Variety (Jun 1930)

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'Wednesday. June 4, 19^0 PICTURES VARIETY 27 Lobbies as Billboards for Commercial Firms' Publicity; P-P Hooking It with Ad Shorts Lobbies of the theatres of the fu- ture may become class billboards for the advertising of anythinff from cigarets to kitchen stoves. If that day comes, and all Indi- cations now point to it in the threatened wedding of show busi- ness and advertising. Paramount (Continued on page 61) AL LYONS Master of Ceremonies Fox Theatre, Brooklyn, New York Thanks to MARCO-FANCHON and HARRY ARTHUR r O S T U M E OR HIR - PROimCTIONS ■XPLOITATIONfl ritBBBNTATIONa I 1^3 w.^oiti ax M.V.C , AINSLEY LAMBERT DANCEBS Now at Pabllx-Bslabaa * Kate Theatres ORIENTAI/—GBANADA—MABBBO CmCAGO, ILr. GEORGE And His Famons 'FVNCH and JTDDY' Featnred In F. it M. 'Oyp, Gyp, Gypsy' Idea FAMOUS NEW UOME S203 Venice nivd., lios Angeles Neither M Nor Col As Yet with Hays Bunch The Hays organization has re- vealed itself to Tiffany and . Co-^ lumbia as hi-hat as the Union League Club use to be. ^ - - That not . every .nieriibe'r. ■ of: the common fold can join is -not, how- ever, because of: social restrictions. The money end and earning power figure—and the applicant must be an adult. Before initiation proceedings are started |he Hays officites must have an expeL't accountant's knowledge of the applicant's books. Being .a member; is fairly expensive,^. It Is admitted by Hays servitors, and the orgahfeition cannot afford to be embarrassed at any time. . Associate membership is jiist as honorary - and not a fraction' as costly, it is stated from • within. Tiffany and Columbia aire.i:egarded in a most friendly light but are'not as yet members of the Hays group. Warners Are After 42 Chicago Indie^ Chicago, June 3. Having bought the eight; Fedejral theatres' through: James E. • Co;dton, Warner Bros, are now iri--the^field for a string of .independent'houses spread throughout the city." Coston is the contact man and "Is taking options for the transfer of some 42 houses, most ot wnicn are on the Coston booking list. Most important single group are the eight Schoenstadt houses, "with the Schoenstadts reported not eager to sell. The other indie houses, most of them having seating capacities of 1,000 or more, are on the market. Bottling Up News In an attempt to muffle those who would dare to confirm the sun is shining If it were or go out to lunch with a re- porter where something be- sides milk might be spilled, an- other order has gone through the Publlx end of Par-Pub warning everyone there's only one man who can talk to news- papers. He's the director of publicity, A. M. Botsford. LEASING 50% OF 822 WARNER THEATRES Going Into Asbury Park —Oklahoma Houses Taken in In the midst of the most hectic theatr'e 'corralling in the history of any film company Warner Brothers yesterday (3) were revealed as buy ing outright slightly under 50% of the 822 houses, the latest total'In their development of a qational cir cuit. The majority of^ acquisitions are being gathered under term leases, averaging 20 years each. The six midwest theatres are the latest to be closed under a 20-jr6ar lease. These Include the Empress, Liberty, JFolly, Orpheum, Palace and •the Million Dollar Midwest now. be- (Continued on page 5C) Warners Bays Heins' 5 Roanoke, Va., June 3. Warners has purchased the five local theatres of Elmore D, Heins. Technicolor Refusing New Contracts; Claim Schedule Jammed by Studios Hollywood, June 3. Congestion in its release print de- partment has caused Technicolor to refuse any new contracts for color work until it can catch up on Its schedule, Some employees in the camera department have been laid off, and the printing department personnel has been increased. Several companies planning Tech- nicolor films at the beginning of " the current year's production have postponed the color pictures until later. Technicolor explains the conges- tion as due to heavier demands for prints per picture than anticipated. Studios originally planned 100 prints for each negative, but not since Technicolor has been used has any company ordered less than 300, according to Andy Callahan, In charge here. FANCHON & MABCO PBFJSENT JONES and HULL "TWO NUTS" hi "BOX O' (".\NI)Y ' 1I>K.\ BERNARDO DE PACE A Riot with "TOP O' THE WORLD" Unit Now at Indiana .Theatre, Indianapolis, Ind. Direction Wm, MORRIS OFFICE HIRSCH—ARNOLD DANCERS Featured in F; & M. "Brunette" Idea School Address, 545 Sutter St., San Francisco Dover ''Sundays" Off Columbus, C, June 3. Sundays at the Berley, Dover, near here, have been called off, fol- lowing the finatlcal attempt of the town's mayor to close the house on a Sunday by throwing tear bombs into the operator's booth. The new chief of police made six arrests. Including W. E. Burton, manager. STAGE SHOWS GO BACK IN ST. L. FOR SKOURAS St. Louis, June 3. The "flesh" magnet for the stage haj hit the Missouri (Skouras), one of the first cinema cathedrals to start the. stage show policy and afterwards abandoning it. Missouri is now set to augment its straight film policy with a stage show. It will revert to girls and music added. Tentative setup is to pile in Harry Rcse as m. c. in July. Direct cause for change at the (Continued on page 61) Special Road Show Dept. U has organized a special depart- ment under the direction of Henry Siegcl, former managing director of the Colony, Xew York, for the han- dling of "All Quiet" in roadshow engJigements outside of the .Shubert houses now playing the i)leture on runs in various keys. >.'ew department will specializf in runs at summer resorts and In other engagement.'* that will not conflict with those In le^it theatres. I i Exhibs and Exchanges Growling At Each Other Over Credit Rules 'Shoppers' Guide' Medium For Theatre Ads and Local Dailies' Stand Minneapolis, Juno 3. With R-K-O advertising It.s two" local th.eatres in one of the two shoppers' guides here, the Rialto is wondering "whether tl>e I'louscs are going to be "punished" by the news- papers through curtailment ot free publicity matter. When the first of the shoppers' guide came into existence hero two years ago "Buzz" Balnbridge started utilizing it advertising me- dium for his Shubert theatre stock company. Shortly thereafter, the regular newspapers, seemingly of one accord, began cutting his pub- licity matter to the bone. "Buzz" quickly realized that he was antag- onizing the press and he quit the Shoppers' guide. Since thi.s incident the managers here have considered It the newspapers' unwritten law to "punish" theatres that use the shop pers' guides'by curtailing their free publicity. It may he the newspapers have found that the eight-page weekly shoppers' sheets, consisting entirely of advertisements and distributed gratis from house to house, do ndt provide the anticipated opposition or injurious advertising competition. In such a case, of course, it is as- sumed there would be no objection* to the theatres being represented in the sheets. Chicago, June 3. With n^ of the exhibitors her© still ignorant of the revised credit rules, issued by the Film Boards of Trade, as oC April, 193u, distributors in this district have already taken certain steps to use the rights given them in the new terms. The new (Continued on page CI) Still Going Strona 4th Consecutive Y«ar Benny MEROFF A! Lewis Back Hollywood, June 3. Al Lewis returns east on Friday. He was here to attend the Fox convention. ^ Walter Anthony will title the German version of the "All Quiet," U. Kay English, "On Tour Back," Fox. Marbro GRANADi CHICAGO Fanchon A. Marco Present SEBMEZA "THE OAflCING FOOL" IN "CITY 8BBVICB" XUVJk ALL during: the long hot weather leaion Kooler-Aire bring! a refreshingj difference from the lultry, wilting heat outside. People are' attracted from faij and wide to enjoy ita coolneM. With a Eooler-Aire you can reduce the I temperature to suit conditions. It g^veS' uniform distribution of pre-cooled, purej air-r-no recirculation of used air. " So initial "The silent partner of the talkies disturbing noises. Unusually low and operating costs. Pat in this head-liner summer attraction. But act now! Don't wait until it is too late. Write us today for this new Kooler- Aire book and com- plete information. KOOLER-AIRE ENGINEERING CORP, 1916 PARAMOUNT BLDO., NEW YORK, N. Y.