Variety (Dec 1929)

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Wednesdayr December 25, 1929 PICTURE dROSSES VARIETY 11 Roxy 8 Low $74,700 Last Week All K ¥. Box OCices Skidded A matter of only $M00 eepeiratea the mathematical totals of the Roxy fl^nd Pa,rainfl[ount last week as the .:towhspeopre, preoccupied with Christmas, sent box office figures downward alori^ I^hlnestone Gulch; in view of .the general depression thfe Paramount ;liad rea;3on to re- ^dW'Marrlage Playgrotind" as dis- tinctly Mti^fictory ■ with 5TO,B.OO; Bbxy's^74,T60 and- Capitol's $61,800 o'iter a basis of comiJatison.' : V'-'Taming '9f tho Shrew" evapo^ rated from. MliZOO.^e ! previous week to $29,70;0-, difference, of $12,000. ii^ ' p^Lce., Talrb^nks-tlckford plc- tuir^ Js^well below business done by last Fairbanks -fllm,/'Won Mask,", last'AiJril. • " ■ '■ ■ -. , fpatlie^s ''Lucky - Iti 'LoyeV hose- dltred at the Colony, getting but *^*"L6ve- Parade," at the Criterion, holds strong, "V4i8ali<>nd King" due there Feb. 9. Sunday night's premr lere of .the I^amc-?.,Novarro pic- tufe, "Devil May Car;e,";..wa,s a dis- appoihtAfent at $2^1th!.M«tro flgor- Ing to brln^ VRogue'fi. Song" to the Astor before -January w^hea up. - ■ GlObe 'Started ita ; grind - career with ♦'Dance Hall," (it. lightweight, for liauncMrig a new policy, . but stiofeing • second week.- "Rio Rita" cOines in-Friday, .giving policy, its, fli^st OUtperlmeht with circumstances favorable. • • Estimates for Last Week ' Astor-T^'*Deyil May. Care'' (M-f3) (til20; ?l-$3). Songa gl-ye •picture Its.,principal strength; dr^w poor noticeis:.and continwnce expected to be-brief.' .i'. '. ^ ; Carroll—"7 Keys%ta Baldpate" (Radio) ■ (988^; $l-$2>..',r'Blehard Dix picture opens Christmaa"night.- "Rio Rtta" =6xited 'after .11 weeks and "way down. '-■'■r'^'. c.l Capital — "Haai€ltijah-?^KMrO-M) <!^ie20; 85-B0-7&-^i*5B>^ All>-colored picture -di-ew betteif 'tftini^ expected, $61,800. v -iL^ v'--.' . ' ^ Ceritraf —" ••tiisr^^l''-''fWB)^ (922; $i*-$2)„ '(lith^'^eek);., 'Able to--^get ardifcd $l4,dO;0; ^do^H '', "' • ■"' "Coh>it "ttuntini^- irigers" <Col) a40C^; tB^tl.BO) ■..t8rd^;M^*!eky. Get- ting j^oiiie 'i;>lay: ,froliil .'fatnily a^ mu6'evJtti■ angjfe^V .'45,000. of tinder. •:Blazfi Of Glory^^' wUh:;Bddie: DoW' ling,'opens Ufin^^T^:.'\" ' ,_," ' Colony—"L\ifckyIn Ij6-^e" (Pathe) (1,900; 35-60-76). Tbb'weak to offer opposition - tp *.:<;JhtI^,t^asv season Lowest h'QhSi9';'ha^'.^.bjeiej^- .since "re- opening, $7,600. -XVUerion'~ .^l^OV^kSPft^^^^ -ifPar) (S62; :>1.42) - .X-eth Week-).^ Felt -depression a little although at this house $15,100 is good. With "Gen eral Crack" and "Disraeli" shares what a^iency deMand there is among $2 fllnis.- ■ ^i-*" ;v ..- • - ■ EVn bassy >^ "NeWsreel • • House" (t'ox-Hearst) (568;'25). Last week's pt'Ogi'ani preponderantly from the librskry' and that's no help?. Doing rfcely but With proSflt ^^difflcult to ebtiniate around $8,000.- 'Good siied rental changed for service. ' Gaiety—"Sky Hawk" (Fox) (808; $l-$2) (3rd week). First full Week, $11,600. Average tradfe'-iaf this cor- ner. ■■ • ■ ■ ' . *Globe—"Dance Hall" i(Radio) (1, 065; 35-60-86)- RKOTs new grind on RIvoli-RIWl:o.i)61icy of-ex- t^ndod-ruhs. TWo weeks fdr^ "Dance Ifail,". which got around" $12,000 on six days.: ■ ' - •Paramount- "iRldrrlag© Play- ground" (Par) (J,B»6; 36-65-75-$l). flfetter.than twp previous weeks artd aMlnat holiday $70,500. nice accom- plishment. ;-Rjalt6 "The.Vinslhiah'' (Par) (2,000; 35-50-65-85)'. Opened Friday M^'i'Vlv^fif "Trespasser,*' which took $19,500 on flniX six days:' ' ,-RivoUVTamfng. of Shrew" (UA) (2,200; 36-60-65-86) (4th week) 8rd week, $29,700. Geofge Bancroft's The Mighty." (Par) succeeds, prob- ably Jan. 10, ■ ^Roxy—"This Thing galled Love'- (Pathe News) (6,206; 50-76-$1.50). House low Is $.70,000, so $74,600 i^ nop. Usual pretentious children's show for Christmas week current WjJih "Christina". (Fox). ^jjSelwyn—"Condemned" (UA) (1,- P|f; $l-$2) (8th weeli). Goldwyn prctui'O ready to blow with contract booking about fulfilled • and musical ^.due-ln-=house^-ha3--been-Just^-^fair at scale. Around $8,000. /o o^l®'"' "Gold Diggers" (WB) (2,900; 35-60-75) (2nd, final week), Kepeat week, $36,000, giving Techni color feature big fortnight. Warnera—"General Crack" (WB) (1,360; $i.$2) -.(4th .week). Nothing outstanding about, Barrymore pic- a/: ?verage at $22,000.. 40^:'**i®,.9*''*'®''^"^^lly" (PN) (1, rtit • Marilyn Miller's film aei.ut Monday night. ■ "Show of fc-iioMa completed Ave weeks. PERSONAL POPULARIIY STOOD OFF BAD WEEK Montreal, Dec. 24." (Drawing Population, 600,<KK)) Weather: snow and sleet ' Grosses,, held a.t ^about the same figure as previous week In spite of bad weather and shopping. At- tempt of stock theatre, Ort>hteum> to break In with..talkers has not so Car . .met with -much success and house is trying out new policy, of two-'a-week.. v ' ! " "Saturday Nlgiit Kid" went over fairly as Clara Bow has q," Wg lo'dal. following. Palace" stood up" to pt^- Vious week figures, at $17,000. ' John Gilbert is another favoi'lte' and "His: Glorious Night" at Capi'-' tol saw his first talker, here; $16,600 fain Censors mauled picture badly. All girl vaude at LoeW's split about even With "13th chair,:* pulling down around $15,600. ' Thjls- theaitre has 'done about best of'.aAy main 'stems during past month. ."Tahiing of the Shrew" continued, at Princess for second week; bjut'^ falling off .last -fOur days with to.ta). aroiliid $8,000. j • Vaude took midst • of the $9,500 at' the Imperial with "GirrFr6m"H?L- vana"' se^jphd. Management relies m6re bn':yaude than pictures at^hfe' house."' 'Roxy rah "iBerlin After' Dark" and "reverts- to double bill, coming week. . ' , ■ Neighborhoods have • been mid' dling. . ' ;■ , ;• • • • ■ ■ Estimates For Last Week Palace (FP) (2,700-40-75), "Sat- urday Night ,Kid" (Par^. . Got nearly ;all the,, play.-in poor week;; $17,000, fair.. ... , .Gaw^ol \<FN) (.2r70ft-40-e5) f'Glorl- dus Nifeh't" (M-G-lA)." Censors got their hooks badly into this one, kilili>g half the interest. Gilbert saved it'on local popularity; $16,- 600-ttded'ovet. ,t-dev#'a (FP)' (3i:200-35-«0),-.«18th :ChfttB',iv<<MvG-M);': Split even ,with^ vaude at,abound $.16,,60.0. ■(: . . ■ P.r In .c e;«.a., (.CT). . (2.3OO-30t55)^ i^'Tamirig of Shrew" .(2d week).„TFeJl. off hbavily Vlkst' four higWs,'.but^ $8,b0b"tKJ^ week after $14,000 week previous.'-''-■■•■: ■*•,->- • • -^^ |thiierial:(FF^)^v(li900-86..e0), "Girl Prom^-Havana;t :(Fox) yaude; $»,500. O r ft h eM rn (.CT), ,.(l,20O-4a.--50), "Ve;nus" (CA>» . Last week of single feature plcfure; . usual $4,000. ,., flbity (Ind) (^OO-BO) "BeWIn After Dkrk" (Silent- WOrld-Wlde) Will run''doUble bill after .this *reek; $2,600.. • : •• ^ • :■ ■'' B^KLYN PRETTY MliLD Home and Church BoroMgh turns. , Out to ShoR, Only. BrocJklynites. ignored practically all the downtown houses. ''■ Pslfamount had abo\it the best show.' $46,«O0 mild for .this house but Batiafstctory: season. : Albee had "Vagabond Lover" and vaude. Fairly well. Loew's Strand held over "Gold Diggers," claiming good business. Fox had "The River," not so hot,' and vaiide. . Estimates for Last Week Paramount -T "Marriage Play- ground" (4.000; ; 35-50-.75X. . Good. picture biased on Edith. Wharton'p novel. Stage had Rudy Vallee and Belie ' Baker; $46,900, ' fair for Christmas;'' • . -. Strand—"Gold Diggers" (FN.'* (2,- 36-40-50-75)., Quiet week.-Vaude.. $19^00. : .:• • Fox—"TU? Blyer'/ (Fox), (4,06.0; 36-40-50-60-76). VaUde. $21,700. Met—"Woman to Woman" (3,577; 35-40-60-76). Quiet w?ek. Vaude. $19,800.- • . • ■ • ■ ^ Albee—"Vagabond Lover" (RKO) (3,248; 35-60-60-75). Vaude: $20,900. Boat Lights Tacoma Tncoma, Dec. 24, (Draw pop.; 125,000) Weather Rainy U. S. plane, carrier ''Lexington" went' into , the' harbor and started making "juice" for the depleted Ta- conla electric plants. Town emerged from Its, semi-^darkness. But biz at the-show-sliops-^ didn't.-----^^^^ Estimates for Last Week„ Pantages (RKO) (1.50Q; 25-60). "Painted Angel" (RKO). Vaude, Light; $6,900. Blue Mouse (Hamrick) (650; 25- 50-76) "The Sap" (WB). Fair at $4,900. Rialto (Fox) a.250; 25-35-50) "Glorifying American Girl" (Par). Not so hot. . , Colonial (Fox) (850; 25-SO), "This Is College" (MGM). Dandy picture and good biz; $1,500. Oriental Chi PirrSBURGH NO BETTER THAN EXPECTED ' Sure They D'ancO - HAA7 and MABGAIUST GIBB America's only native-born "Siamese" T.w^ns- ■ Wee^Jah'.;-5 South Bend and Madison, Wis.. E. A. Vinson in advance " ■ An ARTHUR KLerN- TERRY TURN Ell ATTRACTION Suite 1405-6, 1660" Broadway Palace Tops Fox by $100 Washington, Dec. 24. (White .Popul«tionr.46(l>,<M)0) Weather:.Wacn\ Cold Two houses weathered last week fairly well.. Foic had '"The ftivet" and demonstrated, that. the tO=Wn. goes for ; .^a'lnes. Charlie '' !F>rySll •. ifa.s T)|ayed up strong.' ,.Palace,, with its liabll fc6ntlrigent,.ha.d ^'Ltfckted, poor". :a:nd a:h ei^cellent WeelC -^conslderttig. Loew publicity said nothing of the colored cast in "Hallelujah," pic- ture's own mer^ getting about-$10,- 000, wljich is, okay for house a,nd season. Rialto^s doing some neat eaiploUatirig but grosses -remain down, same ■ thing ■ applying to Keith's and "The Great OiibbO." . two Warner 'Kouares were within $1,000 of each Wher. '- Eistimates for Last We«ik'; Columbia J.(Loew) ^-^'"Heaielujah" (M^G) (1,^32;* 36-50>rt:' Got"tt good teount without special.plugfetAg ftnd- ifiii^ng'' oif bllUftSf the' negro "oaat; .$10.;6Q()I;-'- ' ■ "'' '•.:>' : "tirte ^S-d- "Wai-hbr)" ^"L5V6 Racket" (FN) (2,S44; ■35-50). ' About four grand off at'^l<f,300;> ' fox (Fo:t)-^**The' Itiyer'* XFox) stage show (3,48^r 85t50-;'?5). Nanie of. Ch^irles, .Parrell. • igredlfed with hofdirig up. to $18,400,' '■■ Wet (S-C Warner)-^"Charming Sinners" (Par) (1,585; 35-50). Beat other. . Warner housi^l; estimated $11,900. • ' \ Palace (Loew)—"Locked - Door" (TJA)* stage show (2,3i?3;.. 85.-60r60). Allan Rogers, new m. Q.,/plus extra pluggring on. Loew iJni^, did'about $18,600;" aroUifd fout gfa,nil off'. but nobody complaining.'. ,. ■" ' ■ ■ Rialto (U)—"Red Hot Rhythm" (Pathe) (1,978; 85-50). Better than previous week by $500;...$6,000. . RKO—"Great Gabbo" (SonorArt). About' what was expected; not so good at $7,200. Balto Divides liigiit Wk. ; Fair Hig:lis, Bad Lows Baltimore, !bec. '24, J Draw Popt 8&0i000) Weather Rainy At most of the first-runners It was, .the usual pre-Xmas tale, fix ceptions Were the Rivoli' where "Evidence," day and date with the uptown Metropolitan^ camie through with a good average^ .•..VGlorlous Night" also stemmedrthe shpippers'. rush at the Century. . "tHo Rita" at Keith's, second. :,week, knd sixth In town; came tbroiigh nicely. Elsewhere it wad' the U3ual' "pre holiday. ' Estimates for Last Week Century (Loe^)/ "GlOrlou^ iNlght" (3,200; 25-60). Registered well Stage show. $18,000, good for week. Stanley .(Loew), "Locked Door" (3,600; 25-60).' Failed to hold 'em out of the shops. $12,000. Not-so good. Rivoli (Wilson Co.), "Evidence" (2,100; 25-60). Day and date with uptown Metropolitan, and scored^ Exceptional before, Xmas. $8,600. Auditorium (Schanberger), "De- lightful Rogue" and| "Vei;y Idea" (1,572; 25r$l). Retter than "Jazz Heaven" but double bill not strong enough to offset '' pre-holiday. $4,000. Bad. v Keith's (Schanberger) "Rio Rita'^ (2,50Wr^ 2^5-50Jr^-"TKir- min^ B money-getter town has s^en In some time. Four weeks at Aud., two at this pop stand, and still strong. Holding over. 412,000. Valencia (Loew), ""Taming of Shrfew" (1,MQ; 26-66). Day and date with .uptown Parkway. Just another week> $2,300. . Parkway (Loew)^ "Taipinpr of Shrew" (1,000; 16-33). Not up t theatre's generally good avevaB'-. but at lower scale, beat out its day and date partner, Val.; $3,000, ; Lowest fross Of Year for Dips Pittsburgh, Dec. 24. (Draw. Pop., 1,000,GQQ) Weather: Fair and Cold Everything way oft last week and weak pictures in rtlost cases. AVintry blast blew up latter part of Week and'also cut-in. Though biz oflf, as expected, at two downtown sitesi Penn and Stan- ley, drop wasn't so severe when com- pared to the weekly average lately. "Sherlock Holmes" (Par) well liked at former, and $29,000" move than, presentable. Stanley had a weak sister in "Tiger Rose" (WB), gen- erally panned and off to low $22,000. Started off well but plunged after first couple of days. . . "Glorifying American Girl" (Par) one of season's worst brodies at Grand and yanked after, terrible $10,000 in 2d week. "Show of Shows" (WB) not du:e to open until Xmas Day shoved in Thursday on short notice. Aldine felt the de- pression, and "Woman Trap" (Par) took house down to rtiayhe ; $9,500. PIcturp received nice notices but It was just one of those weeks. - "Rio Rita," (Radio), took tumble at Sheridan Square in fourth and last week but no kicks with $6,000. R-K-0 house off to a flying start with this one and around ' $32,000 for the month in a snaall-seater neighborhood sometliing : to talk about;. •. ; > Estimates for Last Week Penn (Loew's-UA) (3,300;25-35» 60-75)—"Sherlock Holmes" Well re- ceived and $28,000 eonittieiidaWesfor off week. Doesn't. Indicate slump- as' thuch. as some of the others.. • Stanley (WB) (3,600; 26-86-«0)— "Tiger Rose". (WB). Weak, and $22,000 can only be laid -at-Lupe Velez* door. - Mex gal draw here since personal - appearance • last spring; ,-Publix units move-in here frohi" Penn next week4< - ^ .Grand (WB) (2,000; 60-75)— "Glorifying American Girl" (Par). One of season's pipize~ flops.' Under $10,000 ' 1ft-' 2d week "and: 'yanked Thursday for "Show of ShoWs^' (WB) tiot due to open until Xmaa AUJine :lir906;' ^ 36-50)^.VW<»toian Trap" (Par). Well liked but couldn?t • -weather .:,seasonal slump; Weak; '$»,500... "Gonde!mtted".XUA) m now on run. Enright (WB) (3,700; 25-36-40-60) —"Jealousy" (Par)< Had critics raving , but • public not Interested. $14,000. perbapsr -bu.t probably due to curloisity over the late " Jeann? Eagels. •'. • . . • . ■; JSheridan 8q^"Rlo Rita" <Radlo). At $5,00O In fourth and. last, week something In snriallrseateir neigh- borhood. Prob^Lbly $82,00*. fo;r four- -week'run and excellent. Htirris.—Also felt pinch of pre- Xmas week. .Under $6,000.for "Skin- ner Steps Out" (U), and vaude. WB REVUE AT $31,001); $42,500 FOR MASTBAUM Philadelphia, Dec; 24: Business was low, but ho lower than expected for the pre-hoUday w.eek. The Mastbaum, criterion of the town's business, did about $42,- 500 with "Navy Blues," averagely good at this time. Only , other Stanley hoiise to: phow strength - was the Boyd, which had . "Show of Shows,?' which got $31,000, and thereby led the local extended, rund. Stanley was a bust with the'-it- ond -week of "Hollywood Revue," tabbed at $10,000. Stanton did about $7,000 with tjie first week of "Mys terious Island." - Good notices- but failed to Qllck with the public. The Aldlne being closed; FOx-Locust nat-urally benefited; but with "Sunny side Up" it got less than $11,000, hot enough to realize an even break. The Fox and "Nix On Dames" had an above averageweek. About $30,500 on a picture receiving just ordinary notices. The Earl.e and "Return of Sherlock Hoinaes," with a special plug from the Warner Stanley Company, drew $20,000, ex ceptionally credtalble under the cir- cum-stances. Estimates for Last Week Mastbaum (4,800; 35-S:0-75)— "Navy Blues" (M-G). Good business considering period; $42,500. . Boyd (2.400; 35-60-75)—"Show of Shows"=( WB)v-'7"Estimate:d^at-good $31,000; Indlcites five.or s.ljj.Weeks unless imforeseen obstacles, arise. FoK (3,000; &0)—"Nix On Dames" (Fox). About $30,000; okay. ErjQ-.gep—"Great Gabbo" (World- wkl*-). Fjir under y,-'^oV1y average at $1"»,000: .«(?cond \vc-ek r.hisj. house .Inis.sinTerfd V>y 'tlift bookincr. Fey-Locust. 11,80.); ..Vl.^in—''Sunny- f ;.• T'-.)" (Fo-^). Aft-r *«'.'(ii a.'clded t-' :.i';>^ '."liis f«-i-ir-..- -.i..; 'SKy lliiv-:^" (Vox) will t.|):.-i. Chvi-tmaa D;iy. Chicago, Dec. 24. Holiday season plus four days of i*ain and a midwest blizzard puHhed; the b. 6. Into the cellar last week*. Oriental !t6ok it on the chin for a knockout, low of the year with $25,- 200. This house has the B. & K< staff plenty worried, with the boys at a loss to explain the recent bad slump at this deluxe spot. Ai'e get- ting together for concentrated effort on this house, with the. pick of the pictures and a big spread, on the stage. Qarbo held the Chicago to a "good figure In spite of the weather, even bringing up the gross four grand the .previous week. The sec- ond week for the pictures at the run houses meant a'slide in the'money, "Disraeli" holding the best at Mc- Vlcker's. picture is getting the. class patronage of the town, with'- plenty of carriage trade. "Romance of Rio Grande/', at the Roosevelt, and "Live Ghosts," at the United Artists, weren't so satisfaotory. Both out ^£nnas day. At the Roosevelt "Dynamite" wilt . replace, while "Taming of the Shrew" goes into the United Artists. • State-Liiks, vaudfllm, got a bad break last (week, the installation Of the new niarquee being slowed by the- weatheri .so- that to many people.. the dark front meant closed house. $20,000 worst figure in nAmy months, and Just a couple bC grand out of the red. At the" Woods the Indie special, "Great Gabbo»" dt-e'w tnlxed notleed and fair bis, H2,000. . Vagabond Lover," in day after; Xmas, ■ .■■.:,■•■>; •, ■■.■•■i ; ■ . . Estimates for Last Week- ' Chicago (PUbliXr-B & K)-r-"Kiss!' (Mr.G)., .stage show (4,400;,..60-85). Garbb silent leadei,' of loop,;. $46,500. and. satisfied,. .With. aeasoh.. .and: MoVitekefV (Publix-B ' it)— "Disraeli" (WB) (1,855 ; 60-45), Held up after great newspaper notices and drew the class mob. $24.,000: Monroe (Fox)—"Seven'' Paces" (Fox) (1,120; 60-75). Rave: notices dldh't mean anything to folks who patrOni:^e this house. ' Not so'good at $3,800. Oriental (Publlx-B & K)-ri"M^' riage Playground"- (Par) stage show (3,500; 60-85). Bottom.of year:')? low: at $26.200.. B & K chiefs.a^^,getting set .to spendc tlmQ and mOhey on this ;9p6i t6. bring'it back. Last week's , gtb^s over. $10,000 urtd^r. average. ;. ' Orphoum (Warner). -Ti-''fivprybOdir, Happy" (WB> (79d; 50.-75).' P.layed day and date with AVatbn, sbt[t|ir $lde deluxer, $6,900. Holds) oVer. ; frobsWdif (PuWiX-Br-& iK)r-^'"R6- mance Rio Grande" (Fq*) (1,^00; 60-85). Dropped off sharply and-WlH be yanked In middle Of week, $16»900.> State-Lake (RKO)-^'.'ShartnOns of BroAdway" (U) vaude- (2,700; Sp- 75). House front dafk, new mar-- c(uee being installed; bill no. special drajw, weather, seadon; $^Q,»; 000. . StMdebaker (InsuU) — "Hunting; Tigers" (Indie) (1,298; BO-.I1.50). Excellent three weeks at this legit spot $7,500. House back to legit: United Artists (Publix-UA)-^ "Live Ghosts" (UA) (1,700; 50-8S), Disappointed from Staft. Lost week? $16,600; previous ' and first weelc $22,900. Out xmas day. Woods (RKO)—"Great .GaJ>bo" (World-Wide) (1,200; 60-85). Mixed reports from dailiea. Only fair with $12,000i Picture leaves Dec. 26. ,. 'TieCADIlLY," ENGUSH. DREW NEW TRA0E Portlandj Ore., Dec, 24.. i Business wasn't so bad last week. A British film did alright at the. Oriental, and the Rialto had.a triple, bill. Estimates for Last Week Broadway — (Fox)- (2,000; 25-60y "Romance of Rio Grander^, (Foat); Registered fairly. $14,500. Unitea Artists—(Patker-FoK) 200> 25-60). Second week of '"Hal- lelujah" (M-G) and okay; $8,000, Alder—(Parker-Fox) (1,200; 25- 60) "Wise Girls." Went over as com- edy talkei*; $4,000. • , Portland—(Publix) • (3,500; 25-60) "Glorifying American CUri," (Par). Big exploitation but registered only average; $8,100. Rialto — (Publix) (2,000; 25-50), "Battle of Paris," "He Loved the Ladies" and "Pusher in the Face," Triple bIll,«got over fairly; .$4,000. Miisic Box—(Hamrlok) (.2,000; 25- 50)"SkInner Steps Out" (U). Com- edy film all right at $7,600. ^ Blue Mouse—(Hamrick) (800; 25- 50) -'^HerfPrivate-Affair'^ =(Pathe)r^ Arouiid $3,500. Oriental — fTobbett^i) (2,700; 25- 35) "Piccadilly." Proved best book- ing for months, Brlti.sli made film drew new patronage to; $7,500. Orpbeum— (ICO) (L>.000; 25-60) "Jazz Heaven" (Radio). Fair at $9,600. ' Dufwih—rDuffy) (1.400', 25-$1.25> = Henry Duffy Players in "Her Night Out," May Rol>don. gueat star; rt»- turn woek of play g:fveu last month; quoted $-5,000; too high/