Variety (Jan 1930)

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‘Wednesday, January 22, 1930 _ Naeh & Fately ‘wm &. _ Owen McGlyney The wage : he Di Gatanos Powers & Jarrett Monde & Carmo Joe Mandell ‘Teller Sisg~ Ray & Nord . Lovejoy Dancera (One to fill) VANCOUVER Orpheum (25). -Derickson_& Brown | Lee Twins @tuart & Lash valiers : Cave ORONTO Hippodrome (25) Joe Thomas Saxotet Sydell & Spotty Roger Imhoff Co: Sylvia Clarke -" | Hea Medley & Dupree Snoozer Junior Jack Pepper (One to pone | Alexander Girls: Ken_ Christy Co. dy & Cross Lane. Osborne ‘&-C |Block & Sully (18 : Margie. Clifton & P _ WHITE Cardin. ‘Viola Dana. Co: ; Chain. & Conroy: -Howard’s. Zones AINS ine 1st half (26-28) . Band White & Manoing Peter Higgins . , TREN TON . Capitol _ ist halt (25-28) Chinese: Whoopee | (Orne to fill). eo $a half. (2224.0 4:Phillips: vs Shas Messinger Co Billy Batchelor Co. Raynor at Co. ne to (One “TROY * Proctor’s ..Ist half (25-28) ~ “EXCLUSIVELY DESIGNED . -. -\ Peter Higgins -. N (Three to AI) 2d half (22-24) Ada Kaufman Girls Hrnest Hiatt Hatt & Herman:: Patricola — WI NIENG _ Capitol (25). Great Rolle ‘| Walter. Dare Wahl Vox & Walters .: “1.4 Diamonds (One to fill) .. ‘GARMENTS FOR GENTLEMEN ; EN ROCK 1632. B'way, at, 60th St. N.Y. City. Frank, Viole Co Rice erner'_. Morton & Arbuckle | Howard & Gene. Raniin Bells. (One to fi . 2d half "031): 4 Phillips Kraft & Lamont a (One to fill) 2d half (22-24) ‘Tom & ‘Dolly. Ward . Joan “ ‘Laddie La Monte: _ BRIDGEP'R! . . Pauline Alpert 'Billy Randall . Mitzi Mayfair ' Wallen & Barnes Dave Hacker. 7 : Eddie Lambert _Carléna Diamond . Keo Tokt & Yokt | -(Three to fll). Mee Usher . Will Cowan The Co-Eds Sid Lewis = _ Liazeed Arabs (One to fill) UNIO Lo Capitol | : Ist half (25-28) “Murand & Girton. Grace Barry’: .. Adelaide Hall Co . (Two to fill) 2d half (29-81) Chevalier Bros — .' Foley & Latour 2d half e 24) “May Joyce & Boys ‘ (18). 6 American Belf’ds ewton Teck Murdock Co , Bill Robinson: | , . | One to fill) YY ONK Keith’s ist halt (25-28). ‘Jackson &'Lee The Cansinos (Two to fill) . 2d halt (22-24) | Miacahua Ruddell & Donegan Bd Sheriff Co Rae Samuelg a Joo Y (Others. to fill) (18) Harum Scarum ° Le Paul ‘ Jack Usher | | Marty May Co. ‘12 O'Clock Rev | Fanchon and Marco ATLANTA, Fox (24) ‘Up in the Air’ Taea Walter Nilsson ; Neil Castagnell . Knox —~ cr. Palace: (24): ‘Jazz_Cinderella’ Ia Roy Rogers James’ Gaylord Albert Hugo ; Adair & Stewart BY Meets Gaye ayette SKisses" Idea JI & J McKennse E Flat 4 Helen Aubrey ° Mabel &. Marcia, ENVER, CO Tabor Grand (28) “In Green’’ Moran & Weston Franklyn Record ‘Way Watts & A Doris Nierly ETROIT, MICH. ; Fox (24) , py pes” . ‘Trado .2° Harold Stanton ‘FR Wilson. Ist half (28-26) “Overtures” Idea Edison & Gregory Toots Novelie. . Harry Rapee Huff & Huff GREAT FALLS -Grand_.(28) ‘ Black & Gold’ Idea 4 Kemmys-. — Arnold Grazer “Maxine Hamilton -| Louise } Ted Ledford Eddie Lewis Brown & Willa NEW HAVEN cr. Palnce (24) ‘Scr’nland ‘Meladies’ Karavaeff . Lamberti’ ©. ‘David Reece Sherry Louise . Franklin’ & “Warner. J & B Welling: Lucille Iverson.: .2verta & Lowry. NORA WL hor N.Y, ‘1st alt ena. -26) “Drapes” -Tdea : | Prank Melino Co’ Jerome Mann Dorothy Kelly OAKLAND |. Fox (24). |"International”’ Id Markell & Faun Federico Flores. .. Billy Carr | Osaka Boys PASADENA | Colorado (23) ‘Byes’ Idea 6 Candrevas = B & U Buroff.. PHIL’D’PHIA, PA. Fox (24) ‘Watermelon . Blues’ Mammy & Picks & Mitchell | Southern Steppers’ PORTLAND, ORE. Broadway (238) ‘Carnival Russe’ Id Countess Sonia Alex Shere Bekefi Russian Surprise 3 Sam Linfield Co SACRAMENTO) Senator (24) “Hot Dominioes” © Les: licks . Paul -Ma}jl Dexter. Vebb ‘be D. ————————_——— OFFICIAL DENTIST TO THE N. Vv. A. DR. ‘JULIAN SIEGEL | 1560. ‘BROADWAY . “This Week: ‘Allos Fitzsorald, Norman Worth | ‘ Lee Wilmot: ; . HARTFORD, CT, Capitol (24 “Hollywood ( Giris* Gobs Chas Rozelle . -Lorris & Fermine Miles & Perlee John Vale HOLLYWOOD:. on SY Dtian (23) Ivory” Idea ' 4 High Hatters H&P Seamon Romero Family ==="*-Stella-Roya pe LOS ANGELES Jocew's: State (28) ‘Trees’ Idea ‘Shapiro &, O'Malley Nayon'sa-Birds MILW’KEE,. wis. . Wisconsin. (24) “Art jn Taps” Myrtle Gordon . Radney & Gould Al & Hal. Johnny Plank Jeanne MeDonald,, SA LEM, ORE. |. Elsinore (25) — “Uniforms” Idea Armand & Perez Ruth Hamilton ‘Joy Brothers | Shore & Moore. SAN DIEGO. Fox (23) “Peasant" Idea Diehl Sisters —~ General Ed Lavine June Worth Bernice Agival Belcher Dancers SAN FRANCISCO Fox . (24) “Desert” Idea Ed & Morton Beok . Muriel Stryker Cropley & Violet “Manuel Lopez -Carla—Torney= -Girls= See SAN. JOSE . California 9d half (26-29) “Overtures" Edison & Gregory ‘| Toots Nevelle Harry apse q Huff | SE. ATTLE, WASH. Fifth Ave.. (23) ‘Let‘s Pretend’ Idea Tillyou & Rogers Florence Forman Id Cheney CDR ey IA, ‘Princéton & Renee Joa Christy Co | ‘ (Others fo All GR’N v8, Mignon Laird ne Wells & Winthrop — , |The Pickfords Wilton -|.Val Harris Co ‘Texas Comedy 4 (One to fill) ILL. Rita Lane . 4 Helen Burke WAUKEGAN, (One to fill) SPR’GE’LD, MASS. UTICA, N: ¥. Gen ' 2a half (80-1). Palace (24) . . Gayety (27). 1st half. (26-29) Shapiro & O° Malley “Gobs of Joy” Idea . “Drape The Orantos| Dancing Cadets Pat West : Balley & Barnum ‘Frank. ‘Melino Co. Jerome Mann Cook Sis . Bé& bh Lewis Dorothy Kelly Harry Girard. Ens (One to fill). D.C. ‘Moore & Moore W’SHINGT'N, Jones & Howett . Fox (24) e le Scotty Weston . ‘Sweet Gookies’ fa Coley ’ Eva Mandel . : Loma Ruth. : ones, & & Hull . . “ Dolly Kramer Roy Loomis LANSING, MICH, Ledova Johnny Ashford. | Bobbe Thompson Strand -~. 8a half (301) Wanda Allen : . WATERE' RY or. 1st half (26-39) Lohse & Sterling Henry Aguirre Palace (24) Libonati Tucker & Smith . ST. LOUIS, MO. | “Gardens” | . Jack. McBride Cq.. | Harry Girard Ens "Fox (24). ‘| Slate Bros . wo. a ‘Baby Songs’ Idea: | Maffa & Afae | Penny Pennington | Vina Zolle: . Rose Valyda : .ClUM Nazarro -: , Pearl Hoft ; W’RC'’ST’R, MASS. Alene & Evans Palace (24) | ‘TULSA, OKLA. “Columns” Idea ~~ ‘Rome & Gaut “Speed” Idea Niles Marsh. : NEW ‘YORK. Black Cat 4 Billy Rolls. . . -| Norris's Greyh'unds ‘Maxine Evelyn. * Gallant's 4 Tira Kewin Parker & Mack | Dorothy. ‘Henley. ‘Marie Regan B & 3 Johnston: 7 | Joey Chance. Ba. BPlilnor Kerr Cardell Twins —_Harry. Stockwell | Hale -Beyer Orch --. Casanova Ruth Btting oo ‘}Ramon & Rosita . H Rosenthal Ba .-. Clab Lido Libby Holman Moss.& Fontana . -| Bobby Brook Bd ° 4. Chateau Madrid | Al Shayne. . Pat ‘Harrington Georgia Paine Anthony Trini’ Bd Clayton, Jackson, ' Durante & Ba ‘Frankie. McCoy. : Oakland's . Terrace ‘Buddy Kennedy |. Will Oaklana’s Rev Helen’ Seville Ada Winston, | Peggy Bolton “| Kay Green | Joe Storacy Rosalie Wynne Dot -Crowley’ 1 Shirley La Mar Loretta Flushing Associaton Joe Freed ° . MA Oe WIS. ist halt (2628) ist half (26-28) Fauntleroy & Van Masecagno 4 Harry Hines = | Jimmy Allard Co ‘2d half (29-1) © .Max & Gang Dilion &. Parker ( fill) 2d-half .(291) Sawyer & Eddy. Paul Yocen'D Rita” Bur ess Gould. Richman | Mildred’ Lorraine — au ocen-Danc'rs ne to ) ; Landau’s Bd Freda & Palace .. | MB TENN, | Morton Downey Paramount Hotel Bankoff & Cannon: Connie Clayton Abe Lyman. Bd Harry Richman Connle’s Inn ; Swan.& Leo Jazzlipa Rich'rdecn Leonard Harper Rv Le Roy Smith Ba -Cotton Clab MPHIS, ; Orpheum (28) -. | Grauman Hess &-V | Frances Kennedy (Three to fill). -| MILW’UKEE, WIS. Riverside (25). TA. Edith Griffith Co ‘{ Vistor. Oliver Co Russlan -Art ‘Circus CHAMPAIGN, ILL. Orphe . 1st half a4 26). Cowboy Revels Talent & Merit (Qne to fill) — DAVENPORT, Capito 1st halt iis -28) Rose's Midgets. DuVal. 4 Roy: Ingraham pa “Plantation Club= Eddie Rector Eddie Greene . Josephine Hah. Alma ‘Smith . Mekka Shaw. .. . PJoseph Attiles ‘|Pete. & Peaches (Two to All) , MINN. | Dan. Healy Rev |: . 2d half (29-1) | Seventh, St. (18) | teitha Hill. Lackwood | Lewis’ 3 | Fauntleroy. & Van |.Pickard Seal Daly &. Carter . my ; Silver Slipper ‘Francis Renault. Intern’] Rhythm Henry. Wessels: ‘| nolores Farris. (One to fill) Géo. Broadhurst Co Mordecai ost Beth Miller DES MOENES, TA.| Broadus Erle: Wells & Taylor. Beth Halt Orpheum (19) (One to fill) . N’SHVILLE, NN. Princess (25) ° Mildred Dixon Madeline Belt > | Blanche &1 antott | Johnson's. Jubilee Corey’& Mann . Ruby. Shaw . Earnest Charles (One to AN), Radio Jacks & Qu’n Singers & Lewis DETROIT, ‘MICH, | Swor & Goode Washboard SerenaSmatl eo truly Hollywood’ Theo Stepanoff Co. ders. Jimmy Carr Ba‘ ist half (26-29). | Whiteh’d & Alver’z:| Cora Le Redd Miller & ‘Wilson: Village Nut_ Club = (Two to_ fill). , (One to fill) ‘Loule Dolgoff.. RD, ILL. || Duke. Ellington. Bd, Everglades . ‘La Belle Rose 4 pa pat, (30-1) 1st pelt (2628) ‘| Le Roy. Prinz Rev Hauser ‘Bros | O'Neil &+ Manners . | Max: & oang, Eddie Davis Aber Soom (One to fill), | Breda & Palace | Teeune sis an Bob McDonald . EV'NSVILLE, IND.) rire oe aD | Keith Rayne Gabriel. . 2@ half (80-2). 2d,half. (29-1) Little Pipitax Co O'Connor Family “CHICAGO. Bristol & Bell* | Jimmy Allard Co |Senna & Dean~™ Rexola Bros . «|: . \Alabain Buddy Howe. ‘Harmonies . Ba : J Trwo: 70 7 ‘Earl Tucker: Louis Sales Ba. (One to. fill) + ‘SHEB GAN, ‘wis. Kal Al Hui 3. . Garden: Allah | Fr, WAXNE,. IND. Sheboyga Dale Dyer Castles — . lst. half ie 227) Mildred Andre Co. Pat Daly Co ; Wylle &. Young |:;-Manning & Class . (One to fill) SIOUX CITY, 1A, ; Orpheum “Ast half (26-27) ‘| ddse Ciittora ‘Cecil Lehman ‘Babe Payne" .| Lew Lewis. Ba ‘} Golden Pamphin Benny Strong M: Sherman Bd Green’ Mill . Bernie Adler; _. ‘Eddie Jackson Bd ' Ambassadeurs . Esther Durnell . Thelma Villard. | Louis Stover Isabelle Gerhardt Jimmy Noone Ba. Beau Monde ~ 1st nest "s-28) Marcus U ‘(Others to fill) . ‘2a half, (29 1). Sallardo 3° Eddie Dale: Co ; ‘res to filly. . GD RAP EDs: 1A. ‘Jack Birchley . Joe Lewis Cell 4st half. (26-29) South & West . Lilllan Barnes ; My lar O'Neill & Manners. |'Palm Beach. ‘airs Jean Gali ,.° {Charlie ,Roge B Harry Se ermitn a Francis. ‘Renault io Natale & Darnale Joe Monnone Ba : cker. m. ‘Sawyer _ y ol a ; (Two £0, 0-1)" 80 END, » IND... e Blac aah, George Nelidoft. . a ace: . “-Caon-Sanders Pat Daly Co ‘ 1st half (26-28) "Cinderella .| Inna Miraeva O'Connor. Family Hank Liskin Ba A Arafelof. .. ‘| Tex McLeod _., ‘Coffee ‘Dan | M Marusina A ualtorfam Paul Yocan-Dane’rs | Frank Shaw | Geo Stcherban. Or ‘Let half (25726) {Two to fill) Johnny Tobin Ba Stables _. 3 Browns” 2d half (29-1) Colle Inns. | Singing Walters Herbert G &.V (| Spirit of Minstrelsy Lioya Hiratley Ba | Jehnny. Dodds Ba (Three to fill) (Others to fill) .Colosimo ‘Terrace Garden. IND’POLIS, END. ST. LOUIS, MO. .| James Meo Bd. Dusty Rhodos Bd | Lyric (25) — a Snyder & Walton . Triangle Grand ist half (25-28) Worth-Marks Co . Andrew Andy Rose Lane Jean Jordon. Angelo De Soto Ray *Reynolds Sargent & Cammie: = | Jimmy Green Bd 4 Caomerons Duncan’s Collies | Anderson's Har Bd Cotton Club Turkish Village (One to fill) . | (wo to filly .| Lucino Venable Freddie & Bie LINCOLN, NEB. ‘2a halt (2931) ||Meal Alix Parodian ; Stuart (27) -. | Radiology . : Walter, ‘Barnes. Ba | Uptown ‘Village | Claudia Coleman Gibbs 2 ' Frolics. Eddie Varzoo Ba | 5 Honey Boys (Three to fill) Jack ‘Waldron Varsity — (One to fill) WINDSOR, CAN. Geo, McQueen Al Handler HdNDON, CAN. Capitol Miss Harriett . Vanity Fatr , 1st halt. (27-29) Edith Murray Rick & Snyder Ww . Ist half (27-29) Homer Romaine Keith Bucher’s Ha “| Wilton & Murphy Joe Freed C . a 2d half (301) ote Mutual Wheel {| The Plekfords (Weeks. of ; Jan, | 20 and 20) Morgan & Sheldon | Ida Mae Sparrow... | ° | Bare PactsFox, Jamaica,. ‘K, ‘Y,; 27, He & S, Apollo, N. ¥. C Best Show in Town— Steinway, 27, Irving Place, N. Y. C. Loomis Twins Morgan & Sheldon Ida Mae Sparrow 2d half (30-1) Honter Romaine & Murphy Interstate Astoria; i x : ‘Bimpire: -Newark. | eh TA Tee Gail Bascinble | Bonemians — Gayety, Boston; 27, State, K Hd) pringfie Faxon Ree Go | BOUEZON: @. Bowery Burlesquere—Gayety, Detrolt; 27; Pressler & Klaiss Yacopt Tr: . 7. + BBR adway Scandale—Emplre, Newark; 2% Princess Pat Ker = & Ensign Orpheum, Paterson. é “(Ons to fill) NGHAM tz (26) Permaine. & Shelley (Two to fly |. Burlesque Revue — Gayety, Buffalo; “2, . -L. O. : ag oa . Cracker Jacks—Plaza, Worcester; 27, Gay ‘Falls Reading. & B | ety, Boston. | Juoma Worth’ Herb Wlilliama Co.(Two to fll)” NEW" ORLEANS, : Orpheum (25) Lottle Atherton Lamarr & Boice Lytel & Fant . -MeoLallen & Sarah Max Fink’s Orch OKLAHOMA . CITY ’ Orpheum (28) 8 Lordens Peggy Eames Wm Desmond Tommy Npnab’n Co (One to fill) BAN ANTONIO ‘Majestic (25). Count Bernt Vici ‘(Others to fill) Margaret Morrell | Tom Davies 3 (One to fill) Be OHARLOTT ‘ Orpheum 2a half (28-30) Honey Family Angua & Searle Frank Devoe ALLAS,; TEX. MaJestic. (23) Carr Lynn Wheéler & Morton -Dimpled Darlings — Academy, Pittsburgh; 27, Lyceum; Columbus. ‘Gayety, Louisville. lumbla, N. ¥. GC. Frivoltties—Casino,: Boston; 2, | Trocadero, Philadelphia, Get Hot—H. & S. Apollo, N. Y. C.; 27, Steinway, Astoria. . Ginger’ Giris — Columbia, Cleveland; 27, ‘| Gayety, Buffalo. Girls from the Follies—Gayety, Brooklyn; 27, Colonial, Utica. Girlie from Happyland—Gayety, Washington; 27, Academy, Pittsburgh. ” ‘Girls in Blue—Columblia, N. Y. C.; 2 20, Wedgeway; 30-1, Schenectady. Hello Paree -Modern, Providence; Gayety, Scranton. High Flyers—Hudson, Union City; Gayety, Brooklyn. Hindu Belles—L. O.: 27, Howard, Boston. Jazztime Revue~Gayety, Milwaukee; 27, -Empress— Chica gornm--= ' Kuddling Kuties — Modern, Providence. Baan Thru—Grand, Hartford; 27, Lyric, 0) AMiccbiet ‘Makers—2022, Lyric, Allentown; PRORIA, mL, alace det half (26-28) . 23-25, Orpheum, Reading? _27, Star, Brook . ‘MaJjestic (23) Ray Huling & Seal. Britt Wood * Great States JOLIET, ILL, Rialto lst half (27-29) Mascagno 4 aM Heht Maid fe, Bridgeport; 27 Rose’s Midgets Shapiro & O'Malley Moonlight 3 N. site, Bridgep ' | (Two to fill) Santo-Butler Gang Moulin. Rouge—Garrick, St: Louis; 27, 2a half (30-1) Harry Girard Ens. Barton & Young 2a half (29-1). Francis Renault Nutty Club (One to fill) L. Q Naughty Niftles— Empire, Toledo; Nite Club Giris—Cotonig!, Utica; 27, L. O. VARIETY. | [the befriended actors forget to pay | other side of the street, stated “the . ‘Vover a bill of $1,200. Frew managers |. ‘| permit. guests | to. get in that far, | however. oe Les Ambassedeure . : only. mieiins. outside of. court to col.|debts ‘are available that way. ‘|that small.time vaudeville; acts are. ~.Jeure “only -enough work: to ‘exist, _}with thet’ existences not: including Jroom rent. , he extremely lucky. ff collecting | ‘|fact. they'll settle for five. aisfavoy of stage. and screen cen;. | police: archives’ again. found | to be of no importance. ; winner and a former Miss Minne a rT: Guinan. && Gang. dréssing room under thestage at . manager of the theatre, ; . shut down. of its own accord. Jions immorally,” and that the. place. Big Revue—Irving Place, N. ¥. C.; 2, purposes. promised release if it were good | Dainty Dolls—L. oO: 27, Casino, ° Boston. . | the hoosegow. Flapper’ Follies—Empress, Cincinnati; 27, . French Models—Star, Brooklyn; 2, Co ‘her in back alimony. 'Cinecinnatt, Howard, Boston; “oT . ve _ « = 43 | FLORIDA TO RECOUP (Continued from. page 1) HOTELS ON THE CUFF (Continued from page 1) lose money actually laid out for them, besides carrying their rent an the books, A lot of ’em would be surprised to know; he asserts, how.many of bling “cheap,” “lousy,” and other such epithets at the husband. Ha finaly wound up about $8,000 loser | and they ‘went downstairs fighting . on each flight: Mostly Women: One night in one of. the exclusive casinos connected with a class night club, 32. women were counted play-. ‘ing roulette in evening. gowns, and ‘only 12 men. One woman lost $30,000 on one turn of the wheel’ With=. out ‘batting a lash. ‘At. the Mandell-Quintero fient.. there were but 11,000 customers In | '|.& 20,000. capacity drean. Of the 11,9 '000. nearly all were .“‘the boys." BO A survey of the docks brought information that only 4% of the °~ usual number of milionaires..are. aboard this winter, although the: boats are docked. The Royal Palm -. docks are loaded to capacity with ~ 95 crufsers; -Municipal nearly the -. same; Fischer dock, 50, and Pla= mingo, 18, the two latter -in Miamt Beach. The. big shots won't be ‘around, ‘until ‘February, according’ to the ‘know-it-alls, “Chickenfeed Gambling © : Slot machines, punch, ‘boards and all the. various other kinds of chicken-feed gambling. devices outs _ number. the. palm trees. “Even the . children here have the craze. Give™* .@ kid a nickel and instead of candy: . he'll punch the first board in fhe | nearest store. All.the hotel lobbies: ‘have golf gamés and quarter ‘ma-..: -} chines, sometimes . as many ag 20 — | men and. women. grouped around — feeding. them: ‘coins, -.. ‘Scores: of. little ‘emporiums. ‘tor playing Radio, a. corn. game, dot.” ‘every business center, Around First. ‘Street is a regular carnival of. coh= cessions where. one might win any. thing: from. groceries. to a hydro plane... ‘Aven the newspapers: aré offering ‘prizes, knowing. the: gama bling fever is-bound to ‘boost Gircisty% lation. Taking. the form of a ‘gamble ‘te : the jacking-up of prices-for rooms, apartments and ‘wares along the beaches.: ‘Miamj -Beach, ‘ina swell. -‘effort’ ‘to tone up,. elevated every~ thing. to the skies.” So far the cakdd read disaster. ‘The: visitors. won’ © bay. s the trusting hotels, On their next, trip to. town. they stop at another, hotel and: when passing the place they are indebted to walk on the actors’ best friend.” One formerly standard mixed comedy team” was ejected from a large hotel last weeks Eviction” as Help |. Holding baggage ds. the hotels’ lect, but only a small percentage of . The. managers staté, from experience, the worst offenders... Hundreds se One. proprietor clainis he: ‘really helped two ‘of, his guests’ by ordering them out. Both’ wereunable to ‘secure ‘suitable lodgings elsewhere for promises, he claims, and were forced to leave show ‘business and take jobs. in commercial lines, The hotel managers say they will, 10% ‘of the estimated $500,000. .In News of the Dailies (Continued: from from page 38) sure in a statement to the press, arising out of recent closings. ‘of “Honky tonk” shows on Main street, ‘wm. . ‘Desmond ‘Taylor rurder case. has been shoved ‘hack tothe Story of. Otis. Hefner, former : convict who volunteered info about the case, | . ‘Dorothy . Slatin,. beaut gontest sota, filed:‘new-charges in her. diverce action against David D, { Slatin, wealthy broker. Among other items Mrs. Slatin complained hubby tossed her from bed, taug: me, Progressive Rents” fee their young: son to call her. “dumb}. bell,” besides once smacking her}. One fellow’ ‘who takes. two aparte with a. dish towel... Slatin’s: crogs-.| ments every year,-one for. himself complaint names. Basil. Madero, film and ‘one’ for. his brother's family, | actor, as corespondent. ', [Was asked $620'a morith for the apartment he had used for. the past.” CHIC AGO five years,..He had it ‘for $120 the “Bertha Johnek, 30, was shot’ ‘in a "year. of the ‘boom, $280 the néxt, ard $420 the next,...This ‘yéar, he “hag. | been obliged to take a. large hotel, room at $1,000‘for the season, his brother likewise. taking one. They“ say they’}l not have to stay ‘in the hotel moré than two more weeks, for this section can’t hold. ‘out. much ° longer despite the front being made. ‘Dog racing is extremely .popular, with. the Biscayne and Beach: races well attended. Opening of Hialeah race track yesterday in’ the. ‘heaviest — rain in ‘the past two weeks failed | to détract from the pup “sprints, | Bad weather hit turf attendance, however, Greatest: racing stables: represented for. the ‘45° ‘days — scheduled. Notably absent .wag Harry Payne Whitney, who had been’ announcéd as sending a string ‘there. Overabundance. of horses on the grounds poirits to highly toms petitive season. : the Lincoln Hippodrome last week | by Theodore. Neumann, assistant Hearings for 61 nite: spots will ‘be: held next week. Include such ‘places as Beau Monde, Chinese Gardens and. Kelly's Stables. Clab Royale is out of the case by, haying. Missing for two. days, Robert J. Gunning, real estate man, was found at closing time at the Chelton the| atre. He refused:to leave, and cops were called to get him out, He was turned over to his relatives. . Chi’s oldest taxi dance joint, Empire Dancing. Academy, has been closed by the cops, who said that the gals “swayed their abdomjnal reg whe eat 1 . Sudgments “Black ‘Beauty Taxi Gora, State, Indus,:Comm’r.:. $76.67. ° Home. wnt Corp. and’ ‘Henry Aa’ . ‘Corey; M. Levine; $2, 649.04. Rex Hedwig | Laboratories, ‘Tne, Aetna Finance Corp.; $142.20.” _ .European Phoenix Features. Corps. and Montifiore ‘ Kahn; © Solomon 7 Fillin; $3,059.61. . Ramona Theatre Corp.; RoberfMorgan Organ Co,; $6,971.67. Lillian Lorraine; Rothmer Morte . gage Corp.s $1, 760. 64. BIRTHS > Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Wyman® Schooler, a daughter, in Los’Ana« geles, Jan. 10. Father Js assistant! publicity © -director, . Grauman’s Chinese theatre. , Mr,. and ‘Mrs. Wally . ‘Schooler, a daughter, in Los Angeles, Jan. 10, Father is press agent with “Rogue -Show”-at-Chinese-theatie,.U..A..4. “Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mitchell, @daughter, In Park West. hospital was a meeting place for: immoral “Foeal ‘police’ ‘are more ‘partioular about their liquor than millionaires. Two bluecoats nabbed the steward of the exclusive Saddle and Cycle club as he was unloading a case of |: near Scotch at the club. They beverage, but after taking a sample, and nearly.: choking, . hauled: him. to} Mrs. Alfreda Kaley: has obtained an order for the arrest of Charles Kaley, orchestra . leader,. for his failure to pay $1,250, allegedly due . Parisian Flappers—Gayety, Baltimore; 27, Gayety, Washington. Prétty Babies—Gayety, Loulasville: , 27, Mutual, Indianapolis. pees ‘buss—Lyceum, Columbus; 27, Lyrle, ayton. . Record Breakers—Trocadero, Philadelphia; 27, Gayety, Baltimore. Social Malds—Empreaa, Chicago; 27, Gayety, Detroit. Speed Girla-—Lyric, Daytén; 27, Empress, Sporty ‘Widows — State, . Springfield; 1, » Hartford,.., : Step Lively Girls—Orpheum, Paterson; OT Hudson, Union City. zi, Steppe ‘Show—Mutyal, Indiana olis; Garrick, St. Louis. pou Leuger, Bables — Gayety, Scranton: 27-29, N. Y., Jan. 18. Mother is Jang .. Tic, ntown; rpheum, eading, ; * Take'a Chanre--New Empire, Albany; 20, Mitchell. -Father is of Mitchell and Pyaza. Worcester. Ww. 5 Durant (vaude).. emptersp—20)-2 edgeway; 23-25, Sche. nectady: 27, Now Brogtie tiene, 23, Mr, and. Mrs. Al Curtis, a son, in ‘Watson Show—L, 0.; #7, Columbia, Cleve|UN. Y., Jan. 20, Mother is of Dung land. Sisters (vaude).. Father ts pianial Wine, Woman and Sone—Gayet , Kansas City; 27, Gayety, Milwaukee. at 58th Street theatre, N. Yu_ ’ a ue. > ort perfects wt et L a oe rey