Variety (Jun 1930)

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Wednesday, June 11, 1930 PICTURE GROSSES VARIETY $24,500 for New Pans 1st fk with "Florodora"NotSoHeftymLA.; "Angels," $32,400; Good for House Ii03 Angeles, June 10. ' (Drawinig Population, 1,500,000) Weather: Hot A torrid sun kicked a few more lents in matinees which are. never too strong: here, but night business was f; ir, -IjOcJiI circles had two things to watch, the Pan opening, and "Hell's Angels." - "Fiorodora Girl" had a big pre- miere Wednesday (4) at the new liouse but spent a miserable second day which never showed anything until the first night show was un- •der way. Following days picked up some and with that $5 opening the- atre tool* .in $24,500 by the time Sunday was over. That figure minus the ten grand getaway Would 1)fe ordinary If not a new house, but with theatre and picture just open- Ip/j it's far from impressive. "Angels" is having matinee trouble but evening attendance pulled it through at Chinese for ?32,400, good, but doesn't leave much leeway on the hookup. "All Quiet" departs from the Car- lliay sooner llian expected, closing in its 8th week to permit "So This Is London" to come in June 19. ,War film's 7th week was $11,800. "Divorcee" will do around $12,000 In concluding the month, with "Big House" due at Criterion June 25. Clara Bow threatens to push the Paramount above the 20 grand mark which classes as a novelty. Estimates for Last Week Boulevard (Fox)—"Arizona Kid" fFox) (2,164; 25-50). This one pulled out because of federal in- junction suit against picture but due back at house Thursday, in- junction lifted. "Rough Romance" (Fox) pinch-hitted. Carthay Circle (Fox)—"All Quiet" (U) (1,500; 75-$1.50) (7th wk.). Terminating four weeks ahead of dope. 7th week $11,800'. One more week, then ""So This Is London" ^Aine 19. Chinese (Fox)—"Hell's Angels" (tjA) (2,028; 50-$1.50) (2d wk.). ^ir^itinees cause for fretting but J\{ght business good. Tremendous- y costly hook-up with stage show, .etc.. makes $32,400 better for house than picture. But good substantial total. Criterion (Fox) —"Divorcee" '(Metro) (1,600; 25-75) (4th wk.). Looks like $12,000, first re!\l slip since opening. Egyptian (UA-Fox)—"Ladies Love Brutes" (Par) (1,800; 20-05). Ted Healey failed to duplicate his down- town drawing power. House low at $8,100, indicating Hollywood Blvd. passed up both stag© and picture. Ben Bernie opens Thursday for run, eans stage acts. State (Loew-Fox)—"Redemption" (Metro) (2,024; 25-$l). Pretty weak and if getting $23,000- lucky. Old John Gilbert picture taken off shelf. Million Dollar—"Dames Ahoy" (U) (2,300; 35-50). Little variation from $5,000 here. Orpheum—"Cuckoos" (Radio) (2,- 270; 50-75) (3d wk). Will finish With around $9,000, * Pantages (Fox)—"Fiorodora Girl" (Metro) (2,700; 20-40-65-90). Com- bination of new house and picture should have produced more, with opening at $5 getting $10,000. Week got $24,500. House goes, eventually ^nto second runs and stage shows. Sono Art's "Once a Gentleman" or possibly Garbo's "Romance" opens 12. Paramount (Publlx)—"True to the Navy" (Par) (3,595; 25-75). May reach $21,000. Good compared to re- cent weeks at this house. RKG—"Around the Corner" (Col) (2,950; 30-65). Can possibly reach $11,500, but don't lay odds. ^United Artists (Pub-UA)—"Big Pond" (Par) (2,100; 25-$l) (2d wk). Too sharp plunge. Second gross of $14,000 under first by $9,000. Exits after 19 days, enough. "Shadow of Law" (Par) follows. Downtown (WB)—"Sweet Mama" (PN) (1,800; 50-75) (1st wk). Many « vacancy at $9,000. Hollywood (WB)—^"Bride of Regi- ment" (FN) (2,756; 25-75) (1st wk). Way ore at around $12,000. "All Quiet" Tops Tacoma Tacoma, June 10. (Draw, Pop., 125,000) Weather: Warmer . Wesit'rn Front" big noise last w,eek. At R-K-O "Modern Maidens" lor tuur days with vaude filling week to good returns. D Last Week H-K-O-Pantages (1,500; 25-33-50) ^^Mo.lern Maidens" (M-G-M). $0,- kA'^c Mouse (Hamrick) (G30; 25- JJJq^'"— "Western Front" (U). Vi,- Rialto (Fox) (1,250; 25-35-50) — •Texan" (Par). $4,400. colonial (Fox)a,(8r.O; 25)—"Ladie.s i-ove Brutes" (Par). $1,500. yirile Delights Los Angeles, June 10. The soda fountain has been gagged as a pansy patch so much tliat biz is terrible on the specials with fancy names. Male customers are leary of calling for anything less mas- culine than a chocolate malt. One downtown stand, reas- suring the he-men, plugs some specials with conservative names, each billed as "A Man's Drink." 'JOURNEY'S' TO $15,500 IN NON-COOLED HOUSE Toronto, June 10. (Draw Pop, SOaOOO) Weather: Mighty hot ' Journey's End," at the Tivoli, got the cream of the week's biz at $15,500. This was against tough opposition from outdoor and dozen other at- tractions. It is held over. 300,000 Shriners in convention here this week. "High Treason," at the Imperial, went over big for a British-made talker. Folks liere are strongly pro- Britisli in everything except pic- tures. They liked this one, and it will probably help future British pictures when released here.. Legit through for season. Estimates for Last Week Tivoli (1.600; 35-65) — "Journey's End" (Tiff). Great stuff for here. Would have made record" at any other time of the year. Mighty hot and theatre has no air cooled sys- tem. Held over. $15,500. Uptown (3,000; 35-80)—"Ladies of Leisure" (Col). Matinee crowds away off, but gross not bad consid- ering sea.son. Picture liked O. K. $16,000. Imperial (3,500; 30-60)—"High Treason" (British made). Good no- tices and went over better than most previous English features. $17,500. Lowe's (2,200; 30-60)—"Children of Pleasure.'; Vaude O. K., but pic- ture couldn't draw against opposi- tion. Slightly below average. $11,- 500. Shea's Hip (2,600; 30-60)—"Tiger" Not so good at $14,500. Drop. FRISCO SHOWS umSi WESTERN BEST OF WK. San Francisco, .Tune 10. With hardly an exception the Market street houses had tales of woe last week. Stage shows back at the Par- amount but that house of many pol- icies couldn't better $15,500 with "Safety in Numbers." It remained for a western opera, "Border Legion," to roll up about the only gross that meant something in comparison with normal business. Estimates for Last Week Fox (5,000; 50-65-75-$l)—"Her Golden Calf" (Fox). Missed com- bination and disappointment at $35,000. Warfield (Fox) (2,672; 50-65-90)— "Western Front" (U.), About squeezed Market street of all that can be had. 4th week. Down to $13,000 after smash takings. Paramount (Publix) (2,098; 35-50- C5-$l)—"Safety in Numbers" (Par.). Unit shows back but didn't provide' sufficient leverage to get gross above $15,500. Not memorable. California (Publix) (2,200; 35-50- 63-90)—"Border Legion" (Par.). Paced around $20,000, best house has shown in couple of months. West- erns have done consistently well hereabouts since winter. St. Francis (Publix) (1.37a; 35- 30-90)—"Across the World." Pretty q:ood at $>t,000, with general condi- tion of town not favorable. Second week. Orpheum (R-K-O) (2,270; 25-35- 50)—"Midnight Mystery". (Pvadio). Not enough time to cxi)lolt tills one .as it canu> in suddenly. Less than fancy at $10,000. Golden Gate (R-K-O) (2,485; 30- 40-50-03)—"Around tlie C'ornr-r" (061.). Another pip vau'le bill found echo in paybox. $14,500. Embassy (Wagnon) n.SOn; r.0-6."<- ()0)—"Man from Ulanklcy's" (WB;. Scarcely $7,000 for second week. Crepe tied to it. Davies (Waunoii) (1.150; 35-50) — "Hfllo Kist^r" (Sono-Art). OIT; around $3,000. Casino (,V. & H.i (2.400; 40-60) — "Young Desire" fl'niv.). pjvaporated to $7,000, Consiilcr.'iMy under mark lioiJs<» hus inH'n rivx'bing coii.'^ist- enlly. MAYRIS EDWARD CHANEY and FOX "Dancing Stars of Two Continents" Now Empire, Paris. Palladium and Holb^rn ICmpire, London, to follow. Direction—Fosters Agency R-K-O—Jack Curtis Independent—Johnny Hyde BUNCHED CLOSE IN SEATTLE Seattle, June 10. (Drawing Pop., 450,000) Weather: Good First real summer weather put some of the folks out of town on auto trips, which slackened show trade. Theatres held fair. War picture at Music Box went steady third week and held for fourth. Orpheum headline attrac- tion was Babe Egan and Redheads; Fifth Avenue average with "Fioro- dora," heavily billed in local Hearst paper. "Born Reckless" in for two weeks at Fox. Opened fairly. Par- amount up with "Big Pond." Estimates for Last Week Paramount (Pub) (3,106; 25-60) —"Big Pond" (Par). Good week. $13,300. 5th Ave. (Fox) (2,500; 25-60)— "Fiorodora" (M-G-M). Comedy liked. St.age show. $15,000. Fox (Fox) (2,600; 25-60)—"Born Reckless" (Fox). Fair biz. $8,800. Blue Mouse (Hamrick) (950; 25- 50-75)—"Ladies of Leisure" (Col.). £''air week; okay for another, $8,- 000. Music Box (Hamrick) (1,000: 50- 75)—"Western Front" (U). Lines every night but mat biz off. $8,200. Liberty (Jensen-von Herberg) (2,000; 15-25-35)—"Lost Empire" (Ind). Good week, with per.sonal travelog. Liberty will have Al Jol- son in "Mammy" next week, but changing name back to "The Mins- trel Man." Better draw in that name. Folks tired to tears of '"Mammy." $9,400. Coliseum (Fox) (1.800; 15-25-35) —"Montana Moon" (M-G-M). Okay. $3,400. Orpheum (R-K-O) (2.700; 25-50) —"He Knew Women" (Radio). All girl vaude show, headed by Babe Egan, pleased. Biz up. $11,300. FAVS BEAT HEAT IN MONTREAL; $22,500, BIG Montreal, June 10. (Draw Pop, 600,000) . Weather Very Hot Good pictures and fav."* iv.stored faltering pulise of main stem play- boxes. Grosses staged a fomeback. Palace was highest for a couple of months. "The Big Pond" beat the heat wave and brouglit the Palace $^2,- 000. Tapered a little toward finish. Novarro, "In Old Madrid" revived Capitol to unusual heights for this house at $17,500. George Bancroft whafkori the b. o. at Loew's in "Lrfidies Love Brute.<<" to above avfr;ii;<» with $15,000. Estimates for Last Week Palace (PP) (2,700; 40-73)—"The Big J^ond" n'ar>. Topped town at $u'2,500. Good. Capitol (PP; (2,700; 40-73)—"Old Madrid" (M-(;-M). Clood ron.'<ider- Ing boat wave. $17,500, nif-. Loew's (PP) (■3,200; 33-6.'.)—"La- dies Lovo Unites" (Pan. fji-orije Hancrofi well liked. $15,00i), better than u.sual. Princess (CT) (2;300; 33-33 )-"La- dies of Leisure" ;(Col) Cii'd week. Tapered at close of long run, but .still got away with $i;.'ji)'). Very good on whole, $33,000 in 0 weeks. Imperial fPP) (l.tiOu; 33-CO) — "Sergeant flnseha" (KK'Oi. Not so good as e.'ipe'-ted after big bally- hoo. $9,000. Fair. Roxy (Ind.) (600; 50) • ' .Martyr- d.^m of Prinees.s" (French). $J,HOO Ui'juglil good enouijh to Iixld over. 'Sarah' at $25,000-liOose Ends' (B. 1.) And Col. s 'Ladies,' $20,000 Each, London's High Film Spots Now Deals Many rumors and reports abuut "deals" around this week. The Paramount-Radio report appears to be spreading, with nothing conclusive to it. That proposed deal,. In "Variety" last week; is'said to have stirred up several .ingles to "deals" In general, with many included. Stock market break of Mon- day will have its usual eiTect regaining near nor- malcy. BIG $46,000 FOR'NAVY' AT MASTBAUM, PHILA. Philadelphia. June 10. Business last week spotty, but several excellent grosses oft.iet the few flops. '•Western Front" moved into the Chestnut to play to over $16,000 for a .first week. Got rave notices and, despite Philly has been sour on road •show prices, its second week started off with a capacity matinee. Mastbaum took a good jump, gro.ssing $4C,0O0, gain of six grand over the last three weeks, with Clara Bow's "True to the Navy." "Jour- ney's End" disappointed in Its 2d week at the R-K-O Erianger, taking a dive to less than $9,000, and out. Fox held to an even $27,000, good average, with "Born Reckless." Stanton and Earle start in their summer prices this week, with SOc top at each. Estimates for Last Week Mastbaum (4,800; -35-50-75)- "True to Navy" (Par). Best week's business in a month at $46,000. Erianger (1,9-00; 25-35-50)—"Jour- ney's End" (Tiff). Dropped to $9,- 000; poor considering picture's promise and notices. Stanley (3,700; 35-50-75)—"Dr. Fu Manchu" (Par). Good closing week at $14,000. Chestnut (1,640; 50-$2)—"Western Front" (U). Good opening and good business, $16,000, 1st week. Stanton (1,700; 35-50-75)—Aver- age business with "This Mad World" (.M-G-M). Fox (3,000; 40-50-90) — "Born Reckless" (Fox). Good average with $27,000. Boyd (2,440; 33-50-75)—"The Bad One" (UA). Fair first week at $15,- 000. Held over. Earle (2,-000; 50-75)—"Flirting Widow" (FN). Average at $18,000. Karlton (1,000; 50)—"Devil's Holi- day" (Par). Corking week at $8,000; one of the house's best recent' figures. Wedding on Stage Each Night K. C. Biz-Coaxer Kansas City, June 10. Managers had a fin© line of amusements last week, but the pub- lic was car riding, miniature goUlng, school gi-aduating, etc, Mainst.-«et, with "Wedding Rings" and strong vaude, held up consist- ently, but the returns could have been better. Loew's Midland played "Caught Short," stage featuring Little Jack Little, radio artist, credited with a good part of the draw. Kansas City ".'-'lai'" gave Little considerable space, and In return he broadcast over the paper's station, WDAl-". Surprise was the poor showing- made by "Mammy," at the Newman. Estimates for Last Week Loew's Midland — "Caught Short" (.M-G-M) (4,000; 25-33-50-60). Real audience pictui-c foi- lauglis, but for some reason fans did not buy as expected, Vaude with Little Jack Little and other act.H, good. $20,200. Mainstreet — "Wedding Rings" fKN; (3,200; 25-35-50-60). Not so liot, but vaude more than made up for what picture lac ked. (Jreat^show r»r 30c. $15,500. Newman—"M,ammy" (WB> (1,890; 23-33-30-00). I''ar fi-om expectations. Jol.-^on doe.M good Job of entertaining, and that's what his admirers want, I'Ut no rush. $14,300. Royal—"'i'oung Man of Manhat- tan" (SIO; 25-35-50). Rf-vlewers went for ibi.s. G)'oss boosted a little, $3,100. Pantages—"Jngdgl" (10-60). 2d, final, week for this freak. l''ar below wef'k. I'plown, one of Friendly Group of .subuibatis' run, "7'hey Learned About Women" and as added at- traction ear-h night, wedding on Htiige. Weddings genuine and seven ei)ii|,le.s hiii'hed during the week. $13,>)00. I.oiuIdii. June 10. With few pictures of box ofllce merit oi» view, the Wesi End picture houses are furing badly. Heat wave in early Juno doesn't help. High spots of the lineup are "Sarah and Son" (Par) al the Plaza and "Loose Ends" (British Inter- national) at the Regal. Attractions and Estimates Plaza—"Sarah and Son' (Par). $25,000 1st week and held over. $18,500 2d week. Regal—"Loose'Ends" (British In- ternational). Scored surprisingly, revealing find' in Adrienne Allen, from legit. Ran along to $20,000 1st week and should have been good for another w'eek, but house under obligation to screen "White Hell of Plz Palu" (tierman-made). "White Hell" remains.a week, with '•Western Front" (I') next for min- i^nuni of month, and then "King of .laz7, (V). Capitol—"Ladies of Leisure" (Col). Around $20,000, called good for tills time of year. Avenue Pavilion—Smallest house in West End with capacity of 450 getting whatever first runs are open for it and averaging around $2,600, weekly. Marble Arch—"Sergeant Grischa" (Radio). 2d week to $10,000, fair for small capacity. New Gallery—"Spring Is Here" (FN). ALSO In $10,000 class, but figure light for this ace establish- ment. Tivoli—'Song of Flame" (FN). Opened June 4 after "Hit the Deck" (Radio) flopped. This looks like another weak sister. House has had succession of lightweights with nothing in sight to materially better situation. Carlton—■"Vagabond King" (Par). 4th week to around $16,000; July I, "Paramount on Parade." Prince Edward—John McCor- mack's "Song of My Heart" (Fox). Running twice dally plan with mat- inees weak. House has not forced Itself upon attention of fans. Cur- rently under $10,000 weekly. Alhambra—House weekly change, while waiting for "Weatcrn Front," due June 14, when It gties into the Regal also. Temporary policy do- ing fairly well. "Journey's End" $16,600, Big at Missouri, SL Louis ■ St. Louis, Juno 10. (Drawing Population, 1,000,(K)0) Weather: Warm . Due to stage popularity and good advertising, the picture version of "Journey's End" drew well at the Missouri. Theatre executives were pleased with results. At the St. I.^uis "He Knew \^'omen" took Its place among the better pietures.' In addition, the stage bill was headed by Irene Franklin, star of "Sweet Adeline" and former St. Louis girl, Loew's State led downtown last week with "Lady of Scandal." Estimates for Last Week Ambassador (3.000; 35-50-05-75) —"True to Navy" (Par). Typical Clara Bow; stage show. $31,200. Fox (6,000; 35-75)—"Follies of 1930" (Fox). Overdone back stage type; VA Brendel only high spot; stage show. Loew's State (3,300; 33-50-65-76) —"Lady of Scandal" (MGM). One of year's best; on par with "Mrs; Cheyney." Shorts. $16,300. Missouri (3,800; 36-50-65-75)— "Journey's End" (Tif). Splendid war pic. Shorts. $16,000. St. Louis (4.280; 35-65)—"He Knew Women" (Radio). Intriguing story. Vaude, Too Much Heat in Providence Last Week Providence, June 10. (Draw Pop, 315,000) Weather: Sweltering .Swf'lti'rint; weadier no(-l<erl 'em al the beaches. Majestic, witii "True to the N'avy/' held out best." Estimates for Last Week .Loew's State (:!,300; 13-50)—"In' Old .Madrid" f.M-(;-.M). $1S,)00. fair. RKO Victory (1,600; 15-30) — "Benson Murder d'ar). Not bad al $9,000. • Majestic (l-'ny) H 3-30)--"True to Navy" (Par;. IfeM u]» well for $).'{,000. RKO Albee f::.3i)i); 13-60)—"Alias French (Jei ti'-" (Kailio). A'aude, Bit under at $9,300. Fay's n.OO'i; \7,.r,()) "C, r/.v ThiC V>'-iy" Cl''ox;. Av.erag<» $;t,000.