Variety (Jan 1930)

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v he Wednesday, January’ 8, 1930 . _ VARIETY | 187 ==-FIRST MIRACLE -MIt ILEST TONE \ oon men amecabee na bhanhianeey | W ] -(Reproductton R-K0 pling) |B L O S SC O M | | ‘The Super Showman and Orchestra ; : 7 oe Genius" en oan) mee Commanding His “SOLDIERS OF F ORTUNE” At the Music Boxes oA Crack Squad of Musicians, Singers and Dancers “CHAS. “BOURNE. and BOB HAMILL ‘Guardian--JACK_ CURTIS ft Guardian—J ACK CURTIS) "SEASON'S GREE TINGS _R-K-O a" OW EN McGIVENEY __ Directions BERNARD BURKE Guardian—JACK CURTIS _ oo ‘SEASON'S. GREETINGS “MARSHAL | mers! _ MONTGOMERY MANDEL | | ‘Personal Direction. BERNARD BURKE Ventriloquist _ | ‘Guardian—JACK CURTIS ee en R-K-O GREETINGS TO ALL Guardian—JACK CURTIS Na Iniarnatioan Sta “at Dance an — yu APY. NEW YEAR : TACHA |. “reo NATAC OV A: |EDDIE STANLEY with NICHOLAS DAKS | “an d “GINGER” Assisted by BOGDAN and GEORGE GANJOU Opening Jan. 15—Interstate Time—Thanks ‘to CHAS. FREEMAN: LOUIS LOCKETT, Musical Director. EDDIE STANLEY Doing M. C. on All Interstate Bills : peeseeecerirenpsng LLL LLM wy td ryeremmamcereracrmmer eee TACK CURTIS © “AGENCY. * Guardian JACK “CURTIS es | Direction “ARTIE PEARCE aeGIME IN THE EN TERTAIN NMENT WORLD ci oh 7A d Ve ja IN dh dint dd eee ee ed tt