy based on the fiinny side of golf. ■ ; Sennett will direcL