Variety (Jun 1930)

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r VARIETY Wednesday, jime 4, 1930 Variety Oills NEXT WEEK (JUNE 7) THIS WEEK (MAY 31) Numerals in connection with bills below indicate opening day of show, whether full or split week LONDON Week of June 2 ftn.<;ri;ry pars ' Enii>lre J Hylcon & Bd Vera Rudd Jean Florian Billy Danvers Jennie Grceson RobPrt Reilly Hippodrome Co-Oi>t1mlst3 NEW CROSS Empire "Un Vent de Folle' STRATFORD Umpire ■'Paris Life" VICTORIA I'liluce De La Folle Pure PROVINCIAL RIRMIN'GHAM Empire "Funny Side Up" Orund .L.t. J Fletcher Bd Max Miller Jessica Morendelle Three Bradleys The Rhythm GIrU Johnny Waysoo Hassan Royal "Mr Cinders" ^BLACKPOOt (irand "The Way Out" Opera House Woman In R'm 13 BRADFORD Alliambrs Funny Boy CARDIFF Empire' "Crack-a-Jacks" EDINBURGH Empire .••Wk of Laughter" GLASGOW Alhnmbra Command to L>ove Empire •The Revue Shop" HANLEY Grand "Splendour" HULL Palace The Beauty Parade . LEEDS Empire Flotsam & Jetsam and Co aa booked Royal •Mrdr on 2nd Floor' LIVERPOOL Empire 'Lady ot Cauiellias' MANCHESTER Pulace 'Sympny In 2 Fits' NEWCASTLE Empire "Fine Feathers" NEWPORT Empire Grace Cunard. Jack Stocks Dinks &' Trlxie The Rego Twins Peacock & Rees The Geddes Bros Lily Morris Les Storks NOTTINGHAM Empire "Laughs" Royal "Follow 'Through" PORTSMOUTH ' Royal AI DenvUle & Co SIIEFl'IELD Empire Billy Merson & Co SWANSEA Empire F Roper's Midgets SOUTHAMPTON Empire George ' Robey Edward Victor Somers & Fell Betty & Buddy The Desardos Wright & Marlon Henry Hearty Toms & McSweeniy SOUTHSEA King'R "Journey's End" "Crazy That Way" WAfiH'GTON. D. C. Vox (6) "L'nirorms" Hunter & Perclval Armand & Perez Ruth HainlUon Shore & Moore Joy Bros Sunklst Girls •Movietone Follies' (31) "IjCt's Pretend" Alfred Late'l Tllyou & Rogers Rita Laue Bobby Gilbert Jimmy Hadres George Green Flor(>nce Forman Sunkisc Beauties Meyer Davis Sym Leon BrusllofC "Arizona, Kid" Pulace (7) "Japanltes" Ted Claire Nell Kelly "The Texan" (31) Frollckcrs Jack Sidney 'Young Man ot M' U THE RAJAH OF RHnHM Appearing at PAVILION THEATRE London Indefinitely JACK POWELL DIr: LEDDT & SMITH Picture Theatres NEW YORK CITY Cupitol <30) 'Russian Echoes' Nina Oginska Sammy KrevoS Rus Sy Choir Chester Hale Glrla "Florodora Girl" I^aramount (30) 'Southern Melodies' H Heldt & Bd "Safety In Nmbrs" . Boxy (30) "Carmen" Don Jose Jeanne Gordon EscamlUo MIchaela David Drollet Jose Santiago Vlo'a.Phllo Patricia Bowman Leonlde Masslne "So This l8»Lndn" CHICAGO, ILL. Chicago (SO) "Tin Type Rev" Bob Nolan Bd Charlie Hill Co Lassltcr Bros Llora HofTman 3 While Flashes Berke Gltls "Trui; to Navy" Gmnuda (SO) "Meroft'e Frolics" Benny Merolt Bd Joe' Uesaer Melvin Bros Bud & E Cole Anita LaPlerre Lambert Ballet "Hot For Paris" Mnrbro (30) "Hot Tobasco" Joey Ross Bd Lou Cameron Gordon Dogs Paul Mix Lambert Ballet "Hot For Paris" Oriental (30) "Sunny Days" Harry Rose 3 Gobs The Andresuns Fred Evans Ballet "Divorcee" Piirudlse (30) "Aladdin's Revels" Mark Fisher Bd DuCallion Renie Riano 4 Cheer Ijeaders Gambarelll Girls "(Jaught Short" Ttvoli (30) 'Rivers ot Rom'nce' Frank Masters Bd Allen & Canflcld Worthy & Thmpsn Ben Dova tfarlos Peterson Virginia Bacon Fred Evans Ens "Caught Short" I'ptown (SO) "Tills Is Life" Al Kvale Bd Ray Conlln Pansy HorCon & Small Lambert Ballet "Caught Short" BROOKLYN Fox (30) "Uniforms" Al Lyons . Bob West 'Douljle Cross Rds' Paramount (30) Rudy Valloe Earl Abel "Safety in Nmbrs" BOSTON Metropolitan (31) "Coney Islorid" Lillian Roth "True to Navy" BUFFALO Buffalo (31) Borrah MInnevltch Smart -Smartlea Rose Kesaner Laura Lane McGary & Dawn Margie Green "True to Navy" Hippodrome (31) Arthur & M Havell Brady & Wella Olyn Landick Speedy Feet 7 Nelsons 'The Texan" CLEVELAND State (31) "All Aboard" Teddy Joyce Seed & Austin 4 Emperors Josephine Davis 16 Dancing Daisies Young Han of M' DETROIT X'lsher (31) "Hits and Hats" Del & Syncopators Joe & J McKenna Peg Bates "Safety Numbers" Fox (31) "Trees" Frankie Jenks Harry Howard Terrell & Hnnley "Born Reckless" Miclilgnn (31) "Top o' World" Bert Gordon Bernardo De Pace "The Cuckoos" MIN'APOIJS, MIN. Minnesota (7) "Aladdin's Revels" DuCallion Renie RIano 4 Cheer Leaders Gambarclli Girls NEWARK Brnnford (31) "Home Wreckers" O'Donnell & Blair B & E Newell Andy & L Carr "True to Navy" NEW HAVEN Vox Poll (31) "Inlernallonal 1" "Horn Reckless" PIIILADELPIUA Eurio (31) "Ocean Revels" Stanley & Ginger Jay Mills Glenn & Jenkins Larry Adler LlttlellcM Dancers "Flirting Widow" Fox (31) "Carnival Russo" Countess Sonla Alcx-Sherer-Dekett Sam lilnlloia Co Sunklst Beauties "Born Reckless" I'lTTSItURCH Enrlglit (31) "True to Navy" Penn (31) "Russlantica" Dave Apollon Danzl Goodell Royal Fllpino Orch Betsy Reese Byrnes & Swnnson "Caught Short" PROVIDENCE Fuy'8 (31) Tom Manahan Co UnKiue Oddity Anthony & Rogers Bayard & Cook Armqtrong Bros NEW YORK CITY Boulevard Ist halt (Sl-3) Amac Elm City 4 Grace Nile Co Har & B Hutchins Wheeler Twins Co 2nd half (4-0) France & La Pell Madeline Patrice Ray Shannon Co Bob Hall Ti'udlna Co Delancey St. 1st half (31^3) Wilfred Du Bols Bob Hall Backstage Follies (Three to nil) 2nd half (4-6) Booth & Nina Pope & Thompson Willie West & McG Savoy ' & Mann Blue Steppers (One to fill) Fairmount Ist halt (31-3) Frank Shields Chamberlaln-Earle Bernard & Townes Rhyme & Reason (One to All) 2nd halt (4-6) Harum & Scarum Smith & Hart Josephine Harmon Sunshine Sammy (One to fill) Lincoln Sq. 1st half (31-3) Corty & Lee Rome & Bolton Eddie Allen Co (Two to fill) 2rid half (4-6) Frank Shields Kenny. & Baker Cook ic Langdon Morris & Shaw- Bobby Joyce Co (One to nil) National 1st halt (31-J) . Serge Flash Ina Haywood Co Morris & Shaw V Rathburn Co (One to nil) 2nd half (4-6) Wilfred Du Bols Green & Austin B Henshaw & Rel E Allen Co (One to nil) Orpheuni 1st half (31-3) Bellclolr Bros Bill Casey Co B Wells & 4 Fays Savoy & Mann Gene Dennis 2nd half (4-6) J Evans Co Ruth Ford H GIrard's Ens Watts & Day Gene Dennis INirudise (31) Leavltt-Lockwd Rv (Others to nil) State (31) Kitchen Pirates Flynn & Mack Ruby Norton Co Art Landry Bd Victoria 1st halt Cll-S) Mlncaliua Arthur Ball Cole-Ward Co R Cummings Co Trudlna Co 2d half (4-6) Don Julian I Haywood Co Angus &- Searle Chamberlaln-Earle Carl Shaw Co Gates Ave. 1st half (31-3) Gaynor & Byron Myrtle Boland Smith Si Hart Lang & Haley Willie West & McG 2nd halt (4-C) Golf Fiends (Otlierst to nil) I.oe\v'» 4Gtli St. 1st halt (31-3) Jimmy Evans Co Angus & Searle Co Ruth Ford Chrl Shaw cCo. (One to fijn - '•■ 2nd half (-(-6) Serge )''laKh Jean Carr Co Neilsoti .i- Warden Seaman & Herman 'Rhyini'' .t Reason Metroi>olltun (31) Phylls Rae & 8 Nancy Decker C Kempi-r-Jeiinnle Jules Uledsne Oscar .stang nd Pitkin 1st halt (31-5) Duponts Ross Wyse Jr Ce Hilton Twins NEW JERSEY Palisades Pic. (31) Aglnas Norman & Norman Boyd & Wallln 3 Flying Harper* (One to nil) NEW ORLEANS State (31) rfomer Romalne Carlton &: Hallew Ralph Olsen Co Runaway 4 (One to nil) NORFOLK State (31) Katka-Stanley-lIae Russell & Marconi W Sharpies Co (One to nil) PITTSBURGH I»e\v'H (31) , . B Davis U (Others to nil) ROCHESTER I>04<»-'s (31) Large & Morgner Danny Small H Hayden Co Shaw & I'Ce Parker-Babb Bd SYRACUSE Loev's (31) J Pepper & Boyo Porcelain Romance (Three to nil) TORONTO I/oew's (31) Alt Loyal'B Dogs Hayoes & Beck Emile Boreo Joe Fejer Bd (One to nil) WASHINGTON Loow's (31) Ted C.atre KIkutas Japs Nell Kelly 3 Rhythm Dancers WOODHAVKN Wlllard 1st half (31-3) I^a Fleur & Portia Trovato Powers-Jarrett Co Donia & Clark H Olrard'a Ens 2nd half (4-6) Gavnor & Byron Boo La Salle Casa-Lehn Co (One to nil) Snapshots Lubln-Larry-Andre (Two to-fill • 2nd half (4-6) Blmbrg's Alaskans Conrad & Eddy Sig. Friscoe Bd (Two to nil). Valencia (31) H Bergman Co (Others to nil) AKRON IiOew'8 (31) Blue Garden U Allan Rogers Dodd & Rush Winnie Shaw ATLANTA Loew'g (31) Bradford & Van A Goron & Walker Trlxie Friganza Remos Co (One to nil) BALTIMORE Loew'8 (81) Sidney's Frol (Others to nil) BAY RIDGE Loew's 1st halt .(31-3) Jean Carr Co G D'Ormonde Co Buddy Doyle Blue Sllckera (One to nil) 2nd half (4-6) Mlacahua De Vere-Johnson Powers & Jarrett Trovato Bomby-Radio Gang BOSTON Orphenm (81) Vardel Bros Lane & Ha'rper J Barton Co ' Billy Olason Living Jewels CANTON Loew's (31) P Nolan Co Keith Wilbur Watson Sis Amerlque & Neville CAPITOL- I.oew'8 (31) Dave Schooler Les Gellls June Carr Flash Devils (One to nil) CLEVELAND Granado (31) D Apollon Co Danzl Goodell Burns & Swanson Betsy Rees (One to nil) coLUi>inus lioew's (31) Teddy Joyce 4 Emprs ot Hrmny Josephine Davis Seed & Austin (One to nil) NEW YORK CITY Clieater Ist half (T-10) Embassy Slngera Carr Lynn Deagon & Cannefax Libby Dancers 2d half (11-13) Tenkai & Oniku Farmun S & L Itvin O'Dunn Co Dance Fables 2nd half (4-6) Davo & Costa Rev Jack & Ruth Hayea RIn Tin Tin Hooper & Gatchett Cftliseom 1st halt (7-10) Falls Reading & B T & R Romalne Healy & Cross Smith & Parka (One to nil) 2nd half (11-13) Raymond Baird Jans & Whalen (Three to nil) 2nd halt (4-6) Starlight Rev ' Derlckson & Brown Joe Young Co Art Frank Frank & Yankee V Slat St. (7-10) Aileen & Marjorle Cora Green Naughton & Gold The De Marcos 2nd halt (11-13) . Tom McAullffe Co Flo Lewis Dave Harris (Two to nil) 2nd half (4-S) 6 Lelands Margaret Schilling Smith & Parks Joe Browning Roye & Maye Rev SOtIt St. Ist half (7-10) Farmun S & L Joe Young Co Scott Saundera Dance Fables 2nd half (11-13) Rus Art Circus Derlckson & Brown Milton Berle Co Johnny Burke 2nd hat (4-6) The DIgltanoea Teller Sis Ada Gordon Co Healy & Cross Prlnc'ss Slaviansky 68th St. 1st half (7-10) 6 Orleye ' Raymond BaIrd (Three to All) 2nd half (11-13) Falls Reading & B Freddie Craig Jr Whitehead & A J Elliott & Peaches 2nd half (4-6) Klastoft & Myra B Rich Sc Adare Kemper & Jeannle Cowboy Revels May Usher Fordliam 1st halt (7-10) B De Wolf & Girls Derlckson & Brown Jans & Whalen (One to nil) Ind halt (lt-13) Clifford Wayne 6 Billy Kelly Healy & Cross (Three to nil) 2nd half 4-6) F Denstnore Co Snyder & Cooley 2 Davles Nauton & Gold LIbby Dancers Jefferson lat half (7-10) Badger & Muessler Anger & Dunbar W J Kennedy & Co Jack Osterman Eyes of Youth 2nd half (11-13) World Cruise Henry Regal C Armstrong & Co Foley & Latour Bob Nelson & Co Tenkai & Okinu 126th St. 1st halt (7-10) Pope & Thompson (Others to nil) 2nd half (11-13) Polos (Othera to mi) 2nd halt (4-6) Rosa Ryan & Ross White & Cole Chalott Sc Jones Pipltax Local Girls Palace (7) Four Karryes Princess Sla vlanaTky H Jerome & Grey Puck & White Van & Schenck (Two to nil) (31) Rnbblns 3 Carr Tjynn York & King ' Radelli & E Jardo Jans & Whalen Frances Williama Deno & Rochelle Willie Si E Howard Onwah Tr Royal 1st halt (7-10) Hayes Marsh & H Bobby Jarvls H Nolan Leary Morrlssey & Murray P Sylvester & Co 2nd half (11-13) Gilbert Bros Myra Langtord Maker & Redford Forsythe & Kelly 2nd half (4-6) M Blank & Co Vera Post Kay Lucy & Co Yatea & Lawley BROOKLYN Albee (7) Rndell & Dunnlgan Val & E Stanton Wilton Sc Weber Rln Tin Tin Oua Edwards & A (One to nil) (31) Fash Show (local) Brems F & M Bros Anna Seymour Morris Sc Campbell Van & Schenck Flushing 1st halt (7-10) T McAulirte Frank Devoe Milton Berle & Co (Two to nil) 2nd half (11-13) Bobbins Trio Yates Sc Lawley T &'Ray Romalne Medley &' Dupree The De Marcos MlUette & Fltzg'r'ld 2nd half (4-C) Vernon Rathburn Smith & Rogers O'Nell Sc O'Day Val & E Stanton Vercello Sis Freda & Palace The Dlgitanoea (31) Beehee & Rubyatt Chamberlln Sc H Peter HIgglns Farnell Sc Florence Lament 4 BUFFALO Hippodrome (7) P. Oukrainsky Bal Grace Doro W & Joe Mandell Owen McGlvney The Wager (31) Speedy Feet Olyn Londick A & M Hovel Brady Sc Wella 7 Nelsons CHICAGO Palace (7) M Colleano Co Scooter Lowry Aunt^Jemlma J Marks & Co The Ingenues (31) Llazeed Arabs Vox & Walters F Schcff Sc Co J Burke Roxy's Gang State I^ke (7) Harrlman S & L OMAHA Orphenm (7.- Lomas Tr Tyler Mason Sully & Thomu Natacha Naltora (31) The KItayamaa Sol Gould Olsen Sc Johnson (Two to fill) PROVIDENCE Albee (7) Dugan & Parker Peter HIgglns Farnell & Florence Lamont 4 (31) Ford Sc Price Raymond BaIrd The DeMarcoB Flo Lewis Freda Sc Palace ROCHEISTER Keith's (7) Nash Sc Fatcly L Benstead Co Walter Dare Wahl C Withers Sc Co (31) Stevens Nelson & S 2 Blossoms Sutler Santos & Co Wilton & Weber TRENTON Capitol lat half (7-10) Mitzl Royal Dncra ; Griffith & Co Ada Gordon & Co Davito Sc Denny Co 2nd halt (11-13) 2 Davles Eddie Dale & Co Dob Roblson (4-0) Mills Sc Shea Billy Kelly & Co Joyner & .poster Step by Stop TROY Proctor's iBt half (7-10) Nace & lolecn Morton & HIgglns Alexander Sis 2nd half (11-13) COMPLETING 30-WEEK TOUR FOR LOEW CIRCUIT LES JARDYS Sir: LEDDT & SMITH Alma Rubens Co Bob Hope Webb's Co (31) Great Roller Howard & Newton Ken Christy Co East & Dumke Jack Osterman. 4 Diamonds CINCINN.ATI Keith's (7) D Lee & Louise E Faber & Co Irene Franklin Buster-John West Havania (31) LoSalle & Mack Grace Doro Al K Hall Blackstone CLEVELAND 106th St. (7) Great Rolle Britt Wood 5 Petlcys (31) L Benstead & Co Johnny Downs Hyde & Burrell Pepito Palace (7) Meyers L Sc Rice Brady Sc Wella W & B Howard (81) J Thomas Sax Elizabeth Morgan Earl Faber Co Alma Rubens Bill Robinson HAMILTON, CAN. (7) Prosper Sc Merit J Freed Sc Co Peggy Eames P Faqulta-Chlklta (31) 3 Lordens J Housh Sc Co B Jarvia Co Rodrlgo, Llla Co C Slim TImblln KANSAS CITY Malnstreet (7) Kltayamas Sol Gould & Co Olsen & Johnson (81) 6 Galenos Chesleigh & Qlbba Tinova BalkoR Co Al Trahane May Wlrth Sc Co LONG BEACH Keith's (O) Zastro-White Rev Joe Termini Faber & Wales Bob Albright Roy McKlnney (2) Heras & Wallace Orvllle Stamm Grls Weaver Bros Home Folks LOS AN(;eLES HUlstreet (7) The Dakotas Ryan & Noblette Henry Santry Co (31) TUESDAYS HOTEL MANHATTAN 159 West 47th NEW YO JACK L. UPSHUTZ TAILOR, 908 Walnut St., Phila. EVNSVILLE. IND. Loew's (31) Revel Bros & Red C Emmy's Pets Little Jack Llllle Frank Dobson Co (One to nil) HOUSTON I.oew'8 (31) Slerak's Miracles Seymr-Putnam &' M> Fronk Master Co JERSEY CITY I^w's (31) Collins & Petersen King & King Louise nave Ueorgle Tapps (One lo nil) KANSAS CITY Ix>c\v'8 (31) Joe Mandis 3 J R Walsh Co McMiinus & HicUey Alex Hyde Bd (One to nil) MEMPHIS State (31) HarrlMon's Circus K nrlce Co t'ole Sc Snyder H Cooper Rev (One to nil) MONTREAL Ix>cw'« (31) E Sherlft Co llally & Symonds Helnl-Iloward Co Jue Fong ItuIolT-Elton Rev NEWARK State (31) Jnrdya Harr & Davis l';.l Kurd Sc Whllpy Suite 16 H Jerome & Grey In .the Studio Franklin 1st half (7-10) Russian Art Circus Ruth M Brewer Geo Nlblo Sc Co Freddie Craig Jr Adams & Rash Bee & Ray Gorman 2nd half (11-13) Al & Ann Striker Sherman & Ryan Rich & Adalre Corlnno Tllton 2nd halt (4-6) Hashl & OssI Maude Karl Sc Co HItp & Renew F Devoe & Co Ike Rose's Midgets Hamilton 1st halt (7-10) A Wycoff & Co Badger & Muessler Ida Mae Sparrow Maddox & Clark 2nd half (U-13) Luster Bros Jackson & Carr Adolph Gladys Sc 13 Ti-a|)8 C Withers & Co Hippodrome (7) Zi'lda Bros McMann Sis Hooper & Gatchet Felovis Brems F & M Bros Helene Denlson Co (31) Rus Art Circus H Jusia Sc Charlie D Harris * Co Kenmore 1st hair (7-10) Robblns 3 Yates & Lawley Suite 16 Flo Lewis Lockctt Sc Page 2nd half (11-13) Larimer & Hudson Myra Langford Joe Young & Co Frank Devoe Vercelle Sis Co 2nd halt (4-6) Manning Sc Klass Dugan & Parker Tom Sc R Romalne Weston Sc Lyons SIg Friscoe & Boys A'/adisui 1st halt (7.10) Three Ixirdena Rogers Sc Donnelly Joseph Regan Ijobby Dancers 2nd halt (11-13) Larimer Sc Hudson Harry Holmes Dance Fables , Rajah Rabold AKRON Koitli's (7) A Pelley J Downs Al K Hall & Co (31) Oay Gordons Don Cummings Barret & Cuneen Ben Blue BOSTON Keith's (7) 'Ma.x Sc His Gang M Schilling Morris & Campbell Zastro White Rev Joe Termini Faber Sc Wales Bob Albright Roy McKlnney MONTREAL Imperial (7) Luster Bros Dalton & Craig 4 Peaches Sc Sleler Roy Sedley & Co (31) Broken Toys ' Allen Reno li'lowers ot Seville Cliftord & Marlon NEWARK Paince (7) Beehee & Rubyette Ada Brown Chambcrlin & H Harry Holmes Lee Twins & Co (13) Falls R'dlng-Boyre Mrs. Primrose Rev Corlnne Tllton Bob Roblson R Nichols Sc Bd (31) Lamont 4 Mrs. Primrose Rev Corlnne TUton Bob Roblson Ray Nichols Sc Bd OAKLAND Orpheum (7) Enos Frazere Boyd Senter Tiny Town Rev Conlln & Glass (31) The Dakotas Ryan Sc Noblette H Santrey Co Palm Beach Ntghta WHITE PLAlNli - Keith's lat half (7-10) A Kaufman Sc Oris Dancing McDonald* Chaloi Sc Jones Chas Melaon 2nd halt (11-13) A Kaufman Sc Gria Chas Melson (Others to nil) 2nd half (4-6) , A ICaufman & Grl* G & Lois Danbury Miller Sc Wilson Nace Sc loleen Chas Melson WINNIPEG COTlitol (7) Bob Ripa Kerr Sc Ensign Bob Murphy HOWARD SLOAT BONDS FOR INVESTMENT a a Leach dt Co.. Int. j,' l^^llllJm Si N Y BALEH, ORE. Salem (7) Reynolds Sc White Ledova F Lightner R HuUng Sc Charlie (31) De Toregos Lytell & Fant Kitty Doner Frank Gaby SALT LAKE CITY Orpheum (7) Frabell's Frolics Manny King & Co Nan Halperin Burns Sc Allen (31) Lomas Tr Tyler Mason Sully & Thomas Natacha Nattova SAN DIEGO Orpheuni (6) Zastro-Whlte Rev Joe Termini Faber & Wales Bob Albright Roy McKlnney (80) Heras Sc Wallace Orville Stamm Grls Weaver Bros Home Folks SAN FRANCISCO Golden Gate (7) De Toregos Lytell Sc Fant Kitty Doner Frank Gaby (31) Enos Frazere Boyd Senter & Co Tiny Town Rev Conlln & Glass SCHENECTADY Keith's 1st halt (7-10) Esther Ralston Al Belaaco (Three to fill) 2nd halt (11-13) Nace Sc lolecn Morton Sc HIgglna Alexander Sla 2nd half (4-6) Grace Wylle Sc Co Marie Decoma Nash & Fateiy Alexander Tr SEATTLE Keith's (7) G Andree & Co Sybil Vane Lander Bros Palm Beach Nights (31) Flo Mayo Sc Co Grade Barry Grace & M Bllna Babe Egan Redhds SPOKANE Orplieum (7) Lane Osborn & C Roy Rogers Viola Dana Kramer & Boyle (31) Kanazawa Japs H Foster Welch Maxine Lewis Harry Carroll Co ST. LOUIS Keith's (7) 6 Galenos Chesleigh & GIbba Tinova Balkoft Co AI Trahane May Wirth Co (31) Litne 3 Gold & Ray Irene Franklin Bob Hope Webb's Co ST. PAUL Orpheum (7) Maxine Sc Bobby Wheeler & Morion Mr Wu Sc Co (31) Bob Rlpa Kerr & Ensign Bob Murphy Joe Daly RKO Discoveries SYRACUSE Keith's (7) Pepito Ewing Eaton M & A Skelly Block & Sully Manlius Bd (31) Meyakos Paul KIrkland Esther Ralston Harris & RadclltTe Chapelle-Carleton TORONTO Imperial (7) Speedy Feet Don (Tummlngs Honey Boys Qlyn Lnndlck Ben Blue (31) 4 Peaches & Sleler Dalton & Craig C Bennington Sc Bd Roy Sedley & Co McDonald Tr TACOMA Kerith's (7) Flo Mayo Sc Co Gracie Barry (•race Sc M Ellne Babe Egan Cj Esther Ralston Al Belasco (Three to All) 2nd half (4-6) P Lavolo Sc Co Clinton Sc Angelina J Kennedy Sc Co Block Sc Sully LaBelle Pola UNION CITY CupUoI (7-10) Tenkai Sc OkInu Forsythe & Kelly Style Shop Corlnne Tllton 2nd half (11-13) Marie DeComa Helen Nolan Leary Morrissey & Murray A Wycoft & Co (4-6) T McCaullff Sc Co Edith Griffith & Co Senns & Dean Jack McBride P Sylvester & Co VANCOUVER Keith's (7) Kanazawa Japs H Foster Welch Maxine Lewis H Carroll Revuette (31) O Andree Sc Co Sybil Vane Lander Broa Joe Daly (31) Loma Worth Pressler Sc Klalsa Sylvia Clark' Lights -Sc Shadow* YONKERS Keith's Idt halt (7-10) 2 Davles Billy Kelly Co Mack & Stanton J Elliott & Peaches 2nd half (11-13) H Justa Sc Charlie Bradley Sc T Rev 2nd halt (4-6) Kaswell Sis Morrissey Sc Murray Ida May Sparrow Maddox & Clarke Garcia Sla & M S Y6UNGSTOWN Keith's (7) Gay Gordons Paul KIrkland Lee Morse McLallen Sc Sarah. Eliz Morgan Co (81) P Oukrainsky Co Cook Sis W £ Joe Mandell Owen McGlvney The Wager Fanchon & Marco ATLANTA. G\. Fox (I) Carnival Russe" Countess Sonla A Shere Bekefl Rus Sunrise 3 Sam LInneld Co BRIDGEPORT, CT. P9lac« (7) "Desert" E & M Beck Muriel Stryker Cropley-Violet Ch'f Eagle Feather Carla Torney Girls BROOKLYN Fox (0) "Ivory" Will Aubrey 4 High Hatters Hy Meyer « Betty Lou Webb Goets Sc Duffy Peggy Carse BUTTE. MONT. Fox 2nd half (6-7) "Gyp Gyp Gypay" Chaz Chase F Evera & Greta Vlaskin Sc Leavttt Jeanne Alexandrea Joae Gonzalez CHICAGO, ILL. Cost<Hi ' (6) "B'way Venusea" Mel Klee 16 Beauty Winners Aerial Bartletta Wells Sc Winthrop Breda SuUivnn DENVER, COLO. Grand (6) "Changes" Doc B'ker Sc Hadl'y Muriel Gardner Dave Le Winter DETROIT Fox (0) "Marble" Roy Smoot Francia Al Sc Jack Rand Hector Co Harris 3 Georgene & Henry FRESNO. CAL. AViison 2nd half (4-6) "Brunettes" Chirot & Meccado Jerome Mann Hassans Bluestrks Hirsch-Arnold Girls GRT. li-ALLS, MT. Grand . Ist halt (5-7) "Miniatures" Singer's Midgets HARTFORD. CT. Capitol (0) "Manila Bound" Lloyd & Brice Romero Family Stella Royal Samuel Pedraza HOLLYWOOD Egyptian (6) "Twins" Stroud Twins. Elca, Clute, Kane, Falla, Maltby, H^lly & Lee WUmot ItULWAUKE', Wia Wisconsin (8) "Skirts" McDonald & Dean Julia Curtlas Ruth Silver Up In Air Glrla NEW HAVEN, CT. Palace (6) "Overtures" Edison Sc Gregory Toots Novella Jack Goldle Huff Sc Hurt Helen Hllle Louise Manning OAKLAND, CAL. Oakland (6) "City Service" Shapiro & O'Mal'er Seb Meza Laddie LaMonte George Jager Frank Sterling OKLAHOMA OITT Orphenm 1st half (8-19) "Jazzy Temple" Sally Jackaon Sylvia Doree Gus Elmore PHILAJDBI.PHIA Fox (6) "Hot Dominoes" Les Klicka Paul Mall Llbonatl H'rt Whitesfno A P PORTLAND, ORE. Broadway (4) "Goodtellows" Lucille Page Bud AverlU Harrison & Elmo Helen Burke SALEM, ORE. Eisinore 1st half (4-6) "Box 0' Candy" Jones Sc Hull Frank Hamilton Reeves Sc Leu Marie Lucy & Irene SAN Dieco Fox (12) Specialty Show (Others to nil) SAN FRANCISCO Fox (4) "Smiles" Lambertl Slate Bro.s Dorothy Neville Walter Bradbury SAN JOSE, CAL. California (6-8) "Brunettes" Chirot Sc Mercade Jerome Mann Hassan's Bluestrka HIrsh Sc Arnold Co SEATTLE, WASH. Fiftii Ave. (4) "Milky Way" Vernon Stiles Noree Stotie Sc Lee Bert Faye Steve Moroni SPOKANE. WASH. Post street (7) "Bells Sc Belles" OrriCIAL DENTIST TO THE M. T. A. DR. JULIAN SIEGEL 1560 BROADWAY This Week: Major Donovan, Mae Wynn. Electric ■ I,ONG BEACH West Coast 1st half (4-6) "Rose Garden" Miles & Kover R Donahue & Pal Harold Stanton Hall & Essley Aerial Girls LOS ANGELES State (4) "Country Club" Master & Grayce Ray Samuels Leonora Cori BHAMI. OKLA. Majestic 2nd half (3-S> "Black Sc Gold" Four .Kemmys. Arnold Grazer Maxine Hamilton Eddie Hill Eva Thornton Dunbar Bell Rngra Tommy Harris Frances Ted Sc B Loretta SPRINGFIEIJ), Mass. Pnlaoe (7) "Peasant" June Worth Johnson & Duker Delhi Sis (ieneral Levin" Belcher Dancers ST. XOUIS. MO. Vox. (5) "Coral ' - , Maurice & Vio."nr Uovftl .Sai)ii>.if' La'Pelii Marl*