Variety (Jun 1930)

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Wednesday. June 4, 1930 VAUDEVILLE VARIETY «S IHAMES AND ADDRESSES i'OF SARANAC PAHENTS Saranac, N. Y., May 31. As custoiriary monthly, following Wr© the na^mes and addresses of show people at this health reso t 'f,t present. '; Included ire those who arrived or ieft during May: At 80 Park Avenue Happy Behway, Fred Kith, George Harmon, William Holly, Lawrence McCarthy, Vernon Lawrence,.: Bobby Hatz, Edward DeCora, George Ne- ville, Valentine Kincaid, Dick Kuni, Chris Hagedorn, Ben Shaffer, Helen p'Rellly, Allie Bagley, Nellie Quealy, Bthel Cloud3. Zela Edwards, Sue jcace, Lilly Leonora, Angela Pa- pulis, Viola Allen, Anna Mae Pow- SIDNEY BENNETT, ■on of Bessie Bennett, who died at No. 2 Grenville Road, Plym> outh, England, on the 30th of January, 1928, is requested to communicate forthwith with Messrs. Jago and James, Solici- tors, at 4 Sussex Terrace, Plym- outh, aforesaid. ENOS FRAZERE **Acme of Fineaae** THIS WEEK MAY 31, GOLDEN GATE LEE p. Manaten STEWART & LEWIS MOSLEV WHITEY ROBERTS Laugh, Town, Laugh —NOW FOR R-K-O— West EaHt WU. JTACODS MILES INGALLS Independent— FB.'EO ROSENTHAL ers, Gladys Bishop, Catherine Vo- gelle. At 9 Front Street Julia Kubas, Leah Temple, J. C. Louden, Mike McNamee, Luba Le- Roy, John J. Farrell. Newcomers Chester Kice. McConnell and Simpson, Hans Bruno Meyer, Wal- ter Daley. Left Saranac Fnink Garfield, Joe Donatello. . DepaKed Olga Kalinin, Charles Besnah. Chester Rice, • Santanoni Apts.; Andreas Ervlng, 41 Park Ave., Ed- die Voss, 41 Park Ave.; Jim Shields, 41 Park Ave.; Thomas Abbott, 66 Lake Flower Ave.; Christina Kee- nan, 66 Lake Flower Ave.; Alice Roth, 32 Franklin St.; Joe Reilly, 54 Sheppard Ave.; Connie Reeves. 42 River St.; James Haegney, 6 Military Rd.; Russ Kelly, 19 Broad- way; Harry Barrett, 302 Broadway; Alice Carman, 52 Park Ave.; (Dave (D. D. H.) Hall, 6 Baker St.; Harry Clark,, 6 Baker St.; Al Downing, 10 Baker St.; Ford Raymond, 84 Park Ave.; Irving Bloom, 84 Park Ave.; Richard Moore, 84 Park Ave.; An- drew Molony, 10 Helen St.; Mae Armitage, 7 Front St.; Harry Eng- lish, 64 Park Ave.; Hans Bruno Meyer, 11 Front St.; Edith Cohen, 38 Margaret St.; Al Pierce, 61 Franklin St.; Walter Daley, 10 Baker St.; David Mavity,'60 Park A-ve.; Harry namba, 72 Park Ave.; Dorothy Jolson, 72 Park Ave. WRITE To Those You Know in SARANAC A small town manager wrote Pat Casey saying he had put up the window cards and all other adver- tising for tlie N. V. A. collection drive on his theatre, but no money was received. Casey's hair first went grey lO j^ears ago. HARRY W. CONN 160 West 46th Street, New York ROOM 418 WRITING EXCLUSIVE MATERIAL for WILLIE and EUGENE HOWARD PHONE BRYANT 7392 Jacobs, Hennessy Back (Continued from Page 30) ville. In New York the elder Hen- nessy organized the U. B. O. as it was known for years, fought and defeated the ^Vhite Rats in the ac- tors' first strike against managers and piloted the U. B. O. into the formidable booking institution it became. Useless Credit In their lives, B. F. and A. Paul Keith, B. F.'s son, and the late E. F. Albee, gave due credit to Dan, but each forgot him otherwise in life and at death. Dan retired on a pension a few years ago from the Keith-Albee-Orpheum circuit as general manager of the Family De- partment booking office. Whether that pension has been xoRtinued to current times is not known, but it is a well recorded fact amongst all of the old-time vaudeviUians that Dan Hennessy, alone, of all of the older Keith-Albee executives, was the only one to leave the Institution without a private fortune. Accord- ingly the news of the reinstatement of his son, Willie, will be fondly appreciated by the many who know that Dan Hennessy Is actually re- sponsible for the formation and or- ganization of what later became the great B. F. Keith Circuit. • Freeman . had no comment to make when asked about the rein- statements. 'They speak for them- selves," he said, "we consider each a good agent and of value to us." Pook Anywhere Unlike in the past the R-K-O agents now can book outside in the legit and pictures. In addition the R-'K-O books are now 100% closed to dealing^ with outside agents and gradually eliminating direct book- ings, both done now only when a desired act or attraction can be se- cured in no other way. The recently discarded, distinction between agents and producers still holds good, with agents classified also as producers If producing their own acts and representing them In the customary agency manner. When released before Bostock and Lewis were franchised as producers only. With the additions the number of R-K-O franchises outstanding Is ral50d to 23. Total was cut to 18 three months ago, when 10 fran- chises were revoked. On basis of about three agents working under each franchise there are now about 66 reps doing business on the R-K-O floor. No F. & M. Changes Doc Howe is not making any dra.stie I'hunpos in the eustcrn divi- sion of the Fandion & M;\rco ollioo!^. Howe, who looks after B\ & M.'.-; west coft.>^t system, wa.'^ romnii.s- sloncd by Marco to come east for at Itast two wooUs and in.^tnll the trijile chock now in vogue in the L. A. otnoo. Mike Marco I^^ due in New York Sunday. Marco will stay only long enough for a conference with Harry Ar- thur, the Fox theatre operator, and Howe and Earl Sininions, the X. V. representative. R-K-O Summer Closings With further allowances for clos- ings and changing of house policies for the summer thtM-p are now only 13 houses left in Xew York oji R-K-O list playing vaude and band programs. These are the Coliseum, Hamilton, Jefferson, Chester, Ford- ham, Franklin, Roynl, 58th Street, 86th Street, 125th Street, 81st Street. Hippodrome and the Palace. ■ In Brooklyn only three R-K-Os are open with vaude still booked, Albee, Madison and Kenmore, All the others have turned to pictures. The Flu.shlng is still playing vaud- fllm. LOEWS ALL SOUND FILM AND CUT IN 5 HOUSES Five Loew theatres, four playing vaude on a split week, and the other a presentation house, will go to straight pictures June 7. Presentation house in Kings, flatbush. Long Island, vaude houses are at Yonkers, Corona, L. I.; Bed- ford, and the Oriental, Brooklyn. Loew's will reduce the st^ale of these houses for the all-pl(>ture policy. Loew's declares (.hange i.s only for the summer. . Item in last week's Variety stated Johnny Osborne is manager of the Brooklyn Paramount. Robert Weit- man is the managing director of the house, with Osborne as student mgr. Theatres Proposed Astoria, N. Y.—$76,000. Also ofllce and stores. 28th street and.Stclnway avenue. Owner, T^oew's. Bucrrnn. O.—$160,000. Also apart- ments. Sandusky st. Owner, Bucy- rus Theatre Co. Policy not given. Cnlamet City. III.—$400,000. Also stores and apartments. 163 Place and Wentworth Ave. Owner. Calumet City Theatre Corp. Policy not tlven. Charlotte, Mich.—$60,000. Also store. Cochran st. Owner, C. R. Beechler. Davenport, Ul. —$2,000,000. Also store and hotel. 3d and Brady streets. Owner, a. M. Bechtol. Architect, A. 3. Graven. Policy not given. Eawt Chlcaro> Ind.—$100,000. Chicago And Forsythe sts. E. A. Varger i Co. Policy not given. North PUtte. Neb.—$160,000. Also stores. Owners, W. R. Maloney and Keigh Neville. Architect, A. S. Graven. Policy not given. Peoria, III.—$20,000. Jackson, Adam.s and JelTerson sts. Owner, Peoria Play- ers. Perth Amhoy, N. J.—Owner, Norkln, Inc. Architect, J. Bberson. riattevUItt, Wlfi.-$60,000. 2d and Main St. Owner, W. C. Tracey. Policy not given. Port Jervls, N. T.—$100,000. Also stores and otnces. Owner, New Thea- tre Co., Inc. foledo, O.—$400,000. (2). -Owner, R-K-O. Architect, John Eborson. ROBBINS TRIO A-Whirl A-Twirl A-Girl A Real Sensational Roller Skat- ing Novelty' R-K-O Palace, New York Thu Week, May 31 Next Week Kenmore and Fluahing Theatre; New York Sailing: ^or London in August R-K-O Rep^ THOS. FITZPAT^RICK I i> I Ind. Rep. . E. MEYERS WM. MORRIS OFFICE • DENO and ROCHELLE i V I Originators of the "RACKETEER DANCE" I Words and Music by FELIX BERNARD Dialogue by REX FULLER I Assisted by HELEN MANNING THIS WEEK (May 31) R-K-O PAUCE, NEW YORK PRESS COMMENTS CHICAGO "POST" "After Deno and Rochelle and little Helen Manning had scored such a hit with their dancing at the Palace It seemed to hope that the rest of the bill wouldn't prove an anti-climax." CHICAGO "AMERICAN" "Deno and Rochelle did a series of excellent dances. They originated the Racketeer Dance, which maltes the Apache numbers look like old-fashioned waltzes." N, Y. "TELEGRAPH" "Deno and Rochelle pre-sent a series of dance sketches, and each dance tells a complete story. It is well done and well handled. The Racketeer Dance ilsed for the finish is worthy of special comment for the originality of the endeavor." "Deno and Rochelle have always liked, proper" "VARIETY" .. are the sort of art Talace audiences The whirlwind racketeer dance was the N. Y. "AMERICAN" "Deno and Rochelle offer several dance sketchcH, putting their all into the work with excellent results." "BILLBOARD" •Deno and Rochelle have one of tjie dancing acts seen here hi months. Their ballroom number Is an acme of grace. . . . With the 'racketeer dance,' which they originated, and which Is an entertain- ing variation of the Apache. . . . Act registered strong." R-K-O Direction—MARTY FORKINS European Representative—JENIE JACOBS CARR LiYISTN PALAciriifewYORK Presenting "SOMETHING DIFFERENT" bIRECTION WEBER & SIMON