Variety (Feb 1930)

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84 VARIETY Wednesday, February 12, 1930 First February comedy release:—and it spelU CABARET entertainment. With George LeMaire; Jimmy ConHn and Evalyn Knapp. Featuree real Broad • way talent—^Ryan Sisters, Sam Raynor, Dave Manley, Leo Kendall and others. And Eddie Elkins' orchestra! BUCK AIVD BUBBLES In n 1 G It - T O N E D Second February comedy release—and it spells NEGRO FUN. With Buck and Bubbles, vaudeville l^adliners, from Hugh Wiley^s Siatevepoet story. Music includes "My Old Kentucky Home," "12th Street Rag," "Clarinet Marmalade," and "Lonely Me,'* o explain why 8 out of every lo 6 theatres are steadily playing - PAT HE ^^DOING PHIL A FAVOB^^^ Third February release—comedy of DOMESTIC TANGLE. Featuring the famous English comedian, Mackenzie Ward, supported by Val Lester and George Thorpe. A frame-up on a flirtatious wife that results in an up. roarious situation of frivolity. ^'€ROii»BY'S CORNERS Fourth February comedy release—and \ it's BURLESQUE RUBE stuff of the best kind! Written by Harry B. Watson, featuring Reg Mcrville and Felix Rush, with Josephine Fontaine and George Patten in support. Rube- ville Band plays throughout! •A COMEDIES