Variety (Jan 1930)

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190. Vv A RIETY Wednesday, January 8, 1930 Q 5 : F we a a “pa A Lt . aA = oes ee ? oy KFA SP WP ey . . re Pt “¥. zi at. , s at. s EA ee. es z , at. Ok eis wy, if “SKOLL? from: LEO McCARE | “Who Directed. “THE SOPHOMORE” a Now Directing “LETS reo} NATIVF” a Musical: Extravaganza, | for HOWARD HUGHES’ MULTLMILLION DOLLAR AIR. SPECTACLE OPENING SOON ON BROADWAY WITH 100 PER CENT’ DIALOG. AND SOUND. / » SN RE EE Sheet rege aa ah ot >A Ye = ~ e a ge Ae gis : Se i ea ee Se Ra ie fi atone) Teas Se Soe am wie ee Le ie Si a vA ‘Greetings to Iity. Many F riends ii in Omaha, Cleveland, ‘Columbus, Detroit, Washington and New York AL EVANS MASTER OF STAGE BANDS And Presentation Entertainment. Permanent: Address: LOEW'S, Inc,, 1540 Broadway, NEW YORK . a . x ae ” , ~ ' , , , — = . . . ¥ , ™ 7 = . = . “ -. , iy iy ‘ 4 ~ i ~ “ _ on, =. We a og r. ee * 7, G 6 vet ot = p = ye? ae ao Bee v sg G oe fi 4 ao es an == a rm =i fg a “a _ .) 4 . athe — We en A. OS ne a o) * ~.2 ° Adaptation —C ontinuity~-Dialogue . for FIRST NATIONALS “SALLY” JOHN Y. A. ~ WEAVER Hollywood, Calif. a, ADAPTATIONS AND DIALOGUE FOR PARAMOUNT | Management MYRON SELZNICK, Inc.