Variety (Dec 1929)

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62 V A RIE TY Wednesday, December 25, 1929 HOLLYWOOD and Los Angeles ''Variety's'' Office, TAFT BUILDING, Vine St. and Hollywood Bjlvd. Phone Hollywood 6141 Gay Seabrook and Betty, Pierce cast with Franklin Pangborn In ^'The Bear Car" at Hollywood Vine Street theatre, David Hartford di- recting. Assignmenta at Warners are: Joe Jaclcson to ""Agony Column"; Roy del.Riith to direct; "Sweet Kitty Be Hair," to Grubb Alexander, and Gordon Rigby to adapt "Diimbbells in Ermine," from .the play, "Weak Sisters." Jaftk Haskell is directing "The Evolution of the Diance" as the first of a series of dance Technicolor shorts for Warner Brothers' variety program. John Roberston' will remain at Universal to direct .^'Singing Cabal- leros," starring John Boles and to go into production Jan. 2. Musical, formerly titled "The Land of Song," is an original by Houston Branch. At the election of officers of Local 47 of thei. Musicians Union, Scott Williams was, re-elected:"viccTpres.; Fred Forbes, ^recording sec, and Ward' Harrington, sec, and treas. Clarence Shaw, C- H. Potter and J. G. Stamm, trustees. . . A jury in Municipal Judge Shel- don's court. decided tliat Curtis Moseby's Apex Club was not a, liquor nuisance. ■ They held that Moseby was 'not - responsible .for liquor bro.ught .In to the club by patrons, It was Moseby's second trial on the' charge, the jury dis- agreeing at the first trial.' = Eddie Conrad, under contract to Ed^lie Dowling, will return from New York with. Dowling next month to play a part in "Honeymoon Iiahe" for SonorArt,. Lani Maclntire filed salary claims with the Statie Labor Coihni. for $20a WiEM THE*BIG /HOT/ ^ OFJTACEAND/CR^ ^ ViriT HOLIWOOD, % TNIY ALWAYf LIVE At TItt 'PIAYCWDUND TME XTART; "The One Best Cellar" CELLAR 6370 Hollywood Blvd. HOIXTVrOOD; CALIF. Laffs-^Food-^Surprises INERS MAKEUP Est.. Henry C. Miner» Inc. against the Metropolitan Studio. Maclntire claims he was engaged to play for a picture and after waiting for a. week found that another musician had been engaged to take his place. A claim -was also filed against Pickwick Pictures by William Ter- hune, cutter. Terhune - said the cotnpany owes him $176 for editorial work he did on Its picture. Henry Hall returned after a sea- soii in Duffy stock at Portland. Robert McWade opens In "It Pays to Advertisfe" at tile Dufwln, Oak- land, Dec. 29. Harry Lang, former by-line re- porter for the Los Angeles "-Exam- iner," is .now functioning as a unit press agent at the Radio studios. James Foi;d Is juvenile in "Oh Susannah," musical at the Mayan. Gebrgie Kane replaces Agnes Detro. Gary Brackner is promoted fr6m mean heavy to slick heavy, re- placing James Liddy in . this opei'etta. Ethel Jackson, joins the CalliS- Baker Playera at El Paso as In- gienue Dec. 29. , The Strand, Long Beach, has switched from a split week-to a full week. The , house is booked by Meiklejohn BvoL Oliver Hardy's hoarseness, caused a week's tie-up of the Laurel and Hardy comedy, "Blotto," at the Hal R;oach studio. Mission theatre, . San ■ Diego, re- opens with Gloria , Joy P'layers in stock Dec. 29 with "The Girl from Childs." Second week, "Adam and Eva"; third week, "Tiie Gorilla." Earl Moore dii-*ectlng. . A bench warrant for the arrest of Aubrey Kennedy was issued by Municipal Court Judge May D, Lahey when, the' former official of Coloraft Syrichrotone failed to ap pear in court In answer to a charge of being a lewd a.nd dissolute per- son. His. bond' of $500 was forfeited Reginald Denny, after conipleting one picture for Sono-Art, will ap- pear'in "Madam Satan/' which C. B. DeMllIe will - produce With an all- star cast for M-G-M Noah Beery has been placed, un- der contract to Warner Brothers through ^he Joyce-Selznick office for ohe year. Carl Harbaugh, scenario editor at Mack Sennett studios, has resigned to join the Hal Roach writing staff. Carl Walker, formerly manager of Pantages, . will go to the local Oi'pheum as. mianager instead of the Orplieum,' Frisco- Local .house re- opens Dec. 25 with "Hit the Deck." Million Dollar, .which has had a catch^as-catch-can since tlie Publix Circuit leased S. Lazarus, will undergo another change from sec- ond run pictures to yaudfllm with the beginning of the new year. At that time '"Lost Zeppelin" will have Its premiere with a midnight show. Frorii time to tinie the house will get first run pictures.. Tay Walker, secretary to Luther Reed (Radio), is in the Monte Sano hospital recovering from an opera- tion for appendicitis. ' . . ' Alfred Stelner is new orchesti'a leader^. Hollywood, Egyptian, STRICTLY UNION MADE PROFESSIONAL TRUNKS •00 and up . Hartmann» Oshkosh & Mendel Trunks ALL MODELS—ALL SIZES ON HAND AT GRBATLT REDrCKD PRICES ALSO t.000 USED TRUNKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION VTB DO REPAIRING OPEN EVENINGS WRITE FOR CATALOG SAMUEL NATHANS, Inc. 8«vtnth. Avsnut, b«tw««n 40th and 41tt 8tr«6t«, N«w York CItv - -- SOLE AGENTS FOR a » M TBrNKS IN" TIIE" EAST"^ .. PhoncBj Loncacire 6197 P«iui(«7lTajila 0064 . .1M.X1.K.ER INSTITUTION INTER.N ATION A L« 0hes for the S^^g^ S^eH SHOWFOLK'S SHO.ESBOP —1552 BROADWAYW replacing Theodore Holbolli -vrhQ has taken hlB violin onto the rei- cording seta. Lillian Sawin In playlbg In "Maternally Toura" opposite Ralph Welles at the'"Muslc Box, replacing Eleanor Johnson, • The Iris, Chino; Cat., dosed-since spring, opened by. Frank Moreno. , C. H. Griffith, wlio has been 111, is back as assistant manager, U ex- change. MPTO of Southern California now officially In the Allied States line-up. "Overture," niew title for Fan- chon & Marco "Power" Idea, opened Dec. 19 In Southern California. Huff and Dahl and Stella Royal added. Radio picks "Girl of the Port" as ne^r title for "The Fire Walker," just completed. . William Wellman's next, follow- ing "Young Eagles," will be a George Bancroft starring picture. Studio Is how looking for a suitable yarn, to go in after Bancroft flii- ishes ill "Ladles Prefer Brutes." . Simeon .Gest's Civic Repertory opens all eight-week season at the Hollywood MUsic Box Jan. 20 with "Goin' Home!' (mixed cast). Pro- ductions following will" be "And So •To Bed," "The Skin Game" (Gals- worthy) and "Art Enemy of the People." Campaign^or $250,000 for a per- manent pilgrimage Play Theatre seating 2,000 to'replace the canyon amphitheatre destroyed recently by fire, launched by Mrs. Robert J. Bui'dette. Henry Lang,-Kingman, Ai'lzl; ex- hibitor. In serious condition in a Lios Angeles hospital suffering of cancer' of the mouth. Savoy theatre (dramatic) at San Diego has gone to $1 top. Laurence Pilegard promoted from assistant manager of. the State, Fresno, Cal., to manage th6 T. & Dl; Hanford, Cal., replacing J. Fred Miller. . S. G. Mendenhall replaced Jules Relsman, resigned as mannger of the Criterion and Rialto theatres in Medford, Ore, L. E, Tillman's western, division led all eight Columbia Pictures di- visions in the Goldberg testimonial drive. W. C. Riter's Los Angelas e^fchange was second among the 32 exchanges.. ... here year ago and was building nicely when orders came to close house. With late New Tork suc- cess booked and good cast hesided by Leona Powers and Howard Mil- ler, spoken ^drama, the only in this burg, should build now* May Robson went to Portland for Duffy after week here. Liooha Pow- ers resumed lead with Players at President. MILWAUKEE By FRANK J. MILLER AUbambm—"Shannona." D»vid»oii—"Follow Thru" fatage). Garden—"FootllffhtB and Foola." Oayetr—Mutual burleBQUtt, attajeatto—"The KIbb." fierrlU—"JIaU«luJah." Palace^Orpheimt—"Vaerahond Ix>ver,'* BtTetwde—"Hvo GhoBts"; vaudo, Btrand—"GIorltylDtf Girl." Hriscoiuin~."Soutb Sea lioiM": atan' show. MONTREAL His BfoJestT'*—"JDracula.'^ Palace—"Say It with Songa," Capltol-r"FpotUBhta and Fools." I«oew'»-i"T6unB Ndwheres," JMnceta—VKlny of ^Inga." Imperial—"BlB Time," Orphenm—^Double bill. Stmnd—Double bill. Empress—Double bill, IBoxjr—^Double bill. Adolph Zukor In ah Intervlieiw last week stated the province of Quebec will shortly, be made a testing ground for the production of all French pictures and If successful Would lead to production-of talkers in German, Italian and Spanish. Famous Players' Canadian Corp., Ltd.,: in annual session last week denied the reported offer of $75 a share either Verbally or in writing, Agreement was reached last week in the injunction askiad for by Fa- mous Players against its former president and general manager Nathan-L. Nathanson, to prevent him fr'om selling certain, properties here, postponing the, case until Jan. 17; Meanwhile temporary ^injunction to that date is granted. Gayety has been closed down for fortnight with stock burlesque un derlined. Meanwhile court action is being taken against insufficient dressing of actresses at the house. This house has been running in red for months with Mutual circuit shows. Wilfred Launceston now assist^int manager of Capitol here. Only town where Sunday theati'es are forbidden in this province, Granby, has a fight on its hands. The Elite theatre attempted to run anyway and police, took names of all entering. Penalties are $5 for first and $20 for second offence by theatre goers and .$20 for. first and $60 for second offence for pro prietors. SAN FRANGISCO By WALTER Riy ERS Al Hallett has joined the Cole Players at the Hester' theatre in San Jose. Elaine De Vore,"formerly at The Green Streiet, is playing leads. Homer Curran is back iri town to supervise the opening of "Follow Thru" which he is putting into the Capitol.' Three legit'theatres here under his conti'ol. An angel and a devil will be the comics in George Herrinian's car- toon, series for Hal Roach. "Hunting Tigers," 8-reeler doubled with lecture, follows Mae West in "Diamond Lil" at Erlanger's Bilt- more theatre. This will be third film in the house since it was wired for sound. SEATTLE By DAVE TREPP rresldeiit—"Daddies" (Stock). Orpheuni—'.'The Careless Asre"-Vauae. Pantases—"Hello Everybody" (Musi- cal). Seattle—"JPdIhted 116618." • Fifth Ave.—"Thins Called Love"-stage. Fox—"Sunny Side Up" (3d week). Colleeum—"Nik oil Dartiee." Blue Mon8e-^"Mlsslsslppl Gambler." < Music Box—"Mr. Antonio.'' , 'Metropolitan — Bernard Shaw pltiya (Legit). ... Jack Russell Players opened Pan- tages Dec. 21, with Magel and Reece Gardner in. leads and Ted Ulmark trio featured. Joe Mnller is manager.- Sid Goldtree 'has started casting "The Peephole" to open at the Green Street Jan. 9. Of the cast playing "The Flat Tire" he is retaining three, Hugh Metcalfe, Larry (jook and Marion Fleurnoy. , Promotions in the Publix person- nel include Eugene Karlin, manager of the St. Francis, transferred to Salt Lake division and Mlltoh Sam is, named to succeed , him. Bert Naus was brought from Portland, Ore., to be assistant manager at the California theatre. SOUTHERN TIER, N. Y. By PAUL M. WILDRICK Fox reported building a picture house in Hornell. Max 1, Landman, who owns HoniGll property, turned one offer down, . Jules Bernstein.will build a new theatre Jn . Dunkirk . to replace the Regent which burned, It will be ready by Sept. 15, 1930. Lack of patronage has closed the picture house 'in Mayville. Man- ager W. S. Patterson held shows in the Swetland Opera House. Other small town theatres in South- ern Tier are finding it impossible to compete with the bigger eitv houses. Press club has its big circus here Dec. 25-29. Then four days in Port- land. Vancouver, B. C. cancelled owing to too many tases. Found that five provincial taxes and three local taxes required, in addition to ?250 dally license. The taxes would aggregate 8 per cent. The Liberty is to be reopened by Jensen & 'Von Herberg, sold out for over^ a= IHlllion to ArthuTHini^fe^s; which , sold to Fox. Alf Kelghley announces his Fan- chon & Marco booking offices will cover Oregon out of Seattln?, the Portland arrangement with Joe Daniels being terminated. Emil Bondeson here as new man- ager of-President (Duffy). He suc- ceeds J'. E. Williams, who goes to President, Los Angeles. Bondeson Ampng the firms recently declared ofllcially out of existence, by proc- lamation of Governor Roosevelt due to failui'e to pay taxes for the past five years are two Elmlra coi'pbra- tions, the Elmlra Theatre Co., Inc., and Chemung Theatre Co., Inc. •'Journey's End," held over for a second week at the Davidson, did not break any records with real winter weather and Xmas shopping against It. At any other time of year would have had two capacity Weeks. "After Dark" Is the New Yearns week attraction. The board of estimate has decided to keep Milwaukee's picture eensora on the job and a fund of $2,300 wac awarded the. commission; Mayoir Hqan maintained that th« censorship of pictures, even as llb< eral as that of loOal censors^ .fa' niBoessary. Abolition of the boa,rd would lead vigorous protests of women's clubs, he said. .. ST. PAUL BKO Fresld«itt-^"MarIanne.'!.. Paramount—"Taming of the Shrew," Blvlera "Olorltylng the Amerlcaa Girl," JTower—^"Uuctay Star." BKO Orphenm-r"Soner of Kentucky**. and vaude -vrltb Rose MldgetB, Metrepolttan—Dark. BtraAd~'"Wise. Girla." ' Road looks washed up for the Twin Cities, all showis .set for the Met having canb^^led after "ROse- Marle" and "Connecticut Yankee" fell with a crash. No legit here at all. New Year's frolic at the Boule- vards'of Paris night club win be Jll, amount to cover midnight lunch. Place ..getting plenty of res- ervations despite what for this neck of the woods is a tough price rap. Cost went up after John Lane, pro- prietor, took a 4,000-niile airplane trip to East, signing talent. Why Be Out of Work! tinusual Opportunity for BO Young Ladies as Dancing Part* liers in the Newest and Most Exclusive MOON BALLROOM 161 gAST 86th ST. Bft. I>xlnKtoD and Srd Ave*. Weekly Salary and Commission . Steady Eniployment Apply at Once ' Th* Leadlai ait ACCOIIOEON FACTORV M tut UnIM 8tat« The ml) Fwteiv that make! any Nt ir. Reedf — madf kv band. 277.27S ColunfeiM AVMUI San Franeiiae. Cak Tor Sale—A Bargain Dimmer boxea, X rays, spots, baby spots, Ollvetteg, pluKerlne bo.Kes, ca- bles, crates and all other stage elec- tric accessories. Used In recent pro- ductions. Write for list. Address JAMES R. BARNES Elks Club, IV. 43rd St., 3;ew York City . OFFICES FOR RENT OFFICES, Larere and Small, for rent.; Astor Theatre Bundlngr, 45th St. and Broadway; Immediate possession; long term lease; .che.ipest rent on Broadway, wni accept as low ae, .J2.00 a square foot. Apply Lola, Robins, at the above address, • or phone Chiclcerlhg 6800. DOROTHEA ANTEL 226 W. 72d St., New York City The Sunshine Shoppe New Assortnttent of CHRISTMAS CARDS READY 15 Cards In Box-^l.pO Postpaid Always the HU^jhe Show! With the Openinsr Number ! For Rent, Sale or Manufnct-ured to Your Ueftlg"** For Prices Wire or Write HARRY BOURNE CARE