Variety (Jan 1930)

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Wednesday, January.8, 1930 | _ “VARIETY : For ‘Years and Years" i We Have Been SEARCHING ‘FINDING | DEVELOPING nome | The Dooleys— MARKETING | Johnny VAUDEVILE, HEADLINERS ar Billy ‘Olsen and Johnson | Pressler and Klaiss -| Clifton and De Rex Lee Gail Ensemble | Brooks and Rush | Miss Billee Regay Where others waited for ‘acts to come in, we went everywhere, : anywhere to procure new entertainment material to ‘sustain the _ ' institution . of ‘vaudeville. Where some of . the boys may be . disheartened, our loyalty ‘to vaudeville (and that means R-K-OQ) . inspires us to continue this missionary work. We're Looking for UNDEVELOPED COMICS INEXPERIENCED L INGENUES UNKNOWN. PRIMA DONNAS If there’s one chance in a thousand, If there’s an ounce of talent, If you have. ambition and guts, We Want You to Join. This List H. BART McHUGH 11S. 16th Street, PHILADELPHIA RITTENHOUSE 1734 Production Department—JIMMY JONES, Director Vaughn Comfort Yvette Rugel | Coogan and Casey | El Br onde and Flo Bert rt | . | Keller Sisters & Lynch | And a hundred ‘other comedy acts