Variety (Jun 1930)

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Wednesday, June 4, 1930 VARIETY S5 HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD PAID $11.00 A SEAT THE CELEBRATION AND WHAT PREMIERE $4,000,090 iSPECTACLE in HAU and JEAN HARLOW TO BE INTERNATIONALLY ROAD-SHOWED BY SID GRAUMAN TRIUIVIF^H Harrison Carro/Z—"HERALD" " 'Hell's Angels' is a supremely thrilling record of man's warfare in the skies. The measure of Hughes' triumphy is that, despite all the advance talk, 'Hell's Angels' does not disappoint. "Beside this picture, 'Wings' was but a feeble thing. I feel safe in predicting that 'Hell's Angels' will never be surpassed for sheer thrills and spectacle. "Because of its air scenes, which are the most exciting ever seen on the screen, 'Hell's Angels' is a picture that will be remembered for a long time. It certainly belongs on the list of every theatre- goer." Monroe Lathrop —"EXPRESS" "Showmanship as an art came to its apotheosis in Hollywood last night with the return of Sid Grauman to his ola field of activity and the unreeling for the first time of the most extraordinary out- put ever to emerge from the motion picture studios. " 'Hell's Angels' had its premiere at Grauman's Chinese Theatre with a spectacular display exceeding anything the theatre of this or any other country has known." -—— -Llewellyn MiZ/er—"RECORD" ■ "One of the greatest stunts of showmanship that Hollywood has ever seen reached its climax last night when Howard Hughes' 'Hell's Angels' shone on the new oversize screen at Grauman's Chinese. "The show was over at 1:20 last night, leaving part of Holly- wood satisfied after three years of curiosity. The. rest of the town is sure to keep the boxofifice busy for several months to come." -Eleanor Barne.—"ILLUSTRATED DAILY NEWS" "It cost $4,000,000 and it has 4,000,000 thrills. This production has eclipsed every picture of its kind in an era which has seen numerous gripping stories of the air. "The picture is greater than any personality in it. It is so powerful in locomotion that its grandeur towers above any spec- tacle yet thrown on the screen." Now Playing Twice Daiiy GRAUMAN'S CHINESE THEATRE HOLLYWOOD