Variety (Jan 1930)

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‘Wednesday, January 8,. 1930 VARIETY 191 oO : ——_ 2O—= FIRST. MIRACLE MILESTONES Happy New Year to Everyone FANNY and KITTY | BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER Booked Solid R-K-O oo JACK CURTIS, Guardian ‘WORLD FAMOUS ACROBATIC WONDERS RKO JACK CURTIS, Guardian Return to Vandevlle After 8-Years With Shubert Revues JACK CURTIS, Guardian. 6 ARETE ROT WIRSTS UE ‘BOOKED SOLID. R-K-O. HOLIDAY GREETINGS TO ALL MY FRIENDS DAVE APOLLON Personal Direction BERNARD BURKE JACK CURTIS, Guardian | A Musical Comedy Episode _ CHARLES =|. and MACK “2 Fools and a Fiddle” | “JACK CURTIS, Guardian “J CHAS. T. JOE MAY ALDRICH and DOTTY DIFFERENT? ENTIRELY! | Happy New Year-to All of the Profession. JACK CURTIS, Guardian wut = a Sgt wen TA ee JACK CURTIS, Guardian Le OAE BALMER LOPNN POLAT AEELLICOOTPRYOOOYLLYHINIO aa : oe . ‘. . . i ee Lihat sthdabishsishididictubided uuu MON To inamaapnnalaneaae ee . . oo A NEW REGIME IN THE ENTERTAINMENT WORLD ese : = SLR TSE, Syste es eee u