Variety (Jun 1930)

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^This could he called *An Open Letter/ But the phrase is unnec^ essary* Because there is nothing more CyPEN. — in the show business or the newspaper field — than a page in * Variety*** 'pHOUSANDS of columns of newspaper space have broadcast your "Code of Ethics." Thousands of leaders of the nation^s thought have ap- plauded your faith and your sincerity. Able lieutenants—Charles Pettijohn, Fred Beetson, Carl Milliken, Jason Joy—have carried yoiir message far and wide. A POTENTIAL audience of MILLIONS has had its ap- petite whetted. ' That audience is waiting. Waiting for the echo. The answer. +• * * Here it is. Here is the answer to your prayer. Here is the direct, specific, concrete, STATEMENT OF PERFORMANCE that you have been awaiting. Here is— THE CODE OF ETHICS WRAPPED UP IN A BUNDLE OF SHOWMANSHIP! ^HERE is a sentence worth repeating: THE CODE OF ETHICS— WRAPPED IN A BUNDLE OF SHOWMANSHIP! There is YOUR thought. There is my thought. And here is my way of playing ball WITH YOU! — American Motion Pictures Corporation is in the field. To make pictures worthy of the name it bears. As PROOF of performance: To present, for its initial offerings, productions based upon the works of— GENE STRATTON PORTER! Three magic words. Three words that say it all— THE CODE OF ETHICS WRAPPED IN A BUNDLE OF SHOWMXNSHIP! WHAT a thrill that announcement must give you. Gen- eral Hays! THE author, whose works are well thumbed in Sulli- van, Indiana, as they are in the Bronx, New York. THE author, of whose works over fourteen million copies have-been sold to the American public. THE author, whose pictures, in silent versions, grossed over two million dollars of exhibitor money. (You fig- ure how many millions of box-ofFiee cash.) THE author, whose every line, every phrase, and every character are the embodiment of the Code of Ethics. THE author, whose very name on the screen pro- claims to the public that the distributor and the theatre executives are with you IN DEEDS. THE author, whose name, in a single, clean, whole- some, energizing breath epitomizes: THE CODE OF ETHICS WRAPPED IN A BUNDLE OF SHOWMANSHIP. ^MERICAN has thrown its hat in the ring! American will have further announcement that will please you. Because American is dedicated to the things that are best in American life; to the wholesomeness in enter- tainment that has never failed to receive a rich reward from the American public. American is with you, Mr. Hays! For: American Motion Pictures Corp. Taft Building,'Hollywood. John Lynch, President. A. H. Alexander, Secretar}) and Treasurer. Robert E. Welsh, Vice-President and General Manager.