Variety (Jan 1930)

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— ees Pata 7 wy et a ote “eS Rag AME CZ ENR ae See Ne ee eee Sy ee EAST, elt ater ees ee yx _¢ Wednesday, January. 8, 1930 | VARIETY “MIRACLE ‘MIL — FIRST: SINCERE BEST WISHES | TO R-K-O wiki OSBORNE “UNDISPUTED ORIGINATOR, OF HIS STYLE OF RADIO ENTERTAINMENT” Palace, New York, Now (Jan. ) Exelusive Management i “All Theatrical ‘and: Production. ab «COLUMBIA . “BROADCASTING =. “Engagements /. | SYSTEM | a i Dir HARRY! A. ROMM: JOHN JACK “The Fastest. Girl Tumbling Aet i in the World” “TWO BLACK ACES” ORPHEUM CIRCUIT NOW of _ INTERSTATE | cIRcUIT Now | -_ _ VBA os “pena First Time in U. S.A. A HAPPY 7 HARRY ROMM AND. PROSPEROUS (NEW. YEAR WAYNE curisty | ue R K-O > Representative, F HARRY A. ROMM “DOOLEY AND SALES —| N— . A ““DOOLEY’S. THE NAME” JOE WHIT | Dir, HARRY A. ROMM NOW ‘PLAYING R-K-O, GREATER NEW YORK. ‘THEATRES: SAXON REED 410 KENNY] HERB WILLIAMS K! HARK! HARK! “JUST KIDDING” | HAR INTERSTATE. CIRCUIT NOW. ‘Return from, Europe |6s R-K-O Weeks Consecutively. Since My, Representative, HARRY. A. ROMM T. Personal Direction HARRY. A. ROMM GREETINGS FROM : a an | | ‘SEASON'S GREETINGS. To ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! | wot toexerr d. vy RAD RY (ARMSTRONG BRtS GREETINGS TO ALL Best Wi she £ R. K oO | | est Wishes to K-K| Monica and Ann Skelly : ws Direction H ARRY A. ROMM ; Direction HARRY A. ROMM Reps ‘HARRY A. ROMM J seasows cnasrncs fosteR FAGAN ANd COX | HILLER "0 0 PET ERSON| generenas 1o-Ats PLAYING 90 "CONSECUTIVE R-K-O ‘WEEKS JOHNNY D OWNS “THE ALL-AMERICAN BOY” ORIGINAL JUVENILE of nan _HAL.ROACH’S...OUR... (GANG. COMEDIES . a JAN. 11, TROY, SCHENECTADY; JAN. 18, ALBANY, FULL WEEK | . Personal. Direction HARRY A. ROMM Cm SWOR «* gone MARINELLI GIRLS ‘Direction HARRY A. ROMM | _ Representative, HARRY A. ROMM «eal