Variety (Feb 1930)

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Wednesday, February 19, 1930 VARIETY 47 jaclc Popper (One to flin Kcltli-AIbeo (22) Allpen * Miirlorle Bwin? Eaton Corlnne Tiltcn Cardlnl Chinese Whoopee (15) I>ane Osborno & C Paul Sydell & S Jjjizoed Arabs Svlvia Clark GitHf nennliifffn Ha \iiilItorluni (22) Cliabot & Tortonl Will Hlffgle & Girls (Tlirco to fill) (15) Oauller's Toy Shop Sid &■ O T^eslle Boyd Senter Co Jlarrone & Lacosta (Ono to nil) lU>CIfEST£R l>a]nce (22) Florence illch'dson Tiny Town Rev Flo IjOwIs FroncolBO. Uensm'ro (One to nil) (15) Songs i Steps ticorgo Bealty Viola Dana Co Kvans & Mayer Thcramln SAI-T )L.\RE CITV Orpheuni (22) Odds & Ends (Others to nil) (15) TACOMA RKO-PnntageH (22) C American Bctf'ds Howard & Newton Teck Murdock Co Bin Uoblnson (One to All) (16) 4 Clrlllo Boys Monica & A !*liolly Scott Sanders Pcplto (One to nil). TORONTO Hippudropift (22) f.ian>ont 1 Chlsholin & Breen AI & F Stcdman Siamese Twins fl5) Paris Fashions Roy. Rogers Weaver Bros Home Folks (One tn lUi) TRENTON Cnpltol iBt halt (22-25) On Wall Tr Cora Green Esmondo. & Grant Joe Jackson (One to nil) TKOY I'roctor's 1st halt (22-25) On Wah Tr Boyd- Sonter Co (Three to nil) 2d half (20-28) Pearson Bros ClllTord & Marlon (Three to nil) 2d half (19-21) OFFICIAL DENTIST TO THE N. V. A DR. JULIAN SIEGEL ISOO BROADWAY Tills Week: Hup Hazfird, Ilnrry Welch Tillis & I-a Rue Eddie Pardo Co Ciirlcy Burns Co (Two to nil) SAN DIEGO UrpheuD) (22) Ouynor &-Byron Fulton & Parker . 'DIsen &' Jo)ihsoii (Two to nil) (15) Dance Fables Ray & Harrison Ruby Norton Hal Nelnian prod Sylvester SAX FRANCISCO <ioI(1en Cinte (22) Alexander ^>irla Ken Christy Healy & Cross Block & Sully Howard's Ponies (15) P Oukralnsky Co Nash & Fately Wm & Joe MandcU Owen McGIvney The Wager SCIIENKCTADX Keith's 1st hair(22-26) Pearson Bros Clifford & Marlon (Thrbo to flliy ~ 2d half (26-28) On Wah Tr Grade l«arrle Boyd Sinter (Two to nil) 2d half-(19-21) Prancolso Densm're Myra Langford Tiny Town Rev Slagyptte Lelner Co Chambcrlalne & E SKATTLE . . Orphcum (22) Great Rollo Walter Dare Wahl Vox & Walters 4 Diamonds (Ono to nil) (15) 6 American Belf'ds Howard & Newton Teok Murdock Co Bill Robinson (Ono to nil) SPOKANE Orpheum (22) Arthur Petlfiy Co Gold & Rayo Tempest & S'nshlne Sol Gould (One to nil) (15) Lime 3 Adela Verne Bob Hope Webb Entsrtalnors (One to nil) ST. i.onrs KQith'6 (15) Spirit cf Minstrelsy Ward & Van Marlon WUkins Co Morris & Campbell (One to nil) ST. I'AI'L Orphrum (22) Lomas Tr Tyler Mason Golden Dreams 3 Jolly Tars Bert Walton Cunningham & B De Iiuye 5 UNION HILI. Cnpltol 1st half (22-25) ■JarkBO«~&-Xce J & M Dutiedin Barry & Whitlcdge (Two to nil) 2d half (26-28) N'elson & Parish Danny Small Co Kitchen Pirates (Two to nil) 2d half (19-21) Cardlnl Jerome & Ryan iragen & Marsh Co Tjydla Barry 115 Syncopets VANCOUVER Orpheuni (22) Line 3 Adela Verne Bob Hope Webb Entertainers (One to mi) (15) Greai^Rolle Walter Dare Wahl Vox & Walters • 4 Diamonds■ (One to nil) WinTE PLAINS Keitii-B Ist half(:'2-25) Ada Kaufman Girls 3 Roiling Stones Mord & Francis Milt DougTaH Co Peter Hlggins 2d half f26-28) Ada Kaufman Girls Alan CorclU & J Scooter Lowry Peter HIgglns (One to fill) 2d halt (19-21) Ada Kaufman Girls Jack &■ Ruth Hayes Don Cumjnings Browning & Clark Peter HlKRlns win:nii'E<} Capitol (22) The KItayamas Foster Fagan & Cox Danny Duncan Co Ken Murray The Charlestons (15). 6 Gnlenos Ohe.<=lelgh .«-. Glbbs Tlnova & Balkoff Al Trahan.j (Ono to nil) YONKKRS Keith's 1st half (22-26) Harrlm'n .Swan & L Harry Fost'r Welch Corbett & O'Brien Allan Corelli & J (One to fill) 2d halt (26-28) Bert Sloan Co Wm Ebbs Esther Ral.=>ton Co RIchy Craig Jr (One to fill) HOWARD SLOAT BONDS FOR INVESTMENT A B leach & Co Inc S7 (William SI . N V Natacha Nattova fully Si Thomas (One to fill) (16) KItayamos Leavltt & L'ckwood (Three to fill) SYRACUSE Keith's (22) Songs & Steps George Beatty Bozo Snyder Co Evans & Mayer Stanley Bros & A . Red Donahue & Pal Rose Perfect Clifford & Marlon Florence Rlchards'n 4 Camerons 2d half (10-21) 3 Melfords Anger & Corday Hey Day of Youth Scooter Lowry George Haggcrty Patrlcola Attrcss Flashes YOl'NGSTOWN ■ Kolth'H (22) Grauman Hess & V Millard & Marlln Pollack & Dunn Frank Gaby 6 Marlnelll Girls (15) Russell Markert' Co Ryan & Nobielte Harry Delf (Two to fill) Fanchon & Marco ATLANTA, GA. , Tox (20) Gardens" Idea Slatn Bros Mafta & Mae Vina Zolle <;ilft Nazzaro BRIDGBP'RT, CT. Palace (20) .'Columns" Idea Rome & Gaut Nllea Marsh Billy Rolls Maxlne Evelyn Dorothy Henley BROOKLYN. N. Y, Fox (20) •»llyWd Studio G" a Gobs . Chas Rozelle LorriS & Fcrmlne Miles & Pcrieo John Vale Bl'FFAIX), N. Y. Lafayette (20) "Far East" Idea Frank Stcver Helen Pacliaud M Sanaml Co 2 Jacks & 2 Qu'ns Ruth Kadamatsu Joan Hardcastlc BUTTE, MONT. Fox (IP) "Uniform.*;" Idea Armand & Perez Ruth Hamilton Joy Bros Shore A- Moore DENVER, COL. Tnbor (>rnn<1 (ID) ■Carnival Ru.sse' Id t.'ountess Sonia A1P.-C Shore Bekcn Russian Sunrlso 3 .Sam Llndfield Co DETROIT, MICIl. Fox (20) "Baby Songs" Idea Penny Pennington Rose Valyd.a Pearl Hoff Aleno * Evans FRESNO Wilson 1st half (21-23) "Trees" Idea Xaynon'a Birds Levlne & Pelcard Mavis &- Ted Ki nny Creel B.'ilher Campbell G'T VLLS, MONT. (irund (19) . 'Hot Dominoes" Id lies Kllcka Paul Mall Doxler Wr>hb & T> HARTFORD. CT. Cnpltol (20) "Klsse-M" Idea J & J JfcKenna Will Cowan E Flat 4 Hflen Aubrey Mable & Jfarcla MItzI Mayfair Wallcn & Barnes Dave Ha''kfr HOLLYWOOD Egypt inn (20) "Eyes" Idea Candreva Bros Don Carroll Paul Ol.ieji B & K BurrofT LONG nicArii West Coasf (20)' "Sunshine" Idea Bailey & Bnrhum T.angan *■ Selby Richard Wally Keo Vokl i Tokl Mary Loii LOS ANGELES Locw'h .Sttttb (20) "Stilts" Idea TTp in Air Girls 'Shai)iro-fr O'Mall'y- MILW'KF.E. WIS. WisooDNln (20) 'Ja'/.z Temple' Idea Wally Jackson Nora Rohlller Gus Elmore Sylvia Poree- Temole Bonuties NEW HAVEN, CT. Pnlaee (20) "Drape.H" Idea Frank Molino Co Jerome Mann Dorothy Kelly N'G'R.A F-LS. N.Y. Slrnnd (20) "Art in Tans" Id Myrtle Gordon Rodney & Gould Al & Hal Johnny Plank ■Teanne MaoDonald Eddie Lewis Brown & Wllla .OAKLASDL Fox (21) 'Manila Bound' Id H & F Seamon Carla Torncy Girls .SACRAM ENTO Fox (21) "Ivory" Idea 4 High Halters Hy Meyer Betty I^u Webb Goetz & Duffy SALE.M, ORE. Elsinore (20) "Overtures" Idea Edison & Gregory Toots Novelle Louise Manning Huff & Huff Helen mile SAN DIEGO Fox (20) "Marble" Idea Harris 3 JI'Tndln Sc Orlg'nlo Flobelle. & Charlie II B Matthews SAN FRANCISCO Fox (21) "Pea.sanl" Idea June Worth Johnson & Duker DIehl Sis General Ed Levlne Belcher Dii'nrers .SAN JOSE Onllfornla 2d half f24-26) "Trees" Idea Naynon's Birds Levine & ReScard Mavis & Ted Kenny Crcol E.<!i)ior Campbell SEATTLE, WASH. Kifth .'Vve (10) "Intorn'l" Idea Markell & F:iun Federico Flores Mignon I>alrd Billy Carr Osaka Boys Sr'GT'LD. MASS. Palncc (20) "Types" Idea Trade 2 Car;ena Diamond Harold Stanton ST. T..OUIS. MO. Fox (20) •Let's Pretend' Id THIyou*& Rogers Florence Forman Ed Cheney Rita Lane TUST^, OKLA. — -Ocphoum i20',. . . 'W't'm'I'n Blues' Id Mammy & Picks Louise &. Mitchell Ted Ledford Southern Steppers UTICA, N. Y. (Jayety (20) 'Art In Taps' Idea Myrtle Gordon Rodney & Gould Al & Hal Johnny Plank Jeanne MacDonald Eddie Lewis Brown & WlUa W'SIIINGT'N, D. C. Fox (20) "Jazz Cinderella" Mae Usher Roy Rogers Pauline Alpcrt .Tames Gaylord Billy Randall Albert Hugo Adair & Stewart WATEKB'RY, CT. Palace (20) 'Gobs of Joy" Idea .UEIMl'IUS, TENN. Orpheum (22) Princess Pat Pressler & Klalss Parker & Babb Or (Two to fl'l) .MILW'KEE, WIS. Riverside (22) Joe Christy Co Irene Vermlllfon Co- Tex Mcl.eod 5 Honey Boys (One to fill) N.VSHVILLE, T'N. Prlnrcss (22) Monge Tr Glldea Norton & .T Rita Burgess Gould Cowboy Revels (One to -fill) ROCK FORD, ILL. I'ulnce 1st halt (23-26) Bl.ackslone (Others to fill) 2d half ^20-1) Paul Yocan Danc'rs Sherman & MacVac Harry Levan Co Russian Art Circus (One to fill) SlOr.X CITY, lA. Orpheum Ist half (22-24) 2. Daveys O'Neal & Manners Joe Freed Co 3 Mel\ln Bros (One to nil) SO. BE?{D, IND. ■ Palace lat half (23-25) Sherman & MacYae Broadus'Erle WBB.M Nutty Club Val Harris Co (One to fill) 2d half (26-1) •Morris & Shaw Urown IDerhy Bd (Three to fill) ST. I,OlI.S, .MO. Gmnil 1st half (2.2-25) Bush Bros Louis London .Vanity Fair (Two to nil) 2d half (2C-2S) Herbert O & V Victor Ollvpr (Three to nil) WICHITA, K.-VN. .Miller (24) Don Santo Exlo Butler & Gang (Others to fill) WINDSOR. CAN. Capitol 1st half (24-26) J'^ancis Renault Hart's Krazy Kats (One to fill) 2d half (27-1) 3 Lordens .<;id Lewis Corey & Mann Things Have Changed Sine Kay Long livoil In In(3iiiniipolls an(3 married l-'lorenoe I>ono, now socioty editor oC tlie IndiatiapolLs- "News." Burns ^luntlp was on tho ..Denver ••Post." I theatre IToigbts. slock on . ■\V:i.«liin;;ion Kddie ^rannix (M-tT-M .«iudio exec) was park Dianaijor fur the Sehcnoks at I'ali.^ado, .N, J. Arthur Z^Icnugh and Joe Tlyiin were his huddle.*) then. Walter Ha'mpden wa.<? in vaude- ville. The Aranhaltan theatre was wliere Gimbles now stands. ATLANT.V Keith's (17) Carr Lynn Wheeler & Morton Texas Comedy 4 Stop Look A Listen (One to nil) BIRMINGH.VM • Rltz (17) Count Bernl Vicl (Others to nil) CHARLOTTE Orpheum 2d half (25-27) Gloason & Brown'g Kerc..*..En3lgn . . Oilly Miller Wm Dosmopd Co . (One to fill) DALLAS, TEX. Majestic (20) Wright Douglas Co Claudia Coleman Eddie Dale Co Freda & Palace (One to fill) l-T. WORTH, TEX. MnJeRtIo (20) Samaroff & Sonia Talent & Merle Kramer &■ Boylo Palm Be-fh Girls (One to fill) HOUSTON, TEX. Majestic (20) CoUeano Family Hall & Enuinle FJddie Stanley Jos Regan Co (One to fill) NEW ORLEANS Orpheum (22) Ray Hullng & Seal Brltt Wood Lee Gad Ensemble (Two to fill) OKT.AHOMA CITY Orpheuni (22) Kanazawa Japs Brooks & Rush Pllcer Douglas & St Jerome & (3rey (Oi;e to fill) SAN ANTONIO Majestic (22) Falls ReaOJng & B Loma Worth Primrose Semon Herb Williams C6 (One to fill I nSHER and GILMORE REEVES A LAMPORT LONDON Romero Family Stella Royal Samuel Pedraza PHIU^DELPHIA Fox (20) 'Scr'nl'd Melodies' Karavaeft LambertI David Recce Sherry Louise Franklin & Warner J & B Welling Lucille Iverson Everts & Lowry PORTLAND, ORE. Broadway (20) "Desert" Idea B & M Beck Muriel Stryker Cropley & Violet Manuel Txipez Pat West Bailey & Barnum Cook ,SIs B & E Lewis Moore & Moore Jone '& Hewett Scotty Weston Coley Loma Ruth Dolly Kramer Johnny Ashford Wanda Allen Henry Agulrre W"RC*ST'R, MASS. Palace C20) "Accordion" Idea Burt & Lehman Thoo & Katya Nat Specter Mary Price Arnold Harlman Association C'D'R R'PIDS, lA, Iowa (23) Homer Homaine Brown Derby Bd Teller Sis (Two to fill) CHAMPAIGN, ILL. Orpheum 2d halt (28-2) Evans & Wolfe Glbbs 2 (Ono to flU) CHICAGO, rLL. Englewood let half (23-25) Convey 2 & Johnny Gushing & Hutton Blue Ridge Co Parker & Davis Cathreen Sinclair 2d half (26-1) Roode & Francis Larry O'Toole Harry Gordon Co Earle & Edwards Cathleen Young Co D.AVENPORT, lA. Capitol (23) Bobby .& King Mildred Andre Co (One to nil) DES MOINES, lA. Orpheuin 1st half (23-25) Golf Fiends (Two to nil) 2d half (26-1) Sallardo 3 O'Neal & sranner.s Nancy Glbbs Co DETROIT, Micro. Ilolb'wood 1st half (23-26) The Kennedys FauntJeroy & Van A Rasch Girls 2d half (27-1) Elsa Greenwell Co Goo Broadhurst Co (One to fill) Oriental (21) Dot Myers Rev Morgan & Lake Francos 'White Bertrand & Ralston fOne to fill) EV'NSVILLE, IND. Viotory : 2d half f27-l) r>amar & Boyce ."Stanley Rnlllckers ('Jhrce to flll) FT. WAYNE, IND. Palace - 1st halt (23-25) Morris & Shaw P Yocan Dancers (Three to fill) 2d half (26-1) Max & Gang Broadua Erie Jack Wilson Co (Two to fill) G-D R'P'PS, M'CII. Keith's 1st half (23-25) Max & Gang Elsa Greenwell Co Rae Samuels Geo Broadhurst Co (One to nil) 2d half (26-1) iittle PIplfax CO Gene Greene (Three to fill) GR'EN BAY, WIS. Auditorium 1st half (21-23) The Alexanders Pat Lane Bachelor's Rom'nce (Two to fill) IND'N'P'LIS, INT). J.yrio (22) Larimer & H'-.diJon Johns & Mabley Harry GIrard's Ens (Two to nil) LINCOLN, NEB. ' Stuart (24) Intern'I Rhythm .Senna & Dean (Ono to nil) LONDON, CAN. I»e^v's ■let half (24-26) 3 Lordens Sid Lewis Corpy & Mann 2d half (27-1) Francis Renault Hart's Kraijy KatK (One to nil) MADI.SON, WIS. Orplieum 1st half (23-26) Edith Grimth Co Hall & Plll.ard Hanlon Bros ■ 2d half f20-l) Black.<<tonfl (Two to fill; Great States JOI.IET, ILL. Rialto l8t half (24-26) •Lonesome Clnb--- R Markert Dancers (One to nil) 2d half (27-1) Marlon Wilklns Hall & Plllard (One to nil) PEORIA, ILL. Palace 1st half (i3-25) Vuong King Tr Teller Sis Nancy Glbbs Co .2d half (26-1). Golt-i'Iends (Two to nil) WAUKBGAN. ILL. Genesee 1st half (23-26) Byron & Willis Brown Derby Bd (One to fll4) 2d half (27-1) WIjS Show Boat (Two to fill) Cabarets NEW YORK Barney Gallant's B & M Johnston Elinor Kerr Cardell Twins Harry .Stockwell Hale Beyer Orch , Casanova Fred Kentln Buchanan Jeiry Freedman Ed Club .Lido Beatrice Lillle Bobby Brook Bd Rich man .Smith Dellew Bd Ann Pennington Norma Terrls Harry Riohman Connie's Inn Swan & Lee Jazzllps Rlch'rdson Leonard Harper Rv Le Roy Smith Bd Cotton Club Dan Healy Rev Leitha Hill Daly & Carter Henry Wessels Mordecal Wells & Taylor Mildred Dixon Madeline Belt Johnson's Singers Washboard Sere Cora La Redd Duke Ellington Bd Tsabelle W'shlngfn Leg Ambassadcors Frankie McCoy Drcna Beach Oakland's Terrace Buddy Kennedy Will Oakland Rev Helen Seville Ada Winston Peggy Bolton Kay Green Joe Storacy .Rosalie Wynjie Dot Crowley Shirley La Mar Loretta Flushing Mildred Lorraine Landau's Bd ntramount Hotel DuVal 4 Roy Ingraham Bd Sliver supper John Byani Olga Royce Estelle Phillips Arden Stuart Dolores Farris Beth Miller Vivian Hall Blanche ft Elliott Ruby Shaw Earnest Charles Sma:ll & Lewis Ford & Truly Ben Pollock Bd Vllloge'^'at Club Louie Dogloff La Belle Rose Hauser Bros Albert Jack Bloom Bob McDonald Gabriel CHICAGO Alnbnm Tina Valen Alex Kerenoff Kittle Cohen Mary Thorn Dale Dyer Bernle Adier Eddie Jackson Bd Ambassndeiirs E.sther Durnell Thelma Villard Louis Stover Isabelle Gerhardt Jimmy Noone Bd Bean Monde. Eddie Clifford .Myrtle Watson Margie Well man Kyle Pierce Carl VlllanI Sol Wagner Bd Itlnck ilawk Coon-.'<anders Bd' ' Cinderella Hank Liskin Bd Coir^e Dan Frank Shaw Johnny Tobin Bd College Inn Lloyd Huntley Bd Colosinio Al Hnig .Mile Vcrobell ISraer^ccn Robert Robertson .lamrs Meo Bd .loiin Jordon Cotton Club Teddy Peters Ethel Dudley Gilbert. Holland Brown & McGraw Mai Allx Walter Barnes Bd Frolics Joe Lewis . Nelle Nelson BJmmy Carmen Texas Rcdncails Geo .McQueen Buddy Howo Louis Saks Ed Golden Pumpkin M Sherman Bd Green Mill T Gulnan & Gan>r Austin Ma:k Bd Mctropole Art Ka.s.o.ell Bd My Cellar Charlie Rose Joo Monnono Bd PetruNlika George Nelldoff Ola'Jde Avery Ely Klimara Gregory Davldoff Geo Stcherban Or Stables .Singing Waiters Johnny Dodd.i Bil Terrace (iardens I.>u.>.-ty RI;i."lf'« Hd Kdw.ird Locke was an aotot. A. P. "Waxman, head of AVarner publicity, was a stage hand. James Forbes was G. P. A. for Heni'y B. Harris. Ruth Hale (Mrs. Heywood Broun) was drariiatlc editor of the Philadelphia "Public r.ed.£;er." Bayard Veiller was manager of the old Princess theatre. 'VS'^lllard llolconib was dramatic editor of the Washington "Post." John Rumsey was nianaser of the Lyceum theatre. Arthur Klein ■was as.ilstant treas- urer of the Metropolis theatre In the Bronx. Francis Reid and Al Strassman were reporters on tlie New York Herald." Robert Miltern was a drug clerk. Sidney Toler starred in "The Belle of Richmond." Mrs. Fiske was Minnie Maddern. Martin Johnson, the wild animal picture man, ■worked for the Or- pheum circuit. Maurice C!ampb(ill, .J^proljibition administrator, was a , newspaper man, later a theatrical producer and husband of Henrietta Crosman. Jimmy Gillespie (Paul White- man's manager) was doing Juvenile and dancing in the 'Wadsworth Triangle Ray Reynolds J.lmtpy Green Bd Turkish Village Freddie & His Parodlan Bd Uptown Village Eddie A'ar/.Tio Bd Vanity Fair Rlclc & Snyder Jack Edwards Helf-n BOrke Kvelyn Dean Phil Levant Bd Varsity Al Handler Bd Mutual Wheel BURLESQUE ^ (Weeks of Feb. 17 an^ 24) Or- Frank Whitbeck quit managing Poli's in Scranton to go overseas as a field Koci'etary with the Y. M. C. A. Bare Facts—Empire, Newark; 24 pheum, Paterson. Best Show In Town—Hudson, Union City; 24. Gayety, Brooklyn. •Big Revue—Gayety, Brooklyn; 24, L. O. Bohemians—Fox, Jamaica N. T.; 24, H. & S. ApQilo, N. Y. C. Bowery Burlesqucrs—L.v O.; 24, Gayety, Montreal. Broadway Scan'lais-L. O.; 24, Gayety, Boston. Burlesciue Revue-17-10, Lyric, Allen- town; 20-22, Orpheum, Reading; 24, Star, Brooklyn. Cracker Jacks—Lyric, Bridgeport; 24, (Fox, Jamaloa, N. Y, Dainty Dolls—State, Springfield; 24, L. O. Flapper Follies—Gayety, Milwaukee; 24, Empress, Chicago. French Models—Plaza, Worcester; 21, Howard. Boston. Frivolities—Academy, Pittsburgh; 24, Ly- ceum, Columbus. Get Hot—Orpheum, Paterson; 24, Hudson, Union City. Ginger Girls—L. O.; 24, Modern, Provi- dence. Girls From the Follies—Gayety, Balti- more: 24. Gayety, Wa.shlnglon. Girls From Ilappyland--Kmpre«s, Cincin- nati; 24, L. O. Girls In Blue—Howard, Boston; 21, State, Springfield. ' Hello Paren—I'olumbia, N. T.. C; 24, Grand, Hartford. High FlyfTS—Trocadcro, Phllad'.-lphla.; 21. Goyety, Baltimore. Hindu BelU-.<!—Gayety, Washington; 24, Academy, PIttiburgh. • Jazzilme Revue—Coldmbla, Cleveland; 24, Gayety, Buffalo, Kuddling Kutles—Star, Brooklyn: 24, Co- lumbia, N. Y. r. I.Amn' Thru—L. O.; 24, Emplr<>, Newark. Mlichief Mak»r8--Gajtly, Boston; 24, Plazn, Worcester, Moulin Rouge—Gayety, Detroit; 24, Em- pire. Toledo. Nitc Club filil!?—(■Jnycty, Scranton; 24-20, Lyric. All<:n!ovin; 27-20, Orpheum, Read- ing. Parisian Flappers—Lyric> Dayton; 24, Emrre.v.s, r.inr'innali, Record Urt-akero-Lyccum, Columbu!;; 24, Lyric, iJ.'iMon. Hoclnl Mald.s—Gayety, Buffalo; 24, L. O, Speed Girls—L. O.; 21, Gayety, Mil- waukee. Sporty Widows-Modern, Providence; 24, L. O. Step LIv<-lv Gills—Casino, Bo.ston; 24, Trocadero, Phllndr-Ipliia. Steppo .Show—Km press, Chicago; 24, Gay- ety, Detrol'. Sugar Bab)"';-IL & S. Apollo, N. T. r.- 24, L. O. Take a rhancc.-Grand, Hartfonl Lyrl<', Brl'lKf-porf. Wftt'on .Show—Gnyr-ly, Montreal; 'J4 Pino. I^iMton. Wine, and Sonj; Kinrl'e, To-' I'-lo; 21 Coliifn'iii,!, I'l'vi'lBn'l. Ben Sohulberg was office, boy for the publisher or the Xew York ICvening Mall." . . ~ Lewis J. Selznlck was in the jew- lery business in Pittsburgh. Pete Smith was a writer and so- licitor on the White Rats Weekly, "The Player," Louis B. IMayer was an exhibitor in Haverhill, Mass. Hippodrome, Columbia, Palace, -Mhambra, Hurtlg & Seamen's Folies Bergere, Weber and Fields'. G. O. H., J^Lanhattan O. H., Casino. Herald Square, Hammersteln's, Xew York, Majestic and Oarrlek theatres, Kew York, all had next- door bars. Guy who ordered Thi'ee Feather Whiskey was Imposing on his host.. Three Feather "Whiskey 'was '20 cents a shot. HaiTy Singer was In the box offlce oC a Milwaukee theatre. Herman Lieb wiotc and appeared in "Dope" at the Bush Temple, Chi- cago. Bernard Sobel took violin lessoni?, in his home town, Lafayette, Ind. . Georgie Cohan carried a snap' bamboo cane and had the Broad- way mob going heavy for the dandy dude stuff of -'Little Johnny Jones.". Jimmy Durante provided th'e one~ man vaude show for ex-Governor Al Smith back In Al's assemblyman daysi Percy Heath, scenarist, was Fred Thompson's p. a.,, for "Girlies," and wrote the first naughty adv. which the "Times" turned dowp. It ran "None of. them 20 and none of them marrjjpd." Lewis Levlne was a singing waiter, cracked his voice through open air sessions at outings and later diverted in the taxi racket. .Huber's museum on 14th street gave a two-hour show for 20 cents. One hour in the freak hall and the other In the vaude theatre. Gus Hill did a Juggling act In vaude prior to rolling up a fortune as a'cartoon road show impreearlo. He was Gus Metz then. John Zanft worked In the advcr- tl.slng department of the "Morning Telegraph." Bill Carlson, who has made plenty as a poster artist in Detroit was second comic In an Empire Circuit burlesque troupe. A. II. Blank sold balloons at the Chicago World's Fair. Oscar Doob was society editor, sports editor, obit compilator, church editor, city editor, and m. e. of the LaSalle, III. "Weekly Herald." The late William Pinkerton tried to sell his detective service to a. Chicago theatre magnate and was turned down, even after he had found out about 40 employees tick- ing In on the chain's receipts, the theatre saying: "You've caught all of my wife's relatives whom I can't Are because It would be cheap- er to keep 'em working than t<3, lay 'em off and have to support'em.'*" "Watch Your Step" opened in I Syracuse, N'. Y., and all of Broad- way went upstate for the event. 24. ft,. Mr.s. Paul Oiee Ida Goldberg) was prima donna in" n Fanchon & Marco mu.«ical. Dave Chatkln, now director gen- erfil of Publlx, played tJic (irnt $2.50 Dim for Adolph Zukor .starring •Sarah Bernhardt. Connie Bennett qu"ened It In the I'laz.'i (hotel) grille,, ;ind fis the un- (CoiH ln\ii-H on i'age 71)