Variety (Jun 1930)

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W^nesday, Jun«5 11, 1930 VARIETY It STUDY PAR AMOUNTS ANNOUNCE- MENT BOOK and learn, the truth of this for yourself. Ask your exchange for your copy, if you liaven't got it yet. '^A 100% BUXKLESS iNXOUNCEMENT BOOK'' That's What Delighted Showmen Call PARAMOUNTS New-Style^ All-Business Presentation of IQSO-Sl Product. Here Are Reasons: f In PAR AMOUNT'S announcement you find: (1) A CLEAR-CUT ANALYSIS by ADOLPH ZUKOR on where this business is going, and why. (2) A ROLL CALL by JESSE L. LASKY of the mighty PARAMOUNT production forces and this company's exceptional record at the box office during the past season. No exaggerations; you can check every detaU. (3) A NEW 1930-31 SALES POLICY DEVISED AND DESCRIBED BY S.R. KENT. Exactly fitted to changed conditions in the industry and of enormous benefit to exhibitors. A year ahead of every other company. (4) A DEFINITE LIST OF PRODUCTIONS, with details of casts, directors, etc. Many of them finished. Most of them in work. No phonies. (5) A DEFINITE PROMISE OF AT LEAST 15 MORE, making a minimum of 70. Casts given. (6) A LINE-UP OF REAL, MONEY-MAKING STARS, DIRECTORS, WRITERS, etc. (7) THE INDUSTRY'S FIRST BIG, PRACTICAL PROGRAM OF SHORTS. Set after a careful analysis of the shorts requirements of over 1,500 theatres. ^ ON THE BASIS OF PARAMOUNT'S UNCHALLENGED LEADERSHIP IN QUANTITY, QUALITY AND FAIR DEALING PLUS THIS DEFINITE INFORMATION, WE INVITE BUSINESS MEN TO SIGN A 1930-31 PARAMOUNT CONTRACT! •ARAMOUNT'S GREATER NEW SHOW WORLD ^n^ BOOKOV THE YEAR! THE RUYO¥ THE YEAR!